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Niveau dtude : 1ere

Universit de Kairouan Session principale Filire :

ISSAT- Kairouan -------*-*-*-------
Enseignante: Mnari Marwa
A.U : 2017-2018
Anglais Nom :
Semestre : I Dure : 1 h
Prnom :
Date : .. -11-2017 Identifiant :
Nombre de page : 2 Note : /20 Documents : non autoriss

1) Match the words with their definitions :

Words Definitions Answers
1) a substance, as silicon or germanium, with electrical conductivity
a) manure a +
intermediate between that of an insulator and a conductor
2) An unusable or unwanted substance or material, such as a waste
b) fuses b +

c) insulator 3) The power output of a generator or power plant. c +.

4) the time rate of flow of electric charge, in the direction that a
d) valence electron positive moving charge would take and having magnitude equal to d +
the quantity of charge per unit time

e) waste 5) animals waste used as fertilizer e +

6) an electron of an atom, located in the outermost shell of the atom,
f) semi-conductor f +
that can be transferred to or shared with another atom.
7) a material of such low conductivity that the flow of current through
g) electric current g +
it is negligible.
8) a protective device, used in an electric circuit, containing a conductor
h) load that melts under heat produced by an excess current, thereby h +
opening the circuit

2) Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Computer Numerical control (CNC) refers to the automation of machine tools in manufacturing
processes. The machines are controlled by computer software which carries out a series of operations
automatically. The 1940s and 1950s. They are used to cut and shape products, such as automobile parts
that need precise specifications. Parts must be carefully planned and prepared by CNC programmers. First
they view the three-dimensional computer aided designed part. Then they calculate where to cut, the
speed and shape and select the tools and materials. The CNC programmers translate the planned machine
operations into a set of instructions. These instructions are translated into a computer aided
manufacturing (CAM) program containing a set of commands for the machine. The commands are a series
of numbers which expains where to cut and the position of material. The computer checks all the
operations made by the machine tools.
Are the following statements true (T) or false (F) ? justify :
a) The CNC technologywas first introduced in the 1930s (.)
b) Anyone can design a CNC machine program ()
c) Machine tools operations are checked and revised by computers.()
Who is responsible for the design of CNC programs ?
What are the different tasks they do ?
3) Give three pieces of advice on how to save energy :

4) Complete with the needed process( forging /extrusion/ sheet

forming/drawing) :
Product Process
Wires ..
bricks .
Silver leaves .
Machine parts .
5) Name three machine tools :

6) Classify the elements in the box according to their conducting ability :

Germanium / silicon / brass / dry air / water / gold / steel / rubber / silver / ceramic
Conductor Semi-conductor Insulator

7) Name two conventional powerplants :

8) What are the alternative (renewable) sources of energy used in your
country ?
9) Are there any other alternative sources that can be used in your country ?

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