Calcine Volume: Survey Costs B: First Survey Second Survey

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Calcine Volume: Survey costs B

Given your budget of $7700.00, how much ground can you expect to cover with each of the two surveys you and the contracto
spreadsheet cells below to estimate the number of lines you can affort of each survey. When you are satisfied, leave the optim
and submit for marking (or check via the "Solutions" link). (Hint: go for more DC resistivity than gravity. The electrical surveys t
resolution information for the same amount of effort.)

Calcine Volume: costing out surveys

First Survey Second survey

Survey work unit name unit cost No. units subtotal Survey work unit name
day $ - day
day $ - day

Fixed costs No. people cost/person No. days subtotal Fixed costs
$ - Mob-demob is the same for one or many surv
Assume no waiting time

Total cost of two surveys: $ -

Of course you should remember that the budget should never be the only consideration. The geological or geotechnical projec
information. The final choice will be a compromise between optimal information and optimal cost.
wo surveys you and the contractor have agreed upon? Use the
you are satisfied, leave the optimal choices in the spreadsheet
n gravity. The electrical surveys tend to provide higher

unit cost No. units subtotal

$ -
$ -

the same for one or many surveys


geological or geotechnical project must have adequate


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