GATE Chemical Engineering 1991

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I G;\ TE - 1991 I uti


SECTION-A containing 3()% water. 11le \\eight or
the original pulp is - - - ---'
(80 Marks) (2)
b. The weather reports a dJy bulb
Ma.lch the foflowing. temperarure of ambient rur as 29C and

I..I,SLI relnti ve hunudity of 80%. 1l1e
barometer reads 7Su mm Hg. 111e
A Phenol fonnaldehyde
percentage humidity of the ambtent mr
B N)IOn is _ _ _
C High purity poly\ iuyJ chloride (Vapour pressure of wnter at 2iJOC =
D St)7ene butadiene rubber 3ll Ollll HJl.)

List n
I Suspens on polyrnemation c. lbS is produced [Tom the reaction
2. Btmdsion polymcrl,.auon J"e,<; + 2HC/-) l cCI,+ H,$

3_ Solution poly mcrizmion
t2ll kg of FeS react wth 15(1 of
4. Bulk HCI (lnd O.Sk mol of l:bS has been
(2) produced. The degree of cornpletion of
l, N.latc;l11he following the reaction is and the limltln_g reactant
ra Last I
A, Methnnol to gasoline
is _ _ _ _ _
and the limiting reaclllllt

B edible oil hydrogenahon (2)

C. Meaha1wton d. .Tfhe heat absorbed For isoU1ennnJ
D Butyl reaction
Ust ll CJ l w(l!)-> C1l:i.,tg) +C1l-IU!J

I Raney mckel at 29:! K and I ntm pressure Is

Standard heat of
2. Ze<!li te
3. Cation exchange resiu
-t Nickel

C.lNJ(i:) = -14J 1,\1

Clll. (g) = -1561.0.
3 Fill m the blanks
a, Pure terephthalic acad ts manufactured

5 Fi li on lhe blanks
by the oxidation of tl1e oxidation of
-----:,...-- and as used as a raw a. Spherical or limestone
material for the manufacture of (d, = 0. Iii mm, densi t) = 281X)

tnkc S minutes to scule under gravuy

through a o m column or a fluid of
(Z) 120(1kg/nf Thll' drag

b. In the manufacture of' Portland cement coeffic1ent is equal to _ _ __

ahe maJor mw materials
_ _ _ __. - - - - - - and
b. The equilibrium position of the lloat In
n rotameter is detemlined by Ute
balance of three forces These are
-1. Fill m the blanks ____ and _ __
a A wet pulp oontams 75% water. (2)
AOer 100 kg of water is removed in a
dryer. il is found that the pulp is 00\1 G. Mnach the tollowing:
List I urfncc it< 940"C ond the
A. f.dihle oil. AI 400(' The !<Ulady role ol neat
B. t'nule oil from oil thruu!h lhe wall _
W'uo nod lho 1mper'olurc ul' me
C. 98 "' Sulphuric acid
inlo;rfo:e ltetween oht; fin:cla} nnd ohe
D. .f, iqn i<l conwlning of
lnulnllng m:neri l c.
[.osl II
b. l'he Bioi modulus lor 3 em diameter
I. Oiaphrogm pliii\P sphere (k fo1r lle Sjlhere 5W .m "C) at
2, Centrifug;.l pump

!00C s ubjeclod to b conve-ctive air
3. Ge:Jr purnp flow fe')Ulting iJl an -uvemge i!OnVecti\Tt!
-1.. Air till pump he:tt IJansf-er from lhe.
7. For SO() < Re 20!1000, ""' friction factor suruce of 30Wfm2 c Is equal to
f 0.046 Find U1c co.lbunof>ctur.
Ju, at Re LOOOO. (2J

l2) 10. Choose ille comet rutswer:
8, rill in the The widely used Dillus Boelter O<jU>Iipn
:., The s phllritity of o nonsphoricol i \OIIid provided

pori ide is defined Ihe rntio of to 2100 .. R.: < I0,!10(1 the prop<:rti""
......-,---,:-::---=- 10 n te Of the lluid 3n! GV3f\lJl(tl\l the 3I'Of3SG
$phorlcit) of a .:yllndri"" l portlcl" of film tcmpcratwe.
dimeler 3 mm ond langlh 3 rnm i b. Re 2 100 nd tlu: JllOitertic-s of the
_ _ _ _ mm.
ra m
lluid ore
31 lhe bulk

h. The ma:timum diameter o'f ft sph.:richl c. 10.000 <. Re < 120.0\10 and the fluid
sand (dcnoily 2GSO kg/m)) tlorot pmp<rlies an: ev.1 lualcd nl tltc btdk
will in tbc ;fol,<->. haw rogion in tumpornluro.
\Voter (clen.ity 1000 k:glmJ, \isc.,its d. None <1ftho nbovc.
k,glm,s) is nun (2)

!21 II. M lcltlhb JoUowmg

c. A vacuum leal' filler gives a loL1I List [(Process)
volume of !Ou1 of li.llr3tiS in 30 A. Drop wi:scoondetlStltion
minull:s. .lf tbc rll!listancc of !ilwr
B, Boiling wulot

i negligJble. the time Ioken for

CSJ IIo::tion nf 20 hl < of fillrate is C. Healing oils
otiftutcs <o llc.:tion D. Heating with Air
-, :tO:;-m1 of tlllrotc arc _ _ __
of" " Li l I (UIOllllr:msf...r Coclfidonl W/m1, "C)

L 1700 - 50,000
!2) 2. j() 1500
d, itJr two fold increase In pre>'Sure !he

3. 1 5
re!<istsnce uf a Iiller cake 4 30.001) - I00,000
by . if Uac (2)
contpreoasihilil) oodt:icicnt 0.5 ttnd

12. Fill in illc blonlaa,

incrc.'l'!e>: by , if the
coetlieient iR n.s. II. 11u:: r.Ue O( :1111fT1HniO f"I'Oill :ll}

(2) sohuinn 10 pltasl!' to;-

IO" Kmol m1.s. The loterfa""
9. f.ill in lbe blonks
o:quilibrium of Nih is 660
:t. An industrial
is of 20 Nlml and lbe CQJlCCTllrnttOO or Nfl:t in
l'tn obiok ilroollly (k "' I W/111, C). gas phose IS 5%. If the totn.l pressure Is
on the outer 101 Nm1 tcmpernltlrc os 295 K and
11i1h u 3 lnyc:r of insulnting moli:tial diffu5i\'ily of NH t is 0.24 cm1is. tl1c
(k - 0.075 Wlrn ."<;'). 1J1e inn<'flltOSI grn tilm i mm .
(2) 5. ne of TS diagram tN Cnmot
b. The Fick's second law .:>f diffusion in
dimension is _____. a a re<:taugle

(2) b. a rhombus
13. Clwose the c.;>rrect.answcr: c. a trape.zoid
l. For a gru; obeying the van der Wapls d. circle.
equation, at1lte critical tem,peratut:e (2)
8 I if Cltoo;;;> the righlrumver;
a bodt (iJp ) rutd ( ')) are zero
I. i 'tte reaction of A and B prodUces lhe
av r

r ""
desired produd R as well as the
b. the first derivative is zero, while-the LlnW>ml.ed product S. Wltat level of
second -cferivlltfve is non-zem reactant concentrnti.ons alig)1, meditDil,
e. U.e. se.;ond, derivati ve is zero; wltile tlo.e Jo,.-) should we use for the following
first derivative is nt:lllzero .reaction scheme in order ilJ maximize
d. both tb.e derivatives are non-2ero. the conversion of A to R.

(2) Reactii)Jt Sclteme:
2. For an. ideal gas the slope of tlte A+B-tR
pressure-volume Ollfl'<' at a given point

will be A -tS r1 ; k pA.
a. or an isothe1111ai clmn for an a. Low C,i. Low
adiabatic b. High c a, Any
'b. steeper for an adiab.atic than for art c ffighCA. Low C
ra lS..1IhermaJ process.
.:, jdmtiical for botlt dte processes
d. Hlgb CA Any Ce
11. llfOJ.)posite signs 2. Qual.ilatively, find the
(2) temperature progression to mlllWrllze-
3. for a system in eqtrilibtitun, .nL a given C'I; fur tlte lllementazy reaction scheme
lemtternlnre and. pressure; gi VCJl

:1. the entropy n ttll<tlte anlilillrttmt

b. Ihe enthalpy must be a minlmllm
c.. the intertuil energy must be a m.itlimmn
d. tl1e energy mu!rt be a

m.inimum. Ji 1 =25; E1
0) = 40; flt;- 25: (E; Actlvutiou enew)
11. 'fo obtairt the integrated form of a DecreaslJlg T

ClauSius-Clapeyrott cquatiOll b. Increasing T

c D ecrl'8Sing T first.and lhen increasing
tr.f!.l.= till ' [..!..
p1 R .T,T1
_J_J T

d. Cons1ru1t T.
'from tlte exact Clapeyron eg)Jlllicn lt (2)
Is llSSunted that: 3. Your company has two mixed flow

;1, IJte VoC'hune of th11 pflase iH teact.ors of wtequi!l 11i.ze for

nep,l:ig.tble .:ompured lo thal Qf the a specified product fonned by a
V'Bpour phase seCQlld order
b. the vapour pltase behaves as an Jdea! How should these reactt>rs be
tiS coru1ected to achieve a ma.umlUll
c. l;he heat of vaporizanon is inctependent productioJtrate1
of1cmperature a.
d. all lhe. above are: applieable.
j ur 7
A s tep change o l' .J umts mugniludc ts
in this J'ho per "cnt
b. 30
c. 2.5
d. 35.
4 The type i>f that mw;t n lton oan

b;:nctit from derivative control
a. Flo"
: h. Lcd
d. c. T.:m!l"r:nure
d. Prossu!<l.

-- 17. Fill co the bl:mks :
a. Narrow fnced flMge is the !)no wbere

(2) ull the litce oQntnct urea lies
15. Fill iJitbe blonk.: Lhc ctrclc cnclas<....t bv the
r ur U7.Cf 0 Qrdcr solid camJyzcd [C11CUQO 8 ooll holes.
havmg a Ttnele Mfldulus equol to one. !be
ra (I)
vol ue ofeffectiveness l'ncto'r is - - - b . JJt culculution uf flange !.tress, Lite
(2) loa& uctlug t)ll tho OnJtgc: W'<l In be
1(\ ,
bdth lo r opornting u.< wdl :c;
I. A certain thermocouple o specific lo r bdhiJtg up condition> und
rime constant. ol ls. It the pswess _ _ _ _ o l' the two \\1ll
tempcrnmrc obru[llly from 800 !I )
t C) 900cC, tho tcmpemluro rC!Jding in c. Tite tigldit} of tlte cylindrical v=l

ao indicat()r oltoched to tho '" exkmnl pressure muy he

thermOCIuplo ofter 6s will bo im:reus.:d by providing uoilonnly
approximately. -<J"'ced.. >r
11. uin:um(\lnmtiuJ - - - - - - - '

b. \100 c; ( I)
c. 89fi''C d. joints nr.> provided in fixiXI
d. !195' c f\lhc hem m reduce

!2) - - - - - '" theshdl und ltibolo.

2. A plant has n water tnnk mounted on ( IJ
the top t>fu '1.7 m pial Chuose Lhecorroct:111 swer:

10 m high. The height llf wutor ill tho I. .A stnndard type of heat e.'<changer wi lh
tank. ifa pressun> gouge un the. o Sor:lr vaiU< Rs.
0110t 111 u height 111' 5 m fmm tho ond hove n useful tile o f fi

reod; 1. 7 bllT years. Assuming no

a, lull Ct)nlpQUIId inwn:st Of I()0t per yoor.
b. 5.12m ll1e cupitnlized cost nf o heat
will be
3 l2 m
d. 718nt. a. Rs. OO.M80
(2) b. Rs. 90.M80
3. A )'Stem bus Ute tnutsicr functiou " R$. 91 ,!180
d. Rs, 81.NRO.
I 10
.r - + 1.6.+1
2. i\ luvins ofRs. llOke 76oo 21 > 11Sh
10.000 i estimated to have a. service an<L moisture. 1'1te calcin:utons of
life or 10 The i ntcrt;st CAC01 i! only complete and Utal
tJI<: i JO;,, Titu Original et)8l uf lite Of :>1gt0j TitO earl>()U in the
rencl<n' "'s Rs. 8().1l!lO. l><>ttl> coke is complclel) bilml 10 rol. ,,,.
value nf the n:no:lor 311et) .1'ea111 using kiln i' tl:d with I ot' eokc 11tr 5 kg
futtl dcpn:cillon will limestone. CalcuiJe wl:igltl per ccnl
be: in the product leo\ing t.he kiln.
Rs. 40,096 (6)
b. Rs ..13.196

\1. Rs. )3. 196 I. \Vhol ;ize of orilice would give
d. Rs. 60,1% difference of 41 em \\ntc.-
(2) CI) Iumn lor the !low ,,r
li11uid styrene
of spet!itie grnvity 0.9 ol 0.055 m!,,_ in
3. Tile 1o1llil .:-api1AI investmcnl for .l
chemical piAn! is R.!. 1.(1()0.000 nd the a lSI) mm diameter CD

= (\.62.
Wlflking _....piL1l iN 1()(1,()1)(), I I'
turncwcr taliu t! the :U111ual 141
MD 11:11 will he: 2. .:\ aylindrh:al tank S m cliamel<!r

Rs. 800.000 diQharges tluougb a pipe 5(l m Ions
and 2.i0 DllD diu meter to the
b. Rs. 900,000
ba, e of Ute ttnk. Show lhl t.h<: tim"
c Rs. L,OOil,OOI) 1<1ken for water level in lhe tank IQ
d. Rs. 1, 100.000
ra from 4 m to I .m nbove bottom
(2) or u... Lank i givon bj
(120 . . ., t : !/0.3 H H'*
when it is nssumed thai (Ripu ) the.
19. \\' rile tlte mtlin Qvmll rcaetiun Miltanc.'l tl.t flow por unit are.t uf pipe

C:ljllillilm for th.: lliOtlulocturc u( 1\JIJI)w surface. is constant.

c.hemicals (H)
(I> 2 - 12) 22.
Soda ash

2. SupcrphO!IIIhllfc frnm phosph:ate t'l)ck ( I)

3. Llrca '2. The power required to 100
4. High octone petrol from naphtha tonS>'ltr of a material kW. if
or the feed 51

5. \'iny1IICCI:ilc fi'I>Oi et11y1ene

6. Actylonitrile from propylane.
trun SCJ'C<.11 and of Ute product
pMiseli through a 3.2 nun s.:reen. Wh
20. i< the \\otk imkx. of the mJterfnl'l

Nitrogen from a cylinder is hobbled

thmugh celone nl 1. 1 bnr nnJ 323 K nl
llle rLc 2 orW"' m3llllin. The 3. Whal ,viii he the n:quired f11rll')W<T

nitrogen. saturated with acctanl! 'lhc :<lune te.xl ttl 1(10 lo be

vaJKlur, leaves or l.ol;; bar. 308K :u .:ru.hcd 10 4 product SUCII u.n so. i.
Ihe 111' 3.83 1().. mJ' mln, Whnl I<) pnl;li tluough '' ) ,6 11U11 or>en'/
vapour pn:5llurc of acetone nl (2)
308K7 11, In mi:ortur<) of qunrb; (sp. gr = 2.65)
(6) and (ll gr. = 75), fhe size of
.lbc p>rtiek'!> I"Jngc from 0.0002 em 10
l . LlmoRtone mi.wd with aokc i bei.n><
0.0()1 CQl. Ou scpcrratjon in hydraulic
huml in o kiln. An avernge of
llmeslunc i;

c l;lflsifier usins wnter under free
"onditions. wh:1t IS tl1e
l\lgCO,d I.Sqo lind tho r<>!l inu The
u uf 7
mtt'illuunt of qunrtl lllld

miUiiUUlll Of gaJen11 ill ll\" pure
nr ,,alcr - 0.00 1 kwrn.s.,
- 1000 kg/1n1 )

I. 111 tL cocum:nt Jcut tJn llil

I ....
lromll ;, c<lolcd fn1m 450K 10 4 1OK

hy inlet tlllllel tonrpeniiU.rc; I a I
"!' 300K ond 350K respective!) The I I I
L'l(llhttngcr u nunbcr <>r
.,r I m lenglh ohch. It is 111m' desired In .. ...... X,. !f.,
.... h-cJIOfl #II -+

cool the oil to 390 F: 1 of -ll OK)

1vhifc nwintnining the Onw nne Qf oil. Obwiu an expression for 1he mtio of

flow-rate I" wnter. Inlet temperatures \Tttpour now rate to !'L'l!d flow rtll (! 10
of oil anJ wulo;lf. the number <lf terms of compru.-ilions.
lubes at tb<> saJJtc l'>lucs as before, (2)

tbe lenglh llf o!acb tube b. Show IUul !he hcnt uddcd per 111<1le of
requ ...,<J for this pllrpose lhul teed is given by tho distance 1'Q (See
U1e physical ptopei'!Jes remuiu Fig
uudumged. (6l
ra (6) 2. An solution I.S K
2. A l;llri?.Oil\111 s1cum pipe 20 m tong, SO mole :X,m1 is led ul 36 mils to tho lop
mm internal dinmcler, (1() mm onlside uf pacl::cJ column of heigh! l.t>O m :utd
dinmotor loM:S I3.5 kW heal In tht cross sec1ionul :li'Cti of (1.0tl45 m' and i1
311))< 'rhe IMrli! Cltric. leavos at bollUJU with 1.4K
slenu; 111 :iOO K. thai molc:irn 1 An (ltl\llllic solvonl B.
lu:J.t tr.msrcr cucllicit:ut c<mlltining 0.008 K nJol Xlm1
h, - 1.65 ((I1')0 :> Wm' .K nnd tho <t)U1110r lo I he

phU;;Il 111 9 rtt[/s.

eonstnnt 5J7 'fhe equi librium relationship is
10" W' m' .K. Find lhe of Cx;_.
The bare wrfuco tf The p1pc

14 :t. The IQg melll15 concentmtion

ditlbrencc for
I A coolinuous slfcnm o f' n binmy liquid
tniX1uro, conlllininp mol of x.- 121

A. os fed iniQ n Dash distillanon unil b overall vnlumctric Trnnsfer

f-ood ;s rcprcscotc<l by pomJ Q o n ll1o coel'ficicnt., bnsed 1111 orgauic phnsc
cothnlpy-conceulroUon diagram as (ill

shill\ 11 ill The products IJUI of c. 'rlw height ul" lrun;.i ln Hml.
U1e unit are a vapour stream (yv Ill (2)
traction or A1 nnd liquid stream (XL

mol rracT<un ofA).

I. Cnloulate the troclJC>n ol p11re clh<ill
tbat would dehydrogenate at 750 K unJ
5 ntm . if the following g<><:S to
L'Quihbn um.
C,Ff, (g) ,... C.,H, (g )+ N. (g)
AG lor the rcacllOJI at 750 K = 12.57(1
Jd , 1\ssUmc tdcu)
7 oJ'7
l. At 3 1S K nltotal rres<ure of 24.4 kl'. (OJ
the oompoo;ititln Of NYSl<;!n ethAnol 27.
(I} ;md l<lhttnc (2.) at C<tuilibriuon is x1 1. Jind the uuuhuum value of "J.:" ucb
= 0.3 and Yt
0.634. 'The Kalurotit>n llwl n olmod loop system hnving lhe
pn:ssuru ul the @ci,eu tentll<!I"Rture for r()llowfng cbnmolcd, ho equnlion ;,
puro tJOUlp<lflontJI nre stnble:
Pt = Z3.()(; kPA and P, 11).05 kl'a.
i + Ks 1 +( K +I).<+ .I -o
2. An aqucoUJ soluli11n (donsit)' I()(10

"II, The liquod phttse lll)tivil)' O<.te1'ficienll!
kg>m1 spcalr!C hcut 4 Ull<,g"C) ut300
b. the vollw of 0 6/RT for the 1ic1uid K is contiuuou$ly fed ul Q Oow rot< of
phll!le. l mj / min to n continuouS- now s tirred
2tj_ tank of volume I mJ contoinin_g o
I. For u "''"lliible .:lem.:nt:ff} heater having heating onpacity of
cnwl}tio n:action bf thc; type

I()ll!l k\V. If the liquid in the tllnk is
Hlo at 300 K to s ton with. find the
equnlfQn "nicb pNdlats the eit
" tempernture of solution us a


fwd the Optimum opernling roactimc fune{ion or Lime ftfla- '"" heater iJ
lompernture 11 conversion level -"- - on.
o.s (I))
ra DATA. lq c"]l(IO - 5000/f)
k1 o:tp(40 - 1500t'11T) L A phcncnl slornge lllnk .. bavmg an
Maximum allowable temperature mater of Z m. lind n
300 K. qf i mm. The lfmk nre wdded
(6) und having joint aOioienoy of O.SS.
!. !be rnte af liquid phnse reaction or f'he mnl:erial of con$ltltotlon will he
tlte type plain carll<ln 81eel. TI1e uhemicnl wUI
\ 1 B
Producl!i be ultJu:: ma...::imum

or 296 K. No l'(>ITC\!Iioo pa'Oblems ore

i found LCI be independent 6[
c'Oncentrolton of A ond D. ood cqunl to Oltp<!\lted. What rna.ximuw intcmal
lank will" itll!tlllld safely?
I K 1nol (tnj) (UliU ) ut 300 .K Find lite
in n mi'!c.-d .ll0\\1 [cuctO.r Allowable desil!n
- .

hnving volume e<tul to ! m 1 with 1'<-ed . workins tcmp10ratu!'C' li8 .M N1m.

ooncentrotion of A and S equal lo 5J.:. (4)
mollm1 fuad flow rote tC1 I 2. A heal e:<changer with nn initial

m3 1min.. tmd n:aci<Jr kmper:aturc ectu.11 investment oF Rs i(lQ.OilO has 11 G

to 3()0 K. yc,ars life. liow much be f ]lelll on
1r the net!vnt"icm energy of' the reootion """ improved which hus u life of

as given 83. 1 kJ/mol find tbcvolume 12 ) curs nnd expected to sa1e Ps.
of on plvg nov !'ll&ctor for 10.000 per yc!lr'l
the conversion lmd feed AJutun\ compovnd intONst ..

oondirions "' in the case of the aimu (6)

mentioned rcoct()r but with rcuOtOc
tempcratun; kcJ>l ot, 320 K.

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