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Food Control 21 (2010) 260263

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Knowledge, attitudes and practices of workers on food hygienic practices

in meat processing plants in Fars, Iran
Maryam Ansari-Lari *, Sahar Soodbakhsh, Leila Lakzadeh
Department of Food Hygiene and Public Health, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71345, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and practices of food
Received 30 January 2009 workers in four meat processing plants in the Fars province, southern Iran. A self-administered, struc-
Received in revised form 28 May 2009 tured questionnaire was designed and completed by 97 food workers during November 2006January
Accepted 2 June 2009
2007. Results indicated that the respondents had acceptable level of knowledge, excellent attitudes
and poor practices toward food hygiene measures. Almost all of the food workers (97.9%) were aware
of the critical role of general sanitary measures in the work place while there was lack of knowledge
about microbial food hazards in the majority (6778%) of them. A signicant negative correlation was
Food hygiene
observed between knowledge and practices (rs = 0.20, P = 0.04), and attitudes and practices
Iran (rs = 0.27, P = 0.009), revealing that increased knowledge and even attitudes toward food safety does
Knowledge not always result in positive change in food handling behaviors.
Meat plant 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Food handlers must have the skills and knowledge that they
need to handle food safely. Training programs are important for
Food poisoning and diarrheal illnesses are among the leading increasing knowledge of food handlers; however, increased knowl-
causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide (World Health Orga- edge of food safety does not always result in positive change in
nization, 1998). Food safety was identied as a high priority area in food handling behaviors. There are several studies about the
the 20012005 World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Strate- knowledge and practices of food handlers conducted in various
gic Plan. Member countries of the OIE considered that the organi- parts of the world (Angelillo, Viggiani, Greco, & Rito, 2001; Bas,
sation should be more active in issues of public health and Ersun, & Kivan, 2006; Gomes-Neves, Araujo, Ramos, & Cardoso,
consumer protection and that this should include more involve- 2007; Jevnik, Valentina, & Raspor, 2008; Toku, Ekuklu,
ment in the area of diseases or pathogens transmissible through Berberoglu, Bilge, & Dedeler, 2008; Walker, Pritchard, & Forsythe,
food (Droppers, 2006). Meat and meat products are of particular 2003). To the best knowledge of the authors, there is no any formal
importance regarding foodborne illnesses. Foodborne pathogens study concerning the knowledge, attitudes and practices of food
can be introduced to foods during processing, storage and prepara- workers in meat processing plants in Iran. The objectives of the
tion, from infected humans who handle the food or by cross con- present study were to determine food workers knowledge, atti-
tamination from some other raw agricultural products (Hedberg, tudes and practices about food hygiene in four meat plant indus-
MacDonald, & Osterholm, 1994). tries in Fars province, southern Iran, also to investigate inter-
Human handling errors have been responsible for most out- relationship between knowledge, attitudes and practices in the
breaks of food poisoning (Clayton, Grifth, Peters, & Price, 2002; study group.
Ehriri & Morris, 1996; Greig, Todd, Bartleson, & Michaels, 2007;
Howes, McEwen, Grifths, & Harris, 1996), for example hepatitis
2. Methods
A virus can be introduced by unwashed hands of food handlers
who are themselves infected. Therefore, good personal hygiene
This is a cross-sectional study which was conducted from
as well as sanitary handling practices at work are essential parts
November 2006 to January 2007 in four meat processing plants
of any prevention programs for food safety.
in Fars province, southern Iran. Except slaughtering of animals,
all other steps for preparation of meat and meat products are
undertaken in these plants. The HACCP system has been imple-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 711 2286950; fax: +98 711 2286940. mented in these plants since few years ago. Overall, 254 workers
E-mail addresses:, (M. Ansari-Lari). are employed in these plants and 180 of them are oor workers.

0956-7135/$ - see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Ansari-Lari et al. / Food Control 21 (2010) 260263 261

The monthly production level of these plants ranges from 90 to microbiological food hazards are presented in Table 1. Diarrhea,
250 tons of meat and various meat products. A self-administered, bloody diarrhea, brucellosis and typhoid were answered with cor-
structured questionnaire was designed and modied by the aid rect options by 86.6%, 77.3%, 64.9% and 51.5% of respondents,
of previous research (Angelillo et al., 2001). Questionnaires were respectively. However, correct responses about jaundice and abor-
completed by a convenient sample of 97 oor workers out of 180 tion were generally low, ranging between 18.6% and 26.8% (Table
who directly involved in cutting, processing and packaging of meat 1). The knowledge of the study population about microbiological
and meat products. Each questionnaire was comprised of four dis- food hazards was generally lower than their knowledge of diseases.
tinct parts; demographic characteristics of the participants, food Their correct responses for Salmonella, Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis
hygiene knowledge, attitudes and practices. Questions about sex, B virus, Staphylococcus and Clostridium were 39.2%, 21.6%, 35.1%,
age, education, duration of employment and whether they at- 33% and 33%, respectively. Approximately 49.5% of responses about
tended a training course in food safety were included in the rst the proper temperature for refrigerator were incorrect. Two ques-
part of the questionnaire. tions were about the knowledge of respondents for necessity to
In the knowledge part, there were 20 close-ended questions take leave during infectious diseases of eye and skin. Their correct
emphasizing personal hygiene, cross contamination, microbiologi- responses were 64.9% and 87.6%, respectively (Table 1).
cal food hazards and specic foodborne diseases. Each question Almost all of the participants in the study (9299%) agreed with
was provided by three possible answers (true, false and do not various statements in the attitudes part of the questionnaire. Small
know). Additional questions about appropriate refrigerator tem- percentages were disagree (13%) or did not have any idea (15%)
perature and high-risk groups for food poisoning were also in- about some of the statements (Table 2).
cluded. The knowledge scores were assigned to respondents Good hygienic practices of food workers were evaluated using
according to their answers to questions. The score range was be- 12 questions. The results (Table 3) indicated that 96% of the
tween 0 and 20 and the scores below 10 were considered as poor respondents always wear aprons, while corresponding measures
knowledge. for using gloves and washing hands before it were 69.1% and
Subsequent part of the questionnaire was dealing with the atti- 76.3%, respectively. Two to three percent reported that they never
tudes of the responders about various hygienic measures for food use gloves or wash their hands. About 56.7% of the respondents re-
safety. Eleven questions were designed and food handlers were ported that they always use masks and 11% stated that they rarely
asked to indicate their level of agreement to the statements using or never use masks during their work. Results showed that only
a three-point rating scale (agree, uncertain, and disagree). The 67% never eat or drink and 10% reported that they always eat or
score ranged between 0 and 22 and the scores below 11 were con- drink in their work place. Considering smoking in the work place,
sidered as poor attitudes. 97% indicated that they never smoke. Approximately 85.6% of
Practices of food workers were assessed by their self-reported respondents reported that they always or often recommend the
hygienic behaviors in the last part of the questionnaire. In this part, products of their plants, but only 50.5% reported that they always
10 questions were provided with ve-point rating scale (never, or often consume their products by own.
rarely, sometimes, often and always). The score ranged between According to rating scale, summary statistics for total knowl-
0 and 50 and the scores below 25 were considered as poor prac- edge, attitudes and practices were calculated and presented in Ta-
tices. Two additional questions concerning how often they con- ble 4. Mean score for knowledge was 11.7 (SD = 3.1) ranging
sume or recommend the products of their working plants were between 3 and 18 scores. Approximately 35% of respondents had
also included in this part. poor knowledge about food safety measures. Mean score for atti-
Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS software for tudes was 21.8 (SD = 2.5) and about 98% had their total attitudes
windows, version 11.5. Descriptive statistics were provided and score higher than 15. Mean score for practices was 13.5
Spearmans correlation coefcient was used to test the association (SD = 4.3), ranging between 9 and 34 points. Nearly 92% of respon-
between knowledge, attitudes and practices scores. P-value less dents had poor self-reported hygienic practices.
than 0.05 was considered as statistically signicant. There was positive correlation between knowledge and attitude
(rs = 0.35, P < 0.001); however, knowledge and practices
(rs = 0.20, P = 0.04) as well as attitudes and practices (rs = 0.25,
3. Results P = 0.01) were negatively associated. There was also signicant
association between knowledge and level of education (rs = 0.27,
Of 97 food workers which were participated in this study, 92% P = 0.009), practices with duration of employment (rs = 0.40,
were male. The mean age of participants was 29 (SD = 6.5), ranging P < 0.001), and knowledge of microbiological food hazards with le-
between 19 and 54 years. About 54% of them had below high- vel of education (rs = 0.27, P = 0.02).
school education, 39% had high-school education and 7% had high-
er education but not necessarily related to food. The mean and
median for duration of employment were ve (SD = 4.7) and 4. Discussion
2 years, respectively. Fifteen percent had worked for more than
10 years. Ninety four percent had attended food safety training It has been shown that most outbreaks of food poisoning result
programs which are implemented by Food and Drug safety depart- from improper food handling practices (Clayton et al., 2002; Ehriri
ment, Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Nearly 79.4% had & Morris, 1996; Howes et al., 1996). Food workers in many settings
repeated training. have been responsible for foodborne disease outbreaks for decades,
Tables 14 summarize the results regarding knowledge, atti- and there is no indication that this is diminishing (Greig et al.,
tudes and practices of respondents. Considering food workers 2007).
knowledge, almost all of them were aware of the critical role of The results of the present study showed acceptable knowledge,
general sanitary measures in the work place such as washing excellent attitudes and relatively poor practices of food workers in
hands, using gloves, caps and aprons and proper cleaning of the the four meat processing plants in Fars province, south of Iran. Al-
instruments (97.9% correct answers, Table 1). Most of the respon- most all respondents had high level of knowledge concerning the
dents (56%) failed to select the correct answer for the question general sanitary measures in the work place such as washing
about high-risk groups for food poisoning. Their knowledge hands, using gloves, caps and aprons, and proper cleaning of the
regarding specic diseases which are transmitted via food and instruments, while majority of them failed in the identication of
262 M. Ansari-Lari et al. / Food Control 21 (2010) 260263

Table 1
Summary of questions and number of responses for assessment of respondents food safety knowledge of 97 food workers in four meat processing plants, Iran.

Statements Responses, n (%)

True False Do not knowa
Washing hands before work reduces the risk of food contamination 95 (97.9) 1 (1) 1 (1)
Using gloves during work reduces the risk of food contamination 95 (97.9) 1 (1) 1 (1)
Proper cleaning and handling of instruments reduces the risk of food contamination 95 (97.9) 1 (1) 1 (1)
Eating and drinking in the work place increases the risk of food contamination 79 (81.4) 14 (14.4) 4 (4.1)
All persons, including children, adults, pregnant women and old-ages are at equal risk for food poisoning 43 (44.3) 42 (43.3) 12 (12.3)
Typhoid can be transmitted by food 50 (51.5) 18 (18.6) 29 (29.9)
Jaundice can be transmitted by food 26 (26.8) 42 (43.3) 29 (29.9)
Diarrhea can be transmitted by food 84 (86.6) 6 (6.2) 7 (7.2)
AIDS can be transmitted by food 21 (21.6) 60 (61.9) 16 (16.5)
Brucellosis can be transmitted by food 63 (64.9) 15 (15.5) 19 (19.6)
Bloody diarrhea can be transmitted by food 75 (77.3) 9 (9.3) 13 (13.4)
Abortion in pregnant women may be induced by foodborne disease 18 (18.6) 43 (44.3) 36 (37.1)
Salmonella is among the foodborne pathogens 38 (39.2) 3 (3) 56 (57.7)
Hepatitis A virus is among the foodborne pathogens 21 (21.6) 30 (30.9) 46 (47.4)
Hepatitis B virus is among the foodborne pathogens 18 (18.6) 34 (35.1) 45 (46.4)
Staphylococcus is among the foodborne pathogens 32 (33) 11 (11.3) 54 (55.7)
Clostridium botulinum is among the foodborne pathogens 32 (33) 11 (11.3) 54 (55.7)
The correct temperature for refrigerator is 49 (50.5) 48 (49.5) 0 (0)
During infectious disease of skin, it is necessary to take leave from work 85 (87.6) 6 (6.2) 6 (6.2)
During infectious disease of eye, it is necessary to take leave from work 63 (64.9) 26 (26.8) 8 (8.2)
Occasional cases of missing responses were added to this column.

Table 2
Summary of questions and responses for assessment of respondents food safety attitudes of 97 food workers in four meat processing plants, Iran.

Statements Responses, n (%)

Agree Disagree No idea
One of the most important responsibilities of the food handlers is . . . to food safety measures 92 (94.8) 3 (3) 2 (2)
Using gloves is important in reducing risk of food contamination 96 (99) 1 (1) 0 (0)
Using apron is important in reducing risk of food contamination 94 (96.9) 2 (2) 1 (1)
Using masks is important in reducing risk of food contamination 91 (93.8) 2 (2) 4 (4.1)
Using caps is important in reducing risk of food contamination 93 (95.9) 3 (3) 1 (1)
Food handlers who have abrasions or cuts on hands should not touch foods without gloves 95 (97.9) 1 (1) 1 (1)
Raw and cooked foods should be stored separately to reduce risk of food contamination 92 (94.8) 1 (1) 4 (4.1)
Food hygiene training for workers is an important issue in reducing risk of food contamination 91 (93.8) 1 (1) 2 (2)
It is necessary to check the temperature of the refrigerator periodically to reduce risk of food contamination 91 (93.8) 2 (2) 4 (4.1)
Health status of the workers should be evaluated before employment 94 (96.9) 1 (1) 2 (2)
Foodborne illnesses can have deleterious health and economic effects on the society 89 (91.7) 3 (3) 5 (5.2)

Table 3
Summary of questions and responses for assessment of respondents food hygienic practices of 97 food workers in four meat processing plants, Iran.

Statements Responses, n (%)

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Do you use gloves during work? 2 (2) 3 (3) 10 (10.3) 15 (15.5) 67 (69.1)
Do you wash your hands before using gloves? 3 (3) 0 (0) 11 (11.3) 8 (8.2) 74 (76.3)
Do you wear apron during work? 0 (0) 1 (1) 2 (2) 0 (0) 93 (95.9)
Do you use mask during work? 7 (7.2) 4 (4.1) 15 (15.5) 16 (16.5) 55 (56.5)
Do you use cap during work? 0 (0) 0 (0) 6 (6.2) 1 (1) 90 (92.8)
Do you wash your hands before you touch raw meat? 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (1) 6 (6.2) 89 (91.7)
Do you wash your hands after you touch raw meat? 2 (2) 2 (2) 5 (5.2) 4 (4.1) 83 (85.6)
Do you wash your hands after rest time when you come back to work? 1 (1) 2 (2) 1 (1) 10 (10.3) 83 (85.6)
Do you eat or drink in your work place? 65 (70.7) 6 (6.1) 10 (10.3) 6 (6.1) 10 (10.3)
Do you smoke in your work place? 94 (96.8) 1 (1) 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0)
How often do you use the products of your working plant? 1 (1) 20 (20.6) 27 (27.8) 23 (23.7) 26 (26.8)
How often do you recommend the products of your working plant to others? 0 (0) 3 (3) 11 (11.3) 23 (23.7) 60 (61.9)

specic disease or pathogens which could be transmitted via foods. and Staphylococcus are among foodborne pathogens or not (Table
Similar disappointing results were obtained for awareness of the 1). This is in spite of this fact that majority of workers attended
fact that children, pregnant women and old age groups are at educational programs in food safety. It seems that more specic
greatest risk for food poisoning and its adverse consequences (Ta- courses should be planned for food workers. The training courses
ble 1). Lack of acceptable knowledge about foodborne pathogens need an evaluation to ensure the effectiveness, too.
were reported by Toku et al. (2008) from Turkey and Gomes- Awareness of the fact that some groups such as children and
Neves et al. (2007) from Portugal. pregnant women are at special risk for microbiological hazards in
In the present study, near half or more of the respondents did foods was another question with low correct response rate. Similar
not know whether Salmonella, Hepatitis A virus, Hepatitis B virus results were obtained for the possibility of food poisoning-induced
M. Ansari-Lari et al. / Food Control 21 (2010) 260263 263

Table 4 functioning of the HACCP system and managerial control in the

Summary statistics for total knowledge, attitudes and practices scores of 97 food meat plants in the future researches.
workers in four meat processing plants, Iran.

Mean SD Median Min. Max. Up to Acknowledgements

Knowledge (20 questions) 11.7 3.1 12 3 18 20
Attitudes (11 questions) 21.3 2.5 22 0 22 22 We appreciate the cooperation of staff of meat processing
Practices (10 questions) 13.5 4.3 13 9 34 50 plants for conducting of this study. This study was supported by
Shiraz University.

abortion in pregnant women. We considered this question because
foods including all types of raw meat and ready-to-eat products Angelillo, I. F., Viggiani, N. M. A., Greco, R. M., & Rito, D. (2001). Haccp and food
potentially contain Listeria monocytogenes which could lead to higiene in hospital: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of food services staff in
Calabria, Italy. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 22(6), 17.
spontaneous abortion or stillbirth in pregnant women (Jemmi & Bas, M., Ersun, A. s., & Kivan, G. (2006). The evaluation of food hygiene knowledge,
Stephan, 2006). attitudes and practices of food handlers in food businesses in Turkey. Food
There was signicant positive correlation between level of edu- Control, 17, 317322.
Clayton, D. A., Grifth, C. J., Peters, A. C., & Price, P. (2002). Food handlers beliefs and
cation with general knowledge and knowledge of microbiological self-reported practices. International Journal of Environmental Health Research,
food hazards, also between practices and length of employment. 12, 2539.
This is in agreement with results obtained by Angelillo et al. Droppers, W. F. (2006). OIE philosophy, policy and procedures for development of
food safety standards. Revue Scientique et Technique (International Ofce of
(2001) who reported that knowledge of foodborne pathogens
Epizootics), 25(2), 805812.
was signicantly higher among workers with a higher educational Ehriri, J. E., & Morris, G. P. (1996). Hygiene training and education of food handlers:
level. Does it work? Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 35, 243251.
Gomes-Neves, E., Araujo, A. C., Ramos, E., & Cardoso, C. F. (2007). Food handling:
In agreement with almost all previous studies, the overall atti-
Comparative analysis of general knowledge and practice in three relevant
tudes of the respondents was very positive toward food safety groups in Portugal. Food Control, 18, 707712.
measures while they had relatively poor practices (Angelillo Greig, J. D., Todd, e. c., Bartleson, C. A., & Michaels, B. S. (2007). Outbreaks where
et al., 2001; Bas et al., 2006; Gomes-Neves et al., 2007; Jevnik food workers have ben implicated in spread of foodborne disease, Part 1,
Description of the problem, methods, and agents involved. Journal of Food
et al., 2008; Toku et al., 2008; Walker et al., 2003). Results of Protection, 70(7), 17521761.
the present study showed that as self-reported hygienic practices, Hedberg, C. W., MacDonald, K. L., & Osterholm, M. T. (1994). Changing epidemiology
only 69% and 76.3% always washed their hands and using gloves, of food borne disease: A Minnesota perspective. Clinical Infectious Disease, 18,
respectively. Furthermore, there was signicant negative associa- Howes, M., McEwen, S., Grifths, M., & Harris, L. (1996). Food handler certication
tion between both, knowledge and attitudes with practices in the by home study: Measuring changes in knowledge and behaviour. Dairy, Food
present study. This means that training may bring about increased and Environmental Sanitation, 16, 737744.
Jemmi, T., & Stephan, R. (2006). Listeria monocytogenes: Food-borne pathogen and
knowledge, but this does not always result in a change in food han- hygiene indicator. Revue Scientique et Technique (International Ofce of
dling practices and behaviors. Epizootics), 25(2), 571580.
In conclusion, the results of the present study indicated that de- Jevnik, M., Valentina, H., & Raspor, P. (2008). Food safety knowledge and practices
among food handlers in Slovenia. Food Control, 19, 11071118.
spite good knowledge and attitudes of food workers, their practices
Toku, B., Ekuklu, G., Berberoglu, U., Bilge, E., & Dedeler, H. (2008). Knowledge,
toward food hygiene are not acceptable. Although food safety attitudes and self-reported practice of food service staff regarding food hygiene
training programs are essential, behavioral changes will not occur in Edrine Turkey. Food Control, 20(8), 565568.
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merely as a result of training. Evaluation of the programs impact is
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needed to show the worth of a program and possible area for World Health Organization (1998). Life in the 21st century. A vision for all. The World
change and modication. It is also necessary to evaluate the proper Health Report. World Health Organization, Geneva.

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