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Neurosurgical Anesthesiology

Section Editor: Adrian W. Gelb

Review Article

Neuroanesthesia for the Pregnant Woman

Lars Peter Wang, MD (Cph), Neuroanesthesia for the pregnant patient is required infrequently, and evidence-based
FANZCA* recommendations for neuroanesthetic management are sparse. We present a frame-
work for a practical approach to anesthesia of the pregnant patient with subarachnoid
Michael James Paech, MBBS, or intracerebral hemorrhage, intracranial tumor, traumatic brain injury, spinal tumor,
or spinal injury. The importance of a team-approach is emphasized. The anesthesiolo-
DRCOG, FRCA, FANZCA, gist may have to anesthetize the pregnant patient for neurosurgery well before
FFPMANZCA, FRANZCOG delivery, for cesarean delivery at the time of the neurosurgical procedure, or for
(Hon), DM delivery after neurosurgery. These scenarios are discussed along with fetal safety and
anesthetic considerations for interventional neuroradiology.
(Anesth Analg 2008;107:193200)

N euroanesthesia during pregnancy encompasses

anesthesia for intracranial and spinal surgery and for
more frequent during pregnancy. Symptoms may
present or be exacerbated because of increased
diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, but is re- tumor growth or edema, increased vascularity or
quired infrequently. Indications for neurosurgical pregnancy-related immunotolerance.4 Meningioma
interventions or interventional neuroradiology dur- is the most common primary intracranial neoplasm
ing pregnancy include intracranial vascular lesions and some of these tumors grow faster during preg-
(subarachnoid hemorrhage [SAH], intracranial hem- nancy because they contain estrogen and progester-
orrhage [ICH], arteriovenous malformation [AVM], one receptors.5 Acute neurological deterioration of
and sinus thrombosis), ischemic stroke, symptom- both suprasellar and cerebellopontine angle tumors
atic intracranial tumor, cerebral abscess, and spinal during pregnancy, mandating resection, has been
cord tumors and lesions. Trauma during pregnancy, reported.3,6,7
including head injury, is a leading cause of inciden-
tal maternal death and morbidity, and complicates ICH
6%7% of all pregnancies.1,2 ICH is due to SAH from ruptured aneurysms
The literature is generally unhelpful with respect to (65%), bleeding from AVMs (35%),8 and other very
evidence-based neuroanesthetic management for the rare causes.9 The incidence of ICH is approximately
pregnant patient, and so planning and decision-making 10 50 in 100,000 deliveries10 and ICH accounts for
must be based largely on general principles of neurosur- 7% of pregnancy-related maternal mortality.11 Most
gical and obstetric anesthesia. Case reports and small cases occur antenatally,10 and the maternal mortal-
studies or case series thus form an important source of ity is approximately 20%. Pregnancy does not confer
knowledge and experience. We present a review of the an increased risk of hemorrhage in women harbor-
literature to provide the anesthesiologist with a practical ing an AVM8; however, the risk of rebleeding is 25%
approach to such cases. during the same pregnancy, compared with a
3% 6% risk during the first year in nonpregnant
women. Craniotomy, with removal of hematoma
THE REQUIREMENT FOR NEUROSURGERY and resection of the AVM, provides the best means
DURING PREGNANCY of avoiding rebleeding.8
Brain Tumors SAH is a leading cause of indirect maternal death
in triennial mortality reports from both the United
Primary central nervous system tumors occur in
Kingdom and Australia.12,13 During pregnancy,
approximately 6 in 100,000 females,3 but are not
SAH carries a sinister prognosis, with a 35% risk of
From the *Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Royal fatal maternal outcome10 and a 25% fetal mortality
Perth Hospital, and Pharmacology and Anaesthesiology Unit, rate.14 Most cases of SAH are caused by the rupture
School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western of an intracranial aneurysm, an event thought to
Australia, Perth, Washington.
occur more frequently during pregnancy (approxi-
Accepted for publication January 23, 2008.
mate incidence 20 in 100,000 pregnancies).8,10 The
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Lars P.
Wang, Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Royal Perth increased risk of aneurysm rupture during preg-
Hospital, Wellington Street, Perth, WA 6000, Australia. Address nancy has been explained by a pregnancy-induced
e-mail to or increase in circulating blood volume and cardiac
Copyright 2008 International Anesthesia Research Society output, and the hormonal changes to the arterial
DOI: 10.1213/ane.0b013e31816c8888
wall.15 Others believe that, although there may be

Vol. 107, No. 1, July 2008 193

an increased risk of aneurysm rupture around the such as anticonvulsants, during organogenesis (0 8
time of delivery,16 parity confers a moderate long- wk), also need to be considered. Recommendations in
term protective effect on the risk of SAH.17 relation to radiation exposure of the pregnant patient
suggest a maximum acceptable dose of 1 rem (roent-
Traumatic Brain Injury gen equivalent man 10mSivert)1 and a safe maxi-
Traumatic brain injury in the pregnant patient may mum fetal dose of 0.5 rem.8 Fetal radiation effects are
be associated with other trauma and early aggressive highly gestational age- and dose-dependent and have
maternal resuscitation is the main priority because the potential to cause early fetal loss or congenital
effective maternal resuscitation also provides fetal abnormalities after exposure during the period of
resuscitation. If tracheal intubation and positive pres- organogenesis. Exposure after organogenesis may
sure ventilation are indicated, a rapid sequence induc- cause growth restriction, microcephaly, and childhood
tion with thiopental or propofol and succinylcholine cancer.13,27 A calculated fetal dose of 0.3 rem occurs
should be used. To avoid caval venous compression, during the endovascular closure of an intracranial
after 20 wk gestation, left lateral tilt of the whole body aneurysm27 and cerebral angiography delivers a dose
should be applied through log-rolling, because a of 0.1 rem to the fetus if the womans abdomen is
wedge under the right hip may result in undesirable shielded with a lead apron front and back.8,15
vertebral column rotation. The decision to use fetal heart rate (FHR) monitor-
Difficult intubation can be expected in 1 in 300 preg- ing perioperatively should be individualized and
nant patients.18 Although there is no consensus as to the based on consultation with obstetricians. It will only
best method of intubation in patients with cervical-spine be of clinical utility if the woman is willing to accept
injury, fiberoptic techniques may be preferable in a intervention in the event of significant and uncor-
pregnant patient with cervical-spine injury19 because of rected fetal compromise, if a person capable of inter-
the additional difficulty that may come from pregnancy preting the findings is present to avoid unnecessary
and an unstable neck. Lack of time, equipment, or intervention,28,29 and if immediate delivery is feasible
expertise may necessitate direct laryngoscopy with (staff and facilities). Although FHR monitoring is
manual in-line stabilization for intubation. possible after 16 wk gestation, changes in baseline
(severe bradycardia and tachycardia) are only predic-
Spinal Procedures tive of neonatal mortality after 24 wk gestation and
Several conditions that may cause cauda equina baseline rate changes also occur in the healthy fetus,
syndrome or progressive neurologic deficit can neces- and so unnecessary premature delivery is a significant
sitate urgent spinal surgery in the pregnant patient. risk.30,31 FHR variability is only a useful variable after
Spinal tumors may become symptomatic under hor- 26 wk and drug-induced loss of variability is common
monal influence.4 Bleeding from spinal tumors20 and during anesthesia. Severe fetal bradycardia intraop-
spontaneous hematomas needing evacuation have eratively mandates attempts to improve uteroplacen-
been reported,21 as have vertebral vascular malforma- tal flow and fetal oxygenation by increasing maternal
tions needing decompression.22 The rate of symptom- arterial blood pressure (BP) and ensuring left lateral
atic lumbar disk displacement at the time of delivery tilt and normoventilation.
is approximately 1 in 10,000. In a small series,23 three
pregnant patients positioned themselves prone for
lumbar spinal surgery under epidural anesthesia. The TIMING AND METHOD OF DELIVERY
prone position for spinal surgery in pregnancy may If neurosurgical intervention has been performed in
cause difficulties with respect to fetal monitoring, emer- early pregnancy (at 24 wk), the decision about
gent cesarean delivery, and increased epidural venous subsequent fetal management can be based on obstet-
bleeding. However, in this position, the placental perfu- ric considerations.32
sion may increase as shown in 23 pregnant women.24 If the fetus is viable at the time of planned neuro-
Some anesthesiologists avoid spinal surgery in the prone surgery, a decision must also be made whether deliv-
position in the pregnant patient.25 Instead, the spinal ery is appropriate. The anesthesiologist may face one
procedure follows delivery by cesarean delivery. of three scenarios:
1. Neurosurgery performed with a view to main-
FETAL CONCERNS IN THE PERIPARTUM PERIOD taining the fetus in utero in early pregnancy.
The fetus may be compromised indirectly by ma- General principles of neurosurgical and obstetric
ternal hypotension, uterine artery vasoconstriction, anesthesia apply. Previous neurosurgical proce-
maternal hypoxemia, and acid base changes, indeed dures and current neuropathology may have
any change in maternal physiology that reduces utero- implications for anesthetic management for later
placental perfusion or compromises fetal gas ex- cesarean delivery.
change.26 The direct effects on the fetus and neonate of 2. Cesarean delivery before the neurosurgical pro-
anesthetic and analgesic drugs (for example neonatal cedure. Obstetric and neurosurgical anesthesia
respiratory depression after predelivery administra- principles may need to be modified.
tion of an opioid) or the adverse fetal effects of drugs, 3. Cesarean delivery followed by later neurosurgery.

194 Neuroanesthesia in Pregnancy ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA

Basic Anesthetic Considerations During Pregnancy INTRAOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE PREGNANT
The anesthesiologist must understand the physio- PATIENT DURING NEUROSURGERY
logical changes of pregnancy, their implications, and Hemodynamic Considerations
the specific risks of anesthesia during pregnancy,33,34
Intraarterial BP monitoring is recommended before
so that a plan can be developed. Individual case
induction of anesthesia, so that hemodynamic changes
management has to be tailored to the surgical and
are quickly observed and treated. To preserve both
neuroanesthetic requirements and to the gestational
cerebral and uteroplacental perfusion, maintaining
age. When time permits, a multidisciplinary and co-
hemodynamic stability is important, which can be
operative approach involving neurosurgeon, neurora-
achieved through appropriate fluid administration,
diologist, anesthesiologist, obstetrician, midwife, and
avoidance of aortocaval compression, the prophylactic
neonatologist is recommended.13,27
or early use of vasopressor drugs, and arterial BP
Anticonvulsant therapy may need to be imple-
monitoring. Maternal positioning should effectively
mented or continued in the preoperative phase, and
displace the gravid uterus to the left. If surgically
pregnancy-induced changes occur in the clearance,
acceptable, the patient should be placed in the lateral
unbound fractions and half-lives of some anticonvul-
position for long intracranial procedures. Neurosur-
sant drugs.35 Neurological advice should be sought.
gery may cause substantial bleeding and warrant
Although not supported by good levels of evidence,
large bore IV access. Central venous access may be
aspiration prophylaxis is considered to be important
considered for administration of concentrated vasoac-
before anesthesia during pregnancy, because pregnant
tive drugs, central venous pressure monitoring, or
women are more likely to experience both symptomatic
aspiration of air emboli.
and silent regurgitation. Inhibitors of gastric acid secre-
Ephedrine is no longer considered the vasopressor
tion, such as ranitidine 150 300 mg, may be given orally
of choice for obstetric anesthesia, because good levels
1 h before anesthesia or as a 50 mg IV dose once a decision
of evidence support advantages such as better mater-
to proceed with operative delivery has been made.36 Thirty
nal cardiovascular stability and improved neonatal
milliliter of 0.3 M sodium citrate is recommended within 30
acid base status when an -receptor agonist, such
min of induction of general anesthesia.
phenylephrine, is administered.41
During pregnancy, oxygen requirements increase
In general, the BP should be regulated within
and respiratory mechanics change due to the effects of
narrow limits, close to baseline values. If the BP is with
the gravid uterus and weight gain. The reduction in
in the range of 140/90 (mild preeclampsia) to 160/110
functional residual capacity may lead to rapid mater-
(severe preeclampsia), it should be reduced or con-
nal desaturation during hypoventilation or apnea.
trolled, aiming for a level of approximately 140/90
Because the arterial oxygen tension decreases at twice
mm Hg. For an emergency neurosurgical procedure
the nonpregnant rate, thorough administration of oxy-
where the intracranial pressure (ICP) is increased,
gen is essential.37
decreasing the BP is less advisable. The ideal BP in the
Careful airway assessment and management plan-
case of an unsecured cerebral aneurysm remains con-
ning is necessary. As a result of fat deposition and upper
troversial, although a systolic BP of 150 mm Hg has
airway mucosal edema, pregnant women are considered
been recommended for the normotensive patient.42,43
more likely to be difficult to intubate. Smaller than usual
oral tracheal tubes are useful; additional equipment to Ventilatory Management
manage a difficult airway should be readily available, As a result of increased ventilation during pregnancy,
and awake fiberoptic intubation should be considered the normal arterial carbon dioxide tension (PAco2) at
when significant difficulty is anticipated. steady-state is 30 32 mm Hg. Controlled hyperventila-
A case report described the use of a laryngeal mask tion to reduce the ICP remains an option in the case of
airway (LMA) in a case of difficult ventilation and acutely increased ICP. Although the clinical effects on
intubation of a pregnant patient.38 Ventilation became placenta blood flow are arguable, severe hyperventila-
possible with the use of an LMA and a tracheal tube was tion (PAco2 25 mm Hg) may cause uterine artery
inserted through the LMA to finally secure the airway vasoconstriction and leftward shift of the maternal oxy-
during cesarean delivery. Although LMAs have been hemoglobin dissociation curve.44 Indeed, prophylactic
successfully used for airway management during cesar- hyperventilation of head-injured patients to Pco2 values
ean delivery in a large series of pregnant women,39 their 25 mm Hg has a negative impact on patient outcome.45
use in pregnant neurosurgical patients should not ex- We therefore suggest that maternal Paco2 be kept in the
tend beyond emergency use as a rescue device for the range of 2530 mm Hg.
unanticipated difficult intubation.40
Rapid sequence induction is advisable early within Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring
the second trimester to reduce the risk of aspiration. Providing an adequate depth of anesthesia will
Effective pelvic tilt of at least 15 degrees to the left to reduce the risk of awareness.46 However, it is also
minimize aortocaval compression is required after 20 desired to avoid the hemodynamic effects of exces-
wk gestation by means of either a hip wedge or a sively deep anesthesia and achieve rapid recovery.
side-tilting table.27 Bispectral index or an alternative monitor of conscious

Vol. 107, No. 1, July 2008 2008 International Anesthesia Research Society 195
state may be useful if electrode placement does not To reduce fluctuations in ICP and cerebral blood flow
interfere with surgical access.46 secondary to the intubation-induced hypertensive re-
sponse or anesthesia-induced hypotension, a smooth
Temperature Regulation rapid sequence induction with pharmacological ablation
Although induced hypothermia is no longer recom- of the response to laryngoscopy is required. Thiopental
mended as a means of neuronal preservation, it is is still most frequently used as the IV induction drug for
worth remembering that fetal temperature parallels general anesthesia during pregnancy because in several
maternal temperature and that both maternal hyper- countries propofol is stated by the manufacturer to be
thermia and hypothermia may be associated with contraindicated during pregnancy. In clinical practice,
increased morbidity in the presence of increased however, propofol appears acceptable.58 61 Both thio-
ICP.47,48 Preservation of normal body temperature of pental and propofol reduce the hypertensive response,
the pregnant patient undergoing neurosurgery may ICP, and cerebral metabolism, maintaining cerebral au-
be achieved with a forced air warmer and the body toregulation and permitting rapid wakening, although
temperature monitored with a urinary bladder or propofol may better attenuate the hemodynamic re-
esophageal temperature probe. sponse to laryngoscopy and intubation.61 Two cases of
prolonged IV anesthesia with propofol for neurosurgery
during pregnancy (14 18 h) resulted in mild metabolic
Mannitol and IV Fluid Therapy
acidosis after 11 and 10 h, respectively.62 The reported
A variety of measures to control ICP, such as slight
changes suggest that propofol should not be used for
head-up position, low tidal volumes during intermittent
very long procedures.
positive pressure ventilation, and avoidance of vomiting
Volatile anesthetics suitable for anesthesia during
are applicable. Mannitol given to the pregnant woman
pregnancy include isoflurane and sevoflurane. These
slowly accumulates in the fetus, and fetal hyperosmola-
are also favored in neuroanesthesia because they
lity leads to physiological changes such as reduced fetal
reduce cerebral metabolic rate, have the least effect on
lung fluid production, reduced urinary blood flow,
ICP, and provide a level of cerebral protection in
and increased plasma sodium concentration.49,50 In
animals.63 The MAC of most volatile anesthetics is
animal models, a net transfer of water from the fetus
reduced by approximately 25% during pregnancy,
to the mother occurs over time, raising concern
and so initial end-tidal isoflurane or sevoflurane con-
about the effect of fetal dehydration.51 However, in
centrations of 1.0% and 1.5%, respectively, are appro-
individual case reports, mannitol in doses of
priate. These maintain a suitable depth of anesthesia, a
0.25 0.5 mg/kg has been used and appears safe.52,53
degree of uterine relaxation because of their tocolytic
Furosamide is an alternative but should also be used
effect and preserve cerebral autoregulation. Postop-
cautiously. Hourly urine output should be moni-
erative prophylactic tocolysis with drugs such as
tored. It is well established that IV fluid therapy
nifedipine and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs is
during cerebral and spinal neurosurgery should
generally only used to prevent premature labor if the
consist of isonatremic, isotonic, and glucose-free
risk of fetal loss is high. The onset of labor postopera-
solutions to reduce the risk of cerebral edema and
tively should be suspected if abdominal pain occurs,
and some authors recommend tocodynamometric
monitoring during the postoperative period.64
Steroid Treatment
A single dose of dexamethasone is not teratogenic
or carcinogenic in animals and appears safe, having ANESTHESIA FOR COMBINED CESAREAN DELIVERY
been used in limited numbers of pregnant women AND EMERGENCY NEUROSURGERY
without evidence of harm. The administration of Few neurosurgical procedures are indicated ur-
steroids to reduce peritumor edema (e.g., dexameth- gently during pregnancy, but a ruptured intracranial
asone 4 mg IM or IV injection four times a day) also aneurysm or a patient with cauda equina syndrome25
acts to accelerate fetal lung maturity by increasing may need acute treatment. General anesthesia will
surfactant production, although betamethasone is almost always be indicated. For third trimester gesta-
the preferred steroid for this purpose based on tions, the patient may be suitable for initial cesarean
better neonatal outcome.54 delivery, followed by the neurosurgical procedure,
using an appropriately modified anesthetic tech-
Antiemetic Treatment nique.8,65 Postpartum hemorrhage from uterine atony
Most antiemetic drugs appear to be safe to use remains a risk during the subsequent neurosurgery.
during pregnancy, with the best risk categorizations Despite infusion of an oxytocic drug, some authors
and widest clinical experience supporting drugs such suggest a change from a volatile-based anesthetic for
as metoclopramide, antihistamines, and droperidol.55 cesarean delivery to an IV technique for the intracra-
The serotonin3 receptor (5-HT3) antagonists also ap- nial procedure to further reduce uterine blood loss.66
pear safe based on animal studies and limited clinical Others have uneventfully used a volatile anesthetic for
experience and are widely used during pregnancy.56,57 both procedures.25

196 Neuroanesthesia in Pregnancy ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA

GENERAL ANESTHESIA because they also produce cerebral venous constriction
For general anesthesia, either total IV anesthesia reducing intracranial blood volume.72 The use of er-
with propofol or balanced IV and volatile anesthesia gometrine in the presence of intracranial disease in
are reasonable choices. The use of propofol for induc- pregnancy should be discussed with the neurosur-
tion and maintenance of anesthesia for cesarean deliv- gical team.
ery59 is controversial because total IV anesthesia is
associated with reduced neonatal neurobehavioral ANESTHESIA FOR
performance compared with thiopental and volatile INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY
maintenance. These effects, however, are of arguable The diagnostic and treatment principles of SAH in
clinical significance.59,60 pregnancy are the same as in nonpregnancy. An
When adequate doses of thiopental (4 5 mg/kg) or increasing number of patients may be suitable for
propofol (22.5 mg/kg) are followed by succinylcho- treatment by interventional neuroradiology rather
line (11.5 mg/kg), there may be a transient, but than open craniotomy and surgical clipping. The main
clinically unimportant, increase in ICP. The choice of a indications are endovascular coiling of cerebral aneu-
nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drug for rysms or preoperative embolization of AVMs.
tracheal intubation is controversial because of difficult Interventional neuroradiology for the pregnant pa-
intubation. However, for a pregnant patient with tient should be considered a major procedure and the
SAH, the main priority is the avoidance of further anesthetic planned accordingly. Most interventions
neurological damage and protection of cerebral func- require general anesthesia and invasive BP monitoring
tion. Therefore, induction of anesthesia may include whereas diagnostic procedures are typically done
a moderate dose of fentanyl (25 g/kg) and an with or without minimal sedation. Selected patients
intermediate-acting neuromuscular blocking drug will need to be awake at important points of the
to achieve stable hemodynamic variables.66 A num- procedure, e.g., during temporary test occlusion of an
ber of other approaches have been used to prevent intracranial artery. The varying levels of sedation
hypertensive surges during laryngoscopy and intu- required will need to be carefully titrated.73,74
bation. A short-acting opioid, for example, a bolus The interventional neuroradiology suite is a diffi-
of remifentanil 1 g/kg over 60 s immediately cult or remote environment in which to provide
before induction, is very effective67 and remifentanil obstetric anesthesia, but a small case series of delivery
and target-controlled propofol infusions have been in the radiology suite for pregnant women with a high
used in a small case series of pregnant women.59 risk of major postpartum hemorrhage has been re-
Case reports of neonatal chest wall rigidity and ported.75 Arterial cannulation and endovascular clo-
apnea mandate the presence of personnel skilled in sure of the uterine artery were planned in the case of
neonatal resuscitation. Other predelivery opioids uncontrollable bleeding.
such as alfentanil are also suitable, provided the Before femoral artery cannulation, precautionary
person responsible for neonatal care or resuscitation steps should be taken, such as administration aspira-
is aware that neonatal naloxone may be required. tion prophylaxis and, for gestations over 20 wk,
IV magnesium sulfate 30 60 mg/kg given as a uterine displacement.15 Heparin is administered for
bolus immediately after induction is effective and a interventional neuroradiology and may need reversal
good choice for patients with eclampsia or SAH.68 in the presence of emergency cesarean delivery or
Esmolol 0.51 mg/kg may cause fetal bradycardia69 obstetric hemorrhage. If fetal compromise is detected,
and lidocaine 1 mg/kg is less effective than remifen- the neuroradiologic procedure may have to be halted
tanil.70 Nitrous oxide should be avoided in neuroan- until the baby is delivered.15 In this circumstance, the
esthesia, because it increases ICP, increases cerebral intracranial catheter(s) are withdrawn and the femoral
blood flow and cerebral oxygen metabolic rate, im- artery sheath(s) left in situ, after which heparin can be
pairs autoregulation, expands air bubbles, and may reversed (personal communication, C Phatouros, De-
contribute to postoperative nausea and vomiting. partment of Interventional Neuroradiology, Royal
The effect of oxytocic drugs on ICP and cerebral blood Perth Hospital). Although fetal monitoring has not
flow has not been well studied, but the use of synthetic been shown to reduce fetal mortality or morbidity,
oxytocin without adverse effect has been described in Doppler monitoring has been advocated52 but poses
patients with intracranial tumors.3 It should be appreci- its own practical difficulties in the radiology suite. A
ated that oxytocin causes transient hypotension and a small case series of patients treated with coiling after
SAH suggests that later vaginal delivery is the safest
significant increase in heart rate and cardiac output for
several minutes.71 Ergometrine is a potent venoconstric-
tor, producing a hypertensive response that may further
elevate increased ICP in the presence of a disrupted ANESTHESIA FOR CESAREAN DELIVERY AFTER
blood brain barrier and loss of autoregulation. How- RECENT NEUROSURGERY
ever, such drugs have been used as part of the Lund In the late second and third trimesters, if neurosur-
Approach for treatment of intracranial hypertension gery is undertaken and the fetus remains well, the

Vol. 107, No. 1, July 2008 2008 International Anesthesia Research Society 197
pregnancy can be allowed to continue. There are several codeine, and tramadol for postcraniotomy pain con-
considerations if subsequent cesarean delivery is planned. cluded that morphine provided the best pain relief
after craniotomy and fewer side effects.87 Tramadol
has very limited use in neurosurgical settings because,
ICP AND REGIONAL ANESTHESIA although it does not cause respiratory depression, it
Regional anesthesia may be appropriate to use lowers the seizure threshold. Patient-controlled IV
when cesarean delivery is performed subsequent to opioid (fentanyl or morphine) can be considered if the
recent successful and uncomplicated neurosurgery. maternal mental state is satisfactory and is most
The woman should be alert, cooperative, and pref- appropriate after extracranial surgery. Neuraxial opi-
erably have normal ICP. This approach allows the oids and epidural analgesia are both very effective
woman to see her baby at birth and reduces the risk after spinal surgery, although regional techniques
of life-threatening anesthesia-induced morbidity with local anesthetic may delay initial neurological
and mortality. The potential for a serious cerebral assessment.86
complication after dural puncture is of major con- The cyclooxygenase1 and cyclooxygenase2 inhibitor
cern if the ICP is high, because a rapid decrease in nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are generally
spinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure may cause avoided because of their effects on platelet function
herniation or intracranial hemorrhage.77 Intracra- and potential bleeding after intracranial surgery,88 or
nial subdural hematoma formation after epidural because of their potential fetal complications (renal
anesthesia and SAH after spinal anesthesia have
failure, necrotizing enterocolitis, and persistent fetal
been reported several times in the literature78 and
circulation after birth) when used for gestations of
are thought to result from acute CSF pressure
fetal viability, especially after 32 wk.89 The cyclooxy-
changes. On the other hand, in some patients, the
genase2 inhibitors such as celecoxib, parecoxib, and
ICP may be reduced by CSF loss during surgery or
valdecoxib have no platelet effects but have not been
by CSF rhinorrhea after transnasal pituitary surgery
evaluated during pregnancy. The safe use of drugs
or facial trauma. It is the authors clinical experience
during lactation must also be considered, but is out-
that intentional lumbar dural puncture may be
side the scope of this review.
difficult to confirm under these circumstances and,
if epidural techniques are used, care must be exer-
cised to ensure true extradural placement of an Deep Vein Thrombosis Prophylaxis
epidural catheter. Epidural injection can cause an Pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state and confers a
increase in ICP by compression of the dural sac.79 substantially increased risk of thromboembolism after
The clinical significance of this increase has been surgery, and so nonpharmacological prophylaxis (an-
questioned, but slow injection of incremental vol- tithromboembolic [TED] stockings, calf stimulation,
umes of local anesthetic has been recommended.80 calf compressors, or pedal pumps) should be used
Epidural infection is also a concern after previous perioperatively. The risk of hemorrhagic complica-
spinal surgery, especially with instrumentation, or tions after neurosurgery means that the risk-benefit of
in the presence of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt.81 pharmacological thromboprophylaxis with heparins
Regional anesthesia (spinal or combined spinal- should be discussed with the neurosurgeon.
epidural) has been successfully used for cesarean
delivery in patients with paraplegia,82 autonomic hy-
perreflexia,83 cervical AVM,84 and ventriculoperito- Cerebral Vasospasm
neal shunt.81 Epidural anesthesia has been used for Cerebral vasospasm may complicate SAH 3 6
cesarean delivery in patients with pseudotumor cere- days after the initial bleeding. Although Triple
bri and a lumbar-peritoneal shunt in situ.85 H-therapy (hypertensive and hypervolemic he-
modilution) is not based on high levels of evidence,
it is applied in many centers. The pregnant woman
POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT has an increased plasma volume and to a lesser
Pain Management extent red cell mass, so is relatively hypervolemic
After intracranial procedures, the pregnant patient and hemodiluted compared with the nonpregnant
should be admitted to an intensive care unit for state. In theory, these changes should be beneficial
observation and further management. Although gen- in the prevention of cerebral vasospasm after SAH.
erally less painful than extracranial surgery, craniot- In the presence of preeclampsia, it may be unwise to
omy pain is moderate to severe in 50% of patients.86 increase the mean BP given the risk of eclampsia and
Good postoperative analgesia should be provided for other cerebral complications. Magnesium sulfate has
maternal comfort and mobility and to reduce undesir- been shown to reduce the severity of vasospasm after
able hemodynamic disturbances. Analgesia is best SAH90 and is the prophylaxis and treatment of choice in
obtained using a multimodal approach combining eclampsia, a condition associated with periods of cere-
local anesthetic infiltration or scalp blocks, opioids, bral vasoconstriction.90 If vasospasm is diagnosed from
and paracetamol. A recent comparison of morphine, clinical signs or trans-cranial flow velocity changes,

198 Neuroanesthesia in Pregnancy ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA

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