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1A Me too!

Past and present verb forms

My answers Name

two things you like doing in

your free time

something youre learning at

the moment

two or three interesting countries

youve been to

something you hadnt done until

you were a teenager

the length of time youve been

studying English

two things youve bought


two interesting things you did

last month

what you were doing at nine oclock

last Saturday evening

a place you used to go to when you

were a teenager

two films youve seen in the last

three months

something you hated doing when

you were a child

the length of time youve known

your best friend

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2013 Pearson Education

1A Me too!
You will need: one copy of the worksheet per student

Give each student a copy of the worksheet. They work individually

and write their answers in the second column. Ask them to write
short notes, not complete sentences. Set a time limit of five minutes.
Tell students that for each of their answers, they must now find
another student with the same or a similar answer. Students move
around the room asking questions. Point out that they cannot look
at each others worksheets.
When they find someone who has the same or a similar answer, they
write that students name in the third column. They must then ask
at least two follow-up questions on the same topic. For example, if
students find that they have visited the same country, they could
ask: When did you go there? Where was the best place you visited?
Students can discuss their findings in small groups or with the
whole class.

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2013 Pearson Education

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