2017 Curriculum Matters Blwyddyn 1 Autumn Term-1

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All Saints Church in Wales Primary School

Term: Autumn Term 2017 Year/ Blwyddyn: 1

The learning theme for this term is: Autumn 1: All About Me!
Autumn 2: Sounds and All Around!

Personal and Social Development, Well Language, Literacy and Communication Skills
Phonics Jolly Phonics, Identify initial, end and middle letter sounds in,
Being and Cultural Diversity: CVC (Consonant, Vowel, Consonant) words. Reading and spelling CVC
words. Rhyming words. CCVC words and some initial blends plus ch / sh.
Class rules, rewards and consequences. The phoneme ee (sheep)
Making school a happy and fair place to be. Writing 1. Write simple words / sentences using emergent writing. 2.
Make picture books modeled on text. 3. Use patterned stories as a
Circle time activities: talking about matters that
model for own writing. 4. Write simple captions and lists. 5. Develop
arise. awareness of capital letters and full stops Handwriting Correct letter
Emotions/Feelings how do we make others feel? How do formation / writing on the line/ writing capital letters clearly taller.
others make me feel? What makes me happy? Rhyme: identifying rhyming words.
What I would like to learn about? How do I learn? Reading Introduction to group reading and a wide range of reading
Exercise and healthy eating / brushing out teeth. games, listening and following the reading. Making choices about books.
Treating property and people with care. Treating the Oracy Discussions, using because extensively, beginning to form
environment with care. opinions, reporting from practical work, Role Play: A Teddy Hospital
SEAL: New Beginnings-new school year, any new and childrens own choice: based on the topic.

experiences. How do you feel? Mathematical Development

SEAL-Getting on and falling out -How can we solve Number recognition and counting to 20 / to 100.
friendship problems? Being a good friend Ordering numbers from smallest to largest within 10/ 100.
Unkind behaviour on purpose or a mistake? Finding out Counting objects reliably.
before reacting. Addition to 10 / 20 (and beyond.) 1 more, 1 less.
Welsh identity Welsh flag / map of Wales/welsh objects Subtraction within 10 / 20.
/ traditions. 2D shapes
Number bonds to 10 i.e. 1 and 9 makes 10, 2 and 8 etc.
Length-using non standard- measures using everyday
objects to measure
Days of the week/Seasons of the year / oclock.
Welsh Language Development
Every day greetings including: Sut wyt ti? Time: o clock, half past, months and seasons of the
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Counting to 10/20. year
Ourselves-The senses, parts of the body, Living things,
Reading number words / colour names. Songs: Mass: weighing and ordering objects of different
healthy living, sound and hearing.
counting and colour songs.
My family, me as a baby, toddler and now,
Shapes and colours Christmas in the past, toys now and then, traditions.
Fruit/Food ffrwyth/bwyd Where I live, homes and buildings in the local area.
The Weather- Y Tywydd Different sounds and how they make us feel.
Seasonal Changes: Autumn.
Welsh words linked to our topics.
Where in the World?-talking about events from around
Christmas vocabulary and greetings.
the world as and when they happen.
The phrase: Dw in hoffi / I like Finding out about: Mary Seacole.

Religious Education Physical Development

The Church-features of church, special services. Ourselves / my body/various actions and movements.
Christian celebrations- Harvest celebration: saying Gym: Perform a short movement / sequence of actions.
Going on the adventure trail / large apparatus and
thank you. Christmas celebrations.
creating (and repeating) a pathway on it.
The cross and other symbols of Christianity.
Working with a partner to create a dance.
All About Jesus: asking questions and finding out. Healthy me: exercise and the effects of exercise on
The Christmas story: focusing on gifts. bodies.
The Values of: Creativity and Compassion. Fine manipulative skills: threading, sewing, scissor skills,
using tweezers/tongs.
Creative Development ICT / DCF
Art- Colour, colour mixing paint, sketching, use of chalk and various 2simple software: drawing program.
collage activities: different materials, different techniques. Making a simple story or information book (HWB).
Activities on craft table linked to the topics/ linked to requests by Use of digital camera.
the children. Saving and retrieving own work on a network (HWB).
Christmas activities: making decorations. With support to use an internet browser.
Music- exploring the sounds of and how to play various instruments, Use text (with support) to search for information / media
making own instrument/ shaker. online.
Learning a wide selection of songs including action songs, fast and Begin to discuss Internet safety.
slow songs exploring rhythm and keeping time to a steady beat Adding name and date to a piece of work. (HWB)
clapping or on a musical instrument. Class computer / iPad activities: ICT is also used to support,
Creative movement-: Opposites Dance childrens own ideas. develop and extend learning across and within a range of
Focusing on developing a sense of rhythm, creating actions and
movements, remembering sequences. / Listening skills.

This is a guide of the teaching and learning for the term. The children add their own input which determines
how the learning theme develops.

Ways you can help: Frequently practise the key words in the word tub and share and discuss your childs
reading books. Ensuring correct letter formation when writing, including capital letters, especially when your
child is writing their name. Counting and recognising numbers to 100. Ordering numbers within 10/ 20/ 100.
Writing numbers (correct formation) within 100. Talking about and identifying healthy foods/ meals. Talking
about your family history, the local environment-where we live. Looking for and naming shapes you can see in
objects within the home and when you are out and about. Providing your child with opportunities to speak to
you in Welsh: counting to 10, naming the colours and saying simple phrases i.e. diolch /thank you, Sut wyt ti?
/How are you? Looking for Welsh words within the environment (signs etc.); looking at and reading house
numbers / numbers on signs / posters/ adverts etc. Please take photographs of these and bring into school.
Thank you / diolch.

Some of the childrens ideas / thought for the topic: All About Me.
Finding out about being healthy.
Going on healthy walks, to the park, to the beach/ anywhere!
Finding out about zoos and animals. Having a pet day.
Going more into the Faith Garden to explore, pick things, make a den,
and play different sorts of musical instruments.
We like going to Porthkerry Park.
Finding out more about the Opticians / creating an Opticians in the role play area.
Lego making models of houses/ homes.
Making mountains out of Lego.
Finding out about pyramids and creating pyramids in the sand.
Having more dressing up costumes.
(Having a bag in the book corner with a story book and a matching costume inside.)
Turning the Cwtsh Cymraeg into a Welsh car with pet dragons in the back.
with a story book

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