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Registration No. 2013/167943/07







Mr. Zenani France Sibanyoni

Mobile 081 898 4724
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Liquidation is an instance where a company is unable to meet its obligations. In other

words the liabilities of the company are more than its assets. However, whether we like it
or not companies are liquidated on a daily basis in South Africa.
This causes pain and suffering to the founding directors or sole proprietors to see their
life long dream coming to an abrupt end. It turns entrepreneurs from hero to zero in a
blink of an eye. In addition, whether we like it or not liquidations play a role to
commission of suicide.
The amount of stigma that goes with your company being liquidated is at times
insurmountable. However, the social fabric becomes destabilized because of a plethora of
employees who will loose their jobs in the process. According to reliable sources like
Statistics South Africa liquidation and insolvency results for January 2017 indicate that
the liquidations decreased by 32,6%.
STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA P0043 Statistics of liquidations and insolvencies, January
2017 2 Liquidations: results for January 2017 Table A Number of liquidations Number
of liquidations January 2017 % change between January 2016 and January 2017 %
change between November 2015 to January 2016 and November 2016 to January 2017
91 -32,6 -4,6 The total number of liquidations decreased by 32,6% (44 fewer
liquidations) year-on-year in January 2017. Voluntary liquidations decreased by 34 cases
and compulsory liquidations decreased by 10 cases during this period. There was a
decrease of 4,6% in the three months ended January 2017 compared with the three
months ended January 2016.
STATISTICS SOUTH AFRICA P0043 Statistics of liquidations and insolvencies, January
2017 3 Insolvencies: results for December 2016 Table B Number of insolvencies
Number of insolvencies December 2016 % change between December 2015 and
December 2016 % change between October to December 2015 and October to December
2016 % change between January to December 2015 and January to December 2016 176
-22,1 -7,7 0,4 The estimated number of insolvencies decreased by 22,1% in December
2016 compared with December 2015. A 7,7% decrease was estimated between the fourth
quarter of 2015 and fourth quarter of 2016. Insolvencies increased by 0,4% (from 2 674
to 2 684) between 2015 and 2016.
Liquidations and insolvencies cause an adverse strain to the economy of South Africa and
the World. It is therefore paramount and vital to design commercial schemes that will
counteract the painful repercussions caused by liquidations.
I have designed the Company Liquidation Security Fund in order to salvage the dire
situation created by liquidations. I also prepared the requisite Deed of Trust attached

All the above statistics are shocking, and what is more astonishing is that
there is no commercial plan for all these vast losses. Thus it is important that
in the South African and global economy we need to have Companies
Liquidation Security Fund.

It therefore makes sound and feasible economic sense to protect these

extreme losses to the economy.


Process- The process is fairly simple because the aforesaid commercial

protection could be sold to the private sector by the inventor or the inventor
can enter into commercial intercourse with the private sector through a Deed of
Trust or Joint Venture Agreement or Licensing Agreement.

In case the inventor sells the aforesaid innovative product, then the requisite
Sale or Licensing Agreement could be prepared and signed by the parties.

Useful- This is an invention that possesses a specific and significant utility and
would be an integral part of the commercial terrain.

The invention would be capable of performing its intended function, as would

be evidenced by successful testing. Utility can also be found in doing
something in a more economical and effective fashion.

This invention would make business fascinating, convenient and smooth.

It would be novel and lucrative commercial product that would be exciting to

the clients as well as further boost the economy, especially the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) as it would be introduced globally.

The protection is also applicable both in South Africa and Worldwide.

Client Companies Characteristics

However, our company is 100 % black, and in the event that you work with us that will
increase your BEE and BBBEE credentials as well as scorecard.
Thus this will give our client companies access to national, provincial and local
government work.
The state parastatals like Eskom, SAA, Transnet and so forth are also checking BEE and
BBBEE score cards before giving work to companies.
This professional service is in line with the requirements and stipulations of Broad Based
Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE).
In other words the client companies would also be in compliance with some of the pillars
of BBBEE like equity, management component as well as Enterprise Development.
The BBBEE does not center around equity ownership only, it also involves a number of
pillars like management component, employment equity, preferential procurement,
enterprise development as well as community initiatives or corporate social
responsibility programs (CSR).

The relations between the company and the client companies could be regulated by a
Deed of Trust attached hereinafter or joint venture, sale or licensing agreement. We are
not cast in stone as we will accommodate any plausible commercial arrangement that
could be forwarded.
Our Sibanyoni would be more than capable and equipped to draft the said agreements due
to the qualifications that he commands.
He has matric certificate, B Proc degree, UCT Preferential BEE Certificate, UNISA
Human Resources Certificate and FrontPage Certificate.
In this manner the company and client companies would have the benefit of terms of

Competencies and responsibilities

The company would undertake the following for client companies:

furnish permission to client companies to use the intellectual

property of Mr Zenani France Sibanyoni
Drafted Deed of Trust to be used
Appoint the necessary staff to administer the Companies
Liquidation Security Fund in conjunction with client companies
Receive, assess and settle work absenteeism and sick leave claims
of client companies
Manage the day to day affairs of the Fund in conduction with the
appointed Trustees

Corporate Social Responsibility Programs

The company will engage in Corporate Social Responsibility to uplift the indigent

Composition of the work schedule of the company

Our company would undertake the work as depicted in the aforementioned competencies
and responsibilities.

Competent vs. Not yet Competent

The aforesaid professional services rendered by our company would be competent,

efficient and seamless as our aforesaid Sibanyoni has adequate educational tools to
discharge the duties.
However, Sibanyoni has a four year law degree (B Proc), UNISA Human Resources
Management Certificate as well as UCT Preferential BEE Certificate.

Associated Assessment Criteria

Basic market research is conducted to determine market needs in

relation to own business content;
Our CSRP activities and goals are appropriately aligned to
identified market needs;
Progress is determined at regular intervals and corrective action
taken where necessary;
Personal and business productivity is monitored and enhanced on
an ongoing basis.


10% of the Funds income each and very month. We are highly negotiable.

Copyright: Zenani France Sibanyoni 2017

All Rights Reserved

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