RURICS To Assembly Disassembly

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RUBRICS for System Unit Assembly and Disassembly

4 3 2 1
(Very good) (Good) (Fair) (Poor)
All the cables and There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are 5 or
components of the cables or cables or more cables or
motherboard components of the components of the components of the
placed and fixed motherboard not motherboard not motherboard not
properly. Correct placed and fixed placed and fixed placed and fixed
screws are used. properly. properly. properly.
The computer is The computer is The computer is The computer is
Functionality working properly worked on the 2nd worked on the 3rd worked on the 4th
in the 1st attempt attempt of attempt of or further attempt
of reassembly test. reassembly test. reassembly test. of reassembly test.
Finished Finished Finished Finished
disassembly and disassembly and disassembly and disassembly and
Timeliness reassembly of reassembly of reassembly of reassembly of
system unit before system unit in 30 system unit in 45 system unit in 1
30 mins. mins. 45 mins. mins 1 hr. hr. or further

Utilized the safety Not utilized the Not utilized the Not utilized the
handling of all safety handling of safety handling of safety handling of
tools and tools or tools or tools or
equipment during equipment once equipment twice equipment thrice
laboratory. during laboratory. during laboratory. or more during
All components 1 components is 2 components are 3 components are
Handling are properly not properly not properly not properly
handled. handled. handled. handled.

RUBRICS for System Unit Assembly and Disassembly

4 3 2 1
(Very good) (Good) (Fair) (Poor)
All the cables and There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are 5 or
components of the cables or cables or more cables or
motherboard components of the components of the components of the
placed and fixed motherboard not motherboard not motherboard not
properly. Correct placed and fixed placed and fixed placed and fixed
screws are used. properly. properly. properly.
The computer is The computer is The computer is The computer is
Functionality working properly worked on the 2nd worked on the 3rd worked on the 4th
in the 1st attempt attempt of attempt of or further attempt
of reassembly test. reassembly test. reassembly test. of reassembly test.
Finished Finished Finished Finished
disassembly and disassembly and disassembly and disassembly and
Timeliness reassembly of reassembly of reassembly of reassembly of
system unit before system unit in 30 system unit in 45 system unit in 1
30 mins. mins. 45 mins. mins 1 hr. hr. or further

Utilized the safety Not utilized the Not utilized the Not utilized the
handling of all safety handling of safety handling of safety handling of
tools and tools or tools or tools or
equipment during equipment once equipment twice equipment thrice
laboratory. during laboratory. during laboratory. or more during
All components 1 components is 2 components are 3 components are
Handling are properly not properly not properly not properly
handled. handled. handled. handled.

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