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machine :-

Col used to determine the concentration of colored compounds (analytes) in sample

solution .

color densitometers, which measure the density of primary colors, and color
photometers, which measure the color reflection and transmission.

-Lambert's law, according to which the absorption of light transmitted through the
medium is directly proportional to the medium concentration.

Light source
Monochromator/ wavelength selector
Solution/sample holder
Photosensitive detector system
Measuring device .

Constant Pressure calorimeter is used in determining the changes in enthalpy

occurring in solution. Under these conditions the change in enthalpy equals the
heat. And Measure H directly.

T is temperature change during reaction .

Steps for operating the photoelectric colorimeter:

1. Choose the glass filter recommended (see table below) in the procedure and insert in the
2. Fill two of the cuvette with blank solution to about three-fourth and place it in the cuvette

3. Switch on the instrument and allow it to warm up for 4 5 minutes.

4. Adjust to zero optical density.

5. Take the test solution i another cuvette and read the optical density.

6. Take the standard solution in varying concentration and note down the optical density as
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 & so on.

Name : Hodan Mahamed Habane class : 2c

7. A graph is plotted taking concentration of standard solution versus the optical density.

8. From the graph the concentration of the test solution or the unknown solution can be

2.Water distiller lab :-

Equipment used for water purification and distillation includes deionized (DI) water systems,
water distillers, reagent-grade water systems, and laboratory filter .

Name : Hodan Mahamed Habane class : 2c

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