Examen Modelo Bachillerato A Distancia Inglés. Galicia

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C/. San Clemente, s/n. 15705 Santiago de Compostela

Telfonos 981 58 04 96 - 981 58 03 66 Fax 981 57 21 90
e-mail: ies.sanclemente@edu.xunta.es

1 Curso Lingua Estranxeira: Ingls 1 Primeira Avaliacin


Moi importante: S se pode respostar s preguntas do exame nesta folla. Non engadir outras follas.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct verb tense (present simple, present
continuous, present perfect , past simple, past continuous): (8)
o She looked at her watch and then she ____________________ (begin) to walk faster.
o Marys printer stopped working while she ________________ (print) her homework.
o Marion isnt here. She ___________________ (just/leave).
o I cant come now. I __________________ (wait) for the doctor.
o When I saw Tom, he ____________________ (ride) his bicycle.
o Bob doesnt want any coffee. He _________________ (already/have) four cups today.
o What _______________ (she/think) of the new boss?
o Where is John? I ________________ (not see) him since yesterday.

2. Complete the sentences with a past perfect and a simple past: (2)
I _________________ (go) to get my jacket, but someone ________________ (take) it.
She __________________ (not remember) where she _________________ (put) her

3. Write the correct future form: will, going to, present continuous: (4)
 Im not sure but I _________________________ (probably/ see) them tomorrow.
 I promise I _____________________ (not tell) your secret to anyone.
 Take your umbrella with you. It ________________________ (rain).
 Oh! Ive lost my ball. Dont worry. I _____________________ (lend) you one.

4. Future continuous: (2)

 They ________________________ (not listen) to music tonight so it will be quiet at home.
 Im so excited. At this time tomorrow, I _________________________ (swim) in the ocean.

5. Complete the sentences with these time expressions : (2)

for since just ever already yet

1- My grandparents have lived in this house ____________________ they got married.
2- Shes still wearing her coat because she has ___________________ arrived.
3- John has had his old car ___________________ years.
4- Angela knows Sally. They have ________________ met many times.

6. Correct the mistakes: (4)
 How often Peter plays computer games? (question form)
 Jack and Judy have been knowing for a long time. (verb form)
 We havent bought the new equipment already. (time expression)
 They arent used to live in the country. (verb form)

7. Write the question tags: (2)

Skating has become very popular since the late 1980s, ______________________________?
Your TV broke down last night, ___________________________________?
Shakira speaks English fluently, __________________________?
Young people often download ringtones , _______________________________________?

8. Vocabulary. Complete this table. Write the missing words: (4)


1. car park a. parking lot
2. b. subway
3. holiday c.
4. d. fall
5. e. candy
6. petrol f. ..
7. trousers g. .
8. h. cookie
9. i. freeway

9. Form adjectives from these verbs / nouns by using the suffixes below: (6)

nature danger dirt region admire fame convert thirst irritate ambition create nerve industry



10. Translate into English: (8)

 El mdico quiere que tomes estas pastillas; con ellas mejorars (get better)
 No he tenido tiempo de ir al cine ltimamente. Ya has visto la pelcula gora?
 Maana a esta hora estar nadando en el mar.
 La casa estaba sucia porque no la haban limpiado desde el verano anterior.

C/. San Clemente, s/n. 15705 Santiago de Compostela
Telfonos 981 58 04 96 - 981 58 03 66 Fax 981 57 21 90
e-mail: ies.sanclemente@edu.xunta.es

1 Curso Lingua Estranxeira: Ingls 1 Primeira Avaliacin


Moi importante: S se pode respostar s preguntas do exame nesta folla. Non engadir outras follas.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct verb tense (present simple, present
continuous, present perfect , past simple, past continuous): (8)
o She looked at her watch and then she began (begin) to walk faster.
o Marys printer stopped working while she was printing (print) her homework.
o Marion isnt here. She has just left (just/leave).
o I cant come now. I am waiting (wait) for the doctor.
o When I saw Tom, he was riding (ride) his bicycle.
o Bob doesnt want any coffee. He has already had (already/have) four cups today.
o What does she think (she/think) of the new boss?
o Where is John? I havent seen (not see) him since yesterday.

2. Complete the sentences with a past perfect and a simple past: (2)
I went (go) to get my jacket, but someone had taken (take) it.
She did not remember (not remember) where she had put (put) her glasses.

3. Write the correct future form: will, going to, present continuous: (4)
 Im not sure but I will probably see (probably/ see) them tomorrow.
 I promise I will not tell (not tell) your secret to anyone.
 Take your umbrella with you. It is going to rain (rain).
 Oh! Ive lost my ball. Dont worry. I will lend (lend) you one.

4. Future continuous: (2)

 They will not be listening (not listen) to music tonight so it will be quiet at home.
 Im so excited. At this time tomorrow, I will be swimming (swim) in the ocean.

5. Complete the sentences with these time expressions : (2)

for since just ever already yet

1- My grandparents have lived in this house since they got married.
2- Shes still wearing her coat because she has just arrived.
3- John has had his old car for years.
4- Angela knows Sally. They have already met many times.

6. Correct the mistakes: (4)
 How often Peter plays computer games? (question form) > does Peter play
 Jack and Judy have been knowing for a long time. (verb form) > have known
 We havent bought the new equipment already. (time expression) > yet
 They arent used to live in the country. (verb form) > living

7. Write the question tags: (2)

Skating has become very popular since the late 1980s, hasnt it?
Your TV broke down last night, didnt it?
Shakira speaks English fluently, doesnt she?
Young people often download ringtones, dont they?

8. Vocabulary. Complete this table. Write the missing words: (4)


1. car park a. parking lot
2. underground/tube b. subway
3. holiday c. vacation
4. autumn d. fall
5. sweets e. candy
6. petrol f. gas/gasoline
7. trousers g. pants
8. biscuit h. cookie
9. motorway i. freeway

9. Form adjectives from these verbs / nouns by using the suffixes below: (6)

nature danger dirt region admire fame convert thirst irritate ambition create nerve industry


dangerous creative admirable convertible natural thirsty
famous irritable regional dirty
ambitious industrial

10. Translate into English: (8)

 El mdico quiere que tomes estas pastillas; con ellas mejorars (get better)
The doctor wants you to have these pills; you will get better with them
 No he tenido tiempo de ir al cine ltimamente. Ya has visto la pelcula gora?
I havent had time to go to the cinema lately. Have you seen the film Agora yet?
 Maana a esta hora estar nadando en el mar.
I will be swimming in the sea tomorrow at this time.
 La casa estaba sucia porque no la haban limpiado desde el verano anterior.
The house was dirty because they hadnt cleaned it since the previous summer.

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