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Tic Tac Tomework

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Due: _______________

Article: There Are Not as Many Walrus in Alaska for People to Eat, by Associated Press, adapted by
Newsela staff (09/14/2015)

Grade Level: 7th Grade

Standard: Concept 1: Observations, Questions, and Hypotheses Observe, ask questions, and make
predictions. PO 1. Formulate relevant questions about the properties of objects, organisms, and
events in the environment. (See M02-S2C1-01)

Instructions: Complete at least 3 boxes in a row (horizontally, vertically, diagonally) and mark those with a
pen or sticker when you have completed each box. Everyone must do the center square! SCN 400 students:
for the purpose of this assignment, fill in all NINE squares. The previous instructions in black are to show you
how this worksheet can be used in a classroom.

Write an original assignment Write an original assignment Write an original assignment

prompt here. Use a Blooms prompt here. Use a Blooms prompt here. Use a Blooms
Taxonomy Key Word. Taxonomy Key Word. Taxonomy Key Word.
To find the cause(s) that
about Native Alaskans do not To explain why Alaska has To list 3- 5 things that you
buy much food in stores even many walruses swim away. learn from this article.
they are hunger.

Write an original assignment Write an original assignment Write an original assignment

prompt here. Use a Blooms prompt here. Use a Blooms prompt here. Use a Blooms
Taxonomy Key Word. Taxonomy Key Word. Taxonomy Key Word.
Why do not the native Do you agree or disagree To write a summary for this
Alaskans have enough global warming bring big article.
walruses to eat? problems to Native Alaskans,
and why?

Write an original assignment Write an original assignment Write an original assignment

prompt here. Use a Blooms prompt here. Use a Blooms prompt here. Use a Blooms
Taxonomy Key Word. Taxonomy Key Word. Taxonomy Key Word.
How do we know walruses What are the main points of .
are very important in native this article? What happen will Native
Alaskans life? Alaskans get if the most
walruses are leave?

My work has been completed, reviewed, and corrected.

Students signature: ________________________________________ Parents signature: _______________________________________

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