Novemeber 2017 Newsletter

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Nov 1, 2017

Novembers Studies
By Charles Hawkinson

When he first arrived on the Key Takeaways:

political scene in 1881 at the age
of 23, Theodore Roosevelt gave As President, Roosevelt pushed
no hint of the Progressive he executive powers to new limits,
would later become. In the arguing that the rise of
various elective and appointive industrial capitalism had
positions, he held at the rendered limited government
municipal, state, and federal obsolete.
Theodore Roosevelt and Progressivism
levels during the 1880s and
1890s, Roosevelt considered Roosevelts stewardship theory
himself nothing more (and unmoored presidential power
nothing less) than an from the Constitution and made
independent Republican it directly accountable to the
reformer, following in the people.
tradition of national-minded
statesmen such as George Roosevelt continued until his
Washington, Alexander death to press for Progressive
Hamilton, Henry Clay, and, of reforms that would move the
course, Abraham Lincoln. country closer to the social
democracies of Europe.

When Woodrow Wilson, a practices by issuing what is

Democrat won the election of 1912 known as a "cease and desist
he received only 42% of the vote. order."
The Progressive candidates;
Roosevelt, Taft and Debs totaled 2. Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
58% of the vote. Clearly America
still sought progressive change. -Declared certain businesses
Wilson, an educator and the son of a illegal (interlocking directorates,
Presbyterian Minister, recognized trusts, horizontal mergers)
this and embarked on a program to
continue Progressive reform called -Unions and the Grange were
the "New Freedom." not subject to antitrust laws.
This made unions legal!
I. Woodrow Wilson - The "New
Freedom" reforms: -Strikes, boycotts, picketing and
the collection of strike benefit
A. Tariff Reform funds ruled legal
Woodrow Wilson and Progressivism
1. Underwood Tariff of 1913 C. Banking Reform - Needed
elastic currency, ability to
-First lowering of tariffs since control the amount of $ in
the Civil War circulation.

-Went against the protectionist 1. Creation of Federal Reserve

lobby System

B. Business Reform - Wilson's - Federal Reserve Banks in 12

program was known as the New districts would print and coin
Freedom. (The phrase came money as well as set interest
after the campaign, as the title of rates. In this way the "Fed," as it
a book of his speeches, and as was called, could control the
the slogan for his money supply and effect the
administration's policies.) value of currency. The more
Wilson believed government's money in circulation the lower
role was to create a level playing the value and inflation went up.
field. Then individual energy The less money in circulation
and business competition would the greater the value and this
give Americans lives both would lower inflation.
decent and free from big-
brother intrusions. His solution 2. Federal Farm Loan Act set up
for monopoly was antitrust Farm Loan Banks to support
prosecution and break-up. farmers.

1. Federal Trade Act (1914)

-Set up FTC or Federal Trade

Commission to investigate and
halt unfair and illegal business
practices. The FTC could put a
halt to these illegal business

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