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C [1item} Exercise on controlled pollination [1 item] Emasculation or Bagging and Tagging Identification A Comments % D [1item] Correct identification % Labelled diagram A Identify the pathogen [1 item] Ascaris Entamoeba Plasmodium E [1item] Pedigree analysis of genetic traits of any one case Gene flow chart 1% pedigree chart % Case -1 In human being inability to roll tongue is recessive to tongue rolling trait. Represent the pedigree chart ‘and gene flow chart for the family , of a tongue rolling female and a non rolling son born to a couple who were rollers. Their daughter married a non roller man and produced a tongue roller son and non roller daughter, Thelr son married a roller woman and produced @ non roller daughter and roller son. Case =I Represent the pedigree chart and gene flow chart for colour blindness for the following family. A red green colour blind man having a normal wife whose father was colour blind, produced a normal son and a colour blind daughter. Later their son married a colour blind women and produced two male children both were colour blind. Their daughter married anormal man and produced one colour blind son and a daughter having normal vision. case = Il In human being blood group Is determined by three alleles I*, I? and. Where 18 and If are dominant over i. Aman having A blood group marries a women having B blood group. They have two sons and ‘two daughters of A, B, AB and O blood groups respectively. Their first son marries an O group woman and they have a son with A blood group and daughter with O blood group. The youngest in the family marries a man with B blood group and they have two children both with 0 blood group. Represent the pedigree chart and gene flow chart of the family to show running of O blood group trait.

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