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Personal Wellbeing Self-Assessment

Bianca Renee Pineda

Arizona State University


Personal Wellbeing Self-Assessment

For this assignment I researched health, fitness and wellness or healthy lifestyle factors. I

decided to create my self-assessment on living a healthy lifestyle after finding two relevant

resources and a great healthy living questioner to take.

In order to create my self-assessment, I researched common factors of a healthy lifestyle.

I came across two articles that identified at least 5 areas that contributed to a healthy lifestyle

along with factual data. I included ten questions to assess my lifestyle that touched the areas

covered in the articles. The first two questions addressed physical activity and exercise. I asked

how many times a week and how many minutes does one engage in physical activity/exercise.

The third and fourth questions ask how one feels in the morning and how many hours of sleep

one gets a day. The fifth, sixth, and seventh question addresses diet asking how many fruits,

vegetables, fatty foods and sugary drinks does one consume. The last questions, eight through

ten, address lifestyle choices asking how much does one drink, smoke and work a week.

I added a grading score for my self-assessment, 40-50 points indicates a healthy lifestyle,

26-39 means there is room for improvement, and 0-25 indicates a non-healthy lifestyle. I

discovered I was living an unhealthy lifestyle after scoring a 25 on my own self-assessment. I

believe I can make some changes in how much I engage in physical activity and exercise. Simply

stretching every morning, walking instead of driving short distances, and choosing stairs over

elevators can improve my physical health. Although I scored extremely low I feel I am

successful in the personal choice area. I do drink and smoke however, I do it occasionally from

0-3 times a week or less. Considering this, I do not think a low self-assessment score indicates

my true state of wellness because this is not a legitimate medical assessment however, it can be

used as a guide for making improvements.


I believe allowing a workplace to complete this assessment and analyze their results can

help put workers lifestyle into perspective regardless of a high or low score. The simple and

straightforward questions allow individuals can look at areas where they need or could use

improvement or make adjustments with simple solutions, like eating less fatty foods, and getting

more sleep. I believe the simplicity of the adjustments and solutions will encourage workers to

lead a healthier and active lifestyle.



Family . (n.d.). What can you do to maintain your health . Retrieved from

Healthy living questionnaire . (n.d.). Retrieved from

Illuminated Health , V. (2012, January 12). 5 Key factors to a healthy lifestyle . Retrieved from

Healthy Lifestyle Assessment: Created by Bianca Pineda

1. I engage in physical activity/exercise at least ___ a week.

A. 0 times
B. 1-2 times
C. 3-5 times
D. 5-7 times

2. I am active for a total of ____ a week

A. 0 minutes
B. 10-20 minutes
C. 25-40 minutes
D. 45-60 minutes

3. In the morning I feel

A. Groggy
B. Tired
C. Non different
D. Energetic

4. I sleep ____ hours a day

A. 3-5
B. 6-7
C. 8-9
D. More than 9

5. I include vegetables in my meals

A. Never
B. Sometimes
C. Often
D. Always

6. I eat ____ servings of fruit a day

A. 0-1

B. 6 or more
C. 2-3
D. 4-5

7. I consume fatty and salty food and sugary drinks

A. Always
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Never

8. I smoke or use tobacco

A. Always
B. Often
C. Sometimes
D. Never

9. I consume ___ alcoholic beverages a week

A. 5-7
B. 3-4
C. 0
D. 1-2

10. I work ___ hours a week

A. 0
B. 1-10
C. 10-20
D. 20-40

A= 0 points B= 2 points C= 4 points D= 5 points

40-50 pts= Living a healthy lifestyle
26-39 pts= A little more effort to live a healthy lifestyle
0-25 pts= Not living a healthy lifestyle
MY TOTAL= 25 points

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