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Curr Dev Acty.

A. Face-to-Face Debate on Approaches to Curriculum

Issue: In the light of the current global situation, the child-centered approach has a greater edge
over the subject-centered approach.

1. The class is divided into 4 groups of 11 (or 12) members each.

2. Of the 10 members in every group, 2 (or 3) will take the Proposition stand (to support the
issue being proposed) while the other 2 (or 3) will make up the Opposition stand (to oppose
the proposition). 1 member (preferably the Leader) will chair the session while another 1
keeps record of the time as each group discusses the issues for a designated period. Each
member from the Opposition and the Proposition presents his/her respective groups
position along with a rationale. After the presentations, 1 from each side will offer a rebuttal.
Following this, the remaining 4 members of the group will offer their support for or against
the views of the 2 groups.
3. Using effective questioning and reacting skills, the Leader/Chair must stimulate the thinking
of the members of the Opposition and Proposition so as to generate new ideas and offer
suggestions in the local context.
4. At the end of the debate, all 11 (or 12) members of the group must write a CRITICAL
REFLECTION (not to exceed 500 words) about what they learned from the activity.
5. Invite 3 of your School Heads to witness the debate and also to act as Judges. Provide them
the FEEDBACK FORM below for them to make RECOMMENDATIONS on how the CHAIR
facilitated the debate focusing on the following aspects: The Chairs
- Facilitating characteristics;
- Accommodation of the members learning styles;
- Provision of learning environment for higher order thinking; and
- Effective questioning & facilitating skills.
6. Below is the template that your School Heads will use to provide feedback on your
Facilitation skills in the debate.

Aspects Observations Strengths Areas for Action

Accommodation of
members learning styles
Provision of learning
environment that is
conducive for:
-Active learning
-Higher order thinking skills
-Contextual learning
Questioning & reacting

7. Based on the given feedback, formulate an ACTION PLAN to show how you will make and
implement the recommended improvements.
8. The entire debate must be VIDEO RECORDED.
9. All the following will be submitted per group on-line thru pdf on or before 08 August 2015:
a. The VIDEO RECORD of the debate;
b. The consolidated individual CRITICAL REFLECTIONS;
c. The FEEDBACK FORM & RECOMMENDATIONS of the 3 School Heads; and
d. The ACTION PLAN of the Moderator
Activity 3:

Curr Design Models

Instructions: By pair and using the copies of the 3 curricula (RBEC, BSEC and K-12), study these and
answer the following questions:

1. Do you find the curriculum elements (aims, content, evaluation) existing in the 3 curricula? Cite an
example of each element in each curriculum.

Aims Content Evaluation

RBEC Functional Literacy Focuses on the development of Mastery and
reading skills and values of reliance performance were
and patriotism. It also puts emphasis evaluated.
To raise the quality of on interactive learning approaches
the Filipino learners Grading System 1. The
and interactive teaching approaches implementing
and graduates and which integrate competencies and
empower them for guidelines on the
values within and across the learning performance based
lifelong learning areas. grading system will be
Competence is learning how to learn used continually for
throughout ones life in this changing S.Y. 2006- 2007 2. Test
world entails the secure attainment design of 60% basic
of functional literacy, which includes items, 30% more
essential abilities such as linguistic advance items and
fluency and scientific numerical 10% difficult items. 3.
competence. In the Philippines basic Use of rubrics as
education, mastery of these scoring guide shall
essentials implies that Filipino, continue in order to
English, Science, and Mathematics assess performance.
are indispensable learning areas in
the restructured curriculum
Delivery of the Curriculum Policy on
Bilingual Education was considered
in the delivery of the curriculum.
Filipino will be the medium of
instruction for subjects like Math,
Science, English and T.L.E. while
Filipino will be the medium of
instruction for component areas of
MAKABAYAN (which nclude MAPEH,
Values Education, Araling
Panlipunan) and Filipino.
BSEC Functional literacy for Focuses on the setting of learning Mastery and
all and the standards and teaching for performance were
development of 21st understanding. It provides a evaluated.
Century core skills personalized approach using
needed for global curricular programs. On the other
competitiveness hand, SEC 2010, which follows an
Understanding by Design (UbD)
focuses on setting of learning
standards and teaching for
understanding. It provides a
personalized approach using special
curricular programs. It likewise
develops readiness and passion for
work and lifelong learning.
Moreover, SEC 2010 takes into
the various contexts and support
systems surrounding the Filipino
K to 12 Development of The Department of Education Evaluation is divided
holistically developed (DepEd) and allied stakeholders are into 3 categories:
Filipino with 21st responding to the urgent and critical written works,
century skills who is need to improve the quality of basic performance tasks and
ready for education in the Philippines through quarterly assessment
employment, a major education reform known as were performance task
entrepreneurship, K to 12, which means kindergarten is given greater
middle level skills and the six years of elementary and percent value in
development and six years of secondary education. computation of grades
higher education upon The reform includes decongesting Grade 6 NAT will be
graduation and enhancing the basic education replaced by an End-of-
curriculum for learners to master Grade 6 Assessment
basic competencies, lengthening the and will serve both as
cycle of basic education to cover an exit examination for
kindergarten through year 12. Grade 6 and entrance
Expanding the basic education by examination for Grade
adding kindergarten and two years 7.
in high school ensures that
graduates earn the necessary skills
and reach the employable age to
qualify entrance into the world of
work, if they desire or need to do so.
On the other hand, graduates who
opt to go to tertiary education are
deemed better prepared for college
Medium of instruction: From the use
of bilingual education (English and
Filipino), the K to 12 will be
institutionalizing the Mother
Tongue-Based Multilingual
Education from Grades 1 to 3. The
Mother Tongue will be the medium
of instruction from Grades 1 to
Learning areas: Mother Tongue will
be an additional learning area under
K to 12 from Grades 1 to 3. Music,
Arts, Physical Education and Health
(MAPEH) is taught starting Grade 1.
It uses the spiral progression.

2. In the 3 curricula, which of the following curriculum designs were present in each of these 3? Explain
your answer.
Subject Design: It Subject Design: It Learner- Centered
stresses on the content stresses on the content Design
and mastery of the and mastery of the b.1. Child-centered
lesson lesson Design: since it focuses
Learner- Centered Learner- Centered on learners growth and
Design Design development. The
Child-centered Design: Child-centered Design: students are expected
It also allows the It also allows the not only to understand
learners to learn by learners to learn by but also to demonstrate
doing. doing and allows what they learn, thus
Problem-centered learners to be exposed providing evidence of
Design: It allows the to the different learning.
learners to collaborate activities and leraning Experience-centered
within a group to solve situations. Design : They were
certain problem and Problem-centered given different options
apply to their real life Design: It allows the and choices that better
situations learners to collaborate allow them to showcase
within a group to solve their knowledge and
certain problem and skills.
apply to their real life Humanistic Design :
c. Problem-centered
Design : The students
are expected to
produce products
and/or performances to
prove that they can
apply what they learn in
real-life situations.
3. Which of the 3 curricular designs do you prefer? Why?
4. If there is a need to modify your preferred curricular design, in what aspects are these? Why and
Activity :

Is Philippines Education Really Deteriorating? By: Marie Leonie Trinity A. Loyola and Aljon
Memeje Education---- the key for every Filipino learner to have a better life in the future. Education
plays a vital role for every student, especially to Filipino students, they strive make nights into day light
to have an education which they can hold after the end of each level. Every child that is born is
subjected to have a quality education neither they are poor or rich, natives or foreign students. The
quality of education depends primarily on the hand of the educators. How can we say that Philippine
education is deteriorating? Primarily by identifying the lapses in the field such as lack of teachers that
are skilled enough to be in field and teach, such as lack of materials to be used in teaching, another is
lack of classrooms to be utilized by the students. All of the lapses that we identify affect the quality of
education in the Philippines and in that way they can say education here is deteriorating. In order to
cope up with those things, we, primarily the future educators must be the first initiate a change, a
change old bring something new in our fields such as continue education after post graduate, such as
engaging to local and foreign seminars and workshops, such as the willingness to adapt in any changes.
Those are some of the keys that could really affect the betterment in education, if we go to materials
availability, in that matter, government must be alarmed enough and we teachers must be resourceful
also and not just really merely from the government. Any way despite of all the challenges and
imperfection we have in our society of education, we are not the last in the rank. Filipinos are still
excelling in different fields of education all over the world and most of the foreign students cross
enrolled in Philippines, we must be proud on it. Lastly, we must always remember a certain curriculum
Activity 4:

Curr Dev


Exchange with your partner the copy of the detailed Lesson Plan (LP) I required of you earlier. Examine it
in terms of the elements/components of the curriculum by answering the following:

1.What are the objectives of the LP?

2. What is the subject matter content?

3. What strategies/methods of teaching are utilized?

4. What evaluation procedure is used?

5. Do the 4 components fit/match or are congruent with each other? Explain.
6. Can you then consider LP as curriculum? Why?
Acty. 5:
Curr Dev Is Philippine Education Really Deteriorating?
1. As a pair, you are to develop a selection (not exceeding 500 words) entitled Is Philippine
Education Really Deteriorating? by going through the following steps:

a. Choose a particular level (elementary, secondary or tertiary) and a specific subject area (Math,
English or Science) as a point of reference.
b. In your own experiences as Graduate School student, identify 3 of the following components
where you both find difficulties/weaknesses:
- Goals & Objectives
- Curriculum Content
- Curriculum Experiences
- Curriculum Evaluation

2. Describe the weaknesses/difficulties.

3. Are there solutions to these conditions? What do you propose?

Activity 6:


Directions: Exchange with your partner the copy of the detailed Lesson Plan (LP) required of you earlier.
Examine it in terms of the elements/components of the curriculum by answering the following:

1.What are the objectives of the LP?

2. What is the subject matter content?

3. What strategies/methods of teaching are utilized?

4. What evaluation procedure is used?

5. Do the 4 components fit/match or are congruent with each other? Explain.

6. Can you then consider LP as curriculum? Why

Activity 1:

Curr Dev Self-Check

Instruction: Based from the experiences you just have had, by pair, just answer YES or No to the
following questions:

1. Can a school curriculum succeed without a clear vision?

2. Should a schools mission be reflected in all its curricula?
3. Will subject matter dictate the approach in curriculum?
4. Should the learning experiences be congruent to the objectives of the curriculum?
5. Should evaluation of learning outcomes be based on the experiences of the learners?
6. As a student of Curriculum Development course, will you put equal emphasis on the 4 curricular
components, e.g., aims, content, methodology, evaluation?
7. Does a teacher with humanistic approach to curriculum emphasize most memorization of
subject matter?
8. Does the systems approach to curriculum consider only each part?
9. Can there be curriculum without evaluation?
10. Can be experiences be measured?

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