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Sr) Unt EU i ' | ) RMD AUNolerg Oa ea HORS ALLOINT OF INSPIRATION ANGONANUETE COLLEGTION OF SETTING AGNOSTIC FEY LORE FORSDUNGEONS AND) DRAGONS) 4 Taste Or CONTENTS What is a Fairy Ta! The MadCapp Inn... The Three Cursed Queens. Arcadia, the Ash Queen. Charred Guard... Sable, the Queen of Blood Debt: Blood Fiend..... Valdas, the Queen of Mirror: Monarchs of the Feywild.... Ciun, Hunter of the Midnight Fores Doirend, the Imaginary Duches: Jabberwockys and Bigglywiffs. Gremlins... Tooth Fairy. A Character for Fairy Tale: Race: Feyborn Variants. Race: Sirens..... Bard College: Hysteri: Blood Hunter Order: Huntsmen. Ranger Archetype: Wild Trotter.. Sorcerous Origin: Fairy Tale.. Warlock Patron: Dark Imaginatio: Wizardly Tradition: Cauldron.. Miscellaneous Magic: This is a fanproject. No money is made off oF it, and we do not profit in anyway from the distribution of this book, We in no way represent Wizards of the Coast or the artist whose art can he found within. screams ‘We do not claim ownership of the art of any of the pieces listed below. ‘Tower Gremlin by EdCid Imp by EdCid Conqueror by WojciechFus ‘The Queen's Return by WojeiechFus Ghost Story by Zeen84 Gods of Sound by Jonas De Ro ‘The Blessed by Gary Laib Knight WIP 4 by Gary Laib Living Book by Patriatis Magic Night by Ryky Fairy by Goran Alena Queen by Goran Alena Doirend Awakened by Wooglet Dojrend’s Smile by Wooglet Forsaken by Wooglet Siren's Call by Wooglet People of the Book by 25kartinols Viewten51[1] by 25kartinok Pervasive Reading by RottingHead ‘Queen Fifi by Aditya777 Ranger by Rav89 Hellboy Toothfairy by Scott Robinson She Lives in a Fairy Tale by RomanticFae ‘Story Time by Alector Fencer Dark Forest by Ratushnyak Vitaliy ‘The Day the World Went Away by Susanne Helmigh ‘The Foreign Market by Rhys Griffith Defend of the Night by Rhys Grifith ‘Those Who Play for Ghost by Michael MacRae ‘When We Watched the Stars by Michael Vincent Manalo. Witch by MaiLy Painting Wraith 02 by Andy Park Wraith Speedpaint by Marcus Lindgren. Decay by John Dunham Blind Eyes by Jennifer Kelly Hoskins Maleficent by Rob Shields Queen with Broken Crown by Klaudia Jozwiak Sketch #34 by Johnson Ting Snowwhite and the Huntsmen concept art by Annis Nacem Empty Heart by Zeilyan Eternal Exile by Zeilyan Rain by Zeilyan Fairytale Environment by Hertram. (Cutlass by Paul Davies Silence by Telthona 1 Shall Feed Ravens by Telthona Little Red by Thomas Wakley GrimMDark A Book OF Fairy Tates No matter what world your heroes hail fre there are sure to be fairy tales told amongst the common folk. Stories of pixies enchanting children at night or of goblins sneakin through and stealing children from their coop are but a couple of examples. Such thie, mundane yet superstitious-most see them as an explanation of the mysterious, allowing the commonfolk or low-born fo understand their world But that is simply not the case In every culture of every setting, from the mouth of every mother to every child, a tale is told. A fairy tale. Rich and vibrant and oft more than a little seary, these tales are too n to be mere superstition. Those that close attention can see the links and the tions. There is more to a fairy tale then even the most imaginative bard can dream up. Throughout this book, we hope to enlighten you to the true nature of the world. From po erful archfey in their twilit kingdoms to cursed queens and their tragic stories, a fairy tale is, never far away. Come with us, heroes and trav elers and seekers of the strange, to experience a Grimm and Dark ta Wuart Is A Fairy Tate? To the enlightened few, a fairy tale is no mere story. They are events that can be so mundane that they are nearly unnoticeable. Or, they can be disasters and cataclysms, a force that shapes the world, Much like the evil mists that can spirit a man to Castle Ravenloft, a fairy tale ean suck a soul into an adventure born from the strange powers of an even stanger force. Dangerous and enchanting all at once, it is the story that is important to these events. There is a sort of cosmic narrative guiding them, a power that compels events to happen. Spontaneous in every way, it is impossible (o predict when a fairy tale might occur or what might happen. To those with sharp arcane senses or a deep library of lore to draw on, there are minute signs that a fairy tale has begun. As something that affects reality itself, however, only the most experienced can know these signs for what they are, As varied as these tales can be, there are similarities still. More often than not, these are seen through the involvement of fey. Fey crea: tures are naturally attracted to fairy tales-they follow them into different realities and partici pate in the story being told. Their alien nature, incomprehensible (o the minds of men, com mands them do whatever must be done to com- plete the tale. Be it gifting someone with the power to fly or luring children into the woods to devour, the fey perform their role with nary an ounce of hesitation. Other defining features can be seen in the victim's sucked in, A person's method of think ing will change to better fit their role. A loving stepmother may become a horrible witch in per- sona, or a greedy prince may find himself throwing his riches away for the heart of a young lass. It takes a particularly wise or expe: rienced soul to be able to realize what is hap- pening to them. Doing so is important; howe the price of failure is steep; even the whitest Knights can become the blackest of villains. Those caught up in fairy tales are always changed in some way, shape, or form. Those that don't die may be driven mad after reality catches up to them. Others still may be some- how changed impossibly; they may gain magical powers or develop weird bodily features. Many people after either escaping or finishing a fairy tale feel a distinct longing to experience it again, Having touched such a strange but beau tiful force awakens a lustful desire to experi ence it once more. Variant: GM NOTE AND VARIANT RULIS ‘Should you decide to have your party sucked into a fairy tale, consider using these variant rules. After all, ‘one may be driven mad or worse, be changed forever after experiencing afairy tale in the flesh. ‘When a characteris swept into a fairy tale, they ‘must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to 10+ half their total character levels. Ona failure, they feel con- stant compulsions decided by the Game Master where ‘they must make another Wisdom check to ignore or ‘suppress them. When a character succeeds on this ‘second check, they gain advantage on the next. After three successes with advantage, they no longer feel the compulsions ofthe fairy tale. Sicns THaT A Fairy TALE Has BEGUN ‘When a fairy tale begins, there are many, many ways of introducing it to your players. Below you will find 20 dif ferent beginnings listed for you to draw inspiration from. 11) Gangs of children begin to sing weird songs in the streets, dancing in circles as they do. 2.) The surface of rivers, ponds, and lakes ripple despite ‘lack of movement. 3.) Acold wind begins to blow, but only trees, leaves, fgrass, and flowers sway. 4.) An old woman appears before you one night, request ing help on the strangest request. 5.) Flowers begin to bloom out of season, and leaves: begin to change colors. {6)JAn odd color smoke can be seen in the sky. Its source is.a small, lonely cabin in the woods. 7) bird, squirrel, or other small animal delivers to you ‘a message in the form of a natural object, such as a seed. '8)A small creature wearing oddly fashionable clothing runs past you, screaming that itis late for something very important. 9) You find a strange pair of slippers, gloves; or some: ‘other garment on your doorstep or bedroll. 10.) A person you know very well begins to sincerely act ‘out of character, as if they were replaced by an opposite version of themselves. LL) A strange, fey creature wakes you from your sleep and makes you a tantalizing offer. 12)n the middle of some remote location, you hear someone weeping in the distance. 13.) Something is stolen from you. It may be a useless item, like a roll of parchment, or something precious, like your hands. 14) A number of inanimate objects are animated and band together. They pass the party on the road, talking loudly about their quest. 15.)A fey appears before you and gives you a summons ‘written on something strange, The summons is to the court of a queen or king that no one has ever heard of. 16.) Someone you care about very dearly is kidnapped by ‘a monstrous beast. 17.) A small animal approaches you and asks that you help them return to their human form. 18.) A wandering performer and his enchanted host go to different cites, forcibly enchanting more people to join the host. 19.) Too exhausted to care, you go to sleep in the nearest | ‘and strangest abode you can find. 20.) Finding yourself strangely los, a beautiful young giel offers to be your guide. —— cmaomrrioncmn 2) Lyre MapbCap MapCar INN AND TAVERN The MadCap, filled to the brim with strange and inter: esting characters, only appears when the fey world bleeds into your own. The building itself s a strange twisting shape, with boards hanging loose here and there. The stains are creaking, and the shutters shake the lightest wind on this old place pulled between each ‘world, The sign hangs from one chain, the other long since broken, with aJarge mushroom symbol with dark red lettering telling its name. More often than not the worlds seem (o bleed seamlessly, however sometimes the Tavern can become attached to others around it, ‘almost seeming to be stretched or squeezed into place. Tre Workers AND LOCALS OF THE INN, There are a variety of characters to be found at the ye ‘old MadCap, some to intrigue, some to cause conflict, ‘and others who hold their own array of secrets to be shared, if the adventures so choose to engage in the pleasantries of conversation. MARHORN VAUSS This brash old man is as stubborn as they come and is the biggest mystery that exists within these walls, No one seems to know where he ‘came from, or how he became the owner of the MadlCap, but there he is sitting upon that old wooden chair, usually complaining about the rain, even when the sun is shining, He also seems to permanently sport an angry red scar on his forehead, OPTIONAL Nor. Viuss, as most call him, isa twist: ced old soul who once fell in lave with a fey, as he lured her into his Inn one night he never knew how life would change. First came the rains that never stopped.then ‘came the never ending thrum of noises which never let him sleep, and then the litte fey found joy setting up traps for him to bang his head against through the Inn until one day old Vauss had enough. He cast her out, never to return. The fey ina light of mischief bound his In {o the Fey Wild, forever cursing him and his home. GitAN Hook. Gillian’s domain is the kitchen, and more time than not that’s where youl ind her, with pots smashing together ever a roaring flame, much larger than what could possibly be safe indoors. The food isn’t pretty, and there is always a mess left behind, but what more could you expect from a former slop slinger from the seas. When the MadCap is quiet you can also find her down in the cellar, most likely sleeping away ia a wheelbarrow, her bottle of cheap wine hugged in her OPTIONAL NOT. Gillian is a bastard child of a famous pirate, when she tired of serving up slop on his ship at sea, she found herselfat home in the MadCap. She can be rather sensitive of her past, and prefers to bury herself in alcohol. Her mother being a Siren, she is ‘a natural beauty with black hair and piercing blue eyes, she can be intimidating in her own right as she always carries a cutlass at her side. KNOWLEDGE Insight, is suggested to learn more about Gillians past Giiu1an Hook Most Ua CHAOTIC NFUTRAL [Base Sianisnes ARMOR CLASS 17 Hirr Punts 52 (848 + 15) ‘SPEED 30 f. STR DEX CON INT WIS_——CHA 1562) 1402) 1261) 1361) 13.61) 1040) (Trans ‘Sensis passive Perception 11 LANGUAGES common CHALLENGE 3 (700 xp) [Passive FeAruRes. ming to fade, asif she were running out of time, and hears the constant ticking ofa clock in her ears. When reduced below ha her hitpoints Gillian can take a bonus attack on her turn (AerIONS [MULTIATTACK Gillian makes 2 Cutlass attacks per tun, Cutlass, Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach St, one target. Hits 9 (2d6-+2) slashing damage. CANNON Foobex, Range Weapon Attack: +4 o hit, range 20/1201, one creature. On hit 12 (2484) piercing damage. coun ancnn/, 0 5, LLLEA2 MORRIGAN WHITE Here at the MadCap, Morrigan never bothers to disguise herself. A large and ornate ‘ing sits on her finger, a token from better times and also the source of her poviers. She was once one of the fairest, but her ring cursed her with disfigurement in return for the power it gave her: Most just call her the ‘swamp witch now, as her skin sags like mud drip: pingand her hair faded lke old moss. ‘OrTIONAL NOTES. Morrigan seeks with every visit to lure a man into loving her, ony then will the curse be broken, and her powers fully unlocked along with her beauty restored, She often resorts to foul magics todo this, but never disguising herself For the man in ques- tion must see her as she truly is for the curse to be broken. The ring in question, which houses the curse, can only be removed once the curse is lifted, or her finger detached. KNOWLEDGE History, i suggested to learn more about Morrigan, She would be noted in several older stories in her fall rom grace. A roll of 1S(eel free to change this number) or higher would allow a player to know most of the tales surrounding her. MOorRIGAN Motun eNO. REUTRAL EVE — Hit Points so (20d6 SPEED 95. Gist a) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 5 BONS SN AGS) 23S 6 442) Bf) 26608) 2065) 61) atte ‘SKIL Arcana+ 12, History +12, Intimidation +2, Nature +12, Perception +9 SENSES passive Perception 19 LANGUAGES common, sylvan, any beast language. elvish (GALLENGE 12(8, 4000 XP) ‘CURSED RING. Morrigan’s ring prevents her from being ‘aged, polymorphed, or shapeshifted by any rings. t keeps hher perpetually uly as well, giving her disadvantage on all ‘Charisma checks. Additionally. when Morrigan casts a spell ‘above 5th level, she must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or fall to 1 hp. [MAGIC RESISTANCE. Morrigan has advantage in saving throws against spells and other magica elects SFELLCASTING. Spelcasting. Morrigan is a 20th-evel spell ‘easter Her spelleasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks). Merrigan can east poly ‘morph and hex at vill and has the following wizard Spells prepared: Cantrps (a wl) bot, fends ight, mage hand, minor illusion, Ist level (4 slots: detect magic, identify; mage armor, magic sisale 2nd level (3 slots: detect thoughts, mirror image, misty step 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell fy lightning bolt ‘Aut level G slots}: banishment, fie shield, stonestsin= Sth level (3 slots: cone of cold. insect plague, serying ‘ih evel {1 Sot): globe of invulnerability Zth level stot: teleport 'Sth level (slo): entrol weather th level (sla): weird TIMOTHY “I CAN'T REMEMBER’. Lipon first meeting this strange man mumbling to himself in @ comer of the inn he will introduce himself as Timothy ‘I can't remem: ber’ He talks in circles and often even rhymes and has the attention span of afield mouse. He will forget every person he meets the second they stop taking, He can be identified by the large purple and black tattered hat he always wears or is holding. OrTIONAL Nomis Timothy does indeed have a past, and duc to the trauma off he's gone a ite mad, Sometimes he can find moment of clarity, that are often shor lived and only half helpfl, He was once a servant in Sable the Queen of Blood Debt’, and knows tidbits of knowledge about the caste and the queen herself, but they are usually so muddled with insanity that no ‘one else pays him any mind. KNOWLEDGE Perception, is suguested to look past the madness and see the real meaning in TimoTHY Mus HUAN CHADTI NFUTRAL ARMOR CLASS 17 HiT POINTS 60 (1048 + 16) a le ig|> E fe sta 163) DEX BO) CON INT 1542) 7) wis 10 (+0) CHA 10 (+0) SENSES passive Perception 10 LANGUAGES common ‘CHALLENGE 3 (700 xp) MAD AS A HATTER Insanity plagues Timothy's mind and hhe must make a DC (12) Con saving throw oF lose all c- tions atthe start of each of his turns, (AcriONS. Fists. Melee Unarmed Attack: +4 to hit, reach Sf, one target. Hite 9 26+2) bludgeoning damage. Quirks oF THE INN In the shadows ofthe in, a smile can be seen ling swat, Occasionally a goden finch, prized for their ing ing and ability to speak the common tongue wil utter by. Ifone were to be paying attention, they could see the disembodied fangs dart across the shadows and swallow these lite birds whole When possible Glin Hook wll grab what seems to be a phantom tal, and hechand disappears inside the mouth, pling free the golefinch, only o throw it feathers and all, into abot ing pot of stock. Timorty’s Terriste ToT Timothy often complains about how his teeth just won't siay in his mouth-and he won't let them, because they hhurt foo much, But perhaps the ramblings of a madman are more than just that, While out traveling, adventurers often hear about strange murders, the vi- tims left with no teeth in their mouths. Some old wive's tales even talk about how a nasty tooth fairy will kil those with teeth too clean at night, as if getting re- venge. Making matters worse, every time you see Timm- thy, he seems to be missing another tooth! Though he always offers some kind of payment if you can find where he's misplaced them... THe THREE CURSED QUEEN AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CURSED In every fairy tale, in every world, there is always a common theme. There is always some sort of hero or heroine, and there is always some sort of magical guide ‘hat helps him or her along their journey. But what most clo not think to question is: what are these young ‘ heroes actually being guided to? What happens when a ‘would be hero turns down the help of their guide? The answer is simple: they become cursed. By the whims of powerful fey, their hearts are tainted, their souls blackened, and their destinies twisted forever: They are forced to learn the humility oftheir actions lest they face total destruction, In this section we introduce you to three such char acters, Each has become a cursed queen of their ¢ sight, and each is another fairy tale that ean bleed int any world. We present to you Areadia, Queen of Ashes, who seeks to reduce the world to a dying ember; Sable Queen of Blood Debts, whose desire to see her enemies drown in their own blood is uncontrollable; and Valdas, Queen of Mirrors, who wants nothing more than her lost beauty. These queens rule their domains with er elty and power, Their people are pawns in a game of chess, wh fords are turned into grim battle fields. Through the aid of those unwilling, attracted by the magic of their fairy tales, they seek to spread ever further Characters who listen to the evil callings in their heart flock to these queens for power, Heroes who in. tead wish to save the day have found themselves grea and terrible enemies. But when dealing with queens this unpredictable, this callous, one can only OBER EET 3 ‘The Queens are meant to be mid to high level antago- nists in your adventures and often work best when ey pitted against powerful archfey in the plot, For the evil aligned player, they can be powerful allies or even ‘guides, bent on the destruction of the party or the fe, your choice. They will, more often than not, keep their .n while mildly forcing their wills onto the ARCADIA QUEEN OF ASHES HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Arcadia was once but a woman of simple beginnings, living her days out in the middle of the woods i a tiny litle cabin with her father, a good huntsman in his own, ‘ight. He often traveled deep into the woods, leaving the motherless gitl alone for days at a time with one simple order: do not open the door. However, Arcadia, Was a curious creature and often didat follow the rules. One day, from the window, she spotted a charming young woman with beautiful features and a beautiful basket of flowers at her side, The woman knocked conce, then twice, and finally a third. When Arcadia did not answer, the woman, with a smile, turned and left. On the second day, she came with a small rabbit knocking in the same manner, This time Arcadia leaned her head out the window as the woman left. Fi nally on the third day, with her father still nowhere in sight, she gave in when the woman returned. The beau- tiful woman, without a word, offered her an ornate gold choker When Arcadia accepted and placed it upon her neck, the world went black, Tue Touch oF Evit It wasn't for hours or days, perhaps weeks, before Ar- cadia awoke. She sat outside her burning cabin, only now hearing the screaming of her father inside. She rushed to the door, the wood ablaze with fire, yet her hands never burned. When she finally forced the door ‘open, her father's charred remains lay at her feet. She cried, she sobbed, and crackles of black energy spirled from her body, but there was no saving her father, twas then when the pain took hold, that the ashes of her father began shifting under her hands, absorb- ing into the skin. All at once she could feel changes ravaging her, Her body matured ten years past her age, her cheek bones hecame high and pronounced, the curve of her brow perfected, her fingers came (o the golden choker adorning her neck. Her lips, now full and red, smiled as she rose from the ashes. Areadia was now cursed. 2 Queen oF Hen NAMESAKE les alter al this thatthe Queen of Ash realized to keep her powers and beauty she woul have to absorb ene erator ear eee eases eta eta eee ‘copong her. Thus the Queen of Ash rose to power as it came naturally as he tired villages fo the ground with em eerie ee eet eect Soon the entire county side bent knee to her, and waged endless ware to offer her tribute in return for teeter peace ARCADIA'S CURSED CHOKER Wondrous item, legendary Arcadia's cursed choker is a beautifully ornate piece ‘with no claps, the moment a person places the choker around their neck is becomes magically sealed, The seal can only be removed when the curse is fulfilled or the ‘wearer's head is cut off. The visage of the choker can change from wearer to wearer, acting as a reflection of the person adorning it ‘The curse linked to this choker is an ancient one, ‘once placed upon it as a token of revenge from an arch- fey. The one who Wears it loses their soul, becoming chaotic evil and will not gain it back until they accom. plish one selfless act.While cursed, the choker gives the ‘wearer the ability to create magical, spell-like abilities. Examples of these abilities are: Command of an element or natural resource, Magics dealing in illusions, or pow: erful terrain altering abilities. cmomourmon! 0) S2LZZ CursD QueENS NSA Quitn’s Caste ‘The Ash Queen's castle has thick layers of soot and ash coating the exterior from the constant flutter of debris falling from the skies around it. The castle itself is always changing with some rooms expanding, hallways leading to nowhere, and a maze of halls, Every day the layout shifts and changes to the Queen's whims. Her castle is also linked to the feywilds, and appears across several bleeds at the same time. Lain Actions On initiative count 20 (losing ties), the Ash Queen ean, {ake a lair action to cause one of the following magical effects; she can't use the same effect two rounds in a *# The Ach Queen summons 2d4 charred guards to hee aid. * The Ash Queen periodically sets fires to flammable objects in a 300 foot radius around her. * The Ash Queen summons a haze of ash, forcing dis advantage on attack rolls against her and against Per ception (Wiscdom) checks made in the haze, Recion EerrecTs The region containing th by her magie, creating on Ash Queen's lair is warped F more of the following ef fects + Forests in her domain are charred and bare litle lite + Atrandom, creatures withthe beast tag become taining fiendish versions of themselves, Those that swere once neutral or good are now evi * Ash constantly falls tazly from the skies, coating ev erything in thick layers of soo, that almost looks ike sey snow QuEEN ARCADIA Mou Himasow, GtaoTC a a) ARMOR CLASS 17 Hr POINTS 135 (848 +54) SPEED oft. STR DEX CON INT. WIS_— CHA 1060) 14642) 16 (3) 2065) 12(1) 20665), SAVING THROWS Charisma+14,nteligence +14 ‘SKIMS Arcana +14, Insight +7, Intimidation +14 DAMAGE RESISTANCES poison; nonmagical Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. DAMAGE IMMUNITIES fe CONDITION IMMUNITIES charmed, frightened ‘SENSES darkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 15 LANGUAGES common, sylvan CHALLENGE 19 (22,000 XP] BURNED THROATS. When a creature takes damage from one of the Ash Queen’ fire spells, they must pass a DC 22.Con- stitution saving theaw of have their throats horrifically burned. They can no longer speak or cast spells requiring Somatic components until the greater restoration spell is cast on them. DARK SMILE Those who encounter the Ash Queen have dis advantage of charisma checks or saves against het Stoking the Fire. When a creature fails an Intimidation (Charisma) check against the Ash Queen, they are vulnera bile to fie damage for 1 minute. casting ately cast the following spells, requiring no innate components: At will: burning hands, compel duel, create bontire,fireolt ‘major illusion, thaumaturgy fireball fire shield firestorm, true polymorph (adult red dragon only) LEGENDARY RESISTANCE (3/day). the Ash Queen fails a ‘saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead en a] SUFFER. The Ash Queen speaks a diabolical word, command- ig the soot and ash around a target creature of her choice ‘Within 40 feet, The creature must succeed on a Constitution ‘Saving throw versus the Ash Queen's spell save DC or be st focated by the ash asi tums to conerete in their lungs. A creature suffocated inthis way ean survive a number of {urns equal to their Constitution modifier before falling to 0 hitpoints, unstabilized, A remove curse spell removes the \ ash from the lungs, 9 (TeceNDARY ACTIONS The Ash Queen can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below Only one legendary action can be tsed at Fi ‘a time and only atthe end of another creature’ turn. The Ash Queen regains spent legendary actions atthe stat ofits CORRUPTED. A player becomes a near mirror double of the Ash Queen, sharing her appearance and voice for 1d rounds, BURN THEM @ ACTIONS. Ignites all fammable objects that ‘up to 5 ereatures within 30 feet are wearing or earryi Tong as they are holding or wearing the ignited objects, they take 2d6 fire damage until the fire is put ‘TEMPTATION (2 ACTIONS. The Ash Queen chooses one crea- ture she has dealt fre damage to since the star of this rouind, That creature is charmed until the end of the Ash ‘Queen's next tur, SoS ow/ 0 Wz MINIONS CHARRED GUARD ase Srarisnics ARMOR CLASS14 Hr Pounsts 2 (248 + 16) SPEED 30 CHARRED GUARDS irom TT) STR DEX CON INT. =o WIS.- CHA ‘Charred Guards are the product of dark fey magics con: N 1804) 14 (2) 1442) 841) 11.60) 11 40) trolled by Arcadia, the Queen of Ashes. They are constructs sd remains of her vietims. Parts of EEE || composed of th See Ee eee te their souls are trapped inside these foul creatures, empower: ean ing them todo the queen's bidding They are incapable of de PSHE catcnne cision making, and can only follow direct orders that are 6 oF A fewer words, Cattenae 3 (700 x0) (PASSIVE FEATURES CEMENTED SOULS. NEL A Eons cid oC the Quieed of Ach. the Ctarred These ercatures are composed of ash and soot, with power cues ee a ful magics cementing thet together into humanoid shapes, ightened, poizoned ie eT armor and weapons, There is litle variation from guard to Dibee SWvaseene ie Charred Cuaiireeason anata ‘guard-they are near identical copies of the last They are more often than not grey oF black in color however a freshly ee ee feo ne Cong embers racking tacks per turn MINDLESS. directed ata target, the taryet must make a (DC 10) constitu and can not make complex decisions on their own, They are tion saving throw. on a fail they are cursed with the Ash easily tricked or footed, but will hunt down their targets for ij Plague, which will slowly deal 1d4 damage every hour uotil eternity if commanded. They are also telling signs of the a 4 ree eeerrestora (QUEENS BLADE Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, one crea: ture, On hit 12 (2484) slashing damage rival of the Ash Queen, often heing sent out to clear the way for her more fleshy soldiers and beasts. Their bodies ean be founcl in burnt down villages, left abandoned after their jobs Were completed \\ GrrmuDarx cuwrone/ af 0. Zz SaBLe QueEN OF BLoop Depts Innate EVIL ‘Sable was never what one would call good. She covet- ‘ed power riches, and fame. However, she was but a straw merchants daughter who spent her days tending ‘the house and cooking his meals. It wasn't until one ‘night, when she heard tale of a ball, that she snuck from her father's house and stole a dress from the line of a noble woman to attend the party. There she danced and Jaughed and drank until nearly midnight. ‘However, at the stoke of the hour, a woman -sereamed. A erowd of women cireled Sable, all pointing. and laughing as one pulled at her stolen dress whi ‘screaming that she had stolen it from her: It wasn't until the king himself laid eyes on her that he stopped the ‘madness and paid the accusing woman for her dress, for now the king coveted Sable. She left that night in the tattered remains of her dress, tears still fresh on her cheeks. It was there on the road that a charming young man ‘stepped from the woods, his body alight with a golden. radiance. He offered her comfort, he offered her gold, >but still Sable cried, She swore the only thing she ‘wanted in life was revenge on the castle and more. So ‘the man who she stumbled upon offered her that but swith a price. A Girt oF BLoop Dears: Tt-was just a box. A simple woorlen box that held the key to her darkest wishes. And inside the box lay a pair ‘of beautiful gloves the color of blood. Sable held the ‘gloves in her hand for a moment while hardly listening to the man who described them. All she could see was the color of blood fill her eyes as she slipped the gloves over her fingers. ‘When they finally satin place on her hands her once brown eyes tured red, spreading over the once pure: ‘whites of her eyes till they stained the tears still fresh ‘on her cheeks, turning them into blood. The dress on her frame, shadowed in darkness, fell from her shoul- ders only to transform and hold close to her chest, falk ing into a sea of red silk Sable was now cursed. (Quin oF Hin NAMESAKE Ie was ater al this that the Queen of Bod debts timed see leet cartier eee all dy. The blood was her power, the blood was her curse, and both she bore with pride. twas here inthis casi that she claimed the lands, making each ofthe snickering and screaming females who humiliated her bear a pair of magical iron slippers that were always as hot as coals. And for the king who had caused more than his fair share of tears, him she cursed as well. For his punish- ‘ment she thought long and hard, until finally she came to his cell. She turned him into a giant beast, and set him ‘upon his awn wife and children, only then allowing him. his mind back to witness what he had done. Since then MAcicaL ITEM Sable's Cursed Gloves ‘Wondrous item, legendary Sable's gloves are made ofa fine red sill, that hook be. tween the wearer's thumb and forefinger and reach along. the forearm. The moment a person wears the gloves they become magically sealed to them. ‘The curse linked to these gloves was the whim of an archfey when she spotted Sable at her party: The curse can only be broken ifthe wearer forgives those who ‘wronged them, or iftheir hands are severed. While cursed, the gloves give the wearer the ability to create ‘magical, spell-like abilities. Examples of these abilities are: to drain the blood from their victims, to create crea. tures of blood, orto inflame the blood of their targets. ‘The Dungeon Master and the player in question should work together fo determine the specifies of the abilities. A Quetn’s Caste ‘The Queen of Blood Debts castle is a fearful place, with pools and fountains of blood adorning it. The stench of death emanates from every corner and the screams of the irom slippered women can be heard all around. The walls are stained a reddish black from years of blood shed, and those that remain inside are cursed with bleed ing feet with every step they take, feeding her blood debts. LAIR ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing ties), the Blood Debt Queen can take a lair aetion fo cause one of the following magt caleffects; he can't use the same effect two rounds in a row: The Blood Debt Queen transforms into a wraith of blood giving disadvantage to all attacks made against her uptil the beginning of her next turn, ‘The Blood Debt Queen wishes for blood to come to her. Creatures within 30 feet of the Blood Debt Queen ‘must make a Constitution saving throw versus her spell save DC or take 4d6 necrotic damage. Ifa creature fails this save twice, they take a point of exhaustion. 4 CurseD QuéENs + The Blood Queen creates a pool of coagulated blood, creating dificult terrain in a 60 foot radius from its origin within 120 feet of her. REGION EFFECTS The region containing the Blood Debt Queen's lair is warped by her magic, creating one or more ofthe fol- lowing effects: * The lands around the Blood Debt Queen seem to breath in and out, making the grounds unstable. © At random, humanoids will bleed from their eyes, and become averwhelmed with anger * Trees and other vegetation seep blood from their roots and blossoms staining the earth with a reddish black slime. * Ye QuzeN SaBLe Fon nimasow, otnone fv [Base Starsnies ARMOR CLASS 17 Har POINTS 151 (1938 +150) ‘SPEED 40 ft STR DEX CON INT. —sWIS-—CHA 215) T2(+1) 18 (44) 18 (44) 15(42) 18 4) TRA SAVING THROWS Strength +11, Dexterity +6 'SKILS Deception +9, Insight +7, Intimidation +10 DAMAGE IMMUNITIES nonmagical bludgeaning, piercing, and slashing damage from weapons that aren’ coated in blood CONDITION IMMUNITIES charmed, fightened SENSES darlvision 120 f, passive Perception 95 LANGUAGES common, sykan ‘CHALLENGE 17 (18,000 XP) BLEEDING HEARTS When a creature file @ Perauacion (Chari 'ma) check against the Blood debt Queen, they are vuinersbe to ‘magical bludgeoning, percing, and slashing damage for ‘minute, [BLOOD PRICE. When the Blood Debt Queen deals damage to a creature wth at east level af exhaustion, they must make 3 Constitution saving throw vereus het spell save DC. On afl tre, they must rellon the lingering wounds table, found on page 273 ofthe Dungeon Master = Guide INNATE SPELLCASTING. The Blood Debt Queen's innate spell. casting ability iz Charisma (spell save DC 8). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no innate component: [At will misty step, unseen servant vicious mockery 3]day fale life, darkness ifday circle of death, harm, polymorph (only an enemy crea ‘ures, and only into beasts) LEGENDARY RESISTANCE (3/DAY), Ifthe Blood Debt Queen fils 4 saving throw, itcan choose to succeed instead LIARS. The Blood Debt Queen is skeptical to believe anyone. Persuacion (Charisma) checks against her are made at disad- vantoge. BLOODEORNE.The Blood Debt Queen summons a blood ‘weapon in the form of a melee weapon of her choice. She is pro- ficient with the weapon che erester, BLOODHORNE ATTACK Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft, one ereatureX (1dX +5) damage depending on the weapon, 2: well as an additional 16 (448) necrotic damage. CCOAGULATE Melee Spell Attack +10 to hit, reach sft, one crea: ture, 3 (1é4¢3) bludgeoring damage. The Blood Debt Queen reaches out with her red gloved hand and zqueezes the throat of 8 nearby target within 10 feet The target must make a Consbtu tion saving throw (DC 18) or their bloed coagulates under the touch the the Queen and stuns them in place until theirnext, ‘uen on a falure, in addition to taking 25 (sdto) necrotic damage, BLOOD TEARS. Melee Spell Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5, one creature. 3 (1d4+3) bludgeoning damage. The Blood Debt (Queen takes her gloved thumbs and begins to press them into a target's eyes within 0 fet, the target must make a Strength saving throw (OC 18} or be blinded for tq turn, a8 vel 22 taking 25 (¢d10) necrotic damage “The Blood Debt Queen can take 3 legendary actions, choosing. from the options below. Only one legendary action can be used sta time and only atthe end of another creature's turn, The Blood Debt Queen regains spent legendary actions atthe start ofits turn DRAIN (1 ACTION) The Blood Debt Queen draws upan the blood flowing their a target's bad, calling ito her. The target ‘must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 18) or take 12 (4d6) ‘damage. The Blood Debt Queen heals for half ofthe amount af damage deat. FIENDISH @ ACTIONS. The Blood Debt Queen creates a Blood Fiend from her own blood, Afterwards she rlls ait die, losing the amount of hit point relied BloOD Diss @ ACTIONS The Bleed Debt Queen makes to of er actions cmuomonrnnon/ Dygeeez MINIONS Bioop FigND The Blood Fiend is a monstrosity of nature created from the flowing blood of Suble, the Blood Debt Queen. They are incarnations of pure evil fendish in every imagin: able way. They are shadows of the queen herself, emana tions of her dark fey magies. BLoop WRaITHS These monstrosities are wisps of shadow and slates of blood making up loosely humanoid figures or beasts. They are a swirling miasma of black shadows and crim son mist, with dripping fangs and claws. However, the longer a Blood Fiend exists in the physical world, the more corporeal they become until they solid tues of blood: they will revive when blood is spilt into. their mouths, but only for a few moments. Only the blood of Sable can truly restore them. Vicious Hunters Blood Fiends are intelligent, strategic beings, who usual. ly lay in ambush for their prey: Only having a fraction of the raw power of their creator, they must make due with their limited strength, Often traveling in pairs, they work. Together to follow the will of Sable, Wreaking havoc on sleeping soldiers, the only signs they leave behind is a fine mist of red coating their victims. BLOoop FIEND Monin rex. Lon Ev [Base Sianisncs a = ARMOR CLASS13 Hr Pounts 27 (648+ 16) SPEED 30 ft, fly 30ft (Amory Scones STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA TEA) 1542) 1241) 1442) 1060) 11 40) hn] CONDITION RESSTANCES charmed, frightened CONDITION IMMUNITIES poisoned SENSES darkvision 120 f, passive Per LANGUAGES commonsylvan LENGE 2 (450 xp) Eas ‘AMORPIIOUS. The blood fiend ean moxe through a space as harrow as 1 inch wide without squcering. BLoob SENSE. They can track a and find a bleeding creature within a 120 foot eadius SHADOW STEALTH While in dima light oF darkness, th fiend can take the Hide action as a bonus action, (ACTIONS FANGS. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, one ereature. On hit 11 (2d8+3) piercing damage QUEEN’ B1000. The blood fiend begins to wrench open 2 target's mouth, The target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw (DC 15). Ona failure the blood fiend enters your body and spreads the queen's blood through your system, dealing fan initial 5 (144+) biudgeoning damage. The blood fiend is absorbed and killed in the process, The esl energy flooding the targets body forces madness upon them, rolled on the Short Term Madness table on page 258 of the dungeon mas. ter's guide. tion 11 GrimmDark CHAPTER ONE, VALDAS QUEEN OF MIRRORS. Vanity Apove Aut Elst ‘Valdas comes from neither humble beginnings nor trau ‘matic events, but rather a silver spoon in her porcelain cheeks. Her parents treated her much like a doll, dress: ing herin the finest garments, the most sought after ‘makeups, and the most current hairstyles. Each morn: ing, a servant would brush her hair with a thousand strokes, followed by tea on the balcony. She was taught in the finest things such as playing the piano, painting, and singing. She was such the jewel of her parent's em. pire-often commoner’s would leave gifts for her. Howev: ef, stich common things were not enough for Valdas, and were often throw in the trash, Tue Hacs Girr One late afternoon, as Va fles among the gardens of her parent's castle, an elder ‘woman with hair like straw and wrinkles that followed aldas sat in her corset and raf: the lines of her face presented Valdas with a gift. It was but a simple mirror, and with it a warning: to never look to deeply, for mirrors are powerfal things. Not being of silver or gold, Valdas smashed the mirror before the old ‘woman. It shattered into tiny pieces, and one ricocheted into her eye. The old hag of a woman smiled and left without a word as the spoiled young woman screamed and held her face. The more she screamed and rubbed at her eyes the deeper the shard of mirror went, until fi nally she dropped her hands, and her eyes were now mirrors of the world Valdas was now cursed. Queen oF Hin NAMESAKE Valdas’ face, now seared from the mirrors and her beauty marred by mirrored eves, her parents were hor fled. Instead of consoling and caring for their only child they tried to banish her from the castle estate, It was then ina moment of fury that Valdas set her eyes upon her parents, turing them to mirrored glass and then hing them with a eandle stick. Vaupas’s CURSED MIRRORS Wondrous item, legenclary Valdas eyes now hold mirrors with in them, The mirror it originates from was a simple one with a black wooden frame, however the quicksilver used in creating the ‘mirror was the purest form ever ereated by an archfey ‘who grew jealous of Valda’s beauty, and sick of her vanity, The curse linked to this mirror ean only be broken when the owner learns humility, or in Valda's case her eyes removed. While cursed, the mirror give the owner the ability to create magical, spellike abilities, Exam ples of these abilities are: to travel through mirrors, con- {rol over vegetation, or powerful object based control such as mirrors, glass, stone, or wood. A Quetn’s Caste The Queen of Mirror’ caste ls not what one would eee eae ett ral ie ete trae tneze fo the castle, The caste itself stand igh wth Sbiring white and bluestone Covers, with ma Ie cerita Sve peat el at rn ries GE gelled valle at Be ae fener reve al robe Bc el tout Lain Actions On initiative count 20 (losing ties), the Mirror Queen can take a lair action to cause one of the following magi cal effects; she can't use the same effect two rounds in a * The Mirror Queen presents a mirror that anyone Within a 30 foot radius ean see, it shows their innermost desire + The Mirror Queen can travel through any mirror her body would be able to fit through to another within a 300 foot radius. * The Mirror Queen melts the mirrored floors, making difficult terrain in @ 30 foot radius disk of her choosing Within 90 feet of her. Recion Errects The region containing the Mirror Queen’ lair is warped by her magic, creating one or more of the following ef: fees + Adeep and enchanting forest springs up in a 1 mile radius around the Mirror Queen's Lair + Bodies of water solidify into mi tops. any bloodshed, + Flowers sprout from % , Cc JRSED QUEENS QueeN VaLDas Her POINTS 135 (1848 + 54) SPEED Eo, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA BEN 18(4) 16 (43) 16643) 1249) 2065) SAVING THROWS. Charisma +10, Dexterity 19 SKILLS Deception #10, Insight + Daw CONDITION IMMUNITIES charmed, frightened SENSES blindsight 120 fe, passive Perception 95 LANG ivan CHALLENGE 15 (13,000 XP) Passive FEATURES. INNATE SPRLICASTING. The Mirror Queen's innate epellcas ing ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18). She can innately cast the follawing spells, requiring no innate components At will: minor illusfon, may Bidays mirror image, clairvoyance 1 day: hallucinatory terrain, compulsion LEGENDARY RESISTANCE (/DAY1. Ifthe Mirror Queen fails saving throw, it ean choose to succeed instead ‘QUICKSHLVER. The Mirror Queeas bloods filed with quick. er giving her an additional 30 feet of movement on he tam. FRAGILE (RECHARGE 5-0. The Mirror Queen attempts to turn A target with must for Ted tu points. On a suceess, the creature's moven Ofor the duration instead. BLOSOM. The Mirrar Queen summons rose bushes before her in @ 100 foot line from het. The branches reach out and slashing any person within 5 feet of them on a Dexterity saving thraw (DC 15 )fal, dealing 10d a sucess the creature takes half damage in ‘SHARDS The Mirror Queen focuses on a single target as shards of mirrars fy from her mouth, swirling through t air and dealing 10d4 piercing damage for | minute that the creature remains in that square [LeceNDaRyActions TEE Valdas can take the legendary action listed below. Only one legentlary action can be used ata time and only atthe end of creatures turn, The Mirror Queen regains spent leg actions atthe start ofits turn EYES OF ALL(G ACTIONS. The Mirror Queen glances into the future using her mierors, doubling the damage of her nex attack or redcing all damage dealt o her by half unt the endl of her next turn, which ever comes first ————————— GriwmDark CHAPTER ONE, MONARCHS OF THE FEYWILD AN INTRODUCTION TO ARCHFEY The feywild is not without some sem the depths of that nonsensical re power is greater than that of fiends, the Great Old Ones of yore, Called the Archfey, these monarchs of the feywild are eneated from raw emotion, from fairy tales that grow too powerful, or from the raw desire ofthe infinite fey that populate that realm. As rulers, each Archtfey holds their own kingdom: Some are small domains, while others range conti nents. Regardless ofthe size, any and all creatures know better than to challenge an Archifey in their domain, Great and mighty dragons dare not make their Inirs in the forests of Titania, and even Asmodeus him self has given pause to invading a powerful Archtey’s haven. Because oftheir powers their beauty, and thelr mas ry of al things fey, beings of all kinds flock to them. Many Archfey have their own armies, servants, slaves, nother such things that obey every command, And in the feywild, where even the grass alive, there om in allan Archfey’s lands that does not un- holds the true power there. tion, we hope to introduce you to two Archfey of our own creation. Both fit1wo different niches of fey character, and both serve as powerful dri {ng forces behind all manner of fairy tales. But be wary venturers, These beings are not to be trifled with unless one has a strong desire to meet their gods eatly. Archfey are meant to be incredibly powerful enemies. Much like Tiamat or the Demon Lords, an Archfey should be something fought at the end of the car paign, and usually under special preconditions. Be ‘wary of their power-they are capable of easily wiping ‘out entire parties of hardy heroes, CiuIN Hunter of the Midnight Forest Of the many archfey, few are as terrifying or volatile as Ciuin. He is a phantom amongst his kin, spoken of in hushed tones or not at all if i can be helped. Those that seck his blessing or favor find themselves delving into a world of madness where they must dance with a monster that even demons and angels are afraid of. In his realm, Ekyo, he rules the sounds of nig ASCENSION THROUGH HORROR The story of Ciuin’s not one that most ears have heard in trath. Most know of the legends that he cloaks himself in but are unable to tell reali ty from fiction, His many titles arise from these legends. Some call him the Lord of Screams, for it is said that his voice contains the sounds of all the screams of the creatures he has killed. Others proclaim him the Sound's Shadow, for it is believed that he can echo all sounds he has ever heard In reality, all of these stories have a bit of (ruth, though none capture the essence of who, or what, Ciuin is. Once upon a time he was a man-an elf, to be exact. He was powerful and, noble and proud; the power of the fey did not corrupt him as it did his kin. His magic was true and he boldly proclaimed that no creature, no matter how foul or how rank, could slay him, Thus, as heroes often do, he took a wife~a human woman-and he built a castle. Here, he put his fame to great pragmatic use. But when one pushes against the world they must always expect it to push back. A great many fey did this elf wrong on his journeys, and they all wanted revenge for his misdeeds. So they joined together, whisked his wife away into the depths of the wood, and put a powerful illu: sion onto his castle so that he could not find it when he left to search for her. In the night these flendish fey tortured the hero's wife, her screams melding with the sounds of the forest. Unable to distinguish them, the hero wandered off into the abyssal darkness, driven mad by the sounds that plagued him. The sun never rose over that wood. The hero was powerful after all, and with his sanity gone, there was nothing left to hold him back. If he could not find his wife physically, then he proclaimed it would be the sound of her voice that would keep him company. With a great magic, he ripped the lungs and throats and tongues from all the things in the forest, in- cluding his wife and those that had captured her, and even the men and servants in his hidden castle. He consumed them all, boiled them into his soul, and trapped their spirits and voices in his stomach. The once beautiful realm the hero ruled became a vile and devilish thing. The Whisper of the Dying, as it was called, could be heard all throughout the realm, always echoing back to those who ventured in. Thus the realm was named Ekyo, and deemed a place no sane mani or fey should enter. Those that did never re turned, and it is said their voices joined the ‘ominous nightly sounds of the forest, forever searching for something they cannot find. Inte h, Ciuin’s hunt for his wife never ended... Believing that she was dead and lost to him, and with her voice within him, he began a Wild Hunt. His realm, Ekyo, will expand into, another plane of existence as he wills it. There he will hunt down fair and beautiful things seeking a replacement body to put the voice of his wife into. Great and powerful cosmic creatures have been slain by Ciuin in this method. He has ripped the tongues from angels and fought Great Ones hurdling through galaxies, all to fulfill bis final quest. These battles have left him a legend in worlds far and wide, and the greatest powers of all the universe know not to attract his attention cna onrentm/ ah 7 (WEF ARCHFEY Exyo. A HAUNTED REALM Home to the mad archfey Ciuin, Ekyo is known under many ominous names and titles. It is a massive forest in the feywild, so large that it is said the sun could rise and fall ten thousand times hefore one could make its way through Within this wood, however, one would find such a tale ridiculous, if only for one simple reason: Ekyo is locked in a forever-night. There is no moon or stars in Ekyo, simply a great darkness above the canopy. The trees are of no identiflable species; they are ever chang ing, like shadows on a wall cast by firelight Likewise the terrain itself is never quite the same. While not as radically shifting as the Imaginary Duchess’ owa land, Ekyo is a place where sound and shadow are the only truly tan- gible materials, It is these two ideas that make Ekyo such a horrid place to adventure in. The forest is alive with an in nite spectrum of sounds. At first they are simply the normal, animalistic sounds of the forest. But, the longer one stays in Ekyo, the more twisted these sounds become. They worm their way into the minds of their victims, and soon those that are still sane hear their ureatest fears from within the forest. When one is continuously hombarded by this cacophony, u off into the shadow or be hunted by the archfey. mind eventually breaks. They will wander Eventually, their voice joins Ekyo's chorus. Despite his madness, Ciuin does not hunt all that enter into Ekyo. Those that make an offer ing to the archfey are permitted to live unmo lested in this realm. The offering must always be something related to how one speaks. They could offer a tongue, or a pair of lungs, or even the bottled voice of a fair maiden. As long as it is taken into the forest and left by its lonesome underneath the boughs of a shadowy tree, the archfey will find it, and one will be allowed to live peacefully. Those that decide to call this haunted realm their home are often twisted individuals al- ready. Psychotic fey, covens of hags, and mon. strous beasts prowl the forests, kidnapping ad: venturers or using the powerful magic of the land for their spells and sorceries, Oftentimes a town can be discovered, and it may very well be filled by those who simply sought asylum in Ekyo. Few hunters or armies ever dare to invade this land, making it a blessed sanctuary for those willing ta pay the price. At the center of this forest is the home of Ciuin, Though his castle is lost to him beca of the illusions placed upon it, he has created a lesser copy of it. It is built out of shadow and sound itself, and it is here that Ciuin rests when he isn’t be iting, Surrounded by the lungs and tongues and voices that he has taken over the years. To enter here is to enter the jaws of death itself, for the archfey holds the most power in his Mute Castle ENTERTAINING CIUIN As with most archfey, Ciuin must be entertained when first met or he becomes wrathful. Any creature that sees Ciuin for the first time must make a DC 15 Performance (Charisma) saving throw as they accept her contract or suffer one of the following effects, removable only through a remove curse or greater restoration spell. 100 Errecr Cinin marks you for the hunt, At night, you hear a 120 chorus of screams. Paranoia overcomes you. The slightest shadow is ara © the greatest enemy. ‘41-69 Y2t'lose your voice, as well as your tongue. ‘igo YU Seek to remove the throats ofall fair maidens, 1-100 The Sound of a song drives you into a bloodlust. mre mil Daca Ciuin's Mute CasTit The Mute Castle is a place of incredible power. Composed of shadow and sound, it cannot be perceived by normal eyes. One must make an offering to Ciin to see it, of they must have be driven mad by Ekyo’s chorus. When one can see it, it is a horrifying sight to behold. The walls are built from black blocks, held together by black tongues and black lungs. The hallways are filled with eternal shadow and scream, and the stones breath hot air onto those that walk through them. The throneroom, where Ciuin is so black that not even a devil’s sight can penetrate. Only those with true sight can see the mind-breaking terror of Ciuin’s most per: sonal lair. LaIR ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Ciuin takes a lair action causing one of the fol lowing effects; Ciuin can’t use use the same effect two times in a row: + Ciuin calls to the abyss, and it calls back. 1412 shadows emerge. They last for 1d4+1 turns, and they take their turns on Ciuin's ini- tative + The Mute Castle begins to sing. A creature within must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or roll on the short-term, long-term, and indefinite Madness table found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. + A voice joins the choir. A target creature must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or rip their own tongue out, falling to 1 hit point. Cruin Muon, crsone 8 Bester 2) ARMOR CLASS 25 (29 while mounted) Hit PoINts 550 (1o0d8 + 300) SPEED 100 f Brin Soe oEAS NEC) STR DEX CON INT WIS-—CHA 30 (10) 30(+10) 30 (10) 2045) 24(+7) 26 (8) (aaa 5 Se rear OT] SWING THROWS Dex +19, Con +19, Sir +19 SkiM1S Acrobatics +19, Athletics +19, Perception +17, Survival +17 Das Iuaamis necrotic: ninmagical budgeoning, piercing, oF slashing damage from nonmagical attacks ‘CONDITION IsMUNITIE charmed, frightened, poisoned ‘Senses truesight 300 ft, passive Perception 27 LaNGuacts common, sylvan ‘CHALLENGE 30 (155,000 XP) ARCIFEY PATRON. As an archey, Ciuin fs capable of making a pact and bestowing a character a number of warlock levels of hier choice. Additionally she can use any’of the archfey war Jock patron features, HUNTING KING. Ciuin is capable of tracking a ereature he has seen once through every plane of exltence. He has advan- tage on survival checks to track this creature LIGENDARY HUNTERS MARK. Cin ean designate a single creature as his mark. This creature is considered vulnerable to all damage that he deals, LiGENDARY RISSTANCE G/DAY If Cin fails a saving thaws, she can choose 1 succeed instead Liab MAGICAL IMMUNITY. Cian fs immune to spells cast Using a 6th level spell slot of lower, Magical Weapons. Ciun's weapons are magical MIDNIGHT STEED. Ciuin ean sutnmon a huge sized variant of aay beast he desires. The beast has hit pins equal tits ‘mnxiousm + 100, andi adds Chua's proficiency (9) oa tolls it makes. While mounted, Cisin has 200 fof movement {round and his AC increases to 29. PaRrecTeD HEARING. Any ereatuce that makes a sound within 6 miles of Cin he can hear perfect, and knows their exact location. While within Ey this range increases up to 60 sles ‘MutniartAcx.Ciuin can use his Frightful Presence. He then makes 4 attacks with his speae If mounted, he can ws his Charge action and then make 2 attacks with his spear (CHARGE If Cin i at east 20 feet away from a target and ‘mounted, he ean kick his mount nto a charge. One ereature ot his choice must make a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw ot be trampled and impated, suffering 55 (10d10 + 10) blud ffeoning damage and an additional 25 (S10) ncerotic damage. The target creature must make an additional DC 25 Strength saving throw or be thrown back 10 fect. ERVOS EoHO. Cuin smashes the but of his spear into the fround, tearing a hole between planes. Ekyo his realm. flows throug the hole, along with a number of ereatures of Guin choice, He can travel to any plane and any location of his ‘hhoosing, When he arrives the surrounding 100 miles of his landing are considered a part of Ey, and are this his li. SHEAR: Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit 5 fereach, one target Hit. 38 (10d0+10) magical piercing damage and an addition al 25 (510) necrotie damage. ‘TONGUECALL Ciuin designates a creature within 30 feet of him. Sai ereature mast make a DC-20 Constitution saving nee eae hetinn eninge ttecevoawAcrioys CCuin can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the op- tions below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and only atthe end of another creatures turn, ‘spent legendary actions atthe start of ts «urn, ATTACK. Ciuin makes an attack with hi ‘Wak? LAIR (@ ACTIONS, Cin takes a lar action of her choice. semen meer “ARCHFEY AX Doirend THE IMAGINARY DUCHESS Born from the lonely mind of a little girl, Doirend is @ powerful archfey that rules over the fey continent ‘Smauinid-the Land of Imagination. Here she rules: as an all-powerful being, the lesser to no god or fiend, with absolute control over every aspect of her world, BorN FROM LONELY THOUGHTS: Before Doirend, there was a litle giel in a world long forgotten. This litle gir! had no family to care for her, no friends to play with, and nobody knew who she was or where she had come from. Left all by herself the girl imagined her own friends and family, and with time, even imagined her own world. She added flora to it that only a child could come up with, popu lated it with people that loved her, and imagined her- self as the beautiful queen who sat at the center of this false cosmos. And then, it came tru ‘The little girl found an old shack one day, and in it ‘was an old woman. The old woman told her that her thoughts held power, and she wanted the girl to drink a cup oftea the old woman had brewed. The tea would enlighten the girl, the old woman said. It would make her imagination a reality. But what the old woman didn't know was that her imagination was already real, So real was it that, when the little girl drank the tea and fell into a deep sleep and was eaten by the hag, the imagination lived on. The queen she had imagined herself to be marshaled legions of imaginary soldiers. Together, for vengeance, they ‘marched into the real world. The hag was killed and her magic stolen. Instead of letting herself fade away, this queen made a deci sion: she, and all the rest of the little girs imaginary friends, would live on, For the girl-for her memos So they did. The magic of the hag’s corpse and coven provided what was needed for Doirend, the Imaginary Duchess, to make herself a reality. She tore a hole into the feywild and, with the power of imagination itself, began to rebuild the world to her liking, The continent of Smauind was carved out, and it is there Doirend has ruled ever since as an archfey of almost impossible power. cmon D yeeee2 ENTERTAINING DoIREND. As with most arehfey, Doirend must be entertained, when first met or she becomes wrathful. Any crea ture that sees Doirend for the first time must make a DC 15 Performance (Charisma) saving throw as they accept her contract or suffer one of the following ef- fects, removable only through a remove curse or greater restoration spell. 100 Evecr ‘When you clase your eyes, you see your greatest a fear in striking detail auag YO! Bin to think tht son ape a opty ‘argo YOUSeE things in diferent colors, smelt dierent smells, and fel diferent textures. {Gi-aG) YOU consistently ereate sour own words. You mast MP make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast spell. s1-100 Yu imagine obstates beore you hat are not there. DoireNbs PALACE Doirends palace is a place of phantasm and ly. It follows no coherent rhyme or reason; it ap pears as if a child was employed as the architect and as if some magic kept it all together. Hallways end with doors that open up onto planets, Falling ‘out ofa window can end with one landing in a bed of roses or in the lair of a dragon a hundred miles underground. Constantly reshaped by Doirend’s endless power, this palace has taken the forms of moons, mountains, waves, eruptions of power, sweeping designs of faraway lands, and more, Like- wise its name is just as unstable; Doirend changes: the title of her palace with every iteration she cre- ates. The only consistent detail is its location-the center of Smaiund. nsani Lair ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Doirend takes a lair action causing one of the fol- lowing effects; Doirend can't use use the same effect two times in a row: ‘+ Her imagination darkened by battle, Doirend manifests a number of Green Hags equal to the number of foes she is facing, Their initiative is equal to 10+ their Dexterity modifiers, and they are con. sidered a coven of hags. + A.30 by 30 square cube of the palace that Doirend can see is turned into an environmental hazard of her choice. Those trapped within must make a DC 15 Constitution or Wisclom saving throw, whichever is lower, or suffer a condition of Doirend’s choice until the end of their next turn, * Doirend manifests her foes greatest fears into re ality, casting phantasmal killer on every hostile creature that she can see without the need to expend a spell slat or to use spell components, See the stat block below for the spell save DC. cnemeiageliaenti ARCHFEY ~~ DorrEnD (Ase Sranisnics ARMOR CLASS 19 (25 while envisioning) Hirr Pounts 325 008 + 250) SPEED 30 f STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 20(¥5) 24 (+7) 22 (46) 28 (49) 30 (170) 30 (410) (Trans SKILLS Arcana +18, Insight +19, Pereeption +19, Perfor mance +19 DAMAGE IMMUNITIS psychic; nonmagical bludgeoning, Piercing. or slashing damage from nonmagical attacks and slashing from nonmagical weapons CONDITION IMMUNITIES charmed, rightened, poisoned SENSES truesight 300 f., passive Perception 29 LANGUAGES common.sylvan CuALIENGE 30 4155000 XP) Eines ‘ARGHFEY PATRON. As an archfey, Doirend is capable of ‘making a pact and bestowing a character a numberof war lock levels of her choice, Additionally, she can use any of the archfey warlock patron feature ENVISION. Once per das, Doirend can imagine herself as a powerful warrior queen, She gains a full suit of armor that increases her AC to 25, While envisioning herself as suc she loses access to her Imaginary Spelleasting feature. gains. magical rapier and gains a number of actions listed below. IMAGINARY SPELICASTING. Doirend!’s power over imagination and reality gives her a nearly inexhaustible range of spells {to cast. She can cast any enchantment, conjuration, ilu sion, or transmutation spel she desires at will if due spell is 6th level or lower. She can east a 7th level or higher spell of the aforementioned schools once per day. She requires n0 spell components to cast her spells. Her spelleasting ability {8 Charisma, and her spell save DC is 28. Additionally, Doitend can have ap to 3 concentration spells activated ata single time. IMMORTAL VISION, When the child that created Doirend imagined her, she imagined her asthe perfect queen. Doirend cannot be aged by any means. nor can she be physi o cally scarred. Finally, when Doirend drops to 0 hit points, the entirety of Smauind temporarily disappears. 14100 days later both Doigenid and Smauind reappear, When Doirend reappears in this way, she is incapable of using any features br actions other than lair actions for the next 1d 100 years, LEGENDARY RESISTANCE G/DAY). If Doirend fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead, Limited Magical Immunity. Doirend is immune to spells cast dsing a Sth level spell slot or lower, VISIONARY. While inside of her palace, Doirend is eapable of envisioning and replicating the feats of others. At the end of every round, she gains access to one spell, feature, or mage tal weapon that another ereature used until the end of the ext round. Ace ea TT] [MULTIATTACK. While envisioning, Doirend attacks 5 times with her rapier RAPIER (ENVISION): Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, 5 ft reach, one target. Hit: 44 (10d8+7) magical piercing ‘SKEWER (ENVISION, RECHARGE 5-8. Doirend chooses one target and marks them for death. Taking a stance, she thrusts her rapier atthe target. The blade extends forwards topieree the target. Target ereature maist mak Dexterity saving throw or fall to O hit points, dying, Rik PARRY (INVISION. When a melee attack is made against Doirend, she may use her reaction to increase her AC by 5, (TecENDaRy ACTIONS: Doirend can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op: tions below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time ‘nd only atthe end of another creatures turn, Dairend re fins spent legendary actions a the start ofits turn, ATTACK (INVISION), Doitend makes an attack with her rapier. CAST SMHLL @ ACTIONS. Doirend weaves a spell and casts it ‘ona target of her choice WARP LAIR (2 ACTIONS), Doirend takes a lait action of her choice. GrimuDars Carrer rw/ ? 2 QLEEA2 JABBERWOCKYS AND BIGGLY WIFFS AN ASSORTMENT OF FeY CREATURES You are wandering down a dark road at night, drunk. { wanting to go home. Out of the corner of your ¢ you see someone dancing; their voice calls to you. Its with th Inthis hope to bring a new ‘ortment of ereatures to your table, The fey are well mn across all editions of D&D, in a myriad of forms. ‘each more beautiful, and each more dangerous, than, the last. Ranging fr {ooth fairies to powerful hollow beasts, these fey promise to give your players a ‘VaiANT: TOUCH OF COLD IRON In many fairy tales, the creations of man are unnatural and thus can harm the fey. No substance is more deadly to them than cold, hard iron. Weapons forged ‘out of pure iron deal an additional 1d4 damage to fey creatures. i Nore NBLAvinGRAPCREATORE = ‘suggest two mindsets that one should have when using a fey creature at your table, The first is to make them cruel tricksters. They will not try to overcome an. ‘enemy with tooth and nail, but rather with magic and illusion. Also, fey creatures should not be easily under- stood by mortals. They can be as oruel as the most foul ‘demon or as lighthi by showing both of these traits. Fey CREATURES GREMLINS Gremlins are small, gnarled creatures not too far from the spiritual tree oftheir doblin brothers. Uy and nasty th they curse ‘are mischievous characters that care litle for those Bao Luck A gremlin is best characterized by their natural bad luck, which oftentimes curses the creatures arosind them. They hurt themselves, bumble their own plans, and can rarely find a break in the world Because of this, most gremlins seek to give their bad luck away. They believe that most creatures, especially the “beautiful” fey, deserve to suffer as they have. This often leads to disaster for the gremlins. MIsCHIEVOUS PLANNERS It is said that a powerful archfey once cursed all grem. lins to have bad luck after they played a horrid prank on. him. To those who know a gremlin, they know just how likely this story is. Gremlins love to sabotage others, They will sneak into one’s house at night, move things around, tie shoelaces together, and unhiteh the horses in the barn and scare them off. few gremlins are darker than others. They often seek to hurt or kill those they torment. Should a gremlin be wounded or treated cruelly by another creature, they ‘will stop at nothing to see that UrbAN Macic Unlike most fey, gremlins have power in cities, towns, ‘and villages, Iti there that they can most effectively pawn off their bad luck or otherwise cast a harsh spel GREMLINS (Bae Siansnes ARMOR CLASS 11 Hir PounTs 7 (248) SPEED 30 f (Anuurry Scones STR DEX CON INT WIS._CHA 8¢1) 12441) 1060) 1442) 8G) 142) Trains SKIL1S Deception +, Stealth +3 SENSES darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception ® LANGUAGES common, elvish, goblin, sylvan (Curatssngs 1/4 50 xp) ESiiris ee A a) BaD LUCK AURA.A gremlin has disadvantage on all hon damage rolls that it makes, Once per day it can give this disadvantage to another creature. This disadvantage lasts for 24 hours, unless the gremlin is killed, or if remove curse is easton the target creature INNATE SPELLCASTING. The gremlin's innate spelleasting abi ltyis Charsima Spell save DC 12). The gremlin can innate ly cast the following spells, quiring no material compo. At will: minor illasion 3iday each: pass without trace (Aerions = (CLAW Melee Weapon Attack: +3 f hit, reac Hit: 4 (1d6+1) slashing damage. GriumDank CHAPTER THREE, Fey CREATURES Ho1tow Beast ‘The Hollow Beast is one of the most misunderstood creatures to come from the feywild; gentle by nature, they are the guardians of the forests, Often a faithful companion to fae creatures such as pixies or dryads, these creatures act as guardians or even loyal compan ions to their fae counterparts. However even a glance of the color of red causes them to transform into raging beasts of pure aggression and destruction. Witp Beasts The Hollow Beast is not contained to one form or the other, however they most often appear as enlarged ver- sion of canines like wolves, or other creatures like foxes or bears. They never seem to quite look like anything in particular; their form is constantly shifting under their skin, However, when enraged they appear almost myst cal with black smoke pouring from their mouths and an aura of dark energy consuming their form GUARDIANS The color red holds power over these other wise gentle giants whose very nature commands them to protect land ensure the survival of the forests and all its inhabit ants. It takes only moments for this transition to happen when the beast lays eyes on red. The Hollow beast will recognize no ally from foe easily, its brain clouded over with hatred and rage. They will seck and destroy the color until it is no longer visible. HOLiow Beast Lakor ase sition [Base Sianisnes Bi z 3 q a Hir POINTS 14 (\6di0 + 44), Blg 5 BILITY SCORES STR DEX CON INT. WIS. CHA 23(+6) 16(+3) 18(+4)—7(2) 1442) 12 (41) ‘SENSES darkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 16 LANGUAGES none, but understands sylvan ‘CHALLENGE 11 (7,200 xp) BLACK RAGE. When an enraged hollow beast des, they burst, releasing an explosion of miasma for 60 feet around them, A creature that begins its tuen inside the miasma. ‘ust make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 necrotic damage, or half as:much on a success. KEIN SIGHT AND SMELL The hollow beast has advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight or smell R&D RAGE The hollow beast is enraged by the color red. While enraged, a DC (12) Persuasion (charisma) is needed oreach through the rage co calm the beast. An enraged Hollow beast gains an extra d4 to initiative. RIGINERATION The hollow beast regains 10 hit points at the start of ts turn if thas atleast I hit point. MULTIATTACK. The Hollow beast makes two attacks one with its fangs and one with its claws, CLAWS Melee Weapon attack: +10 to hit, one creature, On hit 15 (4d6 ~ 6) slashing damage. TANGS. Melee Weapon attack: +10 to hit, one creature, On hit 15 (4d6 + 6 piercing damage. HOLLOW ANCHORS. All creature within a 15 {radius must ‘make a DC (14) Con saving throw, ona success those crea tures have their movement speed halved, while om a fail the creatures are rooted in place by anchors of black sludge. ‘MIASMLA. While enraged. the hollow beast emits thick ‘miasma from the pores ofits body, creating a magical dark. ness in a 15 ft radius around it lasting for 16 rouncls. A ‘creature inside of the minstna atthe start of their ura must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 446 necrot- damage, or half as much on a success. SSS Fey CREATURES WS Nye Dancing along the water's edge of an ancient river or a hidden stream is a girl who quickly disappears beneath the surface. She emerges again, hundreds of yards from the shore, her laughter drawing you into the water with her, WATERBOUND Nymphis, much like their sister dryads, are bound to the waters in which they live. Powerful fey often route their spirits here as punishment for loving mortals, or perhaps as a reward (0 grant the beautiful even more majesty. ‘Capable of leaving their rivers or streams and travel: ing the surrounding lands, a nymph can never travel too far from her home. Should theit river turn polluted, their beauty becomies terrible to behold, the nature turning to a thing of wrath. Likewise, should someone drink from the waters of a nymphis home and she not approve, they are quick to find out and quick to punish, PLAYFUL Fey Above all, nymphs are playful and free. They listen 0 no authority save that of the incredible archtey, and they spend their time dancing along the water or sing- ing the songs of the babbling brooks, ‘A beautiful face or an even more beautiful song of tentimes draws a nymph from her home and into the outside world. Oftentimes, they will attempt to charm for seduce the souree of theie interest, drawing them. back to the river for love or play. Old wives tales cau- tion against spending a night with a nymph however; ‘once a thing's beauty has been exhausted, or once a nymph has grown bored, they care not whether their playthings drown in their rivers. Macicat Warers The waters that a nymph are bound to become magical in many ways. She ean use this power to communicate ‘with the creatures that live in or around the river, to dis- appear and reappear from any point along it, or to cast, ‘handful of spells. Much like water to a thirsty soul, a nymph can also make herself almost irresistible to those that see her. NYMPH (Gusstaene ARMOR CLASS) Her Pours 23 (548) SPEED 30 f, 70. swimming. (AumayScones aa STR DEX CON INT. WIS-CHA 10 (0) 1261) 1140) 1442) 15 (42) 18 64) SKiUIS Perception +4, Perfo iho SENSES darkevision 60 ft LANGUAGES Elvish, Sylvan CHALLENGE 1 (200 xp) INNATE SPELLCASTING. The nymphs innate spelleasting abil ty is Charsima (Spell save DC 14), The nymph can innately cast the follo ‘material components At will: shape m Siday each create or destroy water, ice knife day each tidal wave MAGIC RISTANCE. The rymph has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magieal effects RIVER STRIDE Once on her turn, the Nomph can use 20 feet ot her movement while swimming to dive magically tinder: neath the water and emerge from another point int ‘water source within 120 feet ofthe fist dive. The water Sources must be connected for her to do this. SwEFT TOOTH The Tooth Fs ‘melee attacks against a iy has advantage when making ‘SPEAK WITH BEASTS AND ELEMENTALS. The nymph can com: manicate-with beasts and water elementals ai Guam beay Re TE] BABBLING SONG. Ranged Spell Attack: +610 hit, 0, one target. Hit 3 (1d6+4) psychic damage NYMPHOMANIA. The nymph targets one humanoid oF beast that she can see within 40 feet of her. It must succeed on DC 14 Wisdorn saving thraw or be magically charmed, The charmed ereature falls in love with the nymph, and regards her as toa beautiful and too precious to harm, Although th target isnt under the nymphs control, takes the nymphis ‘requests or commands i the most favorable way it can Bach time the nymph or her alies do anything harmful (0 the target, itcan repeat the saving throws ending the effect ona success, Otherwise, the effect lasts for 24 hours or ant the nymph dies, is on a different plane of existence, or ends the effects asa bonus action, Ifa target's saving throw fs suc esefulit is immune to Nymphomania for the next 24 hours, The aymph ean have no more than one humanoid and wp tothree beasts charmed at one time. camo cnvn rng, ? 6. LLEEA2 j PACT OF THE CHAIN Z 7 ] FAMILIAR: TOOTH FAIRY W Toth Frcs are ty fe and sere those touted by ey / agi. . Fairy Dust ik A Tooth Fairy is the product of gathering fey dust sprin. %: led on a pulled tooth, and is a strange malformed being 1 ( ofits kh Toth Paty ha gar and eto \ } shape, with strange features such as over sized mouths / oe Tha nel or coca a mY rather than cuttingThey are usually the color of the gh” mA {ooth they were created from, with small variation of i p bone white and yellows. More often than not, they only \ Sey ae Wale car Ra ul components such as feathers, teeth, bone, or roots. ™, Raastee seis ends rere He vane er aoniueealy Va Fey Kin Because oftheir relation o the fey Tooth Fairies are subject to fights of fancy, they often become obsessive over a single creature's teeth and will even crawl inside their mouth to inspect them. Ifone were (o find a tooth they especialy liked they may attempt to pull itso that TootH Fairy they may consume it. TAY Fy. chaoTic NHUTRAL tee Iniristt NaTuRE ‘Tooth Fairies are mischievous little creatures with litle concern of law and ordes. The will often play pranks or find themselves in trouble due to their curious nature and lack of self awareness, More often than not the demise of a Tooth Fairy is due to their own foolish. 1603) _1663)_ 46+ ‘SKILS Deception + DAMAGE RESISTANCES psychic: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons CONDITION IMMUNITIES charmed ‘SENSES darkvisfon 120 ft. passive perception 15 LANGUAGES commonsivan ‘Gunttende 120039), INNATE SPLLCASTING The Tooth Fairy’ spelleasting ably is Charisma (spell save DC 12) The Tooth Fairy ean innate Iy cast the following spells, requiring only verbal compo. nents: At will: dancing lights, detect magic {days bane feather fal [MAGIC RESISTANCE. The Tooth Fairy has advantage on ‘saving throws against spells and other magical effects. [MAGIC WEAPONS. The Tooth Fairy’s weapon attacks count as magical weapons. Sweet Toortt The Tooth Fairy has advantage when making ‘melee attacks against a target's teeth. ‘CHOMPERS. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hil, one ereature. On 9 (2463) piecing damage. “Tooth Fairy picks one creature within 10 feet of. ete etncrein ierble cpus Tos renee ‘make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or their teeth filled with cavities, They take 5 (1410) necrotic nd soca laa aiee ‘onto something. Alesser restoration spell or 4 CHARACTER OPTIONS A CHARACTER FOR FAIRY TALES: AN INTRODUCTION TO CHARACTER OPTIONS A character who participates in a fairy tale is no ordi- nary character. Even amongst adventurers it takes a special ype of madman to dance the dance ofthe fey. From warlocks who make pacts with their own imagi- nation to men and women born in the feywild ise, these heroes are unique, special, charismatic, and of {entimes have more than a few screws loose. In the following section, we hope to bring your fan- tasy of being a fairy tale adventurer to life. We offer a selection of diverse class options meant to customize a character from the ground up. In each ofthe following sections, we hope that you, the players, are able to find something useful to enrich your table with. As always, we have done our best to balance these class options so that they fall in line with the power levels comparable to the Wizards of the Coast content However, if there's a feature you dislike, a number you think is too high or law, or a power that is too odd for you, we encourage you to change it, We want to inspire ‘you guys, not dictate to you-we see most rules as guidelines at best FeyBorn A feyhorn creature is not of an entirely unique race, Instead, it is a variant of one of the common races. Twisted by the feywild, it has lost certain features (some of which may be conte and need identification as its original race) and gained others, many of which may be alien in nature. The nature of these changes is often without rhyme or reason. Below, we detail a number of fey changes, along with the rules to use them. For characters, who wish to take the Wild Born or Storytouched backgrounds, or for those who simply want their characters to have been cursed or changed by fey of fairy tales, these changes aim to bring that fantasy into a reality for you THe Feysorn TRAITS Addled Mind. No madness quite matches that of the feywild. Any madness you suffer lasts for the shortest possible duration, This replac- es one racial feature. Alien Features. You gain fur, a tail, larger ca. nines, or some other animalistic or alien feature in addition to your races normal appearance, granting you the Perception (Wisdom) skill. This replaces one racial feature. Beast Speak. You can communicate with beasts as if you both shared a language. This replaces two racial features. Darkvision. Accustomed to the darkness of many parts of the feywild, you gain darkvision for up to 60 feet. This replaces one racial fea- ture. Fairy Spells. At the Ist level, you learn the friends cantrip. At the 3rd level, you can cast ta sha's hideous laughter once per day. At the 5th level you can cast suggestion once per day. Your spelleasting ability for these spells is Charisma, This replaces two racial features. Fairy Tale Friends. Spending time in either the feywild or in countless fairy tales has made you a number of friends. As an action, you may summon a sprite or pixie fo your aid. The sprite or pixie appears on your next turn, takes its turns on your initiative order, and leaves after 1 minute or after hitting 0 hit points. Once this feature has been used, it can't be used again ‘until you complete @ long rest. This replaces three racial features. Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’tput you to sleep. This replaces one racial feature. Fey Eyes. Your eyes are weird, but thei vision is powerful. You can see through illusions cast by the minor illusion and silent image spells. This replaces one racial feature. Fey Step. You may cast the misty step spell once per short or long rest. This replaces two racial features. Heart Sight. You can use an action to touch a creature to learn its current emotional state. Additionally, a creature can make a DC 10 Cha- tisma saving throw. On a failure, you learn the creature's alignment. Celestials, fiends, and undead automatically fail the saving throw. This replaces one racial feature. Invisible Trickster. You have learned a useful trick for playing pranks or hunting others. You learn the invisibility spell, and can cast it with: out using spell components. Once this feature is used, you must complete a short or long rest to use it again. This replaces two racial features. Like a Beanstalk. In the feywild you have learned how to replicate the flora’s ability to grow and shrink. You can cast the en- large/reduce spell once per day without using material components. Your spelleasting ability score for this spell is Charisma. This replaces two racial features. Otherworldly Beauty. Your beauty is alien but undeniable. Other creatures have disadvan. tage against being charmed by you. This replae- es one racial feature. Pixie Wings. You gain a pair of multicolored, wings, granting you a fly speed equal {0 your base movement speed. This replaces two racial features. Scintillating Skin. Your skin rapidly shifts through multiple colors, oftentimes reflecting your emotions or some other feature about you. When not wearing armor, you have a base Armor Class of 10 + your Charisma modifier. This does not stack with other Armor Class enhancing fea- tures, This replaces two racial features. Sharp Tongue. When speaking. your wit is both impressive and dangerous. You gain the Deception (Charisma) Performance (Charisma) skill proficiencies.This replaces one racial fe: ture, Sylvan Tongue. You have learned the lan- guage of the fey. You gain the sylvan language as one of your languages known. This replaces one of your languages known. Tree Stride. You can use half your movement speed to enter into a tree and exit out of anoth- er within 60 feet. Both trees must be of at least Large size. Once this feature has been used, it can't be used again until you complete a short or long rest. This replaces one racial feature. Unpredictable Mind. Your mind works in strange and unpredictable patterns. You have advantage on saving throws against spells from the enchantment school of magic. This replaces one racial feature. Vigorous Youth. In the feywild, you learned that beauty is tied to the ability to stay young forever. You no longer naturally age, and your age changes to a time when you would be in your prime. This replaces one racial feature. SIREN “I sat beached on the Ise of Forgotten Souls, sure that no creature would come this way to find me. My boat haa capsized in the storm the night prior and the waves had carried me in. The high sun was threaten ing to end me, Not a drop of fresh water was to be {ound on this god forsaken island when a voice called to me like a cooling breeze. I was sure it was just the ‘sun playing tricks on me, but as Ineared the source toward the center of the island, a lange sprawling lake spilled out before me. On its’ edge a woman sat with hier back fo me, running her fingers through Jong ten deils of ashen blonde hair. It wase't until I stepped for ward and a twig snapped beneath my feet that her gaze snapped in my direction. Quick as lightning she slipped {nto the water and it was only then I saw her fong tail tipped with fins, splash against the water as she swam away: Realizing it or not, that creature saved my life by leading me to these Fresh waters; it wasn't but a day later a merchant ship spotted me and whisked me away to safety. I've tried many times since to retuen to the Isle where that Siren sang so sweetly, but Tve never been able to find that strange lake, or the enchanting, creature within it again. Sirens are a rare and mystical race descended from a cursed group of fae banished to the oceans. It wasn't for many generations that the Sirens broke their curse and popullated the world. By this time, they were long, separated from their fae ancestry. Most choose to stay in seclusion or seeret in fear of the black market trad: ing for their fins, which most believe to hold magical properties, Essence OF Beauty Sirens are the epitome of grace and beauty, making even Elven of Fae women seem homely. Like humans, their hair, skin color, and complexion vary from Siren to Siren, with features that charm and seduce even the sas with most stalwart of men, However, sometimes S elven blood can be hues of gokd,copper, or even bronze, having a metallic and glistening reflection to their skin. ‘They range on the petite side of height and build aver: aging § and a half fect tall, and weighing about 135 pounds. Sirens, having usually came from their sea or lake dwelling, are usually sparsely dressed but sport mag: nificent jewels, or organic clothing the is usually hand ‘made but beautiful beyond compare. They usually wear these in their aquatic forms as well, along with their legs fusing together seamlessly hecoming a beautiful tail much like a dolphin’s but with colorful scales of a vast variety of tones. ‘SinEN NAMES Sirens are named for their beauty, voice, and grace, often a reflection of the race as a whole, with touches of the individual's traits. Female Names: Aglaope, Calypso, Delena, Lamia, Leucoisa, Ligeia, Molpe, Myst, Pisinoe, Raidne, Teles SIREN TRAITS Your siren character has a number of traits in common with all other siren Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increas: esby2 ‘Age. A siren reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and ‘could live anywhere from 60 to 700 years. Alignment. Most siren are Chaotic evil. However they’ ‘ean be good or neutral as well, but normally always fall ing into the chaotic sphere. Size. Siren average about 5 and half feet tall and weigh about 135 pounds. Your size is medi Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your base swimming speed is 45. Creation. Sirens are only born as females due toa magical curse placed upon them. Shape Changer. A siren can use it action to shape shift between the form of a medium humanoid female and its aquatic form. It's statistics remain the same in either form. Siren’s Call. A siren’s voice carries a charming power that few other creatures can replicate, At the first level, Yyou have access to the friend's cantrip. At the third level, you gain access to the command spell on day. At the fifth level, ou can east enthrall once per day: Your casting ability for these spells is Charism: Seabound. While in your aquatic form, you can breath sunderwater. Languages. Sylvan, Common camden - ARCHETYPES COLLEGE OF HYSTERIA = The followers of the college of hysteria hear musie in the leaves and voices in the wind. They can often be foxind performing with m ‘ments, in ways those before them never thought of dane objects as their instru They tell tales of the forest orchestras and plays direct: ced by the river, magnificent songs sang by a strand of spider web. They find the music, wherever it may be, and breath life and power into it. Often you can find them traveling the roads alone, talking or singing to themselves, all the more content to listen to the music of the fey: Tojoin the College of Hysteria, one has to be a litle ‘madi, Atleast, they must seem madd to the outside world, Their name derives from their weird use of in struments and they fey-like songs. These bards set share their experiences with others, even ifit drives them insane in the process. BoNus PROFICIENCIES Upon joining the College of Hysteria, you gain prof ciencies in Knowledge: Arcana and Knowledge: Nature. Additionally, you have advantage when making a Knowledge (Intelligence) roll of any type for informa tion about fairy tales or fey creatures. Do You Hear Wuart | Hear A the 3rd level, you can hear the musie of the world in all its fey, dreamlike nature. You may expend! a bardic in spiration dice as a reaction whenever a spell is cast Either the easter of the spell or the target of the spell must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell ssave DC or be charmed or frightened (your choice) for the number of rounds rolled, This effect automatically ‘ends ifthe creature suffers damage from you or an ally. A Hysterica WorLD 4 ‘Once you reach the 6th level, your spells are distorted by your madness and mania, and those that suffer them, become transfixed and enthralled by your insanity When you cast a spell requiring a spell saving throw versus one of yours, they use their Intelligence ability score instead ofthe ability score normally required by Manic LULLABY Upon reaching the 14th level, you have learned to spread your hysteria to others through song and tale, Upon spending a bardic inspiration die without using the Do You Hear What I Hear feature, you can spend an: other standard die using a bonus aetion. coma craton 3 lee ARCHETYPES ORDER OF THE HUNTSMAN By order ofa Queen a Huntsman is made, not born. You have taken a sworn oath that commands your body and. soul to follow their will. This Queen may be an existing ‘one within the world, or one of your own imagination and creation, And under this Queen's orders, you hunt the monsters of the world, be them witches or fey, drag- ‘ons or abominations, As long as you do so, her cursed magic is yours to hold. Tre OatH To HUNT Starting at the 3rd level when you take this archetype, you make a cursed oath with your queen that allows. you to manifest her power fo assist you on your hunts. As a bonus action, you summon a levitating arrow or crossbow bolt of your design. This counts as your main hand weapon and you add your Wisdom modifier to attack and damage rolls instead of your Dexterity modi fier, The bolt or arrow deals 1d8 damage. You ca this weapon to attack any creature of your choice within 30 feet of you. Ifthe bolt or arrow is broken, or if itis brought more than 30 feet away from you, it disappears, Tet Oati To Kit At the 7th level, in order to fulfil your oath to your queen you have begun to invoke the cursed nature of your ‘summoned weapon, As a bonus action, you can spend 3 hit dice to curse your Summoned bolt or arrow. The next attack you make with your bolt or arrow, should it hit, is considered a critical hit. In exchange, you lose the amount of hit points rolled on the hit dice, and you regain 3 less hit dice on your next long rest. Tht Oatt 10 CONTINUE Upon reaching the 10th level, the oath you have with, Your queen pushes you ever onwards, As an action, you can summon a piece of jewelry that is cursed by your ‘oath, Ifyou are at 0 hit points, after making your first, death saving throw you can roll all remaining hit dice that you have and regain that number of hit points. You cannot regain more than your maximum number of hit points using this feature, In exchange, you do not regain these hit dice after your next long rest. Additionally, you have disadvantage on all saving throws and skills checks until you take a long rest. The amulet disap- pears after 1 minute or after it has been used once. ‘Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it ayain until you complete a long rest Trt Oat To WIN At the 15th level, the oath with your queen has become powerful, compelling you to vietory against her foes, When you summon your bolt or arrow via your Oath to Hunt feature, you ‘Whenever you attack with the original bolt or arrow, you may take the Attack action for free with the secondary bolt or arrow: At the beginning of your nest turn, the bolt or arrow fades away, In exchange, you suffer the amount of damage the copy of the bolt or arrow does. san summon an identical bolt or arrow: THE Finat OatH Beginning at the 18th level, your oath follows you even into death. Upon suffering 3 death saving throw failures, a levitating bolt or arrow is summoned above your corpse; On initiative order 20 (losing ties) of the next round, the bolt or arrow strikes the creature that reduced ‘you to O hit points, Additionally, a creature of the queen's choice, should she see your death, can be targeted i. stead. The targeted creature must make a Constitution saving throw versus your total Blood Hunter levels + your ‘Wisdom ability modifier. On failure, they are dropped to O nit points and die. Should the arrow have no creature to strike, the: ‘queen that you made the oath with can choose to use the arrow at her leisure, After the arrow has been used, it disappears. GriwmDaw Crapren ron Bi 2, LEELA 4 “ARCHETYPES AS RAncer Arcueryre WILD TROTTER Many adventurers offen go seeking fairy tales or ways into the feywild to find new places to explore, or to ensure that the great evils festering within do not escape. Many of these heroes are often eae to return to their homeworlds, Wild Trotters, however, find them: selves at home amongst the insane fey and their equally insane world. They welcome the unpredictable environ- ‘ments, the chaotic people, and the nonsensical threats that are often born within the wild. Many Wild Trotters are humans that have been lured into a fairy story or a fey-born soul that has grown an at tachment to their home, These individuals know better than any the importance of maintaining the hard to-un- derstand balance of the feswild, and have come face to, face with the dangers that lurk within the twilight realm of fairies, Those that seek to right the wrongs of this crazed universe rarely return sane oralive. Wild Trotters master the unpredictable landscape of the feywild, and are some of the few that can keep track of the chaotic realm's many changes. They are often loners due to the madness that can plague them, but, they have been known to find other adventurers when a situation is spiraling out of control-even for them. FeywiLD TRACKER Upon taking this archetype at the ded level, you have begun to master the ever-changing world of the feywild (Once per long rest, you may change your favored terrain as long as you are within the feywild. While outside of the feywild, your favored terrain is the same as when you originally gained the feature. Trick BREAKER At the 3rd level, vou have become used to dealing with the tricks of the feywild and its denizens, You have ad vantage on all Intelligence checks when dealing with a fey's illusions, as well as all Charisma checks when deal: ing with a fey personally Additionally, when a you that you can see fall charming effects ofa fey, you can use your reaction to break the effect over them. You may do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest. allied creature within 30 feet of tim to the illusions or Trorrer's METHODS Al the 7th level, you have learned how to fight more ef fectively while in the feywild. When in combat. ifyou are in a favored terrain chosen from your Feywild ‘Tracker feature, you can take the dodge or hide actions asa bonus action. As an additio ing your know edge of the plane, when you use the dash action you do rot provoke attacks of opportunity Fey SURGE From the 11th level onwards, you have learned to tap Into the magic of the feywild when fighting, Whenever ‘you miss a spell attack or a creature succeeds on a spell saving throw versus your spell save DC, you can roll on the Wild Magic Surge table found on page 104 of the Player's Handbook. TROTTER 'S SECRETS Starting at the 15th level, you have begun to learn the secrets of the feywild’s chaotic nature. You and up 0 4 other creatures of your choice have advantage on all saving throws from environmental obstacles while in a favored terrain granted to you by the Feywild Tracker feature, ‘Additionally, your long study of the world around ‘you has allowed you access to some of their magics. You add the compulsion, phantasmal killer, and poly: morph spells to your spells known list. SORCEROUS ORIGIN: FalRY TALE ‘The magic of the feywild and its many denizens often bleeds out into a world violently: When this happens, fairy tales are born: events where feyborn creatures in: teract, torture, kill, or bless those that they drag into their theater, When a child is born from these dark events, or when a person is caught in the whirlwind of insanity that is the fairy tale, they are often completely and utterly changed, Those who become sorcerers through this origi are no longer themselves. They are often mad or some- how mentally addled, and their physical features often {ake on fey or animalistic traits. Many speak in rhymes, idles, or tongue twisters, while athers seek only to replicate the tale that created them with others they find, Fairy Tate Quirks a6 Flaw 1 You can only azk questions in riddles or rhymes 2 Sometimes you cook with non-food ingre: -ente, Like flowers. Or bone. 3 You like to tie flowers around thinge. Especial- ly necks 4 You are very pretty during the day and very ugly during night. 5 You like making games. Only you understand the rules 6 Ponds ripple when you walk past them, and leaves begin to fall TonGue-TwisteD Magic Starting at the Ist level when you take this sor cerous origin, you know how to compose spells through different methods, As an action, you make make a Concentration check versus your spell save DC. On a success, you can cast a con. centration spell as a normal spell You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per short rest You may not apply a metamagic feat to a spell cast with this feature Farry CHARM. At the Ist level, you may invoke your natural fey-like abilities when dealing with others. Upon failing a Charisma check when attempting to in timidate, persuade, or wow another creature, you may spend 1 sorcery point to cast charm person on that creature without expending a spell slot Grimm Story Upon reaching the 6th level, you have learned to make others experience the magic of the fairy {ale that granted you your power, Using an action, you may spend 3 sorcery points to summon a modified fey creature that targets a single creature of your choice, The fey creature summoned cannot have a CR higher than half your sorcerer level. The fey creatur® has the fol lowing changes: + A successful Charisma save versus your spel save DC made by a creature targetdd by the fey generated using this feature has resistance against damage from the fey. This saveeambe made at the end of the target's turn, + At the start of its turn, the fey automatically knows its target's location, If the target was hidden, it is no longer hidden from the fey. “If the fey casts a spell, it uses one of your spell slots of equal level. The fey has no spell slots of its own, though it retains its spells. The fey appears within an unoccupied space within 30 feet of your target. Roll initiative for the fey. On its turn, it can only talk too, move to. wards, or use actions against the target. The fey has resistance against damage from creatures not targeted by it. The fey disappears when it is, killed, its target is killed, when 1 hour passes, or you spend an action to end the fairy tale, Only one fey can be summoned at a time, and only one creature can be targeted at a time. MAD AND CHESHIRE At the 14th level, you can draw additional power from within yourself at the cost of your own sanity. As an action, you may roll on the Short-Term Madness table found on page 259 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. For 1 minute you suffer the madness you rolled, and you regain a number of spell slots equal to half your sorcerer levels, or a half your expended sorcery points. Once this feature is used, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. A New Story Beginning at the 18th level, you can allow your fey magic to take control, allowing you to create your own fairy tale. As an action, you may spend, half your maximum sorcery points to create a 120 foot sphere around you. While within this sphere you can cast the spell hallucinatory ter rain as a bonus action without spending spell slots or material components. Additionally, you may spend 1 sorcery point to cast phantasmal killer without spending a spell slot as a bonus action while within the sphere. PaTRON: DARK IMAGINATION Your patron bears no physical body or tiesto the mortal plane but is rather an idea, an essence of childish aban- don. You have touched the darkest parts of humanity and somehow held onto that power of innocence, the power of believing. ‘As such, your personality and views on the world hhave vastly been altered. You are now prone to always, look for hope in the darkest of places, seeking the brighter side of bad news, You seek out creative and al: ternative paths to solve problems, and often crave ad. venture and entertain ideas of grandeur. Fairy Tate Quirks a6 Flaw 1 Ifyou see 2 woodland creature you are drawn i to goto it “You often find yourself singing or humming even when it’s dangerous 3 You would put yourself in danger to protect anyone else ‘You are prone to become lost, even with a trail “to folle You have a short memory span, and often forget important details fawn tf feueh pointy objects! Exranpep Sreut List The Strange lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you Spell Level 4ru conjure woodland beings, fabricate Ss Aut A Lirtte Mab Starting at the Ist level, you are able to force others to see the world through the lense of your own imagination. When you critically hit a erea ture with a spell attack, or when a creature fails a saving throw versus one of your spells by more than 10, the creature must roll on the Short-Term Madness table found on page 259 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, They suffer this madness until the end of their next tura. Mirror MigRoR Upon reaching the 6th level, you are able to re- flect spell-ike effects back upon their users. On your turn, you may ready an action to use this feature. If a spell is cast on you before the begin fing of your next turn, the spell is negated as if you had cast counterspell. Additionally, the cast ing creature must make a Constitution saving throw versus your spell save DC or suffer the ef- fects of the countered spell. Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until you complete a long rest. 5 A Stiter In WoLF's CLOTHING At the 10th level, your mind is capable of extraor- dinary acts of pretend. You can feign a creature of your choice. You feign that creature's appear ance and Armor Class, However, a successful In- telligence check versus your spell save DC re: veals the illusion, Once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until you complete a short or long. rest. Twisted DREAMS Beginning at the 14th level, you have learned to bring the fantasy of your patron’s power into real- ity. As an action, you can roll Charisma check./If you roll at or under your total Warlock levels, summon your twisted imagination into reality. While you describe the nonsensical nature of this creation, the DM determines the actual effect; the effect of any warlock spell or the summoning of a twisted creature are but two of the appropriate ways this can be used. Ifyou succeeded on your roll, your body reels from the efforts of the summons. Until your next long rest, short rests only restore 1 spell slot, Ad- ditionally, once this feature has been used, it cannot be used again until you complete a long. ‘ rest. “ARCHETYPES AS TRApITion OF CAULDRON y Asa member of the School of the Cauldron, you have forsaken the knowledge that your fellow wizards and witches seek out. Instead, you want the dark and arcane power of the fey and their tales, Much like the mythic Baba Yaga or Salem Witch, your magic is exe- ‘cuted through ritual and dark tradition, and often ends with curses and hexes being placed on your unwitting, foes. Tue Wrrcn's Secret F Starting when you take this archetype at the 2nd level You add the hex spell to your spells known lst. In addi tion, when performing an Arcana (Intelligence) check, you may add double your proficiency bonus to the number rolled instead of just your proficiency bonus. (CAULDRON Macic A the 2nd level, you have learned the secrets of cau ddron magic. You create a magical cauldron out of cold . iron. This cauldron is sentient with an intelligence of 2 It follows basic commands, levitates to follow you, and rolls its own initiative in combat. It can take no actions in combat other than to dash or to move. The cauldron hhas an Armor Class of 15 and hit points equal to twice your Intelligence ability score. Ifthe cauldron is de: stroyed it takes 8 hours and 100 gp to recreate it. Addi tionally, the Cauldron has a fly speed of 30 feet. A coun- terspell or remove curse removes the magical proper ties of the cauldron and destroys it. Asan action, you may prepare a spell of your choice that you know by throwing a number of ingredients into your cauldron. The cauldron must be within 5 feet of you to do this, and you can take no reactions, bonus actions, or movement on your (urn ifyou choose to do this, On the cauldron’s turn the spell is cast without you having to expend a spell slot. On the cauldron’s turn, you can choose to cancel the spell. A spell prepared through this method cannot have a spell slot higher than 7, and cannot use a higher level spel slot. [fmore than 1 minute passes and the spell has not been cast the ingredients are destroyed and the spell must be prepared again, EXTRA PREPARATIONS Upon reaching the 6th level, you can add extra compo: nents to your cauldron when preparing a spell on your turn. You are able to cast a cantrip of your choice in ad: dition to preparing a spell for your Cauldron Magic fea ture, OVERFLOWING CAULDRON By the 10th level, you have leamed how to create pow erful dark secrets within your cauldron. During a long. rest, you can prepare a number of spells equal to your Intelligence modifier inside of your cauldron. You must know the spells you wish to prepare and they cannot, have a spell level higher than 4th. These spells do not fade after 1 minute and can be refreshed during a long ‘Curse You. AND Your LittLe Doc Too: Atthe 14th level you have learned how to specifically create a curse tailored towards a target of your choice. As long as you have a lock of hair, ajar of fingernail clip pings, a vial of blood, or some other small portion of or ‘ganic material from your target, you can enhance a spell prepared through your Cauldron Magic feature. A spell ‘enhanced this way gains one of the following effects versus the targeted creature: * The creature is ruined by your spell. It suffers 146 necrotic damage for a number of turns equal to your In telligence modifier + The creature is haunted by your spell. They have dis: advantage on all saving throws for a number of turns ‘equal to your Intelligence modifier, * The creature's mind is twisted by your spell It loses all proficiencies for a number of turns equal to your In telligence modifier. The above effects can be removed by a remove curse ‘spell. Once a creature has been affected by one of the above curses, it cannot be affected by this feature again for 24 hours. Additionally, you can only curse a number of creatures per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifies, ee a | 3

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