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University of Eastern Philippines

University town, Northern Samar

College of Agriculture, fisheries and Natural Resources

A Consolidated Survey Report In

Barangay Zone 1 San Roque Northern Samar

Prepared by:

Claudine Joy Cerbito.


Evaluated by:

Diony S. Marino

Asst. ProfessorIn partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the subject Agricultural

extension 421(Agriculture Extension and Communication) 2nd semester School year 2016-


Barangay is the small administrative division in the Philippines and is the

native Filipino term for a village or district.Barangay are further subdivided into a
smalller areas called puroks.A barangay is led and governed by its barangay officials
it composed of a barangay captain ,barangay councilor and other staff whose organize
of our barangay.Through barangay BAPS would gathered about the agriculture and
other data inside the barangay.(BAPS) Barangay Agriculture Profiling Survey
covered all the major commodities of agriculture and fishery with data items as
follows;general geographic terrain,land area,land use,population,vulnerability of the
barangay to natural calamities,number of farming,non farming and fishing
household,cropping calendar area and yield,sources of irrigation water,actual area of
irrigation facilities ,inventory of livestock farms,farm machinery,providing support to
the farmers,project implementedin the barangay, these are some the signif icance to
know the barangay profiling.Through these we should know what to do,what are the
process for improving barangay,conducting barangay profiling in a perspective
barangay to survey we should knows the project needs to implement in that particular
area,what organization can help.The findings will be contribute to our understanding
of urbanization,local governance.It will help to identify areas where urbanization
mechanism to contribute positively to development of the said barangay.Moreover
program implementers and service provider will also learn at the local government to
improve the barangay. The importance of conducting brgy. Profiling is through the
survey the problem of the community was known and the result from the survey can
be given into the local government to ask for help, if there are problems encountered
in the process of making the barangay profiling, through this, we can formulate new
ideas to be implemented in the said barangay.This survey also aims to determine
conducting the barangay level using system available data sources such as the
population census,community based monitoring system,vital registration,and the
barangay health records in barangay determine if available data sources are able to
provide the needed data information about the respondents inside the particular
barangay.I observe that the respondents that I interviewed have the differences that
serves different beliefs for the different aspects of the governance regimes.You can
use surveys to measure Ideas or opinions about the community issue related to your
own initiative.Survey can be used find out the attitudes and reaction ,to measure
client satisfaction,to gauge opinions about various issues and to add information.The
goal is to accommodate the residents specially when the barangay have a
implemented projects and to facilitate the barangay in a good way for the

We aim to know if the barangay facilities were useful to the community.

To be able to find if there are organizations that help the
communities who is needs.
To be able to understand and formulate ideas on conducting a


First I went to our barangay hall to give the letter to the barangay captain
given by our subject professor to have an approval if I can conduct
barangay survey.
The second one,I ask the barangay secretary if I can get a copy for the
barangay profile.
After that I visit some respondents and ask if I can get survey to them.and
taking some pieces of evidences like taking pictures with the person I am
Lastly,I come up to do my tabulation the summary of my survey.


Face to face interview
Copy of the barangay profile

I. Personal Information
A. Age of the Respondent

No. of Respondent Average age

30 72

Based on the information, out of 30 respondents were gathered had the average of 44.

B. Religion

No. of Respondents Religion Percent (%)

30 Roman Catholic 100%

On the religion, out of 30 respondents were gathered had the percent of 100.

Educational Level

Educational Attainment Average Percent (%)

Elementary 16 53.3%
High School 12 40%
College Level 2 6.7%
Total 30 100%

Based on the educational level, out of 30 respondents were gathered 14 respondents in

Elementary with 46.67%, then 7 respondents in High School with 23.34%, 5 respondents in
College Level with 16.67% and 4 respondents in College Graduate with 13.33%.

C. Work/Occupation

Work/Occupation Average Percent (%)

Carpenter 3 10%
Brgy. Tanod 5 16.7%
Farmer 20 66.7%
Fisherman 2 6.6%
Total 30 100
D. Membership in Organization

Name of Member Officer Yes No Percent (%)

Brgy. Tanod 5 5 16.6%
Brgy. Employee 2 2 6.6%
CIAKI 3 3 10%
4Ps 19 19 63.3%
Handy crafts 1 1 3.3%
Total 30 30 100%

E. Type of Housing Unit

Type of Housing Unit Average Estimated Cost (Php) Percent (%)

Concrete 10 300,000 33.3%
Semi-concrete 15 100,000 50%
Temporary (Nipa 5 50,000 16.7%
Total 30 100%

F. Sources Family Income:

Respondents Primary source Amount of Secondary Amount of

income/month source income/month
(php) (php)
1. Copra Php. 4,000.00 Grocery store Php 5,000.00
2. Copra Php 7,000,.00 Ba rangay police Php,400.00
3. Copra Php 3,000.00 Fishing Income Php 2,000.00
4. Copra Php 6,000.00 Pd cab Php.3,500.00
5. Copra Php 10,000.00 Crops vendor Php,20.000
6. Copra Php 6,000.00 fisherman Php,5.000.00
7. Driver Php 4,500.00 Rice plantation Php 12,000.00
8. construction Php 3,000.00 Cassava Php. 500.00
9. Rice Php 9,000.00 Rice plantation Php. 15,,000.00
10. Baker Php 4,500.00 Grocery store Php 10.000.00
11. Copra Php 10,000.00 Driver Php. 1,500.00
12. Rice Php8,000.00 Rice plantation Php. 60,000.00
13. Vegetable Php 12,000.00 Rice plantation Php. 20,000.00
14. Copra Php. 3,600.00 Carpenter Php 9000.00
15. grocery store Php.13,000.00 Piggery Php. 8,000.00
16. copra Php7.465.00 Piggery Php. 10,000.00
17. Copra Ph.5,000.00 Construction Php. 5000.00
18. Rice Php. 5,000.00 Construction Php.4,500.00
19. Copra Php 5,000.00 Rice plantation Php. 13,000.00
20. Copra Php. 3,500.00 Rice plantation Php. ,000.00
21. Rice Php. 8,000.00 Rice plantation Php. 4,000.00
22. Driver Php.6,000.00 Construction Php.4,700.00
23. Crops Php. 7 ,000.00 Rice plantation Php.10,000.00
24. Copra Php 6,000 .00 Construction Php. 4,700.00
25. Copra Php 36,000.00 Pd cab driver Php 3,560
26. Rice plantation Php 10,000.00 Vegetable Php 15,000.00
27. Driver Php. 8,000 .00 Grocery store Php.10,000.00
28. Planting crops Php. 4,500 .00 Pd cab driver Php.4,500.00
29. Copra Php.10,000.00 Rice plantation Php. 18,000.00
30. Piggery Php. 8,000.00 Rice plantation Php.12,000.00

II. Needs Assessment Parameters

A. Barangay Governance

1. Did the barangay council enjoy full support and cooperation from constituents?

Response No. of respondents Percent (%)

Yes 25 83.3%
No 5 16.7%
Total 30 100%

Out 30 respondents, 25 respondents have gathered 82.3% said that they enjoy the support from
the barangay council of the zone 1 brgy. San roque.

2. Are barangay resolutions/ordinances passed and implemented?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 21 70%
No 9 30%
Total 30 100%
3. Are barangay meetings/assemblies regularly conducted?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 27 90%
No 3 10%
Total 30 100%

90% said that the assemblies has regularly conducted in the barangay of San roque zone 1.

4. Are barangay meetings conducted orderly and follow the parliamentary procedure?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 23 76.7%
No 7 23.3%
Total 30 100%

5. Did the barangay enjoy support from different organizations/agencies?

Agencies/Organizations Type/kind of support Average Percent (%)

Kalahi Cids Evacuation center & 14 46.6%
4Ps Educational 13 43.3%
Assistance & Cash
CIAKI Loan (money) 3 10%
Total 30 100%

6. Was there training and/or orientation on disaster risk preparedness and management that have
been undertaken in your community?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 18 60%
No 12 40%
Total 30 100%

18% of the respondents have said that there is a trai ning undertaken in the barangay for disaster
risk preparedness.
B. Education Sector

1. Is there a problem of out-of-school (OSY) in the community?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 22 73.3%
No 8 26.7%
Total 30 100%

2. What assistance did the school needs in order to further improve its services to the following:

Type of Type of assistance Average Percent (%)

clientele/stakeholders needed
Students Scholarship 2 6.7%
Teachers Attending training and 6 20%
Parents Livelihood program 20 66.7%
The school itself School 2 6.6%
Total 30 100%

3. Did your barangay received assistance related to education from outside sources?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 24 80%
No 6 20%
Total 30 100%

4.Are there adult literacy classes conducted in your barangay?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 26 86.7%
No 4 13.3%
Total 30 100%

In the barangay of san roque 26 of the respondents said that they have literacy conducted in the
barangay. Gathered of 86.7%.
C. Health and Sanitation

1. Basic Service

1.1. Are basic health services provided in the barangay?

If yes, give those services: vaccination, check-up, feeding program, medical mission, pre-natal.

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 30 100%
Total 30 100%

1.2. Is the health center in the barangay functional?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 30 100%
Total 30 100%

1.3. Is maternal health services provided in the barangay?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 30 100%
Total 30 100%

1.4. Are there child care services in the barangay?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 30 100%
Total 30 100%

1.5. Who are the personnel to approach for immediate medical assistance in the barangay?

Personnel in Medical Average Percent (%)

Assistance in Barangay
Barangay Midwife 3 10%
Nurse 2 6.7%
Municipal Health officer 1 3.3%
Quack doctor 12 40%
Others 12 40%
Total 30 100%

2. Morbidity Issue

2.1. What are the common diseases in the community that caused death in the last 5 years?

Diseases in the community that Average Percent (%)

caused death last 5 years
High blood 25 83.3%
Diarrhea 5 16.6%
Total 30 100%

2.2. What are the causes of those diseases mentioned?

Causes of disease Average Percent (%)

High Blood 24 80%
Food contamination 6 20%
Total 30 100

3. Potable Water System

3.1 What is the water source of your drinking water?

Water Source Average Percent (%)

Mineral water 9 30%
Potable water 21 70%
Total 30 100%
3.2. Is your water source for drinking safe?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 24 80%
No 6 20%
Total 30 100%

3.3. Do you need assistance to develop a potable water system?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 30 100%
Total 30 100%

4. Garbage disposal and management

4.1. How is garbage disposed in the community?

Response No. of respondents Percent (%)

Garbage truck 2 6.6%
Segregation 19 63.3%
Burn 9 30%
Total 30 100%

4.2. Is there a functional material recovery facility (MRF) in the community?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 30 100%
Total 30 100%
4.3.Was there trainings in the garbage management conducted in the barangay?

Response No. of Respondents Percent (%)

Yes 24 80%
No 6 20%
Total 30 100%

D. Agriculture
1. Crop production

1.1. Give the crops you are growing and the corresponding area

Primary crops Area Secondary Area

Rice 5 sq./hec Abacca 3 sq./hec
Coconut 3sq/hec Cassava 2 sq./hec

1.2. What development assistance you need to improve your production?

To improve the production you must have a skill using the tools or equipment.

1.3. What agricultural trainings do you want to enhance your capability?

You must be capable of using new machinery.

1.4 What are the problem/s have you encountered in the production of crops as farmer-

Icountered some problems like calamity,and so forth.

1.5. What problem/s have you encountered in the marketing the agri-products?

Marketability demand.

2. Animal production
2.1. Give the livestock animals you owned

Respondents Type of animal No. of heads

30 Carabao 2
2.2. What are the trainings on animal production you need to improve your capability?


2.3. Give the problems you met in raising livestock animals:


3. Poultry Production


3.1. Give the livestock animals you owned


Respondents Type of animal No. of heads

30 Duck 5

3.2. What are the trainings on animal production you need to improve your capability?


3.3. Problem/s in poultry production.


E. Animal Health Care

1. Give the common disease in livestock and poultry stocks that have been observed in the area
for the last three (3) years?


2. What control measures have been adopted to lessen the damage of the disease?


3. Who do you asked for when animal disease problems do occur?

4. Do you receive assistance in controlling animal disease?


F. Livelihood Opportunities

1. What resources are available in the community that could be tapped as livelihood options?


2. What are the livelihood-related skills that are available in the barangay?


3. Give the livelihood options that could be developed in the barangay:

handy craft,tailoring for women.

4. Give the different trainings to further develop the capability of barangay residents to undertake
entrepreneurial and other livelihood activities:


5. Give the problems encountered in starting and maintaining small business and other livelihood

Lack of budget,lack of unity of the group.


Barangay Zone 1 San roque ,is a barangay that have a small size but a large
population.But there are certain aspects which the barangay can improve on.First of all,the
barangay officials should be more responsible in terms of being physically present their office in
the barangay.It should,of course start with the barangay captain to regularly available in the
atleast inform his staff and constituents where he would be reach.For instance theres a some
complains of respondents,community problems like how does the garbage not just throw it
anywhere,peace of the barangay and of course the facilities needed in the barangay.Although it is
difficult to see how it will be able to truly change through the collaboration of people inside the
barangay and also be part of the officials the word change would be truly happen because its not

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