Connectors Esquema ###

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Because/Since/As + clause (S+ V+ Cs) As/Since it was raining, we didnt go to the beach
(como, porque) We didnt go to the beach because/since /as it was r
Due to/Because of /Owing to.. (a + Noun All the flights were cancelled because of / due to/ as
causa de, debido a) of the thick fog.
As a result of a consecuencia de

Therefore (por lo tanto) You are not following the doctors advice. Therefore/As
As a result /consequence At the beginning of the consequence/As a result/Consequently, you wont
Consequently (como sentence, before a better
resultado/consecuencia) comma
So (as que) After a comma It was raining, so we didnt go to the beach

So (tan) + adjective that The film was so boring that we all fell asleep.
Such (a/an) (tan) + adj + noun .that It was such a boring film that we all fell asleep.
Thats (the reason) why At the beginning of the It was raining. Thats the reason why we didnt go to
(por eso/esa es la razn por la que) sentence.

Although/Though/Even though Although/Though/Even though it was raining, we w
(aunque, ) + clause ( S+ V + Cs) the beach.
We went to the beach although/though/even thoug
In spite of/ Despite + Noun In spite of/Despite the rain, we went to the beach
(a pesar de) +-ing ( the same
subject ) In spite of /Despite being tired, we went to the beach
However / Nevertheless / Yet At the beginning of the
(Sin embargo /No obstante) sentence, before a It was raining. However/Nevertheless/Yet/, we wen
comma beach

In contrast (por el contrario) At the beginning of the Mary doesnt study very hard. In contrast, / On the c
On the contrary sentence, before a Susan is an excellent student
In contrast to / Contrary to (al In contrast to/Contrary to /Unlike Mary, Susan is
contrario que) + Noun excellent student.
Unlike ( a diferencia de )

Whereas (mientras que) + clause (S+ V+ Cs) Whereas Mary doesnt study very hard, Susan is an ex
On the one hand ../on the other At the beginning of the On the one hand, Susan is very messy. On the othe
hand sentence, before a she is an excellent student
(por un lado../ por otro) comma


When / As soon as /Once + clause (S+ V + Cs) Ill phone you when/as soon as/ once I get home
(cuando/tan pronto como/una vez

Before / after / until / by the time + clause ( S+ V+ Cs) I cooked lunch before my children came home from sc
(antes de que, despus de que, hasta By the time he arrived, we had already had dinner.
para cuando) +Noun
I watch TV after/before dinner
+ -ing (same subject) After/Before studying, I always watch a bit of televis
First of all / First(ly) / At the beginning of the Peter gets up early because hes got plenty of things to
Second(ly).. /Next / Then / Finally sentence, before a Firstly, he has a shower. Secondly, he has breakfast.
(Primero/segundo/A comma walks his dog. Then, he takes his children to school an
continuacin/Entonces/Finalmente he goes to work

Later / Then / After that / At the beginning of the I went to the library. Later/Then/After that/Afterw
Afterwards (Ms tarde/Entonces sentence, before a went back home
/Despus de eso/Despus) comma

While (mientras) + clause ( S+ V + Cs) While I was having a bath, somebody knocked on the
(past continuous)
Also (adems, tambin) Before the main verb He studies at university and he also works as a waiter at nigh
(after the verb To He studies at university and he is also a waiter at night
Too / As well (adems, tambin) At the end of the He studies at university and he works as a waiter too/as we
Besides / In addition / At the beginning of a The house is very big. Besides, its very comfortable.
furthermore / moreover sentence before a
(adems...) comma
As well as ( adems de) + Noun As well as studying at university, he works as a waiter at nig
In addition to (adems de ) +-ing (same
Besides subjects)
Not only.. but also Inversion (1st part) Not only did he buy me a present but also he invited me to
(No solo..... sino tambin) dinner.
Apart from ( aparte de) + noun or a gerund While she was on a diet, she ate nothing except for vegetab
Except (for) (excepto) fruit.
What other sports do you practice apart from skiing?

To / In order (not) to / When the subject
So as (not) to of both sentences We will work all night to /in order to/ so as to finis
(para / para que) is the same time
so that + Clause with We will work all night so that we can/may/will finish
(para que) modal verb (can / We worked all night so that we could /might/would fi
Con diferentes sujetos could) with time
generalmente different subjects I stayed at home so that my parents could go out
for + Noun / -Ing We use a spade for digging
For things purpo
In case ( por si acaso ) + Clause ( S+ V ) Take your credit card in case you run out of cash

As though/As if + clause He treats me as though/as if I were as stranger
(Como si.) (subjunctive verb)
Like (como) + Noun He treats me like a stranger
The same as (lo mismo que) +Clause /Noun I told him the same as I had told you before (Tancomo) +adjective/adverb This book is as interesting as that one.

For example /For instance + clause I like all kinds of fruit. For example /instance, I love melon
(Por ejemplo) At the beginning oranges, apples and pineapples
of the sentence,
before a comma
Such as ( tales como, como por + Noun I like all kinds of fruit such as melons, oranges, apples and
ejemplo) pineapples.

In my opinion
As far as I am concerned ( en lo que a
mi respecta..)
Personally I think
From my point of view.
I (dont ) agree with ( (no)estoy
de acuerdo.. )

In conclusion At the beginning In conclusion/To sum up/Summing up/In short, its
(En conclusin) of the sentence, important to tell young people about the risks of alcohol
To sum up/ Summing up Resumiendo before a comma

Otherwise ..... ( de lo contrario , si no.....) - At the beginning of a new sentence:
Provided / providing / as long as Con la condicin de , con tal de Hurry up. Otherwise, well have to walk.
In case Por si acaso instead of en vez de - + Clause( S+ V+ Cs)
Ill lend you my car provided / as long as you take c
According to . ( Segn)
Regarding (Con respecto a..)
To begin with. ( Para empezar..)
Id like to point out that ... : Me gustara sealar que..
Id like to add that... : Me gustara aadir que..
It is said that... / It is believed that... : Se dice /se cree que..

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