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Unit ( 8 )


1- The ( tiger – elephant ) has got a long trunk.

2- The tiger can run very ( slow – fast ).
3- The owl is ( playing – sitting ) in the tree.
4- The ( snake – fox _ is white.
5- The polar bear is ( black – white ).
6- I can see a ( beautiful – ugly ) butterfly.
7- I can see a white ( fox – tiger ) in the snow.
( snow – white – hippo – swimming )
1- The crocodile is …………….in the river.
2- I can see a polar bear in the …………………..
3- The ……………………………………. Is big.
4- The fox is ……………………………

Grammar and sentence building:

1- What are they doing ? ( swim )
2- What is she doing ? ( sing )
3- What is it doing ? ( play )
4- What are you doing ? ( study )
Put (. ) or ( ? ):
1- The cat is black
2- Is she playing
3- Are they running
4- They are studying
5- Can you see the owl

Change into question:
1- She is seven. …………………………………………………………….
2- The cat is playing. ………………………………………………..
3- The children are reading. ………………………………………..
Supply the missing letters :
p-l-r b- -r w- - king sl- -ping sw- -
- ing s-tting r-ver f-rest

Unit ( 9)

1- My friend and I ( am – is – are ) playing.
2- Look at these ( boy – boys ).
3- The boys are ( sleeping – marching ) in a line.
4- ( Am – Is – Are ) the skipping ?
5- The girls are ( playing – skipping ) the rope.
6- The man is ( riding – climbing ) the horse .
7- The children are holding ( hands – legs ).
8- They are climbing the ( dancing – climbing ) from.
9- The teacher is ( watching – looking ) them.
10- He is ( running – sitting )very fast.
11- I am riding a ( tree – bike ).
12- The boy is ( swim – swimming ).
13- The children ( am – is – are ) happy.
1- Is he swimming? ( √ )
2- Is she running? ( √ )
3- Are they climbing ? ( x )
4- Are they singing ? ( √ )

1- Has ( he – they ) got a car ?
2- These are my ( book – books ).
3- The cat is ( behind – between ) the table .>>>>>>>>>>
4- Have ( they – Nina ) got a starfish ?
5- Nina ( has – have ) got a doll.
6- Sam and I ( am – is are ) friends.
7- I ( can – can`t ) see a plane. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
8- The parrot is ( sitting – sleep ) in a tree.
9- Is he riding a horse ?
( yes,he is – yes , he has )
10- Are they dancing?
( No, they aren`t – No , They can`t )
11- I have ( milk – pizza ) for breakfast.
12- Mona is sleeping. She`s very ( hungry – tired ).
13- ( It`s – They`re ) Saturday.
14- It`s between Monday and Wednesday. It`s ( Tuesday –
Thursday ).
15- It`s after Thursday. It`s ( Monday – Friday ).
16- It`s before Sunday. It`s ( Thursday – Saturday ).
Fill in the blanks:
( under – on – in – behind – between )
1- The ball is …………………………. the chair .
2- The burger is …………………. The sandwich.
3- The cat is …………………………. The table
4- The ball is …………………………….. the box.
5- The house is ……………………… the school.
m- - ching sk- - - ing pl- - ing cl- - bing

Unit ( 10 )
1- It`s ten ( o`clock – half past ).
2- She is drinking milk. She is ( hungry – thirsty )
3- Ahmed is ( playing _ thirsty ) with his friends.
4- She`s very ( o`clock – happy ).
5- It`s ( O`clock – half past ) eleven.
Circle the proper nouns:
1- It`s Thursday . Ben is sleeping .
2- Ali is going to Alex on Wednesday.
3- Stop talking Mona .
4- I go swimming on Friday.

Supply the missing letters :

s-d Th_rst_ hu- - ry

t_r_d h – ppy

Unit 11
Choose :
1- He ( is –are ) checking the tickets.
2- They ( is –are ) getting off the train.
3- The children are ( make – making ) noise.
4- Ben AND Nina are reading ( they – she – we ) are reading
5- Nina is happy ( she – he – it ) is happy.
6- What are they doing ? ( he – they ) are reading .
7- They are ( walk – walking ).
8- The boy is ( look – looking ) out of the window.
2)Answer the following:
1- What is he doing ? ( eating ice cream )
2- What are they doing ? ( swimming )

3- What is she doing ? ( reading a book )

3) Fill in the blanks :

( listening – reading – making – checking – looking )
1- He is ……………………………………. a book.
2- She is …………………………………….. to music.
3- The man is ………………………………… the tickets.
4- They are …………………………………… out of the window.
5- The children are ……………………………….. noise.

4) Write the correct pronouns:

The man is checking the tickets.
……………………………… is checking the tickets.
b) Mona is drinking .
…………………….. is drinking.
c) The boys are listening to the music.
…………………………. Are listening to the music.
d) The cat is black.
…………………………. Is black.

1) The man is ( making – checking ) tickets.
2) Ben is ( drinking - eating ) juice.
3) The train is arriving at ( the school – the station ).
4) He is eating ( crisps – water ) .
5) Nina is getting off ( the door – train ).
6) Ahmed is ( walk – walking ).
h-lf p- st list- -ing
r- -ding o.clo- -

Unit (13)
Choose :
1- She ( has – have ) got a doll.
2- Tilly and Nina ( are – is have ) happy.
3- Muhammad ( have – am – has ) gat a book.
4- The dog ( it – has – have ) got a tail.
5- ( This is – These are – Are ) three books.
6- He ( have – has – am ) got a brother.
7- I ( have – has – am ) got a car.
8- They ( have – has – in) got a big house.
9- The mouse ( am – is – are ) small.
10- How (many – much – old ) desks are there?
11- There are ( two – zero – one ) keys on the table.
12- Is this a cat ? No it ( is – aren`t – isn`t ).
13- Are these balls ? yes , they ( are – is – am ).
14- These ( are – is - have ) apples.
15- ( Who – What – When ) is the time ?
16- This is ( a – an ) apple.
17- Monday comes after ( Tuesday – Sunday ).
18- What is ( this – these ) ? It`s an elephant.
19- He is ( play – playing ) football.

Circle the adjective and noun :

1- She has a red bag.
2- These are balls.
3- I can see a white cat.
4- I have got a pink car.
5- The toys are in the box.
6- The train is on the table.

Circle the preposition:
1- The ball is next to the elephant.
2- The dog is under the table.
3- The duck is in the bath.
4- There is a goat under the tree.
5- The cat is in the tree.
6- The children is behind the door.
s-nny sh- -p cl- -dy
look a- - -- - f-ggy w-ndy
ra- - ing

Grammar revision
A) Choose the correct answer:-
1- ( They- she - he) are pencils.
2- what is this ? ( They - He - It) is a doll.
3- I am a girl. ( He - She - I) am kind.
4- she is playing football ( ? - . )
5-Ben ( is - am - are) a boy.
6- The cat ( is - am - are) orange.
7- ( These are - This is) a ball.
8- ( This is - These are) toys.
9- I ( have- has) got a doll.
10- She ( has - have ) got an ice cream.
11- (These -This) are shops.
12- ( This - These are) is a book shop.
13- Is this a ball? No, it ( is - isn't).
14- Is he Sami ? Yes, He (is not- is)
15- ( He - you - they) is my teacher.
16- ( We - She- He) are playing.
17-This is (a- an )umbrella.
18-Can u see a cat? No, I ( can - can't)
19- I can see ( a- an ) butterfly.

20 - She is eating ( a- an) ice cream.
21- what are ( this - these)?
22-the pencil is ( between- in- under) the pencil case.
23- The computer is ( in - under- on) the table.
24- The boy is ( under - in- next to) the tree.
25- The cat is ( in - on- between) the trees.
26- I am ( play- plays- playing).
27- They ( are dancing- is dancing- is dance).
28- ( Are - Is - Am) he jumping?
29- They have( got - get - go) sweets.
30 -They( aren't - is not) swimming
B) Circle the noun:-
1- She has got sweets.
2- This is a snake.
3- Can you the elephants.
4- There is a fish in the pond.
5- Nina has got a star.
6- There is a white fox in the snow.
C) Circle the adjectives:-
1- There is a long snake in the tall grass.
2- My cat is white and orange.
3- This is a beautiful butterfly.
4- Can you see the big elephant.
5- She has got a yellow starfish.
6- It is windy day.
D) Rearrange:-
1- Marching - are - They .
2- ? - you- a - see - cat- Can
3- bird - on - tree -is - the - . - A -

E) Put ( am - is - are ):-
1- He................... kind.
2- what .............she doing?
3- How many owls .............. there?
4- I .................... seven.
5- What ..............your name?
6- How old............. you?
7- My sister ............funny.
8- There ........... a shop.
9- I and Nadia ................. singing.
10- There ................... supermarkets.
F) Underline the capital letter and full stop or question
1- He is a boy.
2- Can u see an apple?
3- My mother is helpful.
4- How many stars are there?
G) Put (have - has):-
1- I a cat.
2- She .................. got a beautiful girl.
3- They a ball.
4- an ice cream.
5- a star.

H) Write the sentences correctly:-

1- he is my friend
2- what are you doing
3-can u see a balloon

I) Form a question:-
He is swimming.
They are playing.
3- .........................
there are five pictures.
4- ..............................
There is a door.

K) Put the right pronouns

( He -she- It - they- we):-
1- The dog is sleeping. .............. is sleeping.
2- Aly and I are skipping. ...............are skipping.
3- Tilly and sam are reading a book.
............................ are reading a book.
4-Nadia is dancing. dancing.
5- Adel is kind. ............... is kind.
L) Circle the proper nouns:-
1- Ben is going to the park on Friday.
2- Nina and Ahmed are going to the bookshop.
3- On Tuesday, Sarah will go to the cafe.
M) Answer the following:-
1- Can you see a star?
No, ..............................
2- How many toys are there? (7)
3- what are they doing? (listen)

Language and Arabic section
Model Exam( 1)
Read the text and answer the following questions
This is my classroom , There are four windows and one
door . There are seven pictures and one board . There are boys
and girls . There is only one teacher .
1- This is my [ bedroom – classroom ] .
2- There are [ two – four ] windows .
3- There is [ one – three ] board .
Put (√) or (x)
1- There are boys and girls in the class .( )
2- There are two teachers . ( )
1- It is too hot today . It is ……………{ raining – sunny – windy }
2- The sheep are on the ………….{ Playground – table – hillside }
3- The train arrives a t the ………….{ school – station }
4- You can get books at the …………{ bookshop – restaurant }
5- The { elephant – crocodile } is in the river .
Fill in the blanks using the words between the brackets
[ hungry – Elephants – toy shop – Sunday – thunder ]
1- They can hear ……………………. .
2- You can get toys at the ………………….. .
3- I am ………………………. , I want to eat .
4- …………………………. comes after Saturday .
5- …………………………… have got long trunks .
1-( There is – There are) toys in the shop .
2- They ( is – am – are ) playing football .

3-He is ( sleep – sleeping ) in the bedroom .
4- (This - These ) is my doll .
5- They ( has – have ) got starfish .
Circle the proper noun
1- Sunday comes after Saturday .
2-Sam is coming next Monday .
Change into a question
1- She is six .
………………………….. .
2- They are playing .
…………………………….. .
Answer the following questions
1- What are they doing ? (play)
…………………………………………. .
2- What is the time ?
3- Are they dancing ?
Yes , ……………………………… .
No , ……………………………….. .
1- Thu_ _ er 2- lis_ _ning 3- h_ _
4-p_ _ t 5- ri_ _ r 6- r_ _
Story( language section )
1- when the prophet Ibrahim was young , he used to ( eat –
think ) a lot .
2- Allah showed the prophet Ibrahim a ( bird – star ) in the sky
.3- Prophet Ibrahim realized that ( Sun – Allah ) is the Lord of
everything .
Put (√) or (x)
1- Allah is the lord of everything . ( )
2- Ibrahim saw a bird in the sky . ( )

Story( Arabic section )
1- The prophet Muhammad was born in { Egypt – Makkah }
2- Mothers send their babies to the {sheep – desert }
3-Halima and her family were from {Banu Saad tribe -
Madinnah }
4- {Muhammad – Banu Saad } spent the first years of his life
with Halima .
5- The mother of the prophet Muhammad is {Amina – Fatema }
6-{ Halima – prophet Muhammad } was very poor .
7- Mohammed (peace be upon him ) spent the first years of his
life with {his mother – Halimah }

Write about the your classroom using { There is – There are }





Model exam (2)
Today , I and my family are at the park . I and my
brother are playing football . My sister is skipping a rope .
There are lots of children . There is a man. He has got ice-
creams . “yummy” we are all happy .
Put (√ ) or (x)
It is a sunny day . ( )
My sister is sleeping . ( )
There are lots of snakes . ( )
There are [ babies – children] at the park .
They are at the [school – park ] .
The [ man – children ] has got ice creams .
1-I can see a flying [ elephant – owl ] in the sky .
2- There is a big crocodile [ swimming – flying ] in the river .
3- She is eating a big pizza , she’s very [ hungry – thirsty ] .
4- The children are skipping a [ ring – rope ].
5- I learn English at [ school – zoo ] .
6- They are reading an interesting [ balloon – book ] .
7- Ali is riding his [ book – bike ] .
8- The man is checking the [ train – tickets ] .
9- There are [ desks – doors ] in the classroom .
10- I can hear the [ lightning – thunder ] .
Fill in the blanks using the following words
{ lightning – butterflies – snow – getting – jungle }
1- The………………… cold .
2- I can see the ……………………………in the sky .
3- The ……………………………..are beautiful .
4- They are……………………off the train .
5- There are monkeys in the ……………….. .

1- We [ am – is – are ] thirsty .
2- there is a [ crocodile – crocodiles ] in the river .
3- Ben is [ march – marching ] in a line .
4- Ali is standing still [ under – in ] the line .
5- [These – This ] are bears .
6- Mona [ has – have ] got high marks .
7- We are [ watching – watch ] TV .
8- There is [ a – an ] orange .
9-I am [ study – studying] my lessons.
10-[There is – There are ] a shoe shop .

Answer the following questions

1- Has he got a bike ?
Yes , …………………………… .
2- Can you hear the thunder ?
No , ………………………………… .
3- Is he studying his lessons ?
Yes , ……………………………… .
4- How many people are there ? ( six )
…………………………………….. .
5- What are these ? ( foxes )
…………………………………… .
6-Is it raining ?
7- Have they got sandwiches ?
No , ………………………. .
8- What is the weather like ?

Circle the adjectives
1- I have got a long hair .
2- This is my new car .
3- It is a red flower .

Write the questions correctly

1- can you see a frog
2- what is this
3- are they dancing

Story language section

1-The prophet [ Muhammed – Ibrahim] was Khalil Allah (The
friend of Allah )
2-The [ sea – star - ] is so beautiful .
3- In the [ evening – morning ] the sun went away .
4- Allah [ showed – drew ] the prophet Ibrahim a star in the
sky .

Put ( √ ) or ( x )
1- The cloud was dark . ( )
2- Allah taught Ibrahim many things . ( )
3- The star went away . ( )

Fill in the blanks using the following words
[ healthy – desert – Makkah – Muhammed ]
1-The weather in the desert was…………………………. .
2-The prophet ……………………………….. was born in …………….. .
3-Mothers in Makkah send their babies to the …………………………..
1 – Muhammed took the {sheep – dogs} to graze .
2 – He was {five – three } years old when he returned to his
mother .
3-Mothers send their babies to { school – desert } .
4- The weather in the desert was { unhealthy – healthy }

Write five sentences about what are you doing at
school in the play ground using these verbs( running-
playing- jumping- marching- skipping)





Model exam(3)
A) comprehension:-
Ali goes to the club on Friday. The weather is sunny. Ali is
playing football with his team. They win the match at the end.
So Ali is very happy with his friends. Then his mother and his
father take him to the mall. They go to the toy shop to buy a
present for Ali. Ali has got a big and beautiful train. He says
thank you to his parents for this present.
1- Choose:-
1- Ali goes to the ( club- school- park).
2- The weather is ( sunny- windy- cold).
3- they go to the (toy shop - cafe- supermarket).
2- Put right or wrong:-
1- Ali is sad. ( )
2- Ali has got a train ( )

B) Macmillan:-
1- Ben is (listening - looking- reading) to the cassette.
2- The weather is (sleepy- windy).
3- It is half (past - bast - best) ten.
4- I am thirsty. I want to ( eat - drink- sleep).
5- This number is 30. I can write this number, this is (ten -
twenty- thirty)
6- There is a ( small- little - big ) elephant.
7-We can find the tiger in the (river - forest - jungle).
8- I want to sleep. I am ( tired- hungry)
9- we can get clothes at the (toy shop- clothes shop -shoe
10- I want to eat ice cream so I will go to the (cafe- shoe shop
-book shop)

C) Grammar:-
1- Choose:-
1- (How - What -Who ) many tigers are there?
2- Can u see a cat? Yes, I ( can - can't)
3- There ( is - are - am ) an owl.
4 The bird is (on - under- between) the tree.
5- Mobi (has - have ) got a cake.

2- Circle the capital letter and full stop or question mark:-

1- He is tall.
2- What are you doing?
3- Are they playing?
4- I can see a star.
3- Circle the proper noun:-
1- Nina is going to school on Sunday.
2- Nadia wants to go to the toy shop.
3- On Friday, I can go to the park.
4-I and Maii are playing tennis.
4- Put the right pronoun:-( he - she - they)
1- Sam and Ahmed are running............... are running.
2- Ahmed is tired. ............... is tired.
3- Nadia is eating . hungry.
5- Answer the following:-
1- How many cats are there ? 40
2- what is she doing? ( march)

F) Composition:-
Write five sentences describing the weather using these words
(sunny- foggy- snowing- windy -raining- cloudy)





G) Story:- language section

How prophet Ibrahim came to know Allah
1- Choose:-
1- It was a dark ( day- night).
2- My lord can never (go -come) away like this.
3-The sun was (shining- twinkling).
2- Put right or wrong:-
1- the beautiful moon appeared in the sky ( )
2- Allah is the lord of everything ( )
E) story:-Arabic section
1- Muhammad took the ( horses - sheep -cats) to graze.
2- He was (five - three- four)years old, when he returned to
his mother.
3-The date palms grew heavy with (fruits- sweets).
Put right or wrong:-
1- chicken were of the family's main food ( )
2- Aminah is the mother of the prophet Muhammad ( )


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