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Expectations of Behaviour

Each student in Serenity Willow High has the following duties and responsibilities:

1.1 To attend school regularly and punctually, making the necessary efforts to progress
in the various areas of education;

1.2 Be prepared for classes and properly maintain books and other school materials for
personal or common collective use;

1.3 Observe the current provisions on entry and exit of classes and other dependencies
of the school;

1.4 Be respectful and courteous to classmates, directors, teachers, employees, and

employees regardless of age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, social origin, nationality,
physical or emotional condition, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or political

1.5 Contribute to the creation and maintenance of a collaborative and secure learning
environment that guarantees the right of all students to study and learn;

1.6 Refrain from conduct that denies, threatens or otherwise interferes negatively with
the free exercise of the rights of members of the school community;

1.7 Respect and care for buildings, equipments, and school symbols, helping to
preserve them and respecting the property of others, public or private;

1.8 Share with school management information about issues that may pose a threat to
the health, safety, and well-being of the school community;

1.9 Use peaceful means in resolving conflicts;

1.10 Always meet in a peaceful manner and respect the decision of students who do
not wish to attend the meeting;

1.11 Helping to maintain the school environment free from liquor, licit and illicit drugs,
toxic substances and weapons;

1.12 Keep parents or legal guardians informed about school affairs, especially about
progress in studies, planned or ongoing social and educational events, and ensure that
they receive communications from school staff, returning them to management in a
timely manner and with due knowledge, where appropriate.

In addition to the behaviors described below, it is also possible to investigate and apply
disciplinary measures to conduct that teachers or school management deem
incompatible with maintaining a healthy school environment or inappropriate to
teaching-learning, always considering the characterization of the absence, the student's
age and the recurrence of the act.

2.1 To abstain from classes, without prior justification or authorization from the school
board or teachers; Access, circulate or remain in restricted places of the school building;

2.2 Use, without proper authorization, computers, fax machines, telephones or other
electronic equipment and devices owned by the school;

2.3 Use electronic classroom equipment such as cell phones, pagers, portable games,
music players, or other communication and entertainment devices that disturb the
school environment or impair learning in classrooms or other learning places;

2.4 Behave in a way that disrupts the educational process, such as making excessive
noise in class, in the library, or in the school corridors;

2.5 Disrespect, disrespect or challenge principals, teachers, or school employees;

2.6 Smoking cigarettes,

2.7 To attend school under the influence of substances harmful to health and social life;

2.8 Expose or distribute materials within the school that violate the standards or
policies officially defined by the Simcoe County District School Board;

2.9 Display or distribute defamatory, racist or biased texts, literature, or materials,

including the display of such materials on the Internet;

2.10 Violate the policies adopted by the Simcoe County District School Board regarding
the use of the Internet in the school, accessing it, for example, for breach of security or
privacy, or for access to content not allowed or inaccurate for the age and training of
2.11 Damage or adulterate records and school records by any method, including the
use of computers or other electronic means;

2.12 Misrepresenting or fraudulent practices in school activities: Buying, selling,

stealing, transporting or distributing full or partial contents of
tests to be performed or their correct answers;
replacing or being replaced by another student in the conduct of tests;
replace your name or other personal information when conducting school tests or
plagiarize, that is, to appropriate the work of another and to use it as if it were
yours, without giving the proper credit and mentioning the author, as in the case
of copying works of other students or content divulged by the author, internet or
any other source of knowledge.

2.13 Damage or destroy school equipment, materials or facilities; to scrape, scribble or

produce marks on any wall, pane, door or gym of school buildings;

2.14 Intimidating the school environment with a bomb or a bomb threat;

2.15 Unjustifiably activate fire alarms or any other school safety device;

2.16 Employ gestures or verbal expressions that imply insults or threats to others,
including hostility or intimidation through the use of racist or biased nicknames;

2.17 Issue comments or insinuations of aggressive or disrespectful sexual

connotations, or present any conduct of a sexually offensive nature;

2.18 Encourage or engage in fights, manifest aggressive behavior, or pro-play games

that involve risk of injury, even if slight, in any member of the school community;

2.19 Produce or collaborate on the risk of injury to members of the school community
resulting from reckless conduct or improper use of everyday objects that may cause
physical injury, such as lighters, belt loops, umbrellas, bracelets, etc.

2.20 Behave in school transport so as to present a risk of damage or injury to the

driver, other passengers, the vehicle or the passes, such as running in the aisles,
throwing objects through windows, swinging the vehicle etc.

2.21 To provoke or force inappropriate or unwanted physical contact within the school
2.22 Threatening, intimidating or physically assaulting any member of the school
community; Participate, stimulate or organize group or generalized violence;

2.23 Take possession of objects belonging to another person, without proper

authorization or under threat;

2.24 Encourage or participate in acts of vandalism that cause intentional damage to

school equipment, materials, and facilities or to the belongings of the school staff,
students or third parties;

2.25 Consume, carry, distribute or sell controlled substances, alcoholic drinks or other
lawful or illicit drugs in the school premises;

2.26 To carry, to facilitate the entrance or to use any type of weapon, although it is not
of fire, in the school enclosure;

2.27 Present any conduct prohibited by Canadian law.

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