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Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

In this issue
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you are interested in and ac- Region of the Americas eliminates maternal and neonatal tetanus
cess it directly! Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters

News The Region of the Americas has eliminated

New collaboration to ad- 2 maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), a dis-
vance maternal immunization
The world is running out of
ease that used to be responsible for the
antibiotics, WHO report deaths of more than 10,000 newborns every
confirms year in the Americas.
New report calls for a global 3
plan to defeat meningitis The elimination of the disease was declared
WHO issues updated chol- 3 this year in Haiti, which made it possible to
era vaccines position paper
reach the regional goal. MNT is the sixth vac-
WHO issues updated diph- 4
theria vaccines position cine-preventable disease to be eliminated
paper from the Americas, following the regional
Colombia launches cascade 4 eradication of smallpox in 1971, poliomyelitis
training to introduce frac- in 1994, rubella and congenital rubella syn-
tional doses of the Inactivat-
drome in 2015, and measles in 2016. Young woman receiving the vaccine against MNT.
ed Poliovirus Vaccine
Colombias Ministry of 5
Health Recognizes the Inter- The elimination of maternal and neonatal
national Rotary Foundation tetanus is proof again that vaccines work to save the lives of countless mothers and babies, said
Support for Polio Eradication Carissa F. Etienne, Director of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization
Efforts in the Country 2
(PAHO/WHO). Let us continue to protect the people of our Region by investing in strong na-
Incentive to health teams 6
increase vaccination cover- tional immunization programs that are capable of vaccinating all individuals and quickly identifying
age in Influenza Campaign vaccine-preventable diseases.
Call for urgent support to 6 Unlike other vaccine-preventable diseases, MNT is considered eliminated when there is an annual
scale up response and ad- rate of less than one case of neonatal tetanus per 1,000 live births at the district level. Tetanus
dress measles outbreak in
Somalia cannot be fully eradicated because the bacterium that causes the disease, Clostridium tetani, exists
throughout the environment in soil and the feces of many different animals.
Past meetings / workshops 7-19
Before widespread modern vaccination against MNT began in the 1970s, neonatal tetanus was re-
sponsible for the deaths of more than 10,000 newborns every year in the Americas a number
Resources 20-22
considered low by experts due to severe underreporting of cases. According to data from WHO,
neonatal tetanus killed about 34,000 newborn children in 2015, a 96% reduction from 1988, when
Calendar 23
an estimated 787,000 newborn babies died of tetanus within their first month of life.

Links 24 Read the news release: English, Spanish


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with the following text in the body of the email: visit the GIN archive on the WHO website:
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

New collaboration to advance maternal immunization

Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters

A newly launched collaboration is bringing together stakeholders from

around the world to improve infant health and survival through mater-
nal immunization, particularly in low- and middle-income countries
(LMICs). The newly assembled Advancing Maternal Immunization
(AMI) collaboration is meeting an urgent need for pregnant mothers in
LMICs to be able to protect their babies from infectious diseases by
getting vaccinated themselvesan option not used to its full potential
in many parts of the world, especially in resource-limited settings
where it is not widely available.
A mother and baby in front of a health clinic.
With a current focus on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)which is Credit: WHO.
estimated to cause more than a quarter of global respiratory deaths
(nearly 120,000) among children younger than five years of age annuallyAMI aims to ensure that a successful RSV
vaccine is made available to women in LMICs without delay. No licensed vaccine exists to prevent RSV, but a num-
ber of vaccine candidates are advancing, including a maternal vaccine in late-stage development that may be available
in the next few years.

Coordinated by PATH in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and funded by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation, AMI will start by developing a roadmap to facilitate informed global, regional, and country
decisions around RSV maternal vaccines. It will also identify requirements to enable rapid launch and uptake in

Read the full story.

The world is running out of antibiotics, WHO report confirms

Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters

A report, Antibacterial agents in clinical development an analysis of the antibacterial

clinical development pipeline, including tuberculosis, launched by WHO shows a serious
lack of new antibiotics under development to combat the growing threat of antimi-
crobial resistance.

Most of the drugs currently in the clinical pipeline are modifications of existing clas-
ses of antibiotics and are only short-term solutions. The report found very few
potential treatment options for those antibiotic-resistant infections identified by
WHO as posing the greatest threat to health, including drug-resistant tuberculosis
which kills around 250 000 people each year.

"Antimicrobial resistance is a global health emergency that will seriously jeopardize

progress in modern medicine," says Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-
General of WHO. "There is an urgent need for more investment in research and
development for antibiotic-resistant infections including TB, otherwise we will be
forced back to a time when people feared common infections and risked their lives
from minor surgery."

Read the news release.

Read the Q&A on why vaccination is important for addressing antibiotic resistance.

Page 2
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

New report calls for a global plan to defeat meningitis

Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters
A new report on meningitis calls for a global plan that inherits the success
of the past two decades and addresses the challenges of the next 13 years,
to 2030.
The Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) and Wilton Park called together
over 50 global experts to shape a vision towards defeating meningitis, in-
cluding experts and representatives from the World Health Organization
(WHO), UNICEF, PATH, Mdecins Sans Frontires, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation and other global health organizations, patient groups and pharmaceutical companies.
The report includes key priorities from the WHO to answer the call by eliminating meningitis epidemics from the
meningitis belt in sub-Saharan Africa by 2030 and an intent to work with partners and stakeholders in a bid to extend
the scope to other countries around the world, and to help tackle the many different causes of meningitis.
Vinny Smith, Chief Executive of the MRF said: We called for this important meeting because no matter where we live,
meningitis will only be defeated with coordinated global action.
Marie-Pierre Preziosi, WHO Flagship Projects Lead, Initiative for Vaccine Research, said: We understand that putting
meningitis high on the global agenda, setting a global vision and strategy, and working at the interface between many dis-
ciplines could be a very powerful incentive to reach the next level of disease control to transform our world and leave
no one behind by 2030.
Sir Brian Greenwood, a leading expert in meningitis, said: Meningitis is a multifaceted problem and a multidisciplinary
approach is needed. We need a global plan for meningitis through to 2030, along the lines of the existing Malaria Tech-
nical Action Plan that was ratified by the World Health Assembly.
Read the conference report in English.
Read the conference report in French.

WHO issues updated cholera vaccines position paper

Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters
In an updated position paper on cholera vaccines published in the August 2017 edition of
the Weekly Epidemiological Record, WHO incorporates recent developments in the field of
cholera and provides revised guidance on the target populations for immunization.
Cholera prevention and control should be a priority in areas at risk for cholera or where
endemic cholera is present. Given the current availability of oral cholera vaccines and data
on their safety, efficacy, field effectiveness, feasibility, impact and acceptability in cholera-
affected populations, these vaccines should be used in areas with endemic cholera, in hu-
manitarian crises with high risk of cholera, and during cholera outbreaks. The vaccines
should always be used in conjunction with other cholera prevention and control strategies.
Vaccination should not disrupt the provision of other high priority health interventions to
control or prevent cholera outbreaks. Appropriate case management, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interven-
tions, surveillance and community mobilization remain cornerstones of cholera control.
Vaccination complements the other prevention and control measures and should be implemented in relevant settings as
part of comprehensive cholera control strategies or while the other activities are being developed.
Cholera is a rapidly dehydrating diarrhoeal disease and is spread mainly by faecal contamination of water and food and is
closely linked to poor sanitation and lack of clean drinking water.
Approximately 1.3 billion people are at risk of cholera in endemic countries. An estimated 2.86 million cholera cases oc-
cur annually in endemic countries. Among these cases, there are an estimated 95 000 deaths. About half of the cholera
cases and deaths are estimated to occur in children under 5 years of age, but any age group may be affected. Two types
of oral cholera vaccines are currently recommended for use by WHO.
Read the updated cholera vaccines position paper. Page 3
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

WHO issues updated diphtheria vaccines position paper

Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters

In an updated position paper on diphtheria vaccines published in the Weekly

Epidemiological Record, WHO incorporates recent evidence on diphtheria and
provides revised recommendations on the optimal number of doses and timing
of diphtheria vaccination.

In view of the widespread use of combination vaccines, it provides guidance on

the alignment of vaccination schedules for different antigens included in routine
childhood immunization programmes. The recommendations concerning diph-
theria vaccine booster doses later in life are also updated. Recommendations on
the use of diphtheria vaccines were discussed by the Strategic Advisory Group
of Experts on immunization (SAGE) in April 2017. The evidence presented at
the meeting can be accessed here.

All children worldwide should be immunized against diphtheria. Recent diphthe-

ria outbreaks in several countries reflect inadequate vaccination coverage and have demonstrated the importance of
sustaining high levels of coverage in childhood immunization programmes. Every country should seek to achieve
timely vaccination with a complete primary series plus booster doses. Those who are unimmunized are at risk re-
gardless of the setting.

Read the updated diphtheria vaccines position paper.

Colombia launches cascade training to introduce fractional doses of the Inactivated

Poliovirus Vaccine
Diego Garcia, EPI Manager-Colombia; Viviana Calderon and Ivy Talavera, PAHO-
Colombia; Ana Elena Chevez and Elizabeth Thrush, PAHO-Washington, DC
On 11-12 September 2017, Colombia became the first country in the Region to
launch a training to introduce a fractional dose schedule of the inactivated po-
liovirus vaccine (fIPV).

A practical session was included on the training agenda, so that those in attend-
ance could practice the vaccination technique and become familiar with the
formation of the bleb immediately after the vaccine is administered. Representatives from Colombias 37
departments at the fIPV training in
Bogot, Colombia; 11-12 September
Taking advantage of this training, the country emphasized the importance of 2017. Credit: PAHO/WHO.
improving surveillance for acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), preparing to detect and
respond to any event or outbreak of poliovirus, and reinforced messages on strengthening cold chain practices, the
surveillance of adverse events following immunization, and containment.

A pre and post-test was given to measure the knowledge gained at the meeting and the results showed a 12% in-
crease in knowledge over the course of the two-day training, from 86% knowledge at the beginning to 98% at the
end of the training.

The department representatives who attended this meeting will be in charge of holding the department-level train-
ings. Between now and November 2017, Colombia plans to hold 258 trainings at the department and municipal lev-
els, training a total of 9,100 vaccinators.

In addition to these meetings, Colombia has organized a further 12 meetings with pediatric and general physicians to
inform them of the new vaccination strategy and request their technical and scientific endorsement of this recom-
mendation of their patients.

Throughout the Region, trainings are planned for September 2017 through November 2017 in Ecuador, El Salvador,
Guatemala and Honduras. All of these countries, including Colombia, plan to initiate the change in vaccination
schedule from one complete dose of IPV to two fractional doses of IPV at the beginning of January 2018.
Page 4
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Colombias Ministry of Health recognizes the International Rotary Foundation

support for Polio Eradication efforts in the country
Diego Garcia, Ministry of Health, Colombia; Viviana Calderon and Ivy Talavera, PAHO-Colombia; Ana Elena Chevez
and Elizabeth Thrush, PAHO-Washington, DC

The International Rotary Foundation, created in July 1917, is celebrating 100 years of community service this year and
has been one of the key partners for global polio eradication.

In Colombia, Rotary International supported initial polio eradication efforts in the 1980s and in 2015 renewed their
commitment to support the country to achieve the objectives outlined in the Global Polio Eradication and Endgame

In 2016, Rotary joined the country for the verification and certification process of the switch from the trivalent oral
polio vaccine (tOPV) to the bivalent vaccine (bOPV).

During the current year, Rotary has participated in the poliovirus containment verification process in the national net-
work of laboratories and more recently, has accompanied the Ministry of Health (MoH) in the process of introducing
fractional doses of the inactivated polio vaccine (fIPV).

Recognizing the importance of Rotary International's support in Colombia, the Director of Promotion and Prevention
in the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Dr Elkin de Jess Osorio, in the name of the Minister of Health, Dr
Alejandro Gaviria Uribe, delivered a special award to Rotary International in Colombia for supporting the global fight
against poliomyelitis.

This recognition was given at the opening ceremony for the national training for fIPV implementation, held in Bogot
on 11 September 2017. Accepting the award on behalf of Rotary International Colombia was Efrain Marmolejo and
Jorge Maldonado, District Governors of Rotary in Colombia and Dr Guido Chvez, former District Governor, mem-
ber of Rotary International and member of Colombias National Certification Committee for the Elimination of Polio-

During his speech, Dr Efrain Marmolejo highlighted the commitment of the Ministry of Health of Colombia to main-
tain polio eradication and also thanked PAHO/WHO for its support by placing a Rotary pin on Dr Gina Watson, Rep-
resentative of PAHO/WHO in Colombia.

Representatives from Rotary International, MOH Colombia and PAHO/WHO Colombia

Dr Gina Watson, Representative of PAHO/WHO in Colombia, receiving the Rotary pin.

Page 5
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Incentive to health teams increase vaccination coverage in Influenza Campaign 2017

Fernando Muoz, Ministry of Health, Chile
Vaccine coverage increased by 10.6% in the Chilean campaign
2017 for the protection against influenza, compared to the same
campaign in 2016. A total of 4.321 million people were vaccinat-
ed before winter (80.3% of the 5.381 million people estimated
for the different target groups).
Differences with 2016 were larger for chronic patients (20.6%)
and people older than 65 years (11.1%). In the interim, between Figure 1. A comparison between 2016 and 2017 Influ-
the two campaigns, vaccine coverage for these groups was in- enza Campaigns in Chile (National Immunizations
Nominal Register)
cluded as one of the primary care activity indexes defined as
an incentive for health teams working at health centres. These
indicators are a measurement of different national priorities inside programmatic activities defined for the public pri-
mary care system. To achieve the established goal in this set of priorities translates into a salary bonus for health
The public primary care system (mostly managed by municipalities) is responsible for most of the vaccination pro-
grammes in the country. Before 2017, and because of the difficulties of outreach vaccination activities, managers and
health teams usually devote themselves to a passive role, expecting that people included as targets for influenza vac-
cination to attend health centres for the usual check-ups or for their interest in being vaccinated. It is apparent that
the new policy has also incentivized the development of other activities to help reach the target population in public
places or in their houses. It is understood that regional authorities have also increased communication activities de-
signed to improve compliance with vaccination.
Chilean campaigns against influenza are very old and this kind of yearly improvements had never been observed be-
fore. The only change observed between 2016 and 2017 is the policy of incentives for primary care health teams.
This year, the experience highlights the importance of using well-designed incentive when working towards increasing
coverage in vaccine campaigns in Chile.
Call for urgent support to scale up response and address measles outbreak in Somalia
Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters
As millions of people in Somalia remain trapped in a devastating cycle of hunger
and disease, WHO and health partners are working with national health authori-
ties to save lives and reach the most vulnerable with essential health services.
More than 2 years of insufficient rainfall and poor harvests have led to drought,
food insecurity and a real risk of famine. Malnutrition, mass displacement as a re-
sult of the drought, and lack of access to clean water and sanitation have created
ideal conditions for infectious disease outbreaks.
Somalia is facing its worst measles outbreak in 4 years, with over 14 823 suspected cases reported in 2017 (as of 31
July), compared to 500010,000 cases per year since 2014. The situation is especially critical for millions of under-
vaccinated, weak and hungry children who are more susceptible to contracting infectious diseases. More than 80% of
those affected by the current outbreak are children under 10 year of age.
In early 2017, WHO and partners, in collaboration with national health authorities, vaccinated almost 600 000 chil-
dren aged 6 months to 5 years for measles in hard-to-reach and hotspot areas across the country. Despite these ef-
forts, the transmission of measles continues, compounded by the ongoing pre-famine situation, continued mass dis-
placement, and undernourished children living in unhygienic conditions.
To contain the outbreak, a nationwide campaign is planned for November 2017 to stop transmission of the disease,
targeting 4.2 million children. The campaign will also intensify efforts to strengthen routine immunization and reach
unvaccinated children to boost their immunity.
An estimated US$ 14.4 million (a cost of US$ 3.36 per child) is required by WHO and health partners to conduct the
measles vaccination campaign in November 2017, of which WHO requires about US$ 6.8 million. To date, no funding
has been received.
Page 6 More on the measles outbreak in Somalia.
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Past Meetings/Workshops
Sixth Meeting of the European Regional Verification Commission for Measles and
Rubella Elimination (RVC)
Catharina de Kat, WHO Europe
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Date: 15-17 June 2017
Participants: Members of the Regional Verification Commission
for Measles and Rubella Elimination (RVC), UNICEF,
ECDC, WHO/Europe, WHO headquarters, PAHO,
representatives of the Romanian national verification
committee for measles and rubella elimination
(NVC), Ministry of Health and the National Institute
of Public Health
Purpose: The RVC met to evaluate annual status updates (ASUs) for 2016 received from 51 Member States
in the Region that have initiated the verification process and established a national verification
committee for measles and rubella elimination (NVC). The meeting included face-to-face discus-
sions with representatives of the Romanian NVC and of the Romanian Ministry of Health and the
National Institute of Public Health on the ongoing measles outbreak situation in Romania, related
challenges and planned response activities.

Details: The RVC concluded that:

42 (out of 53) Member States in the European Region interrupted endemic measles transmission
as of the end of 2016, and 37 Member States interrupted endemic rubella transmission;
33 Member States provided evidence to demonstrate the elimination of endemic transmission of
measles (interruption for at least 36 months), and 33 for the elimination of endemic transmission
of rubella;
Nine Member States remained endemic for measles transmission in 2016, and 14 for rubella
transmission. Nine Member States remained endemic for both measles and rubella.

The RVC was unable to review the measles and rubella status of two Member States (Monaco and
San Marino).

More information on the RVCs conclusions and recommendations per country are provided in
the meeting report.


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with the following text in the body of the email: visit the GIN archive on the WHO website:
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Subregional meeting looks at progress and sustainability of rotavirus surveillance in

Danni Daniels, WHO EURO
Location: Riga, Latvia
Date: 20-22 June 2017
Participants: Members of the Rotavirus Sentinel
Surveillance Network in the WHO
European Region
Purpose: The meeting, organized by WHO/
Europe, provided hands-on training
in surveillance data management and
analysis. It gave all participants the
opportunity to discuss national, re-
gional and global progress in rota-
virus sentinel surveillance, as well as
the Networks future priorities and
Details: Participants discussed national, regional and global progress in rotavirus sentinel surveil-
lance, as well as the Networks future priorities and sustainability.

The Network is part of the WHO-coordinated Global Rotavirus Surveillance Network

(GRSN), which is funded by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. As 5 of the 7 European countries
in the Network will have transitioned from Gavi support by the end of 2017, Network
members discussed ways to reduce costs, ensure sustainable funding for surveillance and
leverage the existing rotavirus surveillance platform to detect other enteric diseases.

In order to lower regional costs, the number of specimens sent annually for genotyping to
the Regional Reference Laboratory in Belarus has already been reduced from 100 to 60
per country.

Vaccination against rotavirus is included in the routine immunization programmes of 17
countries in the Region. Five of these countries (Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Mol-
dova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), together with 2 additional countries that have not yet
introduced the vaccine (Azerbaijan and Ukraine), participate in the Network. Across the
7 participating countries in the Region, 11 sentinel hospitals enrol children under 5 years
of age who have been hospitalized for treatment of diarrhoea in the GRSN, and then col-
lect case-based demographic, clinical and laboratory data on the cases. Together these
sites enrolled a larger number of diarrhoea cases in the GRSN in 2016 than the collective
sentinel sites of any other WHO region.

Page 8
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Orientation workshop of the National Immunization Technical Advisory Group

(NITAG) in Lao PDR
Lauren Franzel- Sassanpour, WHO Country Office, Lao PDR
Location: Vientiane, Lao PDR
Date: 26-30 June 2017
Participants: On 23 June 2017 the Lao Peoples .
Democratic Republic (Lao PDR)
Ministry of Health appointed new
members to the NITAG. The Lao
NITAG is composed of 16 core
members and 10 alternate. Areas of
expertise represented are in paediat-
rics, infectious disease, immunology,
microbiology, biomolecular biology,
disease surveillance, epidemiology
and health economics.
Purpose: The training covered the three core Seated, from left: Dr Phath Keuangsaneth (Director of
modules of the manual: (1) Estab- Department of Hygiene and Health Promotion), Dr Juliet
lishment and mode of operations of Fleischl (WHO Representative), Dr Phounthone
an efficient NITAG; (2) Analysis of Muongpak (Deputy Minister of Health), Mr Steve Carroll
(Acting Representative of the US Mission) and Dr Myo-
immunization in the context of Zin Nyunt (UNICEF Acting Representative)
health systems and the policy deci-
sion making process; and (3) Devel-
opment of an evidence based recom-
mendation note.
Details: The five-day workshop was organized in the form of plenary presentations, interactive
sessions with practical demonstration and working groups. Training materials used were
adapted from the NITAG Training Manual developed by the WHO Collaborating Center
on Evidence-informed Immunization Policy-making through its SIVAC Initiative project.

The facilitators also provided reference documents from other NITAGs, guidance docu-
ments, templates and relevant publications that were used during the practical sessions.

The Lao NITAG developed preliminary versions of its internal procedures manual includ-
ing procedures for conflict of interest declaration and management. A working group was
also set up to prepare a recommendation on rotavirus vaccine introduction.

The NITAG will provide guidance to the National Immunization Programme (NIP) as they
prepare applications to introduce human papillomavirus (HPV) and rotavirus vaccines.

Page 9
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

PAHOs XXIV Meeting of PAHOs Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on vaccine-

preventable diseases
Nathalie El Omeiri, Cara Janusz, and Cuauhtemoc Ruiz Matus, Pan American Health Organization
Location: Panama City, Panama
Date: 12-14 July 2017
Participants: PAHO TAG Members, 200 participants from
35 countries in the Americas, including na-
tional immunization program managers, na-
tional managers of epidemiological surveil-
lance of vaccine-preventable diseases, Nation-
al Immunization Technical Advisory Group
(NITAG) presidents, PAHO immunization
staff and representatives from the World
Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers Participants at the XXIV Meeting of PAHOs Technical
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Advisory Group (TAG) on Vaccine-Preventable Diseases,
UNICEF, Public Health Agency of Canada, held on 12-14 July 2017 in Panama City, Panama. Credit:
Rotary International, Sabin Vaccine Institute, David Spitz, PAHO/WHO.
among other immunization partners and ex-
Purpose: To review the regional progress on selected
topics and issue recommendations to address
the current and future challenges faced by
national immunization programmes in the
Region of the Americas.
Details: PAHO convened its regional Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Vaccine-preventable diseases
(VPDs) from 10 to 12 July. The TAG welcomed two new members: Dr Cristiana Toscano from the
Federal University of Gois, Goiana, Brazil and Dr Nancy Messonnier, Director of the National Cen-
ter for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases of the CDC. PAHOs Assistant Director, Dr Francis-
co Becerra, and the Vice Minister of Health of Panama opened the meeting with welcoming remarks.
Informative sessions and discussions followed, covering the following topics:
Progress towards achieving the goals set forth in the regional immunization action plan
Perspectives on the sustainability of immunization programs in the Americas
Update on polio and progress towards the final phase of eradication
Update on the yellow fever epidemiological situation, current immunization and response strate-
gies in the region and global initiatives for yellow fever prevention and control
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in the Americas
Progress towards strengthening immunization data quality and electronic immunization registries
in the Americas
Plan of action for sustaining the elimination of measles and rubella in the Americas
Proposal for responding to pertussis in the Americas
Monitoring inequalities in vaccination coverage in the Americas
Strengthening the decision-making capacity of national immunization programs
Strengthening management of the cold chain and supply chain in the Americas
Update on the use of HPV vaccines in the Americas,
Meningococcal vaccine use in the immunization program
Improving access and timely supply of vaccines/syringes through PAHOs revolving fund for
vaccine procurement.

Under the leadership of Dr. Peter Figueroa (TAG chair), TAG members set out to review and make
recommendations for the issues raised. The TAG members acknowledged the contribution from the
PAHO Secretariat to the meetings success. The 2017 PAHO Immunization Award was given to Dr
Fernando Muoz Porras from Chile. The 2017 TAG full meeting report is available at this link.
Page 10
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Intercountry workshop of the South-East Asia Regional Polio Laboratory Network on

poliovirus diagnostic
Sirima Pattamadilok, World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO)
Location: Nonthaburi, Thailand
Date: 17-21 July 2017
Participants: A total of twenty three people including both par-
ticipants and facilitators were present in the work-
There were two (2) participants each from eight
polio laboratories situated outside India in the SEA
Regional Polio Laboratory Network (PLN) namely
(DPR Korea, Bangladesh, Indonesia- Bandung, Ja-
karta,& Surabaya, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thai-
land). Participants at the Intercountry workshop of the South-
One of two participants from each laboratory was East Asia Regional Polio Laboratory Network on po-
the Technologist/Technician responsible for bench liovirus diagnostic.
work and other was the Scientist /Supervisor of
the National Polio Laboratory.
It was co-facilitated by experts from the United
States Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
tion (US CDC), World Health Organization Head-
quarters (WHO/HQ), and WHO South-East Asia
Regional Office.
Purpose: To support the Polio Eradication & Endgame Strategic Plan 2013-2018 for detection of polioviruses
and further enhance capacity of Polio Laboratory Network to:

1. Update information and technology in terms of poliovirus detection

2. Review and discuss current practices for AFP and Environmental Surveillance.
3. Maintain accuracy, precision and consistency in reporting intratypic differentiation results while using
the latest version 5.0 of ITD test kit for poliovirus detection.
4. Agree on the new Global PLN (GPLN) diagnostic algorithm and poliovirus handling post OPV2 with-
5. Share experiences and troubleshooting in the use of the GPLN platform to produce the annual re-
Details: The Polio lab network consists of 16 labs is a backbone of high quality AFP surveillance. During 2016,
the Regional polio laboratory network (RPLN) maintained a very high level of competence in accord-
ance with global quality standards as evident from the 101,334 stool specimens tested and timeliness of
reporting primary culture results within 2 weeks of receipt of samples as 95%, against the global re-
quirement of 80%. Accreditation visits reaffirm that laboratories in the network updated standard
operating procedures for safe handling of AFP specimens, viral isolates and met global benchmarks for
polio virus diagnostics. However from the proficiency panel testing results in 2016, it was observed
that interpreting and reporting of molecular diagnostic modalities for poliovirus needs to be strength-

This workshop delved into concepts of good laboratory practices, quality assurance, and performance,
as well as maintaining consistency in reporting ITD and VDPV screening assays.

An emphasis on maintaining optimal sensitivity in detecting poliovirus from complex sewage samples
helped to strengthen ongoing environmental surveillance.

The practical implementation of bio-risk management practices and adoption of the new algorithm of
poliovirus diagnostics in accordance with the WHO global action plan to minimize poliovirus facility-
associated risks after type-specific eradication of wild polioviruses and sequential cessation of routine
OPV use (GAPIII) (after poliovirus type 2 withdrawal) was practiced during hands on training exercis- Page 11
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Regional meeting of Virologists from the South-East Asia Regional Polio

Laboratory Network (PLN)
Sirima Pattamadilok, World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia (WHO-SEARO)
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Date: 24-26 July 2017
Participants: A total of thirty three participants from sixteen
laboratories of PLN in seven countries of SEAR
(Bangladesh, DPRK, India, Indonesia, Myanmar,
Sri Lanka and Thailand).
There were two participants from each labora-
tory - a supervisor of the National Polio Labora-
tory and the Medical Officer or Technologist/
Technician responsible for bench work.

It was co-facilitated by experts from

the United States Centres for Disease Con- Participants at the Regional meeting of Virologists from
troland Prevention (US CDC), the South-East Asia Regional Polio Laboratory Net-
Division of Virology NIBSC, United Kingdom work (PLN).
WHO Headquarters WHO South-East Asia
Regional Office.
Purpose: To enhance capacity of the Regional Polio Laboratory network to support the Polio Eradication
and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013-2018 for detection of polioviruses/ vaccine derived poliovirus
(VDPV) through acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) and environmental surveillance in the Region.
The meeting was structured in the following sessions:
Progress towards detection and interruption of wild poliovirus (WPV) and VDPV transmission;
Quality assurance, technical issues and new technologies;
Environmental surveillance of poliovirus in the Region, expansion, laboratory requirements, suc-
cesses and challenges;
Poliovirus laboratory containment;
Actions and progress of bio-risk management implementation before and after the respective 2016
Details: A SEAR polio virologist meeting is held regularly to review progress, update knowledge, and dis-
cuss future strategies and advancements in science and technologies related to polio. This included:
Technical inputs from experts who oriented participants on the evolving poliovirus epidemiolog-
ical needs, so that all emerging poliovirus strains can be identified using the latest diagnostic mo-
dalities, and provided updates on the molecular detection method to comply with poliovirus
type 2 containment post-switch.
Emphasis was placed on strengthening the capacity of polio laboratory staff especially in inter-
preting and reporting laboratory results, troubleshooting mechanisms and quality assurance. It is
envisaged that workloads shall decrease subsequent to inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) intro-
duction, so it is essential to uphold expertise in diagnostics as well as focus on improving the
quality of data generated.
One of the challenges of the targeted expansion of Environmental Surveillance (ES) is in further
strengthening capacity for bench work to support rapid expansion of ES, along with the require-
ment of monitoring indicators to provide a regular review of ES activities.

The sessions on containment and bio-risk management clearly defined the role of the laboratory in
implementation of the WHO global action plan to minimize poliovirus facility-associated risk after
type-specific eradication of wild polioviruses and sequential cessation of routine OPV use (GAPIII).

Page 12
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Decade of Vaccines Economics: Cost of Illness Study (DOVECOI) in Bangladesh:

Training for Standardized Data Collection, Data Entry and Data Monitoring
Dagna Constenla and Md. Jasim Uddin, Johns Hopkins University and icddr,b
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Date: 26-28 July 2017
Participants: Eleven participants including: two field re-
search officers, four field research assistants,
and five co-investigators representing IVAC
and icddr,b.
Purpose: To train field research officers and field re-
search assistants in the use of data collection
instruments and how to conduct a cost of
illness study using surveys, and conducting
interviews in participating healthcare facili-
ties, pharmacies and households. Field re-
search officers and field research assistants
were introduced to the study background Study team including Line Director, Maternal Neonatal
and objectives, the data collection tools, and Child and Adolescent Health and Programme Manager,
data entry and monitoring procedures. Vari- Expended Programme on Immunization (EPI) of the Min-
ous role playing activities and case study ex- istry of Health and Family Welfare of the Government of
ercises were used to reinforce standardized Bangladesh.
data collection, data entry, and data monitor-
ing procedures.
Details: While vaccines are regarded as one of the most cost-effective public health interventions, substan-
tial gaps still exist in the evidence base on their broader economic impact, including cost of illness
estimates. The present study aims to fill such data gaps to better understand the value of vaccina-
tion, the true economic burden of childhood diseases, and provide evidence to support ongoing
investments into interventions targeting childhood diseases.

Recognizing the increasing need for governments to have a strong, robust evidence base for their
resource allocation decisions, IVAC and icddr,b investigators met with field research officers and
field research assistants in Dhaka, Bangladesh on July 26-28, 2017 to conduct a training on the use
of standardized methods for collecting, entering and monitoring cost data in participating
healthcare facilities, pharmacies and households in Bangladesh.

For 3 days, two field research officers and four field research assistants learned cost concepts and
costing, as well as methods on how to collect resource utilization and cost data from multiple lev-
els of care. A research protocol was developed and several surveys were conducted to collect
cost of illness data. A handbook detailing standardized data collection and monitoring procedures
was available during the training as were other training materials.

A pilot test to assess the use and applicability of the data collection tools in the Bangladesh con-
text and to evaluate the accuracy of entering data electronically were conducted shortly after
training. Data will be entered using tablets and tablet checks and blinded data reviews will be per-
formed regularly to ensure that data integrity, enrollment, and quality control procedures are fol-
lowed. Results will be available at the end of 2018. Evidence of the cost of treatment and produc-
tivity losses is critical to informing policy decisions and securing financial support for vaccination.

This effort is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Page 13
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Training on monitoring vaccination coverage and preventive chemotherapy to

eliminate lymphatic filariasis
Jean Andre and Mauricio Cerpa, PAHO-Haiti; Marcela Contreras and Mara Jess Snchez, PAHO-Washington,
DC; Laure Dumolard, WHO Headquarters; Ana Morice and Ana Mara Recinos, PAHO (consultants)
Location: Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Date: 31 July-4 August 2017

Participants: Twenty-six people from the

neglected diseases and immun-
ization programmes in Haiti
that work at the ministry of
health, International Medical
Aid (IMA), Carter Centre and Participants at the Training on Monitoring Vaccination Coverage and
PAHO. Preventive Chemotherapy to eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis in Haiti, July-
August 2017. Credit: PAHO/WHO.

Purpose: To monitor and analyze vac-

cination and preventive chem-
otherapy (PC) coverage for
deworming and lymphatic fila-
riasis elimination.

Participants at the Training on Monitoring Vaccination Coverage and

Preventive Chemotherapy to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis in Haiti, July-
August 2017. Credit: PAHO/WHO.

Participants at the Training on Monitoring Vaccination Coverage and

Preventive Chemotherapy to eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis in Haiti, July-
August 2017. Credit: PAHO/WHO.

Details: In 2012, PAHOs Comprehensive Family Immunization and Neglected Diseases units started de-
veloping a joint protocol to monitor vaccination and deworming coverage. From this process, six
modules were created through a decision algorithm, that can be used jointly or separately to
analyze vaccination and Preventive Chemotherapy (PC) coverage.

Since 2015, twelve workshops have been conducted on using this toolkit, training a total of 689

During the workshop, the concepts, advantages and limitations of the methods were discussed,
including analysis coverage based on administrative data, Rapid Coverage Monitoring (RCM), Da-
ta Quality Self-Assessment (DQS/DQA) and surveys. Practical exercises, PC and vaccination cov-
erage analyses for the country according to time, place, person and opportunity were made, eval-
uation of numerators and denominators, as well as field work to apply the DQS/DQA and RCM
tool door-to-door. The practice on the field was done in the Tabarre community and in the Cen-
tre de Sant Sans Lits de la Croix des Missions, in the LOuest Department. Based on what was
learned, actions to improve analysis and coverage for both programmes were presented. The
participants highlighted the interactive and participatory methodology and the field work to apply
the tools for coverage monitoring as the most positive of the workshop.
Page 14
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Workshop on Immunization Data Quality in Nicaragua

Jazmina Umaa, Ministry of Health, Nicaragua; Nancy Vasconez, PAHO-Nicaragua; Marcela Contreras and Martha
Velandia, PAHO-Washington, DC
Location: Managua, Nicaragua

Date: 15-17 August 2017

Participants: Nicaraguas Expanded Programme
on Immunization (EPI)
Representatives from Nicaraguas
Local Comprehensive Healthcare
System (SILAIS)
Representatives from PAHO-
Representatives from PAHO- Participants at the Immunization Data Quality workshop in Nicara-
Washington, DC gua, August 2017. Credit: PAHO/WHO.
Purpose: To strengthen the capacity of the EPI teams that are in charge of immunization data quality using
modules from the Toolbox For Coverage Monitoring of Integrated Public Health Interventions,
developed by PAHO.
Details: Correctly filling out immunization registries that generate administrative coverage has been essen-
tial to guiding the management, follow-up and evaluation of activities within immunization pro-
grammes. Vaccination coverage indicators must be interpreted based on aspects related to data
quality, therefore it is necessary to know their limits and possibilities. Another essential aspect for
coverage analysis is disseminating the results in a way that constitutes them as contributing to deci-
sion-making aimed at elevating coverage and implementing actions to improve the quality of the

PAHOs Immunization Unit and Neglected Diseases Unit have developed a Toolkit for Monitoring
the Coverage of Integrated Public Health Interventions to facilitate using concepts and methods
that make improving coverage data quality easier, as well as analyzing and using that information.
The Toolkit includes modules on topics such as analyzing administrative coverage, rapid coverage
monitoring, and evaluating data quality, among others. The tools can be applied in an integrated
way or individually, facilitating coverage analysis and monitoring for any health programme.

The data quality module was used in this workshop, aiming to strengthen the capacity of the na-
tional EPI team and statistics team from the subnational level or SILAIS. Forty-four representatives
from the SILAIS and the national level participated. The workshop was divided into: 1) a theoretical
section on data quality, which accounted for Nicaraguas context, as well as concepts, methodolo-
gies, and instruments to monitor and evaluate data quality, and; 2) a practical section which consid-
ered a visit to the different levels involved in the flow of immunization-related information, where a
thorough data quality exercise identified findings, strengths and opportunities for improvement.
These were analyzed and presented in a plenary session, prompting a discussion and generating
commitments towards future improvement.

The workshop was well received by participants. An extension of the workshop to local levels and
use of the tools acquired were among the conclusions.

Participants at the Immuniza-

tion Data Quality workshop
in Nicaragua, August 2017.
Credit: PAHO/WHO.

Participants at the Immuniza-

tion Data Quality workshop
in Nicaragua, August 2017.
Credit: PAHO/WHO. Page 15
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Countries from Africa and the Americas share/exchange their experiences with
the Electronic Immunization Registry (EIR) information system
Marcela Contreras, Gabriela Felix, PAHO; Catherine Muyawala and Chilunga Puta, PATH; Tove Ryman, BMGF;
Dan Ehlman, CDC
Location: Santiago, Chile
Date: 22-25 August 2017
Participants: Those responsible for immunization information
systems in the Americas, specifically in Bolivia,
Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Honduras.
Those responsible for immunization infor-
mation systems in Africa, specifically in Ghana,
Tanzania and Zambia.
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
PATH, BID Learning Network
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Participants sharing experiences with EIR systems in
(CDC) Chile, August 2017. Credit: PAHO/WHO.
Purpose: For selected countries from Africa and the
Americas to share their experiences with elec-
tronic immunization registries (EIRs) and good
practices to effectively manage them.
Details: Experiences and lessons learned were reviewed among participants during the workshop, touching
on topics like planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the systems data quality, interop-
erability, using and analyzing information within the systems and using EIRs in vaccination strategies
and future challenges. Additionally, two vaccinating centers and maternity wards in private clinics
were visited, as well as two public vaccinating centers, so workshop participants could witness the
spectrum of health services in Chile and how the EIR system tool is actively used.

The discussion on lessons learned highlighted the following topics: EIR data quality monitoring,
information security, user management, establishment of contracts in the case of external provid-
ers, role of electronic clinical files, sustainability planning, the fact that EIRs require time and budg-
eting to ensure proper implementation of an information systems entire cycle, user involvement at
all levels, the importance of having interoperability guidelines, documenting the analyses that are
being done and conduct new analyses, the importance of health personnel committed and empow-
ered, the idea of considering an online and offline version of the tool when designing the EIR,
among others.

The shared vision regarding EIR implementation was the main conclusion drawn from the work-
shop, despite participants coming from different contexts. The lessons learned and shared challeng-
es were established, valuable feedback among countries was provided, and the importance of con-
tinuing to promote exchanges of experiences among countries in the Americas and other regions
was emphasized.

Participants sharing experiences with EIR sys-

tems in Chile, August 2017. Credit: PAHO/

Participants sharing experiences with EIR sys-

Page 16 tems in Chile, August 2017. Credit: PAHO/
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Workshop on Electronic Immunization Registries (EIRs) in Argentina

Analia Aquino, Susana Devoto, Gustavo Iriarte, Amelia Monti, Martin Saralegui, Emanuel Sarmiento and Patricia Tor-
rilla, Ministry of Health-Argentina; Mirta Magarios, PAHO-Argentina, Marcela Contreras, PAHO-Washington, DC
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date: 5 September 2017
Participants: Representatives from the Directorate
of Control for Immuno-preventable
Diseases (DICEI), ministry of health-
Those responsible for EIR systems in
PAHO-Washington, DC.
Purpose: To share the experiences and lessons-
learned from implementing and using EIR Participants at the EIR workshop in Argentina, Sep-
systems in Argentina, as well as establish tember 2017. Credit: PAHO/WHO.
the future challenges in the country re-
garding the use of EIR systems.
Details: The DICEI from the Ministry of Health in Argentina conducted a workshop on implement-
ing and using EIR systems in Argentina, in conjunction with those responsible for the sys-
tem at all sub-national levels. Argentina has 24 provinces, 12 of which utilize the EIR sys-
tem developed by the DICEI, named NOMIVAC. The other 12 provinces use their own
systems, which should transfer nominal vaccination information to the main repository.

During this workshop, PAHO and Argentina delivered presentations on progress in the
Region of the Americas, and in the country, in relation to EIR system implementation and
data quality, emphasizing the importance of counting on basic and complex tools, like the
EIRs to monitor EPI performance at all levels, to support data analysis and systematic mon-
itoring of immunization quality

Through teamwork, participants discussed the following central themes: indicators for
implementing the system they use, limitations and advantages to having an online/offline
EIR system, standards for data quality in a consolidated EIR system and use of the infor-
mation generated by an EIR.

At the end of the workshop, future challenges regarding the use of EIR systems in Argenti-
na were discussed, where participants highlighted strengthening EPI performance indicator
reports in the system, improving motivation for system users, reducing error rates, and
stimulating analysis at all levels, among others.


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Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

The third Eastern and Southern African Region Immunization Supply Chain
Management Workshop
Hailu Makonnen Kenea, United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office
Location: Kigali, Rwanda
Date: 4-8 September 2017
Participants: Fifty participants representing nine-
teen Eastern and Southern African
Region (ESAR) Countries (Angola,
Botswana, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi,
Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, So-
malia, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tan-
zania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimba-
bwe) working for Ministries of
Health, and representatives from Participants with UNICEF Representative & the MoH
UNICEF, WHO, CHAI, PATH and officials, 04 Sep 2017
Purpose: To share global and regional updates and country level experiences in ISCM; to build
skills in the development of Comprehensive Effective Vaccine Management (cEVM) Im-
provement Plans (IP) with a particular focus on the National Vaccine Stores, the Stock
and Distribution Management processes, as well as the effective use of Key Perfor-
mance Indicators (KPIs); in developing and implementing the Operational Deployment
Plan for infrastructure investment through the Gavi Cold Chain Optimization Platform;
to share experiences on implementing system design activities; a site visit to the Cen-
tral Vaccine Store in Kigali; and experiences in setting up effective oversight and tech-
nical groups such as National Logistics Working Groups (NLWGs)
Details: Recognizing key achievements as well as persisting challenges faced by ESAR countries
for the past one year, UNICEF, in collaboration with WHO and Gavi, organized the
3rd ISCM Regional Workshop in Kigali from 3rd to 8th September 2017. The work-
shop intended to support ESA countries and their in-country technical partners to keep
the momentum in the area where good progress have been achieved and to address
the weaknesses identified through various interventions to ensure further progress in
key ISCM priority areas, which included infrastructure, system, and HR capacity im-
provements at country level towards sustainable development.

Post-workshop evaluation and feedback that was generated demonstrated an increase

in knowledge and skills in key thematic areas covered during the workshop. The work-
shop was adequately supported by 13 facilitators coming from UNICEF & WHO Head-
quarters, UNICEF ESARO & Supply Division, Gavi, the Global Alliance, and JSI.

The workshop provided an opportunity to participants to share experiences, and to

conduct a field visit to the National Vaccine Store to connect with reality in terms of
Good Warehouse Practices.

30 participants successfully completed an ISCM learning course on Agora, UNICEF's

global hub for learning and development. The workshop renewed the motto Let us
make the National Vaccine Store meet the 80% scores EVM requirement.

Page 18
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Meeting of the Regional Polio Laboratory Network

Gloria Rey-Benito and Andrea Villalobos, Pan American Health Organization
Location: Santiago, Chile
Date: 11-12 September 2017
Participants: Polio laboratory representatives from
Argentina, Brazil (two labs), Canada,
Colombia, Caribbean sub-region, Chile,
Mexico, United States, and Venezuela
attended the meeting. Representatives
from the CDC, Polio and Picornavirus
Laboratory Branch (PPLB) and Global
Immunization Division (GID), WHOs
Global Polio Laboratory Network
(GPLN) coordinator, and PAHOs Re-
gional Polio Laboratory Network
(RPLN) also participated in the meet- Participants at the Meeting of the Regional Polio Laboratory
ing. Network. 11-12 September 2017, Santiago, Chile. Credit: PA-
Purpose: To review:
1. Recent advances in global polio
eradication with an emphasis on
laboratory support to the pro-
2. Performance of the Global and
Regional Polio Lab Network, quali-
ty assurance programme and ca-
3. Progress, achievements and chal-
lenges in poliovirus containment in
the network laboratories and adap-
tation of procedures in the GPLN.
Details: Status updates on the global and regional Polio Laboratory Network were provided by GPLNs
coordinator and the PAHO Regional-VPD Laboratory Network, both highlighting the critical im-
portance of maintaining the integrity and functionality of surveillance for poliovirus as an essential
function to achieve and sustain a polio-free world. All polio laboratories should follow WHO-
recommended procedures for detecting and characterizing polioviruses (viral isolation [VI], in-
tratypic differentiation [ITD] and sequencing [SEQ]) from stool and sewage samples collected
from cases of acute flaccid paralysis and the environment, respectively.

Overall performance indicators to detect and characterize poliovirus remain good. The perfor-
mance of the Region of the Americas until 2016 showed that out of the 11 polio laboratories in
the Region, all have installed capacity to perform VI/ITD and four have installed SEQ capacity.
Considering the results of the performance indicators and results of the proficiency testing panels,
the accredited laboratories for 2016 were: 11/11 for VI, 6/11 for ITD and 3/4 for SEQ.

For the GAPIII, two Bio-risk Management trainings and one Containment Certification Scheme
(CCS) auditors training have been implemented at the regional level. Poliovirus Essential Facilities
(dPEFs) must submit applications for the Certificate of Participation to National Authorities of
containment (NAC) according to the CCS.

From 13-15 September 2017, after the RPLN meeting and in cooperation with the Chilean Insti-
tute of Public Health (ISP), PAHO and CDC prepared a workshop on poliovirus real-time reverse
transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for ITD 5.0 to provide RPLN training in in-
tratypic differentiation assays as recommended by the GPLN, strengthening laboratory surveillance Page 19
of poliovirus in the Region of the Americas.
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Maternal Immunization Safety Monitoring in Low- and Middle-Income Countries:
A Roadmap for Program Development
Eve Lackritz and Maria Stephanchak, Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth (GAPPS), Seattle

Maternal immunization holds the promise of reducing morbidity and mor-

tality among pregnant women and infants, particularly in LMICs where
there is the greatest burden of vaccine-preventable disease and the most
limited access to basic health services. Global efforts are underway to de-
velop, evaluate, and implement new vaccines targeted specifically for use in
pregnant women in LMICs. As these efforts go forward, it is a critical time
to formulate a comprehensive approach to monitoring the safety of mater-
nal immunizations in LMICs and thereby ensure programme success and
public confidence.

Monitoring safety of maternal immunizations in LMICs presents a number

of unique challenges. Vital registries and health reporting systems for preg-
nant women and infants are often inadequate, often lacking the sensitivity
and accuracy needed to track even severe complications of pregnancy and
adverse birth outcomes such as preterm birth, fetal death, and congenital
malformations. Pharmacovigilance systems that identify, evaluate, and re-
spond to potential adverse events following immunization (AEFI) are often
rudimentary in LMICs.

This report, developed with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and input from a large, multidisci-
plinary group of experts, summarizes the literature and existing programmes in pharmacovigilance and MNCH
surveillance in LMICs, identifies gaps, and outlines a roadmap for programme development. The report was devel-
oped with a broad array of stakeholders from industry, regulatory agencies, public health organizations, vaccine
programmes, aid organizations, country governments, epidemiologists, and clinical researchers.

The report outlines an approach for building on existing data systems for monitoring health of pregnant women
and their offspring, and adaptation of pharmacovigilance programmes to address the unique events specific to ma-
ternal immunization. The report includes recommendations and an implementation plan that summarize the im-
portant role of leadership and mobilization of financial and human resources for safety monitoring in support of
maternal immunization programmes in LMICs.

Infographics on safe injection

Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters

An unsafe injection could put you at

risk of getting a life-threatening infec-
tion. Find out what makes an injection
unsafe, who is at risk with this new
WHO infographic. To see more WHO
infographics, visit this website.

Page 20
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

New WHO data on immunization coverage estimates on hepatitis B infections

Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters

A new data dashboard has been published by WHO today that pro-
vides estimates of hepatitis B infections at the global regional and
country levels and shows how the data has changed since hepatitis
B vaccination was introduced.

The analysis was carried out in children under 5 years of age and in
the general population. The data provides the best estimates on
hepatitis B infections in the 194 WHO Member States and aims to
facilitate the comparability across countries and over time.

WHOs estimates uses a methodology reviewed by the Immuniza-

tion and Vaccines Related Implementation Research Advisory Com-
mittee and was also presented by the Strategic Advisory Group of
Experts (SAGE) on immunization.

In an updated hepatitis B vaccines position paper published in July 2017, WHO provided updated information on hep-
atitis B vaccines. The recommendations concern the target groups for vaccination and the appropriate schedules. In
particular, the recommendations stress the importance of vaccination of all infants at birth as the most effective inter-
vention for the prevention of hepatitis B virus-associated disease worldwide.

Reaching all children with at least 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine should be the standard for all national immunization

National strategies to prevent perinatal transmission should ensure high and timely coverage of the birth dose
through a combination of strengthened maternal and infant care at birth with skilled health workers present to ad-
minister the vaccine, and innovative outreach strategies to provide vaccine for infants born at home.

Read more on hepatitis B infections dashboard.

Read the updated hepatitis B vaccines position paper.

Related links

Global Hepatitis Report 2017

Estimations of worldwide prevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection
World Hepatitis Day 2017: Eliminate hepatitis
World Hepatitis Summit 2017

Page 21
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Engagement of private nongovernmental health providers in immunization

service delivery
Hayatee Hasan, WHO Headquarters

In September 2017, WHO issued a guidance note for national immun-

ization programmes highlighting various considerations and recommen-
dations to support the optimal engagement of nongovernmental
(private) vaccination providers in the effective delivery of immunization

Nongovernmental private vaccination providers come from a diverse

range of sectors that include both for-profit and not-for-profit civil soci-
ety organizations (CSOs), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and
faith-based organizations (FBOs), and have varying roles in the delivery
of vaccination by national immunization programmes, and in the provi-
sion of other immunization-related services. For example, health educa-
tion, advocacy, awareness raising, demand creation, resource mobiliza-
tion, and vaccine-preventable disease surveillance.

Regardless of whether the government sector proactively engages with

the nongovernmental sector, it is likely that nongovernmental organizations and providers are already playing a
role in immunization services in most, if not all, countries.

Many national immunization programmes have longstanding existing arrangements with nongovernmental
(particularly not-for-profit) providers to provide vaccination services and such arrangements facilitate collabora-
tion between government and nongovernmental sectors.

Read the guidance note.

Immunization Highlights: European Vaccine Action Plan progress report for 2016
Catharina de Kat, WHO Europe

This annual report for 2016 provides an overview of progress made in the WHO
European Region towards the vision, goals and objectives of the European Vaccine
Action Plan 20152020. It covers the progress and challenges of the Member
States of the European Region and highlights the support provided to them by the
WHO Regional Office for Europes Vaccine-preventable Diseases and Immuniza-
tion programme.

Page 22
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

2-3 Global Framework for Research on Rotavirus vaccines Geneva, Switzerland
4-5 Gavi High Level Review Panel (HLRP) Geneva, Switzerland
9-12 Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean Islamabad, Pakistan
9-13 Regional Committee for the Western Pacific Brisbane, Australia
11-12 Sixth Global Vaccine Safety Initiative (GVSI) Meeting Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
16-20 Fifteenth TechNet Conference Cascais, Portugal
17-19 Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization Geneva, Switzerland
23-25 Polio Committee meeting TBD
24-25 EURO National EPI Programme Managers' meeting Budva, Montenegro
24-27 Data Partners meeting Cascais, Portugal
26-27 EURO Technical Advisory Group of Experts (ETAGE) Budva, Montenegro
10-24 Joint EURO MR Surveillance & Lab Network Meeting Belgrade, Serbia
11-14 EMRO National EPI Managers' meeting Amman, Jordan
13-17 Global Rotavirus and IB-VPD Surveillance Network Meetings Geneva, Switzerland
21-23 AFRO E&S Regional Working Group Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
5-7 AFRO Regional Immunization Technical Advisory Group (RITAG) meeting Johannesburg, South Africa
10-13 30th Intercountry Meeting of National Managers of the Expanded Pro- Oman
gramme on Immunization and 17th Intercountry Meeting on Measles/ Ru-
bella Control and Elimination
11-12 Evaluating Therapeutics during Public Health Emergencies Netherlands
14 EMRO Regional Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (RTAG) Oman
15-16 EMRO Regional Working Group meeting Oman
18-27 27th Executive Board Geneva, Switzerland
20-22 Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum (GVIRF) Bangkok, Thailand

Page 23
Global Immunization News (GIN) September 2017

Organizations and Initiatives
American Red Cross Sabin Vaccine Institute
Child Survival Sustainable Immunization Financing
Agence de Mdecine Prventive UNICEF
Africhol Immunization
EpiVacPlus Supplies and Logistics
National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups Resource USAID
Center Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention WHO
Polio Department of Immunization, Vaccines & Biologicals
Global Vaccines and Immunization New and Under-utilized Vaccines Implementation
ICO Information Centre on HPV and Cancer
Johns Hopkins Immunization financing
International Vaccine Access Center Immunization service delivery
VIEW-hub Immunization surveillance, assessment and monitoring
SIGN Alliance
Immunization Center Coalition Against Typhoid
Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) Confederation of Meningitis Organisations
Publications and Resources Dengue Vaccine Initiative
Universal Immunization through Improving Family Health Ser- European Vaccine Initiative
vices (UI-FHS) Project in Ethiopia Gardasil Access Program
PAHO Gavi the Vaccine Alliance
ProVac Initiative International Association of Public Health Logisticians
International Vaccine Institute
PATH Measles & Rubella Initiative
Multinational Influenza Seasonal Mortality Study
Better Immunization Data (BID) Initiative Network for Education and Support in Immunisation (NESI)
Center for Vaccine Innovation and Access TechNet-21
Defeat Diarrheal Disease Initiative Vaccines Today
Vaccine Resource Library
Malaria Vaccine Initiative
RHO Cervical Cancer

WHO Regional Websites UNICEF Regional Websites

Routine Immunization and New Vaccines (AFRO) Immunization (Central and Eastern Europe)
Immunization (PAHO) Immunization (Eastern and Southern Africa)
Vaccine-preventable diseases and immunization (EMRO) Immunization (South Asia)
Vaccines and immunization (EURO) Immunization (West and Central Africa)
Immunization (SEARO) Child survival (Middle East and Northern Africa)
Immunization (WPRO) Health and nutrition (East Asia and Pacific)
Health and nutrition (Americas)

Immunization Monthly update in the African Region (AFRO)
Immunization Newsletter (PAHO)
The Civil Society Dose (GAVI CSO Constituency)
TechNet Digest
RotaFlash (PATH)
Vaccine Delivery Research Digest (Uni of Washington)
Gavi Programme Bulletin (Gavi)
24 Newsletter (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health)

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