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Text 1

Because of the earth quake that happens in Sendai area, I have to leave for
the victims. My team will be there for about a week. Sorry to leave you when you
are away. We have to evacuate injured people as soon as we can. Unfortunately, I
still have to return the books that I borrowed from library last week. I remember
them when I am about to go. Help me to return to the library, the books are on the
shelf. Thank.

Tokyo, March
13, 2011


16. What is the text about?

A. An earth quake in Japan
B. A message from the writer to his friend.
C. A rescue team for the victims of earth quake
D. Kyotos story about an earth quake in Japan to Sid.
E. Sids order to return the books he borrowed from library.

17. I remember them when I am about to go What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The books shelf
B. The people of Sendai area
C. Evacuating the injured people
D. The books that the writer borrowed
E. The earth quake that happens in Sendai area

18. We have to evacuate injured people as soon as we can. What does the underlined word mean?
A. Remove from
B. Keep in mind
C. Make use of
D. Come again
E. Stand for

Text 2

Due to the rising production costs over the past year, it is with
deep regret that we announce an increase in our rates.
Beginning in March 1, the monthly subscription rate will be
raised to Rp. 127.000 for readers in Greater Jakarta (covering Jakarta,
Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) and Rp.132.000 for readers in other
parts of Indonesia. The retail price will be Rp. 6.500 per copy. Subscriber
will continue to get the benefit of the monthly publications of The
Weekender and Youths peak as part of the package.
We realize that these increases come at a very inopportune time,
but they are inevitable in order for the The Jakarta Post not only to
maintain but also to strengthen our overall services, including our
editorial content.
We thank you for your understanding and continued loyalty and
support of the newspaper
19. What does the announcement tell us about?
A. The price of subscribing The Jakarta Post in Greater Jakarta.
B. The reducing price of subscribing the Jakarta Post from Rp. 132.000 to 127.000 in Greater
C. The subscribing price of the Jakarta Post will be Rp. 6.500 per month.
D. The increasing price of the Jakarta Post subscription
E. The understanding of the Jakarta Post subscribers.

20. Why does the management rise the price?

A. To satisfy the subscribers
B. To increase the number of the subscribers.
C. To cover the increasing production price
D. To benefit The Weekender and Youths.
E. To rise production costs

21. they are inevitable in order for The Jakarta Post not only to maintain but also to strengthen our overall
services, including our editorial content The underlined world is the same meaning as .
A. understandable
B. unavoidable
C. perceivable
D. noticeable
E. detectable

Text 3

For your future

Manulife Financial is a leading Canadian based services Company operating in 22

countries and territories worldwide. Manulife Indonesia, a subsidiary of Manulife
Financial, is one of the largest and strongest financial services companies in Indonesia
Branch Development Manager
Work location: Surabaya/ Malang (Full time employment)
Job Responsibilities:
1. Establishing, managing and driving business through Agency Development Partner
initiative in and around the areas of the branch location.
2. Responsible for the growth and development of insurance agency sales force.
3. Responsible for helping sales agents to achieve their sales goals.
4. Provide development program including training or coaching to agents.
Job Requirements:
1. Bachelor degree holder, any discipline.
2. Experience in marketing
3. Experience in life insurance is an added value
4. Well familiar with Ms. Office (Word, Excel, power Point)
5. Excellent presentation skill.
Are you ready to make the right choice? Please send your application letter, resume to
Within 2 weeks after this job ad posting as the latest.
All information provided by applicants will be used strictly in accordance with privacy
policy at Manulife Financial
22. What is the text about?
A. Manulife Financial.
B. A leading Canadian Company
C. A vacancy offered by Manulife Financial
D. The strongest financial service companies in Indonesia.
E. A job requirements provided by Manulife Financial
23. Which information is suitable with the text?
A. Manulife Financial trains you to get your future
B. Manulife Financial is Surabaya based company
C. Manulife Financial fires Branch Development Manager
D. Manulife Financial seeks Branch Development Manager
E. Manulife Financial offers Branch Development Manager

24. Provide development program including training or coaching to agents . The underlined word can be
replaced with .
A. Expansion
B. foundation
C. connection
D. involvement
E. conception

Explosion at Japan nuke plant, disaster toll rises

Eric Talmadge and Yuri Kageyama, Associated Press, Iwaki | Sat, 03/12/2011 5:06 PM | World
An explosion at a nuclear power station tore down the walls of a building on Saturday. It amid fears
that its reactor was close to a disastrous meltdown after being hit by a powerful earthquake and tsunami.
Friday's twin disaster, which pulverized Japan's northeastern coast, has left 574 people dead by
official count, although local media reports said at least 1,300 people may have been killed.
It was not clear if the building whose walls came down in the explosion housed the reactor or some
other facility. Tokyo Power Electric Co., the utility that runs the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, said four workers had
suffered fractures and bruises and were being treated at a hospital.
Footage on Japanese TV showed that the walls of one building had crumbled, leaving only a skeletal
metal frame standing. Puffs of smoke were spewing out of the plant in Fukushima, 20 miles (30 kilometers) from
"We are now trying to analyze what is behind the explosion," said government spokesman Yukio
Edano, stressing that people should quickly evacuate a six-mile (10-kilometer) radius. "We ask everyone to take
action to secure safety."
The trouble began at the plant's Unit 1 after the massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake and the tsunami
it spawned knocked out power there. According to official figures, 586 people are missing and 1,105 injured. In
addition, police said between 200 and 300 bodies were found along the coast in Sendai, the biggest city in the area
near the quake's epicenter.
25. What is the text mainly about?
A. Japanese TV showed the walls of building crumbled by tsunami
B. The number of death people killed by earth quake and tsunami.
C. Japan government s efforts to overcome earth quake and tsunami.
D. Based on the official and police data, 2191 people were killed by earth quake and tsunami.
E. The effect of Japan nuke plant explosion which was caused by earth quake and tsunami
26. Which is true based on the text?.
A. Japan's northeastern coast was damaged by twin people.
B. Tokyo Power Electric Co runs the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant.
C. Sendai, the safest city in the area near the quake's epicenter
D. The walls of a building were torn down by earth quake and tsunami in Japan
E. The government spokesman Yukio Edano has known what behind the explosion is.
27. It amid fears that its reactor was close to a disastrous meltdown after being hit by a powerful earthquake
and tsunami What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Catastrophic
B. Conflicting
C. Influential
D. Dominant
E. Great

Text 5
Suddenly I discovered that everything around me was huge.
What had happened to me? Had I drunk? Or had everything around me grown very large? I did not
want to think about right now. I saw that I was trapped with no place to go. I started to panic. Then I saw that
the key was in the door. Here was a chance to escape. Desperately I pushed one of the chairs against the
door. It was very heavy. I finally reached the top of the chair with difficulty. I could now gasp the key.
I tried to turn the key but, it would not budge. I was really frantic. I started to shout. Someone was
sure to hear me. Then all of sudden I woke up I looked around me and saw the familiar things in my room.
What had seemed like reality was only a bad dream.
28. How was he when he could not turn the key?
A. He gave up
B. He did not care
C. He looked around him
D. He tried to push the door
E. He became very frightened

29. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. The writer was really frantic
B. Someone heard the writers voice.
C. The writer woke up and looked around
D. The writer realized that it was only a dreadful dream
E. The writer tried to turn the key but, it would not budge
30. What is the most suitable title for the text?
A. A nightmare
B. An Unreality
C. A True Story
D. Anxious Moment
E. An Interesting Experience
31. I tried to turn the key but, it would not budge What does the underlined word mean?
A. twist
B. move
C. rotate
D. struggle
E. denote
This text is for questions 32 to 36
Gelatin is a protein substance that comes from the skins and bones of animals. Most people know it as the substance
used to make a jellylike salad or dessert. Not only is it useful in making these foods, but it is also beneficial to the consumer
because of its high protein content. Gelatin is also commonly used in the photographic industry and in making medicinal
The process for producing gelatin is a long and complex one. In the processing of gelatin made from bones, which
varies slightly from that of gelatin make from skin, the grease first must be eliminated. Then, the bones are soaked in a
solution of hydrochloric acid in order to rid them of minerals and are washed several times in water. Next, the bones are
placed in distilled water, heated to over 90 degree of Fahrenheit for a few hours, placed in fresh distilled water, and then
heated again at a little over 100 degree of Fahrenheit. A fluid forms from this heating, and it is concentrated, chilled, and
sliced. Finally, it is dried and ground. In its final form, gelatin is white, tasteless, and odorless.
32. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. Protein Foods.
B. Gelatin Process.
C. A Great Dessert.
D. The Uses for Bones.
E. The Process of Making Gelatin
33. Why is the gelatin important to be consumed?
A. It is useful in making food
B. Because of its high protein
C. It is important for our health
D. It is used in making medicinal capsules
E. The substance is used to make a jellylike salad or dessert
34. Which of the following is true?
A. A fluid does not form from heating.
B. When the gelatin is dried, it is in powder form.
C. Grease probably does not aid in producing gelatin.
D. Gelatin made from skin is produced in the same way as that made from bones.
E. The chemical used in making gelatin comes off the surface of the bones by rinsing with water.
35. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To criticize an artwork
B. To present at least two points of view about an issue
C. To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of steps
D. To enable the reader to understand the process that is being explained
E. To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case

36. Next, the bones are placed in distilled water (Paragraph 2). The word distilled is closely meaning to .
A. hot.
B. cool.
C. boiled.
D. plenty.
E. purified.
This text 6 is for questions 37 to 41
Lets Make City Clean and Fresh
A clean and fresh city will surely make the inhabitants healthy. Every morning especially in dry season, all
roads must be watered with clean water and swept by the workers of the regional government under the majors
To protect people from heavy pollution caused by cars, trucks and motorcycles, enough trees must be
planted along all roads. Every building or house in the city must be surrounded short and small trees which bear
colorful flower.
Bad and improper habits which cause disadvantages, such as smoking and throwing rubbish anywhere,
should be stopped at once.
The city major will have to think over the way how to educate people, so they realize how important
cleanness and health care are. More public lavatories are badly needed.
It will be wise if the major decides a certain amount of fine to be paid by those who break the government
regulation on cleanliness matter. For example, a man who does not urinate at lavatory does not smoke at smoking
room or throw rubbish at the roads should be fined. Besides making the environment dirty with the cigarettes butts,
smoking will also cause pollution and lungs disease to other people.
So bad habits and impolite attitude should be immediately stopped, otherwise the city will be dirty,
unhealthy, badly polluted and will never attract foreign and domestic tourist.
37. What is the text about ?
A. Healthy people
B. A good Mayors decision
C. The reasons to stop bad habits
D. How to keep a clean and fresh city
E. How to make a clean and fresh city
38. Which of the following helps clean the air from the dust?
A. Smoking only in smoking area
B. Throwing rubbish anywhere
C. Urinating at someones fence
D. Planting trees along the road side
E. Watering roads especially in dry season
39. What is the difference between paragraphs two and four?
A. Both paragraph talk about the condition of city
B. Both paragraph explain how to protect people from pollution
C. It is necessary to find people who break the government regulation
D. The idea stated in paragraph four is contrary to that stated in paragraph two
E. Paragraph two talks about protecting people from pollution and paragraph four talks about what
the city mayor should do.
40. The writer suggest that the city inhabitant to protect people from the pollution caused by cars.
A. plant trees
B. stop smoking
C. urinate at the lavatory
D. smoke at smoking room
E. throw the rubbish at the road
41. A clean and fresh city will surely make the inhabitant healthy. What does the underlined word mean?
A. buildings
B. families
C. citizens
D. houses
E. places
This text is for questions 42 to 46
There used to be a general feeling that computer games were bad for you, and books were good.
Now people are not so sure. Researchers have found that computer games, television and the internet have
become key factors in boosting childrens IQs up to levels never reached by past generations.
It has been claimed that, in moderation, computer gaming is positively good for youngsters.
It requires positive qualities such as perseverance, fast thinking and rapid learning. However, it seems that
improvements in IQ may not last very long without continuing stimulation. The brain seems to be like a
muscle and requires repeated and vigorous exercise to stay fit and healthy.
Others argue that computers have only limited value. They fear that young people who spend too
much time playing computer game alone will never learn to think independently. They claim that the
danger with a computer is that doing repetitive tasks can actually reduce intelligence. In the end, computer
games are not substitute for the real-life experience and for imagination.
42. What is the text about?
A. Pros and cons of books
B. Pros and cons of IQ levels
C. Pros and cons of modern era
D. Pros and cons of computers
E. Pros and cons of computer games
43. Why is computer gaming positively good for youngsters?
A. It can reduce intelligence
B. It needs wide imagination
C. It needs continuing stimulation
D. It gives people challenges that other activities
E. It needs perseverance, fast thinking and rapid learning
44. The following are the bad effects of spending too much time playing computer games except .
A. it can improve their IQ
B. it makes students lazy to study
C. it is not good for childrens health
D. it cannot substitute real-life experience
E. the students will never think independently
45. What is the advantage of learning by using book than computer?
A. It is cheaper
B. It is easy to repeat
C. It has limited information
D. It is more understandable
E. It can get knowledge quickly
46. The brain seems to be like a muscle and requires repeated and vigorous exercise to stay fit and healthy
(paragraph 2).The word vigorous has the closest meaning to.
A. hard
B. real
C. careful
D. energetic
E. continuing
This text is for questions 47 to 50
By Neil Gordon
And then theres Eduardo Galeano, the lifelong political and literary activist recently brought to the American
public eye when Hugo Chvez gave President Obama a copy of Open Veins of Latin America, Galeanos seminal
history of, as his subtitle has it, Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent. His political stance is one of consistent
moral horror and his idiom the plain and sometimes primitives voice of his native Uruguay, captured neatly in the
memoir Days and Nights of Love and War in his description of an early political insight: When I learned this, I had
long since lost my innocence, but I felt like a cheated little boy.
The literary form Galeano has created in his many books is unique: little narratives and descriptive vignettes
here elegantly translated by Mark Fried that might range from a paragraph to a dozen pages and that progress
with a powerful hypnotic rhythm. Each is self-contained and neatly tells its story not only by what it says, but, equally
powerfully, by what it leaves out and by its juxtaposition, or syncopation, with its neighbors.
Galeanos latest book, Mirrors, uses this technique to create nothing less than a capsule history of the
human race. In some 600 short entries, he travels from prehistory to the present, from the impressionistic to the
brutally, precisely documented. Each entry is an avatar of outrage over the depredations of power against its
multifarious victims, those rendered helpless by poverty, religion, race, sexual identity or as in the vignettes about
Galileo and Isaac Babel the simple accident of being right when the truth defined by the prevailing authority was
The first dozen or so stories move us from the origin of humanity in desire (Life was alone, no name, no
memory. It had hands, but no one to touch. It had a tongue, but no one to talk to. Life was one, and one was none.
The arrow of desire splits life down the middle, and life was two) to a meditation on the likelihood that Adam and
Eve were black, an evocation of the mystery of the cave paintings in the Sahara, an explanation of the origin of Indian
castes and a tribute to the Rosetta stone. Greek mythology figures centrally in the book, as do the flowering of
Moorish civilization in Spain, the Crusades and the Inquisition.
At times the entries are simply testimonial: In a single night in August 1944, 2,897 Gypsies, women, children,
men, perished in the gas chambers of Auschwitz. Elsewhere they are poetic. And sometimes they can be
uncomfortably polemical: a brief history of the Holocaust (a colossal butchery organized by Hitler) concludes that
hunting Jews has always been a European sport. Now the Palestinians, who never played it, are paying the bill. Is
the elision of the complex victimization of the Palestinians by Arab states a necessary consequence of this lapidary
Galeanos prose is nearly lulling in its lyricism, a quality that gives it an overridingly shamanic tone. His
powerful voice reminds us, over and over again, of the responsibility of writers to be constantly in search of new
forms of expression that may draw us out of our complacency, as he does so eloquently here. As in his previous
books, he succeeds in capturing the bottomless horror of the states capacity to inflict pain on the individual, offering
as effective an act of political dissent as exists anywhere in contemporary literature.
47. What is being reviewed ?
A. A book
B. A film
C. A thing
D. A person
E. A poem
48. Who is the atuthor of Mirrors?
A. Neil Gordon
B. Eduardo Galeano
C. Isaac Babel
D. Hugo Chavez
E. Mark Fried
49. Why was galeano considered to create a unique literary form?
A. His prose is nearly lulling in its lyricism
B. He has created a shamanic tone in his book
C. He has created a political stance in his book
D. He has created narrative and descriptive vignettes
E. He captured the bottomless horror of the states capacity
50. he succeeds in capturing the bottomless horror of the states capacity to inflict pain on the individual,
offering as effective an act of political dissent as exists anywhere in contemporary literature. What is the
synonym of the word in bold?
A. Joining
B. Leading
C. Catching
D. Creating
E. Replacing

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