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PSIII Professional Growth Plan/Goals

Name: Bailey Thorson School: Poplar Ridge School Practicum Dates: Aug. 28 Dec. 22

Teacher Associate(s): Alissa Lidgren

School Administrator: Jody Dennis

University Consultant: Donna Dalby

A. Professional Goals

Goal #1: To engage learners through interactive approaches, rather than

only teacher-directed interactions with content.

While some material must be delivered by the teacher, students must have
opportunities to construct their own understanding of concepts. Having a teacher-
centered classroom could encourage passive learners. Planning effective ways for
students to engage with content is more challenging, but more rewarding for
student learning.

Goal #2: To build positive relationships with my students so that each one
feels valued in the classroom.

Self-esteem plays a major role in student learning and the degree to which they
will take positive risks within the classroom. Establishing good rapport with
students and mutual respect will create an environment that encourages learning
and allows for mistakes. Students must understand that they are unique assets to
the classroom dynamic, and teachers set the tone for this. We have an especially
busy classroom this year with all of the changes, and when I take time to see the
students rather than the behavior or the business, it is clear that the students really
appreciate it.

Wellness Goal:
To take time at the end of every school day to relax or socialize, rather than
constantly mulling over lesson planning.

Spending too much time on planning is not productive. The students will get the
best version of me when I take time to unwind before getting back to work. A
healthy balance is best, and not always something Ive been able to achieve
during practicum.
B. Strategies (How I will go about achieving my goals?)
Strategies for addressing Goal #1: I will strive to incorporate student activity in
each class. I will also do my best to effectively pre-asses knowledge to understand
the building blocks students have already established to keep tasks within their
zone of proximal development.

Strategies for addressing Goal #2: I will begin by knowing every students
name, since being able to appreciate them as an individual is an important first
step. I will be proactive in responding to negative self-talk to encourage students
to do their best, and always appreciate their efforts. I will also look to get to know
student interests outside of math.

Strategies for addressing my Wellness Goal: I will utilize my planning time at

school to help alleviate the workload I am taking home each night. I will also
work towards being purposeful with choosing activities for my lessons and not
dwelling on things being perfect. With thoughtful reflection, I will get the feel
of what activities will work well and what activities wont this will help speed
up planning as well. With a more reasonable workload, I wont have to feel guilty
spending time on myself.

C. Indicators of Progress Towards Goals (How will I know when and if I have
achieved my goals?)
Indicators of Progress for Goal #1: student engagement, student understanding,
MT and UC feedback; self-monitoring; increased level of comfort using
alternative teaching methods.
Indicators of Progress for Goal #2: increased student involvement, minimal
discipline or consequences necessary; feedback from MT, UC, and students.
Indicators of Progress for my Wellness Goal: lack of guilt when relaxing,
lowered stress levels, increased comfort in the classroom.

D. Timeline for Completion I hope to complete both goals by end of practicum, but
will continue to focus on these goals in every classroom I am a part of.

E. Reflections on Professional Growth

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