Day 5

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Preparedness: How does the teacher make sure the students are
prepared for the day?

The wonderful thing the teacher do to know if the children prepared for
the day or not, she uses a website.

Pace and flow: How does s/he make sure all students are involved and

-She asks each children different questions to make them involved.

Transitions: How does s/he get student attention? Keep their attention
and move to the next task?

the teacher uses a wonderful way to get student attention, she says for
the children "if any one listening to me put your hand in your head"
then all the children put their hand on their head that make the children
be quite and listen to teacher.

Behavior: How does s/he deal with misbehavior?

The teacher has three color paper in the wall (red, yellow, green) the
children who be misbehave she put her name in yellow paper she gives her
warning if he doesnt lesson she put the child name in red paper that mean he
dont play with the other children.

Encouragement: How does s/he interact with students/as a

group/individually e.g. praise, self-confidence, humor, support

When the teacher takes one group she gives them a worksheet each child
she interacts with him in differently way she praises each child and make
other children clap for her.

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