Real-Time Face Detection and Tracking For Security System

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Automatic human face detection is an challenging field of research
with many useful real life applications. The use of computer vision in
security applications and to minimize intervention of human beings has
led the research in field of face biometrics. Face is vital part of human
being that represents important information like expression, attention,
identity etc. of an individual. The goal of face detection is to locate the
occurrence of face in the frame and recognition system retrieves the
identity of person for authorization. The main application of face
recognition is access control that grants certain permissions to person
detected. Numerous techniques are developed and available to detect
and identify faces in images. Application of these meth-ods to videos
and real-time applications has many hindrances like processing speed,
system complexity, factors like illumination and pose variations, etc. A
trivial task in video processing is to detect movements of multiple
objects in static or dynamic background in a near real-time. Change or
motion detection is accomplished with background subtraction
technique. Background subtraction modeling is an open problem in
video scenes with drastic illumination changes and dynamic
backgrounds. It represents a fundamental step in several computer vision
applications, such as video surveillance, vehicular traffic analysis, object
tracking and recently human activity recognition. Face can be located
with the use of certain peculiar information. Face varies from individual
to individual due to physical, cultural and environmental changes.


Face recognition is fundamentally utilized for two essential validness


Check: Generally depicted as coordinated coordinating framework in

light of the fact that the framework tries to coordinate the picture
exhibited the person against a particular picture as of now on document.

There are various application ranges in which confront recognition can

be misused for these two purposes, a couple of which are laid out
beneath. Security (access control to structures, airplane
terminals/seaports, ATM machines and outskirt checkpoints ; PC/system
security ; email confirmation on media workstations).

(i) Surveillance:

A substantial number of CCTVs can be observed to search for known

crooks, drug guilty parties, and so on and powers can be informed when
one is found.

Some of the important methods studied will be described in this

section. Face recognition systems architecture broadly consists of the
three following tasks:
1. Feature extraction (Segmentation, alignment & normalization of the
face image)
2. Recognition
3. Acquisition(Detection, Tracking of face , sent to mail using (SMTP
Web Server)


We propose a real time face recognition system . The main challenge

for a real time face recognition and Tracking system is of effective
feature extraction. The proposed system utilizes the Eigen face method
is information reduction for the real time application . There is an
incredible amount of information present even in a small face image. A
method must be able to break down pictures so as to effectively
represent face images rather than images in general. we trying to
detection and recognition face in real time and mailing system we
propose some step below.
*Read a video frame and run the
face detector.
Input using *Camera continuous checking and
outputting image if a human
Camera face is not found in the video
frame input.

Feature Extraction and Face Recognition

Face detection takes camera/video sequences
Face detection as input and locates face areas within these
images. This is done by separating face areas
from non-face background regions. Facial
feature extraction locates important feature
(eyes, mouth, nose and eye-brows) positions
within a detected Face.

Face Crop Real time input is taken in the video format. The
video is first converted into frames and then
further processed. Each cropped facial image
was down sampled to 20 20 .

After cropping face automatic saved in

save images

automatic attach crop photo in SMTP


automatic pic send in Gmail

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