Yasir Broast and Shaheen Shinwari

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Dedicate this project to our parents, friends, all the students and especially the
employees of YASIR BROAST AND SHAHEEN SHINWARI Restaurants in
recognition of their worth and to our teachers who are a guiding source for us and
it is their effort and hard work that showed us the path of success and prosperity
which would be there for us for the rest of our life.

We hope that people find this project useful and May the subject matter adds to
their knowledge. Amen!

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief
in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication. Remember all things
are possible for those who believe.

First and foremost we are grateful to Allah Almighty, the most Gracious the
most Merciful. Who made us able, to complete our project successfully.

In short of words, we express our modest gratitude and recognition to cuddly and
loveable Parents, who at each and every moment prays for our success. We are
also deeply thankful to our Teacher Maam Quratulain Muqarab , who taught
us COMPANSATION and guided us with her expertise and knowledge which
was of real help to us in our daily lives and especially in the completion of this

In the name of Allah the most Beneficent the Merciful. We thank Him for
bestowing us with such a wonderful group to work with and especially our teacher
Maam Quratulain Muqarab., without whose diverse and effective methods of
instruction, this project would not have been a creative experience and fun to work
on or full of knowledge.

YASIR BROAST AND SHAHEEN SHINWARI is committed to provide a best

place and environment to eat, drink and hang out with family and friends with best

For the project COMPANSATION we have selected YASIR BROAST AND

SHAHEEN SHINWARY as organization or restaurants . In this report we have
describe the history of YASIR BROAST AND SHAHEEN SHINWARI and their
compensation system. We also had placed there way of appraisal and evaluating
system. We have also results of questionnaire and comparison of both restaurant .
Compensation Final Project
Introduction and History of Saheen Shinwari:

Shaheen Shinwari Restaurant is the one of the most ideal food place in Karachi and Lahore for
Desi Dishes. The name Shinwari comes from the Pashto language. Its traditional food recipes is
all day favorite to its Guests due to its delicious taste. Shaheen ShinwariMutton karahi ghost and
Affghanibotiare their special dishes and many other Afghani and Pakistani dishes which are very
popular across the region are available here. So if you want to taste the best flavors of these and
want to taste the dishes of rich Pashtun culture, Shaheen Shinwari is the best place in the town.

History of the restaurant isnt much older in Lahore. Shaheen Shinwari was started in 2010 from
Karachi.It comes to Lahore in 2013.They have only one branch in Lahore yet.But they have a
plan to increase their branches in near future. The ownership of the restaurant is consist of the
two partners. These two partners are basically two Pashtun families who separately manage their
restaurants in their respective cities.

Yasir broast:
Yasir broast is exceptionally renowned and one of the topmost restaurant in Pakistan by the
grace of ALLAH ALMIGHTY. It provides warm and agreeable environment 24 hours a day
with comfortable dining experience to make its guests relished and delighted .Yasir broast is
nicely decorated, embellished and illuminated restaurant it aims to give you great care and
services according to great hygienic norms. Yasir broast furnishes a peaceful refreshing
ambiance for breakfast , lunch , dinner and anything in between. The attentive and friendly
service nicely compliments the comfortable surroundings to create pleasant and rewarding
experience. High quality ingredients and fresh organic products are used whenever is possible to
offer dinners and healthful cuisine that can only be found at very few restaurants in Lahore.
Shaheen shinwari hierarchy:



Floor Account
Master Chef
Manger Manager

Crew Assistant Associate

members Chef Manager

Other Food
General staff inspector
Yasir broast hierarchy:



Floor Manger Master Chef

supervisor Assistant Chef

order Food
taker&waiters inspector
The hierarchy of both restaurants are same but because yasir broast is more established restaurant
then shaheen shinwari so their hierarchy is more well defined then shaheen shinwari and along
with that it also seen in their way of doing different daily operations or task like their staff is well
train how to deal with customers how to approach them how to guide them toward their sitting
place and after that way of taking order environment of kitchen all is well organized and look
like a well known restaurant . but on other side the way shaheen shinwari staff is trained you can
see number of mistake as compared to yasir broast there is no one to welcome you properly after
that may be someone guide you toward sitting place otherwise some time customer decided it by
its own choice so there is no supervisor how guide the waiters or take care of other things like

In yasir broast there is a general manager and under him a branch manager after that under
branch manager there are three department or we can say people floor managers one on each
floor so it depend on your restaurant building how much floor manager yasir broast have after
that master chef is came under branch manager then account manager after that supervisor work
under floor manager and one supervisor on each floor and waiter and order taker work under
supervisor instructions there are 25 waiters in yasir broast . Master Chef deal with two
departments assistant chef and food inspector.

In shaheen shinwary most hierarchy system is same but they have their owner on top instead of
general manager after that general manager general manager deal with floor manager, master
chef and account manager. Floor manager further deal with general staff there are 13 waiters in
shaheen shinwari. Master chef deal with assistant chef and food inspector.
Compensation system:
They are using mixture of compensation components to make their compensation system and
their compensation system is almost same the main reason behind that is their location they both
situated so close to each other that they have to follow the market trend regarding compensation
they have al-nakhal and gourmet restaurant near them to so because of competitive environment
they have to structured their compensation system according to market.

Starting from general managers both restaurant gave same kind of benefit to their manager like
they have their base pay along with that they get bounces if their branch perform extra ordinary
and these bounces are not pre defined because it is not an ongoing process some time they gave
the bounces other time same branch or some other branch perform better than previous year best
branch but its general manager get nothing so it all depend on owner. After that they get cost of
living adjustment according to inflation rate. Branch manager of yasir broast came under general
manager and in shaheen shinwari this post does not exist general manager handle the operations
of branch manager. Branch manager hired on base pay and may be promoted to general manager
on the basis of its seniority or merit base in most cases branch manager is promoted as general
manager but in some cases person from outside experience in same field appointed as general
manager. Along with that all other posts are hired on base pay but promoted up with experience.

Our main focus is on compensation plan for waiters of both restaurants and are they satisfied
with compensation system and with their job.

So for waiters prospective they were hired on base pay in both restaurants they salary increased
after one year who are permanent according to cost of living adjustment and increase in salary
depend on inflation rate after that they get bounces from owner in shaheen shinwary if he get
pleased with someone performance. But in yasir broast proper appraisal system is used not only
for bounces but also for promotion. Promotion system is also placed in shaheen shinwari but its
criteria is different which we further discuss in next paragraph. After that the promotion of
waiters depend on seniority base because only experienced waiter promoted to order taker then
supervisor and after that at end floor manager in both restaurants because they think that as the
time passes they know the main operations game which run on daily basis in restaurant but along
with that they also see merit base while promoting them to floor manager because at this position
they have to interact with customer so thats way they prefer a educated person instead of an
illiterate person or they gave some training to them for that position

At one hand they gave individual incentives but on other hand some time yasir broast gave group
incentive or bounces to their waiters this practice did not take place in shaheen shinwari. If yasir
broast arrange a party and make a team of employees to make it successful so some time the
predecide that if we made this party successful management gave some amount of the profit to
the team or some time they gave it unannounced in the shape of bounce.

Performance appraisal:
For performance appraisal system they use different type of performance appraisal plans from 4
appraisal plans.

These four plans are

Trait system
Comparison system
Goal oriented system
Behavioral system

For appraisal system they do not have a proper performance evaluation program or system they
evaluate their waiters for appraisal which is most of the time in the shape of promotion on the
basis of observation of supervisor and floor manager. For that they use two type of plans number
one is trait system in which they saw quality, quantity and efficiency of work which a waiter
show in his work then notice his interaction with customers. In second system they evaluate
waiters on the basis of their performance in critical incident like if a person complain on service
or food how they will react on it and interact with customer to solve it.

Error in performance appraisal system:

The error system which we think occur while doing appraisal evaluation are Bias error , positive or
negative halo effect and similar to me effect . These things are fact not given us by employees of
restaurant this is our own observation.

By the data collection of both restaurants the waiters of yasir broast are mor satisfied with their job
and compensation as compare to shaheen shinwary although the compensation system of both
restaurants are same due to market competitiveness but the employees of yasir broast are more
satisfied then shaheen shinwary the main reason behind that which we figure out by analyzing the data
which we get from questionnaire the main reason due to which waiters are dissatisfied is management
style their way of working and way of communication from upper management to lower manager or

Q1: .Do you prefer base pay system


Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Niether Disagree Niether Disagree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree

23% 20%
46% 40%

16% 20%

Q2: Do you prefer incentive pay system

Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Niether Disagree Niether Disagree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree

28% 28%
54% 4%
4% 36%

Q3: .You are happy with upper management style of working


Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Niether Disagree Niether Disagree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree

8% 4%
8% 8%

Q4: you are happy with the information you receive from management on what is going on in your
SHINWARY Strongly agree Agree

Strongly agree Agree Niether Disagree

Niether Disagree Strongly disagree

Strongly disagree
0% 0% 12%
8% 12%
54% 23% 68%

Q5: I understand what factors affect compensation


Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Niether Disagree Niether Disagree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree

15% 15% 12%

8% 48%

Q6: I have the power to control the factors that influence my compensation
Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Niether Disagree Niether Disagree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
8% 12%
23% 23%

46% 80%

Q7: The right people get rewarded around here


Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Niether Disagree Niether Disagree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree

15% 20%
46% 8% 4%
8% 8%

Q8: There is too much reliance on seniority

Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Niether Disagree Niether Disagree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree
4% 0%

77% 88%

Q9: The right people determine compensation


Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Niether Disagree Niether Disagree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree

15% 8% 8%

62% 15% 20% 60%

Q10: Do you look for another job outside company.

Strongly agree Agree Strongly agree Agree
Niether Disagree Niether Disagree
Strongly disagree Strongly disagree

8% 8%
15% 0% 12%

24% 56%

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