Programmes For Inclusive Food Access

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Programmes for inclusive food access: Enhancing market access, addressing market inefficiencies,

building resilience, supporting livelihoods, implementing appropriate social protection mechanisms, and
boosting consumer awareness and behavioural change campaigns are important elements for ensuring
food access to end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms. This will require:

Improving the nutrition-sensitivity of agriculture and food systems, such as includes food production
and diversification, with attention to small-holders; food processing and fortification; trade and market
infrastructure and access; and marketing; food consumption and diets);

Increasing womens control over and access to productive agricultural inputs and financial services.
Reducing excessive food price volatility through open, fair and well-functioning markets and domestic
and international trade are essential elements.

Expanding local procurement for school feeding programs to raise producer incomes, promoting food
diversification, fostering behaviour change, and supporting improved nutrition consumption for school-
aged children.

Supporting livelihoods and increasing access to decent and productive employment, including private
sector employment and public works programmes.

Promoting social protection measures, including conditional and unconditional cash, voucher, and
food transfers. Dedicating attention to the most vulnerable people living in crises (including
protracted crises) and the rural and urban poor. Providing national social protection floors and wider
social protection systems. Providing regular and predictable transfers to poor or transitional
communities can stimulate demand for local agricultural production and local food processing;

Facilitating access to universal health protection in the context of national social protection floors. This
can address malnutrition and improve access to food by freeing up household resources previously
spent on health care. Providing dietary counselling and nutrition education in the context of health
protection helps improve diets and overall food security.
Implementing resilience-based approaches to ensuring food access, by mitigating the effects of shocks
and stressors and recognizing the complex transitions between relief, recovery and development.

Promoting consumer awareness on nutrition, including community-based approaches and education.

Provide food subsidies to nutritious food to promote behaviour-change.

Market access and development: By enabling enhanced access to markets, the private sector can help
healthy food reach vulnerable households and individuals at affordable prices. It could also increase
incomes of family and small-scale farmers and food processors, which could lead to improved food
Companies such as distributors, purchasers and retailers can support the development of local
certified food products, especially sustainable production by small-scale producers.

Food supermarket chains could sell nutritious food at affordable prices.

Businesses could assist smallholder producers and processors by sharing improved storage
technologies; developing warehouse receipt systems; and making better market information systems
The private sector should include attention to enhancing productivity, incomes and food security of
smallholders by developing proactive procurement procedures targeting inclusion of smaller scale
producers in value chains and by providing incentives for diversifying food and commercial production.
The private sector is encouraged to be involved with smaller and medium-scale agricultural enterprises,
including input suppliers as well as food manufacturers, distributors and retailers, in order to develop
locally adapted solutions and develop sustainable and inclusive food value chains through partnerships
and inclusive business models. Businesses should increase shareholder value, and also value for
consumers, suppliers, and business partners. Value is not only monetary, but can also be social or

Supporting producers and processors by assisting and building capacities on food safety standards,
labelling and marketing.

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