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AF4513-Corporate Social Responsibility

Semester One, 2017/18

Group Assignment Five

For Week 12 to Week 13 (November 20, 2017 December 1, 2017)

Ethics on Screen
Each student needs to watch the movie assigned to your group before the Week 12

Presentation Group
Assigned Movie* PolyU LibraryCall Number
Sequence No.
1 2 Blood Diamond PN1997. B5664 DVD
2 3 Wall Street PN1997 .W244 DVD
3 1 The Constant Gardener PN1997 .C678 DVD

* All are available in the library.

a) A group presentation not more than 12-minutes should be made during the Week
13 tutorial. Please note that mark will be deducted from the group if the
presentation is overrun.
b) Each group should answer the following questions in the presentation:
1. Identify and discuss the main business ethics issue(s) involved.
2. What are the viewpoints presented in the movie?
3. What are the arguments behind the different viewpoints?
4. Evaluate the viewpoints using theories you have learnt.
5. If you were the main character listed below, what would be your stance on
the business ethical issue(s)? What would be the limitations of taking such
a stance?
Blood Diamond Danny Archer, the Zimbabwean diamond smuggler
Wall Street Bud Fox, the stockbroker
The Constant Gardener Justin Quayle, British Diplomat

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c) All students are required to bring an original copy of the text book to every
tutorial. Please note that any unauthorized photocopied materials will be
confiscated and any student who commits a copy-write violation will be reported
to the authorities.
d) We also recommend that students bring a laptop to the tutorial to facilitate the
research and discussion.
e) Each group needs to discuss about their presentation slides during Week 13
tutorial class. All the discussion should be conducted in English, otherwise marks
will be deducted. You are reminded that this is a group exercise and all members
of the group are expected to be actively involved. Marks will be deducted for the
non-active member(s).
f) There should be maximum 4 members participating in the presentation. Group
members need to take turns in the presentations. Each group member must
participate in at least two of the presentations out of the five Group Assignments.
g) A Group Assignment Cover Sheet template is posted in Bb under the Group
Assignment section. The duly completed Group Assignment Cover Sheet and
the presentation slides must be email to you tutor at least 24 hours before your
presentation, e.g. slides should be sent to your tutor on or before 6:30 p.m.,
Wednesday for Thursday tutorial of 6:30 p.m. 10:20 p.m.
h) Students who are absent from any tutorial will score zero (0) for the respective
group assignment unless a legitimate reason for the absence is provided.

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