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Advanced Studies

& Yoga Teacher Training Course

www.avani-yoga.co.uk Tel: 07901 907 245

Yoga Ananda Holistic Centre, 46 Albert Road, Reigate RH2 9EL
Teacher.... 2

Organisation .. 3

Equal Opportunities . 3

About the Course................


Objectives .. 4

Dates, Application process & Fees ..

Organisation. 4 3

Equal Opportunities......................................................................................... 3
Course listing and description ........................................................................... 4 - 8

Books of Interest . 8
Objectives. .......................................................................................................4

Conduct Policy . 9
Dates, Application process & Fees.................................................................. 4

Course listing and description..................................................................... 4-8

Grievance procedure ......................................................................................... 9 - 11
Books of Interest............................................................................................ 8

Conduct Policy. ................................................................................................9

Grievance procedure.......................................................................................9-11

ApplicationForm..................................................................................... 12-13

Liability Waiver Form............................................................................... 14-16

46 Albert Road North, Reigate, RH1 9EL
Phone: 07901907245
Email: debbie@avani-yoga.co.uk



Debbie first discovered Yoga 20 years ago on the banks of the river Ganges in
the holy city of Rishikesh, India and immediately knew she had found what she
was looking for. Since then she has visited India annually, both personally and to
take students on retreat, delving deeply into meditation and yoga practice which
she has found to be a powerful agent of change in her life.

She became a qualified Yoga teacher in Mysore, India, and studied many alterna-
tive therapies whilst travelling around the world, before finally settling in Southamp-
ton to qualify as a registered practitioner and to establish a yoga centre which of-
fered a full schedule of classes, workshops, meditation courses and therapies.

Debbies interest in meditation and Kriya Yoga began in 1998 reading Autobiogra-
phy of a Yoga by Paramahansa Yogananda. She has been blessed with many won-
derful teachers (from east and west) eventually meeting the guiding light in her life
Swami Vishwananda who gave her the spiritual name Dhanashri (which means to
give all) and initiated her to become an Atma Kriya Yoga teacher and also to lead
Om Healing meditation groups.

For Debbie her practice is not confined to a yoga mat it permeates her whole
life. She has found that the timeless principles of Yoga sometimes confront us with
uncomfortable truths, but when we accept the challenge we are provided with un-
precedented opportunities for growth.

Avani Yogas Advanced Studies & Teacher Training program complies with
the Yoga Alliance UK Standards for certification at the 200-hour level. Once a
student completes all program requirements, a certificate of completion will
be presented which in turn can be sent to Yoga Alliance Professionals in order to
obtain teaching certification. Yoga Alliance registers yoga teachers who
demonstrate qualifications that meet minimum teaching standards established by
the organisations founding members. Yoga Alliance also registers yoga schools
whose teacher training programs address those standards; assuring graduates
are well-qualified to teach the practice in public. For more information about Yoga
Alliance UK and certification, please contact Yoga Alliance UK, 25 Rodney Street,
Midlothian, Edinburgh, EH7 4EL / phone 0845 230 7009 or email via the website


It is the policy of Avani Yoga to provide equal opportunity in educational programs

and activities. In the administration of educational policies or any other program
of activity, Avani Yoga does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, religion,
national origin, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability.


Teacher Training Courses with Avani Yoga are not only for those who wish to
embark upon the rewarding journey of teaching others, they are also open to
all serious students of yoga who wish to significantly deepen their knowledge
and understanding of this ancient tradition and its deeply relevant offerings
for everybody, today. Come to the course first and foremost for your own
transformation and Debbie will provide a safe and nurturing atmosphere and an in
depth course of study to enable students to deepen their personal practice and
become skilled and confident teachers.

The intention of this course is to offer a broad and thorough foundation for the
teaching of Vinyasa or flow Yoga. Detailed study and practice of Asana forms
the foundation of the training programme. Deepening personal practice will be
emphasised as this is the key to unlocking the essence of each pose, which in
turn gives rise to inspired, creative and joyful teaching. The course will endeavour
to help students unravel, understand and evolve their own uniquely personal
teaching style that is a reflection and a manifestation of their heartfelt and authentic


The Advanced Studies & Teacher Training Programme is a 200 hour Yoga Alliance
UK certified course. To support your journey in addition to the course you should
make time for at least 1 yoga class per week and at least 4 hours of home practice/
study. On completion of the course to continue and support your development
regular one day workshops, advanced courses and monthly meditation sessions
will be available at Yoga Ananda as will opportunities to become teachers at the

The course begins in September each year and ends with a 4 day residential
retreat. For current dates visit www.avani-yoga.co.uk


Applications forms can be found at the back of this manual, obtained at the centre
or from the website. It is recommended that each participant has at least 1 year of
Yoga experience however each application will be reviewed and all taken into
The course fee for the programme including the retreat is 2,250.00 (early bird) if
the deposit is paid at least 3 months prior to course start. A nonrefundable deposit
of 500 is requested with each application that is accepted to secure your place.
All chqs payable to Ms. D. Avani or payment can be made via the website.
The final balance is due at the start of the course. However a choice of payment
options is available if paying the final balance in full is not suitable for you. A
payment form with full details can be found in this pack.

Discounted student teacher insurance is not included in this fee but is available
from Yoga Alliance UK and is a compulsory part of the course.


This part of the course will explore the relationship of the practice of asana to the
true goal of yoga, liberation.

Some of the many topics we will explore in Asana include:

Asanas function as a part of practice
How and why asana can move us toward liberation
Physical alignment
Energy lines
Extension, foundation, opposing forces and core stability
Playing the edge (point of resistance) and adapting postures to individual needs
The use of props to gain deeper understanding of the mechanics of each pose
Breathing and growing into the pose
Hands on adjustments
Physical, mental and energetic effects of the pose
Learning to see and understand bodies
The anatomy and physiology of each pose


As one of Patanjalis eight limbs of yoga, pranayama is a key component of yoga

practice. The breath is the very essence of our practice. In asana we use it to
reconnect with the feeling of the body we are in, to enliven the poses and to infuse
them with energy and awareness. In seated pranayama we use the breath to
connect with our inner body of energy and light, learning to harness, expand and
direct this inner force for the awakening of greater energy, creativity, openness and
Trainees will learn the fundamental mechanics of breathing, simple dynamic breath
practices to move into energised stillness and subtle use of breath to awaken
dormant inner energy flows and centres.

Some of the many topics we will explore in Pranayama include:

The breathing mechanism
The use of dynamic breathing to elicit energised stillness
The use of Mudras and Bandhas to harness and direct the breath flow
The relationship between breath and mind
Internalising breath awareness for specific effects
Yogic physiology, the discovery of the Koshas, Chakras, Nadis, Marmas, Pranas
and the vibratory power of mantras to dissolve internal blockages

The practices of meditation bring us into communion with spirit, allowing us to

rediscover the natural joy of being. In meditation we learn to listen inwardly to
the wisdom and guidance that naturally arise from a quiet heart and clear mind.
The simple and ancient techniques we learn help us create a pause between our
thought and our action, a pause in which we are able to choose a response and
shape our lives. The systematic sequence of meditation practice taught to trainees
on the course is designed to gently strengthen, focus and quieten the mind. Re
awakening our inherent intuition, freedom and spontaneity, bringing a new meaning
and depth to everything we do.

Some of the many topics we will explore in Meditation include:

Creating a sacred space for practice and establishing a seat
Moving into stillness
Choice less observation
Breath awareness
Yogic sleep (Yoga Nidra)
Feeling the energy we are made of
Purification of the chakras
Connecting with the inner flow
Affirmation and reflections
Mantra and Japa
Meditation theory
The shatkarmas (cleansing practices) to purify our internal space
Chanting and Kirtan (devotional singing)


Yoga is timeless and its application is universal. Its a spiritual tradition that
represents the cumulative wisdom of sages and seers over a period of more than
5000 years. It has reached us by a flow of grace that has passed from teacher
to student uninterruptedly for more than 200 generations. As Yoga teachers and
advancing practitioners we align ourselves with those who have gone before us
and become a part of this flow of grace. It is therefore important for us to
understand the tradition for which we speak and from which we practice.

Some of the many topics we will explore in Yoga Phiosophy include:

The teachings of Patanjalis Yoga sutras, the Bhagavad Gita and the Hatha Yoga
The historical development and background of Yoga
Application of the teachings in everyday life
The 8 limbs of Yoga
Modern schools of Yoga and styles of teaching
The underlying unity of various approaches to Yoga practice


The art of teaching is Yoga in itself, requiring sensitivity, compassion and

understanding, as well as lots of practice! A good teacher is always learning, loves
what he or she is teaching and communicates this love. When we begin to teach, or
think like a teacher, our understanding of Yoga deepens and matures. There will be
many opportunities during the course to fine tune and play with teaching skills.......

Some of the many topics we will explore in Teaching Methodology include:

How to be a safe and effective teacher
The art of sequencing
How to structure a class
Use of voice, choice of words, body language, touch and timing
Observing the needs of students
Class themes and intentions
Psychology of the student / teacher relationship
Teaching ethics
Creating a sacred space for your students to practice in


Some of the many topics we will explore in Teaching Methodology include:

General Anatomy developing an understanding of the workings of the physical
body and its systems to gain greater insight into our asana practice.

Anatomy of Asana developing an understanding of the functioning of the

various bodily systems in asana practice, with special concentration on the
workings of the musculoskeletal system.

Energetic Anatomy while the physical aspects of the practice have far
reaching benefits, the real transformative power lies in the more subtle aspects of
our bodies. We will develop and understand the relationship between the various
bodies (koshas) as well as the various components of the energy system and how
they can be used to move enhance our asana practice.
(not listed in any particular order)

It is purely your personal choice to choose from these or other books not
listed, these are the ones that I have found to be very useful on my journey...

NB - there are around 40 FREE books available to download from the TT portal
along with hundreds of pages of resources as part of the course ...

Moolabhanda - Bihar School of Yoga

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Hathayoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhananda of the Bihar School of Yoga
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Surya Namaskar - Bihar School of Yoga
Yoga Niudra - Bihar School of Yoga
Prana and Pranayama - Bihar School of Yoga
Meditations from the Tantras - Bihar School of Yoga
Be Here Now by Ram Dass
Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri BKS Iyengar
The Yoga Mala by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
Ashtanga Yoga The Practice Manual by David Swenson
The Yoga Tradition by Georg Feuerstein
The Heart Of Yoga by Desikachar
The Bhagavad Gita Eknath Easwaran
The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle
The Spirit and Practcie of moving into Stillness Erich Schiffman
Vinyasa flow and Standing Poses Ray Long
Vinyasa flow and Arm Balances and Inversions Ray Long
Vinyasa flow and Backbends and Twists Ray Long
Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga Ray Long
Chakras Johari
Vedantic Meditation David Frawley
Ayurveda and the Mind David Frawley

Avani Yoga & Yoga Ananda strives to provide an environment conducive to learning,
growth, and professionalism. Students are expected to behave courteously and
respectfully, to observe Avani Yoga & Yoga Anandas policies, and to devote
themselves earnestly to their studies.

The following may be grounds for disciplinary action and possible dismissal from
the program and/or Yoga Ananda premises:

Verbal or physical abuse of any person or conduct that threatens or endangers

the health or safety of any person at Avani/Yoga Ananda or at Avani/Yoga
Ananda-related functions.

Theft of Avani/Yoga Ananda property or the property of any member of the

Avani/Yoga Ananda community at the premises.

Willfull or reckless damage to Avani/Yoga Ananda property or the property of a

member of the Avani/Yoga Ananda community.

Obstruction or disruption of teaching or other components of academic process.

Failure to comply with Avani/Yoga Ananda policy at any time.

Possession or use of controlled substances, illegal drugs, or alcohol on Avani/

Yoga Ananda premises.

Possession or use of any weapons on Avani/Yoga Ananda premises.

Harassment, sexual or otherwise, or intimidation of any member of Avani/

Yoga Ananda community while on Avani/Yoga Ananda premises. This includes
any behaviour that creates a hostile or offensive environment for any student,
employee, or guest of Avani/Yoga Ananda.

A student who feels his or her rights have been violated should meet with the
person against whom they have the complaint outside of class, and attempt to
resolve the conflict.

If the grievance is with an instructor, the student must first attempt to resolve the
matter with the instructor. If this fails to rectify the problem, the student should
bring the incident to the attention of the centre Ethical Committee
Avani/Yoga Ananda Holistic Centre is a professional organisation that abides by
ethical guidelines. If a violation of these ethical guidelines occurs, then the teacher
in question may be suspended or expelled from teaching at Avani/Yoga Ananda

If a grievance is filed against a teacher who is teaching at Avani/Yoga Ananda, the

following process will take place.

1. If a student feels that Avani/Yoga Ananda teacher has violated the Ethical
Guidelines, then a formal written grievance can be filed within 7 days of the alleged
incident to the Ethics commitee.

The Ethics Committee in this instance consists of Rajneesh Sharma and Leon

All ethical grievances against Avani/Yoga Ananda teachers should be submitted

via email to info@yogaananda.co.uk or mailed to: Yoga Ananda Holistic Centre, 46
Albert Road North, Reigate, RH1 9EL.

2. Once the grievance is received by the Ethics Committee then a member of the
Ethics Committee will call the complainant to review the grievance.

Then the grievance will be submitted to the Ethics Committee to determine whether
the grievance is substantial or valid enough to warrant a full investigation and

The Committee has the responsibility to look into any incidents brought to its
attention regardless of the informality of the information, provided the information
can be documented or supported.
3. If the Ethics Committee determines that the grievance is substantial and valid,
then the grievance will be submitted in writing via registered mail to the Avani/Yoga
Ananda teacher being charged (the respondent).

4. The Avani/Yoga Ananda teacher will have 2 weeks to reply in writing to the
Ethics Committee. A designated member of the Ethics Committee will then
contact the Avani/Yoga Ananda teacher to review the response. Any edits to the
respondents initial statement will be sent to the respondent for approval. The final
grievance and teachers response will then be examined in depth by the Ethics
Committee. Any witnesses will be contacted at that time.

5. The Ethics Committee will reply to both the complainant and the respondent in
writing with the Committees determination on the case.

6. The following are possible outcomes of the grievance process:

a. Determination that the grievance complaint is invalid, so it is dismissed by the

Ethics Committee.

b. Conflict resolution is made between the complainant and the respondent in lieu
of a full review by the Ethics Committee.

c. The Ethics Committee counsels and educates the respondent to improve

behaviour with students.

d. Censure: a stern reprimand based on the outcome of the grievance procedure

which does not suspend or terminate licensing agreement.

e. Suspension of teaching, which may be for a specified minimum period of time

or may be contingent on specified criteria. Expulsion from the Avani/Yoga Ananda

Venue - Yoga Ananda

46 Albert Road North, Reigate, RH1 9EL
Phone: 07901907245
Email: debbie@avani-yoga.co.uk


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