Worked Example Tension - 0

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Worked Example

Performance Check
Tensile Capacity of a Member

Check the capacity of a 120 × 35 MGP12 tension member that is to be used as a 3.5 m
long bottom chord in a girder truss in a restaurant in Jindabyne NSW.

It will be subjected to the following nominal (unfactored) tensile loads:

Permanent actions G = 4.1 kN permanent estimated

Imposed actions - construction loads Qconst = 2.3 kN medium-term estimated
Snow actions (sub alpine) Su = 21.2 kN medium-term estimated
Ultimate wind actions (downwards) Wu ↓= 4.9 kN giving tension in
Wind serviceability (downwards) Ws ↓= 2.4 kN the bottom chord

The connection at each end will use 4 M12 bolts in rows of two bolts placed in 13 mm
diameter holes.

3.5 m

(All Tables and Clauses in < > are found in AS1720.1.)

Strength Limit State Capacity Check

Strength Limit State Load Combinations: from ASNZS 1170.0
Tensile forces in chord under different combinations (N*)
(a) permanent actions 1.35G = 1.35×4.1 = 5.54 kN
(b) 5 day loading (typical of construction) 1.2G + 1.5Q = (1.2×4.1)+(1.5×2.3) = 8.37 kN
(c) Snow actions (sub alpine) 1.2G + Su = (1.2×4.1)+21.2 = 26.12 kN
(d) Ultimate wind actions (downwards) 1.2G + Wu↓ = (1.2×4.1)+4.9 = 9.82 kN

Note: The wind loading on roofs can often lead to two ultimate wind loads - an
upwards wind action and a downward wind action. Here, only the wind action that
gives tension in the chord has been shown. (As we are performing a tension check,
only the downward wind action will be considered here. The upward wind action will
apply compression to the bottom chord and may necessitate a compression check on
the same member.) Because the wind action and the permanent actions are in the
same direction, (both producing tension in the chord), the 1.2 load factor has been
used with the permanent action. Had the permanent action been in an opposite sense
to the wind loads, a 0.9 load factor would have been used with the permanent action.

f 't for MGP12 material = 15 MPa <Table H2.1>

The girder truss accepts load from many other roof trusses and cannot share load with
other trusses. Therefore, all elements in the truss must be regarded as primary
structural elements. Restaurants are normal structures.

Capacity Factor:
φ = 0.75 f 't MGP, primary element, normal structure <Table 2.5>

Modification Factors:

Duration of load factor k1 for each load combination calculated above. <Table 2.7>
(a) k1 = 0.57 permanent actions
(b) k1 = 0.94 5 day loading (typical of construction)
(c) k1 = 0.94 Snow actions (Jindabyne is sub alpine) <>
(d) k1 = 1.00 Ultimate wind actions (downwards)

Seasoned timber in sheltered environment

k4 = 1.0 <2.4.2>

Jindabyne is not in a high temperature zone

k6 = 1.0 <2.4.3>

Size factor for MGP material 120mm deep in tension

k11 = 1.0 < Table H2.4>

Capacity Check:
(φ N t ) =φ k1 k 4 k 6 k11 f 't At <3.4.1>

At is net area - assuming 13 mm holes for the 12 mm bolts

At = d × b – 2(b × Dhole)
At =120 ×35 − 2(35 ×13 ) = 3290 mm

Permanent duration loads (k1 = 0.57)

(φ N t ) = 0.75 ×0.57 ×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0 ×15 ×3290 =21.1× 10 3 N

(a) (φ Nt )= 21.1 kN - to be compared with load combinations involving only

permanent loads ie. 5.5 kN. Capacity OK

5 day duration loads (k1 = 0.94)

(φ N t ) = 0.75 ×0.94 ×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0 ×15 ×3290 = 34.8 × 10 3 N
(b) (φ Nt) = 34.8 kN - to be compared with load combinations involving at least one
medium term load such as construction or maintenance loads ie 8.4 kN. Capacity OK.
(c) (φ Nt) = 34.8 kN - to be compared with load combinations involving only snow
loads ie. 26.1 kN. Capacity OK.

Instantaneous duration loads (k1 = 1.0)

(φ N t ) = 0.75 ×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0 ×1.0 ×15 ×3290 = 37.0 × 10 3
(d) (φ Nt) = 37.0 kN - to be compared with load combinations involving wind actions
ie. 9.8 kN. Capacity OK.

The member satisfies the design inequality for all Strength Limit States load

Serviceability Limit State Check

For many serviceability checks, there are deformation limits with which the structural
performance must comply. Under these circumstances, the next step is to evaluate the
critical load combination for the serviceability limit state. The requirement is to
evaluate the deflection for each of the following serviceability load combinations each
giving tensile force in the chord (N):
(e) Total permanent loads G = 4.1 kN
(f) Total loads under wind (downwards) Ws ↓= 2.4 kN

In estimating the deflections, it is necessary to estimate the duration of each of the

load combinations considered. However in this case, the j3 factor is 1.0 for all
durations as the timber is seasoned and used indoors. This exercise is therefore rather
trivial, but it will be followed to show the procedure.

 L  ∑ ( j3 N i )
δ =  
 A E

(e) Considering the permanent load case. N = 4.1 kN

with j3 = 10
. for each component load <Table 2.8>
∑ ( j3 N i ) = (1.0 × 4.1) = 4.1 kN = 4100 N
The area used to estimate deformation is the area over the full length of the member.
This is the gross area d × b ie 120 × 35 = 4200 mm2

for MGP12 material E = 12,700 MPa <Table H2.1>

This is a mean value and will result in a best estimate of the deformation.

 L  ∑ ( j3 N i )  3500  4100 
=> δ =   =   = 0.27 mm
 A E  4200  12700 
This is less than the clearance allowed for the bolts in their holes and so is
inconsequential. Extension of tension members is often very small.

(f) Considering the wind action N = 2.4 kN

with j3 = 10
. for each component load
∑ ( j3 N i ) = (1.0 × 2.4) = 2.4 kN = 2400 N

 L  ∑ ( j3 N i )  3500  2400 
=> δ =   =   = 0.16 mm
 A E  4200  12700 
Flowchart – Capacity of Tension Members

(φ N t ) =φ k1 k 4 k 6 k11 f 't At

Select F-grade In-grade tested Glued laminated members LVL

material materials

f 't f 't
in-grade materials in-grade materials
property? property?

no yes no yes

f 't <Table 2.4> m'fctr <Table 7.1> <Table 7.1> m'fctr

Type of m'fctr or AS/NZS 1328 m'fctr m'fctr
material <App H> AS/NZS 1328 AS/NZS 4357
φ <Table 2.5> <Table 2.5> <Table 2.5> <Table 2.5> <Table 2.5>
k1 <> <> <> <> <>
k4 <2.4.2> <2.4.2> <2.4.2> <2.4.2> <8.4.3>
k6 <2.4.3> <2.4.3> <2.4.3> <2.4.3> <2.4.3>
k11 <2.4.6> m'fctr or <7.4.4> <7.4.4> <8.4.7>
<App H>

Calculated strength limit state tensile capacity

At <3.4.1>
(φNt) <3.4.1>

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