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A Man Is Born Free But Every Where He Is In Chains

Rousseay confirms The Social Contract with this line. He claims Man is free spirit, born
on natural course, cannot live in isolation as he is a social animal. Belsey considers the
man a homo late who adopts himself according to society when enters into the
symbolic order Thus, Chain is a term used for the rules, generally accepted
throughout the world.
The people against it might argue that when God created Eve and said to Adam, Go and
choose thy wife the answer to this question is that it has never been the choice of man to
come in this world but Gods. Hence chains are interpreted as reasonable restrictions on
the limitless freedom to keep evil impulses in check and to live civilly with one another
in a peaceful society. Institutions like Police, Army, Judiciary, education are established
to mould the being into human being. In this regard Religion plays a pivotal role in
trimming and chiseling mans personality. Religious dictates, Social norms discipline us
and keep us away for being aggressive as: Religion Islam is based on persuasion rather
than compulsion. Liberty does not mean to deviate oneself from norms, the strongest is
never strong enough, unless he transforms strength into right and obedience into duty.
Age in which we aging have reflected the concept of might is right. World Trade
organization is glaring example in this regard that has coined standardized standards for
the global world to follow. The world scenario may be chaotic in the absence of these
sophisticated disciplines.
Heming way presents R. Jordan, not native yet striving for justice because of these very
chains. The mere impulse of appetite is slavery while obedience to law is liberty. This
spirit enabled Abraham Lincoln to be the U.S president. The current sorry state of affairs
is owing to fanaticism and extremism. We should adhere to the expected discipline and
dictates of religion but orthodox as well as bigot approach will lead us towards
aggression and we can make our lives peaceful and successful by following moderate

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