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#1 [G.R. No. 207525. June 18, 2014.

G.R. No. 192486 November 21, 2012 BONIFACIO PIEDAD, represented by MARIA INSPIRACION
EMETERIA M. GURIEZA, respondents.
VIRAY, Petitioners, DECISION


Bonifacio alleged that he is the absolute owner of the 1/3 middle

portion of a parcel of residential land which he acquired through
intestate succession from his late father who inherited the same from
The case involves a piece of land, lot no. 733, registered
the latter's parents, Alejandro Piedad (Alejandro) and Tomasa Villaray
under the name of Ellen and Moses Mendoza. The said lot was
(Tomasa). He also claimed that his ownership of the subject lot took
subdivided to 6 parts by Engr.Fajardo but was not officially approved
place even before his father's death and was validated through a Deed
by the LMB. On, April 29, 1986, Mendoza executed two separate deeds
of Confirmation of an Adjudication and Partition (Deed of
of absolute sale, the first, transferring Lot 733-F to Jesus Carlo Gerard
Confirmation) executed by Alejandro and Tomasa's legal heirs. Further,
Viray (Jesus Viray), and the second deed conveying Lot 733-A to
Bonifacio alleged that before migrating to Hawaii, he built a bungalow
spouses AvelinoViray and Margarita Masangcay (Sps. Viray).
on the subject lot and assigned numerous caretakers to look after it,
the last of which were Sps. Gurieza.
The aforementioned conveyances notwithstanding,
Mendoza, Emerenciana M. Vda.deMallari (Vda. de Mallari) and
Sometime in 2005, however, Sps. Gurieza allegedly took interest of the
respondent spouses Jose Usi and Amelita T. Usi (Sps. Usi or the Usis),
bungalow and the subject lot after learning from an employee of the
as purported co-owners of Lot 733, executed on August 20, 1990 a
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) that the lot
Subdivision Agreement, or the 1st subdivision agreement (1st SA)
is public land. Using such information, Sps. Gurieza had the subject lot
where lot no. 733 was divided to 3 lots: Lot 733-A, Lot 733-B and Lot
declared under their name for tax purposes.
733-C. Lot 733-C was further subdivided to 13 lots under a 2nd
subdivision agreement (2nd SA) where herein respondents appeared as
When Bonifacio learned of Sps. Gurieza's acts, he authorized Ofelia
owners of some the further subdivided lots covering a part of the lot
Bay-ag to file a protest before the DENR which deferred further action
sold to herein petitioners.
on their (Sps. Gurieza's) application before it. Thereafter, Bonifacio sent
his daughter, Maria Inspiracion Piedad-Danao (Danao), to the country
As to be expected, the foregoing overlapping transactions
to personally demand that Sps. Gurieza vacate the subject lot
involving the same property or portions thereof spawned several suits
unconditionally; and for this purpose, Danao initiated a complaint
and countersuits between petitioner and respondents herein.
before the barangay court. However, during the mediation
proceedings, Sps. Gurieza refused to heed Danao's demand and even
The RTC rendered judgment dismissing the petition of the
challenged her to go to higher courts. Thus, Bonifacio was constrained
Sps. Usi but was reversed by the CA on appeal, hence this petition.
to file the instant case as his last resort.
ISSUE: Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that
In their defense, Sps. Gurieza denied Bonifacio's claim and maintained
Respondents are the legal and valid owners of the subject lot?
that in 1974, the subject lot was a vacant and virginal public land and
that the DENR allowed them to possess and occupy the same in the
HELD: The court held that the petition is barred by res judicata
concept of an owner. As such, they acquired the same through
defined as one that operates as bar by prior judgement when there is a
acquisitive prescription. They likewise assailed the authenticity and
final judgement on merits rendered by a court with jurisdiction and the
validity of the Deed of Confirmation, contending that it was only
first and second action has identical parties, subject matter or cause of
signed by a few heirs of Alejandro and Tomasa.

The MTC Ruling: ruled in Bonifacio's favor, and, accordingly, ordered

The better right to possess and right of ownership cannot be
Sps. Gurieza to vacate the subject lot, It found that Bonifacio had a
relitigated because of res judicata.
better right of possession over the subject lot as evidenced by the
house he built thereon as early as the 1950s when he took possession
Res Judicata Applies of the said lot, as well as the affidavits of witnesses who are pioneer
residents of the area, attesting that Sps. Gurieza's claim over such lot is
Notably, the Sps. Viray and Vda. de Viray, after peremptorily prevailing preposterous.
in their cases supportive of their claim of ownership and possession of
Lots 733-A and 733-F (Fajardo Plan), cannot now be deprived of their Dissatisfied, Sps. Gurieza appealed to the RTC.
rights by the expediency of the Sps. Usi maintaining, as here, an accion
publiciana and/or accion reivindicatoria, two of the three kinds of The RTC Ruling. the RTC affirmed the MTC ruling in toto.
actions to recover possession of real property. The third, accion
interdictal, comprises two distinct causes of action, namely forcible Aggrieved, Sps. Gurieza elevated the case to the CA by way of petition
entry and unlawful detainer,44 the issue in both cases being limited to for review.
the right to physical possession or possession de facto, independently
of any claim of ownership that either party may set forth in his or her The CA Ruling: the CA reversed and set aside the RTC ruling, and
pleadings,45 albeit the court has the competence to delve into and consequently, ordered the dismissal of Bonifacio's Complaint for
resolve the issue of ownership but only to address the issue of priority Unlawful Detainer and Damages.
of possession.46 Both actions must be brought within one year from the
date of actual entry on the land, in case of forcible entry, and from the The CA found, upon further scrutiny of the Deed of Confirmation, that
date of last demand to vacate following the expiration of the right to Emeteria M. Gurieza, whom Bonifacio recognized as one of the heirs of
possess, in case of unlawful detainer.47 the subject lot, among others, as well as the other heirs of Alejandro
and Tomasa, did not sign the Deed of Confirmation.

When the dispossession or unlawful deprivation has lasted more than Bonifacio moved for reconsideration but was, however, denied.
one year, one may avail himself of accion publiciana to determine the
better right of possession, or possession de jure, of realty Hence, this petition.
independently of title. On the other hand, accion reivindicatoria is an
action to recover ownership which necessarily includes recovery of ISSUE: whether or not the CA correctly reversed the RTC ruling and,
possession.48 consequently, dismissed Bonifacio's Complaint for Unlawful Detainer
and Damages against Sps. Gurieza.
HELD: The petition is meritorious.
Unlawful detainer is an action to recover possession of real property On September 1, 2001, petitioner Marcela M. Dela Cruz occupied and
from one who unlawfully withholds possession thereof after the possessed the questioned property pursuant to the alleged
expiration or termination of his right to hold possession under any Memorandum of Agreement between her and a certain Don Mario
contract, express or implied. The possession of the defendant in
Enciso Benitez, without the authority and consent of the Hermanos.
unlawful detainer is originally legal but became illegal due to the
On September 27, 2001, A. Hermano, through a counsel, sent a formal
expiration or termination of the right to possess. The only issue to be
resolved in an unlawful detainer case is the physical or material demand letter to Dela Cruz to vacate and turn over the possession of
possession of the property involved, independent of any claim of the property and to pay P 20,000 a month as rent starting September
ownership by any of the parties. 17 1, 2001.

An ejectment case, based on the allegation of possession by tolerance,

Respondent filed an ejectment case against the petitioner at the MTCC;
falls under the category of unlawful detainer. Where the plaintiff allows
however, the court dismissed the case due to lack of jurisdiction. The
the defendant to use his/her property by tolerance without any
contract, the defendant is necessarily bound by an implied promise court also stated that respondents proper remedy should be an action
that he/she will vacate on demand, failing which, an action for unlawful for recovery and not of a summary proceeding for ejectment, because
detainer will lie. 18 there was no showing of forcible entry or unlawful detainer.

Thus, under Section 1, Rule 70 of the Rules of Court, the complaint Respondent appealed the decision at the RTC; the said court, however,
must be filed "within one (1) year after such unlawful deprivation or
affirmed the decision of the lower court entoto. The same filed a
withholding of possession" and must allege that: (a) the defendant
originally had lawful possession of the property, either by virtue of a petition for review at the CA, of which, granted the petition, reversed
contract or by tolerance of the plaintiff; (b) eventually, the defendant's and set aside the decision of RTC. Furthermore, the court rendered a
possession of the property became illegal or unlawful upon notice by decision declaring Hermano as the lawful possessor of the property
the plaintiff to defendant of the expiration or the termination of the and order Dela Cruz to vacate the same. With the CAs decision,
defendant's right of possession; (c) thereafter, the defendant remained petitioner filed a petition for review at the Supreme Court.
in possession of the property and deprived the plaintiff the enjoyment
thereof; and (d) within one (1) year from the unlawful deprivation or
ISSUE: Whether or not respondent has adequately pleaded and proved
withholding of possession, the plaintiff instituted the complaint for
ejectment. 19 a case of forcible entry.

In this light, the Court shall solely resolve the issue as to who between HELD: The burden of sufficiently alleging prior physical possession
the parties has the better right of possession de facto over the subject carries with it the concomitant burden of establishing ones case by a
lot. Corollary thereto, issues pertaining to ownership are better
preponderance of evidence. To be able to do so, respondents herein
threshed out in another action instituted for such purpose.
must rely on the strength of their own evidence, not on the weakness
After a judicious perusal of the records, the Court holds that Bonifacio of that of petitioner. It is not enough that the allegations of a
had clearly established his cause of action for unlawful detainer. complaint make out a case for forcible entry. The plaintiff must prove
prior physical possession. It is the basis of the security accorded by law
In view of the foregoing, the Court thus holds that the CA erred in to a prior occupant of a property until a person with a better right
dismissing Bonifacio's Complaint for Unlawful Detainer and Damages
acquires possession thereof.
against Sps. Gurieza.

#3 The Court has scrutinized the parties submissions, but found no

sufficient evidence to prove respondents allegation of prior physical
To prove their claim of having a better right to possession, respondents
G.R. No.177484, July 18, 2014
submitted their title thereto and the latest Tax Declaration prior to the
J. Del Castillo initiation of the ejectment suit. As the CA correctly observed, petitioner
failed to controvert these documents with competent evidence. It
erred, however, in considering those documents sufficient to prove
respondents prior physical possession.
Failure to pay the rent must precede termination of the contract due to
non-payment of rent. It therefore follows that the cause of action for
unlawful detainer must necessarily arise before the termination of the Ownership certainly carries the right of possession, but the possession
contract and not the other way around. contemplated is not exactly the same as that which is in issue in a
forcible entry case. Possession in a forcible entry suit refers only to
possession de facto, or actual or material possession, and not one
flowing out of ownership. These are different legal concepts under
which the law provides different remedies for recovery of possession.
Thus, in a forcible entry case, a party who can prove prior possession
G.R. No. 160914, March 25, 2015
can recover the possession even against the owner. Whatever may be
the character of the possession, the present occupant of the property
has the security to remain on that property if the occupant has the
advantage of precedence in time and until a person with a better right
lawfully causes eviction.

Similarly, tax declarations and realty tax payments are not conclusive
proofs of possession. They are merely good indicia of possession in the
concept of owner based on the presumption that no one in ones right
G.R. No. 160914
mind would be paying taxes for a property that is not in ones actual or
March 25, 2015
constructive possession.

FACTS: Respondents Antonio Hermano and his wife

Guided by the foregoing, the Court finds that the proofs submitted by
RemediosHermano were the registered and lawful owners of a house
respondents only established possession flowing from ownership.
and lot in Tagaytay City.
Although respondents have claimed from the inception of the
controversy up to now that they are using the property as their
vacation house, that claim is not substantiated by any corroborative was still valid and subsisting, not yet terminated by the parties, and she
evidence. On the other hand, petitioners claim that she started had not abandoned possession of the land. As further defense, she
occupying the property in March 2001, and not in September of that prayed for the dismissal of the complaint for lack of jurisdiction on the
part of the RTC, as the case was for ejectment and unlawful detainer,
year as Antonio alleged in his Complaint, was corroborated by the
not cognizable by the RTC.
Affidavitof petitioners caretaker. Respondents did not present any
evidence to controvert that affidavit.

Therefore, respondents failed to discharge their burden of proving the

G.R. No. 182953 October 11, 2010
element of prior physical possession. Their uncorroborated claim of
that fact, even if made under oath, is self-serving. It does not amount
to preponderant evidence, which simply means that which is of greater
weight or is more convincing than evidence that is offered in RUBEN ESPOSO, BERNARDO FLORESCA, MARINA DIMATALO,
As noted at the outset, it bears stressing that the Court is not a trier of MERCY CRUZ, ROSENDO ORGANO, RICKY BARENO, ANITA
facts. However, the conflicting findings of fact of the MTCC and the TAKSAGON, JOSIE RAMA and PABLO DIMANDAKO, Petitioners,
RTC, on the one hand, and the CA on the other, compelled us to revisit
the records of this case for the proper dispensation of
(MAHA), Respondent.
justice. Moreover, it must be stressed that the Courts pronouncements
in this case are without prejudice to the parties right to pursue the
appropriate remedy.

FACTS: Respondent Manalite Homeowners Association, Inc. (MAHA)

WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review on Certiorari is
was the registered owner of the lot in dispute which was placed under
hereby GRANTED. The assailed Decision and Resolution of the Court
community mortgage program (CMP). Through force, intimidation,
of Appeals are REVERSED, and the Decision of the MTCC dismissing
threat, strategy and stealth, petitioners entered the premises and
the Complaint against petitioner is REINSTATED.
constructed their temporary houses and an office building. Sometime
in 1992, petitioners sought for the annulment of respondents title but
it was dismissed by the RTC. Upon dismissal, respondent demanded
petitioners to vacate the premises. Petitioners asked for a one-year
#5 NONE extension for them to look for a place to transfer. However, it was
repeatedly extended due to respondents tolerance. Petitioners even
G.R. No. 202354 September 24, 2014 propose to become members of MAHA so that they can be qualified to
acquire portions of the lot but they failed to comply with the
AMADA C. ZACARIAS, Petitioner, requirements despite repeated demands. MAHA then sent formal
vs. demand letters to petitioners to vacate the lot. Unheeded, MAHA filed
VICTORIA ANACAY, EDNA ANACAY, CYNTHIAANACAYGUISIC, the complaint for "Forcible Entry/Unlawful Detainer."
other persons claiming authority under them, Respondents. In their answer, petitioners averred that they are the owners
of the subject lot, having been in actual physical possession thereof for
VILLARAMA, JR., J.: more than thirty (30) years before MAHA intruded into the land. They
likewise argued that the complaint was irregular and defective because
#6 its caption states that it was for "Forcible Entry/Unlawful Detainer."

G.R. No. 201286 July 18, 2014 The MTCC dismissed the case for lack of cause of action for
failure by the respondent to prove prior physical possession which is
INOCENCIA TAGALOG, Petitioner, required in a complaint for forcible entry. On appeal, RTC reversed the
vs. MTCC decision stating that MAHA was able to prove by preponderance
MARIA LIM VDA. DE GONZALEZ, GAUDENCIA L. BUAGAS, of evidence that petitioners occupation was by mere tolerance and
their occupation became illegal after MAHA demanded that they
ARANAS, and RUFINA C. RAMIREZ, Respondents.
vacate the property. The CA affirmed the decision of the RTC ruling
that the cause of action was an unlawful detainer case.
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioners have a superior right of possession
FACTS: over the property in question.

The respondents, as co-owners of Lot No. 1595-A, with an assessed HELD: No. The evidence proves that after MAHA acquired the property,
value of assessed value of P57,960 and a market value of P264,930, MAHA tolerated petitioners stay and gave them the option to acquire
filed a complaint for Recovery of Possession, Preliminary Mandatory
portions of the property by becoming members of MAHA. But when
Injunction with a Prayer for a Temporary Restraining Order with
they failed to fulfill their obligations, MAHA had the right to demand
Damages and Attorneys Fees before the Regional Trial Court of
Toledo City against the petitioner, Inocencia Tagalog. In their for them to vacate the property as their right of possession had already
complaint, the respondents alleged that Inocencia occupied a portion expired or had been terminated. Well settled is the rule that a person
of the land as lessee and paid rent on a month to month basis on the who occupies the land of another at the latters tolerance or
basis of a verbal contract. When Inocencias house of light material permission, without any contract between them, is necessarily bound
was damaged in a typhoon, Inocencia discontinued paying rent and by an implied promise that he will vacate upon demand, failing which,
stopped inhabiting the house. They then demanded that she remove
a summary action for ejectment is the proper remedy against him
the debris, and vacate the land as they will subdivide and develop it for
which in the present case is an unlawful detainer case.
their own use. Inocencia however refused to vacate, instead she
constructed a two-storey house made of concrete. They informed the
Office of the Municipal Engineer of the construction of the house #8
without their consent and the required building permit. Despite the
[G.R. No. 178635, April 11 : 2011]
warning given by the municipal official, Inocencia proceeded with the
construction. In her Answer, Inocencia asserted that the lease contract
SERVILLANO E. ABAD, PETITIONER, VS. OSCAR C. FARRALES AND failure to allege prior physical possession in his complaint for the first
Besides, said the RTC, since the complaint alleged that Servillano
ABAD, J.: owned the property, it may be presumed that he also had prior
possession of it.
FACTS: No evidence to the contrary having been presented, the presumption
This case is about a) the need, when establishing the jurisdiction of the
court over an action for forcible entry, for plaintiff to allege in his Undaunted, Oscar and Daisy filed a petition for review with the Court
complaint prior physical possession of the property and b) the need for of Appeals (CA).
plaintiff to prove as well the fact of such prior physical possession. The CA rendered a decision, annulling the decisions and orders of
both the MeTC and the RTC on the ground of lack of jurisdiction.
Petitioner Servillano Abad claims he and his wife, Dr.Estrella E. Gavilan- The CA pointed out that Abad merely alleged in his complaint that he
Abad, bought a registered property from Teresita, Rommel, and Dennis leased the property to Teresita after he and his wife bought the same
Farrales. and that, thereafter, Oscar and Daisy forcibly entered the same.
The latter were the wife and sons, respectively, of the late brother of Since Abad did not make the jurisdictional averment of prior physical
respondents Oscar Farrales (Oscar) and Daisy Farrales-Villamayor possession, the MeTC did not acquire jurisdiction over his action.
(Daisy). Teresita operated a boarding house on the property. Further, Oscar and Daisy ably proved actual possession from 1967
through the barangay certification. Since the MeTC had no jurisdiction
Because the Abads did not consider running the boarding house over the case, all the proceedings in the case were void.
themselves, they agreed to lease the property back to Teresita so she
could continue with her business. Abad moved for reconsideration but the CA denied the same, hence, in
But, although the lease had a good start, Teresita suddenly the present petition for review.
abandoned the boarding house, forcing the Abads to take over by
engaging the services of Bencio Duran, Teresita's helper, to oversee the ISSUES:
boarding house business.
1. Whether or not Abad sufficiently alleged in his complaint the
Dr. Abad went to the boarding house to have certain damage to some jurisdictional fact of prior physical possession of the disputed property
toilets repaired. to vest the MeTC with jurisdiction over his action; and
While she was attending to the matter, she also hired house painters
to give the boarding house fresh coat of paint. Oscar and Daisy came, 2. In the affirmative, whether or not Abad sufficiently proved that he
accompanied by two men, and forcibly took possession of the enjoyed prior physical possession of the property in question.
boarding house.
Frightened, the painters called the Abads who immediately sought HELD:
police help. The Abads were later appeased, however, when they
learned that the intruders left the place. AS TO THE FIRST ISSUE

Two days later, the day the Abads left for abroad, Oscar and Daisy Yes, Abad sufficiently alleges in his complaint the jurisdictional fact of
forcibly entered and took possession of the property once again. prior physical possession of the disputed property to vest the MeTC with
Because of this, petitioner Servillano Abad (Abad) filed a complaintfor jurisdiction over his action.
forcible entry against the two before the Metropolitan Trial Court
(MeTC). Two allegations are indispensable in actions for forcible entry to enable
first level courts to acquire jurisdiction over them: first, that the plaintiff
Oscar and Daisy vehemently denied that they forcibly seized the place. had prior physical possession of the property; and, second, that the
They claimed ownership of it by inheritance. defendant deprived him of such possession by means of force,
They also claimed that they had been in possession of the same from intimidation, threats, strategy, or stealth.
the time of their birth.
That Oscar had been residing on the property since 1967 as attested There is no question that Abad made an allegation in his complaint
to by a March 31, 2003 certification issued by Barangay Bahay Toro. that Oscar and Daisy forcibly entered the subject property.
The only issue is with respect to his allegation, citing such property as
While the defendants admitted that Daisy herself ceased to reside on one "of which they have complete physical and material possession of
the property as early as 1986, they pointed out that she did not the same until deprived thereof."
effectively give up her possession. Abad argues that this substantially alleges plaintiffsprior physical
Oscar and Daisy further claimed that when their parents were still possession of the property before the dispossession, sufficient to
alive, the latter mortgaged the property to a bank to secure a loan. confer on the MeTC jurisdiction over the action. The Court agrees.
After their mother passed away, they decided to lease portions of the The plaintiff in a forcible entry suit is not required to use in his
property to help pay the loan. Daisy managed the operation of the allegations the exact terminology employed by the rules.
boarding house. It is enough that the facts set up in the complaint show that
To bolster their claim, Oscar and Daisy presented copies of rental dispossession took place under the required conditions.
receipts going back from 2001 to 2003. They would not have been able
to lease the rooms unless they were in possession. It is of course not enough that the allegations of the complaint make
out a case for forcible entry.
Further, Oscar and Daisy asked the MeTC to dismiss the action on the The plaintiff must also be able to prove his allegations. He has to
ground of failure of Abad to show that he and his wife enjoyed prior prove that he had prior physical possessionfor this gives him the
physical possession of the property, an essential requisite in forcible security that entitles him to remain in the property until a person with a
entry cases. better right lawfully ejects him.
Abad's allegation that he and his wife immediately leased the
property after they bought it was proof that they were never in Here, evidently, the Abads did not take physical possession of the
possession of it for any length of time. property after buying the same since they immediately rented it to
Teresita who had already been using the property as a boarding house.
The MeTC rendered a decision in favor of Abad, stating that Oscar and Abad claims that their renting it to Teresita was an act of ownership
Daisy could not acquire ownership of the property since it was that amounted to their acquiring full physical possession of the same.
And, as owner, Abad was entitled to possession. But the Abad's lease agreement with Teresita began only in September
Disagreeing with the MeTC, Oscar and Daisy went up to the Regional Oscar and Daisy, on the other hand, have proved that they had been
Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City. renting spaces in the property as early as 2001 as evidenced by
The RTC affirmed the decision of the MeTC in its totality. receipts that they issued to their lessees.
It held that Oscar and Daisy could no longer impugn the jurisdiction This was long before they supposedly entered the property, using
of the MeTC over the action since they raised the ground of Abad's force, in 2002.
Of course, Abad pointed out that the cited receipts covered rents in a changed their cause of action from unlawful detainer to recovery of
place called "D's Condominium" in Sampaloc, Manila, and were only possession which fell outside the jurisdiction of the MTC.Further, since
made to appear through handwritten notations that they were issued the amendment introduced a new cause of action, its filing on August
for rooms in the property subject of the suit. 5, 2003 marked the passage of the one year limit from demand
But a close examination of the receipts shows that "D's required in ejectment suits.
Condominium" was just the name that Daisy employed in her business
of renting rooms. The receipts did not necessarily describe another ISSUES:
Indeed, they provided blank spaces for describing as the subject of 1. Whether or not the amended complaint changed the cause of
rent the property subject of this case. action
And, except for Abad's bare claim that Teresita and his sons had long 2. Whether or not the action is within the jurisdiction of the MTC
been in possession before they sold it to him and his wife, he offered
no evidence to show that this was in fact the case. HELD:

The petition is granted.

REMEDIAL LAW: Effect of amendment of the complaint; nature of the
Abad failed toprove that he enjoyed prior physical possession of the action.
property in question.
First issue: To determine if an amendment introduces a different cause
Finally, Abad argued that with the title to the property in his name, he of action, the test is whether such amendment now requires the
has in his favor the right to the actual, physical, exclusive, continuous, defendant to answer for a liability or obligation which is completely
and peaceful possession of the same. different from that stated in the original complaint.
He pointed out that his possession de facto began from the time of
the signing and notarization of the deed of absolute sale, becoming de Here, both the original and the amended complaint have identical
jure once the title was issued in his name. allegations, and required Wilfredo to defend his possession based on
the allegation that he had stayed on the land after Emiliana left out of
It is of course true that a property owner has the right to exercise the the owners mere tolerance and that the latter had demanded that he
attributes of ownership, one of which is the right to possess the leave.It did not introduce a new cause of action.
property. But Abad is missing the point.
He is referring to possession flowing from ownership which is not in Second issue: Wilfredo points out that the MTC has no jurisdiction to
issue in this case. hear and decide the case since it involved tenancy relation under the
Possession in forcible entry cases means nothing more than physical DARABs jurisdiction. But jurisdiction over the subject matter of the
possession or possession de facto, not legal possession in the sense action is determined by the allegations of the complaint. The records
contemplated in civil law. Only prior physical possession, not title, is the show that Wilfredo failed to substantiate his claim that he was a tenant
issue. of the land.

For these reasons, the Court finds that Servillano utterly failed to prove Second, the Court ruled that this is not an action for forcible entry,
prior physical possession in his favor. since the complaint contained no allegation that the Dionisios were in
The absence of prior physical possession by the plaintiff in a forcible possession of the property before Wilfredo occupied it either by force,
entry warrants the dismissal of the complaint. intimidation, threat, strategy, or stealth, an element of that kind of
eviction suit.

The Court ruled that this is an action for unlawful detainer: (1) the
#9 defendant has possession of property by contract with or by tolerance
of the plaintiff; (2) such possession became illegal upon plaintiffs notice
G.R. No. 178159 March 2, 2011 to defendant, terminating the latter's right of possession; (3) the
defendant remains in possession, depriving the plaintiff of the
enjoyment of his property; and (4) within a year from plaintiff's last
demand that defendant vacate the property, the plaintiff files a
complaint for ejectment. If the defendant had possession of the land
upon mere tolerance of the owner, such tolerance must be present at
the beginning of defendants possession.
Here, while there was no specific allegation of "tolerance" in the
FACTS: complaint, the Court concedes that the rules do not require the
plaintiff in an eviction suit to use the exact language of such rules.The
Gorgonio M. Cruz (Cruz) owned agricultural lands inSan Rafael, Dionisios alleged that Romualdo used to be the lands tenant and that
Bulacan, that his tenant, Romualdo San Mateo (Romualdo) when he died, the Dionisios allowed his widow, Emiliana, to stay under
cultivated.Upon Romualdos death, his widow, Emiliana, got Cruzs a promise that she would leave upon demand.These allegations clearly
permission to stay on the property provided she would vacate it upon imply the Dionisios "tolerance" of her (or any of her assignees).
demand.In September 1989, spouses Vicente and Anita Dionisio (the
Dionisios) bought the property from Cruz. In April 2002, the Dionisios Petition is GRANTED.
found out that Emiliana had left the property and that it was already
Wilfredo Linsangan (Wilfredo) who occupied it under the strength of a The decision of the CA is reversed and that of the MTC reinstated.
"Kasunduan ng Bilihan ng Karapatan" dated April 7, 1977. #10

The Dionisios, on April 22, 2002, demanded that Wilfredo vacate the G.R. No. 176341 July 7, 2014
land but the latter declined, prompting the Dionisios to file an eviction
suit against him before the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of San Rafael,
Bulacan.Wilfredo filed an answer with counterclaims in which he
declared that he had been a tenant of the land as early as 1977. At the
pre-trial, the Dionisios orally asked leave to amend their complaint.The
Dionisios filed their amended complaint on August 5, 2003; Wilfredo
maintained his original answer. DEL CASTILLO, J.:

The MTC ruled for the Dionisios and asked Wilfredo to vacate the DOCTRINE:
property and pay rent and costs. The RTC affirmed, adding that the The date of unlawful deprivation or withholding of possession is to be
action was one for forcible entry. The CA, however, reversed. The CA counted from the date of the demand to vacate.
held that, by amending their complaint, the Dionisios effectively
FACTS: Here, from the moment Pro-Guard started to occupy the unit
Manuel Torres, assigned three (3) parcels of land to Tormil Realty & in March 1994 up to November 15, 1998, the right of Pro-Guard to
Development Corporation located in Pasay City and all improvements possess the premises was not challenged. It was only after Tormil
thereon in exchange for shares of stock in the said corporation. prevailed over Manuel in its ownership of the same that it terminated
However, despite the assignment, title to the real properties remained Pro-Guards right to possess the unit it was occupying through a letter
in the name of Manuel Torres. Later on Manuel Torres unilaterally to vacate dated November 16, 1998. Hence, it is only from that point
revoked the assignment. that Tormil is considered to have withdrawn its tolerance of Pro-
Guards occupation. Conversely, Pro-Guards possession became
Subsequently, Manuel Torres and Edgardo Pabalan established Torres- unlawful at that same moment. This is supported by the allegation in
Pabalan Realty Incorporated. As part of his capital contribution, Manuel the complaint for ejectment that Tormil initiated the same not because
Torres, assigned the three (3) parcels of land to Torres-Pabalan Realty of non-payment of rentals, but because of withdrawal of tolerance.
Incorporated. Edgardo Palaban was then the General Manager and Tolerance or [t]oleration is defined as the act or practice of permitting
Administrator of Tormil Realty & Development Corporation and he or enduring something not wholly approved of, while tolerated acts
later on resigned. In 1985, the construction of the Torres Building on are those which by reason of neighborliness or familiarity, the owner
the land was completed and was rented out. of the property allows his neighbor or another person to do on the
property; they are generally those particular services or benefits which
In March 1987, Tormil filed a case with the SEC to compel Manuel ones property can give to another without material injury or prejudice
Torres to fulfil his obligation by turning over the documents necessary to the owner, who permits them out of friendship or courtesy.
to effect the registration and transfer of titles in the name of the
properties assigned to it by Manuel. With regard to the effects of withdrawal of tolerance, it is
settled that: A person who occupies the land of another at the latters
Edgardo was the Administrator of Torres-Pabalan Realty. He then set tolerance or permission, without any contract between them, is
up a law office together with Atty. Augustus Cesar Azura on the 2nd necessarily bound by an implied promise that he will vacate upon
floor of the building. Torres building was later then declared for tax demand, failing which a summary action for ejectment is the proper
purposes. remedy against him. His status is analogous to that of a lessee or
tenant whose term of lease has expired but whose occupancy
SEC, then made a decision in favour of Tormil which was later affirmed continued by tolerance of the owner.
by SEC EnBanc. Manuel appealed to the CA. During the pendency In such a case, the date of unlawful deprivation or withholding of
thereof, Pro-Guard entered into a lease contract with Edgardo for the possession is to be counted from the date of the demand to vacate.
lease of a unit at the 3rd floor of the building. In exchange for the rental
payments, Pro-Guard provided security services to Torres-Pabalan. Incidentally, Tormil mentioned that Pro-Guard is obliged to
consign the payment of rentals. One legal cause for consignation is
Then the CAs decision was released. CA ruled in favour or Tormil. when two or more persons claim the same right to collect. Various
claimants to a debtor's payment must have the appearance of a right
Tormil then sent letters to the law office and Pro-Guard to settle their to collect such that the debtor would have a reasonable doubt, not
accounts with the previous owner and enter into new lease contracts based on negligence, as to who is entitled to the payment.
with Tormil. Since Tormils letters were ignored, it sent demand letters
to vacate the premises and pay their rentals from the time they have The dispute regarding the validity of Manuel's assignment to
occupied the said rented units. Since, their letter was once again Tonnil of the realties was pending before the SEC, Tormil did not claim
unheeded, Tormil filed an ejectment suit with the MeTC against to Pro-Guard that it is the true owner of the premises. It neither sought
Edgardo and Augustus and Pro-Guard. payment of rentals which it now claims Pro-Guard should have
consigned during the pendency of its suit against Manuel.
Tormil averred that the occupancy by defendants of units in Torres
building was out of tolerance. As such, from the viewpoint of Pro-Guard, the lease contract
remained to be then between it and Torres-Pabalan.
Edgardo and Augustus disputed Tormils ownership of the parcels of The latter was occupying and running the building, as evidenced by
land where the building stands and asserted that Torres-Pabalan was several tax declarations in its name which, while not conclusive proofs
the owner of the same. It was also the onewho funded the buildings of ownership, nevertheless, are good indicia of possession in the
construction. Unfortunately, its tax declarations over the building were concept of owner.
surreptitiously and unlawfully cancelled on the sole basis of the SEC
Case. Pro-Guard, for its part, claimed that it was paying rentals to the Moreover, Edgardo, who claimed to act on behalf of Torres-
owner, Torres-Pabalan, in the form of security services provided to the Pabalan, administered the premises. Pro-Guard is not permitted to
latter. It likewise called attention to the fact that it was no longer in the deny the title of his landlord at the time of the commencement of the
premises as Tormil forcibly ousted it therefrom. relation of landlord and tenant between them.

MeTC ruled in favour of Tormil. RTC affirmed MeTC ruling. CA likewise Pro-Guard is ordered to pay reasonable and fair rentals
affirmed the decision. All the courts have ruled that Tormil have beginning Nov. 16, 1998 up to the time that the premises are fully
sufficiently proved its entitlement to possession of the property. What vacated.
is left is the determination of the reckoning point when Pro-guard and
Edgardo and Augustus will pay the rentals. #11

ISSUE: G.R. No. 127850 January 26, 1998

When is the reckoning point of payment of the rentals, is it from the
time of occupation of the property or at the time of demand?
HELD: ARCAL, petitioners,
While indeed Tormil, as the victor in the unlawful detainer COURT OF APPEALS, DANILO BUCAL, COSTAN & LETTY RICAFRENTE,
suit, is entitled to the fair rental value for the use and occupation of the RENIE & CENY RICAFRENTE, SANCHO and LANIE RICAFRENTE, CORA
unit in the building, such compensation should not be reckoned from GONEZ, SOLLY GONEZ, ENIE and FLORIDA RICAFRENTE, CARMEN
the time Pro-Guard began to occupy the same, but from the time of TAMBOC, BOY AGUILAR, NORMING ARCAL, NORA and ALEX BOCITA,
In unlawful detainer cases, the defendant is necessarily in LIZA ARGUSON, ACION ARGUSON, BALENG and FELY ARGUSON,
prior lawful possession of the property but his possession eventually FIDENG and CILENG MURANIA, ROSIE and ALDO CALAGO, ENGAY and
becomes unlawful upon termination or expiration of his right to SHIRLEY RICAFRENTE, NENITA and NARSING AGUILAR, ODIE DOZA,
possess. In other words, the entry is legal but the possession thereafter NENENG and RAMON LUNGCAY, TISAY and ABET DONES, YOLLY and
became illegal. Additionally, the Rules of Court requires the filing of ED PAULINO, ERIC and JENNIFER PAULINO, CHARLIE PANGANIBAN,
such action within a year after the withholding of possession meaning DELIA and PATRICIO BUEZA, ELLEN DUEZA, BERTING and NORMA
that if the dispossession has not lasted for more than one year, [then] BUEZA, ALICE and PILO RICAFRENTE, DELLY and FREDO NUNEZ,
an ejectment proceeding (in this case unlawful detainer) is proper. ANDRO and ELLEN JIMENEZ, CRISELDA and GORIO CLARETE, NENA
RESTIE REYES, SONNY and DONG REYES, and WALLY and DAISY The filing of the first ejectments case signified that petitioners sought
REYES, respondents. the ouster of private respondents from

KAPUNAN, J.: possession of the property. Proceeding in the case were suspended
with the filing for Annulment of Title with Reconveyance and
FACTS: Damages by Lucio Arvisu and several of private respondents. The first
ejectment case was eventually dismissed and the judgment of dismissal
attained finality. The ejectment case was later resolved in favor of
Petitioner filed a complaint for unlawful detainer before the MTC of petitioners, but on appeal, the case was dismissed without prejudice to
Tanza, Cavite against private respondents as defendants. Subject of the the filing of the proper action after the prejudicial question in the
complaint was a 21,435 square meter parcel of land in Sta. Cruz de second case filed by Lucio Arvisu against petitioners.
Malabon Estate Subdivision, Cavite with title in the names of Maria,
Josefina, Marciana and Marcelina Arcal. It was alleged that defendants
occupied the subject land thru plaintiffs implied tolerance, or Because of the pendency of the cases involving ownership, the
permission but without contract with plaintiffs. From the dates of their proceedings in the first ejectment case were suspended. Petitioner
occupancy, plaintiffs did not collect any single centavo from could not but await the outcome of these case and preserve the status
defendants, nor the latter pay to plaintiffs any rental for their quo.
occupancy therein;
The rule is that a complaint for unlawful detainer must be filed within
Meanwhile, Lucio Arvisu and substantially all defendants filed with RTC one year from demand, demand being jurisdictional. This one-year
of Cavite, a civil case for Annulment of Title, with Reconveyance and period is counted from the last demand. An unlawful detainer suit
Damages against Salud Arcal Arbolante, Marcelina Arcal (deseased), involves solely the issue of physical or material possession over the
Maria Arcal, Josefina Arcal and Marciana Arcal. The said complaint was property or possession de facto, that is who between the plaintiff and
ordered to be dismissed by the trial court for failure to prosecute. An the defendant has a better right to possess the property in question. In
appeal was made to the Court and said appeal was considered the case at bar, petitioners complaint for unlawful detainer was
abandoned and dismissed. confined to recovery of de facto or physical possession of the property
and was resorted to after private respondents has indubitably failed in
their suit assailing petitioners right to ownership.
With regard to the ejectment suit filed by plaintiffs, except Virgilio
Arcal, MTC rendered a favorable judgment in favor of plaintiffs
ordering defendants among others, to vacate the property in question
and remove residential houses and improvements introduced therein
and return the possession thereof to plaintiffs. #12 NONE

On appeal with the RTC by defendants, the foregoing decision was G.R. No. 164277 October 8, 2014
reversed and set aside, and the said complaint for ejectment was
dismissed without prejudice to the filing of the proper action after the
prejudicial question is resolved in a fair and adversary proceeding. FE U. QUIJANO, Petitioner,
Several demands were made by plaintiffs for defendants to vacate the
premises in question, but they proved futile as they refused and failed,
and still refuse and fail to vacate the premises, to the damage and BERSAMIN, J.:
prejudice of plaintiffs.
#13 NONE
Private respondents failed to file their answer, prompting petitioners to
file a motion to render judgment. MTC held that petitioners are G.R. No. 204926 December 3, 2014
registered owners of the property and as much they have the right to
enjoy possession thereof. On appeal, RTC affirmed in toto the MTC's
decision. ANACLETO C. MANGASER, represented by his Attorney-in-fact
Private respondents filed a petition for review with CA. CA, ruled in
DIONISIO UGAY, Respondent.
favor of the private respondents.


Whether or not the complaint filed does not constitute an unlawful
detainer suit. (NO)
G.R. No. 203760 December 3, 2014

HOMER C. JAVIER, represented by his mother and natural
guardian, SUSAN G. CANENCIA, Petitioner,
CA made the conclusion that from the allegations in the complaint, it
can be gleaned that private respondents did not actually occupy the SUSAN LUMONTAD, Respondent.
subject property upon the tolerance of petitioners, as tolerance was
withdrawn when demands to vacate were made on private
respondents prior to the commencement of the ejectment case; PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
therefore, unlawful detainer is not the proper remedy. The SC
disagreed with CA.
The Facts
The rule is that possession by tolerance is lawful, but such possession In his forcible entry complaint, petitioner Homer C. Javier, represented
becomes unlawful upon demand to vacate made by the owner and the by his mother and natural guardian Susan G. Canencia, alleged that he
possessor by tolerance refuses to comply with such demand. A person is one of the sons of the late Vicente T. Javier (Vicente), who was the
who occupies the land of another at the latters tolerance or owner of a 360-square meter (sq. m.) parcel of land located at Corner
permission, without any contract between them, is necessarily bound Malaya and Gonzaga Streets, Barangay Dolores, Taytay Rizal (subject
by an implied promise that he will vacate upon demand, failing which, land). Petitioners family contented that since Javier was born, he has
a summary action for ejectment is the proper remedy against him. The lived in the residential house erected thereon. Upon Vicentes death,
unlawful deprivation or withholding of possession is to be counted petitioner, together with his mother, continued their possession over
from the date of the demand to vacate. the same. On March 26, 2007, despite the petitioners vigorous
objections, respondent Susan Lumontad gained entry into the subject
land and started to build a two (2)-storey building (subject building) on
a 150 sq. m. portion thereof. The dispute was submitted to barangay 2007), and "where" (a 150 sq. m. portion of the subject land) of the
conciliation but no amicable settlement was reached between the dispossession all appear on the face of the complaint.
parties.11 Thus, petitioner was constrained to file against respondent Hence, it was erroneous to conclude that petitioner only made a
the instant forcible entry complaint, averring, in addition to the general allegation that respondents entry in the premises was made by
foregoing, that reasonable compensation for the use and occupancy of means of force and intimidation47 and, consequently, that a forcible
the above-said portion may be fixed at 5,000.00 per month.12 entry case was not instituted before the MTC. Given that a forcible
In her Answer respondent admitted that during Vicentes lifetime, he entry complaint had been properly filed before the MTC, the CA thus
indeed was the owner and in physical possession of the subject land. erred in ordering the remand of the case to the RTC for trial on the
Nevertheless, she claimed to be the owner of the portion where the merits in an action for recovery of possession and ownership, otherwise
subject building was being constructed, as evidenced by TD No. 00-TY- known as an accion reivindicatoria,48 pursuant to Paragraph 2, Section
002-1303115 in her name.16 Hence, she took possession of the said 8, Rule 40 of the Rules of Court which reads:
portion not as aan illegal entrant but as its owner.17 WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. Accordingly, petitioner's forcible
The MTC Ruling entry complaint is DISMISSED for lack of merit.
MTC dismissed the complaint for want of cause of action and lack of
jurisdiction.19 SO ORDERED.
It was found that Vicente actually subdivided the subject land into two
(2) lots: the first lot, with an area of 187.20 sq. m., was given to
petitioner, while the second lot, with an area of 172.80 sq. m. and #15
where the subject building was erected, was given to one Anthony de
la Paz Javier (Anthony), son of Vicente by a previous failed marriage, G.R. No. 158231 June 19, 2007
but was eventually acquired by respondent from the latter through
sale.20 Based on this finding, the MTC concluded that petitioner had BABY ARLENE LARANO,* Petitioner,
no cause of action against respondent since she was merely exercising vs.
her rights asthe owner of the 172.80 sq. m. subdivided lot.21 SPS. ALFREDO CALENDACION and RAFAELA T.
Also, the MTC observed that petitioners complaint failed to aver the CALENDACION,** Respondents.
required jurisdictional facts as it merely contained a general allegation
that respondents entry into the disputed portion was made by means
of force and intimidation, without specifically stating how, when, and
where were such means employed. With such failure, the MTC
intimated that apetitioners remedy should either be an accion FACTS:
publiciana or an accion reivindicatoria instituted before the proper Petitioner owns a parcel of riceland situated
forum.22 Dissatisfied, petitioner appealed to the RTC. in Barangay Daniw, Municipality of Victoria, Laguna.
RTC reversed and set aside the MTC ruling, and ordered respondent to petitioner and respondents executed a Contract to Sell whereby
vacate the disputed portion and surrender possession thereof to the latter agreed to buy a 50,000-SQM portion of
petitioner. Likewise, it ordered respondent to pay petitioner the petitioner's riceland for P5Million, with P500K as down payment
amounts of P5,000.00 a month from March 2007, until she vacates said and the balance payable in nine installments of P500K each, until
portion, as reasonable compensation for its use and occupation, and September 2001.
P20,000.00 as attorneys fees, including costs of suit.24 Pending full payment of the purchase price, possession of
On the merits, the RTC found that petitioner, being the owner and the riceland was transferred to respondents under the
possessor of the property in question, has the right to be respected in CONDITION that they shall account for and deliver the
his possession and that respondent forcibly and unlawfully deprived harvest from said riceland to petitioner. However,
him of the same.27 RESPONDENTS FAILED TO PAY the installments and to
Unconvinced, respondent moved for reconsideration, which was account for and deliver the harvest from said riceland.
denied. Thus the petitioner filed an appeal before the CA. Petitioner sent a demand letter to vacate the riceland within 10
The CA Ruling days from receipt thereof, but the demand went unheeded.
Set aside the RTC ruling and remanded the case to the latter court for Consequently, she filed on an unlawful detainer case
trial on the merits.31 It held that the issue of possession of the subject respondents before the MTC.
land is intimately intertwined with the issue of ownership, such that the Respondents allege that: (a) a Contract to Sell was executed but
former issue cannot be determined without ruling on who really owns deny that it contains all the agreements of the parties; (b)
such land. Thus, it remanded the case to the RTC for trial on the merits petitioner has no cause of action because the 3-year period within
in the exercise of the latters original jurisdiction in an action for which to pay the purchase price has not yet lapsed; (c) MTC has
recovery of ownership and possession pursuant to Section 8 (2), Rule no jurisdiction over the case because the complaint failed to
40 of the Rules of Court. It further stated that petitioner was not able to allege that a demand to pay and to vacate the riceland was made
sufficiently establish that respondent employed force and intimidation upon them.
in entering the 172.80 sq. m. portion of the subject landas he failed to MTCS RULING: Vacate the premises and pay the amount of
demonstrate the factual circumstances that occurred during his P365K for the use and occupation of the property.
dispossession of said property.39 RTCS RULING: Upon appeal, RTC affirmed the decision and
The Issue Before the Court modified the amount to P400K.
Whether or not the CA correctly set aside the RTC Ruling and ordered CA RULING (PetRev): Set aside RTCs Decision and dismissed the
the remand of the case to the latter court for trial on the merits in an complaint for unlawful detainer. The CA nullified the proceedings
action for recovery of ownership and possession. before the MTC for want of jurisdiction on the ground that the
The Courts Ruling main issue extend beyond those commonly involved in
Although the Court finds that the complaint was indeed one for unlawful detainer suits, but one incapable of pecuniary
forcible entry, petitioners case nonetheless fails to impress on the estimation, placing it under the exclusive original jurisdiction
merits. of the RTC, not the MTC.
A. Nature of the Case: Forcible Entry. o According to CA, the issues in the case pertain to WON: (a)
The Court disagrees with the findings of both the MTC and the CA that there was a violation of the Contract to Sell; (b) such violation
the allegations in the petitioners complaint do not make a case for gives the petitioner the right to terminate the contract and
forcible entry but another action cognizable by the RTC.42 consequently, the right to recover possession and the value of
A plain reading of petitioners complaint shows that the required the harvest from the Riceland
jurisdictional averments, so as to demonstrate a cause of action for PETITIONERS CONTENTION: CA should have dismissed outright
forcible entry, have all been complied with. Said pleading alleges that the petition since it contains no verification as required by the
petitioner, as the original owners, i.e., Vicentes, successor-in-interest, Rules; and that the CA, in finding that the complaint before the
was in prior physical possession of the subject land but was eventually MTC was not one for unlawful detainer but for specific
dispossessed of a 150 sq. m. portion thereof on March 26, 2007 by performance, did not limit itself to the allegations in the
respondent who, through force and intimidation, gained entry into the complaint but resorted to unrestrained references, deductions
same and, thereafter, erected a building thereon. Clearly, with these and/or conjectures, unduly influenced by the allegations in the
details, the means by which petitioners dispossession was effected answer.
cannot be said to have been insufficiently alleged as mistakenly ruled RESPONDENTS CONTENTION: Verification is just a formal
by the MTC and later affirmed by the CA. The "how" (through unlawful requirement and petitioner waived her right to question the
entry and the construction of the subject building), "when" (March 26, defect when she failed to submit her comment; that the CA
correctly pointed out that the present case involves one that is WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The Decision dated May
incapable of pecuniary estimation since the crux of the matter is 13, 2003 of the CA is AFFIRMED
the rights of the parties based on the Contract to Sell.
ISSUE: Whether the complaint is one for unlawful detainer NO

RULING: The petition is bereft of merit. A.M. MTJ-96-1085. October 8, 1998

Jurisdiction in Ejectment Cases SALVACION P. ONQUIT, complainant, vs. JUDGE AURORA

Jurisdiction in ejectment cases is determined by the allegations BINAMIRA-PARCIA, and SHERIFF IV DANILO O.
pleaded in the complaint. It cannot be made to depend upon the MATIAS, Respondents.
defenses set up in the answer or pleadings filed by the defendant
and it cannot be made to depend on the exclusive QUISUMBING, J.:
characterization of the case by one of the parties.
The TEST FOR DETERMINING the sufficiency of those allegations
Facts: Respondent Judge was assigned a forcible entry case which the
is whether, admitting the facts alleged, the court can render a
valid judgment in accordance with the prayer of the plaintiff. The complainant and her two brothers were co-defendants. Complainant
facts upon which an action for unlawful detainer can be brought raised the issue of jurisdiction stating that said case falls within the
are specially mentioned in 1, Rule 70 (see ROC) exclusive jurisdiction of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
In UNLAWFUL DETAINER, the possession was originally lawful because it involves tenancy over an agricultural land. Respondent
but became unlawful by the expiration or termination of the right Judge denied all motions raised by defendants ruling that jurisdiction is
to possess. Hence, the issue of rightful possession is decisive
determined by the allegations in the complaint and not those raised by
because in such action, the defendant is in actual possession and
the plaintiffs cause of action is the termination of the defendants defendants. Moreover, according to respondent Judge, the claim
right to continue in possession. regarding the nature of the case at bar would not automatically divest
In present case, petitioner must comply with TWO REQUISITES the court its jurisdiction. Subsequently, the complainant raised to the
for the purpose of bringing an ejectment suit: (a) there must be Supreme Court a complaint against Respondent Judge, alleging the
failure to pay the installment due or comply with the she acted with grave abuse of discretion in that the land subject of the
conditions of the Contract to Sell; and (b) there must be forcible entry case is an agricultural riceland, thus, it is the
demand both to pay or to comply and vacate within the
Department of Agrarian Reform which has original and exclusive
periods specified in 2 of Rule 70 (15 days in case of land and 5
days in case of buildings). jurisdiction, and not the respondent Judge's court.
o FIRST REQUISITE: Refers to the existence of the cause of
action for unlawful detainer Issue: W/N the Respondent Judges Court had jurisdiction over the
o SECOND REQUISITE: Refers to the jurisdiction requirement of case
demand in order that said cause of action may be pursued.
BOTH DEMANDS to pay installment due or adhere to the terms Held: Yes. Well-settled is the principle that the courts shall not be
of the Contract to Sell and to vacate are necessary to make the divested of jurisdiction over a case merely by what is raised in the
vendee deforciant in order that an ejectment suit may be filed. It answer. What determines the nature of an action and a
is the vendor's demand for the vendee to vacate the premises
court's jurisdiction over it are the allegations set up by the plaintiff.
and the vendee's refusal to do so which makes unlawful the
Basic is the rule that the material averments in the complaint, which in
withholding of the possession. Such refusal violates the
vendor's right of possession giving rise to an action for this case is for ejectment, determine the jurisdiction of the court. And,
unlawful detainer. However, prior to the institution of such jurisprudence dictates that the court does not lose its jurisdiction over
action, a demand from the vendor to pay the installment due or an ejectment case by the simple expedient of a party raising as a
comply with the conditions of the Contract and to vacate the defense therein the alleged existence of a tenancy relationship
premises is required under the rule. between the parties. It is the duty of the court to receive evidence to
Thus, mere failure to pay the installment due or violation of the
determine the veracity of allegations of tenancy. In an Order of
terms of the Contract to Sell does not automatically render a
person's possession unlawful. The giving of such demand respondent Judge dated 09 February 1996, it was ruled that,
MUST be alleged in the complaint; otherwise, the MTC cannot considering the evidence presented, the land in question is an irrigated
acquire jurisdiction over the case. riceland, but not tenanted. This matter was even brought up on a
petition for certiorari with prohibition to the Regional Trial Court of
Complaint failed to Constitute a Case of Unlawful Detainer Ligao, Albay, but said petition was denied. These antecedents are
Petitioners allegations in the Complaint failed to constitute a case of
sufficient to convince us that the respondent Judge did not act with
unlawful detainer. Petitioner alleged that respondents had violated the
grave abuse of authority in assuming jurisdiction over the case filed in
terms of the Contract to Sell. However, the Complaint failed to state
that petitioner made demands upon respondents to comply with her sala.
the conditions of the contract. The 10-day period granted
respondents to vacate even fell short of the 15-day period mandated #17 NONE
by law. When the complaint does not satisfy the jurisdictional
requirements of a valid cause for unlawful detainer, the MTC does [G.R. No. 107741. October 18, 1996.]
not have jurisdiction to hear the case.
An allegation of a violation of a contract or agreement in BELLEZA, ROBERTO MALLARI, FELICIANO MALLARI, PESCASIO
a detainer suit may be proved by the presentation of competent DIMARUCUT, REYNALDO TIMBANG, ALFREDO SANTOS, FERERICO
evidence, upon which an MTC judge might make a finding to that SANTOS, LAMBERTO DANAN, JESUS CASTRO, VICTORINO TALA,
effect, but certainly, that court cannot declare and hold that the MARIANO SANTOS, IGNACIO CASTRO DE LA CRUZ, WILFREDO
contract is rescinded. The rescission of contract is a power vested in TAPALLA, REYNALDO OSBUAL, ANTONIO SANTOS, TEOFILO
the RTC. The rescission of the contract is the basis of and a condition MUNOZ, MANUEL NAGUIAT, FELICISIMO MACASPAC, ROMAN
precedent for the illegality of a party's possession of a piece of realty. BERNAL, JR., FAUSTINO PANGAN, FRANCISCO MACASPAC,
Without judicial intervention and determination, even a stipulation CARLITO AGUILUZ, FIDEL CASTRO, SALVADOR TALA, ROMEO
entitling one party to take possession of the land and building, in case TALA, LUCIANO MANLAPAZ, TOMAS PAULE, DANNY MANUEL,
the other party violates the contract, cannot confer upon the former BENIGNO PORTALES, CONRADO MALLARI, MARTA DANAN,
the right to take possession thereof, if that move is objected to. REGINA TIMBANG, CONCHITA VISDA, AMELIA ALFARO, VIOLETA
Clearly, the basic issue raised in the complaint of petitioner is not of PAULE, ROSITA BERNAL, GLORIA MALLARI, LILIA SERRANO,
possession but interpretation, enforcement and/or rescission of the NORMA CABUAN-BAUTISTA and ANITA MANGANTI, Petitioners,
contract, a matter that is beyond the jurisdiction of the MTC to hear v. THE COURT OF APPEALS, The Hon. CARLOS BARTOLO,
and determine. Municipal Judge of the Municipal Trial Court of Lubao, Pampanga,
MAJOR JESUS MANINANG (PNP), SPO3 CARLOS GUINTO (PNP), cause of action for unlawful detainer but rather accion publiciana,
SPO1 JESUS KABILANG (PNP), SPO4 EDGARDO LALIC (PNP) & which falls under the jurisdiction of the RTC
COURT, BRANCH 50, GUAGUA, PAMPANGA, Respondents. Issue: Whether or not MTC has jurisdiction to hear and decide the case
for ejectment.

ROMERO, J.: Ruling: YES

#18 It is hornbook law that jurisdiction is determined by the averments

in the complaint.
G.R. No. 142503 June 20, 2003
In the complaint for ejectment filed before the Hagonoy MTC, it was
ROMUALDO C. PEREZ, petitioner, alleged by plaintiff Cruz that defendant (now petitioner) Perez pleaded
vs. that he be allowed to construct his house as he had no other parcel of
APOLONIO CRUZ, respondent. land on which to build a house. The complaint further alleged that it
was by mere tolerance that Cruz, now respondent herein, allowed
Perez to occupy a small portion of the lot. Petitioner Perez constructed
his house without paying any rent for the reasonable use and
occupancy of said portion of Cruz's lot.
Taking the allegations in the complaint as basis, in our view, there

Cruz is the owner of Residential Lot No. 5095 declared in his is no doubt that the case is one for unlawful detainer. The
name as per Sworn Statement Index No. 14-0248-537, as Hagonoy MTC had the jurisdiction to hear and decide Civil Case
required by Sec. 6 of P.D. No. 464, as amended by P.D. No. No. 979.

Cruz averred that he inherited this lot from his mother,
Anent petitioner's claim that the issue is not one of mere possession
Salvestia Crisostomo who, in turn, acquired the same from
but rather of ownership, Dehesa v. Macalalag25 is instructive. For
herein petitioner Romualdo Perez, through a "Kasulatan ng
in Dehesa, we held that in ejectment cases, the defendant cannot
Bilihang Patuluyan."
deprive the court of jurisdiction by simply claiming ownership of the
Cruz claimed that Perez requested his permission to build his
property involved.
house on a small portion of said property, as Perez had
nowhere to erect his dwelling on. This request was granted,
as they are close relatives.6 When the defendant raises the defense of ownership in his
Unknown to Cruz, however, Perez filed an application for pleadings and the question of physical possession cannot be
issuance of title covering the subject land with the Land resolved without deciding the issue of ownership, the issue of
Management Section, Department of Environment and ownership shall be resolved only to determine the issue of
Natural Resources (DENR), Region III, San Fernando City, possession.26 Should the inferior court make any determination on
Pampanga. When Cruz learned of Perez's design, he the issue of ownership, the same shall not be conclusive and shall
immediately opposed the application. be without prejudice to the right of the parties to ventilate before
Accordingly, Cruz demanded that Perez remove his house the proper court their claims of ownership over the same land.
from the land and vacate the same. When petitioner failed to
heed the demand, respondent filed a complaint for unlawful #19
detainer against him.
Perez denied Cruz's ownership of the property. He claimed
G.R. No. 152423 December 15, 2010
to be owner of the lot in question, having inherited the same
from his grandmother. He asserted that he had been in
continuous possession for many years. SPOUSES MARCOS R. ESMAQUEL and VICTORIA
To support his claim, Perez presented Tax Declaration and SORDEVILLA, Petitioners,
official receipts of tax payments. Perez submitted that the vs.
MTC had no jurisdiction over Civil Case No. 979, as the issue MARIA COPRADA, Respondent.
involved was one of ownership, not mere possession, of the
land. PERALTA, J.:
On February 12, 1992, the MTC dismissed Civil Case No. 979
on the ground of want of jurisdiction, holding that the main
issue is one of ownership, not mere possession de facto. Cruz
appealed said decision to the RTC -Malolos
On February 24, 1997, spouses Esmaquel filed an ejectment case

Meanwhile, on March 31, 1992, the Regional Executive
against Coprada before the 2nd MCTC Laguna. Petitioners claimed that
Director of the DENR, Region III, disapproved the survey of
they are the registered owners of a parcel of land situated in San
Lot No. 50759, Cad. 304-D, submitted by Perez, thereby
Miguel, Majayja. In 1945, Coprada was able to persuade the petitioners
sustaining Cruz's opposition. Cruz was then directed to file
to allow her and her family to use and occupy the land for their
the appropriate public land application for the land subject
residence, under the condition that they will vacate the premises
of the controversy.10
should petitioners need to use the same. Coprada and her family were
On June 29, 1992, the RTC of Malolos, reversing the MTC
allowed to construct their residential house. Since then, the petitioners
ruling, and ordering the remand of the records of Civil Case
never made an attempt to drive them away out of pity, knowing that
No. 979, for trial on the merits.
respondent and her eight children have no other place to live in. the a
On remand, the MTC decided in favour of Cruz. On appeal by
few years later the financial condition of Copradas family, having
Perez, RTC reversed MTCs decision.
acquired her own residential house. This prompted petitioners to
RTC found that question of ownership was inextricably
institute an ejectment case against Coprada. Respondent avers that she
intertwined with the issue of possession. Since the issue of
had already acquired ownership over the contested lot when she orally
possession could not be resolved without first addressing the
purchased it. And further avers that the claim has already prescribed
question of ownership, Civil Case No. 979 should have been
and thus barred by laches.
On appeal by Cruz to the CA, CA ruled in favour of Cruz
MCTC ruled in favor of Coprada, thus the case was dismissed. On
(reversed and set aside RTC decision)
appeal to the RTC, the ruling of the MCTC was reversed. The CA
Hence, this appeal by Perez.
reversed the RTCs decision and reinstated the MCTCs ruling.

Petitioners argument: He contends that the alleged tolerance given ISSUE: Whether or not petitioners have a valid ground to evict
by respondent to him in occupying the land does not give rise to a respondent from the subject property.
HELD: Issue Special Order of Demolition, contending that Section 28 of RA
72791 was not complied with.
Palisoc filed a Motion Reiterating the Motion for Issuance of Special
As a registered owner, petitioner has a right to eject any person Order of Demolition. The RTC declared the decision denying
illegally occupying his property. This right is imprescriptible and can Bugarins appeal final and executory, and remanded the records of
never be barred by laches. the case to the MeTC without acting on the motions. Bugarin filed a
Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition before the CA on April 10,
In the present case, Coprada failed to present evidence to substantiate 2003. Bugarin contended that the RTC committed grave abuse of
her allegation that a portion of the land was sold to her in 1962. discretion in affirming the MeTC decision and insisted that the MeTC
Coprada's submission that there was an oral sale is a mere had no jurisdiction over the complaint.
The MeTC eventually issued the Special Order of Demolition.
On the other hand, it is undisputed that the subject property is covered
by a title, registered in the name of the petitioners. As against the ISSUE: Whether or not the MeTC properly ordered the demolition.
respondent's unproven claim that she acquired a portion of the
property from the petitioners by virtue of an oral sale, the Torrens title Bugarins position:
of petitioners must prevail. Petitioners' title over the subject property is (1) The MeTCs orders violated the mandatory requirements of RA 7279
evidence of their ownership thereof. It is a fundamental principle in since there was no 30-day notice prior to the date of eviction or
land registration that the certificate of title serves as evidence of an demolition and there had been no consultation on the matter of
indefeasible and incontrovertible title to the property in favor of the resettlement.
person whose name appears therein. Moreover, the age-old rule is that (2) There was neither relocation nor financial assistance given.
the person who has a Torrens title over a land is entitled to possession (3) The orders are patently unreasonable, impossible and in violation of
thereof. the law.

Further, Coprada's argument that petitioners are no longer the owners Palisocs position:
of a portion of the subject land because of the sale in her favor is a (1) RA 7279 is not applicable. There was no proof that Bugarin et al. are
collateral attack on the title of the petitioners, which is not allowed. The registered as eligible socialized housing program beneficiaries.
validity of petitioners' certificate of title cannot be attacked by (2) Even if RA 7279 was applicable, the required notices under the law
respondent in this case for ejectment. Under Section 48 of PD No. had already been complied with. Bugarin were already notified on
1529, a certificate of title shall not be subject to collateral attack. It March 7, 2003 of an impending demolition, when the writ of execution
cannot be altered, modified or canceled, except in a direct proceeding was served.
for that purpose in accordance with law. The issue of the validity of the
title of the petitioners can only be assailed in an action expressly HELD: YES, the MeTC orders were properly issued.
instituted for that purpose. Whether or not the respondent has the
right to claim ownership over the property is beyond the power of the A judgment in an ejectment case is immediately executory to avoid
trial court to determine in an action for unlawful detainer. further injustice to a lawful possessor, and the courts duty to order the
execution is practically ministerial. The defendant (Bugarin) may stay it
#20 only by: (1) perfecting an appeal; (2) filing a supersedeas bond; and (3)
making a periodic deposit of the rental or reasonable compensation for
the use and occupancy of the property during the pendency of the
G.R. No. 157985 December 2, 2005 appeal.

ZENAIDA BUGARIN, VIOLETA ABANO, LIZA ABAYATA, ANTONIO Once the RTC decides on the appeal, such decision is immediately
ALEGRE, REMEDIOS ALEGRE, CHRIS ANASCO, JEFFREY ARQUILLOS, executory, without prejudice to an appeal, via a petition for review,
LOURDES BAGARESE, EUGENIA BARAQUIL, PRECIOS BASOY, RANNY before the Court of Appeals or Supreme Court.
MARIE CORDOVA, ESPERANZE CORDOVA, EDWIN DEPETILLO, However, Bugarin failed to file a petition for review. Bugarin
ROMULO FERRY, LEONISA GABRIEL, MA. FE GABRIEL, SALOME received on March 12, 2003 the RTC decision denying their MR. They
CORDOVA, ELEN JACOB, JEREMIAS JACOB, OLIVIA LERIN, CRISELDA had until March 27, 2003 to file a petition for review before the CA.
MADEJA, JOMARI MANONG, NESTOR MANONG, VALENTIN MANONG, Instead, they filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition on April
SANCHO VILLAFUERTE, and FERNANDO YAMID, Petitioners, DOCTRINE! The remedy to obtain reversal or modification of the
vs. judgment on the merits in the instant case is appeal. This holds true
CECILIA B. PALISOC, MARINA B. MATA and REYNALDO T. even if the error ascribed to the court rendering the judgment is: (1) its
NEPOMUCENO, Respondents. lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter; (2) the exercise of power in
excess thereof; (3) or GADLEJ. The existence and availability of the right
QUISUMBING, J.: of appeal prohibits the resort to certiorari because one of the
requirements for the certiorari is that there should be no appeal.

FACTS: A complaint for ejectment was filed before the MeTC by Palisoc
Bugarins petition for certiorari before the CA was filed as a substitute
et al. (Palisoc) against Bugarin et al. (Bugarin). The MeTC declared
for the lost remedy of appeal. Certiorari is not and cannot be made a
Palisoc as the rightful possessors and ordered Bugarin to vacate the
substitute for an appeal where the latter remedy is available but
premises and pay Palisoc et al. the rentals.
was lost through fault or negligence. Thus, the filing of the petition
for certiorari did not prevent the RTC decision from becoming final and
Bugarin appealed to the RTC while Palisoc moved for execution
pending appeal. The RTC denied the appeal and affirmed the MeTC
decision. Bugarin filed a MR with Opposition to the Issuance of a Writ
The RTC acted correctly when it remanded the case to the MeTC. The
of Execution. The RTC denied the MR and granted Palisocs motion
MeTC cannot be faulted for issuing the order to enforce the RTC
for execution for failure of Bugarin to post a supersedeas bond or to
judgment. The orders also did not violate RA 7279. Under the said law,
pay the back rentals. This decision was received by Bugarin on March
eviction or demolition may be allowed when there is a court order for
12, 2003. A writ of execution pending appeal was issued.
eviction and demolition, as in the case at bar. Moreover, nothing is
shown on record that Bugarin et al. are underprivileged and homeless
Bugarin filed a Motion to Defer Implementation of the Writ of
citizens as defined in RA 7279. The procedure for the execution of the
Execution. Palisoc filed a Motion to Issue a Special Order of Demolition
eviction or demolition order under RA 7279 is not applicable.
since Bugarin refused to vacate the premises. The RTC deferred action
on the motions to allow Bugarin to exhaust legal remedies available to
them. Bugarin filed a Supplement to the Motion to Defer
Implementation of Writ of Execution and Opposition to Motion to
of encroachment, and also heard the testimony of the surveyor. The
Lastly, the order of demolition had already been executed. Bugarin had RTC then reversed the MTCs decision.
already vacated the area and Palisoc now possess the properties free
from all occupants, as evidenced by the sheriffs turn-over of Issue (1) Can RTC in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction conduct a
possession. Thus, the instant case before us has indeed become moot
relocation and verification survey of lot in question? (2) Was an action
and academic.
for unlawful detainer proper?

Ruling: The RTC, in an appeal of the judgment in an ejectment case,

shall not conduct a rehearing or trial de novo. In this connection,
#21 Section 18, Rule 70 of the Rules of Courtclearly provides:

G.R. No. 136274 September 3, 2003 Sec. 18. Judgment conclusive only on possession; not conclusive in
actions involving title or ownership.
FLORO ARAGAN, petitioners, xxxx
COURT OF APPEALS, HON. ACTING PRESIDING JUDGE LORIFEL The judgment or final order shall be appealable to the appropriate
LACAP PHIMNA, MeTC, Branch 77, Paraaque City and ELISA Regional Trial Court which shall decide the same on the basis of the
MAGLAQUI-CAPARAS, respondents.
entire record of the proceedings had in the court of origin and such
memoranda and/or briefs as may be submitted by the parties or
CORONA, J.: required by the Regional Trial Court. (7a)

In the case SUNFLOWER NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION vs. CA, et al., Hence, the RTC violated the foregoing rule by ordering the conduct of
GR 136274, September 3, 2003, although an ejectment suit is an the relocation and verification survey in aid of its appellate
action in personam wherein the judgment is binding only upon the jurisdiction and by hearing the testimony of the surveyor, for its doing
parties properly impleaded and given an opportunity to be heard, the so was tantamount to its holding of a trial de novo. The violation was
judgment becomes binding on anyone who has not been impleaded if accented by the fact that the RTC ultimately decided the appeal based
he or she is: on the survey and the surveyors testimony instead of the record of the
proceedings had in the court of origin.
#22 NONE
(2) CA correctly held that a boundary dispute must be resolved in the
G.R. No. 173616 June 25, 2014 context of accion reivindicatoria, not an ejectment case. The boundary
dispute is not about possession, but encroachment, that is, whether the
AIR TRANSPORTATION OFFICE (ATO), Petitioner, property claimed by the defendant formed part of the plaintiffs
vs. property. A boundary dispute cannot be settled summarily under Rule
HON. COURT OF APPEALS (NINETEENTH DIVISION) and BERNIE G. 70 of the Rules of Court, the proceedings under which are limited to
MIAQUE, Respondents.
unlawful detainer and forcible entry. In unlawful detainer, the
defendant unlawfully withholds the possession of the premises upon
the expiration or termination of his right to hold such possession under
any contract, express or implied. The defendants possession was lawful
#23 NONE at the beginning, becoming unlawful only because of the expiration or
G.R. No. 196219 July 30, 2014 termination of his right of possession. In forcible entry, the possession
of the defendant is illegal from the very beginning, and the issue
SPOUSES MAURICIO M. TABINO and LEONILA DELA CRUZ- centers on which between the plaintiff and the defendant had the prior
TABINO, Petitioners, possession de facto.
LAZARO M. TABINO, Respondent.
The MTC dismissed the action because it did not have jurisdiction over
the case. The dismissal was correct. It is fundamental that the
DEL CASTILLO, J.: allegations of the complaint and the character of the relief sought by
the complaint determine the nature of the action and the court that
#24 has jurisdiction over the action. To be clear, unlawful detainer is an
action filed by a lessor, vendor, vendee, or other person against whom
G.R. No. 156995 January 12, 2015 the possession of any land or building is unlawfully withheld after the
expiration or termination of the right to hold possession by virtue of
RUBEN MANALANG, CARLOS MANALANG, CONCEPCION any contract, express or implied.
However, the allegations of the petitioners complaint did not show
that they had permitted or tolerated the occupation of the portion of
their property by the respondents; or how the respondents entry had
been effected, or how and when the dispossession by the respondents
had started. All that the petitioners alleged was the respondents
Facts: Petitioners were co-owners for lot in question and caused a
illegal use and occupation of the property. As such, the action was
relocation and verification survey which showed that respondents had
not unlawful detainer.
encroached on a portion of said lot. When the respondents refused to
vacate the encroached portion and to surrender peaceful possession
thereof despite demands, the petitioners commenced this action for
unlawful detainer.
#25 NONE
MTC dismissed on the ground of lack of jurisdiction. RTC reversed the
decision of the MTC and remanded case on appeal. MTC ultimately January 27, 2016
dismissed case. Another appeal to RTC was made. RTC ordered the
petitioners to conduct a relocation survey to determine their allegation G.R. No. 217694
FAIRLAND KNITCRAFT CORPORATION, Petitioner, discovery of their entry into the subject premises will not and cannot
vs. automatically create an action for unlawful detainer. It must be stressed
ARTURO LOO PO, Respondent. that the defendants possession in unlawful detainer is originally legal
but simply became illegal due to the expiration or termination of the
MENDOZA, J.: right to possess. The plaintiffs supposed acts of tolerance must have
been present right from the start of possession. Otherwise, if it was
#26 unlawful from the start it is actionable for forcible entry. Filing for
unlawful detainer would be an improper remedy.
G.R. No. 203075, March 16, 2016
In this instant case, the failure of petitioners to allege the key
MILAGROS DIAZ, EDUARDO Q. CATACUTAN, DANTE Q. CATACUTAN, jurisdictional facts constitutive of unlawful detainer is fatal. Since the
jurisdictional requirement of a valid cause for unlawful detainer was not
met, the MCTC failed to acquire jurisdiction over the case. A void
judgment for lack of jurisdiction is no judgment at all. Petitioners may
be the lawful possessors of the subject property, but they unfortunately
availed of the wrong remedy to recover possession. Nevertheless, they
may still opt to file an accion publicianaor accion reivindicatoria with
the proper RTC.

Petitioners alleged that their mother, Rufina Vda. De

This petition is DENIED. The Decision of the Court of
Catacutan, who died on November 17, 2005, had acquired a parcel of
Appeals; dated February 17, 2012, and Resolution dated July 25, 2012,
land in Mapanique, Candaba, Pampanga, consisting of 3, 272 square
meters. They contended that respondent spouses Punzalan
constructed their house on a portion of said lot without their consent
and knowledge. But petitioners allowed them to stay, thinking that #27 NONE
they would vacate once their need for the property arises. However,
when they made a demand, the Spouses Punzalan refused to vacate. G.R. No. 191527, August 22, 2016
Thus, on April 9, 2008, petitioners wrote the spouses a formal demand
letter to vacate. Still they refused to leave the property. On August 22, BALIBAGO FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, INC. AND PHILIPPINE BAPTIST
2008, petitioners filed a Complaint for Unlawful Detainer with the S.B.C., INC., Petitioners, v. FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS BAPTIST CHURCH,

The MCTC then rendered a Decision on June 22, 2009, in PERALTA, J.:

favor of the plaintiffs. The defendants were ordered to vacate and

surrender its possession to the plaintiffs. #28 NONE

The Spouses Punzalan brought the case to the RTC. The RTC January 18, 2017
also then affirmed the MCTC Decision in toto. Aggrieved, the Spouses
Punzalan forwarded the cases to the Court of Appeals. On February 17, G.R. No. 221071
2012, the CA reversed the RTC. The CA dismissed the case for lack of
jurisdiction. EDDIE E. DIZON and BRYAN R. DIZON, Petitioners,
The petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration but was YOLANDA VIDA P. BELTRAN, Respondent.
denied hence this petition. The petitioners insist that their complaint
causes an action for unlawful detainer which therefore gives the MCTC REYES, J.:


Whether or not the petitioners claim or cause of action is

one for unlawful detainer and not for forcible entry.


The Supreme Court disagrees. A complaint for unlawful

detainer should have the following: 1) the defendants initial possession
of the property was lawful; 2) that such possession became illegal; 3)
because they refused to vacate and as a result deprived the plaintiff of
the property; and 4) the plaintiff instituted the complaint for ejectment
within one (1) year from the last demand to vacate the property.

Despite the petitioners contention, the Supreme Court finds

that the allegations make up a case for forcible entry and not unlawful
detainer. The evidence clearly reveal that the spouses possession was
illegal at the inception and not merely tolerated. The Spouses Punzalan
started to occupy the lot and built a house in it without the permission
and consent of petitioners. This is categorized as possession by stealth
which is forcible entry.

In the similar case of Zacarias vs Anacay, the fact that

petitioners actually tolerated the spouses continued occupation after

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