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I hope you enjoy your time here (and find what you're looking for)!
A few quick points before going forward:
*All stats were taken from ( that place it
Much of the data was taken from the spreadsheet created by Jagger.
Absolutely amazing, it has more than I have here including medals and
chips as well. The work is really incredible and crazy useful.
That said, do not ask me where I found this stuff. It is listed right there, I did not find it
I added to what other people worked hard to put together so that it worked better for
me and am simply sharing that. The people who did the work deserve credit.

On the Signatures sheet, I have added in some damage calculations. First is raw damage
which is the power combined with the normal hits. Then their is dmg with acu, this is the raw
dmg accounting for accuracy. This is technically the average power of the move when
accounting for misses. Last is their dmg with acu & crit. To the best of my knowledge crits are
1.5x dmg (please confirm), accounting for this that is the overall power you can expect from
the move. That said I believe crits apply to total damage, not simply the moves power. But I
have no confirmation on how damage is calculated so it could all be very wrong.

To the right of the table in the "Stats" sheet you will find a few things;
*First, a key as to what the roles I list are
*Second, a quick breakdown of some numbers on the table
*Third, my OPINION on team compositions and event running
*Fourth, some more tips I find helpful

Thoughts by TheInpuratus

Enjoy your time here and contact me with any questions, comments or additions you want to see. Nothin
law, nor am I am the best player (or even remotely close). I play a way I enjoy, not that is "meta" or eve
efficient. That said I would rather have a bunch of different megas than one +4 awakened Omegamon th
everything without my other digimon even showing up. I also base the digimon I suggest to others on th
well as their signatures. Often times, I will simply choose my fan route. I also adamantly believe no digim
bad, there is a way to use all of them and the range of max and min stats in this game is actually ver

Reddit: u/TheInpuratus Email:

hat you're looking for)!
.net ( that place it

sheet created by Jagger.

ere including medals and
e and crazy useful.
ed right there, I did not find it.
er so that it worked better for
d the work deserve credit.

culations. First is raw damage

r is dmg with acu, this is the raw
age power of the move when
e best of my knowledge crits are
erall power you can expect from
t simply the moves power. But I
it could all be very wrong.

ou will find a few things;

s I list are
mbers on the table
s and event running
d helpful

additions you want to see. Nothing I write is

enjoy, not that is "meta" or even the most
one +4 awakened Omegamon that will win
digimon I suggest to others on their stats as
also adamantly believe no digimon is truly
stats in this game is actually very small.
Digimon Name Awakening Attribute Max HP Max ATK
Alphamon 0 Bright 2216 3150
BanchoLeomon 0 Earth 2216 3312
Barbamon 0 Abyss 2216 2148
Beelzemon 0 Abyss 2438 3866
Belphemon RM 0 Abyss 2216 3436
Belphemon SM 0 Abyss 2216 2864
BlackWarGreymon 0 Blazing 2216 3204
Boltmon 0 Electric 2216 3342
ChaosGallantmon 0 Abyss 2216 3293
Cherubimon (Good) 0 Bright 2216 2864
Craniamon 0 Earth 2615 3037
Creepymon 0 Abyss 2216 3207
Diaboromon 0 Abyss 2216 3293
Dianamon 0 Glacier 2216 2928
Dynasmon 0 Mirage 2548 3619
Ebemon 0 Electric 2216 2485
Examon 0 Blazing 2548 3864
Gaiomon 0 Blazing 2216 3312
Gallantmon 0 Bright 2216 3379
Gallantmon CM 0 Blazing 2039 3726
Gankoomon 0 Blazing 2881 3312
GranKuwagamon 0 Mirage 2659 2760
GroundLocomon 0 Electric 2216 2760
HerculesKabuterimon 0 Earth 2460 2070
HiAndromon 0 Electric 2216 2760
Imperialdramon DM 0 Blazing 2548 2070
Imperialdramon FM 0 Mirage 2216 3312
Imperialdramon PM 0 Bright 2216 3469
Jesmon 0 Mirage 1950 3950
Justimon 0 Bright 1773 2520
Kentaurosmon 0 Bright 1551 2181
Kuzuhamon 0 Abyss 2216 2897
Leopardmon 0 Bright 1994 2291
Leopardmon LM 0 Earth 2327 3619
Leviamon 0 Glacier 2615 3864
Lilithmon 0 Abyss 1839 2005
LordKnightmon 0 Abyss 2105 2148
Lotosmon 0 Earth 2216 2515
Lucemon SM 0 Abyss 2216 2578
Machinedramon 0 Electric 2216 2485
Magnadramon 0 Bright 2216 2864
Magnamon 0 Mirage 2438 2208
MarineAngemon 0 Glacier 2881 1933
Mastemon 0 Mirage 2216 3174
MegaGargomon 0 Electric 2216 2622
MetalEtemon 0 Earth 2216 2485
MetalGarurumon 0 Electric 1773 2459
MetalGarurumon (Black) 0 Electric 2216 2760
MetalSeadramon 0 Glacier 2216 2790
Minervamon 0 Mirage 1773 2429
MirageGaogamon 0 Bright 1994 3039
MirageGaogamon BM 0 Bright 2105 3469
Omegamon 0 Bright 2216 3436
Omegamon Alter-B 0 Abyss 2327 3866
Omegamon Zwart 0 Abyss 2039 3408
Omegamon Zwart D 0 Abyss 2105 4009
Ophanimon 0 Bright 2105 2291
Phoenixmon 0 Blazing 2216 2485
Piedmon 0 Abyss 2216 3436
PlatinumNumemon 0 Mirage 2438 2346
Plesiomon 0 Glacier 2216 2485
PrinceMamemon 0 Mirage 2438 2376
Puppetmon 0 Earth 2216 2485
Ravemon 0 Electric 1773 2429
Ravemon BM 0 Electric 1884 3037
Rosemon 0 Earth 2216 2928
Rosemon BM 0 Earth 2283 2816
RustTyranomon 0 Electric 2216 3174
SaberLeomon 0 Earth 1994 2928
Sakuyamon 0 Bright 2216 2611
Seraphimon 0 Bright 2216 2578
ShineGreymon 0 Bright 2216 3469
ShineGreymon BM 0 Blazing 2548 3839
Slayerdramon 0 Blazing 2216 3342
Susanoomon 0 Bright 2393 3813
TigerVespamon 0 Electric 2216 3204
Titamon 0 Earth 2216 3342
UlforceVeedramon 0 Bright 1773 4009
VenomMyotismon 0 Abyss 2216 3436
Vikemon 0 Glacier 2659 2760
WarGreymon 0 Blazing 2216 3312
Max DEF Max SATK Max SDef Speed Avg Stat Inc Role Alt Role
3067 3150 3037 94 -- Phy ST Spc AoE
2790 2485 2485 117 -- Phy ST
2760 3756 3312 111 -- Spc AoE Debuff Sup
2760 2038 1933 158 -- Phy ST
2760 2611 2485 117 -- Phy ST
2485 2611 3312 117 -- Debuff Sup Support
2898 2485 2485 117 -- Phy AoE Phy ST
2760 2485 2485 117 -- Phy ST
2485 3326 2485 105 -- Spc AoE Phy ST
2515 2578 3312 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
3480 2291 2318 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
2485 3469 2485 126 -- Spc AoE Debuff Sup
2485 3293 2515 105 -- Phy AoE
2760 2898 2760 105 -- Support Debuff Sup
2760 1933 2015 154 -- Phy ST Phy AOE
2485 3204 2898 117 -- Spc ST Support
2928 1933 2208 140 -- Phy AOE Phy ST
2760 2515 2485 117 -- Phy ST
2625 3379 2346 123 -- Phy ST Spc AoE
2981 2346 2790 129 -- Phy ST
2760 2346 2376 117 -- Phy ST Phy AoE
2760 2515 2485 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
3342 2760 2346 111 -- Support Debuff Sup
3149 2429 3119 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
3342 2485 2485 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
3174 2376 3174 111 -- Support Debuff Sup
2790 2485 2485 117 -- Phy ST
2898 2721 2898 123 -- Phy ST
2485 2208 2208 164 -- Phy ST
2846 2520 2816 164 -- Support Debuff Sup
3037 3436 3037 158 -- Spc AoE Spc ST
2485 2578 3312 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
2485 3527 2843 158 -- Spc AoE Spc ST
2485 1933 2070 176 -- Phy ST
2898 2070 2294 117 -- Phy ST
2485 3612 3312 154 -- Spc ST Debuff Sup
2622 3469 2622 164 -- Spc ST Spc AoE
2485 3312 2760 117 -- Spc ST Debuff Sup
2485 3469 2760 117 -- Spc AoE Debuff Sup
3312 2790 2485 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
2515 2578 3312 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
3312 2790 3312 105 -- Support Debuff Sup
2238 3037 2208 152 -- Support
2515 3174 2485 105 -- Spc AoE Debuff Sup
3204 2346 3174 105 -- Support Debuff Sup
3312 2790 2515 117 -- Debuff Sup Support
2816 2429 2816 164 -- Debuff Sup Support
3312 2515 2515 117 -- Support Phy AoE
2485 2485 3312 117 -- Debuff Sup Support
2710 2459 2710 164 -- Debuff Sup Support
2346 3006 2346 152 -- Phy ST
2485 2864 2429 154 -- Phy ST
3067 3436 2208 117 -- Phy AoE Spc ST
2485 3039 2346 129 -- Phy ST Spc ST
3037 3408 2238 129 -- Phy AoE Spc ST
2070 3039 2015 166 -- Phy ST Spc ST
2928 3293 2898 117 -- Spc ST Support
2515 3312 2760 117 -- Spc AoE
2760 2611 2485 117 -- Phy ST
3055 2376 3055 105 -- Support Debuff Sup
2515 3312 2760 117 -- Spc ST
3055 2346 3055 105 -- Support Debuff Sup
3312 2790 2485 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
2846 2429 2816 164 -- Debuff Sup Support
2928 2153 2898 166 -- Phy ST Debuff Sup
2760 2898 2760 105 -- Phy ST Support
2790 3174 2898 117 -- Spc ST Support
2485 3204 2485 105 -- Phy ST
2346 2898 2346 152 -- Phy ST
2485 3436 2760 117 -- Spc ST
2515 2864 3312 117 -- Spc AoE Support
2760 2578 2485 117 -- Phy ST
2595 2098 2125 146 -- Phy AoE
2760 2208 2346 135 -- Phy ST
2898 2434 2622 123 -- Phy ST
2346 2208 2346 158 -- Phy ST
2760 2485 2485 117 -- Phy ST
1963 3150 1933 176 -- Phy ST Phy AoE
2760 2611 2485 117 -- Phy ST
2760 2485 2515 117 -- Support Debuff Sup
2790 2485 2485 117 -- Phy ST Phy AoE
Alt Role 2 Key
Support Phy ST High physical single target dmg
Spc ST High magical single target dmg
Phy AoE High physical AoE damage
Spc AoE High magical AoE damage
Support Good def, or sdef, and health
Debuff Sup AoE CC, high spd, or tank

Avg Stat Inc is the average increase of all stats

excluding speed and health. This is because
the health increases are not as substantial,
typically 100~200 per level. Speed is the same
value for 0 and 1, then jumps by about 10 and
is the same value for 2 and 3, then jumps by
about 10 again for 4.

Spc ST
Alt roles are roles they could fill depending on
several factors (they are also not the order of
their "best" roles, simply a list of what they
could do fairly well)

As a rule of thumb, I look for the dmg stat to

be 3000+ before qualifying a digimon as that
type of dmg dealer

Supports will want to have good defenses

since their job is to keep your other digimon
alive, shut down the enemy digimon, or be a
body that can survive a round so you can
ressurect your damage dealers

It is important to note supports are most

effective if they go before your other digimon,
or the enemy if they debuff, keep this in mind
when making a team.

Typically if a digimon would make a good

support, they could also be a debuff support.

Hybrids are also possible, although usually

they come from very strong digimon. A good
example would be alphamon with a support
legacy skill. This is almost never ideal since you
need their AP for their signatures, but it can
Support add versatility to your team.

For Advents I use an AoE dmg dealer or AoE

support, and two ST dmg dealers. For
story/farming I use either an ST or AoE debuff
support and two AoE dmg dealers.

Also, if you really want a weaker digimon to

be your damage dealer because its your
favorite, use chips on it (add the values to the
max stats here and see how it looks).
Also, if you really want a weaker digimon to
be your damage dealer because its your
favorite, use chips on it (add the values to the
max stats here and see how it looks).
General Guides to Team Compositions:
Two ST and an AoE is best for advent
Three AoE is best for story/farming
PvP is unknown until released

On that note: For story/farming, supports

border on awful. However, they can help A LOT
with Advents and more difficult challenges (If
you're using max level, +4 megas, ignore
literally everything here. The game is a joke to
you until PvP comes out).

Debuff Sup
Keep in mind that according to,
max friendship leads to a 10% increase in all
stats. I have confirmed this with my digimon
for anyone who is skeptical.

Debuff Sup
Debuff Sup

Debuff Sup
Digimon Name Target
Alphamon Blade of the Dragon King Single
Alphamon Soul Digitalization All
BanchoLeomon Flashy Boss Punch Single
Barbamon Pandemonium Lost All
Beelzemon Double Impact Single
Belphemon RM Gift of Darkness Single
Belphemon SM Eternal Nightmare All
BlackWarGreymon Black Tornado Single
BlackWarGreymon Dark Terra Force All
Boltmon Tomahawk Stinger Single
ChaosGallantmon Demonic Disaster Single
ChaosGallantmon Judecca Prison All
Cherubimon (Good) Heaven's Judgment Single
Craniamon Waltz's End All
Craniamon Breath of the Gods Single
Creepymon Flame Inferno All
Diaboromon Catastrophe Cannon All
Dianamon Good Night Moon Single
Dynasmon Dragon's Roar Single
Dynasmon Wyvern's Breath All
Ebemon Brain Rupture Single
Examon Pendragon's Glory All
Examon Dragonic Impact All
Gaiomon Will-O'-Wisp Slash Single
Gallantmon Lightning Joust Single
Gallantmon Shield of the Just All
Gallantmon CM Quo Vadis Single
Gankoomon Quake!Blast!Fire!Father! Single
Gankoomon Table Flip All
GranKuwagamon Dimension Scissor Single
GroundLocomon Destruction Crush All
GroundLocomon L-Express Attack Single
HerculesKabuterimon Giga Blaster Single
HiAndromon Atomic Ray Single
Imperialdramon DM Megadeath All
Imperialdramon FM Positron Laser Single
Imperialdramon PM Omni Sword Single
Jesmon Judgement of the Blade Single
Jesmon Weltgeist Single
Justimon Justice Kick Single
Kentaurosmon Odin's Breath All
Kentaurosmon Bifrost Single
Kuzuhamon Taizoukai Mandala Single
Leopardmon Extinction Wave All
Leopardmon Black Aura Blast Single
Leopardmon LM Vulcan Crusher Single
Leviamon Biting Crush Single
Lilithmon Phantom Pain Single
LordKnightmon Spiral Masquerade All
LordKnightmon Fist of Athena Single
Lotosmon Seven's Fantasia Single
Lucemon SM Divine Atonement All
Machinedramon Infinity Cannon All
Magnadramon Fire Tornado All
Magnamon Plasma Shot All
Magnamon Shining Gold Solar Storm All
MarineAngemon Ocean Love Single
Mastemon Chaos Degradation All
MegaGargomon Burst Shot All
MetalEtemon Banana Slip All
MetalGarurumon Garuru Tomahawk Single
MetalGarurumon Ice Wolf Claw All
MetalGarurumon (Black) Garuru Tomahawk Single
MetalGarurumon (Black) Ice Wolf Claw All
MetalSeadramon River of Power Single
Minervamon Strike Roll Single
MirageGaogamon Full Moon Blaster Single
MirageGaogamon BM Moon Meteor Impact Single
Omegamon Supreme Cannon Single
Omegamon Transcendent Sword All
Omegamon Alter-B Transcendent Cannon & Supreme Sword Single
Omegamon Zwart Supreme Cannon Single
Omegamon Zwart Transcendent Sword All
Omegamon Zwart D Supreme Cannon & Transcendent Sword Single
Ophanimon EDEN's Javelin Single
Phoenixmon S-Explosion All
Piedmon Trump Sword Single
PlatinumNumemon Platinum Junk Single
Plesiomon Sorrow Blue Single
PrinceMamemon Smile Warhead Single
Puppetmon Puppet Pummel Single
Ravemon Celestial Blade All
Ravemon BM Mourning Dance Single
Rosemon Thorn Whip Single
Rosemon BM Aguichant Lvres Single
RustTyranomon Terror Cluster Single
SaberLeomon Howling Crusher Single
Sakuyamon Amethyst Mandala Single
Seraphimon Strike of the Seven Stars All
ShineGreymon GeoGrey Sword Single
ShineGreymon BM F Shining Burst All
Slayerdramon Celestial Guillotine Single
Susanoomon Celestial Blade Single
TigerVespamon Mach Stinger V Single
Titamon Soul Core Attack Single
UlforceVeedramon Victory Sword Single
UlforceVeedramon Shining V Force All
VenomMyotismon Venom Infusion Single
Vikemon Arctic Blizzard Single
WarGreymon Great Tornado Single
WarGreymon Terra Force All
Attribute Type Power Acu Hits Raw Dmg Dmg (w/ acu)
Light Physical 100 95% 6 600 570
Null Magical 140 92% 2 280 258
Light Physical 180 95% 3 540 513
Darkness Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Darkness Physical 75 94% 8 600 564
Darkness Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Darkness Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Darkness Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Darkness Physical 250 92% 1 250 230
Null Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Darkness Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Darkness Magical 130 92% 2 260 239
Light Magical 140 94% 4 560 526
Nature Physical 90 90% 4 360 324
- Buff 0 100% 1 0 0
Fire Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Fire Physical 250 92% 1 250 230
Light Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Null Physical 260 94% 2 520 489
Nature Physical 270 90% 1 270 243
Thunder Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Thunder Physical 260 97% 1 260 252
Fire Physical 250 92% 1 250 230
Fire Physical 260 95% 2 520 494
Light Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Light Magical 130 92% 2 260 239
Light Physical 600 95% 1 600 570
Fire Physical 150 94% 4 600 564
Nature Physical 400 70% 1 400 280
Nature Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Nature Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Nature Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Thunder Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Thunder Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Darkness Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Light Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Null Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Null Physical 120 94% 5 600 564
- Buff 0 100% 1 0 0
Null Physical 500 80% 1 500 400
Water Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Light Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Darkness Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Light Magical 260 100% 1 260 260
Null Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Nature Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Water Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Darkness Magical 500 95% 1 500 475
Darkness Magical 90 90% 4 360 324
Fire Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Light Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Null Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Thunder Physical 120 92% 3 360 331
Light Physical 250 92% 1 250 230
Fire Magical 120 92% 3 360 331
Light Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
- Heal 50 100% 1 50 50
Null Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Fire Physical 120 92% 3 360 331
- Debuff 0 38% 1 0 0
Null Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Water Physical 130 92% 2 260 239
Null Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Water Physical 130 92% 2 260 239
Water Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Null Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Light Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Light Physical 800 70% 1 800 560
Water Magical 540 97% 1 540 524
Fire Physical 270 92% 1 270 248
Darkness Physical 250 95% 2 500 475
Water Magical 540 97% 1 540 524
Fire Physical 270 92% 1 270 248
Darkness Physical 300 95% 2 600 570
Light Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Fire Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Null Physical 140 94% 4 560 526
Nature Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Water Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Null Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Nature Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Thunder Magical 250 92% 1 250 230
Nature Physical 75 92% 8 600 552
Nature Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Nature Magical 500 95% 1 500 475
Thunder Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Nature Physical 260 95% 2 520 494
Light Magical 500 97% 1 500 485
Light Magical 120 90% 3 360 324
Fire Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Fire Physical 400 92% 1 400 368
Fire Physical 500 96% 1 500 480
Light Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Thunder Physical 100 90% 6 600 540
Nature Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Nature Physical 365 96% 2 730 701
Light Physical 250 92% 1 250 230
Darkness Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Water Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Fire Physical 500 97% 1 500 485
Fire Physical 250 92% 1 250 230
CRT % Dmg (w/ acu & crit) Effect Pwr Effect Acc
8% 638
10% 296
9% 582
8% 258 n/a 25
5% 606
8% 543
8% 258 n/a 20
8% 543
8% 258
8% 543
8% 543
10% 275
8% 590
7% 358
0% 0 30 100
8% 258 n/a 30
8% 258
8% 543
2% 503 40 100
8% 272
8% 543 n/a 30
6% 275
8% 258 n/a 20
9% 561
8% 543 20 70
10% 275 n/a 70
3% 596
7% 623
25% 385
8% 543
8% 258
8% 543
8% 543
8% 543 n/a 30
8% 258
8% 543
8% 543 n/a 30
7% 623
0% 0
50% 700
8% 258 n/a 20
8% 543 20 70
8% 543
7% 287
8% 543 20 70
8% 543 n/a 30
35% 740
5% 511 40 100
5% 348
8% 543 n/a 30
8% 543 n/a 30
15% 282
7% 366
8% 258
7% 366
8% 258 15 70
0% 50 n/a 100
8% 258 10 70
6% 361
0% 0
8% 543
10% 275
8% 543
10% 275
8% 543
8% 543
8% 543
7% 619
10% 602
10% 286
6% 518
10% 602
10% 286
8% 638
8% 543 n/a 30
8% 258
8% 590
8% 543 n/a 30
8% 543
8% 543
8% 543 n/a 30
8% 258 n/a 10
5% 593 n/a 30
8% 543 n/a 30
5% 511 40 100
8% 543 n/a 30
8% 553
8% 543
7% 358
9% 550
8% 412 50 100
25% 660
8% 543 20 70
7% 597
8% 543
8% 785
2% 237 30 30
8% 543 10 30
8% 543 n/a 30
8% 543
8% 258
Effect Description

Chance to reduce AP by 1

Chance to sleep

Invulnerable to 1 attack and boost to defense for 2 rounds

Chance to lock Skills

Part of damage is absorbed

Chance to confuse
Hits targeted enemy, then all enemies
Chance to stun

Chance to lower Defense

Chance to remove buffs

Chance to Stun

Chance to lock Skills

Invulnerable for 1 round

Chance to sleep
Chance to lower attack
Chance to lower defense
Chance to stun

Part of damage is absorbed

Chance to stun
Chance to confuse

Chance to lower attack

Heals and removes all status debuffs
Chance to lower Defense

Chance to stun

Deals physical and magical damage

Deals physical and magical damage

Chance to sleep

Chance to stun

Chance to stun
Chance to paralyze
Chance to paralyze
Chance to paralyze
Part of damage is absorbed
Chance to paralyze

Lowers own attack

Massive Physical Fire damage to a Single Enemy
Chance to lower accuracy

Chance to lower speed

Chance to poison
Chance to stun
Name AP Target Attribute Type
Heavy Strike I 2 Single Null Physical
Heavy Strike II 2 Single Null Physical
Heavy Strike III 3 Single Null Physical
Heavy Strike IV 3 Single Null Physical
Heavy Strike V 3 Single Null Physical
Racing Rush I 2 All Null Physical
Racing Rush II 2 All Null Physical
Racing Rush III 3 All Null Physical
Racing Rush IV 3 All Null Physical
Racing Rush V 3 All Null Physical
Firebomb I 2 Single Fire Physical
Firebomb II 2 Single Fire Physical
Firebomb III 3 Single Fire Physical
Firebomb IV 3 Single Fire Physical
Firebomb V 3 Single Fire Physical
Meteor Fall I 2 All Fire Physical
Meteor Fall II 2 All Fire Physical
Meteor Fall III 3 All Fire Physical
Meteor Fall IV 3 All Fire Physical
Meteor Fall V 3 All Fire Physical
Ice Archery I 2 Single Water Physical
Ice Archery II 2 Single Water Physical
Ice Archery III 3 Single Water Physical
Ice Archery IV 3 Single Water Physical
Ice Archery V 3 Single Water Physical
Galestorm I 2 All Water Physical
Galestorm II 2 All Water Physical
Galestorm III 3 All Water Physical
Galestorm IV 3 All Water Physical
Galestorm V 3 All Water Physical
Comet Hammer I 2 Single Nature Physical
Comet Hammer II 2 Single Nature Physical
Comet Hammer III 3 Single Nature Physical
Comet Hammer IV 3 Single Nature Physical
Comet Hammer V 3 Single Nature Physical
Sonic Void I 2 All Nature Physical
Sonic Void II 2 All Nature Physical
Sonic Void III 3 All Nature Physical
Sonic Void IV 3 All Nature Physical
Sonic Void V 3 All Nature Physical
Nanomachine Break I 2 Single Thunder Physical
Nanomachine Break II 2 Single Thunder Physical
Nanomachine Break III 3 Single Thunder Physical
Nanomachine Break IV 3 Single Thunder Physical
Nanomachine Break V 3 Single Thunder Physical
Thunderbolt I 2 All Thunder Physical
Thunderbolt II 2 All Thunder Physical
Thunderbolt III 3 All Thunder Physical
Thunderbolt IV 3 All Thunder Physical
Thunderbolt V 3 All Thunder Physical
Saintly Smash I 2 Single Light Physical
Saintly Smash II 2 Single Light Physical
Saintly Smash III 3 Single Light Physical
Saintly Smash IV 3 Single Light Physical
Saintly Smash V 3 Single Light Physical
Crescent Leaf I 2 All Light Physical
Crescent Leaf II 2 All Light Physical
Crescent Leaf III 3 All Light Physical
Crescent Leaf IV 3 All Light Physical
Crescent Leaf V 3 All Light Physical
Destroyer Cannon I 2 Single Darkness Physical
Destroyer Cannon II 2 Single Darkness Physical
Destroyer Cannon III 3 Single Darkness Physical
Destroyer Cannon IV 3 Single Darkness Physical
Destroyer Cannon V 3 Single Darkness Physical
Runic Forest I 2 All Darkness Physical
Runic Forest II 2 All Darkness Physical
Runic Forest III 3 All Darkness Physical
Runic Forest IV 3 All Darkness Physical
Runic Forest V 3 All Darkness Physical
Powerful Energy I 2 Single Null Magical
Powerful Energy II 2 Single Null Magical
Powerful Energy III 3 Single Null Magical
Powerful Energy IV 3 Single Null Magical
Powerful Energy V 3 Single Null Magical
Energy Rush I 2 All Null Magical
Energy Rush II 2 All Null Magical
Energy Rush III 3 All Null Magical
Energy Rush IV 3 All Null Magical
Energy Rush V 3 All Null Magical
Volcanic Napalm I 2 All Fire Magical
Volcanic Napalm II 2 All Fire Magical
Volcanic Napalm III 3 All Fire Magical
Volcanic Napalm IV 3 All Fire Magical
Volcanic Napalm V 3 All Fire Magical
Burst of Flames I 2 Single Fire Magical
Burst of Flames II 2 Single Fire Magical
Burst of Flames III 3 Single Fire Magical
Burst of Flames IV 3 Single Fire Magical
Burst of Flames V 3 Single Fire Magical
Hydrokinesis I 2 Single Water Magical
Hydrokinesis II 2 Single Water Magical
Hydrokinesis III 3 Single Water Magical
Hydrokinesis IV 3 Single Water Magical
Hydrokinesis V 3 Single Water Magical
Ocean Wave I 2 All Water Magical
Ocean Wave II 2 All Water Magical
Ocean Wave III 3 All Water Magical
Ocean Wave IV 3 All Water Magical
Ocean Wave V 3 All Water Magical
Gaia's Wrath I 2 Single Nature Magical
Gaia's Wrath II 2 Single Nature Magical
Gaia's Wrath III 3 Single Nature Magical
Gaia's Wrath IV 3 Single Nature Magical
Gaia's Wrath V 3 Single Nature Magical
Avalanche I 2 All Nature Magical
Avalanche II 2 All Nature Magical
Avalanche III 3 All Nature Magical
Avalanche IV 3 All Nature Magical
Avalanche V 3 All Nature Magical
Heaven's Thunder I 2 Single Thunder Magical
Heaven's Thunder II 2 Single Thunder Magical
Heaven's Thunder III 3 Single Thunder Magical
Heaven's Thunder IV 3 Single Thunder Magical
Heaven's Thunder V 3 Single Thunder Magical
Electric Cloud I 2 All Thunder Magical
Electric Cloud II 2 All Thunder Magical
Electric Cloud III 3 All Thunder Magical
Electric Cloud IV 3 All Thunder Magical
Electric Cloud V 3 All Thunder Magical
Celestial Light I 2 Single Light Magical
Celestial Light II 2 Single Light Magical
Celestial Light III 3 Single Light Magical
Celestial Light IV 3 Single Light Magical
Celestial Light V 3 Single Light Magical
Shining Laser I 2 All Light Magical
Shining Laser II 2 All Light Magical
Shining Laser III 3 All Light Magical
Shining Laser IV 3 All Light Magical
Shining Laser V 3 All Light Magical
Nightmare I 2 Single Darkness Magical
Nightmare II 2 Single Darkness Magical
Nightmare III 3 Single Darkness Magical
Nightmare IV 3 Single Darkness Magical
Nightmare V 3 Single Darkness Magical
Hades Crusher I 2 All Darkness Magical
Hades Crusher II 2 All Darkness Magical
Hades Crusher III 3 All Darkness Magical
Hades Crusher IV 3 All Darkness Magical
Hades Crusher V 3 All Darkness Magical
Drain Attack I 2 Single Null Physical
Drain Attack II 2 Single Null Physical
Drain Attack III 3 Single Null Physical
Drain Attack IV 3 Single Null Physical
Drain Attack V 3 Single Null Physical
Drain Magic I 2 Single Null Magical
Drain Magic II 2 Single Null Magical
Drain Magic III 3 Single Null Magical
Drain Magic IV 3 Single Null Magical
Drain Magic V 3 Single Null Magical
Boost Attack I 2 Single - Buff
Boost Attack II 2 Single - Buff
Boost Attack III 2 Single - Buff
Boost Attack IV 2 Single - Buff
Boost Attack V 3 Single - Buff
Boost All Attack I 2 All - Buff
Boost All Attack II 2 All - Buff
Boost All Attack III 2 All - Buff
Boost All Attack IV 2 All - Buff
Boost All Attack V 3 All - Buff
Lower Attack I 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Attack II 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Attack III 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Attack IV 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Attack V 3 Single - Debuff
Lower All Attack I 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Attack II 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Attack III 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Attack IV 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Attack V 3 All - Debuff
Boost Defense I 2 Single - Buff
Boost Defense II 2 Single - Buff
Boost Defense III 2 Single - Buff
Boost Defense IV 2 Single - Buff
Boost Defense V 3 Single - Buff
Boost All Defense I 2 All - Buff
Boost All Defense II 2 All - Buff
Boost All Defense III 2 All - Buff
Boost All Defense IV 2 All - Buff
Boost All Defense V 3 All - Buff
Lower Defense I 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Defense II 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Defense III 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Defense IV 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Defense V 3 Single - Debuff
Lower All Defense I 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Defense II 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Defense III 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Defense IV 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Defense V 3 All - Debuff
Boost S-Attack I 2 Single - Buff
Boost S-Attack II 2 Single - Buff
Boost S-Attack III 2 Single - Buff
Boost S-Attack IV 2 Single - Buff
Boost S-Attack V 3 Single - Buff
Boost All S-Attack I 2 All - Buff
Boost All S-Attack II 2 All - Buff
Boost All S-Attack III 2 All - Buff
Boost All S-Attack IV 2 All - Buff
Boost All S-Attack V 3 All - Buff
Lower S-Attack I 2 Single - Debuff
Lower S-Attack II 2 Single - Debuff
Lower S-Attack III 2 Single - Debuff
Lower S-Attack IV 2 Single - Debuff
Lower S-Attack V 3 Single - Debuff
Lower All S-Attack I 2 All - Debuff
Lower All S-Attack II 2 All - Debuff
Lower All S-Attack III 2 All - Debuff
Lower All S-Attack IV 2 All - Debuff
Lower All S-Attack V 3 All - Debuff
Boost S-Defense I 2 Single - Buff
Boost S-Defense II 2 Single - Buff
Boost S-Defense III 2 Single - Buff
Boost S-Defense IV 2 Single - Buff
Boost S-Defense V 3 Single - Buff
Boost All S-Defense I 2 All - Buff
Boost All S-Defense II 2 All - Buff
Boost All S-Defense III 2 All - Buff
Boost All S-Defense IV 2 All - Buff
Boost All S-Defense V 3 All - Buff
Lower S-Defense I 2 Single - Debuff
Lower S-Defense II 2 Single - Debuff
Lower S-Defense III 2 Single - Debuff
Lower S-Defense IV 2 Single - Debuff
Lower S-Defense V 3 Single - Debuff
Lower All S-Defense I 2 All - Debuff
Lower All S-Defense II 2 All - Debuff
Lower All S-Defense III 2 All - Debuff
Lower All S-Defense IV 2 All - Debuff
Lower All S-Defense V 3 All - Debuff
Boost Speed I 2 Single - Buff
Boost Speed II 2 Single - Buff
Boost Speed III 2 Single - Buff
Boost Speed IV 2 Single - Buff
Boost Speed V 3 Single - Buff
Boost All Speed I 2 All - Buff
Boost All Speed II 2 All - Buff
Boost All Speed III 2 All - Buff
Boost All Speed IV 2 All - Buff
Boost All Speed V 3 All - Buff
Lower Speed I 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Speed II 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Speed III 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Speed IV 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Speed V 3 Single - Debuff
Lower All Speed I 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Speed II 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Speed III 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Speed IV 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Speed V 3 All - Debuff
Boost Accuracy I 2 Single - Buff
Boost Accuracy II 2 Single - Buff
Boost Accuracy III 2 Single - Buff
Boost Accuracy IV 2 Single - Buff
Boost Accuracy V 3 Single - Buff
Lower Accuracy I 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Accuracy II 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Accuracy III 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Accuracy IV 2 Single - Debuff
Lower Accuracy V 3 Single - Debuff
Boost All Accuracy I 2 All - Buff
Boost All Accuracy II 2 All - Buff
Boost All Accuracy III 2 All - Buff
Boost All Accuracy IV 2 All - Buff
Boost All Accuracy V 3 All - Buff
Lower All Accuracy I 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Accuracy II 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Accuracy III 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Accuracy IV 2 All - Debuff
Lower All Accuracy V 3 All - Debuff
Clear Skill 2 Single - Restore
Reset Skill 2 Single - Debuff
Clear All Skills 3 All - Restore
Reset All Skills 3 All - Debuff
Heal I 1 Single - Restore
Heal II 2 Single - Restore
Heal III 3 Single - Restore
Heal IV 3 Single - Restore
Heal V 3 Single - Restore
Physical Counter 3 Single - Buff
Special Counter 3 Single - Buff
Acceleration Boost 2 Single - Buff
Stun 2 Single - Debuff
Super Stun 3 Single - Debuff
Ultra Stun 3 Single - Debuff
Stun All 2 All - Debuff
Super Stun All 3 All - Debuff
Ultra Stun All 3 All - Debuff
Paralyze All 3 All - Debuff
Super Paralyze All 3 All - Debuff
Ultra Paralyze All 2 All - Debuff
Paralyze 2 Single - Debuff
Super Paralyze 3 Single - Debuff
Ultra Paralyze 3 Single - Debuff
Skill Lock 2 Single - Debuff
Super Lock 3 Single - Debuff
Ultra Lock 3 Single - Debuff
Lock All Skills 2 All - Debuff
Super Lock All 3 All - Debuff
Ultra Lock All 3 All - Debuff
Poison 2 Single - Debuff
Super Poison 3 Single - Debuff
Ultra Poison 3 Single - Debuff
Poison All 2 All - Debuff
Super Poison All 3 All - Debuff
Ultra Poison All 3 All - Debuff
Sleep 2 Single - Debuff
Super Sleep 3 Single - Debuff
Ultra Sleep 3 Single - Debuff
Sleep All 2 All - Debuff
Super Sleep All 3 All - Debuff
Ultra Sleep All 3 All - Debuff
Panic 2 Single - Debuff
Super Panic 3 Single - Debuff
Ultra Panic 3 Single - Debuff
Panic All 2 All - Debuff
Super Panic All 3 All - Debuff
Ultra Panic All 3 All - Debuff
Death 5 Single - Debuff
Clear Skill Lock 2 Single - Restore
Clear Stun 2 Single - Restore
Clear Paralysis 2 Single - Restore
Clear Poison 2 Single - Restore
Clear Sleep 2 Single - Restore
Clear Confusion 2 Single - Restore
Clear All Status Abnormalities 2 Single - Restore
Power Hit % Description
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
100 85 Damage
120 85 Damage
200 90 Damage
300 90 Damage
500 90 Damage
50 82 Damage
60 82 Damage
100 87 Damage
150 87 Damage
250 87 Damage
70 85 Part of dmg is absorbed
100 85 Part of dmg is absorbed
160 90 Part of dmg is absorbed
250 90 Part of dmg is absorbed
450 90 Part of dmg is absorbed
70 85 Part of dmg is absorbed
100 85 Part of dmg is absorbed
160 90 Part of dmg is absorbed
250 90 Part of dmg is absorbed
450 90 Part of dmg is absorbed
0 85 Boost attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost attack for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost attack for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease attack for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease attack for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost defense for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost defense for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease defense for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease defense for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost s-attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost s-attack for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost s-attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost s-attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost s-attack for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost s-attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost s-attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost s-attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost s-attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost s-attack of allies for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease s-attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease s-attack for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease s-attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease s-attack for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease s-attack for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease of s-attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease of s-attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease of s-attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease of s-attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease of s-attack of enemies for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost s-defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost s-defense for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost s-defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost s-defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost s-defense for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost to s-defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost to s-defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost to s-defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost to s-defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost to s-defense of allies for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease of s-defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease of s-defense for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease of s-defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease of s-defense for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease of s-defense for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease of s-defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease of s-defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease of s-defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease of s-defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease of s-defense of enemies for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost speed for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost speed for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost speed for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost speed for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost speed for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost speed of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost speed of allies for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost speed of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost speed of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost speed of allies for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease speed for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease speed for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease speed for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease speed for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease speed for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease speed of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease speed of enemies for 3 rounds
0 95 Decrease speed of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease speed of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease speed of enemies for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost accuracy for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost accuracy for 3 rounds
0 95 Boost accuracy for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost accuracy for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost accuracy for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease accuracy for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease accuracy for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease accuracy for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease accuracy for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease accuracy for 3 rounds
0 85 Boost accuracy of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost accuracy of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost accuracy of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost accuracy of allies for 3 rounds
0 90 Boost accuracy of allies for 3 rounds
0 85 Decrease accuracy of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease accuracy of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease accuracy of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease accuracy of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Decrease accuracy of enemies for 3 rounds
0 90 Remove debuffs from an ally
0 90 Remove buffs from an enemy
0 90 Remove debuffs from all allies
0 90 Remove buffs from all enemies
0 100 Restore HP of an ally
0 100 Restore HP of an ally
0 100 Restore HP of an ally
0 100 Restore HP of an ally
0 100 Restore HP of an ally
0 90 Counter physical attacks for 3 rounds
0 90 Counter magical attacks for 3 rounds
0 90 Charge for 1 round then double ATK and S-ATK
0 80 Stun an enemy
0 85 Stun an enemy
0 90 Stun an enemy
0 40 Stun all enemies
0 45 Stun all enemies
0 50 Stun all enemies
0 30 Paralyze all enemies for 1 rounds
0 35 Paralyze all enemies for 2 rounds
0 40 Paralyze all enemies for 2 rounds
0 85 Paralyze an enemy for 2 rounds
0 85 Paralyze an enemy for 3 rounds
0 90 Paralyze an enemy for 3 rounds
0 75 Lock skills for 2 rounds
0 75 Lock skills for 3 rounds
0 80 Lock skills for 3 rounds
0 25 Lock enemies' skills for 1 rounds
0 25 Lock enemies' skills for 2 rounds
0 30 Lock enemies' skills for 2 rounds
0 85 Poison an enemy for 3 rounds
0 85 Poison an enemy for 3 rounds
0 90 Poison an enemy for 3 rounds
0 35 Chance to Poison All enemies for 2 rounds
0 35 Chance to Poison All enemies for 3 rounds
0 40 Chance to Poison All enemies for 4 rounds
0 40 Chance to Sleep a Single Enemy for 2 rounds
0 45 Chance to Sleep a Single Enemy for 3 rounds
0 50 Chance to Sleep a Single Enemy for 4 rounds
0 15 Sleep all enemies for 2 rounds
0 20 Sleep all enemies for 2 rounds
0 25 Sleep all enemies for 2 rounds
0 75 Confuse an enemy (40% confusion chance, 2 rounds)
0 75 Confuse an enemy (50% confusion chance, 3 rounds)
0 80 Confuse an enemy (60% confusion chance, 3 rounds)
0 25 Confuse enemies (40% confusion chance, 1 round)
0 30 Confuse enemies (50% confusion chance, 2 rounds)
0 35 Confuse enemies (60% confusion chance, 2 rounds)
0 30 Chance to cause Instant Death
0 100 Remove Skill Lock
0 100 Remove Stun from a Single Ally
0 100 Remove Paralysis from a Single Ally
0 100 Remove Poison from a Single Ally
0 100 Remove Sleep from a Single Ally
0 100 Remove Confusion from a Single Ally
0 100 Remove All status abnormalities from a Single Ally
Awaken +0
Stage V1 Fuel V2 Fuel V3 Fuel V4 Fuel Mega Fuel Clusters To awaken you need a spot open in y
Champion 8 3 - - - 600 research and select two megas. The
what the rookie will be (it will be the
Ultimate 24 20 7 6 - 2700
awaken them). Also important to keep
Mega - - 20 17 7 9000 partner. On top of this all chips will b
Total 32 23 27 23 7 12300 them) and medals get passed down (
frmo the base but this could be wrong
digimon to research it will show you t
Awaken +1 digimon as a stage after rookie, it w
Stage V1 Fuel V2 Fuel V3 Fuel V4 Fuel Mega Fuel Clusters awakening level). The jump from +0 t
Champion 12 5 - - - 1000 everything except health
Ultimate 36 30 11 9 - 4500
Mega - - 30 26 11 15000
Total 48 35 41 35 11 20500
Awakening is not a bad idea, and the jum
stat boost that will make events much eas
Awaken +2 very serious grind to get all of the medals,
Stage V1 Fuel V2 Fuel V3 Fuel V4 Fuel Mega Fuel Clusters not go beyond +2. (Anyone who tells you
realize how long it takes to get ev
Champion 16 6 - - - 2000
Ultimate 48 40 14 12 - 9000
Mega - - 40 34 14 30000 Awaken +4
Total 64 46 54 46 14 41000 Stage V1 Fuel V2 Fuel
Champion 24 9
Awaken +3 Ultimate 72 60
Stage V1 Fuel V2 Fuel V3 Fuel V4 Fuel Mega Fuel Clusters Mega - -
Champion 24 9 - - - 3000 Total 96 69
Ultimate 72 60 21 18 - 13500
Mega - - 60 51 21 45000 Stage V1 Fuel V2 Fuel
Total 96 69 81 69 21 61500 Total 336 242
u need a spot open in your garden then go to
select two megas. The base mega determines
kie will be (it will be the same every time you
Also important to keep in mind, you will lost the
op of this all chips will be removed (you keep
edals get passed down (to my knowledge only
but this could be wrong). After you select both
earch it will show you the result (if you got the
stage after rookie, it will only show you the
el). The jump from +0 to +4 will almost double
erything except health and speed.

ot a bad idea, and the jump to +1 is a pretty decent

ill make events much easier. Going further can be a
d to get all of the medals, so I suggest casual players
+2. (Anyone who tells you it is not a grind, does not
ow long it takes to get even 34 V4 medals.)

Awaken +4
V3 Fuel V4 Fuel Mega Fuel Clusters
- - - 5000
21 18 - 22500
60 51 21 75000
81 69 21 102500

V3 Fuel V4 Fuel Mega Fuel Clusters

284 242 74 237800
Stage: Purpose
Area 3-3 Typically for friendship grinding. Best stage for 2 stamina.
Area 6-1 A personal favorite. Three runs and a rookie is level 10.
Area 8-4 Best xp mission. Its the highest xp for 3 stamina.
Area 17-1 This is a pretty easy area, and gives 6 to 9 friendship per run .
Area 19-5 This gives the best xp of any stage, but its 5 stamina per run.
Daily Quest: Easy Farm this for 1.0 digi fuel (ideally with very low luck)
Daily Quest: Hard Farm this for 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 digi fuel

The stages above are my preferences. Some are widely accepted like 3-3 and 8-4, but its what
works best for you. 8-1 is easier than 8-4 and only gives a little less xp. Grind areas that work
for you. A good thing to note is that 3-3 only costs 2, thanks to load times you can grind that
almost infinitely so it isn't a bad idea to switch over to that even if its only half the xp of 8-4.
Also, I would avoid grinding the 5 stamina until your resteraunt is leveled up a bit.

Also, be sure to upgrade your meat farm as you can. It is not near as important as the
resteraunt, but being able to check your phone every 3 hours beats every 30 minutes. Plus
after sleeping it'll go much further.

23 meat takes a rookie to level 10, and 229 takes a champions to 30. At 100xp per run of 8-4,
that's 22 runs (typically since you'll get xp as a reward on occasion it could be more or less) to
get a champion to max level at awaken 0. This gets worse when they become awakened which
is why meat becomes so important, only 10 saves you one run and as a result it can save you A
LOT of time.

As mentioned on the "Stats" sheet as well, states that max friendship increases
all stats by 10%. Lets look at Wargreymon, who everyone can get. He caps, at +0, at 3312
attack. That means at max friendship its an increase of 331 attack, which is more than a grade
A attribute chip will give you. Even though digimon that are not summoned with stones cap at
5 chip slots so you shouldn't take them to +4, a +0 max friendship Wargreymon with his AoE
attack will take you a very long way for farming purposes. (Also, if you bought the mega
bundle, the mega you choose has 10 chip slots so do not worry).

Digi fuel is best farmed from dailies. To get the gold 4.0 fuel you need to farm it on hard.
Because this is costly for stamina, try to bring a few digimon with decent luck because the
drop is not 100%. To get mega fragments you need to farm the advent events as they come
around. Also by the time you get enough 4.0, you'll have gotten more than enough 2.0 and
3.0 (you get plenty of each on hard).
Chips ..and more Chips
If you go to your list of digimon and hit switch a few times, Sorry I can't really do a tl;dr for this. It
you'll find that one screen says "no chips installed" and has a goes kinda in-depth to answer any
bunch of slots. As you might have guessed, these slots are potential questions and I attempted to
filled with chips, you're welcome. really explain this stuff since it can get
confusing. So I made a quick table of
details you need to know about chips.
These chips are something you can get through captures that I
find very much worth it. The boost from friendship is massive,
well so is the boost from chips and they can take you farther. Chip Details
In particular they can take a stat from Omegamon +0 and 1. Chips enhance one particular stat
make it even with the base of Omegamon +1 (which if you
check their stats, is a large jump). 1* There is a letter that determines size
1** Currently, "A" is the largest
2. Some are attribute specific
These are by no means a requirement. I just like the idea that 2* They give a small boost to any type
my AoE mega I use for farming, or my ST mega I use for advent
quests will not, with max friendship as well, have the attack 2** They just boost their attribute more
stat of their awakened +2 base form. Both of those on things 2** These are currently strongest
on Omega can take him to well over 4000 atk at awaken +0. So 3. Chips must be captured with stones
for my playstyle of not awakening, that is a HUGE deal (since
the jump in awakening is very large). 4. Chips will be removed with research
4* Any removed are given back to you
4** Currently, no other way to remove
Do not be overly stingy with chips, but at the same time, make 5. Digimon from captures have 10 slots
sure you are. You can only get them by spending stones on 5* Link captures only have 5 slots
captures (eventually they may give away some if we're lucky)
which makes them expensive since that could be more
digimon (potentialy awakened with a little luck and the right
banner). However, you will get them back if you do research
on your mega. The downside is that as of now that is the only
way to remove them. But if you plan to keep a mega around a
long time, I say go for it. Just remember if you use a weak chip
now, then get a better one you can not switch them.
more Chips
y do a tl;dr for this. It
epth to answer any
ns and I attempted to
s stuff since it can get
made a quick table of
to know about chips.

e one particular stat
r that determines size
"A" is the largest
attribute specific
mall boost to any type
st their attribute more
currently strongest
captured with stones
moved with research
are given back to you
other way to remove
aptures have 10 slots
es only have 5 slots
Chip Name Effect & Description G F
Attack Boost Increased atk 100 120
Defense Boost Increased def 100 120
S-Attack Boost Increased satk 100 120
S-Defense Boost Increased sdef 100 120
Speed Boost Increased spd 6 8
HP Boost Increased HP 50 100
Attribute Atk Boost atk, more if same attribute 50 (+70) 60 (+80)
Attribute Def Boost def, more if same attribute 50 (+70) 60 (+80)
Attribute SAtk Boost satk, more if same attribute 50 (+70) 60 (+80)
Attribute SDef Boost sdef, more if same attribute 50 (+70) 60 (+80)
Attribute Spd Boost spd, more if same attribute 3 (+ 4) 4 (+ 5)
Attribute HP Boost HP, more if same attribute 20 (+50) 40 (+100)
Limit Break: ATK ATK + when HP is below 20% -- --
Limit Break: DEF DEF + when HP is below 20% -- --
Limit Break: S-ATK S-ATK + when HP is below 20% -- --
Limit Break: S-DEF S-DEF + when HP is below 20% -- --
Limit Break: SPD SPD + when HP is below 20% -- --
140 160 200 220 250 300
140 160 200 220 250 300
140 160 200 220 250 300
140 160 200 220 250 300
Ten 12 14 16 18 20
150 200 250 300 350 400
70 (+90) 80 (+110) 100 (+140) 110 (+150) 130 (+ 170) 150 (+210)
70 (+90) 80 (+110) 100 (+140) 110 (+150) 130 (+ 170) 150 (+210)
70 (+90) 80 (+110) 100 (+140) 110 (+150) 130 (+ 170) 150 (+210)
70 (+90) 80 (+110) 100 (+140) 110 (+150) 130 (+ 170) 150 (+210)
5 (+7) 6 (+8) 7 (+9) 8 (+ 11) 9 (+12) 10 (+14)
60 (+150) 80 (+200) 100 (+250) 120 (+300) 140 (+350) 160 (+400)
-- -- 400 440 500 600
-- -- 400 440 500 600
-- -- 400 440 500 600
-- -- 400 440 500 600
-- -- 24 27 30 34
Attack Types
Type Strong against Resisted by Weak to
Null/Mirage Nothing Nothing Bright, Darkness
Fire/Blazing Water, Electric Fire Water, Electric
Water/Glacier Fire, Electric Water Fire, Nature
Thunder/Electric Fire, Nature Electric Water, Nature
Nature/Earth Water, Electric, Light Nature Fire, Electric
Light/Bright Null, Darkness Light Nature, Darkness
Darkness/Abyss Null, Bright Darkness Fire, Bright

Status Effects
Type Resists Weak to
Null/Mirage Skill Lock, Paralysis Poison, Stun
Fire/Blazing Sleep Stun, Paralysis
Water/Glacier Skill Lock Sleep, Confusion
Thunder/Electric Poison Sleep, Paralysis
Nature/Earth Stun Skill Lock, Poison
Light/Bright Confusion Poison, Instant Death
Darkness/Abyss Poison Skill Lock, Instant Death

Luck Upgrade Luck Cap Limit
To upgrade your luck, you need to enhance a digimon
Stage Chance Awaken Luck digimon of the same attribute. The chance in the left
Rookie 5% 0 50 upon the stage of the digimon you use to enhance (N
Champion 35% 1 60 DIGIMON). Keep in mind the digimon being used to
be lost.
Ultimate 70% 2 70
Mega 100% 3 100
I believe the luck stat influences drop rates with d
4 100 returns. So at first it will make a huge difference a
approach the cap it makes less, this is not confirmed
notice when I run a team of several megas with at lea
very rarely don't get a 4.0 fuel from daily quests
Attack Types: Digimon Types:
Null Mirage
Fire Blazing
Water Glacier
Thunder Electric
Nature Earth
Light Bright
Darkness Abyss
*why attack types are not consistent with digimon types,
I do not know

To boost a digimons resistance, go to "Resist Upgrade" through

training in the digivice. This works the same way as enhancing,
where the base gets a bonus and you lose the partner. To do
this you must use a partner that is the same digimon as the
base (highly recomended to use rookies). The resistance you
get is random, and could even be for one of your weaknesses,
negating it entirely (this is usually the goal). I don't suggest
doing this unless you won't be awakening the digimon again
since it'll lose it from research.

ou need to enhance a digimon with another You can also get the ever elusive "luck boost," which
ttribute. The chance in the left table is based nets you an extra of the gold drop for that
digimon you use to enhance (NOT THE BASE stage/event (at least mine was always the gold, it
nd the digimon being used to enhance will very well could also give you a normal drop). These
be lost. are definitely more frequent at high luck, and rare
with lower luck.
at influences drop rates with diminishing
t will make a huge difference and as you It takes some work to boost luck, so typically don't
akes less, this is not confirmed though. I do try until you can farm easily. On the upside it DOES
m of several megas with at least a few luck I NOT reset on awakening. So I suggest trying as
et a 4.0 fuel from daily quests on hard. often as you can afford, it can really help.
Digimon Name Awakening Attribute Max HP Max ATK
Alphamon 0 Bright 2216 3150
Alphamon 1 Bright 2371 3673
Alphamon 2 Bright 2408 4004
Alphamon 3 Bright 2566 4676
Alphamon 4 Bright 2640 5234
BanchoLeomon 0 Nature 2216 3312
BanchoLeomon 1 Nature 2371 3846
BanchoLeomon 2 Nature 2408 4176
BanchoLeomon 3 Nature 2566 4859
BanchoLeomon 4 Nature 2640 5416
Barbamon 0 Abyss 2216 2148
Barbamon 1 Abyss 2371 2575
Barbamon 2 Abyss 2408 2872
Barbamon 3 Abyss 2566 3464
Barbamon 4 Abyss 2640 3970
Beelzemon 0 Abyss 2438 3866
Beelzemon 1 Abyss 2609 4457
Beelzemon 2 Abyss 2646 4813
Beelzemon 3 Abyss 2818 5540
Beelzemon 4 Abyss 2897 6135
Belphemon RM 0 Abyss 2216 3436
Belphemon RM 1 Abyss 2371 3986
Belphemon RM 2 Abyss 2408 4327
Belphemon RM 3 Abyss 2566 5021
Belphemon RM 4 Abyss 2640 5594
Belphemon SM 0 Abyss 2216 2864
Belphemon SM 1 Abyss 2371 3359
Belphemon SM 2 Abyss 2408 3680
Belphemon SM 3 Abyss 2566 4329
Belphemon SM 4 Abyss 2640 4873
BlackWarGreymon 0 Fire 2216 3204
BlackWarGreymon 1 Fire 2371 3726
BlackWarGreymon 2 Fire 2408 4051
BlackWarGreymon 3 Fire 2566 4723
BlackWarGreymon 4 Fire 2640 5273
Boltmon 0 Electric 2216 3342
Boltmon 1 Electric 2371 3876
Boltmon 2 Electric 2408 4206
Boltmon 3 Electric 2566 4889
Boltmon 4 Electric 2640 5446
ChaosGallantmon 0 Abyss 2216 3293
ChaosGallantmon 1 Abyss 2371 3830
ChaosGallantmon 2 Abyss 2408 4166
ChaosGallantmon 3 Abyss 2566 4848
ChaosGallantmon 4 Abyss 2640 5414
Cherubimon (Good) 0 Bright 2216 2864
Cherubimon (Good) 1 Bright 2371 3359
Cherubimon (Good) 2 Bright 2408 3680
Cherubimon (Good) 3 Bright 2566 4329
Cherubimon (Good) 4 Bright 2640 4873
Craniamon 0 Nature 2615 3037
Craniamon 1 Nature 2798 3544
Craniamon 2 Nature 2835 3865
Craniamon 3 Nature 3020 4527
Craniamon 4 Nature 3101 5071
Creepymon 0 Abyss 2216 3207
Creepymon 1 Abyss 2371 3735
Creepymon 2 Abyss 2408 4068
Creepymon 3 Abyss 2566 4744
Creepymon 4 Abyss 2640 5306
Diaboromon 0 Abyss 2216 3293
Diaboromon 1 Abyss 2371 3830
Diaboromon 2 Abyss 2408 4166
Diaboromon 3 Abyss 2566 4848
Diaboromon 4 Abyss 2640 5414
Dianamon 0 Water 2216 2928
Dianamon 1 Water 2371 3424
Dianamon 2 Water 2408 3740
Dianamon 3 Water 2566 4391
Dianamon 4 Water 2640 4927
Dynasmon 0 Null 2548 3619
Dynasmon 1 Null 2726 4178
Dynasmon 2 Null 2763 4517
Dynasmon 3 Null 2945 5222
Dynasmon 4 Null 3024 5793
Ebemon 0 Electric 2216 2485
Ebemon 1 Electric 2371 2940
Ebemon 2 Electric 2408 3243
Ebemon 3 Electric 2566 3862
Ebemon 4 Electric 2640 4379
Examon 0 Fire 2548 3864
Examon 1 Fire 2726 4450
Examon 2 Fire 2763 4798
Examon 3 Fire 2945 5524
Examon 4 Fire 3024 6108
Gaiomon 0 Fire 2216 3312
Gaiomon 1 Fire 2371 3846
Gaiomon 2 Fire 2408 4176
Gaiomon 3 Fire 2566 4859
Gaiomon 4 Fire 2640 5416
Gallantmon 0 Bright 2216 3379
Gallantmon 1 Bright 2371 3924
Gallantmon 2 Bright 2408 4262
Gallantmon 3 Bright 2566 4952
Gallantmon 4 Bright 2640 5523
Gallantmon CM 0 Fire 2039 3726
Gallantmon CM 1 Fire 2181 4300
Gallantmon CM 2 Fire 2218 4643
Gallantmon CM 3 Fire 2364 5358
Gallantmon CM 4 Fire 2435 5935
Gankoomon 0 Fire 2881 3312
Gankoomon 1 Fire 3083 3846
Gankoomon 2 Fire 3120 4176
Gankoomon 3 Fire 3323 4859
Gankoomon 4 Fire 3409 5416
GranKuwagamon 0 Null 2659 2760
GranKuwagamon 1 Null 2845 3242
GranKuwagamon 2 Null 2882 3554
GranKuwagamon 3 Null 3071 4194
GranKuwagamon 4 Null 3152 4724
GroundLocomon 0 Electric 2216 2760
GroundLocomon 1 Electric 2371 3242
GroundLocomon 2 Electric 2408 3554
GroundLocomon 3 Electric 2566 4194
GroundLocomon 4 Electric 2640 4724
HerculesKabuterimon 0 Nature 2460 2070
HerculesKabuterimon 1 Nature 2631 2488
HerculesKabuterimon 2 Nature 2668 2777
HerculesKabuterimon 3 Nature 2843 3363
HerculesKabuterimon 4 Nature 2922 3859
HiAndromon 0 Electric 2216 2760
HiAndromon 1 Electric 2371 3242
HiAndromon 2 Electric 2408 3554
HiAndromon 3 Electric 2566 4194
HiAndromon 4 Electric 2640 4724
Imperialdramon DM 0 Fire 2548 2070
Imperialdramon DM 1 Fire 2726 2488
Imperialdramon DM 2 Fire 2763 2777
Imperialdramon DM 3 Fire 2945 3363
Imperialdramon DM 4 Fire 3024 3859
Imperialdramon FM 0 Null 2216 3312
Imperialdramon FM 1 Null 2371 3846
Imperialdramon FM 2 Null 2408 4176
Imperialdramon FM 3 Null 2566 4859
Imperialdramon FM 4 Null 2640 5416
Imperialdramon PM 0 Bright 2216 3469
Imperialdramon PM 1 Bright 2371 4019
Imperialdramon PM 2 Bright 2408 4360
Imperialdramon PM 3 Bright 2566 5054
Imperialdramon PM 4 Bright 2640 5627
Jesmon 0 Null 1950 3950
Jesmon 1 Null 2087 4540
Jesmon 2 Null 2124 4890
Jesmon 3 Null 2262 5621
Jesmon 4 Null 2332 6208
Justimon 0 Bright 1773 2520
Justimon 1 Bright 1897 2983
Justimon 2 Bright 1934 3292
Justimon 3 Bright 2060 3914
Justimon 4 Bright 2128 4439
Kentaurosmon 0 Bright 1551 2181
Kentaurosmon 1 Bright 1660 2608
Kentaurosmon 2 Bright 1697 2905
Kentaurosmon 3 Bright 1808 3497
Kentaurosmon 4 Bright 1872 4003
Kuzuhamon 0 Abyss 2216 2897
Kuzuhamon 1 Abyss 2371 3392
Kuzuhamon 2 Abyss 2408 3713
Kuzuhamon 3 Abyss 2566 4362
Kuzuhamon 4 Abyss 2640 4906
Leopardmon 0 Bright 1994 2291
Leopardmon 1 Bright 2134 2732
Leopardmon 2 Bright 2171 3033
Leopardmon 3 Bright 2313 3637
Leopardmon 4 Bright 2384 4151
Leopardmon LM 0 Nature 2327 3619
Leopardmon LM 1 Nature 2490 4178
Leopardmon LM 2 Nature 2527 4517
Leopardmon LM 3 Nature 2692 5222
Leopardmon LM 4 Nature 2768 5793
Leviamon 0 Water 2615 3864
Leviamon 1 Water 2798 4450
Leviamon 2 Water 2835 4798
Leviamon 3 Water 3020 5524
Leviamon 4 Water 3101 6108
Lilithmon 0 Abyss 1839 2005
Lilithmon 1 Abyss 1968 2418
Lilithmon 2 Abyss 2005 2709
Lilithmon 3 Abyss 2136 3292
Lilithmon 4 Abyss 2205 3790
LordKnightmon 0 Abyss 2105 2148
LordKnightmon 1 Abyss 2252 2575
LordKnightmon 2 Abyss 2289 2872
LordKnightmon 3 Abyss 2440 3464
LordKnightmon 4 Abyss 2512 3970
Lotosmon 0 Nature 2216 2515
Lotosmon 1 Nature 2371 2970
Lotosmon 2 Nature 2408 3273
Lotosmon 3 Nature 2566 3892
Lotosmon 4 Nature 2640 4409
Lucemon SM 0 Abyss 2216 2578
Lucemon SM 1 Abyss 2371 3045
Lucemon SM 2 Abyss 2408 3356
Lucemon SM 3 Abyss 2566 3984
Lucemon SM 4 Abyss 2640 4512
Machinedramon 0 Electric 2216 2485
Machinedramon 1 Electric 2371 2940
Machinedramon 2 Electric 2408 3243
Machinedramon 3 Electric 2566 3862
Machinedramon 4 Electric 2640 4379
Magnadramon 0 Bright 2216 2864
Magnadramon 1 Bright 2371 3359
Magnadramon 2 Bright 2408 3680
Magnadramon 3 Bright 2566 4329
Magnadramon 4 Bright 2640 4873
Magnamon 0 Null 2438 2208
Magnamon 1 Null 2609 2638
Magnamon 2 Null 2646 2932
Magnamon 3 Null 2818 3529
Magnamon 4 Null 2897 4032
MarineAngemon 0 Water 2881 1933
MarineAngemon 1 Water 3083 2336
MarineAngemon 2 Water 3120 2621
MarineAngemon 3 Water 3323 3197
MarineAngemon 4 Water 3409 3687
Mastemon 0 Null 2216 3174
Mastemon 1 Null 2371 3696
Mastemon 2 Null 2408 4021
Mastemon 3 Null 2566 4693
Mastemon 4 Null 2640 5243
MegaGargomon 0 Electric 2216 2622
MegaGargomon 1 Electric 2371 3092
MegaGargomon 2 Electric 2408 3399
MegaGargomon 3 Electric 2566 4028
MegaGargomon 4 Electric 2640 4551
MetalEtemon 0 Nature 2216 2485
MetalEtemon 1 Nature 2371 2940
MetalEtemon 2 Nature 2408 3243
MetalEtemon 3 Nature 2566 3862
MetalEtemon 4 Nature 2640 4379
MetalGarurumon 0 Electric 1773 2459
MetalGarurumon 1 Electric 1897 2910
MetalGarurumon 2 Electric 1934 3211
MetalGarurumon 3 Electric 2060 3825
MetalGarurumon 4 Electric 2128 4339
MetalGarurumon (Black) 0 Electric 2216 2760
MetalGarurumon (Black) 1 Electric 2371 3242
MetalGarurumon (Black) 2 Electric 2408 3554
MetalGarurumon (Black) 3 Electric 2566 4194
MetalGarurumon (Black) 4 Electric 2640 4724
MetalSeadramon 0 Water 2216 2790
MetalSeadramon 1 Water 2371 3272
MetalSeadramon 2 Water 2408 3584
MetalSeadramon 3 Water 2566 4224
MetalSeadramon 4 Water 2640 4754
Minervamon 0 Null 1773 2429
Minervamon 1 Null 1897 2880
Minervamon 2 Null 1934 3181
Minervamon 3 Null 2060 3795
Minervamon 4 Null 2128 4309
MirageGaogamon 0 Bright 1994 3039
MirageGaogamon 1 Bright 2134 3549
MirageGaogamon 2 Bright 2171 3875
MirageGaogamon 3 Bright 2313 4535
MirageGaogamon 4 Bright 2384 5086
MirageGaogamon BM 0 Bright 2105 3469
MirageGaogamon BM 1 Bright 2252 4019
MirageGaogamon BM 2 Bright 2289 4360
MirageGaogamon BM 3 Bright 2440 5054
MirageGaogamon BM 4 Bright 2512 5627
Omegamon 0 Bright 2216 3436
Omegamon 1 Bright 2371 3986
Omegamon 2 Bright 2408 4327
Omegamon 3 Bright 2566 5021
Omegamon 4 Bright 2640 5594
Omegamon Alter-B 0 Abyss 2327 3866
Omegamon Alter-B 1 Abyss 2490 4457
Omegamon Alter-B 2 Abyss 2527 4813
Omegamon Alter-B 3 Abyss 2692 5540
Omegamon Alter-B 4 Abyss 2768 6135
Omegamon Zwart 0 Abyss 2039 3408
Omegamon Zwart 1 Abyss 2181 3956
Omegamon Zwart 2 Abyss 2218 4295
Omegamon Zwart 3 Abyss 2364 4986
Omegamon Zwart 4 Abyss 2435 5558
Omegamon Zwart D 0 Abyss 2105 4009
Omegamon Zwart D 1 Abyss 2252 4614
Omegamon Zwart D 2 Abyss 2289 4974
Omegamon Zwart D 3 Abyss 2440 5713
Omegamon Zwart D 4 Abyss 2512 6316
Ophanimon 0 Bright 2105 2291
Ophanimon 1 Bright 2252 2732
Ophanimon 2 Bright 2289 3033
Ophanimon 3 Bright 2440 3637
Ophanimon 4 Bright 2512 4151
Phoenixmon 0 Fire 2216 2485
Phoenixmon 1 Fire 2371 2940
Phoenixmon 2 Fire 2408 3243
Phoenixmon 3 Fire 2566 3862
Phoenixmon 4 Fire 2640 4379
Piedmon 0 Abyss 2216 3436
Piedmon 1 Abyss 2371 3986
Piedmon 2 Abyss 2408 4327
Piedmon 3 Abyss 2566 5021
Piedmon 4 Abyss 2640 5594
PlatinumNumemon 0 Null 2438 2346
PlatinumNumemon 1 Null 2609 2790
PlatinumNumemon 2 Null 2646 3088
PlatinumNumemon 3 Null 2818 3696
PlatinumNumemon 4 Null 2897 4205
Plesiomon 0 Water 2216 2485
Plesiomon 1 Water 2371 2940
Plesiomon 2 Water 2408 3243
Plesiomon 3 Water 2566 3862
Plesiomon 4 Water 2640 4379
PrinceMamemon 0 Null 2438 2376
PrinceMamemon 1 Null 2609 2820
PrinceMamemon 2 Null 2646 3118
PrinceMamemon 3 Null 2818 3726
PrinceMamemon 4 Null 2897 4235
Puppetmon 0 Nature 2216 2485
Puppetmon 1 Nature 2371 2940
Puppetmon 2 Nature 2408 3243
Puppetmon 3 Nature 2566 3862
Puppetmon 4 Nature 2640 4379
Ravemon 0 Electric 1773 2429
Ravemon 1 Electric 1897 2880
Ravemon 2 Electric 1934 3181
Ravemon 3 Electric 2060 3795
Ravemon 4 Electric 2128 4309
Ravemon BM 0 Electric 1884 3037
Ravemon BM 1 Electric 2016 3544
Ravemon BM 2 Electric 2053 3865
Ravemon BM 3 Electric 2187 4527
Ravemon BM 4 Electric 2256 5071
Rosemon 0 Nature 2216 2928
Rosemon 1 Nature 2371 3424
Rosemon 2 Nature 2408 3740
Rosemon 3 Nature 2566 4391
Rosemon 4 Nature 2640 4927
Rosemon BM 0 Nature 2283 2816
Rosemon BM 1 Nature 2442 3302
Rosemon BM 2 Nature 2479 3616
Rosemon BM 3 Nature 2641 4261
Rosemon BM 4 Nature 2717 4794
RustTyranomon 0 Electric 2216 3174
RustTyranomon 1 Electric 2371 3696
RustTyranomon 2 Electric 2408 4021
RustTyranomon 3 Electric 2566 4693
RustTyranomon 4 Electric 2640 5243
SaberLeomon 0 Nature 1994 2928
SaberLeomon 1 Nature 2134 3424
SaberLeomon 2 Nature 2171 3740
SaberLeomon 3 Nature 2313 4391
SaberLeomon 4 Nature 2384 4927
Sakuyamon 0 Bright 2216 2611
Sakuyamon 1 Bright 2371 3078
Sakuyamon 2 Bright 2408 3389
Sakuyamon 3 Bright 2566 4017
Sakuyamon 4 Bright 2640 4545
Seraphimon 0 Bright 2216 2578
Seraphimon 1 Bright 2371 3045
Seraphimon 2 Bright 2408 3356
Seraphimon 3 Bright 2566 3984
Seraphimon 4 Bright 2640 4512
ShineGreymon 0 Bright 2216 3469
ShineGreymon 1 Bright 2371 4019
ShineGreymon 2 Bright 2408 4360
ShineGreymon 3 Bright 2566 5054
ShineGreymon 4 Bright 2640 5627
ShineGreymon BM 0 Fire 2548 3839
ShineGreymon BM 1 Fire 2726 4420
ShineGreymon BM 2 Fire 2763 4766
ShineGreymon BM 3 Fire 2945 5488
ShineGreymon BM 4 Fire 3024 6069
Slayerdramon 0 Fire 2216 3342
Slayerdramon 1 Fire 2371 3876
Slayerdramon 2 Fire 2408 4206
Slayerdramon 3 Fire 2566 4889
Slayerdramon 4 Fire 2640 5446
Susanoomon 0 Bright 2393 3813
Susanoomon 1 Bright 2561 4396
Susanoomon 2 Bright 2598 4749
Susanoomon 3 Bright 2767 5469
Susanoomon 4 Bright 2845 6060
TigerVespamon 0 Electric 2216 3204
TigerVespamon 1 Electric 2371 3726
TigerVespamon 2 Electric 2408 4051
TigerVespamon 3 Electric 2566 4723
TigerVespamon 4 Electric 2640 5273
Titamon 0 Nature 2216 3342
Titamon 1 Nature 2371 3876
Titamon 2 Nature 2408 4206
Titamon 3 Nature 2566 4889
Titamon 4 Nature 2640 5446
UlforceVeedramon 0 Bright 1773 4009
UlforceVeedramon 1 Bright 1897 4614
UlforceVeedramon 2 Bright 1934 4974
UlforceVeedramon 3 Bright 2060 5713
UlforceVeedramon 4 Bright 2128 6316
VenomMyotismon 0 Abyss 2216 3436
VenomMyotismon 1 Abyss 2371 3986
VenomMyotismon 2 Abyss 2408 4327
VenomMyotismon 3 Abyss 2566 5021
VenomMyotismon 4 Abyss 2640 5594
Vikemon 0 Water 2659 2760
Vikemon 1 Water 2845 3242
Vikemon 2 Water 2882 3554
Vikemon 3 Water 3071 4194
Vikemon 4 Water 3152 4724
WarGreymon 0 Fire 2216 3312
WarGreymon 1 Fire 2371 3846
WarGreymon 2 Fire 2408 4176
WarGreymon 3 Fire 2566 4859
WarGreymon 4 Fire 2640 5416
Max DEF Max SATK Max SDef Speed Hp Inc Atk Inc Def Inc Satk Inc
3067 3150 3037 94 -- -- -- --
3574 3673 3544 94 6.99% 16.60% 16.53% 16.60%
3895 4004 3865 101 1.56% 9.01% 8.98% 9.01%
4557 4676 4527 101 6.56% 16.78% 17.00% 16.78%
5101 5234 5071 108 2.88% 11.93% 11.94% 11.93%
2790 2485 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3272 2940 2940 117 6.99% 16.12% 17.28% 18.31%
3584 3243 3243 126 1.56% 8.58% 9.54% 10.31%
4224 3862 3862 126 6.56% 16.36% 17.86% 19.09%
4754 4379 4379 135 2.88% 11.46% 12.55% 13.39%
2760 3756 3312 111 -- -- -- --
3242 4333 3846 111 6.99% 19.88% 17.46% 15.36%
3554 4684 4176 120 1.56% 11.53% 9.62% 8.10%
4194 5401 4859 120 6.56% 20.61% 18.01% 15.31%
4724 5989 5416 128 2.88% 14.61% 12.64% 10.89%
2760 2038 1933 158 -- -- -- --
3242 2451 2336 158 7.01% 15.29% 17.46% 20.26%
3554 2742 2621 170 1.42% 7.99% 9.62% 11.87%
4194 3325 3197 170 6.50% 15.10% 18.01% 21.26%
4724 3823 3687 182 2.80% 10.74% 12.64% 14.98%
2760 2611 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3242 3078 2940 117 6.99% 16.01% 17.46% 17.89%
3554 3389 3243 126 1.56% 8.55% 9.62% 10.10%
4194 4017 3862 126 6.56% 16.04% 18.01% 18.53%
4724 4545 4379 135 2.88% 11.41% 12.64% 13.14%
2485 2611 3312 117 -- -- -- --
2940 3078 3846 117 6.99% 17.28% 18.31% 17.89%
3243 3389 4176 126 1.56% 9.56% 10.31% 10.10%
3862 4017 4859 126 6.56% 17.64% 19.09% 18.53%
4379 4545 5416 135 2.88% 12.57% 13.39% 13.14%
2898 2485 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3394 2940 2940 117 6.99% 16.29% 17.12% 18.31%
3710 3243 3243 126 1.56% 8.72% 9.31% 10.31%
4361 3862 3862 126 6.56% 16.59% 17.55% 19.09%
4897 4379 4379 135 2.88% 11.65% 12.29% 13.39%
2760 2485 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3242 2940 2940 117 6.99% 15.98% 17.46% 18.31%
3554 3243 3243 126 1.56% 8.51% 9.62% 10.31%
4194 3862 3862 126 6.56% 16.24% 18.01% 19.09%
4724 4379 4379 135 2.88% 11.39% 12.64% 13.39%
2485 3326 2485 105 -- -- -- --
2940 3863 2940 105 6.99% 16.31% 18.31% 16.15%
3243 4199 3243 113 1.56% 8.77% 10.31% 8.70%
3862 4881 3862 113 6.56% 16.37% 19.09% 16.24%
4379 5447 4379 122 2.88% 11.67% 13.39% 11.60%
2515 2578 3312 117 -- -- -- --
2970 3045 3846 117 6.99% 17.28% 18.09% 18.11%
3273 3356 4176 126 1.56% 9.56% 10.20% 10.21%
3892 3984 4859 126 6.56% 17.64% 18.91% 18.71%
4409 4512 5416 135 2.88% 12.57% 13.28% 13.25%
3480 2291 2318 117 -- -- -- --
4028 2729 2759 117 7.00% 16.69% 15.75% 19.12%
4362 3026 3056 126 1.32% 9.06% 8.29% 10.88%
5056 3629 3662 126 6.53% 17.13% 15.91% 19.93%
5619 4136 4170 135 2.68% 12.02% 11.14% 13.97%
2485 3469 2485 126 -- -- -- --
2940 4019 2940 126 6.99% 16.46% 18.31% 15.85%
3243 4360 3243 136 1.56% 8.92% 10.31% 8.48%
3862 5054 3862 136 6.56% 16.62% 19.09% 15.92%
4379 5627 4379 146 2.88% 11.85% 13.39% 11.34%
2485 3293 2515 105 -- -- -- --
2940 3830 2970 105 6.99% 16.31% 18.31% 16.31%
3243 4166 3273 113 1.56% 8.77% 10.31% 8.77%
3862 4848 3892 113 6.56% 16.37% 19.09% 16.37%
4379 5414 4409 122 2.88% 11.67% 13.39% 11.67%
2760 2898 2760 105 -- -- -- --
3242 3394 3242 105 6.99% 16.94% 17.46% 17.12%
3554 3710 3554 113 1.56% 9.23% 9.62% 9.31%
4194 4361 4194 113 6.56% 17.41% 18.01% 17.55%
4724 4897 4724 122 2.88% 12.21% 12.64% 12.29%
2760 1933 2015 154 -- -- -- --
3242 2336 2427 154 6.99% 15.45% 17.46% 20.85%
3554 2621 2715 166 1.36% 8.11% 9.62% 12.20%
4194 3197 3297 166 6.59% 15.61% 18.01% 21.98%
4724 3687 3790 178 2.68% 10.93% 12.64% 15.33%
2485 3204 2898 117 -- -- -- --
2940 3726 3394 117 6.99% 18.31% 18.31% 16.29%
3243 4051 3710 126 1.56% 10.31% 10.31% 8.72%
3862 4723 4361 126 6.56% 19.09% 19.09% 16.59%
4379 5273 4897 135 2.88% 13.39% 13.39% 11.65%
2928 1933 2208 140 -- -- -- --
3424 2336 2638 140 6.99% 15.17% 16.94% 20.85%
3740 2621 2932 151 1.36% 7.82% 9.23% 12.20%
4391 3197 3529 151 6.59% 15.13% 17.41% 21.98%
4927 3687 4032 162 2.68% 10.57% 12.21% 15.33%
2760 2515 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3242 2970 2940 117 6.99% 16.12% 17.46% 18.09%
3554 3273 3243 126 1.56% 8.58% 9.62% 10.20%
4194 3892 3862 126 6.56% 16.36% 18.01% 18.91%
4724 4409 4379 135 2.88% 11.46% 12.64% 13.28%
2625 3379 2346 123 -- -- -- --
3091 3924 2790 123 6.99% 16.13% 17.75% 16.13%
3397 4262 3088 132 1.56% 8.61% 9.90% 8.61%
4025 4952 3696 132 6.56% 16.19% 18.49% 16.19%
4547 5523 4205 142 2.88% 11.53% 12.97% 11.53%
2981 2346 2790 129 -- -- -- --
3484 2790 3272 129 6.96% 15.41% 16.87% 18.93%
3803 3088 3584 139 1.70% 7.98% 9.16% 10.68%
4460 3696 4224 139 6.58% 15.40% 17.28% 19.69%
5001 4205 4754 149 3.00% 10.77% 12.13% 13.77%
2760 2346 2376 117 -- -- -- --
3242 2790 2820 117 7.01% 16.12% 17.46% 18.93%
3554 3088 3118 126 1.20% 8.58% 9.62% 10.68%
4194 3696 3726 126 6.51% 16.36% 18.01% 19.69%
4724 4205 4235 135 2.59% 11.46% 12.64% 13.77%
2760 2515 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3242 2970 2940 117 7.00% 17.46% 17.46% 18.09%
3554 3273 3243 126 1.30% 9.62% 9.62% 10.20%
4194 3892 3862 126 6.56% 18.01% 18.01% 18.91%
4724 4409 4379 135 2.64% 12.64% 12.64% 13.28%
3342 2760 2346 111 -- -- -- --
3876 3242 2790 111 6.99% 17.46% 15.98% 17.46%
4206 3554 3088 120 1.56% 9.62% 8.51% 9.62%
4889 4194 3696 120 6.56% 18.01% 16.24% 18.01%
5446 4724 4205 128 2.88% 12.64% 11.39% 12.64%
3149 2429 3119 117 -- -- -- --
3665 2880 3635 117 6.95% 20.19% 16.39% 18.57%
3989 3181 3959 126 1.41% 11.62% 8.84% 10.45%
4657 3795 4627 126 6.56% 21.10% 16.75% 19.30%
5204 4309 5174 135 2.78% 14.75% 11.75% 13.54%
3342 2485 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3876 2940 2940 117 6.99% 17.46% 15.98% 18.31%
4206 3243 3243 126 1.56% 9.62% 8.51% 10.31%
4889 3862 3862 126 6.56% 18.01% 16.24% 19.09%
5446 4379 4379 135 2.88% 12.64% 11.39% 13.39%
3174 2376 3174 111 -- -- -- --
3696 2820 3696 111 6.99% 20.19% 16.45% 18.69%
4021 3118 4021 120 1.36% 11.62% 8.79% 10.57%
4693 3726 4693 120 6.59% 21.10% 16.71% 19.50%
5243 4235 5243 128 2.68% 14.75% 11.72% 13.66%
2790 2485 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3272 2940 2940 117 6.99% 16.12% 17.28% 18.31%
3584 3243 3243 126 1.56% 8.58% 9.54% 10.31%
4224 3862 3862 126 6.56% 16.36% 17.86% 19.09%
4754 4379 4379 135 2.88% 11.46% 12.55% 13.39%
2898 2721 2898 123 -- -- -- --
3394 3203 3394 123 6.99% 15.85% 17.12% 17.71%
3710 3519 3710 132 1.56% 8.48% 9.31% 9.87%
4361 4156 4361 132 6.56% 15.92% 17.55% 18.10%
4897 4692 4897 142 2.88% 11.34% 12.29% 12.90%
2485 2208 2208 164 -- -- -- --
2940 2638 2638 164 7.03% 14.94% 18.31% 19.47%
3243 2932 2932 176 1.77% 7.71% 10.31% 11.14%
3862 3529 3529 176 6.50% 14.95% 19.09% 20.36%
4379 4032 4032 189 3.09% 10.44% 13.39% 14.25%
2846 2520 2816 164 -- -- -- --
3332 2983 3302 164 6.99% 18.37% 17.08% 18.37%
3646 3292 3616 176 1.95% 10.36% 9.42% 10.36%
4291 3914 4261 176 6.51% 18.89% 17.69% 18.89%
4824 4439 4794 189 3.30% 13.41% 12.42% 13.41%
3037 3436 3037 158 -- -- -- --
3544 3986 3544 158 7.03% 19.58% 16.69% 16.01%
3865 4327 3865 170 2.23% 11.39% 9.06% 8.55%
4527 5021 4527 170 6.54% 20.38% 17.13% 16.04%
5071 5594 5071 182 3.54% 14.47% 12.02% 11.41%
2485 2578 3312 117 -- -- -- --
2940 3045 3846 117 6.99% 17.09% 18.31% 18.11%
3243 3356 4176 126 1.56% 9.46% 10.31% 10.21%
3862 3984 4859 126 6.56% 17.48% 19.09% 18.71%
4379 4512 5416 135 2.88% 12.47% 13.39% 13.25%
2485 3527 2843 158 -- -- -- --
2940 4082 3333 158 7.02% 19.25% 18.31% 15.74%
3243 4425 3648 170 1.73% 11.02% 10.31% 8.40%
3862 5124 4294 170 6.54% 19.91% 19.09% 15.80%
4379 5700 4828 182 3.07% 14.13% 13.39% 11.24%
2485 1933 2070 176 -- -- -- --
2940 2336 2488 176 7.00% 15.45% 18.31% 20.85%
3243 2621 2777 189 1.49% 8.11% 10.31% 12.20%
3862 3197 3363 189 6.53% 15.61% 19.09% 21.98%
4379 3687 3859 203 2.82% 10.93% 13.39% 15.33%
2898 2070 2294 117 -- -- -- --
3394 2488 2728 117 7.00% 15.17% 17.12% 20.19%
3710 2777 3024 126 1.32% 7.82% 9.31% 11.62%
4361 3363 3626 126 6.53% 15.13% 17.55% 21.10%
4897 3859 4132 135 2.68% 10.57% 12.29% 14.75%
2485 3612 3312 154 -- -- -- --
2940 4177 3846 154 7.01% 20.60% 18.31% 15.64%
3243 4523 4176 166 1.88% 12.03% 10.31% 8.28%
3862 5227 4859 166 6.53% 21.52% 19.09% 15.56%
4379 5808 5416 178 3.23% 15.13% 13.39% 11.12%
2622 3469 2622 164 -- -- -- --
3092 4019 3092 164 6.98% 19.88% 17.93% 15.85%
3399 4360 3399 176 1.64% 11.53% 9.93% 8.48%
4028 5054 4028 176 6.60% 20.61% 18.51% 15.92%
4551 5627 4551 189 2.95% 14.61% 12.98% 11.34%
2485 3312 2760 117 -- -- -- --
2940 3846 3242 117 6.99% 18.09% 18.31% 16.12%
3243 4176 3554 126 1.56% 10.20% 10.31% 8.58%
3862 4859 4194 126 6.56% 18.91% 19.09% 16.36%
4379 5416 4724 135 2.88% 13.28% 13.39% 11.46%
2485 3469 2760 117 -- -- -- --
2940 4019 3242 117 6.99% 18.11% 18.31% 15.85%
3243 4360 3554 126 1.56% 10.21% 10.31% 8.48%
3862 5054 4194 126 6.56% 18.71% 19.09% 15.92%
4379 5627 4724 135 2.88% 13.25% 13.39% 11.34%
3312 2790 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3846 3272 2940 117 6.99% 18.31% 16.12% 17.28%
4176 3584 3243 126 1.56% 10.31% 8.58% 9.54%
4859 4224 3862 126 6.56% 19.09% 16.36% 17.86%
5416 4754 4379 135 2.88% 13.39% 11.46% 12.55%
2515 2578 3312 117 -- -- -- --
2970 3045 3846 117 6.99% 17.28% 18.09% 18.11%
3273 3356 4176 126 1.56% 9.56% 10.20% 10.21%
3892 3984 4859 126 6.56% 17.64% 18.91% 18.71%
4409 4512 5416 135 2.88% 12.57% 13.28% 13.25%
3312 2790 3312 105 -- -- -- --
3846 3272 3846 105 7.01% 19.47% 16.12% 17.28%
4176 3584 4176 113 1.42% 11.14% 8.58% 9.54%
4859 4224 4859 113 6.50% 20.36% 16.36% 17.86%
5416 4754 5416 122 2.80% 14.25% 11.46% 12.55%
2238 3037 2208 152 -- -- -- --
2668 3544 2638 152 7.01% 20.85% 19.21% 16.69%
2962 3865 2932 164 1.20% 12.20% 11.02% 9.06%
3559 4527 3529 164 6.51% 21.98% 20.16% 17.13%
4062 5071 4032 176 2.59% 15.33% 14.13% 12.02%
2515 3174 2485 105 -- -- -- --
2970 3696 2940 105 6.99% 16.45% 18.09% 16.45%
3273 4021 3243 113 1.56% 8.79% 10.20% 8.79%
3892 4693 3862 113 6.56% 16.71% 18.91% 16.71%
4409 5243 4379 122 2.88% 11.72% 13.28% 11.72%
3204 2346 3174 105 -- -- -- --
3726 2790 3696 105 6.99% 17.93% 16.29% 18.93%
4051 3088 4021 113 1.56% 9.93% 8.72% 10.68%
4723 3696 4693 113 6.56% 18.51% 16.59% 19.69%
5273 4205 5243 122 2.88% 12.98% 11.65% 13.77%
3312 2790 2515 117 -- -- -- --
3846 3272 2970 117 6.99% 18.31% 16.12% 17.28%
4176 3584 3273 126 1.56% 10.31% 8.58% 9.54%
4859 4224 3892 126 6.56% 19.09% 16.36% 17.86%
5416 4754 4409 135 2.88% 13.39% 11.46% 12.55%
2816 2429 2816 164 -- -- -- --
3302 2880 3302 164 6.99% 18.34% 17.26% 18.57%
3616 3181 3616 176 1.95% 10.34% 9.51% 10.45%
4261 3765 4261 176 6.51% 19.12% 17.84% 18.36%
4794 4309 4794 189 3.30% 13.44% 12.51% 14.45%
3312 2515 2515 117 -- -- -- --
3846 2970 2970 117 6.99% 17.46% 16.12% 18.09%
4176 3273 3273 126 1.56% 9.62% 8.58% 10.20%
4859 3892 3892 126 6.56% 18.01% 16.36% 18.91%
5416 4409 4409 135 2.88% 12.64% 11.46% 13.28%
2485 2485 3312 117 -- -- -- --
2940 2940 3846 117 6.99% 17.28% 18.31% 18.31%
3243 3243 4176 126 1.56% 9.54% 10.31% 10.31%
3862 3862 4859 126 6.56% 17.86% 19.09% 19.09%
4379 4379 5416 135 2.88% 12.55% 13.39% 13.39%
2710 2459 2710 164 -- -- -- --
3183 2910 3183 164 6.99% 18.57% 17.45% 18.34%
3488 3211 3488 176 1.95% 10.45% 9.58% 10.34%
4123 3825 4123 176 6.51% 19.30% 18.21% 19.12%
4642 4339 4642 189 3.30% 13.54% 12.59% 13.44%
2346 3006 2346 152 -- -- -- --
2790 3516 2790 152 7.02% 16.78% 18.93% 16.97%
3088 3842 3088 164 1.73% 9.19% 10.68% 9.27%
3696 4502 3696 164 6.54% 17.03% 19.69% 17.18%
4205 5053 4205 176 3.07% 12.15% 13.77% 12.24%
2485 2864 2429 154 -- -- -- --
2940 3359 2880 154 6.98% 15.85% 18.31% 17.28%
3243 3680 3181 166 1.64% 8.48% 10.31% 9.56%
3862 4329 3795 166 6.60% 15.92% 19.09% 17.64%
4379 4873 4309 178 2.95% 11.34% 13.39% 12.57%
3067 3436 2208 117 -- -- -- --
3574 3986 2638 117 6.99% 16.01% 16.53% 16.01%
3895 4327 2932 126 1.56% 8.55% 8.98% 8.55%
4557 5021 3529 126 6.56% 16.04% 17.00% 16.04%
5101 5594 4032 135 2.88% 11.41% 11.94% 11.41%
2485 3039 2346 129 -- -- -- --
2940 3549 2790 129 7.00% 15.29% 18.31% 16.78%
3243 3875 3088 139 1.49% 7.99% 10.31% 9.19%
3862 4535 3696 139 6.53% 15.10% 19.09% 17.03%
4379 5086 4205 149 2.82% 10.74% 13.39% 12.15%
3037 3408 2238 129 -- -- -- --
3544 3956 2668 129 6.96% 16.08% 16.69% 16.08%
3865 4295 2962 139 1.70% 8.57% 9.06% 8.57%
4527 4986 3559 139 6.58% 16.09% 17.13% 16.09%
5071 5558 4062 149 3.00% 11.47% 12.02% 11.47%
2070 3039 2015 166 -- -- -- --
2488 3549 2427 166 6.98% 15.09% 20.19% 16.78%
2777 3875 2715 179 1.64% 7.80% 11.62% 9.19%
3363 4535 3297 179 6.60% 14.86% 21.10% 17.03%
3859 5086 3790 192 2.95% 10.55% 14.75% 12.15%
2928 3293 2898 117 -- -- -- --
3424 3830 3394 117 6.98% 19.25% 16.94% 16.31%
3740 4166 3710 126 1.64% 11.02% 9.23% 8.77%
4391 4848 4361 126 6.60% 19.91% 17.41% 16.37%
4927 5414 4897 135 2.95% 14.13% 12.21% 11.67%
2515 3312 2760 117 -- -- -- --
2970 3846 3242 117 6.99% 18.31% 18.09% 16.12%
3273 4176 3554 126 1.56% 10.31% 10.20% 8.58%
3892 4859 4194 126 6.56% 19.09% 18.91% 16.36%
4409 5416 4724 135 2.88% 13.39% 13.28% 11.46%
2760 2611 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3242 3078 2940 117 6.99% 16.01% 17.46% 17.89%
3554 3389 3243 126 1.56% 8.55% 9.62% 10.10%
4194 4017 3862 126 6.56% 16.04% 18.01% 18.53%
4724 4545 4379 135 2.88% 11.41% 12.64% 13.14%
3055 2376 3055 105 -- -- -- --
3561 2820 3561 105 7.01% 18.93% 16.56% 18.69%
3876 3118 3876 113 1.42% 10.68% 8.85% 10.57%
4537 3726 4537 113 6.50% 19.69% 17.05% 19.50%
5072 4235 5072 122 2.80% 13.77% 11.79% 13.66%
2515 3312 2760 117 -- -- -- --
2970 3846 3242 117 6.99% 18.31% 18.09% 16.12%
3273 4176 3554 126 1.56% 10.31% 10.20% 8.58%
3892 4859 4194 126 6.56% 19.09% 18.91% 16.36%
4409 5416 4724 135 2.88% 13.39% 13.28% 11.46%
3055 2346 3055 105 -- -- -- --
3561 2790 3561 105 7.01% 18.69% 16.56% 18.93%
3876 3088 3876 113 1.42% 10.57% 8.85% 10.68%
4537 3696 4537 113 6.50% 19.50% 17.05% 19.69%
5072 4205 5072 122 2.80% 13.66% 11.79% 13.77%
3312 2790 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3846 3272 2940 117 6.99% 18.31% 16.12% 17.28%
4176 3584 3243 126 1.56% 10.31% 8.58% 9.54%
4859 4224 3862 126 6.56% 19.09% 16.36% 17.86%
5416 4754 4379 135 2.88% 13.39% 11.46% 12.55%
2846 2429 2816 164 -- -- -- --
3332 2880 3302 164 6.99% 18.57% 17.08% 18.57%
3646 3181 3616 176 1.95% 10.45% 9.42% 10.45%
4291 3795 4261 176 6.51% 19.30% 17.69% 19.30%
4824 4309 4794 189 3.30% 13.54% 12.42% 13.54%
2928 2153 2898 166 -- -- -- --
3424 2578 3394 166 7.01% 16.69% 16.94% 19.74%
3740 2870 3710 179 1.84% 9.06% 9.23% 11.33%
4391 3463 4361 179 6.53% 17.13% 17.41% 20.66%
4927 3963 4897 192 3.16% 12.02% 12.21% 14.44%
2760 2898 2760 105 -- -- -- --
3242 3394 3242 105 6.99% 16.94% 17.46% 17.12%
3554 3710 3554 113 1.56% 9.23% 9.62% 9.31%
4194 4361 4194 113 6.56% 17.41% 18.01% 17.55%
4724 4897 4724 122 2.88% 12.21% 12.64% 12.29%
2790 3174 2898 117 -- -- -- --
3272 3696 3394 117 6.96% 17.26% 17.28% 16.45%
3584 4021 3710 126 1.52% 9.51% 9.54% 8.79%
4224 4693 4361 126 6.53% 17.84% 17.86% 16.71%
4754 5243 4897 135 2.88% 12.51% 12.55% 11.72%
2485 3204 2485 105 -- -- -- --
2940 3726 2940 105 6.99% 16.45% 18.31% 16.29%
3243 4051 3243 113 1.56% 8.79% 10.31% 8.72%
3862 4723 3862 113 6.56% 16.71% 19.09% 16.59%
4379 5273 4379 122 2.88% 11.72% 13.39% 11.65%
2346 2898 2346 152 -- -- -- --
2790 3394 2790 152 7.02% 16.94% 18.93% 17.12%
3088 3710 3088 164 1.73% 9.23% 10.68% 9.31%
3696 4361 3696 164 6.54% 17.41% 19.69% 17.55%
4205 4897 4205 176 3.07% 12.21% 13.77% 12.29%
2485 3436 2760 117 -- -- -- --
2940 3986 3242 117 6.99% 17.89% 18.31% 16.01%
3243 4327 3554 126 1.56% 10.10% 10.31% 8.55%
3862 5021 4194 126 6.56% 18.53% 19.09% 16.04%
4379 5594 4724 135 2.88% 13.14% 13.39% 11.41%
2515 2864 3312 117 -- -- -- --
2970 3359 3846 117 6.99% 18.11% 18.09% 17.28%
3273 3680 4176 126 1.56% 10.21% 10.20% 9.56%
3892 4329 4859 126 6.56% 18.71% 18.91% 17.64%
4409 4873 5416 135 2.88% 13.25% 13.28% 12.57%
2760 2578 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3242 3045 2940 117 6.99% 15.85% 17.46% 18.11%
3554 3356 3243 126 1.56% 8.48% 9.62% 10.21%
4194 3984 3862 126 6.56% 15.92% 18.01% 18.71%
4724 4512 4379 135 2.88% 11.34% 12.64% 13.25%
2595 2098 2125 146 -- -- -- --
3061 2517 2548 146 6.99% 15.13% 17.96% 19.97%
3367 2808 2839 158 1.36% 7.83% 10.00% 11.56%
3995 3396 3430 158 6.59% 15.15% 18.65% 20.94%
4517 3894 3928 169 2.68% 10.59% 13.07% 14.66%
2760 2208 2346 135 -- -- -- --
3242 2638 2790 135 6.99% 15.98% 17.46% 19.47%
3554 2932 3088 145 1.56% 8.51% 9.62% 11.14%
4194 3529 3696 145 6.56% 16.24% 18.01% 20.36%
4724 4032 4205 155 2.88% 11.39% 12.64% 14.25%
2898 2434 2622 123 -- -- -- --
3394 2889 3092 123 7.02% 15.29% 17.12% 18.69%
3710 3195 3399 132 1.44% 8.03% 9.31% 10.59%
4361 3810 4028 132 6.51% 15.16% 17.55% 19.25%
4897 4331 4551 142 2.82% 10.81% 12.29% 13.67%
2346 2208 2346 158 -- -- -- --
2790 2638 2790 158 6.99% 16.29% 18.93% 19.47%
3088 2932 3088 170 1.56% 8.72% 10.68% 11.14%
3696 3529 3696 170 6.56% 16.59% 19.69% 20.36%
4205 4032 4205 182 2.88% 11.65% 13.77% 14.25%
2760 2485 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3242 2940 2940 117 6.99% 15.98% 17.46% 18.31%
3554 3243 3243 126 1.56% 8.51% 9.62% 10.31%
4194 3862 3862 126 6.56% 16.24% 18.01% 19.09%
4724 4379 4379 135 2.88% 11.39% 12.64% 13.39%
1963 3150 1933 176 -- -- -- --
2366 3673 2336 176 6.99% 15.09% 20.53% 16.60%
2651 4004 2621 189 1.95% 7.80% 12.05% 9.01%
3227 4676 3197 189 6.51% 14.86% 21.73% 16.78%
3717 5234 3687 203 3.30% 10.55% 15.18% 11.93%
2760 2611 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3242 3078 2940 117 6.99% 16.01% 17.46% 17.89%
3554 3389 3243 126 1.56% 8.55% 9.62% 10.10%
4194 4017 3862 126 6.56% 16.04% 18.01% 18.53%
4724 4545 4379 135 2.88% 11.41% 12.64% 13.14%
2760 2485 2515 117 -- -- -- --
3242 2940 2970 117 7.00% 17.46% 17.46% 18.31%
3554 3243 3273 126 1.30% 9.62% 9.62% 10.31%
4194 3862 3892 126 6.56% 18.01% 18.01% 19.09%
4724 4379 4409 135 2.64% 12.64% 12.64% 13.39%
2790 2485 2485 117 -- -- -- --
3272 2940 2940 117 6.99% 16.12% 17.28% 18.31%
3584 3243 3243 126 1.56% 8.58% 9.54% 10.31%
4224 3862 3862 126 6.56% 16.36% 17.86% 19.09%
4754 4379 4379 135 2.88% 11.46% 12.55% 13.39%
Sdef Inc Spd Inc Avg Inc
-- -- -- Avg Inc is the average increase of all stats,
excluding speed and health. This is because
16.69% 0.00% 16.61% the health increases are not as substantial,
9.06% 7.45% 9.02% typically 100~200 per level. Speed is the
17.13% 0.00% 16.92% same value for 0 and 1, then jumps by
about 10 and is the same value for 2 and 3,
12.02% 6.93% 11.96% then jumps by about 10 again for 4.
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.50%
10.31% 7.69% 9.68%
19.09% 0.00% 18.10%
13.39% 7.14% 12.70%
-- -- --
16.12% 0.00% 17.21%
8.58% 8.11% 9.46%
16.36% 0.00% 17.57%
11.46% 6.67% 12.40%
-- -- --
20.85% 0.00% 18.47%
12.20% 7.59% 10.42%
21.98% 0.00% 19.09%
15.33% 7.06% 13.42%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.42%
10.31% 7.69% 9.65%
19.09% 0.00% 17.92%
13.39% 7.14% 12.65%
-- -- --
16.12% 0.00% 17.40%
8.58% 7.69% 9.64%
16.36% 0.00% 17.90%
11.46% 7.14% 12.64%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.51%
10.31% 7.69% 9.66%
19.09% 0.00% 18.08%
13.39% 7.14% 12.68%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.52%
10.31% 7.69% 9.69%
19.09% 0.00% 18.11%
13.39% 7.14% 12.70%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.27%
10.31% 7.62% 9.52%
19.09% 0.00% 17.70%
13.39% 7.96% 12.51%
-- -- --
16.12% 0.00% 17.40%
8.58% 7.69% 9.64%
16.36% 0.00% 17.90%
11.46% 7.14% 12.64%
-- -- --
19.03% 0.00% 17.65%
10.76% 7.69% 9.75%
19.83% 0.00% 18.20%
13.87% 7.14% 12.75%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.23%
10.31% 7.94% 9.50%
19.09% 0.00% 17.68%
13.39% 7.35% 12.49%
-- -- --
18.09% 0.00% 17.25%
10.20% 7.62% 9.51%
18.91% 0.00% 17.69%
13.28% 7.96% 12.51%
-- -- --
17.46% 0.00% 17.25%
9.62% 7.62% 9.45%
18.01% 0.00% 17.74%
12.64% 7.96% 12.44%
-- -- --
20.45% 0.00% 18.55%
11.87% 7.79% 10.45%
21.44% 0.00% 19.26%
14.95% 7.23% 13.46%
-- -- --
17.12% 0.00% 17.51%
9.31% 7.69% 9.66%
17.55% 0.00% 18.08%
12.29% 7.14% 12.68%
-- -- --
19.47% 0.00% 18.11%
11.14% 7.86% 10.10%
20.36% 0.00% 18.72%
14.25% 7.28% 13.09%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.50%
10.31% 7.69% 9.68%
19.09% 0.00% 18.09%
13.39% 7.14% 12.69%
-- -- --
18.93% 0.00% 17.23%
10.68% 7.32% 9.45%
19.69% 0.00% 17.64%
13.77% 7.58% 12.45%
-- -- --
17.28% 0.00% 17.12%
9.54% 7.75% 9.34%
17.86% 0.00% 17.56%
12.55% 7.19% 12.30%
-- -- --
18.69% 0.00% 17.80%
10.57% 7.69% 9.86%
19.50% 0.00% 18.39%
13.66% 7.14% 12.88%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.83%
10.31% 7.69% 9.94%
19.09% 0.00% 18.50%
13.39% 7.14% 12.99%
-- -- --
18.93% 0.00% 17.46%
10.68% 8.11% 9.61%
19.69% 0.00% 17.99%
13.77% 6.67% 12.61%
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16.54% 0.00% 17.92%
8.91% 7.69% 9.96%
16.87% 0.00% 18.51%
11.82% 7.14% 12.97%
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18.31% 0.00% 17.52%
10.31% 7.69% 9.69%
19.09% 0.00% 18.11%
13.39% 7.14% 12.70%
-- -- --
16.45% 0.00% 17.94%
8.79% 8.11% 9.94%
16.71% 0.00% 18.51%
11.72% 6.67% 12.96%
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18.31% 0.00% 17.50%
10.31% 7.69% 9.68%
19.09% 0.00% 18.10%
13.39% 7.14% 12.70%
-- -- --
17.12% 0.00% 16.95%
9.31% 7.32% 9.24%
17.55% 0.00% 17.28%
12.29% 7.58% 12.20%
-- -- --
19.47% 0.00% 18.05%
11.14% 7.32% 10.08%
20.36% 0.00% 18.69%
14.25% 7.39% 13.08%
-- -- --
17.26% 0.00% 17.77%
9.51% 7.32% 9.91%
17.84% 0.00% 18.33%
12.51% 7.39% 12.94%
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16.69% 0.00% 17.24%
9.06% 7.59% 9.51%
17.13% 0.00% 17.67%
12.02% 7.06% 12.48%
-- -- --
16.12% 0.00% 17.41%
8.58% 7.69% 9.64%
16.36% 0.00% 17.91%
11.46% 7.14% 12.64%
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17.24% 0.00% 17.63%
9.45% 7.59% 9.79%
17.71% 0.00% 18.13%
12.44% 7.06% 12.80%
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20.19% 0.00% 18.70%
11.62% 7.39% 10.56%
21.10% 0.00% 19.44%
14.75% 7.41% 13.60%
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18.92% 0.00% 17.85%
10.85% 7.69% 9.90%
19.91% 0.00% 18.42%
13.95% 7.14% 12.89%
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16.12% 0.00% 17.67%
8.58% 7.79% 9.80%
16.36% 0.00% 18.13%
11.46% 7.23% 12.77%
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17.93% 0.00% 17.90%
9.93% 7.32% 9.97%
18.51% 0.00% 18.39%
12.98% 7.39% 12.98%
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17.46% 0.00% 17.50%
9.62% 7.69% 9.68%
18.01% 0.00% 18.09%
12.64% 7.14% 12.69%
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17.46% 0.00% 17.44%
9.62% 7.69% 9.66%
18.01% 0.00% 17.93%
12.64% 7.14% 12.65%
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18.31% 0.00% 17.50%
10.31% 7.69% 9.68%
19.09% 0.00% 18.10%
13.39% 7.14% 12.70%
-- -- --
16.12% 0.00% 17.40%
8.58% 7.69% 9.64%
16.36% 0.00% 17.90%
11.46% 7.14% 12.64%
-- -- --
16.12% 0.00% 17.25%
8.58% 7.62% 9.46%
16.36% 0.00% 17.73%
11.46% 7.96% 12.43%
-- -- --
19.47% 0.00% 19.06%
11.14% 7.89% 10.86%
20.36% 0.00% 19.91%
14.25% 7.32% 13.93%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.32%
10.31% 7.62% 9.52%
19.09% 0.00% 17.86%
13.39% 7.96% 12.53%
-- -- --
16.45% 0.00% 17.40%
8.79% 7.62% 9.53%
16.71% 0.00% 17.87%
11.72% 7.96% 12.53%
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18.09% 0.00% 17.45%
10.20% 7.69% 9.66%
18.91% 0.00% 18.05%
13.28% 7.14% 12.67%
-- -- --
17.26% 0.00% 17.86%
9.51% 7.32% 9.95%
17.84% 0.00% 18.29%
12.51% 7.39% 13.23%
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18.09% 0.00% 17.44%
10.20% 7.69% 9.65%
18.91% 0.00% 18.05%
13.28% 7.14% 12.67%
-- -- --
16.12% 0.00% 17.50%
8.58% 7.69% 9.68%
16.36% 0.00% 18.10%
11.46% 7.14% 12.70%
-- -- --
17.45% 0.00% 17.95%
9.58% 7.32% 9.99%
18.21% 0.00% 18.71%
12.59% 7.39% 13.04%
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18.93% 0.00% 17.90%
10.68% 7.89% 9.95%
19.69% 0.00% 18.40%
13.77% 7.32% 12.98%
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18.57% 0.00% 17.50%
10.45% 7.79% 9.70%
19.30% 0.00% 17.99%
13.54% 7.23% 12.71%
-- -- --
19.47% 0.00% 17.00%
11.14% 7.69% 9.31%
20.36% 0.00% 17.36%
14.25% 7.14% 12.25%
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18.93% 0.00% 17.33%
10.68% 7.75% 9.54%
19.69% 0.00% 17.73%
13.77% 7.19% 12.51%
-- -- --
19.21% 0.00% 17.02%
11.02% 7.75% 9.30%
20.16% 0.00% 17.37%
14.13% 7.19% 12.27%
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20.45% 0.00% 18.13%
11.87% 7.83% 10.12%
21.44% 0.00% 18.61%
14.95% 7.26% 13.10%
-- -- --
17.12% 0.00% 17.40%
9.31% 7.69% 9.58%
17.55% 0.00% 17.81%
12.29% 7.14% 12.58%
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17.46% 0.00% 17.50%
9.62% 7.69% 9.68%
18.01% 0.00% 18.09%
12.64% 7.14% 12.69%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.42%
10.31% 7.69% 9.65%
19.09% 0.00% 17.92%
13.39% 7.14% 12.65%
-- -- --
16.56% 0.00% 17.68%
8.85% 7.62% 9.74%
17.05% 0.00% 18.32%
11.79% 7.96% 12.75%
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17.46% 0.00% 17.50%
9.62% 7.69% 9.68%
18.01% 0.00% 18.09%
12.64% 7.14% 12.69%
-- -- --
16.56% 0.00% 17.68%
8.85% 7.62% 9.74%
17.05% 0.00% 18.32%
11.79% 7.96% 12.75%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.50%
10.31% 7.69% 9.68%
19.09% 0.00% 18.10%
13.39% 7.14% 12.70%
-- -- --
17.26% 0.00% 17.87%
9.51% 7.32% 9.96%
17.84% 0.00% 18.53%
12.51% 7.39% 13.00%
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17.12% 0.00% 17.62%
9.31% 7.83% 9.73%
17.55% 0.00% 18.19%
12.29% 7.26% 12.74%
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17.46% 0.00% 17.25%
9.62% 7.62% 9.45%
18.01% 0.00% 17.74%
12.64% 7.96% 12.44%
-- -- --
17.12% 0.00% 17.02%
9.31% 7.69% 9.29%
17.55% 0.00% 17.49%
12.29% 7.14% 12.27%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.34%
10.31% 7.62% 9.53%
19.09% 0.00% 17.87%
13.39% 7.96% 12.53%
-- -- --
18.93% 0.00% 17.98%
10.68% 7.89% 9.98%
19.69% 0.00% 18.58%
13.77% 7.32% 13.01%
-- -- --
17.46% 0.00% 17.42%
9.62% 7.69% 9.65%
18.01% 0.00% 17.92%
12.64% 7.14% 12.65%
-- -- --
16.12% 0.00% 17.40%
8.58% 7.69% 9.64%
16.36% 0.00% 17.90%
11.46% 7.14% 12.64%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.44%
10.31% 7.69% 9.66%
19.09% 0.00% 17.93%
13.39% 7.14% 12.65%
-- -- --
19.91% 0.00% 18.24%
11.42% 8.22% 10.20%
20.82% 0.00% 18.89%
14.52% 6.96% 13.21%
-- -- --
18.93% 0.00% 17.96%
10.68% 7.41% 9.99%
19.69% 0.00% 18.57%
13.77% 6.90% 13.01%
-- -- --
17.93% 0.00% 17.26%
9.93% 7.32% 9.47%
18.51% 0.00% 17.62%
12.98% 7.58% 12.44%
-- -- --
18.93% 0.00% 18.40%
10.68% 7.59% 10.31%
19.69% 0.00% 19.08%
13.77% 7.06% 13.36%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.52%
10.31% 7.69% 9.69%
19.09% 0.00% 18.11%
13.39% 7.14% 12.70%
-- -- --
20.85% 0.00% 18.27%
12.20% 7.39% 10.27%
21.98% 0.00% 18.84%
15.33% 7.41% 13.25%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.42%
10.31% 7.69% 9.65%
19.09% 0.00% 17.92%
13.39% 7.14% 12.65%
-- -- --
18.09% 0.00% 17.83%
10.20% 7.69% 9.94%
18.91% 0.00% 18.50%
13.28% 7.14% 12.99%
-- -- --
18.31% 0.00% 17.50%
10.31% 7.69% 9.68%
19.09% 0.00% 18.10%
13.39% 7.14% 12.70%

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