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2015,1(2),7180 ISSN:24541397

Medha Seth1*, Sailedra Kumar Sahoo2, Nihar Ranjan Pani2
1Gayatri College of Pharmacy, Jamadarpali, Sambalpur, Odisha
2AurosriInsitute of Pharmaceutical Education and Reearch, Jagatpur, Cuttack, Odisha

[Received on: 25th June, 2015 Accepted on: 16nd July, 2015 Published on: 28th July, 2015]

An attempt has been made for the selectionof best
suitable polymer and their concentration for the Continuous precorneal elimination is the major
preparation of Piroxicambio-adhesive ocusert and cause of poor bioavailability of traditional topical
optimization by 3 factorial design to control the ophthalmic formulations.Frequent instillations of
release of drug, reduction of dosing frequency, drug for optimal therapeutic level lead to poor
increase contact time, improving patient compliance patient compliance and, drug level in the tear film is
and enhancement of bioavailability. Ocusert of pulsed with an initial period of overdosing and long
piroxicam were formulated by the solvent casting period of under dosing (Gilhotra et al., 2009; Hecht,
method and the concentration of polymers such as 1995 and Maurice, 1987). Novel ophthalmic drug
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and HPMC E5LV was delivery systems have been developed to achieve a
optimized. Ocusert films were subjected for better bioavailability of drugs. Application of active
investigation of their physicochemical properties; in ophthalmic drugs is limited due to their very low
vitro and in vivo drug release characteristics. The water solubility (Grass and Robinson, 1984).These
formulation containing 0.422 mg of HPMC-E5LV, problems can be addressed by the development of
0.528 mg of PVA, 0.211 mg of drug and 0.211 mg of ocular drug delivery systems (ODDS) having higher
polyethylene glycol- 400, was found to be suitable bioavailability and reduced side effects of potent
for sustained release dosage form with a good drugs.Recent ODDS include: ocular inserts, corneal
release pattern of drug up to 24 hr. This is further shields, and contact lenses that provide controlled
confirmed by the results obtained from in vivo delivery of drug to the eye (Gurtler and Gurny,
studies with high degree of in vitro - in vivo
1995; Saettone, et al., 1984 and Chien, 1982). The
advantages of ophthalmic inserts over conventional
Key words: Ocusert, HPMC, PVA, in vitro-in dosage forms are increased ocular residence; slow
vivo correlation, piroxicam and constant rate of drug release; accurate dosing;
exclusion of preservativesand long shelf life. The use
of ocular inserts (Ocusert) reduces systemic
absorption, which occurs freely with eye drops. The
Low frequency of administration ensures better
patient compliance and least incidence of side effects
(Grass and Robinson, 1984; Chien, 1982 and Lee,
1990). Despite all these advantages, ocular inserts
have disadvantage like foreign body sensation; move
around on the ocular surface causing irritation and
might be easily lost due to un appropriate muco-
---------------------------------- adhesive properties and, occasional blurring of
* Corresponding author vision due to erosion of soluble inserts into smaller
Mobile: +919778784942 pieces (Weyenberg et al.,2004 and Sasakia et al.,2003). It has been attempted to further enhance

BiopharmJournal.2015,1(2),7180 ISSN:24541397

the drug bioavailability and control the drug release polymers such as HPMC E5LVand PVAas shown in
from ocuserts by formulating bio-adhesive ocular Table 1. PEG 400 was used as plasticizer. Initially,
insert by selecting appropriate polymer
plasticizers and polymers were dissolved in water to
concentration.In this study, the concentration of two
polymers such as hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose form a clear solution and was kept at room
(HPMC E5LV) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) are temperature for 24 hr. Piroxicam was added into this
optimized through 32 factorial design. The design polymer-plasticizer solution under mild agitation till
has two factors, each at three levels i.e. low, it dissolved. The polymer-plasticizer-drug solution
intermediate and high level. was poured on the mercury placed in glass
Piroxicam, a biopharmaceutical classification system, petridishes of 37.5cm diameter. The solvent (water)
type II (low aqueous solubility, high permeability) was allowed to evaporate for 2448 h at 40-50 0C.
drug (Amidon et al.,1995)selected as model drug in The petridish were covered with inverted funnel
current work. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory plugged with cotton in the stem to ensure slow
drug, is a beneficial alternative used effectively in the evaporation of solvent. The petridish were covered
treatment and management of postoperative pain with inverted funnel plugged with cotton in the stem
with improved patient compliance to ensure slow evaporation of organic solvent. The
(Gieldanowski,1988). Previously, piroxicam ocular evaporation leaves HPMC E5LV-PVA-drug patches.
nanoparticles and microspheres have been
Circular inserts of 8 mm diameter were cut from the
formulated and reported potential dosage forms in
resulting patches with a cork borer.
the treatment of postoperative pain, as compared to
piroxicam eye drop (Giunchedi et al.,1999; Sultana, Table 1. Factorial design and formulae of
2002) piroxicamocusert

In the present study, the Ocusert of piroxicam is

Ingredients in mg/Ocusert
developed and optimized using bio-adhessive Formu
A* B* PEG-
polymers, with an aim to control the release of drug, Lation Drug Water
(HPMC) (PVA) 400
reduced dosing frequency, and enhanceocular
F-1 0.317(-1) 0.317 (-1) 0.211 0.211 Q.S
bioavailability of drug.
F-2 0.317(-1) 0.422 (0) 0.211 0.211 Q.S
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS F-3 0.317(-1) 0.528(+1) 0.211 0.211 Q.S
2.1. Materials F-4 0.422 (0) 0.317(-1) 0.211 0.211 Q.S
F-5 0.422 (0) 0.422 (0) 0.211 0.211 Q.S
Piroxicam was obtained as gift samples from Naxpar
F-6 0.422 (0) 0.528(+1) 0.211 0.211 Q.S
Lab Pvt. Ltd, Silvasa, India. HPMC E5LV, PVA,
Disodium hydrogen phosphate, Mercury, Potassium F-7 0.528(+1) 0.317 (-1) 0.211 0.211 Q.S
dihydrogen phosphate, Sodium chloride, Calcium F-8 0.528(+1) 0.422 (0) 0.211 0.211 Q.S
chloride dehydrate, Aluminium chloride, sodium F-9 0.528(+1) 0.528(+1) 0.211 0.211 Q.S
hydroxide and acetic acid were procured from *Coded value is in bracket; Q.S, Quantity sufficient
LobaChemie. Mumbai, India. Poly ethylene glycol-
2.2.2. Physical appearance, thickness and
400 was purchased from Ranbaxy Fine-Chem. Ltd.,
weight variation
Mumbai, India and Perchloric acid was purchased
from S.D. Fine Chemical Ltd., Mumbai, India. All formulated ocular inserts were visually inspected
for color and smoothness.Thickness of the inserts
2.2. Methods
was measured using micrometer screw gauge.For
2.2.1. Formulation of ocular insert weight variation study, six inserts of each
Ocular inserts containing Piroxicam were prepared formulation were weighed individually on electronic
weighing balance. Averageweight as well as standard
by solvent casting method using varying ratios of

BiopharmJournal.2015,1(2),7180 ISSN:24541397

deviation of inserts was calculated. section Area of the sample(mm2) (1)

2.2.3.Surface pH Determination Elastic modulus = (Tensile Strength)[(Insert length
after elongation)/(Original Insert length)](2)
The surface pH of ocusert was determined by agar
plate method (Alanazi et al., 2007; Mishra and Elongation at break (%) = [increase in length at
Gilhotra, 2008).The agar plate was prepared by break point(cm)]/[original Length(cm)100](3)
dissolving 2% (w/v) agar in warm simulated tear
2.2.6.Swelling Behavior
fluid (containing sodium chloride of 0.670 g, sodium
bicarbonate of 0.200 g, calcium chloride of 0.008 g, Swelling of the polymer depends on the
and purified water q. s. 100 g under stirring to get concentration of the polymer, ionic strength, and the
pH 7.4) and then pouring the solution into a presence of water. Initial weight of insert was taken
petridish till gelling is occurred at room temperature. to determine the swelling index of prepared ocusert,
On the prepared agar plate, ocuserts were left to and then placed in a beaker containing 4ml distilled
swell for 5 hr. Then the pH of the wet surface of water (Gevariya et al., 2009). At regular interval of
soaking ocusert was measured by placing the time (every 10 min), the film were removed and the
electrode in contact with the surface of the insert. excess water on their surface was removed using a
blotting paper and then again weighed. The
2.2.4.Drug Content
procedure was continued till there was no increase in
The drug contents were determined by assaying the the weight. The swelling index was then calculated
individual ocuserts. Each ocusert was dissolved in by dividing the increase in weight by the initial
5ml dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in a 5ml volumetric weight and was expressed as percentage.
flask to make a suspension.The suspension so
2.2.7. Percentage of moisture loss
obtained was filtered (Whatman filter paper 42, pore
size 2.5 m, Whatman International, Maidstone, Ocuserts were weighed and kept in desiccators
UK).From the above solution,0.5ml was withdrawn containing 2gm of anhydrous calcium chloride. After
and diluted with simulated tear fluid, pH 7.4 and was three days, inserts were taken out and reweighed
assayed spectrophotometrically at 353 nm. (Double (Dhanaraju et al., 2002). Percentage moisture loss
beam UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Schimadzu, was calculated using the equation:
Japan) % Moisture Loss = [(Initial weight - Final weight) /
2.2.5. Tensile Strength, Elastic modulus and Initial weight] 100 (4)
Elongation at break. 2.2.8. Percentage of moisture absorbed
An ocusert with good tensile strength and percent Ocular inserts were weighed and kept in desiccators
longation would resist tearing due to stressgenerated containing aluminum chloride and 79.5 % w/w
by the blinking action of the eye. The tensile moisture was maintained (Dhanaraju et al.,
strength and percent elongation at break of film was 2002).After three days inserts were taken out and
determined with a laboratory designed pulley reweighed. Percentage moisture absorbed was
(Alanazi et al., 2007 and Gevariya et al., 2009). The calculated using the equation:
sensitivity of the machine was 1 mg to 600kg. It
consists of two load cell grips. Till the film breaks, % Moisture Absorbed = [(Final weight - Initial
the force on the lower one was gradually applied.The weight) / Final weight] 100 (5)
tensile strength of the film was taken directly from 2.2.9. Folding endurance
the dial reading in kilogram. The tensile strength,
The folding endurance is expressed as the number
elastic modulus and elongation at break were
of folds either to break the specimen or to develop
calculated as follows.
visible cracks (Harish et al., 2009 and Gevariya et al.,
Tensile Strength (g/mm2) = Break force(g)/ Cross- 2009).This test is important to access the ability of

BiopharmJournal.2015,1(2),7180 ISSN:24541397

ocusert film to withstand folding and brittleness. usingsimulated tear fluid as blank, using a UV/Vis
The film was folded in center(between the fingers double-beam spectrophotometer. Cumulative
and the thumb) and then opened, it was one folding. percentage of the drug release was calculated using
The process was repeated till the insert shows an equation obtained from a standard curve.
breakage or cracks in center of insert. The total
2.2.12In- vivo diffusion studies
folding operations were named as folding endurance
value. The in vivo study was examined on male albino
rabbits, weighing about 1.5 kg and 2kg months old.
2.2.10.Ocular irritation study
They were housed in cages under controlled
The ocular irritation study was performed in four conditions of temperature (272oC) and light. They
albino rabbits after getting prior approval from were fed with standard laboratory diet; and water
institutional animal ethics committee of Gayatri was provided. The ophthalmic inserts (n=4) were
College of Pharmacy, Sambalpur, Odisha, India. placed in the cul-de-sac of the right eye and similarly
Rabbits were used in the study and were examined a blank film was placed in the left eye to serve as
precisely for any preexisting ocular damage. control. At regular time intervals, the ocular inserts
Sterilization of ocusert was done by placing films were removed carefully and analyzed for the drug
under UV light in UV germicidal chamber, exposing content spectrophotometrically at 354.0 nm.
both sides for 15 min at a 10 cm height from Whenever an insert was removed from the rabbits
UVlamp (Doijad et al., 2006).The sterile selected eye a new one replaced it. The drug content
ocusert was placed in one eye of each animal by obtained was subtracted from the initial drug
gently pulling the lower eyelid away from the eye content in the ocusert, to give the amount of drug
ball. The lids were then being held together for one released in the rabbits eye (Gevariya et al., 2009;
second and animal is released. The other eye, Abilash et al., 2005).
remaining untreated was served as the control. The
2.2.13 Kinetics of drug release
eyes of each rabbits were examined at 12, 24, 36, and
48hrs after treatment for irritation, inflammation etc The drug release kinetics is the useful tools to
by naked eye or by means of a pen torch. The test correlate the in vitro and in vivo drug responses by
may consider as positive if three or more animal comparing the results of pharmacokinetics with
exhibit positive reactions at any observation period dissolution profiles of ocuserts. Different
(Dandagi et al., 2004). mathematical models i.e., zero order, first order and
Higuchi equations were applied for describing the
2.2.11. In- vitro diffusion studies
kinetics of the drug release process from ocusert,
An in vitro open flow through KC cell, designed and the most suited being the one which fitted best
for release studies as described. The semipermeable the experimental results.The in vitro drug release
membrane of hen egg acts as corneal epithelium.The data obtained from in-vitro diffusion study were
entire surface of the membrane was in contact with used to calculate the correlation coefficient (R) value
receptor compartment containing 25ml of simulated between cumulative amount of drug released and
tear fluid, pH 7.4. An ophthalmic insert was placed time for zero order, log cumulative percentage of
inside the donor compartment. With the help of a drug remaining and time for first order and
magnetic stirrer thecontent of the receptor cumulative percentage of drug released and square
compartment was stirred continuously and root of time for Higuchis model . The best fit
temperature was maintained at 37 0.5 C. At model was considered to that one which had
regular intervals, the diffusion fluid of 1ml was maximum R value (~1) (Acharya et al., 2014).
withdrawn from the receptor compartment and
2.2.14. Mechanism of drug release
diluted up to 5ml and replaced with fresh simulated
tear fluid solution to analyze drug content at 354 nm The commonly adopted model for understanding

BiopharmJournal.2015,1(2),7180 ISSN:24541397

release of drug from hydrophilic matrix is a simple coefficient(adjusted R) provided by Design Expert
exponential equation known as KorsmeyerPeppas software.In addition, analysis of variance (ANOVA)
equation. was used to identify significant effects offactors on
variable regression coefficients. The F test and P
Mt/ M = Kptn (6)
valueswere also calculated using the software.The
Where Mtis the amount of drug release at time t, M relationship between the factors and response
is the total amount of drug release after an infinite variables was further elucidated using response
time, Kp is a constant related to the structural and surface plots. These plots are useful to study the
geometric properties of the drug delivery system and effects of various independent variables on the
n is the release exponent related to the mechanism dependent variables at a given time and to predict
of release. Peppas used this n value in order to the responses of dependent variables at intermediate
characterize different release mechanisms. The n levels of independent variables.Subsequently, a
value was obtained from the slope of a plot of numerical optimization technique using the
logMt/Mversus log time. If the nvalue is 0.5 or desirability approach and a graphical optimization
less, the release mechanism follows Fickian technique using overlay plots were used to generate
diffusion,and higher values 0.5 < n < 1 for mass new formulations with the desired responses.
transfer follow a non-Fickianmodel (anomalous
2.2.16.Statistical analysis
transport). The model follows zero-order
drugrelease and case-II transport if the n value is Statistical optimization was performed using Design-
equal to 1.For the values of n higher than 1, the Expert software. All measured data are expressed as
mechanism of drug release is regarded assuper case- mean standard deviation (S.D.).
II transport (Acharya et al., 2014 and, Pani and
Nath, 2014).
3.1. Formulation of Ocusert
2.2.15. Experimental design, statistical analysis
and optimization The objective of present investigation was preparing
a controlled release bioadhesive ocular insert of
A 3 randomized full factorial design was used to
piroxicam using HPMC E5LV and PVA as
optimize the variables in the present study. In this
bioadhesive polymers. PEG was employed as a
design, two factors were evaluated, each at three
plasticizer in the preparation to get inserts/films
levels and experimental trials were performed at all 9
with good elasticity. Solvent casting procedure was
possible combinations (Acharya et al., 2014 and,
followed to prepare formulations that resulted in the
Pani and Nath, 2010). The different percentage of
preparation of uniform drug-polymeric ocuserts.
HPMC E5LV and PVA, were selected as
The drug was dissolved in the polymeric solutions
independent variables. Thetimes required for 10% of
prior to casting. The concentration of polymers is
drug release (t10), 50% of drug release (t50),90% of
very important in the preparation of the polymer
drug release (t90)were selected as dependent
matrix. The solution of the polymers was kept at
variables. Data obtained from all formulations were
room temperature for 24 hr in order to enhance
analyzedusing Design Expert software (Stat-Ease-7,
inter diffusion of polymer particles upon drying,
Minneapolis, USA) and used to generate the study
polymer solutions were converted into drug polymer
designand the response surface plots. Polynomial
inserts/films. Various research groups have studied
models, including linear, interaction and quadratic
the mechanism of film formation from polymer
termswere generated for all the variables using the
dispersions. The film formation occurs in three
software.The best fitting model was selected based
stages: (a) evaporation of casting solvent and
on comparisons of several statistical parameters,
subsequent concentration of polymer particles; (b)
including the coefficient of variation(CV), regression
deformation and coalescence of polymer particles;
coefficient (R) and adjusted regression
and (c) further fusion by inter diffusion of polymeric

BiopharmJournal.2015,1(2),7180 ISSN:24541397

molecules of adjacent polymer particles.

Table 2. Evaluation of physical parameters of piroxicamocusert
Parameter F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 F-9

Drug content 101.20 98.67 100.08 104.67 103.33 106.33 101.08 105.83 102.07
(% w/w) 1.38 1.12 1.09 1.11 1.03 0.98 0.72 0.64 1.95

Weight (mg) 13.14 17.22 19.32 21.21 22.82 24.08 19.76 20.80 25.45
0.21 0.16 0.09 0.11 0.21 0.20 0.26 0.18 0.21

Thickness 0.18 0.25 0.32 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.41 0.33 0.31
(mm) 0.03 0.02 0.22 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.06

Tensile strength 1.28 1.28 1.36 1.28 1.22 1.34 1.34 1.28 1.38
(g/mm2) 0.15 0.34 0.11 0.76 0.44 0.16 0.19 0.98 1.12

Elastic modulus 1.23 1.20 1.33 1.18 1.19 1.28 1.21 1.25 1.35
(g/mm2) 1.09 0.77 1.98 0.54 0.61 0.81 0.08 0.50 0.99

Elongation at 4.44 6.67 2.22 8.89 2.22 4.44 11.01 2.22 2.22
break (% w/w) 0.36 0.87 0.53 0.06 0.91 0.05 1.61 1.01 1.07

*Value expressed in Mean standard deviation

3.2 Physiochemical Evaluation The drug content was consistent in all batches and
varied from 98.67 % to 106.33% and shown in
The physical state of the drug in the dried polymer is
table2. Tensile testing gives an indication of the
dependent on the solubility of the drug in the
strengthand elasticity of the insert, reflected by the
polymer. The success of the film formation method
parameters tensile strength (TS), elastic modulus
is further evident from the fact that the prepared
(EM) and elongation at break (E/B). A soft and
inserts were translucent, colorlessand smooth in
weak insert is characterized by a low TS, EM, and
texture; uniform in appearance, thickness, and
E/B. A hard and brittle insert is defined by a
weight; and showed no visiblecrack or imperfection.
moderate TS, high EM, and low E/B. A soft and
Each ocular insert had an area of approximately 77
tough insert is characterized by moderate TS, low
mm2. The insert had a thickness varying from
EM, and high E/B, whereas a hard and tough insert
0.180.00, 0.250.02, 0.310.22, 0.370.04,
is characterized by a high TS, EM, and E/B.Hence,
0.370.07, 0.390.05, 0.400.04, 0.330.08,
it is suggested that a suitable bioadhesive ocular
0.310.06mm and weight varying from 13.10.201,
insert should have a relatively moderate TS, E/B,
17.20.136, 19.30.089, 21.20.109, 22.80.213,
and strain but a low EM.In the present study,
24.080.209, 19.760.265, 20.80.187, 25.450.207
bioadhesive polymers cast from aqueous solvent
mg (shown in table 2). It was found that the
werePVA and HPMC E5LV which is widely
thickness and weight of the insertsincreased with
accepted in the preparationof ocular inserts. Table 2
increasing total polymer concentration. The inserts
shows the mechanical properties of the prepared
were found to possess uniform weight and thickness
Piroxicam ocular inserts. Addition of PEG as a
within the batch. Surface pH was within the range of
plasticizer gave inserts of good mechanical
7.0 to 8.0. This shows that prepared inserts were
propertiesas evident from the satisfactory elongation
neutral pH and would not cause irritation in the eye.
at break parameters for all inserts. PEG, as a

BiopharmJournal.2015,1(2),7180 ISSN:24541397

plasticizer, allows the polymer-drug matrix administration of formulation,the rabbits eyes were
molecules to move more freely resulting in an inspected visually at specific time intervals. There
increase in the flexibility of the inserts. The order of was no sign of redness and continuous blinking of
tensile strength of the inserts were F-9 > F-3> F-6= eyes was observed. No ocular damage or abnormal
F-7> F-1=F-2=F-8>F-5 and elastic modulus was clinical sign to cornea, iris and conjunctiva were
ranges between1.23 1.09 to 1.35 0.99gm/mm visible. Thus the formulation was nonirritant to
(shown in table2). For ocular application,soft and rabbit eye.
tough inserts are preferred as these can withstandthe 70
continuous wear and tear of frequent blinking of the F1 F2 F3
eye without irritating the ocular tissue and enhance 60 F4 F5 F6

patient compliance. F7 F8 F9
3.3. Swelling behavior
The swelling behavior of the polymer was reported
to be crucial for its bioadhesive character. The 30
adhesion occurs shortly after the beginning of 20
swelling but the bond formed is not very strong. The
swelling of drug loaded films of size 2cm observed 10
in 4ml of water. The data for increase weight due to
swelling were given in figure1. As concentration of
0 2 4 6 8
HPMC E5LV increase, the swelling index of the Time(hr)
films also increases.
Figure 2. In vitro drug release study of
90 F1 F2 F3 piroxicamocuserts
F4 F5 F6
80 F7 F8 F9 3.5.In-vitro release study

70 The in vitro cumulative amount of drug release from

60 piroxicamocuserts is presented in figure 2.The
figure-2 indicates that the drug release I controlled
manner from prepared ocuserts i.e. less than 50 %
40 w/w within 7 hrs except F-3. For the determination
30 of the release mechanism of drug, the in vitro release
data were fitted to zero-order, first-order and
diffusion-controlled release mechanism according to
10 the simplified Higuchi model, Korsmeyer-Peppas
0 model. The preference of a certain release
0 10 20 30 40 mechanism was based on the correlation coefficient
(r) for the parameters studied, where the highest
correlation coefficient is preferred for the selection
Figure 1. Results of swelling behavior study of of the mechanism of release.Successive evidence of
piroxicamocusert the relative validity of diffusion and zero order
3.4. Eye irritation study models was obtained by further analyzing the data
using Korsmeyer-Peppasequation.The mathematical
This study was performed to determine whether the
treatment of the in vitro release data of Piroxicam
formulation cause irritation and pain, after its
ocular inserts resulted that the drug release from the
administration.This study was performed in rabbits
matrix iscontrolled by both coupling erosion and
using sterilized optimized formulation F-6. After
diffusion mechanism as n value was within 0.5 to 1.

BiopharmJournal.2015,1(2),7180 ISSN:24541397

3.6. In vivo release HPMC H5LV (A) and amount of PVA (B), which
were varied at two different levels (high and
The sterilized optimized Formulation (F-6) subjected
low).The effects of these independent variables on
to in vivo studies in thealbino rabbit eye. The drug
t10, t50 and t90were investigated as optimization
release at the end of the 8 hr was found to be
response parameters in the current investigation.
93.59% and the releasecharacteristics were similar to
The software provided suitable polynomial model
those obtained fromin vitro studies.
equations involving individual main factors and
3.7.In vitro-In vivo correlation interaction factors after fitting these data.The
The in vitro and in vivo release profiles of the insert, optimized model equations relating Y1 (t10), Y2 (t50)
(F-6) containing Piroxicam indicated that the release and Y3 (t90) as responses are given in Eq .(1),(2) and
of drug was not significantlydifference from the (3) respectively.
amounts of drug released at the end of 24 h. The Y1 = t10= 2.24 +0.45*A - 0.65*B - 0.099*A*B +
difference between the Piroxicam released from 0.03*A (7)
ocular inserts during in vitro and in vivo studies for
Y2 = t50= 11.86 + 3.67*A- 3.19*B - 0.42A*B+
formulation (F-6) was found to beinsignificant
0.94A (8)
(p>0.05, F-value is less than table value). Polymeric
ocular inserts appeared to be devoid of any irritant Y3 = t90 = 21.82 +7.67*A-5.69 *B-
effect on cornea, iris, and conjunctiva up to 24 h 0.63*A*B+2.34*A (9)
after application, which probably suggest its
In all above cases i.e.Y1 (t10), Y2 (t50) and Y3 (t90), the
suitability for ophthalmic drug delivery. An attempt
+ve coefficient of A and ve coefficient of B are
was made to correlate invitro and in vivo release
observed. It signifies that the concentration of factor
(Figure 3). A linearcorrelation was obtained as it was
A (HPMC H5LV)is directly proportional to t10, t50
evident fromthe regression value of 0.992 for(F-6).
and t90; the concentration of factor B (PVA)
50 inversely proportional to t10, t50 and t90. The 3D plot
45 (Figure 4.a, b and c) showed that a downward trend

40 R=0.992 of wire mesh were depicted at higher level(+1) and

35 the upward trend at lower levelof (-1) of the
30 concentration of A and B. It is further support the
25 predicted information from optimized equations.
20 a)
0 50 100
Figure 3. In vitro in vivo Correlation study of
piroxicamocusert (F-6)
3.8. Analysis of data and optimization of design
By using Design Expert software, the results
obtained from the experiment were statistically
analyzed for response variables. A total nine
formulations were proposed by the 32 factorial
design for two independent variables: amount of
BiopharmJournal.2015,1(2),7180 ISSN:24541397

concluded that formulation F-6 is the best

b) formulation amongst all formulation and can be
used effectively in the treatment and management of
post- operative pain with improved patient

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