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Importance of Moon on Professional Matters

A person will succeed by having a profession as indicated by strongest sign in the horoscope. A sign
which has the support of its lord or aspected by benefic planet is considered to be strong. The most
powerful and dominant planet in a horoscope has often a say in deciding ones career, especially when
he is the lord of the ascendant or lagna.
Planets give excellent indications of success and failures in the various professions. If children are
guided properly and are given liberty to act according to their likes and aptitudes, they can build a bright
future for themselves. Many times education is wasted because millions of people pursue wrong
vocations. In 21stcentury every skill is part and parcel of money generating scheme and have acquired
their firm places in any profession. Astrology can help one evaluate the prospective of a child and can
have a reasonable idea of the field in which this has best chance to develop.
In this article I will stress on the planet Moon on professional matters. If Moon occupies the 2nd / 6th /
10th house, If Moon is the lord of the 2nd / 6th / 10th house, If Moon has an aspect on the 2nd / 6th /
10th house or the lord of the 2nd / 6th / 10th house is with Moon, Moon is in the constellation of a
planet ruling / occupying the 2nd / 6th / 10th house then Moon plays an important role in deciding the
profession of the native.
The Moon in the tenth house shows success and completion of works undertaken. He will be good to
others and will be helpful to the virtuous. The good results mentioned are to be understood as occurring
when the Moon is strong and free from afflictions. As the Moon is a quick moving planet, it indicates
many changes in the occupation. There may be fluctuations in business or frequent travelling is also
indicated (particularly when the Moon may be in a movable sign).The Moon is a watery planet. So it may
indicate voyages or wealth from travel to some foreign country.
The Moon is a watery planet. The native may deal in corals, pearls, liquids, milk etc. He may earn
through agriculture, water, garments, cows, sugar and other articles ruled by the Moon. The person may
be employed in shipping, Navy and water supply departments also. The Moon gives a desire for public
life. If the Moon is a strong and a benefic planet he may get fame and happiness.
Flowers, food, corals, Silver, conch, garments, ornaments, females, ghee, oil etc., are ruled by the Moon.
When it is connected with Venus, the person may be engaged in perfumes, milk products, scents etc. The
Moon is a feminine planet. It indicates earning through women also. This includes the cinema line where
actors have to move with women. Combination with Mercury also has the same effect. Cooks, nurses
Launderers are also ruled by the Moon. The Moon gives softness and adaptability of temperament. It
makes one disposed to travel and fond of changes. When the Moon is a significator of profession and on
this the influence of Rahu is present, one may be dealing in poisonous liquids, liquor etc., for Rahu
represents poison. Involvement of benefics on this combination gives dealings in pharmaceutical
companies and even research about poisonous products. Jataka Parijata says that one may be a musician
playing on instruments, or one may be an agriculturist. One may be a cloth merchant, or he may be in the
service of an influential female.
The Moon is a watery planet. It rules over all kinds of liquids, fresh water, milk and things produced
from water. The Moon is called a queen. It is also connected with administration next only to the Sun. If
there is the influence of Jupiter or the Sun then one is very likely to be in administration. Since the Moon
is also a significator for flowers and perfumes, connection with Venus would point out to preparation of
scents and perfumes or business connected with these. The Moon represents rice and other food stuffs.
If there is a connection with the lord of the 2nd house, one may be earning through selling rice and food
stuffs, for the second house rules over food. Since the Moon shows food stuffs, connection with Jupiter
and the lord of the second house, one may be in the preparation of sweets. (This is because of the
influence of Jupiter).
Moon also rules over agriculture, things produced in water, women, and interest on money. The Moon
rules over public commodities such as groceries, fresh drinks etc. It denotes such occupations where one
meets the general public. The Moon denotes changes and travels also. If afflicted and connected with the
10th house, it may denote change in business, occupation and employment. The Moon represents one's
mother and mind. If strong and favorably situated, one will be devoted to one's mother and there will be
gains through mother. A property through mother cannot be ruled out.
Combinations of planets with Moon can give the following effects on profession
Sun-Moon - mechanic, sculptor.
Moon-Mars - sale of drinks, pots etc
Moon-Mercury - eloquent in speech, expert in interpretation, astrologer.
Moon-Jupiter - auspicious Guru-Chandra yoga, foremost in family, wealthy.
Moon-Venus - expert in cloth work, petrol, scents, scented oil, milk, music, paints.
Moon-Saturn - kerosene, digger of wells.
Moon-Rahu - poisonous articles
Sun-Moon-Mars - mechanical engineer a great officer, factory manager
Sun-Moon-Mercury - government press, (Sun government, Mars--Machine, Mercury--printing)
government engineer, government contractor
Courtesy: By S N Rao for

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