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What do you see as the tipping point with climate change?

I think the tipping point for climate change will be when the people in
higher offices actually start becoming personally affected by whats going
on in our environment. I think they don't believe anything is wrong because
they are not getting personally hurt.

Do you find hope in these celebrity actions and initiatives promising? Have
you personally done any actions to#KeepItIntheGround
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, a project initiated by UK Guardian?
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I do find hope in celebrities actions and initiatives. Celebrities have some of

the most heard voices in our society, so they are able to reach the most
amount of people to raise awareness and take action in protecting our
planet. My family recently had solar panels installed on our home.

Did you follow the actions this year at #StandingRock

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Yes I did follow the actions this year at Standing Rock.

Do you have concerns about the potential elimination of the Environmental

Protection Agency?

I have many concerns about the elimination of the Environmental

Protection Agency. This agency being eliminated is very dangerous for our
way of life. The environment is a huge part of our lives and without an
agency doing everything they can to protect it and find new ways to protect
it and also find the problems within the environment our way of life will
begin to deteriorate.

Are you concerned that former corporate CEOs and avowed climate
deniers now work closely with the President of the United States, creating a
situation of potentially unchecked power for the Oil and Gas industries
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including Tillerson for Secretary of State, former Texas governor Rick Perry
as energy secretary, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as EPA
administrator and Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) as interior secretary?
Yes I am concerned about this because this leaves room for error. It also
will allow these companies to take advantage of the American people.

Do you plan to attend the Science March

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on Earth Day April 22nd in New York
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orDC? Their motto is "March for Science, Not Silence Or the Climate
March on April 29th?

I hope that I am able to attend the climate march in April.

Did you know that you can switch your electricity bill to green tech? (
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Green Mountain Energy
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andEthical Electric
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are two of many to choose from, even if you have a ConEdison billLet us
know when/if you make the switch)

Yes I did. We recently had solar panels installed on our house.

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