C1 Writing

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Letter of application
1) You see this advertisement in an international student magazine.

Volunteers needed
We are looking for volunteers to help out at a famous, international sporting event. Were looking for friendly,
respectful people with good language skills, good team skills and a can-do attitude. We need people to welcome
delegates, provide customer service and solve problems.
If you think you have what it takes, apply now.

Write an application to become a volunteer. Mention:

your language skills

your personal qualities
examples of times when you have demonstrated team skills
any relevant work experience.

2) A survey is conducted in your country about working/studying abroad. Write an
essay and mention the following:

what (purpose, aim) motivates people in your country to go and live abroad
what age groups typically travel and to what countries
how do you think the experiences gained abroad influence the career opportu-
nities of those who come back home
how do you think the situation of working/studying abroad will develop in the

3) You have entered an essay writing competition on the internet with the title
Hosting the Olympic Games would bring the country fame and prosperity.
Write an essay on the topic in which you should present opposing points of view
along with your justifications, examples or reasons, using advanced vocabulary.
Include your thoughts about the following points:
preparations investments foreign investors;
creation of workplaces;
moral benefits.

4) According to an internet site, schools in the 22nd century might be digital/virtual.
Education will mainly be performed with the help of electronic communication.
Write a blog post (ca. 300 words) and speak about the following:
in your opinion how you can study on your own (readings, homework)
what subjects are possible/impossible to study this way (why)
how the teacher-student / student-student relationships could change
what other consequences this future education form may entail
Letter of complaint
5) You attended a classical music concert last week. However, you were not satisfied
with the whole event. Write a letter of complaint, focusing on the following point:
crowd of people
lack of seats
a rock concert in parallel with this concert
no buffet
rude security.

6) You have been on an unsatisfactory language course. Write a letter of complaint to

the National Academy using the information below.

Heaton School of English

Experienced Native English Teachers
No mixed ability classes
Focussed Exam Preparation Classes: high pass rate guaranteed
High quality computers with fast internet connections

My Notes
Young unqualified teachers
Poor pedagogy, no experience
My class: beginners with fluent English speakers
No exam prep
Couple of old PCs

7) The mayor of your town has introduced a congestion charge for driving into the
town centre. Write an article about the scheme and the effects it has had. Write an
article for a local newspaper. Present your points clearly. Remember you are
writing for the readers of the newspaper.

Personal letters
8) You recently spent a night camping in a forest and found the experience
unnerving. Write a letter to a friend, evaluating your experience and suggesting
why you may have reacted in the way in which you did.

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