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Biomechanics application of mechanics to the living human body Intro

Dynamics system is a multi-disciplinary field of study that incorporates exercise physiology, nutrition,
Kinetics deals with force which produce, arrest or modify motion of bodies. Force is a biochemistry, integrative physiology, and cell/molecular biology.
push or pull. *gravity *muscle contraction *externally applied resistance *friction Foods and beverages are composed of six nutrients that are vital to the human body for
Kinematics describing movements with respect to the time and space producing energy, contributing to the growth and development of tissues, regulating body
Force system processes, and preventing deficiency and degenerative disease.
Identification of all the forces acting on an object Essential Nutrients
Linear Force system all force are in the same line The six nutrients are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
Lever rigid body that can rotate about a fixed point when a force ios applied (bones) Carbohydrates
Axis fixed point about which the lever rotates the primary fuel for most types of exercise and the most important nutrient for athletic
Weight resistance that must be overcome performance
Force usually muscular contraction in the human body Carbo should be eaten at all meals and before and after exercise.
Weight Arm (resistance) distance between the fulcrum and the weight Low-carbo diets are NOT appropriate for athletes.
Force Arm distance between the fulcrum and the force Recommended level 7-10 g/Kg per day
Types of motion Carbo should be eaten 2/3 of your plates
Linear Translation all parts travel the same distance in the same time along the same i.e, bread, rice, pasta, cereals, crackers, fruits, juices, vegetables dried beans.
path. Proteins
Angular motion Parts rotates around an axis rotation. used for building and repairing muscles, red blood cells, hair and tissues
General Motion most movements are likely a combination of both linear and angular used for energy when carbo are not available
motions. proteins from food or a protein supplement acts the same in the body
Measure in Biomechanics food is easiest, most effective and least costly way to meet proteins needs
Displacement Distance (m) recommended level 1.2 1.8 g/Kg per day
Velocity - displacement / time (m/s) Athletes got enough proteins for muscle growth and repair in an average mixed diets
Acceleration Velocity /Time (m/s2) extra proteins not needed by the body is burned for energy or stored as fats.
Momentum P = m * v (kgm/s2) Athletes need slightly higher than non-athletes, research shows that most athletes can
Kinetics Inertia a body resistance to being moved. Force - a push or pulling action eats enough proteins without using supplements or following a high-proteins diet
on the body i.e. meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, nuts, tofu, and beans.
Newtons Law Fats
First Law(inertia) a body continues in the state of rest or uniform motion until acted upon helps sustain prolonged exercise
by an external force of sufficient magnitude to disturb its current state source id stored energy, burned mostly during low-level activity and when other sources
First class the fulcrum is between the load and the effort are not available.
Second class the load is between the fulcrum and the effort Fat should comprised no more that 20 -25% of our total calories
Third class the effort is applied between the fulcrum and the load Healthier fat choices ; nuts, seeds, olive oil, canola oil, fish, avocados, and olives
Second law (acceleration or F = ma) the acceleration of the body is proportional to the Vitamins and Minerals
force exerted on it and inversely proportional to its mass Needed to regulate processes in the body used to utilize energy from carbo, proteins,
Third Law(action reaction) every action has an equal and opposite reaction (important and fats
for conservation of momentum) Calcium build bones, length and strength
Help your muscles contract and nerves function
Kinematics chains a linkage of rigid body. A set of two adjacent links connected with one i.e. dairy products, calcium-fortifies, orange juice, dark green vegetables, dried legumes.
joint is called kinetic pair. Kinetic chain is either serial or branched (simple or complex) Iron aids in energy metabolism
Deficiency can lead to weakness and reduced resistance to infection
Compound Movement (multi-joints) overall movement is due to several joints working i.e. meats, eggs, legumes, whole grains, green leafy vegetables.
together (i.e. tricepts dumbbell kickback or bench press) Vitamin C increases the body abilities to absorb iron.
Single Joint Movement several movement is due to one joint moving about an axis (i.e. biceps Hydration
curl muscle extension or lateral.) Athletes need to be hydrated before, during, and after practice and competition to
achieve optimal performance.
Closed Chain movement of one joint will produce predictable motion at another joint. (i.e Early fatigue is a sign of dehydration and thirst is not an adequate indicator of fluid needs
barbell squat) a joint and hips that moves together Athletes need 11-14 cups of totals fluid perday
Open Chain compound or single joint movement where the movement of one joint do not Before exercise : 12 -24 oz pf fluids prior 2 hours before exercise and 15 minutes before
require the movement of another joint.(i.e. dumbbell bench press) activity by drinking another 8oz of water
During exercise : 8 1- oz of zold water every 15 minutes
Quantity of Motion After exercise : drink 2 cups of water every 1 pound of sweat lost.
Angular Motion measure in degree Benefits of water
Translatory Motion measure in linear distance Athletes lose concentration, coordination and endurance capacity when they dont
Circular abd Translatory Motion replace water lost from sweat
o Torque Water helps regulate body temperature
Turning effect of the body measured as the product of force and moment arm Helps maintain proper muscle tone by giving muscles their natural ability to contract
length (e.g. changing tires) and by preventing dehydration
The greater the distance from the axis the greater the change in rotational motion Rids the body of excess salt and other wastes.
that will be produced by a given Force Up fluid intake
= Drink on schedule, not just when you are thirsty.
F = force applied to the lever Gulps are better than sips to increase your fluid intake
d = distance between force applied and the axis Try to avoid caffeine, carbonation and fruit juice just prior to exercise
*beverage that contain alcohol are diuretics and cause water loss.
Alcohol has a negative effect on all physical activity. This include practicing, lifting,
condition sessions and games
Depletes vitamin and mineral stores
Cause stomach ulcers
Destroy brain and liver cells
NO upside to drinking alcohol

Recognition and Referral of an Athlete with an Eating Problems

Nutrition break Down Be able to recognizer the physical and psychological signs and symptoms of these
Rich in carbo (60%) conditions
Moderate in protiens (15-20%) If you suspect an eating disorder, make a referral to a specialist in the area.
Low in fats Making Referral
Ergogenics Aids The person who has the rapport with the individual should schedule a private meeting to
Potential to increase work output discuss the matter
Can be dangerous to your health now and later Emphasize feelings rather than directly focusing on eating behavior
No scientific evidence for many of the claim Be supportive and keep all information confidential
May have unknown, serious side effects Make a referral to a specific clinic or person
Placebo effects Physical Sign of Eating Disorder
Common Sports Nutrition Mistakes o Weight too low
o Considerable weight loss
Lack of adequate carbo intake during and after workouts
o Extreme weigh fluctuations
Lack of an adequate post workout recovery drink containing essential nutrients
o Bloating
Lack of proper multivitamin and antioxidant supplementation
o Swollen salivary glands
Not using safe, performance enchancing nutrients during training and racing season. o Amenorrhea
Post-exercise Meals o Carotinemia yellowish palms or soles of feet
recent research shows that carbo and protiens eaten within 30 minutes of a workout o Sores or callohouse on knuckles or back hand from inducing vomiting
is an effrective time to restore amino acids and carbo in the muscles, preparing o Hypoglycemia low blood sugar
athletes for the nect workout o Muscle cramps
Restore muscle and liver glycogen to minimize fatigue. o Stomach complains
Goal carbo intake within 30 minutes of exercise and another high carbo meal/snack o Headaches, dizziness or weakness from electrolytes disturbance
2 hours later o Numbness and tingling in limbs due to electrolyte disturbance
Intake od 0.5grams of carbo per pound body weigh o Stress fructures
Include some proteins in post-exercise meals Psychological-Behavior Sign of Eating Behavior
How many calories do I need? Excessive dieting
You need suffiocient calories to fuel your body and perform at your best\ Excessive eating without weigh gain
Most athletes underestimate their calories needed Excessive exercise that is not part of normal training program
Calorie Formulae Body weight (in pounds) x 23 calories Guilt about eating
The only nutrients that provide calories are carbo, protiens and fats. Calims of feeling fat at normal weigh despite reassurance from others
Addictive and Unhealthy Behavior Preoccupation with food
Avoidance of eating in public and denial of hunger
Anorexia Nervosa
Hoarding food
Disappearing after meals
A psychological disease characterized by an intense fear of becoming obese, a disturbed body
Frequent weighing
image, a significant weigh loss, the refusal to maintain normal body weight, and amenorrhea
Binge eating
Evidence of self-induced vomiting
Use of drugs such as diet pills, laxavatives and diuretics to control weight
Weight loss to 15% below normal
Dos and Donts for Dealing with Eating Disorder
Intense fear of gaining weight or being fat, despite being underweight
DO get help and advice from the specialist
Disturbance in ones experience of body weight, size and shape
DO be supportive and emphatics
Females: absence of at least three consecutive expected menstrual cycle.
DO express concern about general feeling, not specifically about wright
DO make referrals to a specific person and when possible, make appointment for them.
DO emphasizes the importance of long term good nutrition
DO provide information about eating disorder.
An episodic eating pattern of uncontrolled food bingeing followed by purging; it is characterized
DONT ask the athlete to leave team or curtail participation, unless so instructed by a
by an awareness that the pattern is abnormal, fear of being unable to stop eating voluntarily,
depresses mood, and self-deprecation
DONT recommend weight loss and gain
DONT hold team weigh-ins
DONT single out ot treat the individual unlike other participant.
Recurrent binge eating
DONT talk about the problem with nonprofessional who are not directly involve
A sense of lacking control over eating behavior during the binges
DONT demand the problem be stopped immediately
Engaging in regular self-induced vomiting, use of laxatives or diuretics, strict dieting
DONT make insensitive remarks or tease individuals regarding their weigh.
or fasting, or vigorous exercise in order to prevent weight gain
Average minimum of two-binge eating episodes a week for three month.
Preventing Eating Disorders in Athletes and Coaches
Consistent over concern with body shape and weight
Promote proper nutrition practices
Focus on fitness, not body weight
Prevalance of Eating Disorder
Be sensitive to weight issues
Accurate assessment is difficult to achieve because of the secretive nature of the order
Promote healthy management of weight.
Substance Abuse
- A maladaptive pattern of psychoactive substance use to indicate by one of
Athletes appear to have a greater occurrence of eating-related problems than does the
the following
general population
a) Continued use despite knowledge of having a persistant or recurring social, occupational,
A significant percentage of athletes engage in pathogenic eating or weight-loss
psychological, physical problem that is caused or exacerbated by use of the psychoactive
behavior (e.g. bingeing, fasting), although subclinical is intensity
Eating disorder and phatogenic wight-loss techniques tend to have a sport-specific
b) Recurrent use in situation in which the use is physically hazardous (e.g. driving)
prevelance (e.g. among archers and wrestler.)

Predisposing Factors
Weight restriction and standards
Coach and peer pressure
Performance demands
Judging critirea

Drug Addition SPORT INJURY
- A state where both discontinuing or continuing or continuous use of a drug Sprain
creates an overwhelming desire, need, and craving for more of the substance Stretch or tear to a ligament
Prevalence of Stance Abuse in Sports Symptom: include pain, swelling, bruising and restriction of movement in the affected
- Accurate assessment is difficult to achieve because of the sensitive and area
personal nature of the problems. Sprain are common injuries in many sports and can be treated with rest and anti-
- Most studies have focused on alcohol and steroids use: inflammatory medication if necessary.
a) Alcohol use; 55% of high school athletes ; 87% - 88% of college athletes Strain
b) Performance-enhancing drugs: 5% of high school and college athletes report using A sprain is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon. Its caused by overstretching or
them ( 40% - 60% among elite athletes) over-contracting a muscle
Why Athletes Taking Drugs? Symptoms include pain, muscles spasm and loss of strength in the muscle.
Physical Starins are common injuries in many sports, particularly those that involve running,
Enhance performance jumping or rapid changes if direction.
Rehabilitate injury Tennis Elbow
Look better Tennis elbow is due to repetitive movement of the muscle in the lower arms
Control appetite and lose weight. Symptoms include swelling around the outer edge of the elbow (because tendon is
Psychological inflamed), tenderness around the elbow and pain during movement of the elbow.
Escapes from unpleasant emotions or stress Can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, an elbow splint to support the arm, or a
Build confidence or enhance self-esteem cortisone injection.
Seek thrills. Golfer Elbow
Social This condition has similar symptoms to tennis elbow, with the difference that the
Peer pressure swelling appears on the inside of the elbows due to the difference in arm movement
Emulating athletics heroes during sport.
Major Categories of Performing-Enhancing Drugs Runners Knee
Stimulants This is swelling at the back od the kneecap(chondromalacia) and can cause a grating
Narcotic analgesics sensation in the knee
Anabolic steroids Runners knee is due to repeated impact through running on hard surface.
Beta-blockers Blister
Diuretics Caused by friction on soft skin, blister are small swellings filled with serum, which
Peptide hormones and analogues come from the blood.
Common Side Effects Blister are a common minor injury for the athletes who take part in prolonged sports,
Mood swing such as long0distance running or football.
Distorted vision Rowers often develop blister on the palms of their hands.
Decrease reaction time Head Injuries
Blood pressure change. Many athletes receive blows to the head during contact sports such as rugby, martial
Preventing and Detecting Substance Abuse arts, ice hockey, and football
- Only specially trained professionals work in drug treatment programs. This can cause concussion and even brain damage. Even is the nock is not severe
However, fitness professionals play a major role in prevention and detection enough to cause the skull to fracture, the brain bangs against skull and can be
Reducing the Probability of Substance Abuse(Prevention) damaged.
Provide a supportive environment (address the reasons that individuals take drugs) A knock to the head can cause symptoms such as loss of consciousness, light-
Educate participant about the effects of drug use headedness, dizziness, nausea and sickness
Inform participant of legal sanctions against drug use. These are sign of concussion and will need medical treatment.
Solicit information on your organizations drug use policy or initiate one Tendonitis
Set a good example. This is an uncomfortable condition caused by overuse, strain, or a tear in a tendon.
(detection) Symptoms include swelling, redness, and pain at the injured area, restricted
Change in behavior (lack of motivation, Tardiness, Absenteeism) movement of the area, and sometimes a change in appearance of the area, such as
Change in peer group lump or visible change in position of an affected limb.
Major change in personality Shin Splints
Major change in performance(academic or athletic) this is pain a;ong the shin bone
Apathetic or listless behavior caused by inflammation and tiny fractures (microfractures) in the surface of the
Impaired judgement bones.
Poor coordination Shin splint are common in any sport involving running and are usually caused by too
Poor hygiene and grooming much training too soon, although they can be caused by running on a hard surface or
Profuse sweating by running in shoes that do not have enough support for the foot and ankle.
Muscular twitches or tremors
Gambling Causes of sports injury
Odds-on Favorite for trouble Not warming up properly
Compulsive gambling, despite its long history in competitive sports, is only now getting Not using equipment correctly
public attention Not taking the proper safety precautions for your sport
Gambling on sporting events is widespread. Children have even more risk of injury because they still in developing physically.
Prevalence Uses the repetitive and aggressive movement used in many sports.
1.5% of the U.S population are compulsive gamblers, 4.0% are prblems gamblers Prevention
6% - 8% of collage students are compulsive gamblers Warm up
Teenage gambling by high school students is thought to be widespread. Dont over do
Parental Reaction to Teen Gambling Wear suitable attire
Afraid; imagine organized crime Avoid dehydration
Think they cn handle it (most common reaction) Use the right technique
thanks god, its not drugs Use proper equipment
Characteristic of compulsive Gambler Wear protective gear
External competitiveness
Sign of Compulsive Gambling
Identification is next to impossible
Use Gamblers Anonymous 20 Questions for self-identification
Sport psychology professional should make referral when negative consequences

Warm up Sport and Exercise Phycology
The most important way to prevent sports injuries is to make sure that you have The scientific study of people and their behaviors in sport and exercise activities and the practical
completed an adequate warm-up session before taking part in sports activity applications of that knowledge.
Warming-up involve exercising muscles for a few minutes at a relaxed pace
Start with some gentle exercise such as walking or slow jogging , followed by some Introduction
gentle stretches Sport Phychology - understanding mental factors that affect
This will increase blood flow to your muscles and make them more flexible, reducing - Performance
the risk of muscles strains - Physical activity
- Exercise
Cool down - Teamwork
When youve finished exercising make sure you take time to cool down properly with To enhanced individual and team Performance
5 10 minutes of jogging or walking.
Deals with - managing emotion the minimizing psychological effect of injury and poor
A gentle cool down will help with the removal pf waste products from the muscles
you have used and their replacement nutrients and oxygen.
Skill Involved
This should leave you with less muscle stiffness and soreness after your exercise.
Goal setting
Treating sports Injury Visualization
Primary Treatment; R.I.C.E. Self talk
i. Rest two days ( 48 hours ) of rest is recommended Awareness
ii. Ice apply ice pack to the area for between 10 30 minutes. The ice must not touch Control
the skin directly as this may cause cold burn, so place a towel over the injured part Concentration
first. Basic Term
iii. Compression compression bandages can be used to limit swelling and movement Confidence believe of capability to achieve goal
iv. Elevation raise the leg or arm to an elevated but comfortable height to reduce Cohesion factor that can contribute to success
swelling. Image using imagination to enhance your performance
v. After 48 hours, you should attempt to move the injured area, and stop compression. Attention Focus Being able to block everything out.
Heat and massage can be used to increase blood flow and you may require Analyzing Performance components in Sports
physiotherapy to restore full use of the arm and leg. 1. Physical (Based on the fitness components composition, cardiovascular,
muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility)
Analgesics 2. Technical (Based on the sports requirements)
Painkillers such as paratemol can be used along with anti-flammatory drugs such as 3. Tactical (Based on situation changes, thinking take place)
ibuprofen to ease the pain of sprains and fractures and reduce swelling 4. Mental (Behavior of the performers)
However, ibuprofen is not recommend if you have history of asthma, kidney, or liver 5W 1H
disease. What is sport Psychology?
Cortisone Injection Sport psychology is a science in which the principles of psychology are applied in sport setting
Severe inflammation may required cortisone injections What is the purpose?
These are injections of steroid into a particular area of inflammation Enhance performance (win-at-all-cost)
They have a high success rate for reducing swelling and relieving the symptoms of Helping every sport participant to reach his or her potential as an athlete
muscle and ligament damage. What is mental Training?
Refers to systematic and consistent practice of mental or psychological skills.
Immobilization What example of mental training or Psychological skills training are>
Immobilization reduces movement, which can prevent further damage and reduce Arausal regulation
pain, muscle swelling and muscle spams Imagery
It is also allows the blood supply to flow more directly to the injured area, helping the Self-confidence
healing process to begin Goal setting
A sling can be used to immobilize an arm or shoulder Attention/concentration
A splint or a cast made of plastics or fiberglass can protect injured bones and soft Motivation
tissues. A leg immobilizer made from foam rubber can keep the knee from bending if Who should learn Sport Psychology?
it has injured. Everyone involved in sports
Who are Sport Psychologist?
Clinical Sport Psychologist - liscendd to treat individuals with emotional disorder (e.g.
Severe depression, suicidal tendencies)
Educational Sport Psychology - Mental coach, who through group and individual
sessions, educates athletes and exerciser about psychological skills and their development.
When the athletes should learn Sport Psychology?
When they start to get involved in Sporting Event
When is the best time to teach Psychological Skills?
Concurrently with the physical, technique and tactical training session
Why should I learn Sport Psychology?
o It works and scientifically proven
o Enhance performance
o Tackle certain performance obstacles
Where cn I learn or seek help in term of Sport Psychology?
In National Sort Institute and Universities
How to apply the Psychological Skills I learned from this course?
Athletes profiling. Interview session know their personal information; what they
like and dont like; their strength and weakness
Performance profiling and Mental Skill Questionnaire(MSQ)
Important of Athletes Profile
Getting to know the REAL PERSON (Psychological Core) and his or her typical modes of
response produces insight into the individuals motivations, actions, and behavior.


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