Silverstein - Relative Motivation in Denotational and Indexical Sound Symbolism of Wasco-Wishram Chinookan

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4 Relative motivation in denotational and indexical sound symbolism of Wasco-Wishram Chinookan MICHAEL SILVERSTEIN 4.4. Introduction ro may sand stati wok! pt ea te magn of ow <8 Fe ar i nb sed clung a ieee aa ce” abe 861) Toss vw nf Someta “Dig Dg” “Pea Poh” o "Bon Je ee a Wn 9202) ie nse Wo oe einen of eric of eel pest ei an, Toc aprto any popes e Tae nde hes, Pecan te) WHO = Teg ct tone nce epi i ns ly ae come me oe 2 ee uns nent of ay sath ct of ‘apparent edrssoma ; Se ee elt and petit main oft a ee Sse ws ig st wn he if he ae str min, Te ei tro pt erste br 9D cms, demesne a ag a ayant an hn ce icon op ork se tvs 59 mah moe See peri an sgn he hat ve might Shey nso aan a ng Te mand ee ol a ca ad etn gue + Fe tesa ite tna, fm vary wer Pe SE ec ree cel patil feed 20 i airport Stiemtonsttmpsps epee aa care spn tly ihr es te io = gli to aclu te Saussuran lessons, a leat in certain areas of the problem, es s Nae Aner wie rk of Mee or example, in the very amass of the signal forms, we have appli the Seusurem sons in the realm of phonology, and cin give fly pce and bare of very limited oszurrene as segmental phonemes of les items. The viel series of pS, hg, 75 8 gs td the fncrpunding ois eis yb 9 9% avtomatcalaerate eos, BU poral forms, acoring to 4 rue of voling immediately preing + ried ‘xp exept infil ereeed syllabi, where the vices member, ith Song ‘sptation, remain); hey the functional oad of the vied ocles sino low. Thereargrammatalysgicantsherason in the var and wolr odes, ewes sop and fcwive sees, diferentiating, for example, instil Na nei ngugs sar f Meio a boa stor " , oy tea © pernatie i sbeaigraniate Tiegh” dens spmtaton moped ertes * supra Fue 4.1. Seguntphonnes of Wass (Citas deetaoal set, ith ‘ome omen atonal eens rm he feiss. poston, absolute vs eostrac (poses) deverbative nominal. a dhe voce ‘System, given the ater meager iventry of pendent, thee ae 3 ne would expect, numerous sable deres of postion, aperture, and gliding ‘articulations condoned bythe numerous diereat ry of sylable-onst nd ‘slable-coa environments in which vowels re found ‘Aralon shown i figure 1 buow the dotted Ki, thee ares mumber of deariy “nan-phonanic” vent type tht occur with oniderble fequeeyor pet sbi in Wasco. Fis, among consonant segments are allegeo frm of ‘aurea sand vemetimesg he rie ightly rubbed rive the uly fRequenly wealens further ta somewhat pharyegealed elt ers, bere ‘written Farther, there are thre cononina segments eusde the regular Inventry Ue are produced prt ofthe inde diminutive sepmenttve system, « “hypertiminutve” verson of? made a te corerponding slow ‘al frat 7, occurring paral in “baby-all” reper, and a “Super sgmenttive” of bth the and” order a vole coumerprtin the Ss, and ‘true doy atte (he ose for the ooaring before the eee of the {in the send. Among the vowel thee are dar, morphology dicated ‘oubled segments accu Tor double or triple segmental vowels ie Sheesh = [ender how, delete condone of prosencition. These lengthened vogments cour som pt ofthe inde “aygmenttve” appar, in obvnsly in deneaonaliy icone forme expressing long ane dren ‘Senor. Te phonemic wel «undergoes segmentatve colering by backing ad ‘Sight Towering, and daninutve ein by rasing and fonting toward lowered {el generally with Hatene wie lp apertre ‘Dit sme ase qu, with 2 ‘more ope papers, cry athe apmentative frm of phonemic genrly Iengihend to Hind 0 fe. The segment seems to occur rua inthe stem-peeix dow only on ceain pics Tor color devout, eg, Lo“gup (= dexgip} whites in suh rms, the a] pronunciaon of te prs vowel ems ‘ears to be nied by speakers inoerely relied. Fal the sch, i ts ‘nulfrm enerings, occurs when an otherwise vowels caster require ass by morpholopal aes, o by phonolgial yb constrains, [Now while in Wasco thre are fond many words comprised of regulation (CWC) lable type thee does some extraordinary consonant combination such 5 Norhwest Cast nguages ee notorious for exemplifying, ie is now coming hither out ofthe wate,” yr “my two his, fans.” ce. = ecu the great sory of hws or nseron rues re igh morpholagc- ally spect, resting opecetion of cra nrpeme boda a part ofthe Ceadiins for option and operating only in certain laces of tarpbemes, though the phonlogial cndionng actors ae sina across thse conte ence, othe ouside looking in, there is a Gena of phonetic lente to most ‘wor ntermedie Between the two exten jst mantanol. And it baud be ler that starting rom soc astm of phonology in denational fancion, the ‘tie epeake’ intone aboot “natural” lilly preingune and ee- Ctra “sound symbolon” ze going to be que diferent Frm tase of an Eaglch spikes Similarly for observations about ese and dificalyof arculation, « way of ‘aking about natralness tha oles ane’ peeeption ofthe phonic subsace as tach For uta pekers of English ~ ofr other SAE-Uhguage speakers ~ the ‘hsterig of so uny consonants as wasted jst above cositetes kind of lusachero, etre! tein of artclatory-audtory ition, semewbat futile our universe of ube. Ye, aa complelyYluneered fshion, ne of ‘ny moet intresting Wishram sont at Yakima observed one day ha 2 ‘Spor “any” wer ie ls "woud Shavings" wd which he had begun Der eel instr in Wao fr her mile-aged daughter wa too mach fr Nate Ai Ingest of Mar ‘er well-meaning student! “There must be something wrong with er hoa ow, ‘cn alling too mach English ll the time,” she obrerved in amet, ing se to wonder whether or ot hi wis vitae Todi ume” of inne under Sttement or a cious, feel mark onthe simplicity of tis wor. Perhaps ‘he Former, because independently a Wasc oslo Warm Springs Revere tin several tins eberved bth ome ad o young sglophone Wasco, that the hardest word inthe whale languge wa ate “or tel certainly word rch ee diica-sunding tan ots than toll cononanl neh as ‘hetwo cited eri) nd perhaps sange-sounding tou oly forthe cater a the end, Observe the smarty the two phological shapes in then wo words {Mat evaded sch commentaries who cra atempe to explain ~ mich es predict. tha given the Wisco puna invenary of segments and phonic, hee ‘weal fave ses place fr speakers interme of romarable phon ute, ‘ith comet velo vee for saund ymbion”? My pin that ti extrasedinarily dangerous to suppose that orn + nals about sound substance hich, fre are the minimal oan eae formed rr oar whole Seto comple relitins toi rough nguage and ther phonic mia ght in any wa ta be ai when approecing xt alien thisone (and the point cul be press, when approaching enen our at) Sone ‘annetmerely determine ram the ote what eal ites are ond embi” Jn the sess of dentinal ionic in ome ion eten whee the nes made ‘wceringa parca word sem to ws to be cans of something presented to us by Some deotatum ofthe word Rate, isems ce, we mus Wark Up 10289 Interpretative statements inthis aes rm astracure consis appre cxin- fag all ofthe sree where phonic shape decidedly operates indgpendely of enol systematic, and seing how the onneratonal penumbra of dono ‘ain i consid by the iersoion of these various fonctoal sytem, ‘xcs achieving the real breakthrough” in somos to real denotationa Komen spect the nung in qestion fils thi approach othe mater ‘vith the Wasco ton functional interaction rad “hreakthrough” Very import to Wasco phone production and reception, a8 mentioned shave isthe indexes syste of“ dimintine-rpmentatve consonant (ome tines accompanied by voices as indicators of “hyper” of “se” degrees, as wll emege below) I should be observed tat och x psa doen, stray, denote small nd lage objets, or even take the place of adjetives (ot auivlet modes, yetacenoume and ver) fr “smal! ad age” inthe evotional stracue of Wasco. Rather, the sem of consonant nd rome ‘cai diferencia trasindeial stm in hates pil pond or hove efce signal the were’ fective end evaluative ratoship to sme ‘Senaatum others determined bythe lel farm to which the index sytem fs in effec, applied. Auster of oppositions of«calurly sient srt form + rapnatc mcapral t,o, bee, set of aor-ceterel (here, wer Mi Sir coscred enced cultural equivalences, around the cata o foal oposiion of “atetvely engeing] smallness” vs "(allecively engaging] rpenes” Sere of the elated eppestions are “inter; dear” vs. “distanced of-puting”; "ese- se" “tostesbunsel”"percal” ys "impersonal “pling; ting” “gross dap ee While these bint specified opposing would ode the e> e278. Als, theft that thee are many clear cae of iid osmenative 24: diminutive (Pe gives evidence for an histori reoewal of ‘Xamonaive-dimintne ctepoces with the ow-prolucive oppaons of (Beihalel and explains why there are doublets of nde paradpmsfancson- {ng simultaneously in the language, bath A-ordere-order and order: ordr ‘Witkin dis reion TL, them the raver (nd ie “hyper” form, 70) i the ‘maximally dinctutiviaed Frm, parclary the sound ¢ Hel by contrast nd ow puta are manimallywgmenaivie forms the (abana repo, here is 2 regu diminution effect expel yin, ving two paral eds of A:D atthe ar and vue ulin, Farther, herein reins of ArD in ach ofthe dst ava and ‘hr postions, tha withing rom the gg to the orders is mowing fom Teseneve eur! to diminutive o from apmentsve t nesta Giminstive ‘Operating in adition to th ae the manner-a-producin alternations already (Shea wih the sditon of the “supersupmenane™ qb that in 2 sense Siralyoyeries the gle diction and serves the neta rainy Mgentatve form in the entice region II. By contrast, the P-order, doubly iinatiized within the system, snd ts artcular member A, the lacus of ‘nasal diminutvzatn. ‘oor segment implemented in augmentation and diminatviation ae swore saighfoeward Al four of the repre sales 020, Le dhe fall Touch and deleted or zero vowel (omctimes sckwa under sppropriae ylabic ‘ons, ply asc, Pull Verve iter upmestatine neatly imine the or mpmentuive ve newline Portbermore, there ae cea char vee quahtatve iflrences that were indiced in discussing he sytem of {otatinlly wed phonlogial erent, the tw type fe] sound as dimino- tive of and av aupmenative of and te backed, lowered slg interaly rounded [os a augments frm of accompanied bya decided sbiftin vice reper to smewhat pha ygediac, rsping bee ocasionally exemple in ‘ny mater ane seemingly ouside af the regular augmenttive-iminutve Syste) or even oft Ness tsa, suesed sales sow all of thes osc ‘se more clr than unstessed ene, sine th enon aif are between nore dies arcane under hese sabi conn. eis ramakabe to discover inthe corpus of dato hend that even splex lexi tems frequently ocr in numerous suc gradations of form, each bespeak- ings particular index signaled user-id tthe ment ois resrdig, An anteae sogcstivelycommunicted bat genealy unavailable fr objected ememplatn such a8 is presupposed by "esac repetion of » frm (xe « Nie ran geste Mex ‘Sivertin 1981-1 very important to remember, however, tha the Enlish (or ‘ter langage) taselton “elas” o glow f soc form general canst- {ters "efentonlod?” (Barter 19674142) presentation of iso spp to be translating 2 porely deneations frm, not an indeielly charged on.? ‘Realy, we are usly sled by the ft ta, fr example, Engh bs wo ‘sin lena tans for tours elt forms of exe ia Was oF bythe ice that neo the soendnymbolic plies of historia Wasco mon ts bean lexis the synchrony “neta” fr, wih cain conor ‘atonal agpage let ve frm phonic substance, ab neesarty to be evalated gina the bukdrop af the fonetonng indeed syste ust outlined. The paraiso how the indexed denotainal ystems of sand itr for {ny enfin Wao “raise pei of wanton (Quine 190: 28) an yee ncher pane of emis (af Quine referential rounds were no ad ‘oor, making inition frm “outside” the sate that much mere shaky as thse fr eyteratintion and expenton. Terps the most subly graded cumple of the phenomenon isthe simplex lex stem tats ged both as tig” and asa.” There rand eral Gisincton of degrees we might eos by thse warlatons, perhaps eared by theextnc of int len frms in bth Eaglsh and Sahaptin (he longterm ‘ter langage of Cinkan bine) These "nee forms, bawere, how ‘Ghracersiediferentaton acconing to the diminative-stgmentaive ster “gait "big" ve gue “sll” Observe the g:g and 4:2 ansonantom, 25 we eal expect rogue 4.2 lng with ee chery etal ole ‘Senmoa to both, Arend the two pot however, ia whole series of ifr fined coloring, ntergrading one ino the oche, rom 2“superaymentae” toa “Soperdiminine”a¢ polar oppories of the whole set. Pach ofthe wo lea ‘encts never fone puto 4 sisi own right at che indi “neural clement.” From gait we Iuve: lat > gut >-q7ait> “pet nuit in order fom “supesoqmentsine” ehaugh = cerain “renated, minus tem we might dently lass as “bigesh.” Stating fom -pat we have > tat or WPai'> “bac > a’ > lei > “Ei in rd From wo aeratvely ight mutations through the fall “nyperimimatvied!” venom ohe kis tem, denon proximal 3s sexayencey,” aprepily in baby rginer. Yet the two ses can be ined an othe cher end-to-end in 3 continuously gruable sts that what we tranete into English a “tig” and "small” ae in reaty ia Wasco nly two ‘rasesations along this raet cine, any member of whch might ocurca'2 Darticalrscason of wage. Tadeed, an extreme soon to the demand of 2) ‘henry of phonology tha reyes «unig lesa representation™ might be to characterize his whole sree as — [11a] from te point of view of deso~ ‘ational segmentation, here obviously overridden by aupmenaive- diminutive inden srecture o Mid Stein ving sketched the farm of diminutive and aygmenttive inde fet, 1 turn nowt thistructral and dscrsive fenton vay the lving effets for the speakers even if ew speaker ar stil vng. We can gt an ies this way Tu of the net torial sedimentation of “esha” seo od of te camel leading edge of this Inthe fnctina realtime of par We nll ‘evel thee, furthermore, the fly of exensaing “sun” ata mtu ll taiibef the non- of pre-culturl serie, the eaten contemporary Ding-dangis as much 5 ws tn exier prod 43. Indexicality ia morpholexcal derivation Several tsp of dervatonl pate inthis orpologiclly complex langue, bot ely produciv and Jain, ret pom the uncosing ester of inde cal shit to generate connotative augmentation sd ninuton in understandable vrays The systematic ofthe nds meanings is broghtherby ft the plane of denoainally understod form in ele, sperinponed upon as ut ing princi ta ake 28 sn example Wasco verbal derivation, which prooctivelycetes cumple neconl themes fam root by patened ae of content lyre of pretation (se Silverstein 1984 fra systematic exporion). By sch pater re {encte various combinaons of profes member In appropriate orders “eostnt”derivational accompaniments ofthe evento) roto fem atthe surfs, without Tunes insight ths sie apparently dacontinans Sequences of trphemes ta, ropehe, consi the slsional theme ofthe dered verb. Tha, the root =8/")ay together with a lcative peli te in Si-priin- or order-ls) yields the thee “Ir ek “eter? "LD yy vets (]e" Any af the pre caer 2 ("ranaiie subject pronominal” in 2 rest friar, though onreveang els) 3 ("uate objenanstive subject” proominaD, 4 indirect objeeate” pronominal), 8 (Aoctve™ oF stpsiton) can be volved in roch dervtion, ‘A inthis expe of derivation, the conotatons ofthe agmenttv-diinive Indes pay distinct and recognizable role, For example, the late “yl way fons (completly out af” cus in many sch deiatioal Sey CE Ue Jegle har “{ ecome-out, (atl {Ja a homely oe od urnesnen ireoming-ay (Outs mes" 2 eanntve form with no inital tense pref. ‘The obicusly diminativied counterpart of the Incative, fl overeat + seeming Sontationally tensed form of “yy Inditng romething ik “beginning tout way fom’ ar paral out cllsmay fn” 26a connotea on the denon pan, a8 in the example peg ira “iy varowingrouy a uae” based on the ver heme As Terl>-idor *[ Ts erow-oat (ate [." Note that while the English Naive Amin anaes nr of Meso eeslations der essential in th coding othe esc ve stem, “eam ca. "grow out” the only formal dancin in Wasco isthe diminution ve on-diintivieion (= neutltogmenttve pole of eppston) of the eatin ‘Ppotonl element in theme deration; the rare of the two ther — {nd ren ther bic seal elements athe dentational morpere lee is ‘iar. Preily parallel wo thi fom in peal derivation he pi f Us Je eal orp "LJ amy comply afro / ape fens Tye? which ha the eeu wieder foe gl ~ and ipl Ieee =e hi (apart) tea eut-and-fF-f{"—which bs the somewhat dina sited, eetivesris yp. Thee cramples represent sumerous oer sly ‘ppere formations where the dentatonal meaning play upon he basic inde eppaatin fhe Bit pasionletive. This farm of eppsion also relly found in cersn thematic fermatons of {he verbal sytem, He "tarp ota of” etd above ha employ “Bred,” ‘on eree-eferencing pronominal morpeme a the ees derision pat of he {here!® A very productive ach opposition widely wpe ain Uy eae scr with body par in alsin catgnrization taken gener pared thine fd hene® ended by 2 thiedperion dal non-ros-eferening pron THe theme of such frms is generly bu from some vert oat of matin 0 ‘sult, wth some dtve-p-beatie/pestpostonal derivation! empl ‘ell For expe note Jr Ji ly -b “Js mak (yall bcp (her (ecards) ands Dainow or “indie retlnive fom ~y{ Jes + Hl or be" il baci ver (Gakvard)." Saal, {Jet ele ‘ahs + ye "L in pokearod-in gos [J consrecsonaly, exe 11 [thetwo-dimin-one]s to-become-highy-stcky ins {]c" (CE. nog-dnintve ausatve fe Tele jeremy tye "Us cya sus ts Le” Note abo {Jester “(Ie Jom consuvctonaly, "slight, [Weswordinin-one]y” (CE canonal tanive verb -[}o{ J tran 28 i tty) 5") And aly i e+ =r Barger Ive grooved-notcallround,” constrcinal,“Ibodyparh OF Js eae etry altaroundsy." These ae epresetive constructions with pI ‘shoud sdonally be obnervel of them that several of te ther morphea in those thes themselves fave dinintvation eles in thie bay aka” pin derived forms), and respectively, tespeaking the conntatons of ‘onto movement or involvercat and dished sce, slay fer the lectvegreposiional gly which curs a 7 Tn addition to thee sstentic morphologil derivations, india sound ‘henomenn ar nvlved in a sxoed major aren of lexicon. They const te Formal basis for connote negatively vale, embsrrasing, and otherwise inherently peosive deneing forms, wher, ais tobe expected, we gt carly Mik Siertn ugmentative (rx. diminaive-toneata shapes. Tes occur bath in pasion to ‘herve slr, end non carged, saps wit distin English rants, nd ‘nig formation the sap of which scnstet with his coonatationl vale Ts, for evap, note the formal. difence” betworn ay ich Ajtermlas + ietng "lysate on ome loestion,),” emetracionaly, Ty ‘hues sel{ =) quscemtion-on surface on etion and he ees trie structurally Kenia form nsx I (got) aguat someplace se. for {efection|" where the ony dvnaion ithe augmenative frm of the Ft, Sitar s(dor. Not lo that Fraley embarrassing apd pejorative amsing Words wich ae + adult he cel) fred 0 es The tidy continative or repettne ferme csur in the hyperupmenative, ‘sang "he was fone eps fring on me" (Le. "he was just sting se with wind”) arms such 38 {J gar he “La sweaty” and Co + ae ie e beat-n-butocklstatpygoan,.” moreover, seem says eo oasis lesellyaugmentative form. Whit not specie opposed to any structurally ‘cuvalee neuralt-dinative frm, Shey are erly compatible ely With ‘Mgmenaive shapes within the ina system of sound symbolism. Le would flo appear har the expltveglahia generally lose a “ant” or something Silla a hier rome spent orm, with fozen conneationsl teat, Hom the dvebil parce yap ater" note fora and >for “tr alongwith stretching ofthe Era slab in characte Wasco manner, He tora, The segmental form gage can adltonly be accompanied by ercnary prague effets 44, ‘Textual indexicalty and imagery of voice fhe sound-symbtccrsiency of eran productive derivations an exis forms is alendy sedimented in the Wasco language, by contrat ye can lok at [henemen ha bespeakfuntionl breakthrough in scurve prac, a tbe Cequnizdonl level of text-lincentext. Two sich phenomens cn be realy end “Theis rather frequent in our eur of mara, where, satin (98 524-331) woulda, the "oie of apart emploted character bras eough ‘he ane of earl tobe potently weniable withthe "oe of the ‘arator, who is presuppeed tobe in the comarizative Fame of the receives! Interpreter of the arate! In hit wa, the manne in which a paratorrepars ticle events being sural cam potently dopa in matter of verbally ‘ving the terested or denoted mater the way that chracteraed voce Weald dos; or vie-veit, an emplted character may “yoie” the marator (and ote that this site odo withthe mere denotationl we of 78 deseripor ofa a Nase Aiea rt of Mir charset in the mart). The way hata naratar reports he paral evens ting naretd shows an indeieal inferion with, for example tinal and ‘Meine character, point vem eof one tr more ofthe ery partipnts in henarnted rents. Sochattadnal eolringremergein the phonic bance of thelanguage of raration n Wan spmenttvato nd dimitrtion, nd of pragma (eral) "ape inkivt Hire” (niet free se) the marae {nb of meaprapmati description ofthe pragmatics of interaction that constr {much of nretve erplctment of charactor rating and nated “oie” ae inde sgn, sexing higs ales in pr frm the sate pint of ve. Thus, + regent eve in myth nrations about the Trike Transformer Sigur, Coyotes his enslation with is “Two Lite Ser," who arias ‘to tds that he hep n pcialetro plac in slower bowel Costes slays geting nto trouble of one srt ar nate, about which he neds interpre= tive adie and pudance on proper couric of acm AY rach Sime, when he ‘wins to cna is Two Lite Sisters, he delete them and cones them ther humorous inurchages of + sid sar. Whenever Cayce get tht ‘pinion ona mater, e alway sayy “Justo I thought” ~ a he could have ‘ached that conduson all by himself, so obrioas asthe interpetation now ‘become to him! Ths, whenever Coote fess his Two Lite Sisters ca and sk then seething thy a eat rele ol hi, yng “Vu ot ny, Jot 1 ehoogt?” They aways relent thogh someimer only after Cayo het threatened chem with belgie” (Le spt upon which woul, ofcourse, mt them int othng. And always, Coyote, bestng the interpretation ad adi, ‘aye, “Jone aeIthoughl” a his Two Lite Sites have clad he would, The Shaiepeeran comic ree of all this notwithstanding, everyone inthe soiety Ino that CayeteBs Lng suring, inded “a ile Str, on whose help te rly depends, even if he cannot bring himself to sy 2, Thi, Cotes tude Yoward them ought tobe ove that charscricaly would be vertlly xpresed by his use of diminutized forms forall denotaton af his Two Lite ‘Sisters and oftheir active. ‘Obsre, then, how the metapragmaic frame, the descrpivemareaton of how Garacters tenet one wth note in pragmatic moda, abun thsi, this Babnian oie" Inthe fowing portion of "Coyore Elves the West “Wind,” oc of the myths eared by Sept rom Louis Spon in 105 (printed in Sapir 1909: 10, nes 1-18), the eral pointe oratve ofthe proces ae ives ia Was afer comeing Ens anlation ofthe receding mateal ‘Coy wae wp No sel Capt wnt to (we th ne hd en No at So then reel Hee dee (ie) cbt al at Bl Ie guengisabe ibe. Aya koipe gustan, "MisdilPBOE din Ags bo gaia, 8 Micha Siri [so then bedefeats-thetyo-f hem-outhis-Two- Younger Sisters. So then Tesi: to-tho-pror-den*You-o-tlecuntt-me what ha). Wat ping cn be} So then shetwovlthemesidoshim, ==] "Note tha th framing verb gaa“ ido che two of hen” and the whole ropotions descriptor gaoapiaabe isi “hedeloact-teawo-f-hen Coe hieTo-YoungerSitere™ are in seailly diminutved form, even though hee ae sry speaking the words ofthe marrtor, nt those of Cope ‘Bnd when Coyote himself pe it ithseguar,non-diminutvzed forms a= Thewse tot the ming dxrptin gj “ihetwo-tthem-sito-hia”| tnd the Sit” worde reed to Coote in recurn. Such breakroughs ofthe [raat indevil materi es woul be carats ofthe marae characters ther evens render dhe cry sadestood parameters of the mrad uston sp cmnoutions of the denen vale ofthe metpragmati frame “Tht is the denttoal value of the lei expressions of aration became “ound syntblio” through the ans, and the event of aration isl takes the symbaims of the marae comet. Soci process, of eure operate ea the plane of ing eoancaiona coment boc, "sound syebolen of phone rbsance athe meapragmai decrp- torr of perch acs tat iy acts of weng performaively effective pragmatic Indicators tis pots palo he sual deletinary proces st systemaso= ty desea by Emie Beavenst(1966 (origi! 1958), whereby sometimes mew ‘neaprgmati deneatonal arms ae erated, bth synchronic (uncon) nd dachvoncally (solely) “ts Benveniste pointed ut, we frequently fd regular creation of metapeagmaic deeripas for conventional speech acts hy 4 pres of meatoning” bet not “ing” character pragmaily aie Formula inde asia with the patculr (ype or tole) spec act. For example, i ane characteristic lnderes (nd performs) an stance of retin by saying the expression “Hella” tne cn frm a premmaticalied verse, () “hel” [someon esnig “to forma charac ac of resting [oneane), as a means of desing this [ape ofoperh acy hough oc neces of performing ion ech oc we; the angry "Dont yon ‘hell’ me, you sot” Such a descriptor i feqeenly ‘able to eharacterize the speech a, even where the actual fr of erecting ot Iter on sme osaron at demipve see was nor, Bit, the particular Taruls by wich hough arias provers fconentonlatin, the speech iver evidenn. In ater wordn snnedeocitionaie, by degres nd through “onovaniatve practice, be te conventional ways of denoting eran ype of Speech act asindxiclyacomplishableinteratinal roatins. Ina sxe ot the Rioctnary descriptor denotes the particu speech act esenially by r= [reetng i in 4 stbly grammatical form with the spparats othe plane of Stotaondlsrucre (Le. grammar-se-onal), by ewe of which ne xn repe- Sime denote the peek at by igs frm ential oat Teas ery ose tthe Mane Aen nse nah f Meso one wed in pererming it. In the example under dicuson, eis, we get 2 ‘tsedeoeatneycomntaoal “nde reese” ‘Under proper coniins, i tens, sochphenomens observable innaratve icing” can become detached fem thelr mappa factional contest So ached and hen Tease wih trope of reno, they become aesthetic ready ‘made tht vals wap-saton slog the pth to trae"sound symbole, tat, ences cio i the straightforward sease. Fortis only here therecan be 4 representation of phonic submance asa once aden ferhe and ab Jnstanne,cltrly understood age ie of something (a haste of ligne ‘cheratintons cot made, for xampl), Dat we have denttioral cons that we an investigate Giely. Only whore sound ial has some lolly unde ‘od semiotic fenion independent of dencaion ~ bones dcated by some framework of “eatie motivation” fr that non-normal code pe dees enononlconism become posi traneparentt the ouside’ ingy. In the ost frturte css, we in See theprooes ats Source of mation, where the indescty Inminsedtogter with convent icons (anbleratizston) tings together schema ents, acts ete with the preentaton of und Stel (he Klang ac). Lik any sch tropic metseniots (compare so-led ‘meuphor oa the dnoaina pine), there are dees of Tving and frozen funcional form st any piren synchronic cromerecion, tothe key 10 Bod senting a onc structurally locale in denon merphosynay, and wally ‘rminte nthe non-dentaoal ster of meaningless, “The leco-grummatcal ae of Particles in Wasco ir itly plas tooo. Tit fa nticaby hoe set of lesa tens (om the cadena repre perspec tive of usage in Engst that oar in predictions tgeter with a infection ‘ving reiting slay, het eocar pasta alngide complete pedi ‘ate, and that sometins cca alone in minor saci fragments They se tines seem four to lave ta aknor palpable scumd-eymbote quay, Yet sich liable subutos are ust completely skewed with respect to our ouside’ fntiions. The deliphe that we And in Menifing someting a8 "szund= symbolic” Pale mich mae often than no inexplicable tothe nate seer, ‘tho (hr compare the examples of phonic “ail” and “ease” noted above) puzled by ou sili ‘Discasting this nis of items in Lover China, the now extinct diet of (Chinoatan once spate inthe region ofthe mouth of he Colunbie River, Franz Boas proees hime to be hard-presed to separate what he would consider Parls that re onamatpoce from te oes, though his ist of membership — ‘many of which hae near orem corespndence in Was ~are exeodingly Ineresig- Baas (91 627-63, 636) mes the lowing remarks abou the word Tn seme ct pp donee wher he oman word lng the eu voatbulry ofthe egg, or wther thy ae ind! poducton of the sg s Mi Stern onan Css Cl), This eae hen the wor do nt em part of he senec ‘capper ar indpenden ecru Ti sumer ef ae enemy terme which undoobedly Bong the gui voxtaiy edn hr ay {cis say whee jn his [gu bor ommend te prety como carer ca and wire avert repentant eral ek [und tie fink + net ade rage fhe ex exe i fond i he Flowing weds [ee pon ns serie ethos jut “pou” at (wih Kee” paced pu fgets” fii ean ret Maeve” Sak dapper! say “osrper” gmap ode” [Neal to ay, these shapes ae clas matched by otbers dat denote ently Giferent sate offs, thr ynonyms ave eaely other shapes in many fwtances and, nhere we can Tcte Wasco eiresponden eg, pa “full.” (Gos) ound” os Spoor ou” Asma "to mention aly 2, We five ne evidence of any fit sund-icoic or cnomatopoci quay to thse pats. What sometimes does happen, however, i the sscompaninent of the Parc by various praingultc anderen coneotaiona nde! inthe ‘fet of denottonal wage or when an intejetiona frm is eeated on these orm thee ells are ely confused bythe oteider with dencttionalconism, cor "onanatopeia” Tis important see, thtfrg dha any analy of auch lic tems into rmorphene prt, “pbonasthone,"“deophones," or other poatve strtural ti fence i vate day of atering ot acon of Fingaise tracture mt be Based on some evidence txt has x roctr basis thin dhe patil Ingoae, 5 wel on educionst universalism, no mater Tow song the outsiders inition of ach might be. So etblishing the ramati- fal satus of onomatopoeia canes would, of cours, ecesiate such Evidence as paradigmatic st, consences of grammatical dass membership Nae Aner age thf exe ‘nse on mull dstribatins,o ther such reasening from rama it ve, as Whot Tong ago posted ot, charcterbie pap or cmplemenares (segue “siaar” and “esctnces”) involving the meat seas itn ively and eanspurenly crested with denotational oni or enbetity o {he faction plane Like most sch popes one encuntr, Hos’ intiion abot the anemato- posi underpin ofthe cs of grammail Pareles fle the methodologies {est However, we can ein erin ders contents the basi alive procs of ‘retingenblerat, Particle phonic ors by exossng aupmentive imino Ave indexaliy with eptomising rome tomaretive schematization of eves ‘Wefind wide inoiege ong the Wasco-Wisram seater of awd thee of seal wrestling between vriulycharceried male-female couple sometimes itis Capote and Adare (Bashet-Ogress Woman) sometimes oh ‘An asymmetry of sie, power, Greens, ee. preva a pre ofthe destaic tension tobe resolved nthe ese of the central pr itracs ome hid pty ‘forhandtolisten fr he outcame. Observe that he arate addres) the ninco” ~ ae thereby aligned wth the thir part they are deen into # perspective on the dramatic emploument “I K manage to bert [le gee the esi adeantge or erin,” the eer character pots ut “yo fe the thi pay, neg she tenes} wil hea 2 f fhe nage obs sme, you wil ber "Fe" OF ooure, these phase forme dplay canonical sugmentative vs diminutive sound symbol gv. (che Ibiaizaton ‘alone up the flog vomel ya Both vociin ofthe esting chea-plurn, 3s normals Wasco). And when r-preventod deoiatonaly, te ‘oni usta this “pels” with he meaning the opened augmenttiv ve ‘Eiminaive connotations Emblemaize! a a textal ready-made that can be ‘exacted ro is narrative contest by the widespread Fairy ofthe nde! roi, the vary terms gore and fx become “onomatopric” Ieee’ fot ‘enating Did oyr-Galth ve olith-over-David tyes of victory capable of ‘rovoking mith among flly cultured speakers upon wernoe, witha distinct nition of “sound sya this wht soc Kind of sietons sound ie Sch clans of reasoning about “relative maivaon” in vroue curl and linguist facial srectares provide swith way int patel system, on the planes of bath discursive testaty and gramme yen, Dilleentiaing ‘hes planes and iferentiting the emai oncons involved inthe poe of schiving varius rssgs and aniotons of them are the medline ut so of investigating denottons iconism as an analytic contort. Here, for cxample, we have sted the (fmctional). indeicltyefaujmentation! inition ees in Wasco, the (acu lamination of these fet con tation in simplex aad systemetcaly derived lex fr de exter, ad the (Giscrsve) process tht generat deloewonary(metpragmati) nd erent (Convencion indesicabicone) forms te. Mik Sorin 1 Th vw cepa in he ticle coun of Bll ring he 120 di, bythe a. See fr xp, lone) 1925 [UBT 285, lex 19 capers 01,16, 1995, secon HVT 2 Pfenr Nae er iol (09) cae mind ssc pot” phe ot lean prt, whe bh rem pln nd pone ct {Shiny evel Const soe an memory of pleaser prope ‘erin biny rer scape cojnv ordering, rm nese ator apt In itogaph rma cata, 3 Thiel beacon berated oder a ind "gist eli” may rer ave cogs ont eee sens fom Seusarern "ang = ear o Couns “aonaons stat. 4 User theists, dt and sna of Wa Wea ae there fy ‘oe ler in Washington snd Ore, geo) supe 986-19 by he Phils Pun fe Amarin Psp Sosy, the Naina sence Foadton ‘rohit Gadat Felis Prop, he Sac flows (Harvard Univers) {th Adsph Lichen Fen ofthe Depron, The Unry ‘Ghigo ilotricht en mon pal Waco Wat "Was" het se ‘Sh pho? tog he Fag tpt th ede lg Wiehe ‘ilo, compre tne kh egagy ofthe Upper China ranch af thee ‘uouve Chinon ingle my See Sveti 1959-58 for the rene ‘hogan ing none, «See he yolone, or same a he Ameri symbols sed ee hat em silent tPA. Aiea ys wo i is paper are (=i, (= Daft 6 Onrnsnmediney the pion i eos nas cata Deno ‘5 aco, thse open pes to see ural er wher eciied ttn shout which tory cameron alle can be ined dengan in {ng te repeated cave arcs tars “tear ech OS" (Gopir 15 fond ove «wie aren he Norvest Cat a Paes. See He ‘Genus ne many fh ee 17 Sich domain! rstmesannto compet) to be epee under te con Aine ave ded ket in ives 98 gi ur mn he oe ‘Sort ick rpm cds he ne beige tse in pt ab ‘espa view of nage coles in eel ht ns dete Westra age ‘St ch rates enna he oa en deer nto try ‘irs denion meaning ote i 1 The very paradigm of Ae bere reinforces the qoas-escied wks of the Soa ote enti sting din rani Rel um ut ican sbve {nicotine placa scone prc gen: {ure dinue cera fr hea geeron apse 9 The tikes mi fey le inberoralpie or cressetehsng promi Semen intr retin rere ded sari {the Ete [pat Jr he Noni Abeutre pin, {J te Dive poston rem red ttn re ei ot ey 1 Nie rian ngs th of Meso cata ef wh rn ents Se She A 10 Thre of dena T ave eho (Sivesn 196 281-285) redder i ie the rnold time ie at doe oe rtd {au sicily deere yh rl rma cose fencing prom ‘ulat woul somal mee nh grammatn sean teri fan, ee ‘hepa se retin (he a) ced the incon pase re the 1 Appeing the composts! analy wh mas, Balhins cnc of ing ~ ‘Mioce the “psp” ean se nt be ended wah deed ot SGeoble chants of tard emlotnent or ef te mune pa ede srt tirenceny suc) fhe vt ef aig (wee See ‘asinine inte ese fe run tetas ie ped mae. 2 Serre of ret proetn of scp crest «scl ‘verse haccnsrts be "og nay nth. eth stat ten ‘ru the surating fame whee ve Ine = andthe mart oe =n the ‘plod carnal eat perce of eit he frit fo ‘Races in bth ame th ures he congoso, were oar woh 12 edd wh ete sr fro cure whee te Her thes km are of ‘ovnges smart and en ingen” (terns? Nate tt te Lite ‘Shs lity scale he cra! owe sot Coyote nl ht sara seers (=n pet momo 15 Able case of plo em woul, by he wy, Sonn guetta t nisin my own materi is peony, "hence he ‘woritenert™ Inge 15 Nich om spp reer of French re pu by de nglophone ne ‘pink one ral of many puns tein he aie at ora fe) Ses ine gee 16 The sme esd ihe ist need ina dp voi, the cmd in et, ‘hn MLB. 8 he Diagn: Fre Baye M Holgi eC er sod M. Helgi, rnd Asin aie of Tea Pres Bare, El of Sem Laver an Sm tana New Yok: Hi Wane. * Michal Sirti Renveninn E N6 Lm vet det. Im Pre de Unite pra, Pasi "Galina 27-286 [Orn 158) ‘afl, 18 Review of Suse, Cas de igitne nra, 2 ela, Modern “nag ral 17319. Rete in Pek 17016108) tht pala or the aes fgg: Lapa 18-164 Rese, Hock 1970 128-138 pgs ed rh int) 193 Langage New Yo Hey Hele TB Reto of Hoey Hane rere Sta. amp 032-59 nk 1970 81-288; pase frm hi eit) ‘oF. 1: Chia nD) Hallo Aeris fis Laae Bur of “ken Ethno Wasp: Goverment Pring Oe, S967. ‘Chany, and Mie 8 he Send Paro Ek New Yor: Harper @ Ro, (Gino, TRU Sur A Patina Tyla! Iain, vl. Aer Bee 1990 Th igi cde ed ei rama. In Min Cal, and Conte Bays Pog Hille NJ shar, OTE. io 1S Net! Sy: oy on roe, Came Usiverty ree ‘okt CFs, Lane can nd th elt Logs 372-83, (cd) 170, Lamerd Bon As, Meenngn Indane Uses Pros Jeon dM Hale 1986 Pray an pont, In Pda Langage “The Hague Most 1-31 Lay SM 16h On seman, eanemaon, retieion, and writin. Gere row Uc Rom Tee 1s HSE Washing Oeargetown Unies Mai 195. Sei in roves Na. ia 115-160 Marin, 1964 lowe of Gal ings Eales, ran Londo: Faber, (ing 9G. Hod ead Ober Cambie, Mass MET Pres Sto E118 Abr Types of Spe Net. Coad, Deprent of Mines ‘Gopal Suey, Meme &2 (Andeopeogl Serin, 9. Quan Goverment ‘Pinang Brey Rented nD, C- Mancaaum c8) Sect Wrong of Bd Sao ee Cle ed Pom. Bey Uy a Pr 19-1). Sword. 91, Cow de gus a Pape id mh, 190) Paci Pet i ‘Sine M1981. The Lis of Ares Soingitc Waking Papers, Austin: ‘Sautiwest Edom Develo Labrty Wet Wace Watram lil devotion proces wordnet In D. "Teen (le Pier fm he Paso Lend Sane. Chica: Chea Lig Soy, 27-288 i 197 insane ft loner Cai. In W. Sete e), Hbnok of North “re ny, ih 7, Nahe Coat, Washing: Sein Tastton Pres, 3500 Wie W. D867 Lana the Sy of ane: TL th Piero Tm Sime New York: Chace Seber 80 Berea rteetere eens ter Native languages of Latin America

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