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Professional Organizations
Committee Member: ASHA Convention CAP
Program Review Committee (2017-2018)

In this role, I will be reviewing/helping to select from presentation

submissions in the area of central auditory processing for the 2018 American
Speech-Language Hearing Association annual convention
Peer Reviewer- Journal Articles
(2017) Review of manuscript, entitled "Expectations of the hearing-impaired
regarding assistive communication technologies. New directions for technological
research and application development." for the Assistive Technology journal.

(2016) Review of manuscript, entitled Auditory Processing Testing: In

the Test Suite Versus Outside the Test Suite" for the Journal of the American Academy
of Audiology
Peer Reviewer-contd
(2014) Review of manuscript, Diagnosing and Treating Disorders in Signed
Language: A New Perspective for the Contemporary Issues in Communication
Science and Disorders journal.

(2014) Review of manuscript, Patient Preference for Generic Prescription

Alternatives at the Initial Fitting Using A Comparative Approach" for the Journal
of the American Academy of Audiology.

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