Reinforced Concrete Structures: Sreerama Ajay Kumar - MEEES Student - 13-11-2017

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Reinforced Concrete Structures


Sreerama Ajay Kumar | MEEES Student | 13-11-2017

Instructor: Prof. Boyan Mihaylov

Teaching Assistant: Dr. Gabriele Guerrini

Problem# To predict the failure interaction diagrams for bending, torsion

Given: The material properties and the reinforcement details are tabulated below

Material Properties
fck (MPa) 40
fcd (MPa) 34.8

fyk (MPa) 500
fyd (MPa) 434.8
fywd (MPa) 434.8

geometry (mm)
h 1524
b 762
t 152
d 1448
Z 1303.2
bw 304
Ag (mm2) 1161288
ug 4572
teff 254
Ak (mm2) 836920
uk 3964

Given Reinforcement
Top Bottom Stirrups
d(mm) 16 d(mm) 28 d(mm) 14
At_1(mm2) 201.1 Ab_1(mm2) 615.8 Aw(mm2) 153.9
n 3 n 8 S mm 240
web bars web bars a/s 0.641409
d(mm) 16 d(mm) 16
At_1(mm2) 201.1 At(mm2) 201.1
n 4 n 2
Ats2 (mm2) 1407.4 Abs1 5328.1

Other parameters
cot 1.00/1.19/1.42
Course: Reinforced Concrete Structures

Section under combined Torsion and bending

For the beam section given when subjected to torsion and bending. The section has more
longitudinal reinforcing steel in the bottom face than that in the top face a typical rein-
forcement layout for flexure causing sagging. The transverse steel reinforcement is uni-
form over the length of the beam and consists of closely spaced hoops. Bending would
tend to cause downward curvature of the beam inducing maximum compression in the
top face and maximum tension in the bottom face. Torsion on the other hand would tend
to cause tension in all faces and, for this section, the resultant lengthening of the beam
will not be uniform over the section. This is because the effective concrete struts in the
upper part of the beam section experience a relatively lighter restraint by the longitudinal
steel than the corresponding struts in the bottom portion of the beam where the much
larger longitudinal steel bars are located. Thus, under torsion, the beam would tend to
curve upwards.

Figure 1: Flow chart (reference prof. Onsongo)


Course: Reinforced Concrete Structures
Clearly, it is possible to produce uniform elongation for the beam by applying just the
right amount of bending together with torsion. Under such a moment the section will
resist the maximum torsion.

In general, under combined torsion and bending, there will be resultant beam curvature
upwards or downwards depending on the torsion-bending loading combination.

The torsion capacity and the moment applied are easily predicted for the case of uniform
beam elongation using

As1.fyd MEd/Z + TEd.Uk.cot()/4.Ak Bottom reinforcement

As2.fyd -MEd/Z + TEd.Uk.cot()/4.Ak Top reinforcement

Av/S TEd.tan()/(2.Ak.fyd) Bottom reinforcement

Figure 1.1: Given cross-section details


Course: Reinforced Concrete Structures

The combined affect is verified for three different i.e. 35, 40 & 45 and the obtained re-
sults are plotted as below (figure 2).

Figure 3 is plotted to observe for original design Vs given design.

1. It is observed that maximum torsional force is applied for inclined struts with low
strut angle.

2. Effect of Pure torsion is observed to be more predominate for higher struct angle,
whereas for lower struct angle its relatively small.

3. The section with original reinforcement details has double bars in longitudinal di-
rection than that of given problem. So, it is quite evident that the maximum tor-
sional force tends to be same but flexural capacity is increasing.
i.e. for 8 28, M3000 kN-m whereas 16 28, M6000 kN-m


Course: Reinforced Concrete Structures

Figure 2: T-M interaction diagram for different

Figure 3: Comparison of T-M interaction diagram for original designed Vs given sec-



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