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3900 Series Base Station


Technical Description

Issue 13
Date 2014-02-24


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Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description About This Document

About This Document

This document describes the 3900 series base stations in terms of the logical structure,
networking, transmission and clock scheme, technical specification, and operation and

Product Version
The following table provides the mapping between a product name and product version.

Product Name Product Version

BTS3900 MBTS: V100R007C00

l GSM: V100R014C00
l WCDMA: V200R014C00
BTS3900L l LTE: V100R005C00


BTS3900C MBTS: V100R007C00

l WCDMA: V200R014C00

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:

l Network planning engineers

l Field engineers
l System engineers

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential ii

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description About This Document

1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical Description

This section describes changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical Description of each

2 3900 Series Base Station Product Family

Huawei 3900 series base stations adopt a uniform modular design for multiple radio network
systems. These base stations support the co-existence of devices serving different modes at the
same site, sharing of base station resources, and the unified operation and maintenance method.
With these merits, operators' requirement of evolution to multi-mode base stations becomes

3 Network Structure

This section describes the position of a 3900 series base station in a network.

4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

The 3900 series base stations include macro base stations (BTS3900, BTS3900L, BTS3900A,
and BTS3900AL), a distributed base station (DBS3900), micro base stations (BTS3900C,
BTS3900E, and BTS3902E), and a Pico base station (BTS3900B). Different types of base
stations can be used in various scenarios to achieve fast deployment and low operating
expenditure (OPEX). This technical description focuses on macro base stations, the distributed
base station DBS3900, and the micro base station BTS3900C. For a description of the other
types of 3900 series base stations, see the production documentation of the base station in

5 Logical Structure

A 3900 series base station mainly consists of BBUs, RF modules, and the antenna system. Its
functional subsystem includes the control system, transport system, baseband system,
monitoring system, RF system, antenna system, and power supply system.

6 Clock Synchronization

Synchronization refers to that within a specific time, the phase variation or frequency variation
between two or more signals stays within the specified range. Clock synchronization refers to
that a base station synchronizes its clock signals with a reference clock source. Through clock
synchronization, the variation in the clock frequency between a base station and other devices
in the related network and the variation in the clock signals between the base station and other
devices in the network are within the specified range. This prevents transmission performance
from deteriorating due to such variations.

7 Transport Network Topologies

The 3900 series base stations support multiple transmission schemes and transport network
topologies in various scenarios.

8 CPRI-based Topologies

This section describes CPRI-based topologies for 3900 series base stations and specifications
of CPRI ports on boards or modules. CPRI stands for common public radio interface.

9 Operation and Maintenance

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description About This Document

The 3900 series base stations are managed by an operation and maintenance (O&M) system
using either man-machine language (MML) commands or a graphical user interface (GUI). This
system is hardware-independent and provides comprehensive functions to meet users' various
O&M requirements.

10 Product Specifications

Product specifications of the 3900 series base stations include technical specifications of the
BBU3900, radio frequency unit (RFU), and remote radio unit (RRU) and engineering
specifications of each type of cabinet.

11 Reliability

3900 series base stations use the Huawei SingleBTS platform, support hardware sharing, and
provide mature communications technologies and stable transmission reliability.

Symbol Conventions

The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal

Calls attention to important information, best practices and

NOTE is used to address information not related to personal
injury, equipment damage, and environment deterioration.

General Conventions

The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iv

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description About This Document

Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in

Courier New.

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operations

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description About This Document

The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt
+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations

The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving
the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vi

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical Description..........................................1
2 3900 Series Base Station Product Family.................................................................................26
3 Network Structure.......................................................................................................................28
3.1 GBTS in the Network...................................................................................................................................................29
3.2 NodeB in the Network..................................................................................................................................................30
3.3 eNodeB in the Network................................................................................................................................................32
3.4 MBTS in the Network..................................................................................................................................................33

4 About 3900 Series Base Stations...............................................................................................36

4.1 Basic Modules..............................................................................................................................................................38
4.1.1 BBU3900...................................................................................................................................................................38
4.1.2 RFU...........................................................................................................................................................................42
4.1.3 RRU...........................................................................................................................................................................47
4.1.4 AAU...........................................................................................................................................................................51
4.2 BTS3900.......................................................................................................................................................................52
4.3 BTS3900L....................................................................................................................................................................55
4.4 BTS3900A....................................................................................................................................................................60
4.5 BTS3900AL..................................................................................................................................................................67
4.6 DBS3900......................................................................................................................................................................70
4.7 BTS3900C....................................................................................................................................................................74

5 Logical Structure..........................................................................................................................79
5.1 GBTS Logical Structure...............................................................................................................................................80
5.2 NodeB Logical Structure..............................................................................................................................................81
5.3 eNodeB Logical Structure............................................................................................................................................85
5.4 MBTS Logical Structure..............................................................................................................................................86
5.4.1 Related Concepts.......................................................................................................................................................87
5.4.2 Logical Structure of a Dual-Mode Base Station .......................................................................................................89
5.4.3 Logical Structure of a Triple-Mode Base Station......................................................................................................93

6 Clock Synchronization.............................................................................................................101
6.1 GBTS Clock Synchronization Modes........................................................................................................................103

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vii

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description Contents

6.2 NodeB Clock Synchronization Modes.......................................................................................................................104

6.3 eNodeB Clock Synchronization Modes.....................................................................................................................105
6.4 MBTS Clock Synchronization Modes........................................................................................................................107
6.4.1 Independent Reference Clock Mode.......................................................................................................................107
6.4.2 Common Reference Clock Mode............................................................................................................................108

7 Transport Network Topologies..............................................................................................113

7.1 GBTS Transport Network Topologies.......................................................................................................................114
7.2 NodeB Transport Network Topologies......................................................................................................................122
7.3 eNodeB Transport Network Topologies.....................................................................................................................126
7.4 MBTS Transport Network Topologies.......................................................................................................................129
7.4.1 Transport Network Topology..................................................................................................................................129
7.4.2 Independent Transmission.......................................................................................................................................132
7.4.3 Co-Transmission......................................................................................................................................................133

8 CPRI-based Topologies............................................................................................................147
8.1 GBTS CPRI-based Topologies...................................................................................................................................149
8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies..................................................................................................................................153
8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies................................................................................................................................158
8.4 MBTS CPRI-based Topologies..................................................................................................................................168
8.4.1 CPRI-based Topologies...........................................................................................................................................169
8.4.2 CPRI Specifications.................................................................................................................................................172
8.4.3 CPRI MUX Specifications......................................................................................................................................176

9 Operation and Maintenance....................................................................................................178

9.1 GBTS Operation and Maintenance.............................................................................................................................179
9.1.1 GBTS Operation & Maintenance Modes................................................................................................................179
9.1.2 GBTS Operation & Maintenance Functions...........................................................................................................180
9.2 NodeB Operation and Maintenance...........................................................................................................................181
9.2.1 NodeB Operation & Maintenance Modes...............................................................................................................181
9.2.2 NodeB Operation & Maintenance Functions..........................................................................................................183
9.3 eNodeB Operation and Maintenance..........................................................................................................................184
9.3.1 eNodeB Operation & Maintenance Modes.............................................................................................................184
9.3.2 eNodeB Operation & Maintenance Functions.........................................................................................................185
9.4 MBTS Operation and Maintenance............................................................................................................................187
9.4.1 MBTS Operation & Maintenance Modes................................................................................................................188
9.4.2 MBTS Operation & Maintenance Functions...........................................................................................................189
9.4.3 Maintenance Between Modes..................................................................................................................................207

10 Product Specifications............................................................................................................222
10.1 Technical Specifications of the BBU3900...............................................................................................................223
10.1.1 Capacity Specifications.........................................................................................................................................223
10.1.2 Baseband Specifications........................................................................................................................................225
10.1.3 Signaling Specifications........................................................................................................................................232

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential viii

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description Contents

10.1.4 Transmission Port Specifications..........................................................................................................................236

10.1.5 Engineering Specifications....................................................................................................................................237
10.2 Technical Specifications of RFUs............................................................................................................................242
10.2.1 GRFU Technical Specifications............................................................................................................................242
10.2.2 DRFU Technical Specifications............................................................................................................................250
10.2.3 WRFU Technical Specifications...........................................................................................................................254
10.2.4 WRFUa Technical Specifications.........................................................................................................................261
10.2.5 WRFUd Technical Specifications.........................................................................................................................265
10.2.6 WRFUe Technical Specifications.........................................................................................................................273
10.2.7 MRFU Technical Specifications...........................................................................................................................280
10.2.8 MRFUd Technical Specifications.........................................................................................................................296
10.2.9 MRFUe Technical Specifications..........................................................................................................................310
10.2.10 CRFUd Technical Specifications........................................................................................................................318
10.2.11 LRFU Technical Specifications...........................................................................................................................322
10.2.12 LRFUe Technical Specifications.........................................................................................................................325
10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs............................................................................................................................328
10.3.1 RRU3004 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................................329
10.3.2 RRU3008 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................................335
10.3.3 RRU3804 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................................346
10.3.4 RRU3805 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................................355
10.3.5 RRU3806 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................................364
10.3.6 RRU3808 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................................373
10.3.7 RRU3824 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................................390
10.3.8 RRU3826 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................................396
10.3.9 RRU3828 Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................................403
10.3.10 RRU3829 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................413
10.3.11 RRU3832 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................423
10.3.12 RRU3838 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................441
10.3.13 RRU3839 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................451
10.3.14 RRU3801E Technical Specifications..................................................................................................................461
10.3.15 RRU3908 Technical Specifications ....................................................................................................................468
10.3.16 RRU3926 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................486
10.3.17 RRU3928 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................495
10.3.18 RRU3929 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................506
10.3.19 RRU3936 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................519
10.3.20 RRU3938 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................532
10.3.21 RRU3939 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................544
10.3.22 RRU3942 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................552
10.3.23 RRU3201 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................569
10.3.24 RRU3203 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................575
10.3.25 RRU3220 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................580

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential ix

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description Contents

10.3.26 RRU3221 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................585

10.3.27 RRU3222 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................592
10.3.28 RRU3229 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................597
10.3.29 RRU3240 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................604
10.3.30 RRU3841 Technical Specifications.....................................................................................................................611
10.4 Technical Specifications of an AAU........................................................................................................................619
10.4.1 AAU3902 Technical Specifications......................................................................................................................619
10.5 Engineering Specifications.......................................................................................................................................631
10.5.1 BTS3900 Engineering Specifications....................................................................................................................631
10.5.2 BTS3900L Engineering Specifications.................................................................................................................637
10.5.3 BTS3900A Engineering Specifications.................................................................................................................641
10.5.4 BTS3900AL Engineering Specifications..............................................................................................................646
10.5.5 DBS3900 Engineering Specifications...................................................................................................................651
10.5.6 BTS3900C Engineering Specifications.................................................................................................................654

11 Reliability..................................................................................................................................659
11.1 GBTS Reliability......................................................................................................................................................660
11.2 NodeB Reliability.....................................................................................................................................................661
11.3 eNodeB Reliability...................................................................................................................................................663
11.4 MBTS Reliability.....................................................................................................................................................665


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential x

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station

Technical Description

This section describes changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical Description of each

13 (2014-02-24)
This is Issue 13.

Compared with Issue 12 (2013-11-28), this issue does not include any new topics.

Compared with Issue 12 (2013-11-28), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

10.2.7 MRFU Technical Specifications Modified the output power for the MRFU V2/
MRFU V2a (900 MHz/1800 MHz, GL

10.3.19 RRU3936 Technical Specifications Added specifications when the RRU3936

operates in the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz
frequency bands.

10.4.1 AAU3902 Technical Specifications Modified equipment specifications when the

AAU3902 works in active mode.

10.5.2 BTS3900L Engineering Modified the equipment specifications of a

Specifications BTS3900L cabinet.

Compared with Issue 12 (2013-11-28), this issue does not exclude any topics.

12 (2013-11-28)
This is issue 12.

Compared with issue 11 (2013-08-20), this issue includes the following new topics:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

l 4.1.4 AAU
l 10.2.4 WRFUa Technical Specifications
l 10.3.13 RRU3839 Technical Specifications
l 10.3.21 RRU3939 Technical Specifications
l 10.4 Technical Specifications of an AAU

Compared with issue 11 (2013-08-20), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

4.1.1 BBU3900 Added description about the UTRPa.

4.1.2 RFU Added description about the WRFUa.

4.1.3 RRU Added description about the RRU3839 and


8.1 GBTS CPRI-based Topologies Added CPRI specifications of the RRU3939.

8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies Added CPRI specifications of the RRU3839

and WRFUa.

8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies Added CPRI specifications of the RRU3939.

8.4.2 CPRI Specifications Added CPRI specifications of the RRU3939.

10.1.4 Transmission Port Specifications Added description about the UTRPa.

Compared with issue 11 (2013-08-20), this issue does not exclude any topics.

11 (2013-08-20)
This is issue 11.

Compared with issue 10 (2013-05-27), this issue includes the following new topics:
l 10.3.11 RRU3832 Technical Specifications
l 10.3.12 RRU3838 Technical Specifications
l 10.3.20 RRU3938 Technical Specifications

Compared with issue 10 (2013-05-27), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

4.1.3 RRU Added description about the RRU3936,

RRU3938, RRU3832, and RRU3838.

8.1 GBTS CPRI-based Topologies l Added CPRI specifications of the

RRU3936 and RRU3938.
l Modified CPRI data rates of the
RRU3928, RRU3929, and RRU3942.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies l Added CPRI specifications of the

MRFUe, RRU3938, RRU3832, and
l Modified CPRI data rates of the
RRU3928, RRU3929, and RRU3942.

8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies l Added CPRI specifications of the

MRFUe, RRU3832, RRU3926,
RRU3936, and RRU3938.
l Modified the CPRI data rate of the
l Modified the maximum distance between
the BBU and the RRU.

8.4.2 CPRI Specifications l Added CPRI specifications of the

RRU3938 and RRU3832.
l Modified CPRI data rates of the
RRU3928, RRU3929, and RRU3942.

10.1.1 Capacity Specifications Added board configuration descriptions.

10.2 Technical Specifications of RFUs and l Added CPRI specifications of RF

10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs modules.
l Modified port names in the table of surge
protection specifications.

10.2.3 WRFU Technical Specifications l Modified the weight specifications.

l Modified the power consumption

10.2.5 WRFUd Technical Specifications Modified the power consumption

specifications when the WRFUd is used with
the BTS3900L cabinet.

10.2.6 WRFUe Technical Specifications Modified the power consumption


10.2.11 LRFU Technical Specifications Removed the power consumption for a single

10.2.12 LRFUe Technical Specifications l Removed the power consumption for a

and 10.2.10 CRFUd Technical single module.
Specifications l Added typical output power
configurations for RF modules.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.2.7 MRFU Technical Specifications l Modified the RX and TX frequency bands

of the MRFU V2 working at the 1800
MHz frequency band.
l Added the power consumption
specifications when the MRFU V2 or
MRFU V2a is used with the BTS3900AL
AC (Ver.A) cabinet.

10.3.1 RRU3004 Technical Specifications Added the size and weight without the

10.3.2 RRU3008 Technical Specifications l Added the frequency band of the

RRU3008 V1 working at the 900 MHz
frequency band.
l Added the size and weight without the
housing and modified the weight with the

10.3.6 RRU3808 Technical Specifications l Removed specifications of the 2100 MHz

RRU3808 working in LTE mode.
l Added the table of carrier configurations
when the RRU3808 works in UMTS
mode and uses the combination of the
single output configurations and MIMO.
l Removed the power consumption of a
single RRU3808 working in LTE mode.
l Modified the power consumption of the
AWS RRU3808 working in LTE mode in
a whole site.

10.3.7 RRU3824 Technical Specifications Removed the size and weight with the
and 10.3.8 RRU3826 Technical housing.

10.3.23 RRU3201 Technical Removed the power consumption for a single

Specifications, 10.3.25 RRU3220 module.
Technical Specifications, and 10.3.27
RRU3222 Technical Specifications

10.3.24 RRU3203 Technical Specifications l Modified the weight specifications.

l Removed the power consumption for a
single module.

10.3.26 RRU3221 Technical l Added typical output power

Specifications, 10.3.28 RRU3229 configurations for RF modules.
Technical Specifications, 10.3.29 l Removed the power consumption for a
RRU3240 Technical Specifications, and single module.
10.3.30 RRU3841 Technical Specifications

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.3.17 RRU3928 Technical Added the size and weight without the
Specifications, 10.3.18 RRU3929 housing.
Technical Specifications, and 10.3.22
RRU3942 Technical Specifications

10.3.19 RRU3936 Technical Specifications Modified the weight specifications.

10.5.1 BTS3900 Engineering l Divided the Input power supported by

Specifications the BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900
(Ver.C), and BTS3900 (Ver.D)
cabinets table into three tables: Input
power supported by the BTS3900
(Ver.B) cabinet, Input power
supported by the BTS3900 (Ver.C)
cabinet, and Input power supported by
the BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinet.
l Modified the weight of the BTS3900
(Ver.D) cabinet.
l Added the safety standards, working
environment standards, and noise
standards that a cabinet must comply with.

10.5.2 BTS3900L Engineering Added the safety standards, working

Specifications, 10.5.4 BTS3900AL environment standards, and noise standards
Engineering Specifications, 10.5.5 that a cabinet must comply with.
DBS3900 Engineering Specifications, and
10.5.6 BTS3900C Engineering

10.5.3 BTS3900A Engineering l Modified the base size.

Specifications l Added the safety standards, working
environment standards, and noise
standards that a cabinet must comply with.

Compared with issue 10 (2013-05-27), this issue does not exclude any topics.

10 (2013-05-27)
This is issue 10.

Compared with issue 09 (2013-04-30), this issue includes the following new topics:
l 10.1.1 Capacity Specifications
l 10.1.2 Baseband Specifications
l 10.1.3 Signaling Specifications
l 10.1.4 Transmission Port Specifications
l 10.1.5 Engineering Specifications

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

l 10.3.19 RRU3936 Technical Specifications

Compared with issue 09 (2013-04-30), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

8.4.2 CPRI Specifications l Added the maximum number of 2T2R

cells supported by the UMTS mode.
l Added specifications for CPRI ports on
the RRU3936.

8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies Added the maximum number of 2T2R cells
supported by the UMTS mode.

10.1 Technical Specifications of the This section is divided into the following
BBU3900 parts:
l Capacity specifications. For detailed
information, see 10.1.1 Capacity
l Signaling specifications. For detailed
information, see 10.1.2 Baseband
l Transmission port specifications. For
detailed information, see 10.1.4
Transmission Port Specifications.
l Input power, equipment, environment,
and surge protection specifications. For
detailed information, see 10.1.5
Engineering Specifications.

10.2.8 MRFUd Technical Specifications Modified the Output power of MRFUd

(900/1800 MHz, GL MSR) table.

10.3.18 RRU3929 Technical Specifications Modified the Output power of RRU3929

(900/1800 MHz, GL MSR) table.

Compared with issue 09 (2013-04-30), this issue does not exclude any topics.

09 (2013-04-30)
This is issue 09.

Compared with issue 08 (2013-02-20), this issue does not include any new topics.

Compared with issue 08 (2013-02-20), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

4.4 BTS3900A Added the IBBS700T and IBBS700D to the

battery cabinets of the BTS3900A (Ver.D).

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

8.4.2 CPRI Specifications Added the following description: In a GU

dual-mode base station, the UMTS side
reserves CPRI bandwidth for a TX and an RX
channel of the GSM side in case that
bandwidth on the GSM side is insufficient. As
a result, the cell number supported by the
UMTS side is reduced.

10.3.3 RRU3804 Technical Specifications Deleted the power backup duration in tables
Power consumption of DBS3900 with
RRU3804 (AC) operating in the 2100 MHz
frequency band and Power consumption of
DBS3900 with RRU3804 (AC) operating in
the 850 MHz frequency band.

10.3.5 RRU3806 Technical Specifications Deleted the power backup duration in the
table Power consumption of DBS3900 with
RRU3806 (AC).

10.3.14 RRU3801E Technical Deleted the power backup duration in the

Specifications table Power consumption of DBS3900 with
RRU3801E (AC).

10.3.15 RRU3908 Technical Specifications Added specifications related to the RRU3908


Compared with issue 08 (2013-02-20), this issue does not exclude any topics.

08 (2013-02-20)
This is issue 08.

Compared with issue 07 (2012-12-30), this issue does not include any new topics.

Compared with issue 07 (2012-12-30), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

4.1.1 BBU3900 Added the UMPTb1 board.

10.1 Technical Specifications of the Updated LTE capacity specifications.


10.2.1 GRFU Technical Specifications Added output power and power consumption
specifications for the GRFU V2a.

10.2.7 MRFU Technical Specifications Added output power and power consumption
specifications for the MRFU V2a.

10.5.1 BTS3900 Engineering Updated power specifications.


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.5.3 BTS3900A Engineering Updated power specifications.


10.5.4 BTS3900AL Engineering Updated power specifications.


Compared with issue 07 (2012-12-30), this issue does not exclude any topics.

07 (2012-12-30)
This is issue 07.

Compared with issue 06 (2012-11-10), this issue does not include any new topics.

Compared with issue 06 (2012-11-10), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

5 Logical Structure In the logical structure, replaced the Filter in

the RF system with a Duplexer and changed
the bidirectional arrow between the PA/LNA
and the signal processing unit, between the
PA/LNA and the filter to a unidirectional
arrow. PA is short for power amplifier and
LNA is short for low noise amplifier.

10.2 Technical Specifications of RFUs Added the maximum output power supported
by the RF modules.

10.2.1 GRFU Technical Specifications Modified power consumption of the GRFU.

10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs Added the maximum output power supported
by the RF modules.

10.3.3 RRU3804 Technical Specifications Added specifications of the RRU3804 (AC)

working in the 850 MHz frequency band.

10.3.30 RRU3841 Technical Specifications Modified the combination of ports for

transmitting RF signals when the RRU3841
uses the 1T2R, 2T2R, and 2T4R
configurations, respectively.

10.3.22 RRU3942 Technical Specifications Modified the data in the Output power of
RRU3942 (1900 MHz, UL MSR) table.

Compared with issue 06 (2012-11-10), this issue does not exclude any topics.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

06 (2012-11-10)
This is issue 06.

Compared with issue 05 (2012-09-15), this issue does not include any new topics.

Compared with issue 05 (2012-09-15), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

2 3900 Series Base Station Product Family Optimized figures and descriptions.

4.1.2 RFU Modified the hybrid configuration rule for

radio frequency (RF) modules.

4.1.3 RRU Modified the hybrid configuration rule for RF


4.2 BTS3900 Modified the maximum configurations of a

BTS3900 using RFUs and RRUs and detailed
the configurations based on the type of the
configured cabinet.

4.3 BTS3900L Modified the maximum configurations of a

BTS3900L using RFUs and RRUs and
detailed the configurations based on the type
of the configured cabinet.

4.4 BTS3900A l Removed description about the

BTS3900A (Ver.D1) cabinets, and
renamed the BTS3900A (Ver.D2)
cabinets BTS3900A (Ver.D).
l Modified the maximum configurations of
a BTS3900A using RFUs and RRUs and
detailed the configurations based on the
type of the configured cabinet.

4.5 BTS3900AL Modified the maximum configurations of a

single-mode BTS3900AL using RFUs and
RRUs and the maximum configurations of a
dual-mode BTS3900AL using RFUs and

4.6 DBS3900 l Removed description about the APM30H

(Ver.D1) and TMC11H (Ver.D1)
l Renamed the APM30H (Ver.D2) and
TMC11H (Ver.D2) cabinets APM30H
(Ver.D) and TMC11H (Ver.D),

10.2 Technical Specifications of RFUs Modified the RET antenna support capability
of each type of RFUs and specified whether
each of them complies with AISG1.1.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 9

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs Modified the RET antenna support capability
of each type of RRUs and specified whether
each of them complies with AISG1.1.

10.2.10 CRFUd Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.2.11 LRFU Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.2.12 LRFUe Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.3.6 RRU3808 Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base
station when RRU3808s work in LTE mode.

10.3.23 RRU3201 Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.3.24 RRU3203 Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.3.25 RRU3220 Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.3.26 RRU3221 Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.3.27 RRU3222 Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.3.28 RRU3229 Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.3.29 RRU3240 Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.3.30 RRU3841 Technical Specifications Added power consumption for the whole base

10.5.1 BTS3900 Engineering The following note is added to the standards

Specifications with which the BTS3900 complies with: The
BTS3900 complies with the following
standards. If interference exists because the
BTS3900 is installed near antennas or other
radio receive devices, you are advised to
extend the distance between them or adjust
the location and direction of antennas.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 10

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.5.2 BTS3900L Engineering The following note is added to the standards

Specifications with which the BTS3900L complies with:
The BTS3900L complies with the following
standards. If interference exists because the
BTS3900L is installed near antennas or other
radio receive devices, you are advised to
extend the distance between them or adjust
the location and direction of antennas.

10.5.3 BTS3900A Engineering l Removed description about the

Specifications BTS3900A (Ver.D1) cabinets, and
renamed the BTS3900A (Ver.D2)
cabinets BTS3900A (Ver.D).
l Added the heat dissipation capability of
the BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A
(Ver.C), and BTS3900A (Ver.D)
l The following note is added to the
standards with which the BTS3900A
complies with: The BTS3900A complies
with the following standards. If
interference exists because the
BTS3900A is installed near antennas or
other radio receive devices, you are
advised to extend the distance between
them or adjust the location and direction
of antennas.

10.5.4 BTS3900AL Engineering l Added the heat dissipation capability of

Specifications the BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet.
l The following note is added to the
standards with which the BTS3900AL
complies with: The BTS3900AL
complies with the following standards. If
interference exists because the
BTS3900AL is installed near antennas or
other radio receive devices, you are
advised to extend the distance between
them or adjust the location and direction
of antennas.

10.5.5 DBS3900 Engineering The following note is added to the standards

Specifications with which the DBS3900 complies with: The
DBS3900 complies with the following
standards. If interference exists because the
DBS3900 is installed near antennas or other
radio receive devices, you are advised to
extend the distance between them or adjust
the location and direction of antennas.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 11

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.5.6 BTS3900C Engineering l Added the heat dissipation capability of

Specifications the BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet.
l The following note is added to the
standards with which the BTS3900C
complies with: The BTS3900C complies
with the following standards. If
interference exists because the
BTS3900C is installed near antennas or
other radio receive devices, you are
advised to extend the distance between
them or adjust the location and direction
of antennas.

Compared with issue 05 (2012-09-15), this issue does not exclude any topics.

05 (2012-09-15)
This is issue 05.

Compared with issue 04 (2012-08-05), this issue includes the following new topics:

l 10.3.7 RRU3824 Technical Specifications

l 10.3.8 RRU3826 Technical Specifications

Compared with issue 04 (2012-08-05), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

4.1.1 BBU3900 Deleted the LBBPb.

4.1.2 RFU l Modified the limitations on using RFUs

together with cabinets.
l Added the hybrid configuration rule to
radio frequency (RF) modules.

4.1.3 RRU l Added description about the RRU3824

and RRU3826.
l Modified the limitations on using RRUs
together with cabinets.
l Added the hybrid configuration rule to
radio frequency (RF) modules.

4.2 BTS3900 Added description about the BTS3900

(Ver.D) cabinet.

4.3 BTS3900L Added description about the BTS3900L

(Ver.D) cabinet.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 12

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

4.4 BTS3900A Added description about the BTS3900A

(Ver.D1) and BTS3900A (Ver.D2) cabinets.

4.6 DBS3900 Added description about the Ver.D series


8.1 GBTS CPRI-based Topologies l Removed MRFU V3 modules.

l Added specifications for CPRI ports on
the UBRI board.

8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies Added specifications for CPRI ports on the
RRU3824 and RRU3826.

8.4.2 CPRI Specifications Removed MRFU V3 modules.

Commissioning Mode Optimized the MBTS Commissioning

mode table.

10.2.1 GRFU Technical Specifications Added power consumption for GRFU V2

modules if these modules work with the
BTS3900AL cabinet.

10.2.3 WRFU Technical Specifications Added the Power Backup Duration

Estimated Based on Typical Power
Consumption of New Batteries (Hours)
column to the Power consumption table.

10.3.3 RRU3804 Technical Specifications Added the Power Backup Duration

Estimated Based on Typical Power
Consumption of New Batteries (Hours)
column to the Power consumption of
DBS3900 with RRU3804 (AC) and Power
consumption of BTS3900C with RRU3804
(DC) tables.

10.3.5 RRU3806 Technical Specifications Added the Power Backup Duration

Estimated Based on Typical Power
Consumption of New Batteries (Hours)
column to the Power consumption of
DBS3900 with RRU3806 (AC) and Power
consumption of BTS3900C with RRU3806
(DC) tables.

10.3.14 RRU3801E Technical Added the Power Backup Duration

Specifications Estimated Based on Typical Power
Consumption of New Batteries (Hours)
column to the Power consumption of
DBS3900 with RRU3801E (AC) and Power
consumption of BTS3900C with
RRU3801E (DC) tables.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 13

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.5.1 BTS3900 Engineering l Added engineering specifications for the

Specifications BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinet.
l Modified the surge protection
specifications of DC power supply ports.

10.5.2 BTS3900L Engineering l Added engineering specifications for the

Specifications BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinet.
l Modified the surge protection
specifications of DC power supply ports.

10.5.3 BTS3900A Engineering Added engineering specifications for the

Specifications BTS3900A (Ver.D1) and BTS3900A
(Ver.D2) cabinets.

10.5.6 BTS3900C Engineering l Modified the weight of the BTS3900C

Specifications (Ver.C) cabinet.
l Modified the surge protection
specifications of DC power supply ports
on a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet.

Compared with issue 04 (2012-08-05), this issue does not exclude any topics.

04 (2012-08-05)
This is issue 04.

Compared with issue 03 (2012-06-29), this issue does not include any new topics.

Compared with issue 03 (2012-06-29), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

About This Document For the BTS3900C, added an MBTS version

in the column Product Version.

2 3900 Series Base Station Product Family Classified the BTS3900C as an MBTS

4.1.1 BBU3900 For the UTRPb4, LTE is removed from

Supported Mode.

4.1.3 RRU For the RRU3942, added UL to the column

Supported Mode.

4.7 BTS3900C Added description about the BTS3900C

(Ver.C) cabinet.

IP-based Co-Transmission Removed description about the UTRPb4


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 14

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

5.4.2 Logical Structure of a Dual-Mode l Added UL to Working Mode of RF

Base Station Modules for the UL scenario.
l Added RXU (UL) to Logical structure
of a dual-mode base station (UL).

5.4.3 Logical Structure of a Triple-Mode l Added UL to Working Mode of RF

Base Station Modules.
l Added RXU (UL) to Logical structure
of a triple-mode base station (GU+L)
with BBU interconnection and Logical
structure of a triple-mode base station
(GU+UL) with BBU interconnection.

9.3.2 eNodeB Operation & Maintenance Added description about board-in-cabinet

Functions transportation.

9.4.3 Maintenance Between Modes Updated the table Maintenance operations

that may affect services of other modes.

10.2.10 CRFUd Technical Specifications l Modified the receiver sensitivity.

l Changed the upper limit for the total
bandwidth between the maximum
frequency and the minimum frequency of
the spectrums for two carriers from 40
MHz to 45 MHz.

10.3.28 RRU3229 Technical Specifications Modified dimensions.

10.2.11 LRFU Technical Specifications Removed description about the AWS

frequency band.

10.3.22 RRU3942 Technical Specifications Added UL-related specifications.

10.3.24 RRU3203 Technical Specifications Modified weights.

10.1 Technical Specifications of the For LTE, removed UTRPb4 information

BBU3900 from the column Transmission Port.

10.5.6 BTS3900C Engineering Added specifications for the BTS3900C

Specifications (Ver.C) cabinet.

Compared with issue 03 (2012-06-29), this issue does not exclude any topics.

03 (2012-06-29)
This is issue 03.

Compared with 02 (2012-06-20), this issue includes the following new topics:

l 10.2.6 WRFUe Technical Specifications

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 15

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Compared with 02 (2012-06-20), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

4.1.1 BBU3900 Added the USCUb14 and USCUb22.

4.1.2 RFU Added the WRFUe.

8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies Added specifications for CPRI ports on the

10.3.22 RRU3942 Technical Specifications Updated the table Output power of

RRU3942 (850/1900 MHz, GU MSR, 40 W
+ 80 W).

Compared with 02 (2012-06-20), this issue does not exclude any topics.

02 (2012-06-20)
This is issue 02.

Compared with 01 (2012-04-25), this issue does not include any new topics.

Compared with 01 (2012-04-25), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

4.1.1 BBU3900 Optimized the description.

7.1 GBTS Transport Network Topologies Added the networking with IP over E1/T1.

IP-based Co-Transmission Optimized the figures.

8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies Removed the Number of Cells Supported

(Without MIMO or Four Antennas)
column from the CPRI port specifications
of the WBBP board table.

8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies Modified the specifications of CPRI ports.

8.4 MBTS CPRI-based Topologies l Modified the number of cascading levels

supported by the CPRI MUX topology.
l Modified the Number of LTE Cells
Supported when the CPRI data rate is 4.9

10.1 Technical Specifications of the Updated GSM capacity.


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 16

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.2.7 MRFU Technical Specifications l For the MRFU V1: modified the receiver
sensitivity when it works in LTE mode.
l For the MRFU V2: removed the receiver
sensitivity when it works in UMTS mode
and operates in the 1800 MHz frequency
band; modified the receiver sensitivity
when it works in LTE mode.

10.2.8 MRFUd Technical Specifications Modified the receiver sensitivity when it

works in UMTS mode and operates in the
1800 MHz frequency band; modified the
receiver sensitivity when it works in LTE

10.2.9 MRFUe Technical Specifications l Modified the receiver sensitivity when it

works in UMTS mode and operates in the
1800 MHz frequency band; modified the
receiver sensitivity when it works in LTE
l Updated the Output power of MRFUe
(900/1800 MHz, GL MSR) table.

10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs Updated the operating environment standards

for RRUs.

10.3.15 RRU3908 Technical Specifications l For the RRU3908 V1: modified the
receiver sensitivity when it works in LTE
mode; added the power consumption
when it operates in the 1800 MHz
frequency band.
l For the RRU3908 V2: modified the
receiver sensitivity when it works in GSM
mode and operates in the 850 MHz
frequency band; modified the receiver
sensitivity when it works in LTE mode;
updated the Output power of RRU3908
V2 (850/900 MHz, GU MSR) table.

10.3.16 RRU3926 Technical Specifications l Modified the receiver sensitivity when it

works in UMTS mode and operates in the
1800 MHz frequency band.
l Added the note "hardware ready" to radio
frequency (RF) modules that support five
or six UMTS carriers.
l Added the power consumption.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 17

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.3.17 RRU3928 Technical Specifications Modified the receiver sensitivity when it

works in UMTS mode and operates in the
1800 MHz frequency band; modified the
receiver sensitivity when it works in LTE

10.3.18 RRU3929 Technical Specifications Modified the receiver sensitivity when it

works in UMTS mode and operates in the
1800 MHz frequency band; modified the
receiver sensitivity when it works in LTE

10.3.22 RRU3942 Technical Specifications l Added specifications when it operates in

the 850 MHz frequency band.
l Modified the receiver sensitivity when it
works in UMTS mode and operates in the
1800 MHz frequency band; modified the
receiver sensitivity when it works in LTE
l Updated the Output power of RRU3942
(850/1900 MHz, single-mode, 40 W + 80
W) table.
l Modified the power consumption.

10.3.30 RRU3841 Technical Specifications l Updated the output power.

l Updated the environmental specifications
of an RRU3841.

Compared with 01 (2012-04-25), this issue does not exclude any topics.

01 (2012-04-25)
This is issue 01.

Compared with Draft B (2012-03-20), this issue does not include any new topics.

Compared with Draft B (2012-03-20), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

4.1.3 RRU Removed UL from Applicable Mode for the


4.6 DBS3900 Optimized the description.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 18

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

5.4.2 Logical Structure of a Dual-Mode l Adjusted the table Typical scenarios for
Base Station a dual-mode base station.
l Removed RXU (UL) from Logical
structure of a dual-mode base station

5.4.3 Logical Structure of a Triple-Mode l Removed UL from Working Mode of RF

Base Station Modules.
l Removed RXU (UL) from Logical
structure of a triple-mode base station
(GU+L) with BBU interconnection and
Logical structure of a triple-mode base
station (GU+UL) with BBU

6.3 eNodeB Clock Synchronization Modes Added the note: When the Clock Working
Mode is set to AUTO(Auto), it does not take
effect on an eNodeB, and each eNodeB can
be configured with only one type of external
clock source.

6.4 MBTS Clock Synchronization Modes Added the note: In an MBTS, the Clock
Working Mode cannot be set to AUTO
(Auto), and each SiteUnit can be configured
with only one type of external clock source.

6.4.2 Common Reference Clock Mode Optimized the description.

TDM-based Co-Transmission Changed the title to TDM-based co-


IP-based Co-Transmission Modified the description about co-

transmission through backplane
interconnection. Added the figure IP-based
co-transmission (Single BBU, GU
backplane interconnection), the figure IP-
based co-transmission (Single BBU, UL
backplane interconnection), and the figure
IP-based co-transmission (BBU

9.1.2 GBTS Operation & Maintenance Added the note: The security of the USB
Functions loading port is ensured by encryption.

9.3.2 eNodeB Operation & Maintenance Added the note: The security of the USB
Functions loading port is ensured by encryption.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 19

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

Common Part Management Added the notes:

l For the UTRPc board, the SiteUnit
priority descends from eNodeB, to
NodeB, and then to GBTS.
l Loading control rights cannot take effect
and none of the SiteUnits of an MBTS
manages software of common parts if the
following configuration conflicts arise
and each SiteUnit does not work in
engineering mode.

Software Upgrade l Added the note: The security of the USB

loading port is ensured by encryption.
l Added the note: During a one-sided
upgrade, start event of common parts can
be reported only by the SiteUnit that is
being upgraded.

Commissioning Mode Added the note: The security of the USB

loading port is ensured by encryption.

Alarm Management l Added the description: Alarms reported

by unilaterally managed common parts
may affect the operation of other
SiteUnits. On the Browse Current
Alarm tab page, the Additional
Information column lists the
information. With the information,
maintenance personnel can know the
mode information about the base station
where the alarm is generated and the
modes that are affected by the alarm.
l Added the Browse Current Alarm tab
page of the M2000.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 20

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

9.4.3 Maintenance Between Modes l Modified the operation impact for

Resetting a board and Resetting a board
in power-off mode: When the CPRI-
based topology on an MBTS uses the
dual-star topology, services of the other
modes may be interrupted if one main
control board is abnormally reset or the
board is removed and inserted again.
l Added the operation impact for Resetting
a base station: During an MBTS reset,
start event of common parts can be
observed by the related managing

10.1 Technical Specifications of the Updated the maximum number of UEs in

BBU3900 RRC_CONNECTED mode per eNodeB.

10.2 Technical Specifications of RFUs Added the size and weight of the RFU.

10.2.5 WRFUd Technical Specifications Updated the output power.

10.2.12 LRFUe Technical Specifications Updated the power consumption.

10.3.22 RRU3942 Technical Specifications Removed UL-related specifications.

10.3.23 RRU3201 Technical Specifications Updated the receiver sensitivity.

10.3.30 RRU3841 Technical Specifications l Updated the receiver sensitivity.

l Updated the weight.

Compared with Draft B (2012-03-20), this issue does not exclude any topics.

Draft B (2012-03-20)
This is the release of Draft B.

Compared with Draft A (2012-02-10), this issue does not include any new topics.

Compared with Draft A (2012-02-10), this issue incorporates the following changes:

Topic Change Description

4.1.3 RRU Removed RRU3223.

8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies Removed RRU3223 specifications.

8.4 MBTS CPRI-based Topologies Updated the specifications of the CPRI MUX

10.1 Technical Specifications of the Updated the operating temperatures and

BBU3900 surge protection specifications.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 21

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

10.2 Technical Specifications of RFUs Added receiver sensitivity and power

consumption specifications for LTE.

10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs Added receiver sensitivity and power

consumption specifications for LTE.

10.5 Engineering Specifications Updated the input power values, weights,

operating temperatures and surge protection

Compared with Draft A (2012-02-10), this issue excludes the following topic:
l RRU3223 technical specifications

Draft A (2012-02-10)
This is the release of Draft A.

This issue includes the following new topics, compared with issue 05 (2011-11-30) of MBTS
V100R004, issue 07 (2011-11-30) of GSM V100R013C00, issue 07 (2011-11-30) of WCDMA
V200R013C00, and issue 03 (2011-12-24) of LTE V100R004C00:
l 2 3900 Series Base Station Product Family
l 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations
l 10.1 Technical Specifications of the BBU3900
l 10.2.10 CRFUd Technical Specifications
l 10.3.10 RRU3829 Technical Specifications
l 10.3.16 RRU3926 Technical Specifications
l 10.3.22 RRU3942 Technical Specifications
l 10.3.28 RRU3229 Technical Specifications
l 10.3.30 RRU3841 Technical Specifications
l RRU3223 technical specifications
l 10.5 Engineering Specifications
l 11.1 GBTS Reliability

Compared with issue 05 (2011-11-30) of MBTS V100R004, this issue incorporates the following

Topic Change Description

5.4 MBTS Logical Structure l Added the description about BBU

interconnection and inter-BBU SDR.
l Added the description about logical
structures when BBU interconnection is

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 22

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

6.4 MBTS Clock Synchronization Modes l Optimized the description.

l Added the description about the common
reference clock mode when BBU
interconnection is applied.

IP-based Co-Transmission l Optimized the description.

l Added the description about IP-based co-
transmission through backplane

8.4 MBTS CPRI-based Topologies l Added the figure for the dual-star
topology with inter-BBU SDR applied.
l Added the description about the CPRI
MUX topology.
l Added the number of supported cells
when different CPRI data rates are used.

10.2.7 MRFU Technical Specifications Updated the supported modes, frequency

bands, and RF specifications.

10.2.8 MRFUd Technical Specifications Updated RF specifications.

10.2.9 MRFUe Technical Specifications Updated the supported modes, frequency

bands, and RF specifications.

10.3.15 RRU3908 Technical Specifications Updated the supported modes, frequency

bands, and RF specifications.

10.3.17 RRU3928 Technical Specifications Updated RF specifications.

10.3.18 RRU3929 Technical Specifications Updated the supported modes, frequency

bands, and RF specifications.

Common Part Management l Optimized the description.

l Added the description about mode

Configuration Management Updated the initial configuration methods.

Software Upgrade Updated the upgrade scenarios.

Commissioning Mode Updated the commissioning methods.

Alarm Management l Optimized the description.

l Updated the alarm management methods.

Mode Evolution Updated typical evolution scenarios.

9.4.3 Maintenance Between Modes Added the operations: modifying/removing/

adding control links to the maintenance
operations performed at all SiteUnits.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 23

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

11.4 MBTS Reliability Updated the description about reliability.

Compared with issue 07 (2011-11-30) of GSM V100R013C00, this issue incorporates the
following changes:

Topic Change Description

6.1 GBTS Clock Synchronization Modes Optimized the GBTS clock synchronization

Compared with issue 07 (2011-11-30) of WCDMA V200R013C00, this issue incorporates the
following changes:

Topic Change Description

5.2 NodeB Logical Structure l Added the description about BBU

l Added the description about logical
structures when BBU interconnection is

6.2 NodeB Clock Synchronization Modes Optimized the NodeB clock synchronization

7.2 NodeB Transport Network Topologies l Optimized the description.

l Added restrictions to transport network
topologies when BBU interconnection is

8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies l Optimized the description.

l Added the description about the inter-
board cold backup ring topology.

Compared with issue 03 (2011-12-24) of LTE V100R004C00, this issue incorporates the
following changes:

Topic Change Description

5.3 eNodeB Logical Structure Removed the logical structure of the TDD

6.3 eNodeB Clock Synchronization Modes Optimized the eNodeB clock synchronization

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 24

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station 1 Changes in the 3900 Series Base Station Technical
Technical Description Description

Topic Change Description

8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies l Optimized the description about CPRI-

based topologies.
l Removed the description about TDD-
specific CPRI-based topologies.
l Added specifications for CPRI ports.

Compared with issue 05 (2011-11-30) of MBTS V100R004, this issue excludes the following
l Overview
l MBTS products
l MBTS hardware configurations
l MBTS surge protection specifications

Compared with issue 07 (2011-11-30) of GSM V100R013C00, this issue excludes the following
l RXU Configuration
l Logical Structure of the BBU
l BBU Transmission Ports
l Logical Structure of the RRU
l Logical Structure of the RFU
l Antenna System

Compared with issue 07 (2011-11-30) of WCDMA V200R013C00, this issue excludes the
following topics:
l Logical Structure of the BBU3900
l Logical Structure of the RRU
l Logical Structure of the RFU
l Logical Structure of the RHUB3808
l Logical Structure of the pRRU3801
l Hardware Configurations of the NodeB
l NodeB Configuration Management

Compared with issue 03 (2011-12-24) of LTE V100R004C00, this issue excludes the following
l Environmental Monitoring Principles of the eNodeB
l Functions of the eNodeB
l Typical Hardware Configurations of the eNodeB
l Technical Specifications for RRU3232

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 25

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 2 3900 Series Base Station Product Family

2 3900 Series Base Station Product Family

Huawei 3900 series base stations adopt a uniform modular design for multiple radio network
systems. These base stations support the co-existence of devices serving different modes at the
same site, sharing of base station resources, and the unified operation and maintenance method.
With these merits, operators' requirement of evolution to multi-mode base stations becomes

Figure 2-1 shows the 3900 series base station product family.

Figure 2-1 3900 series base station product family

3900 series base stations can be classified into single- and multi-mode base stations based on
the mode that they support.

l Single-mode base stations: One such base station provides only one type of the GSM,
UMTS, and LTE services.
l Multi-mode base stations: One such base station provides two or all three types of the
GSM, UMTS, and LTE services. Multi-mode base stations are further classified into the
Dual-mode base stations: One such base station provides two types of the GSM,
UMTS, and LTE services, such as GSM and UMTS (GU), GSM and LTE (GL), or
UMTS and LTE (UL) services.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 26

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 2 3900 Series Base Station Product Family

Triple-mode base stations: One such base station provides all three types of the GSM,
UMTS, and LTE (GUL) services.

Based on application scenarios and installed hardware, 3900 series base stations can be classified
into indoor macro base stations (BTS3900 and BTS3900L), outdoor macro base stations
(BTS3900A and BTS3900AL), a distributed base station (DBS3900), micro base stations
(BTS3900C, BTS3900E, and BTS3902E), and a Pico base station (BTS3900B). Figure 2-2
shows the appearance of all types of 3900 series base stations.

Figure 2-2 Appearance of all types of 3900 series base stations

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 27

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 3 Network Structure

3 Network Structure

About This Chapter

This section describes the position of a 3900 series base station in a network.

3.1 GBTS in the Network

The base station subsystem (BSS) consists of the base station controller (BSC), GSM base
transceiver station (GBTS), and operation and maintenance center (OMC). This section
describes the position of the GBTS in the network and functions of each network element (NE).

3.2 NodeB in the Network

The radio access network (RAN) system consists of the NodeB, radio network controller (RNC),
and operation and maintenance center (OMC). This section describes the position of NodeBs
and functions of network elements (NEs).

3.3 eNodeB in the Network

The Long Term Evolution - System Architecture Evolution (LTE-SAE) system consists of the
evolved universal terrestrial radio access network (E-UTRAN) and evolved packet core (EPC).
This section describes the position of E-UTRAN NodeBs (eNodeBs) and the functions of
network elements (NEs).

3.4 MBTS in the Network

The SingleRAN system includes the multi-mode base station controller (MBSC), multi-mode
base transceiver station (MBTS), and operation and maintenance center (OMC). This section
describes the position of an MBTS in the network and functions of each network element (NE).

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 28

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 3 Network Structure

3.1 GBTS in the Network

The base station subsystem (BSS) consists of the base station controller (BSC), GSM base
transceiver station (GBTS), and operation and maintenance center (OMC). This section
describes the position of the GBTS in the network and functions of each network element (NE).

GBTS in the network

Figure 3-1 shows the position of the GBTS in the network.

Figure 3-1 GBTS in the network

GBTS: GSM base transceiver station BSC: base station controller BSS: base station subsystem

MS: mobile station OMC: operation and maintenance center -

Functions of each NE are as follows:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 29

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 3 Network Structure

Controlled by the BSC, the GBTS is a base transceiver station that serves a cell. The GBTS
communicates with the BSC through the Abis interface, over which radio channels are converted,
and communicates with MSs through the Um interface, over which user data and controlling
signals are transmitted and relevant control functions are implemented. The GBTS provides
interfaces for communicating with the BSC, manages radio resources, provides operation and
maintenance functions, and processes signaling.

The BSC manages radio resources and GBTSs, controls power and handovers, and perform
traffic measurements.

The OMC includes the M2000, Configuration Management Express (CME), local maintenance
terminal (LMT), and site maintenance terminal (SMT). The OMC allows you to centrally
manage and maintain GBTSs and BSCs.

3.2 NodeB in the Network

The radio access network (RAN) system consists of the NodeB, radio network controller (RNC),
and operation and maintenance center (OMC). This section describes the position of NodeBs
and functions of network elements (NEs).

NodeB in the Network

Figure 3-2 shows the position of NodeBs in the network.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 30

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 3 Network Structure

Figure 3-2 NodeB in the network

NodeB: WCDMA base station RAN: radio access network RNC: radio network controller

OMC: operation and maintenance center UE: user equipment -

As shown in Figure 3-2, NodeBs communicate with the UEs, RNC, and OMC over different
The functions of each NE are as follows:

As a WCDMA base station, a NodeB consists of the wireless transceiver and baseband
processing unit. The NodeB communicates with the RNC and UEs over the Iub interface and
Uu interface, respectively. It performs physical layer protocol processing, including frequency
spreading and despreading, modulation and demodulation, channel coding and decoding, and
conversion between baseband and radio frequency (RF) signals.

An RNC performs radio resource control (RRC) on the establishment and removal of RRC
connections, handover, and macro diversity combining.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 31

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 3 Network Structure

The OMC includes the M2000, Configuration Management Express (CME), and local
maintenance terminal (LMT). Users can use the OMC to centrally manage and maintain NodeBs.

3.3 eNodeB in the Network

The Long Term Evolution - System Architecture Evolution (LTE-SAE) system consists of the
evolved universal terrestrial radio access network (E-UTRAN) and evolved packet core (EPC).
This section describes the position of E-UTRAN NodeBs (eNodeBs) and the functions of
network elements (NEs).

eNodeB in the Network

Figure 3-3 shows the position of eNodeBs in the network.

Figure 3-3 eNodeB in the network

MME: mobility management entity S-GW: serving gateway UE: user equipment

As shown in Figure 3-3, an eNodeB is radio access equipment in the LTE-SAE system. One or
more eNodeBs constitute an E-UTRAN. An eNodeB communicates with a UE, another eNodeB,
or the EPC through the Uu, X2, or S1 interface, respectively.

The following sections describe functions of each network element (NE).

An eNodeB has the following functions:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 32

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 3 Network Structure

l Radio resource management, including radio bearer control, radio admission control,
connection mobility control, and scheduling
l Packet compression and ciphering
l Routing of user-plane data towards an S-GW
l MME selection
l Scheduling and transmission of broadcast information and paging messages
l Measurement and measurement reporting configuration

An MME has the following functions:
l Paging message distribution
l Security control
l Mobility management in idle mode
l SAE bearer control
l Ciphering and integrity protection of non-access stratum (NAS) signaling

An S-GW has the following functions:
l Termination of user-plane packets that are generated for paging reason
l Support for user-plane handovers caused by UE mobility

The operation and maintenance center (OMC) includes the M2000, Configuration Management
Express (CME), and local maintenance terminal (LMT). Users can use the OMC to manage and
maintain eNodeBs.

3.4 MBTS in the Network

The SingleRAN system includes the multi-mode base station controller (MBSC), multi-mode
base transceiver station (MBTS), and operation and maintenance center (OMC). This section
describes the position of an MBTS in the network and functions of each network element (NE).

MBTS in the network

Figure 3-4 shows the position of an MBTS in the network.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 33

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 3 Network Structure

Figure 3-4 MBTS in the network

MBTS: multi-mode base transceiver MBSC: multi-mode base station OMC: operation and maintenance
station controller center

MME: mobility management entity S-GW: serving gateway UE: user equipment

MS: mobile station - -

As shown in Figure 3-4, the MBTS communicates with the UE, MS, MBSC, MME or S-GW
and OMC using different interfaces.

The following describes functions of each NE:

The MBTS incorporates functions of the GBTS, NodeB and eNodeB. The MBTS is connected
to a network where GSM, UMTS, and LTE services co-exist as an independent NE. An MBTS
consists of multiple SiteUnits. Physically, each SiteUnit corresponds to the related boards and
modules. Logically, each SiteUnit corresponds to the related NE. As shown in Figure 3-4, the
MBTS consists of three SiteUnits, which logically correspond to GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB,
respectively. Physically, the three SiteUnits correspond to GSM boards and modules, UMTS
boards and modules, and LTE boards and modules, respectively. In this technical description,
SiteUnits in a triple-mode base station are GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 34

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 3 Network Structure

The MBSC incorporates functions of the radio network controller (RNC) and base station
controller (BSC). The MBSC is connected to a network where GSM and UMTS services co-
exist as an independent NE. The MBSC is connected to the GBTS and NodeB using the Abis
and Iub interfaces, respectively.

The MME or S-GW is located in the evolved packet core (EPC) and is connected to the eNodeB
using the S1 interface.

The OMC includes the M2000, Configuration Management Express (CME), local maintenance
terminal (LMT), Service Maintenance Terminal (SMT), and so on. Users can use the OMC to
centrally manage and maintain MBTSs and MBSCs.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 35

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

About This Chapter

The 3900 series base stations include macro base stations (BTS3900, BTS3900L, BTS3900A,
and BTS3900AL), a distributed base station (DBS3900), micro base stations (BTS3900C,
BTS3900E, and BTS3902E), and a Pico base station (BTS3900B). Different types of base
stations can be used in various scenarios to achieve fast deployment and low operating
expenditure (OPEX). This technical description focuses on macro base stations, the distributed
base station DBS3900, and the micro base station BTS3900C. For a description of the other
types of 3900 series base stations, see the production documentation of the base station in

4.1 Basic Modules

With a modular design, 3900 series base stations consist of three basic modules: the BBU3900,
radio frequency unit (RFU), and remote radio unit (RRU). Radio frequency (RF) modules
include RFUs and RRUs.
4.2 BTS3900
As an indoor macro base station, the BTS3900 is characterized by a large capacity and small
size and can be easily expanded.
4.3 BTS3900L
As an indoor macro base station, the BTS3900L is characterized by a large capacity and high
integration and can be easily expanded.
4.4 BTS3900A
As an outdoor macro base station, the BTS3900A is applicable to the outdoor centralized
installation scenario.
4.5 BTS3900AL
As an outdoor macro base station, the BTS3900AL is characterized by space saving and high
integration and can be easily evolved.
4.6 DBS3900
As a distributed base station, the DBS3900 is applicable to installation scenarios where wide
coverage is required or base station deployment is difficult.
4.7 BTS3900C

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 36

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

The BTS3900C is a mini outdoor base station and applies to hot spots, tunnels, and borders.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 37

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

4.1 Basic Modules

With a modular design, 3900 series base stations consist of three basic modules: the BBU3900,
radio frequency unit (RFU), and remote radio unit (RRU). Radio frequency (RF) modules
include RFUs and RRUs.

4.1.1 BBU3900
The BBU3900 (BBU for short) is a baseband processing unit and centrally manages an entire
base station.

The BBU provides the following functions:

l Centrally manages an entire base station in terms of operation and maintenance (O&M)
and signaling processing, and provides the system clock.
l Processes uplink and downlink baseband signals and provides common public radio
interface (CPRI) ports for communication with radio frequency (RF) modules.
l Provides ports for communication with environment monitoring devices, and receives and
forwards signals from the environment monitoring devices.
l Provides physical ports for communication between a base station and the transport
l Provides the O&M channel connecting a base station to the Operation and Maintenance
Center (OMC).

Boards and modules in the BBU

With a case structure, the BBU can house different types of boards and modules, as shown in
Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Boards and modules in the BBU

Typ Function Board Applicable Remarks

e Mode

Mai Transmits signals, GSM Transmission & GSM Unless otherwise

n manages an entire Timing & specified, the
proc base station, Management Unit GTMU in this
essin monitors power (GTMU) falls into the document
g supply situation, following types: indicates the
trans provides the l GTMU GTMU or
miss reference clock GTMUb.
ion and O&M ports. l GTMUb
unit WCDMA Main UMTS N/A
Processing &
Transmission unit

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 38

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Typ Function Board Applicable Remarks

e Mode

LTE Main Processing LTE N/A

& Transmission unit

Universal Main l UMPTa1 and Unless otherwise

Processing & UMPTb1: specified, the
Transmission unit UMTS UMPT in this
(UMPT) falls into the l UMPTa2 and document
following types: UMPTa6: LTE indicates the
l UMPTa1 UMPTa1,
l UMPTa2 UMPTa6, or
l UMPTa6 UMPTb1. When
l UMPTb1 required, * in
UMPT (*) is used
to indicate the
working mode of
the UMPT. For
example, UMPT

Base Processes WCDMA BaseBand UMTS Unless otherwise

band baseband signals. Processing Unit specified, the
proc (WBBP) falls into the WBBP in this
essin following types: document
g l WBBPa indicates the
boar WBBPa, WBBPb,
d l WBBPb WBBPd, or

LTE BaseBand LTE Unless otherwise

Processing Unit specified, the
(LBBP) falls into the LBBP in this
following types: document
l LBBPc indicates the

Univ Provides CPRI- Universal BaseBand GSM N/A

ersal extension-capable Radio Interface
base optical or Board (UBRI)
band electrical ports,
radi and converge or
o distribute CPRI
inter signals.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 39

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Typ Function Board Applicable Remarks

e Mode

Univ Makes two BBUs Universal inter- GSM, UMTS N/A

ersal interconnected for Connection (supported only
inter the exchange of Infrastructure Unit by MBTSs
conn control and (UCIU) working in
ecte synchronization multiple modes),
d data. and LTE
inter (supported only
face by MBTSs
unit working in
multiple modes)

Univ Expands Universal l UTRPa, Unless otherwise

ersal transmission Transmission UTRP2, specified, the
trans capabilities. Processing unit UTRP3, UTRP in this
miss (UTRP) falls into the UTRP4, document
ion following types: UTRP6, and indicates the
proc l UTRP2 UTRP9: UTRP2, UTRP3,
essin UMTS UTRP4, UTRP6,
g l UTRP3 UTRP9, UTRPb4,
l UTRPb4:
unit l UTRP4 GSM or UTRPc. When
required, * in
l UTRP6 l UTRPc: GSM, UTRP (*) is used
l UTRP9 UMTS, and to indicate the
LTE working mode of
l UTRPb4
the UTRP. For
l UTRPc example, UTRP

Univ Provides ports to Universal Satellite l USCUb11: Unless otherwise

ersal receive GPS, card and Clock Unit LTE specified, the
satel RGPS, TOD, (USCU) falls into the l USCUb12, USCU in this
lite M-1PPS, and following types: USCUb14, document
card BITS signals. l USCUb11 and indicates the
and USCUb22: USCUb11,
cloc l USCUb12 USCUb12,
GSM and
k l USCUb14 UMTS USCUb14,
unit l USCUb21 USCUb21, or
l USCUb21: USCUb21.
and LTE

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 40

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Typ Function Board Applicable Remarks

e Mode

Ligh Provides lightning l Universal E1/T1 GSM, UMTS, and N/A

tnin protection for E1/ Lightning LTE
g T1, FE, and dry Protection unit
prot contact signals. (UELP)
ectio l Universal FE
n Lightning
unit Protection unit
l Universal Signal
Protection unit 2

Pow Converts -48 V Universal Power and GSM, UMTS, and Unless otherwise
er DC or +24 V DC Environment LTE specified, the
supp input power into Interface Unit UPEU in this
ly +12 V DC. (UPEU) falls into the document
mod following types: indicates the
ule l UPEUa UPEUa, UPEUb,
UPEUc, or

Univ Sends information Universal GSM, UMTS, and N/A

ersal about Environment LTE
envi environment Interface Unit
ron monitoring (UEIU)
ment devices and alarm
inter information to the
face main control
unit board.

Fan Controls the fan FAN falls into the GSM, UMTS, and Unless otherwise
mod speed, detects the following types: LTE specified, the
ule fan temperature, l FAN FAN in this
and dissipate heat document
for the BBU. l FANc indicates the FAN
or FANc.

For configurations principles and functions of boards and modules, see the DBS3900 Hardware
Description, which also provides information about ports, indicators, and DIP switches on these
boards and modules.

The BBU supports plug-and-play and therefore it can be configured as required.

l When equipped with boards of one mode, the BBU serves this mode.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 41

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

l When equipped with boards of two different modes, the BBU serves any two modes among
GSM, UMTS, and LTE at the same time, achieving dual-mode application, such as GU,
GL, or UL.
l The use of two BBUs achieves triple-mode application.

Currently, only up to two BBUs can be used in a base station at the same time.

4.1.2 RFU
Radio frequency units (RFUs) are used in a macro base station to perform modulation,
demodulation, data processing and power amplification of RF and baseband signals, and conduct
voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) detection.

Table 4-2 lists RFU types.

Table 4-2 RFU types

Module Applicable Mode













For functions and the logical structure of an RFU, see the Hardware Description of the base
station in question. This document also provides details about ports and indicators on the RFU.
For technical specifications of an RFU, see 10.2 Technical Specifications of RFUs.

Cabinets That Can Work with RFUs

Restrictions on using RFUs together with cabinets are as follows:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 42

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

l The WRFUd, WRFUe, CRFUd, MRFUd, and MRFUe must be used together with Ver.C
cabinets, Ver.D cabinets, and BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinets.
l For other types of RFUs, there are no restrictions on which types of base stations can be
used with.

Hybrid Configuration Rule

You can use two RFUs to expand system capacity or to achieve mode evolution.

Table 4-3 provides the hybrid configuration rule for RFUs.

In the following table, nTmR indicates that the related RF module has n transmit channels and m receive

Table 4-3 Hybrid configuration rule for RFUs

Different All types of RFUs support hybrid configuration.

frequency bands

Same Differen All types of RFUs support hybrid configuration.

freque t sectors
band Same For RFUs supporting the GSM mode:
sector l All types of RFUs except DRFUs support hybrid configuration.
l When different types of RFUs are used together, you must upgrade
the software of the base station, base station controller, and CME to
the required version.
l When an MRFUd is used together with a 1T2R RFU of another type:
The MRFUd does not work with the RFU to achieve the inter-
module radio frequency (RF) frequency hopping function.
The MRFUd does not work with the RFU to achieve the dual-PA
power sharing function. PA stands for power amplifier.
l When a GRFU is used together with an MRFU or MRFUe:
If the MRFU or MRFUe is working in GSM mode, it can work
with the GRFU to achieve the inter-module RF frequency
hopping and dual-PA power sharing functions. In this case, the
MRFUe supports a maximum of 6 carriers, and the difference
between the number of carriers on the GRFU and the number of
carriers on the MRFUe must not exceed 1.
If the MRFU or MRFUe is working in GU or GL mode, it cannot
work with the GRFU to achieve the inter-module RF frequency
hopping or dual-PA power sharing function.
Figure 4-1 shows RFU hybrid configuration for a GL dual-mode base
station that is upgraded from a GSM only (GO) single-mode base station.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 43

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

For RFUs supporting the UMTS mode:

l Two 1T2R RFUs can be used together.
l Single-mode RF modules cannot be used together with multi-mode
RF modules.
l When multiple multi-mode RF modules are used together, UMTS
carriers must be configured on one module.
l When MRFU V1 or MRFU V2 modules are used together with other
types of RFUs, the software of the base station must be upgraded to
the required version if the DC and MIMO functions are to be
supported across these modules.
Figure 4-2 shows RFU hybrid configuration for a base station whose
capacity is to be expanded.

For RFUs supporting the LTE mode:

l For RFUs working in LTE mode: Two 1T2R RFUs of the same type
and can work together to support the 2T configuration. Two 2T2R
RFUs of the same type can work together to support the 4T
l For RFUs working in multi-mode: Two 1T2R RFUs can work
together to support the 2T configuration.
l When different types of RFUs are used together, you must upgrade
the software of the base station to the required version.
Figure 4-3 shows RFU hybrid configuration for a GL dual-mode base
station that is upgraded from a GO single-mode base station.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 44

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Figure 4-1 RFU hybrid configuration (scenario 1)

l Before mode evolution, the configuration is GSM S8/8/8. Each sector has two GRFU V2
modules that operate in the 1800 MHz frequency band, and each module supports four
l After mode evolution, the configuration changes to GSM S8/8/8 + LTE 3 x 15 MHz, and
one GRFU V2 module in each sector is replaced by one MRFUd that operates in the 1800
MHz frequency band. In addition, this MRFUd works in GL mode and supports 4 GSM
carriers and 1 LTE carrier.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 45

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Figure 4-2 RFU hybrid configuration (scenario 2)

l Before capacity expansion, the configuration is UMTS 3 x 2. Each sector has one WRFU
whose maximum transmit power is 40 W and this WRFU supports 2 UMTS carriers.
l After capacity expansion, the configuration changes to UMTS 3 x 6. In each sector, one
WRFU whose maximum transmit power is 80 W is added. Each WRFU supports four
UMTS carriers.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 46

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Figure 4-3 RFU hybrid configuration (scenario 3)

l Before mode evolution, the configuration is GSM S4/4/4. Each sector has one MRFU V1
module that supports four GSM carriers.
l After mode evolution, the configuration changes to LTE 3 x 5 MHz. In each sector, one
MRFU V2 module is added. This MRFU V2 module works together with the MRFU V1
module in the same cell to support one LTE carrier.

4.1.3 RRU
Remote radio units (RRUs) are used in a distributed base station to perform modulation,
demodulation, data processing, and power amplification of baseband and radio frequency (RF)
signals, and conduct voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) detection.

Table 4-4 lists RRU types.

Table 4-4 RRU types

Module Applicable Mode


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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Module Applicable Mode





RRU3808 UMTS and LTE





RRU3832 UMTS, LTE, and UL












RRU3908 GSM, UMTS, LTE, GU, and GL

RRU3926 GSM, UMTS, and GU

RRU3928 GSM, UMTS, LTE, GU, and GL

RRU3929 GSM, UMTS, LTE, GU, GL, and UL

RRU3936 GSM, UMTS, LTE, GU, and GL

RRU3938 GSM, UMTS, LTE, GU, and GL

RRU3939 GSM, LTE, and GL

RRU3942 GSM, UMTS, LTE, GU, GL, and UL

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For functions of an RRU, see the RRU Hardware Description of the RRU. This document also
provides details about ports and indicators on the RRU. For technical specifications of an RRU,
see 10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs.

Cabinets That Can Work with RRUs

Restrictions on using RRUs together with cabinets are as follows:
l The RRU3229, RRU3841, RRU3929, RRU3829, and RRU3942 must be used with Ver.C
and Ver.D cabinets.
l For other types of RRUs, there are no restrictions on which types of cabinets can be used

Hybrid Configuration Rule

You can use two RRUs to expand system capacity or to achieve mode evolution.

Table 4-5 provides the hybrid configuration rule for RRUs.

In the following table, nTmR indicates that the related RF module has n transmit channels and m receive

Table 4-5 Hybrid configuration rule for RRUs

Different All types of RRUs support hybrid configuration.

frequency bands

Same Differen All types of RRUs support hybrid configuration.

freque t sectors
band Same For RRUs supporting the GSM mode:
sector l All types of RRUs except the RRU3004 support hybrid
l In the same subsite, only RRU3008 V1 and RRU3008 V2 modules
can be used together, and only RRU3908 V1 and RRU3908 V2
modules can be used together.
Figure 4-4 shows RRU hybrid configuration for a GL dual-mode base
station that is upgraded from a GSM only (GO) single-mode base station.

For RRUs supporting the UMTS mode:

l Two 1T2R RRUs can be used together.
l Single-mode RF modules cannot be used together with multi-mode
RF modules.
l When multiple multi-mode RF modules are used together, UMTS
carriers must be configured on one module.
Figure 4-5 shows RRU hybrid configuration for a base station whose
capacity is to be expanded.

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

For RRUs supporting the LTE mode:

l For RRUs working in LTE mode: Two 1T2R RRUs of the same type
and can work together to support the 2T configuration. Two 2T2R
RRUs of the same type can work together to support the 4T
l For RRUs working in multi-mode: Two 1T2R RRUs can work
together to support the 2T configuration.
l When different types of RRUs are used together, you must upgrade
the software of the base station to the required version.

Figure 4-4 RRU hybrid configuration (scenario 1)

l Before mode evolution, the configuration is GSM S6/6/6. Each sector has one RRU3908
V1 module that operates in the 1800 MHz frequency band, and each module supports six
GSM carriers.
l After mode evolution, the configuration changes to GSM S8/8/8 + LTE 3 x 20 MHz. In
each sector, one RRU3929 that operates in the 1800 MHz frequency band is added. In
addition, this RRU3929 works in GL mode and supports 4 GSM carriers and 1 LTE carrier.

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Figure 4-5 RRU hybrid configuration (scenario 2)

l Before capacity expansion, the configuration is UMTS 3 x 4. Each sector has one RRU3804
that supports four UMTS carriers.
l After capacity expansion, the configuration changes to UMTS 3 x 8. In each sector, one
RRU3806 that supports four UMTS carriers is added.

4.1.4 AAU
The AAU incorporates the functions of the radio frequency (RF) and antenna systems.

The following table lists AAU types.

Table 4-6 AAU types

Module Applicable Mode


For information about the functions and logical structure of an AAU3902, see AAU3902
Hardware Descripiton. This document also provides details about ports and indicators on the
AAU3902. For information about the technical specifications of the AAU, see 10.4 Technical
Specifications of an AAU. AAU is short for active antenna unit.

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4.2 BTS3900
As an indoor macro base station, the BTS3900 is characterized by a large capacity and small
size and can be easily expanded.

Cabinet Structure
A BTS3900 uses either of the following cabinets:

l BTS3900 (Ver.B): supports -48 V DC, +24 V DC, 220 V AC, or 110 V AC power input.
l BTS3900 (Ver.C): supports -48 V DC, 220 V AC, or 110 V AC power input.
l BTS3900 (Ver.D): supports -48 V DC or 220 V AC power input.

Different power supply modules are installed in the cabinet when different power input is used.
Figure 4-6, Figure 4-7, and Figure 4-8 show the internal structure of a BTS3900 (Ver.B)
cabinet, a BTS3900 (Ver.C) cabinet, and a BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinet when -48 V DC power
input is used, respectively.

Figure 4-6 Internal structure of a BTS3900 (Ver.B) cabinet

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Figure 4-7 Internal structure of a BTS3900 (Ver.C) cabinet

Figure 4-8 Internal structure of a BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinet

Typical Configurations of a Single Cabinet

Table 4-7 and Table 4-8 list the typical configurations of a single-mode BTS3900 using one
cabinet and those of a multi-mode BTS3900 using one cabinet, respectively.

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations


l The following configurations assume that each cell uses one pair of dual-polarized antennas.
l In the Typical Configuration column
l SA/A/A indicates that the GSM network is configured with three cells and each cell has A TRX.
l B x C indicates that the UMTS network is configured with B cells and each cell has C carrier.
l D x E MHz indicates that the LTE network is configured with D cells and each cell is configured with
E MHz bandwidth.
l F x G MIMO indicates that each cell has F transmit channels and G receive channels.
l In the Output Power of Each Carrier (W) column, H x I W indicates that there are H transmit channels
and each transmit channel's output power is I W.

Table 4-7 Typical configurations of a single-mode BTS3900 using one cabinet

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GSM S4/4/4 6 DRFUs 20 W (900 MHz)/18

W (1800 MHz)

S12/12/12 6 GRFUs 12 W

S12/12/12 6 MRFUs 12 W

S12/12/12 6 MRFUe modules 20 W

S8/8/8 + S8/8/8 3 MRFUd + 3 20 W (900 MHz) +

MRFUd modules 20 W (1800 MHz)

UMTS 3x4 3 WRFUs 20 W

3 x 4 (MIMO) 3 WRFUd modules 30 W (2 x 15 W)

3x4 3 MRFUs 20 W

3 x 4 (MIMO) 3 MRFUd modules 40 W (2 x 20 W)

LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 x 2 6 MRFUs/3 MRFUd 80 W (2 x 40 W)/120

MIMO) modules W (2 x 60 W)

3 x 5 MHz/10 MHz/ 3 LRFUs 80 W (2 x 40 W)

15 MHz/20 MHz (2 x

3 x 5 MHz/10 MHz/ 6 LRFUs 160 W (4 x 40 W)

15 MHz/20 MHz
(DL 4 x 2 MIMO/UL
4Rx Diversity)

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Table 4-8 Typical configurations of a multi-mode BTS3900 using one cabinet

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GU GSM S4/4/4 + 3 MRFUd modules 20 W + 40 W

UMTS 3 x 2

GL GSM S8/8/8 + LTE 3 3 MRFUd (GSM) + 3 20 W + 80 W (2 x 40

x 20 MHz (MIMO) MRFUd (LTE) W)

UL UMTS 3 x 2 (MIMO) 3 MRFUd (UMTS) + 80 W (2 x 40 W) +

+ LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 3 MRFUd (LTE) 120 W (2 x 60 W)
x 2 MIMO) modules

Configurations of a BTS3900 Using RFUs and RRUs

With the -48 V DC power input, the BTS3900 can work with RFUs and RRUs. This deployment
supports flexible networking and easy capacity expansion and evolution in the future.
Table 4-9 lists the maximum configurations of a BTS3900 using RFUs and RRUs.

Table 4-9 Maximum configurations of a BTS3900 using RFUs and RRUs

Cabinet Applicatio Number of Number of Number of Number of

Type n Scenario BBUs Cabinets RFUs RRUs

BTS3900 Single- or 1 2 12 6
(Ver.B) or dual-mode
(Ver.C) Triple-mode 2 2 12 6

BTS3900 Single- or 1 2 12 6
(Ver.D) dual-mode

Triple-mode 2 2 12 9

4.3 BTS3900L
As an indoor macro base station, the BTS3900L is characterized by a large capacity and high
integration and can be easily expanded.

Cabinet Structure
A BTS3900L can use a BTS3900L (Ver.B) cabinet, a BTS3900L (Ver.C) cabinet, or a
BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinet. A single cabinet can house a maximum of 12 radio frequency (RF)
modules and 2 baseband units (BBUs). Both types of cabinets support -48 V DC power input.
The following figures Figure 4-9, Figure 4-10, and Figure 4-11 show the internal structures of
the three cabinets.

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Figure 4-9 Internal structure of a BTS3900L (Ver.B) cabinet

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Figure 4-10 Internal structure of a BTS3900L (Ver.C) cabinet

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Figure 4-11 Internal structure of a BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinet

Typical Configuration
Table 4-10 and Table 4-11 list the typical configurations of a single-mode BTS3900L using
one cabinet and those of a multi-mode BTS3900L using one cabinet, respectively.


l The following configurations assume that each cell uses one pair of dual-polarized antennas.
l In the Typical Configuration column
l SA/A/A indicates that the GSM network is configured with three cells and each cell has A TRX.
l B x C indicates that the UMTS network is configured with B cells and each cell has C carrier.
l D x E MHz indicates that the LTE network is configured with D cells and each cell is configured with
E MHz bandwidth.
l F x G MIMO indicates that each cell has F transmit channels and G receive channels.
l In the Output Power of Each Carrier (W) column, H x I W indicates that there are H transmit channels
and each transmit channel's output power is I W.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Table 4-10 Typical configurations of a single-mode BTS3900L using one cabinet

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GSM S4/4/4 6 DRFUs 20 W (900 MHz)/18

W (1800 MHz)

S12/12/12 6 GRFUs 12 W

S12/12/12 6 MRFUs 12 W

S12/12/12 6 MRFUe modules 20 W

S8/8/8 + S8/8/8 3 MRFUd + 3 20 W (900 MHz) +

MRFUd modules 20 W (1800 MHz)

UMTS 3x4 3 WRFUs 20 W

3 x 4 (MIMO) 3 WRFUd modules 30 W (2 x 15 W)

3x4 3 MRFUs 20 W

3 x 4 (MIMO) 3 MRFUd modules 40 W (2 x 20 W)

LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 x 2 6 MRFUs/3 MRFUd 80 W (2 x 40 W)/120

MIMO) modules W (2 x 60 W)

3 x 5 MHz/10 MHz/ 3 LRFUs 80 W (2 x 40 W)

15 MHz/20 MHz (2 x

3 x 5 MHz/10 MHz/ 6 LRFUs 160 W (4 x 40 W)

15 MHz/20 MHz
(DL 4 x 2 MIMO/UL
4Rx Diversity)

Table 4-11 Typical configurations of a multi-mode BTS3900L using one cabinet

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GU GSM S8/8/8 + 3 MRFUd (GSM) + 3 20 W + 80 W (2 x 40


6 GRFUs + 6

GL GSM S8/8/8 + LTE 3 3 MRFUd (GSM) + 3 20 W + 120 W (2 x 60

x 20 MHz (2 x 2 MRFUd (LTE) W)
MIMO) modules

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

6 GRFUs + 6 20 W + 80 W (2 x 40

UL UMTS 3 x 2 (MIMO) 3 MRFUd (UMTS) + 80 W (2 x 40 W) + 80

+ LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 3 MRFUd (LTE) W (2 x 40 W)
x 2 MIMO) modules

6 WRFUs + 6 LTE

GU + L/GL + U GSM S8/8/8 + 3 MRFUd + 3 20 W + 80 W (2 x 40

UMTS 3 x 2 (MIMO) MRFUd (UMTS) + 3 W) + 120 W (2 x 60
+ LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 MRFUd (LTE) W)
x 2 MIMO) modules

Configurations of a BTS3900L (RFUs+RRUs)

A BTS3900L can work with RFUs and RRUs. This deployment supports flexible networking
and easy capacity expansion and evolution in the future.

Table 4-12 lists the maximum configurations of a BTS3900L using RFUs and RRUs.

Table 4-12 Maximum configurations of a BTS3900L using RFUs and RRUs

Cabinet Applicatio Number of Number of Number of Number of

Type n Scenario BBUs Cabinets RFUs RRUs

BTS3900L Single- or 1 1 12 6
(Ver.B) or dual-mode
(Ver.C) Triple-mode 2 1 12 6

BTS3900L Single- or 1 1 12 6
(Ver.D) dual-mode

Triple-mode 2 1 12 9

4.4 BTS3900A
As an outdoor macro base station, the BTS3900A is applicable to the outdoor centralized
installation scenario.

Cabinet Structure
A BTS3900A can use a BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A (Ver.C), or BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinet.
The BTS3900A supports 110 V AC, 220 V AC, and -48 V DC power input.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

l A BTS3900A (Ver.B) consists of an RFC (Ver.B) and APM30H (Ver.B), or of an RFC

(Ver.B) and a TMC11H (Ver.B). When power backup is required, a BTS3900A (Ver.B)
can be configured with IBBS200T (Ver.B) or IBBS200D (Ver.B).
l A BTS3900A (Ver.C) consists of an RFC (Ver.C) and APM30H (Ver.C), or of an RFC
(Ver.C) and a TMC11H (Ver.C). When power backup is required, a BTS3900A (Ver.C)
can be configured with IBBS200T (Ver.C) or IBBS200D (Ver.C).
l A BTS3900A (Ver.D) consists of an RFC (Ver.D) and APM30H (Ver.D), or of an RFC
(Ver.D) and a TMC11H (Ver.D). When power backup is required, a BTS3900A (Ver.D)
can be configured with IBBS200T (Ver.D), IBBS200D (Ver.D), IBBS700T, or IBBS700D.

Different power supply modules are installed in the cabinet when different power input is used.
This section takes the AC-input power supply as an example. Figure 4-12, Figure 4-13, and
Figure 4-14 show the internal structure of a BTS3900A (Ver.B) cabinet, a BTS3900A (Ver.C)
cabinet, and a BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinet, respectively.

Figure 4-12 Internal structure of a BTS3900A (Ver.B) cabinet

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Figure 4-13 Internal structure of a BTS3900A (Ver.C) cabinet

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Figure 4-14 Internal structure of a BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinet

Typical Configurations of a Single Cabinet

Table 4-13 and Table 4-14 list the typical configurations of a single-mode BTS3900A using
one cabinet and those of a multi-mode BTS3900A using one cabinet, respectively.


l The following configurations assume that each cell uses one pair of dual-polarized antennas.
l In the Typical Configuration column
l SA/A/A indicates that the GSM network is configured with three cells and each cell has A TRX.
l B x C indicates that the UMTS network is configured with B cells and each cell has C carrier.
l D x E MHz indicates that the LTE network is configured with D cells and each cell is configured with
E MHz bandwidth.
l F x G MIMO indicates that each cell has F transmit channels and G receive channels.
l In the Output Power of Each Carrier (W) column, H x I W indicates that there are H transmit channels
and each transmit channel's output power is I W.

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Table 4-13 Typical configurations of a single-mode BTS3900A using one cabinet

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GSM S4/4/4 6 DRFUs 20 W (900 MHz)/18

W (1800 MHz)

S12/12/12 6 GRFUs 12 W

S12/12/12 6 MRFUs 12 W

S12/12/12 6 MRFUe modules 20 W

S8/8/8 + S8/8/8 3 MRFUd + 3 20 W (900 MHz) +

MRFUd modules 20 W (1800 MHz)

UMTS 3x4 3 WRFUs 20 W

3 x 4 (MIMO) 3 WRFUd modules 30 W (2 x 15 W)

3x4 3 MRFUs 20 W

3 x 4 (MIMO) 3 MRFUd modules 40 W (2 x 20 W)

LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 x 2 6 MRFUs/3 MRFUd 80 W (2 x 40 W)/120

MIMO) modules W (2 x 60 W)

3 x 5 MHz/10 MHz/ 3 LRFUs 80 W (2 x 40 W)

15 MHz/20 MHz (2 x

3 x 5 MHz/10 MHz/ 6 LRFUs 160 W (4 x 40 W)

15 MHz/20 MHz
(DL 4 x 2 MIMO/UL
4Rx Diversity)

Table 4-14 Typical configurations of a multi-mode BTS3900A using one cabinet

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GU GSM S4/4/4 + 3 MRFUd modules 20 W + 40 W

UMTS 3 x 2 (MIMO)

GL GSM S8/8/8 + LTE 3 3 MRFUd (GSM) + 3 20 W + 80 W (2 x 40

x 20 MHz (2 x 2 MRFUd (LTE) W)
MIMO) modules

UL UMTS 3 x 2 (MIMO) 3 MRFUd (UMTS) + 80 W (2 x 40 W) +

+ LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 3 MRFUd (LTE) 120 W (2 x 60 W)
x 2 MIMO) modules

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Configurations of a BTS3900A Using RFUs and RRUs

The BTS3900A can work with RFUs and RRUs. This deployment supports flexible networking
and easy capacity expansion and evolution in the future.

Table 4-15 lists the maximum configurations of a BTS3900A using RFUs and RRUs.

Table 4-15 Maximum configurations of a BTS3900A using RFUs and RRUs

Cabinet Applicatio Number of Number of Number of Number of

Type n Scenario BBUs Cabinets RFUs RRUs

BTS3900A Single- or 1 l With AC 6 6

(Ver.B) or dual-mode power
BTS3900A input,
(Ver.C) two
can be
l With DC
input, one
can be

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 65

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Cabinet Applicatio Number of Number of Number of Number of

Type n Scenario BBUs Cabinets RFUs RRUs

Triple-mode 2 l With AC 6 6
can be
l With DC
can be

BTS3900A Single- or 1 l With AC 6 9

(Ver.D) dual-mode power
input, one
can be
l With DC
input, one
can be

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Cabinet Applicatio Number of Number of Number of Number of

Type n Scenario BBUs Cabinets RFUs RRUs

Triple-mode 2 l With AC 6 9
input, one
can be
l With DC
input, one
can be

4.5 BTS3900AL
As an outdoor macro base station, the BTS3900AL is characterized by space saving and high
integration and can be easily evolved.

Cabinet Structure
A BTS3900AL uses a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet and supports 220 V AC and 110 V AC
power input. Using one cabinet, the BTS3900AL can house a maximum of 9 radio frequency
(RF) modules and 2 baseband units (BBUs). Figure 4-15 shows the internal structure of a
BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet.

When power backup is required, a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) can be configured with IBBS700D or

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Figure 4-15 Internal structure of a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet

Typical Configurations of a Single Cabinet

The BTS3900AL mainly applies to large-capacity scenarios where multiple frequency bands or
multiple modes co-exist. The BTS3900AL also supports single-mode applications. Table
4-16 lists the typical configurations of a multi-mode BTS3900AL using one cabinet.


l The following configurations assume that each cell uses one pair of dual-polarized antennas.
l In the Typical Configuration column
l SA/A/A indicates that the GSM network is configured with three cells and each cell has A TRX.
l B x C indicates that the UMTS network is configured with B cells and each cell has C carrier.
l D x E MHz indicates that the LTE network is configured with D cells and each cell is configured with
E MHz bandwidth.
l F x G MIMO indicates that each cell has F transmit channels and G receive channels.
l In the Output Power of Each Carrier (W) column, H x I W indicates that there are H transmit channels
and each transmit channel's output power is I W.

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Table 4-16 Typical configurations of a multi-mode BTS3900AL using one cabinet

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GU GSM S8/8/8 (900 3 MRFUd (GSM) + 3 20 W + 20 W + 40 W

MHz) + GSM S8/8/8 MRFUd (GSM) + 3
(1800 MHz) + WRFU (UMTS)
UMTS 3 x 2 (2100 modules

GSM S6/6/6 (900 3 MRFUd (GU) + 3 20 W + 40 W +20 W

MHz) + UMTS 3 x 1 MRFUd (GSM) + 3 + 80 W (2 x 40 W)
(900 MHz) + GSM WRFUd (UMTS)
S8/8/8 (1800 MHz) + modules
UMTS 3 x 2 (2100

GL GSM S4/4/4 (900 3 GRFUs (GSM) + 3 20 W + 80 W (2 x 40

MHz) + GSM S4/4/4 GRFUs (GSM) + 3 W)
(1800 MHz) + LTE 3 LRFUs (LTE)
x 20 MHz (2 x 2

GSM S6/6/6 + LTE 3 6 MRFUs (GL) + 3 20 W + 2 x 20 W + 80

x 10 MHz (2T2R)+ LRFUs (LTE) W (2 x 40 W)
LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 x

GSM S8/8/8 (900 3 MRFUd modules 20 W + 120 W (2 x 60

MHz) + LTE 3 x 20 (GSM) + 3 LRFUs W)
MHz (800 MHz, 2 x (LTE)

UL UMTS 3 x 2 + LTE 3 3 WRFUs + 3 40 W + 80 W (2 x 40

x 20 MHz (2T2R) MRFUs (LTE) W)

3 MRFUs (UMTS) +

UMTS 3 x 2 (MIMO) 3 WRFUd + 6 LRFU 80 W (2 x 40 W) + 80

+ LTE 3 x 20 MHz modules W (2 x 40 W)
3 MRFUd (UMTS) +

GU + L/GL + U GSM S8/8/8 + 3 MRFUd (UMTS) + 20 W + 80 W (2 x 40

(independent BBU) UMTS 3 x 2 (MIMO) 3 WRFUd + 3 W) + 120 W (2 x 60
+ LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 MRFUd (LTE) W)
x 2 MIMO) modules

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GU + L/GL + U GSM S6/6/6 + 3 MRFUd (GU) + 3 20 W + 40 W (2 x 20

(BBUs UMTS 3 x 1 (MIMO) MRFUd (GL) + 3 W) + 20 W + 40 W (2
interconnected) + GSM S6/6/6 + LTE WRFU modules x 20 W) + 80 W (2 x
3 x 10 MHz (2 x 2 40 W)
MIMO) + UMTS 3 x
2 (MIMO)

Maximum configurations of a BTS3900AL (RFUs+RRUs)

A BTS3900AL can work with RFUs and RRUs. This deployment supports flexible networking
and easy capacity expansion and evolution in the future.

Table 4-17 lists the maximum configurations of a BTS3900AL using RFUs and RRUs.

Table 4-17 Maximum configurations of a BTS3900AL using RFUs and RRUs

Cabinet Applicatio Number of Number of Number of Number of

Type n Scenario BBUs Cabinets RFUs RRUs

BTS3900AL Single- or 1 1 9 9
(Ver.A) dual-mode

Triple-mode 2 1 9 12

4.6 DBS3900
As a distributed base station, the DBS3900 is applicable to installation scenarios where wide
coverage is required or base station deployment is difficult.

Typical installation scenarios for a DBS3900

A DBS3900 mainly consists of a BBU and RRUs. With RRUs remotely installed, the DBS3900
can be deployed in various scenarios.

Cabinets that can work with a DBS3900 are as follows:

l Power cabinets: APM30, APM30H (Ver.A), APM30H (Ver.B), APM30H (Ver.C), and
APM30H (Ver.D)
l Outdoor power cabinet: TP48600A
l Transmission cabinets: TMC, TMC11H (Ver.A), TMC11H (Ver.B), TMC11H (Ver.C),
and TMC11H (Ver.D)
l Battery cabinets: BBC, IBBS200T (Ver.A), IBBS200T (Ver.B), IBBS200T (Ver.C),
IBBS200T (Ver.D), IBBS200D (Ver.B), IBBS200D (Ver.C), IBBS200D (Ver.D),
IBBS700D, and IBBS700T

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l Other cabinets: OMB, IMB03, and 19-inch rack

For usage scenarios of the preceding cabinets, see DBS3900 Hardware Description.

A maximum of 12 RRUs can be configured in a DBS3900. Table 4-18 shows the typical
installation scenario. For details, see DBS3900 Installation Guide.

Table 4-18 Typical installation scenarios for a DBS3900

Usage Scenario Installation Scenario

Outdoor Input power is The BBU is installed in a power cabinet, and RRUs are
110 V AC, 220 remotely installed. The power cabinet feeds power to the BBU
V AC, or +24 V and RRUs, as shown in Scenario 1 of Figure 4-16.

Input power is The BBU is installed in a transmission cabinet, and RRUs are
-48 V DC. remotely installed. The transmission cabinet feeds power to
the BBU and RRUs, as shown in Scenario 1 of Figure

Indoor RRUs are The BBU is installed in the IMB03, and RRUs and the IMB03
centrally are installed in the IFS06, as show in Scenario 2 of Figure
installed. 4-16.

Input power is The BBU is mounted on a wall and RRUs are remotely
-48 V DC. installed outdoors, as shown in Scenario 3 of Figure 4-16.

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Figure 4-16 Typical installation scenarios for a DBS3900

Typical Configuration
Table 4-19 and Table 4-20 list the typical configurations of a single-mode DBS3900 and those
of a multi-mode DBS3900, respectively.

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l The following configurations assume that each cell uses one pair of dual-polarized antennas.
l In the Typical Configuration column
l SA/A/A indicates that the GSM network is configured with three cells and each cell has A TRX.
l B x C indicates that the UMTS network is configured with B cells and each cell has C carrier.
l D x E MHz indicates that the LTE network is configured with D cells and each cell is configured with
E MHz bandwidth.
l F x G MIMO indicates that each cell has F transmit channels and G receive channels.
l In the Output Power of Each Carrier (W) column, H x I W indicates that there are H transmit channels
and each transmit channel's output power is I W.

Table 4-19 Typical configurations of a single-mode DBS3900

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GSM S4/4/4 6 RRU3004s 15 W (900 MHz)/10

W (1800 MHz)

S4/4/4 3 RRU3008s 20 W

S4/4/4 3 RRU3908s 20 W

UMTS 3x4 3 RRU3804s 15 W

3x4 3 RRU3806s 20 W

3 x 2 (MIMO) 3 RRU3908s 40 W (2 x 20 W)

LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 x 2 3 RRU3908s 40 W (2 x 20 W)


3 x 5 MHz/10 MHz/ 3 RRU3220s 80 W (2 x 40 W)

15 MHz/20 MHz (2 x

3 x 5 MHz/10 MHz/ 6 RRU3220s 160 W (4 x 40 W)

15 MHz/20 MHz
(DL 4 x 2 MIMO/UL
4Rx Diversity)

Table 4-20 Typical configurations of a multi-mode DBS3900

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GU GSM S4/4/4 + 3 RRU3008s + 6 20 W + 60 W (2 x 30

UMTS 3 x 2 (MIMO) RRU3804s W)

3 RRU3008s + 3 20 W + 40 W (2 x 20
RRU3808s W)

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GL GSM S4/4/4 + LTE 3 3 RRU3008s + 3 20 W + 40 W (2 x 20

x 20 MHz (2 x 2 RRU3908s (LTE) W)

UL UMTS 3 x 2 (MIMO) 6 RRU3804s + 3 60 W (2 x 30 W) + 40

+ LTE 3 x 20 MHz (2 RRU3908s (LTE) W (2 x 20 W)
x 2 MIMO)
3 RRU3808s +3 40 W (2 x 20 W) + 40
RRU3908s (LTE) W (2 x 20 W)

4.7 BTS3900C
The BTS3900C is a mini outdoor base station and applies to hot spots, tunnels, and borders.

Cabinet Structure
BTS3900C can use a BTS3900C cabinet or BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet.

l BTS3900C cabinet can house an OMB and an RRU subrack. The OMB can house a BBU.
The RRU subrack can only house RRU3804, RRU3801E, RRU3806, or RRU3801C
modules. The BTS3900C cabinet can be used in a UO single-mode base station only.
l BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet can house an OMB (Ver.C) and an RRU subrack. The OMB
(Ver.C) can house a BBU. The RRU subrack can house multiple types of RF modules. For
specific RF module types, see the BTS3900C (Ver.C) Hardware Description. The
BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet can be used in a multi-mode base station or a UO single-mode
base station.

A BTS3900C cabinet and a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet both support DC and AC power inputs.
Figure 4-17 and Figure 4-18 show the internal structure of a BTS3900C cabinet. Figure 4-19
and Figure 4-20 show the internal structure of a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet.

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Figure 4-17 Internal structure of a BTS3900C cabinet (DC)

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Figure 4-18 Internal structure of a BTS3900C cabinet (AC)

Figure 4-19 Internal structure of a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet (DC)

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Figure 4-20 Internal structure of a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet (AC)

Typical Configuration
Table 4-21 and Table 4-22 provide the typical configurations of a BTS3900C cabinet and a
BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet, respectively.


l In the Typical Configuration column

l SA indicates that the GSM network is configured with one cell and each cell has A TRX.
l B x C indicates that the UMTS network is configured with B cells and each cell has C carrier.
l D x E MHz indicates that the LTE network is configured with D cells and each cell is configured with
E MHz bandwidth.
l In the Output Power of Each Carrier (W) column, H x I W indicates that there are H transmit channels
and each transmit channel's output power is I W.

Table 4-21 Typical configurations of a BTS3900C cabinet

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

UMTS 1x3 1 RRU3804 20 W

Table 4-22 Typical configurations of a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

UMTS 1x3 1 RRU3828 20 W

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Technical Description 4 About 3900 Series Base Stations

Mode Typical Module Output Power of

Configuration Each Carrier (W)

GU GSM S2 + UMTS 1 1 RRU3928 20 W + 20 W


GSM S2 + UMTS 1 1 RRU3928 20 W + 2 x 20 W

x 1 (MIMO)

GL GSM S2 + LTE 1 x 1 RRU3928 20 W + 2 x 20 W

10 MHz (MIMO)

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

5 Logical Structure

About This Chapter

A 3900 series base station mainly consists of BBUs, RF modules, and the antenna system. Its
functional subsystem includes the control system, transport system, baseband system,
monitoring system, RF system, antenna system, and power supply system.

5.1 GBTS Logical Structure

A GSM base transceiver station (GBTS) mainly consists of the baseband unit (BBU), radio
frequency (RF) module, and antenna system. Its functional subsystems comprise the control
system, transport system, baseband system, monitoring system, RF system, antenna system, and
power system.

5.2 NodeB Logical Structure

A NodeB mainly consists of a baseband unit (BBU), radio frequency (RF) modules, and the
antenna system. Its functional subsystems comprise the control system, transport system,
baseband system, monitoring system, interconnection system, RF system, antenna system, and
power system.

5.3 eNodeB Logical Structure

An eNodeB mainly consists of a baseband unit (BBU), radio frequency (RF) modules, and the
antenna system. Its functional subsystems are the control system, transport system, baseband
system, monitoring system, RF system, antenna system, and power supply system.

5.4 MBTS Logical Structure

A multi-mode base transceiver station (MBTS) can work in GU, GL, or UL dual mode and can
also work in GUL triple mode. In a dual-mode base station, two SiteUnits share one baseband
unit (BBU). In a triple-mode base station, two BBUs are required and BBU interconnection is

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

5.1 GBTS Logical Structure

A GSM base transceiver station (GBTS) mainly consists of the baseband unit (BBU), radio
frequency (RF) module, and antenna system. Its functional subsystems comprise the control
system, transport system, baseband system, monitoring system, RF system, antenna system, and
power system.

Figure 5-1 shows the GBTS logical structure.

Figure 5-1 GBTS logical structure

The BBU has a modular structure. It consists of the control system, transmission system, and
power and environment monitoring system.

l The control system manages the entire GBTS in a centralized manner. It provides operation
and maintenance functions, processes signaling, and provides a system clock. The functions
of the control system are implemented by the GSM Transmission and Timing and
Management Unit for BBU (GTMU).
l The transmission system provides ports for communication between the GBTS and the
transmission network. The functions of the transmission system are implemented by the
GTMU or Universal Transmission Processing unit (UTRP). It also provides the O&M
channel connecting the GBTS to the operation and maintenance center (OMC).
l The power and environment monitoring system includes the UPEU and UEIU boards.
UPEU stands for Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit, and UEIU stands for
Universal Environment Interface Unit. A UPEU board supplies power to the BBU and
monitors power status. Both the UPEU and UEIU boards provide ports for connections to
environment monitoring devices. These ports receive and forward signals from the
environment monitoring devices.

RF System
The radio frequency (RF) system consists of RF modules, which modulate, demodulate, process,
combine, and split baseband and RF signals. The GSM RF system incorporates the functions of

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a baseband system and therefore the GSM RF system processes uplink and downlink baseband

Power System
The power supply system obtains power from external power suppliers and provides power for
other systems of the GBTS.

Antenna System
The antenna system mainly receives uplink RF signals from MSs and transmits downlink RF
signals from the GBTS. It also prevents the GBTS from inductive lightning. The lightning rod
configured for the antenna system conducts high lightning current to the ground so that the
lightning current that the GBTS is experiencing decreases significantly. The antenna system
includes antennas, feeders, jumpers, and the tower-mounted amplifier (TMA).

5.2 NodeB Logical Structure

A NodeB mainly consists of a baseband unit (BBU), radio frequency (RF) modules, and the
antenna system. Its functional subsystems comprise the control system, transport system,
baseband system, monitoring system, interconnection system, RF system, antenna system, and
power system.

There are the single BBU scenario and BBU interconnection scenario.
l Single BBU scenario: a NodeB has one BBU. Figure 5-4 shows the logical structure of
this scenario.
In the single BBU scenario, main control boards support active/standby backup.
l BBU interconnection scenario: a NodeB has two cascaded BBUs. Figure 5-5 shows the
logical structure of this scenario.

BBU interconnection enables two BBUs to exchange O&M information, service information
(signaling messages and user data), clock signals, synchronization information, and baseband
signals using a BBU interconnection signal cable. BBU interconnection can also expand the
baseband signal processing capability of a base station.

A BBU interconnection signal cable logically corresponds to a BBU interconnection link, which
can work as a control link or a baseband interconnection link. Table 5-1 provides the mapping
between a certain BBU interconnection link and a certain BBU interconnection signal cable.

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Table 5-1 Mapping between a certain BBU interconnection link and a certain BBU
interconnection signal cable

BBU BBU Interconnection Signal Remarks

Interconne Cable
ction Link

Control link BBU interconnection signal cable The BBU with the UCIU board
connecting UCIU to UMPT. This installed is the root BBU and the
cable is used to connect a UCIU board other BBU is the leaf BBU.
in the root BBU to a UMPT board in In this technical description, BBU0 is
the leaf BBU, as shown in Figure the root BBU while BBU1 is the leaf
5-2. BBU.

Baseband BBU interconnection signal cable l Before a baseband

interconnect connecting WBBPf to WBBPf. This interconnection link can be set up,
ion link cable is used to connect a WBBPf two BBUs must be interconnected
board in the root BBU to a WBBPf by connecting a UCIU board to a
board in the leaf BBU, as shown in UMPT board using a BBU
Figure 5-3. interconnection signal cable and a
control link must be set up.
l Currently, a baseband
interconnection link can be set up
only on the WBBPf board in slot
2 or 3 of a BBU. Only one
baseband interconnection link can
be set up in one base station.

One board in the root BBU is the primary main control board while another board in the leaf
BBU is the secondary main control board.

Figure 5-2 BBU interconnection signal cable connecting UCIU to UMPT

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Figure 5-3 BBU interconnection signal cable connecting WBBPf to WBBPf

Logical Structure of a NodeB

Figure 5-4 Logical structure of a NodeB (single BBU)

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Figure 5-5 Logical structure of a NodeB (BBU interconnection)


l The RXU logical structure in Figure 5-5 is similar to the RF system structure in Figure 5-4.
l The monitoring system and local maintenance terminal (LMT) in Figure 5-5 can be connected only
to the primary main control board.

The BBU has a modular structure and consists of the control system, transport system, baseband
system, power and environment monitoring system, and interconnection system.

l The control system includes the WMPT and UMPT boards. (UMPT is short for universal
main processing and transmission unit. WMPT is short for WCDMA main processing and
transmission unit.) This system centrally manages the entire NodeB including O&M,
signaling processing, and system clock.
l The transport system includes the UMPT, WMPT, and UTRP boards. (UTRP is short for
universal transmission processing unit.) It provides physical ports connecting the NodeB
to the transport network for information exchange. This system also provides an OM
channel connecting the NodeB to the operation and maintenance center (OMC).
l The baseband system includes WBBP boards. (WBBP is short for WCDMA baseband
processing unit.) This system performs baseband processing on uplink and downlink
signals and provides the common public radio interface (CPRI) for communication with
RF modules.

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l The power and environment monitoring system includes the UPEU and UEIU boards.
UPEU stands for Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit, and UEIU stands for
Universal Environment Interface Unit. A UPEU board supplies power to the BBU and
monitors power status. Both the UPEU and UEIU boards provide ports for connections to
environment monitoring devices. These ports receive and forward signals from the
environment monitoring devices.
l The interconnection system includes the UCIU, UMPT, and WBBPf boards. This system
allows transfer of operation and maintenance (O&M) information, service information
(signaling and user data), clock synchronization information, baseband data between
cascaded BBUs, and baseband resource extension.

RF System
The radio frequency (RF) system consists of RF modules, which modulate, demodulate, process,
combine, and split baseband and RF signals.

Power System
The power system obtains power from external power supply devices and supplies power to
other systems of the NodeB.

Antenna System
The antenna system includes antennas, feeders, jumpers, a remote control unit (RCU), and a
tower mounted amplifier (TMA). This system receives and transmits RF signals. Specifically,
antennas receive uplink signals from UEs and transmit downlink signals to UEs. The antenna
system provides the lightning protection function (lightning induction) for the NodeB. The
lightning rod in this system conducts the powerful lightning current to the ground, significantly
reducing the lightning current to the NodeB.

5.3 eNodeB Logical Structure

An eNodeB mainly consists of a baseband unit (BBU), radio frequency (RF) modules, and the
antenna system. Its functional subsystems are the control system, transport system, baseband
system, monitoring system, RF system, antenna system, and power supply system.
Figure 5-6 shows the logical structure of an eNodeB.

Figure 5-6 Logical structure of an eNodeB

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

The BBU has a modular structure and consists of the control system, transport system, baseband
system, and power and environment monitoring system.

l The control system includes the UMPT and LMPT boards. (UMPT is short for universal
main processing and transmission unit. LMPT is short for LTE main processing and
transmission unit.) The control system centrally manages the entire eNodeB including
operation and maintenance (O&M), signaling processing, and system clock.
l The transport system includes the UMPT, LMPT, and UTRP boards. (UTRP is short for
universal transmission processing unit.) It provides physical ports connecting the eNodeB
to the transport network for information exchange. This system also provides an OM
channel connecting the eNodeB to the operation and maintenance center (OMC).
l The baseband system includes the LBBP boards. (LBBP is short for LTE baseband
processing unit.) This system performs baseband processing on uplink and downlink
signals and provides the common public radio interface (CPRI) for communication with
RF modules.
l The power and environment monitoring system includes the UPEU and UEIU boards.
UPEU stands for Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit, and UEIU stands for
Universal Environment Interface Unit. A UPEU board supplies power to the BBU and
monitors power status. Both the UPEU and UEIU boards provide ports for connections to
environment monitoring devices. These ports receive and forward signals from the
environment monitoring devices.

RF System
The radio frequency (RF) system consists of RF modules, which modulate, demodulate, process,
combine, and split baseband and RF signals.

Power Supply System

The power supply system obtains power from external power supply devices and supplies power
to other systems of the eNodeB.

Antenna System
The antenna system includes antennas, feeders, jumpers, a remote control unit (RCU), and a
tower mounted amplifier (TMA). This system receives and transmits RF signals. The antenna
system provides the lightning protection function (lightning induction) for the eNodeB. The
lightning rod in this system conducts the powerful lightning current to the ground, significantly
reducing the lightning current to the eNodeB.

5.4 MBTS Logical Structure

A multi-mode base transceiver station (MBTS) can work in GU, GL, or UL dual mode and can
also work in GUL triple mode. In a dual-mode base station, two SiteUnits share one baseband
unit (BBU). In a triple-mode base station, two BBUs are required and BBU interconnection is

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5.4.1 Related Concepts

This section describes concepts related to baseband unit (BBU) interconnection and radio
frequency (RF) modules.

BBU Interconnection
BBU interconnection enables two BBUs to exchange O&M information, service information
(signaling messages and user data), clock signals, synchronization information, and baseband
signals using a BBU interconnection signal cable. BBU interconnection can also expand the
baseband signal processing capability of a base station.

A BBU interconnection signal cable logically corresponds to a BBU interconnection link, which
can work as a control link or a baseband interconnection link. Table 5-2 provides the mapping
between a certain BBU interconnection link and a certain BBU interconnection signal cable.

Table 5-2 Mapping between a certain BBU interconnection link and a certain BBU
interconnection signal cable

BBU BBU Interconnection Signal Remarks

Interconne Cable
ction Link

Control link BBU interconnection signal cable The BBU with the UCIU board
connecting UCIU to UMPT. This installed is the root BBU and the
cable is used to connect a UCIU board other BBU is the leaf BBU.
in the root BBU to a UMPT board in In this technical description, BBU0 is
the leaf BBU, as shown in Figure the root BBU while BBU1 is the leaf
5-7. BBU.

Baseband BBU interconnection signal cable l Before a baseband

interconnect connecting WBBPf to WBBPf. This interconnection link can be set up,
ion link cable is used to connect a WBBPf a control link must be set up.
board in the root BBU to a WBBPf l Currently, a baseband
board in the leaf BBU, as shown in interconnection link can be set up
Figure 5-8. only on the WBBPf board in slot
2 or 3 of a BBU. Only one
baseband interconnection link can
be set up in one base station.

Currently, only the UMTS main control board can be installed in two BBUs. One such board in
the root BBU is the primary main control board while another such board in the leaf BBU is the
secondary main control board.

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Figure 5-7 BBU interconnection signal cable connecting UCIU to UMPT

Figure 5-8 BBU interconnection signal cable connecting WBBPf to WBBPf

RF Modules
Radio frequency (RF) modules include radio frequency units (RFUs) used in macro base stations
and remote radio units (RRUs) used in distributed base stations. In this technical description,
RFUs and RRUs can be referred to as RXUs.

Based on the signal processing capability, RF modules fall into single-mode and multi-mode
RF modules. Table 5-3 provides description about such two types of RF modules.

Table 5-3 RF module type

Type Description

Single-mode RF Each such module permanently processes RF signals of only one

modules mode.

Multi-mode RF Using the software-defined radio (SDR) technique, each multi-mode

modules radio frequency (RF) module can process RF signals for a certain
mode (such as, GSM, UMTS, or LTE) at a time with certain
configurations. Each such module can also process RF signals for two
modes (such as GU, GL, or UL) at a time.
Multi-mode RF modules are also referred to as SDR modules.

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Single- and multi-mode RF modules can be used in the same MBTS to achieve the application
of multiple frequency bands and multiple modes. For an RXU (**), "**" indicates the working
mode of the RXU. In addition, the RXU can process RF signals of this mode. For example, an
RXU (GU) works in GU mode and processes GSM RF signals and UMTS RF signals.

With BBU interconnection, one RF module can be connected to two BBUs at the same time.
This scenario is called inter-BBU SDR. Table 5-4 provides description about this scenario.

Table 5-4 Inter-BBU SDR

Concept Description

Inter-BBU SDR One multi-mode RF module can be connected to two BBUs.

For example, GSM boards are installed in BBU0 while LTE boards are
installed in BBU1. RXU (GL) modules are connected to BBU0 and BBU1
at the same time.

5.4.2 Logical Structure of a Dual-Mode Base Station

In a dual-mode base station, boards of one mode among GSM, UMTS, and LTE and boards of
another mode among the three modes are installed in the same baseband unit (BBU), achieving
BBU sharing across any two modes of the three modes.

Table 5-5 lists the typical scenarios for a dual-mode base station.


l BBU Mode indicates that boards of certain modes are installed in the BBU. For example, in a GU dual-
mode BBU, GSM boards and UMTS boards are installed.
l Working Mode of RF Modules indicates the working mode of radio frequency (RF) modules connected
to the BBU.

Table 5-5 Typical scenarios for a dual-mode base station

Scenario BBU Mode Working Mode of Logical Structure

RF Modules

GU GU GSM, UMTS, or GU Figure 5-9 shows its logical


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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Scenario BBU Mode Working Mode of Logical Structure

RF Modules

UL UL UMTS, LTE, or UL Figure 5-10 shows its logical


GU+U l BBU0: GU l BBU0 is Figure 5-11 shows its logical

l BBU1: UMTS connected to RF structure.
modules working In this scenario, a UCIU board
in GSM mode, must be installed in BBU0 and
those working in the main control boards in
UMTS mode, or BBU1 must be the Universal
those working in Main Processing and
GU mode. Transmission Unit (UMPT)
l BBU1 is board.
connected to RF Two BBUs are interconnected
modules working using a BBU interconnection
in UMTS mode or signal cable connecting UCIU
those working in to UMPT. In this way, a BBU
GU mode. interconnection link is set up.
If a WBBPf board is installed
in slot 2 or 3 of each BBU, two
WBBPf boards can be
interconnected using a BBU
interconnection signal cable
connecting WBBPf to WBBPf.
In this way, a baseband
interconnection link is set up.

Logical Structure
In the logical structure of a GU/GL dual-mode base station, A indicates the UMTS or LTE mode.

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Figure 5-9 Logical structure of a dual-mode base station (GU or GL)

Figure 5-10 Logical structure of a dual-mode base station (UL)

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Figure 5-11 Logical structure of a dual-mode base station (GU+U)

The MBTS consists of the following parts:

The BBU has a modular structure and consists of the control system, transport system, baseband
system, power and environment monitoring system, and interconnection system.
l The control system includes the GTMU, WMPT, LMPT, and UMPT boards. It centrally
manages the entire base station including operation and maintenance (O&M), signaling
processing, and system clock. GTMU stands for GSM Transmission, Timing, and
Management Unit for BBU. WMPT stands for WCDMA Main Processing and
Transmission Unit. LMPT stands for LTE Main Processing & Transmission Unit. UMPT
stands for Universal Main Processing and Transmission Unit.
l The transport system includes the GTMU, WMPT, LMPT, UMPT, and UTRP boards. It
provides physical ports connecting the base station to the transport network for information
exchange. UTRP stands for Universal Transmission Processing unit. This system also
provides an O&M channel connecting the base station to the operation and maintenance
center (OMC).
l The baseband system includes the WBBP board (for UMTS) and the LBBP board (for
LTE). The baseband subsystem processes uplink and downlink baseband signals and

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

provides CPRI ports through which the BBU exchanges information with RF modules. For
GSM, the baseband system includes RF modules, and the BBU exchanges information with
the RF modules using CPRI ports on the GTMU, or UBRI board. WBBP stands for
WCDMA Baseband Process Unit. LBBP stands for LTE BaseBand Processing Unit. UBRI
stands for Universal BaseBand Radio Interface Unit.
l The power and environment monitoring system includes the UPEU and UEIU boards.
UPEU stands for Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit, and UEIU stands for
Universal Environment Interface Unit. A UPEU board supplies power to the BBU and
monitors power status. Both the UPEU and UEIU boards provide ports for connections to
environment monitoring devices. These ports receive and forward signals from the
environment monitoring devices.
l The interconnection system includes the UCIU, UMPT, and WBBPf boards. It enables two
BBUs to exchange O&M information, service information (signaling messages and user
data), clock signals, synchronization information, and baseband signals. With this system,
baseband processing capability can be expanded.
In a dual-mode base station with a single BBU, information of the two modes is exchanged
within the BBU, achieving clock signal transferring and data forwarding. In a dual-mode base
station with two BBUs interconnected, information of the two modes is exchanged through the
interconnection system.

RF System
The RF system modulates, demodulates, processes, combines, and splits baseband signals and
RF signals. In BBU interconnection scenario, inter-BBU SDR RF modules can be used.

Power Supply System

The power supply system obtains power from external power supply devices and provides power
for other systems of an MBTS.

Antenna System
The antenna system includes antennas, feeders, jumpers, a remote control unit (RCU), a tower
mounted amplifier (TMA), and a Same band Antenna Sharing Unit (SASU). This system
receives and transmits RF signals. Specifically, antennas receive uplink signals from terminals
and transmit downlink signals to the terminals. The antenna system provides the lightning
protection function (lightning induction) for the MBTS. The lightning rod in this system
conducts the powerful lightning current to the ground, significantly reducing the lightning
current to the MBTS.
When two radio communication systems operate in the same frequency band and cover the same
area, it is recommended that the two systems share the antenna system to reduce the capital
expenditure (CAPEX) on network deployment. If an MBTS uses multi-mode RF modules,
signals of two radio communication systems operating in the same frequency band are
transmitted from the same RF port to achieve antenna system sharing. If the MBTS uses single-
mode RF modules, the use of an SASU is recommended.

5.4.3 Logical Structure of a Triple-Mode Base Station

In a triple-mode base station, two baseband units (BBUs) are required and BBU interconnection
is optional.

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Table 5-6 lists the typical scenarios for a triple-mode base station.


l BBU Mode indicates that boards of certain modes are installed in the BBU. For example, in a GU dual-
mode BBU, GSM boards and UMTS boards are installed.
l Working Mode of RF Modules indicates the working mode of radio frequency (RF) modules connected
to the BBU.

Table 5-6 Typical scenarios for a triple-mode base station

Sce BBU0 BBU1 BBU Logical

nari Interconnecti Structure
o BBU Workin BBU Working on Link
Mode g Mode Mode Mode of
of RF RF
Module Modules

GU GU GSM, LTE LTE N/A A base station

+L UMTS, working in GU+L
(inde or GU (independent
pend BBU) mode has
ent the same logical
BBU structure as a base
) station working in
GL GL GSM, UMTS UMTS N/A (independent
+U LTE, or BBU) mode. In
(inde GL this case, Figure
pend 5-12 only shows
ent the logical
BBU structure of a base
) station working in
BBU) mode.

GU GU GSM, LTE LTE, GL, Two BBUs are A base station

+L UMTS, or UL interconnected working in GU+L
(BB GU, GL, using a BBU (BBU
U or UL interconnectio interconnection)
inter n signal cable mode has the same
conn connecting logical structure as
ectio UCIU to a base station
n) UMPT. In this working in GL+U
way, a BBU (BBU
interconnectio interconnection)
n link is set up. mode. In this case,
Figure 5-13 only
shows the logical

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 94

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Sce BBU0 BBU1 BBU Logical

nari Interconnecti Structure
o BBU Workin BBU Working on Link
Mode g Mode Mode Mode of
of RF RF
Module Modules

GL GL GSM, UMTS UMTS, structure of a base

+U LTE, GU, or UL station working in
U or UL interconnection)
inter mode.

GU GU GSM, UL UMTS, Two BBUs are Figure 5-14 shows

+UL UMTS, LTE, GU, interconnected its logical
(BB GU, GL, GL, or UL using a BBU structure.
U or UL interconnectio
inter n signal cable
conn connecting
ectio UCIU to
n) UMPT. In this
way, a BBU
n link is set up.
If a WBBPf
board is
installed in slot
2 or 3 of each
BBU, two
WBBPf boards
can be
using a BBU
n signal cable
WBBPf to
WBBPf. In this
way, a
n link is set up.

Before implement BBU interconnection, pay attention to the following:

l GSM boards must be installed in BBU0.

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

l BBU0 must be configured with a Universal Cascaded Interface Unit (UCIU) board.
l When a BBU interconnection signal cable is used to connect a UCIU and a UMPT boards
and a control link is set up, main control boards in BBU1 must be the Universal Main
Processing and Transmission Unit (UMPT) board.

Logical Structure

Figure 5-12 Logical structure of a triple-mode base station (GU+L) with independent BBUs

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Figure 5-13 Logical structure of a triple-mode base station (GU+L) with BBU interconnection

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

Figure 5-14 Logical structure of a triple-mode base station (GU+UL) with BBU interconnection

The MBTS consists of the following parts:

The BBU has a modular structure and consists of the control system, transport system, baseband
system, power and environment monitoring system, and interconnection system.

l The control system includes the GTMU, WMPT, LMPT, and UMPT boards. It centrally
manages the entire base station including operation and maintenance (O&M), signaling
processing, and system clock. GTMU stands for GSM Transmission, Timing, and
Management Unit for BBU. WMPT stands for WCDMA Main Processing and
Transmission Unit. LMPT stands for LTE Main Processing & Transmission Unit. UMPT
stands for Universal Main Processing and Transmission Unit.

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

l The transport system includes the GTMU, WMPT, LMPT, UMPT, and UTRP boards. It
provides physical ports connecting the base station to the transport network for information
exchange. UTRP stands for Universal Transmission Processing unit. This system also
provides an O&M channel connecting the base station to the operation and maintenance
center (OMC).
l The baseband system includes the WBBP board (for UMTS) and the LBBP board (for
LTE). The baseband subsystem processes uplink and downlink baseband signals and
provides CPRI ports through which the BBU exchanges information with RF modules. For
GSM, the baseband system includes RF modules, and the BBU exchanges information with
the RF modules using CPRI ports on the GTMU, or UBRI board. WBBP stands for
WCDMA Baseband Process Unit. LBBP stands for LTE BaseBand Processing Unit. UBRI
stands for Universal BaseBand Radio Interface Unit.
l The power and environment monitoring system includes the UPEU and UEIU boards.
UPEU stands for Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit, and UEIU stands for
Universal Environment Interface Unit. A UPEU board supplies power to the BBU and
monitors power status. Both the UPEU and UEIU boards provide ports for connections to
environment monitoring devices. These ports receive and forward signals from the
environment monitoring devices.
l The interconnection system includes the UCIU, UMPT, and WBBPf boards. It enables two
BBUs to exchange O&M information, service information (signaling messages and user
data), clock signals, synchronization information, and baseband signals. With this system,
baseband processing capability can be expanded.

In the independent BBU scenario, two modes within the same BBU exchange information inside
the BBU, and forward clock signals and data to each other. The other mode in the other BBU
operates independently.

In the BBU interconnection scenario, three modes exchange data through the interconnection

RF System
The RF system modulates, demodulates, processes, combines, and splits baseband signals and
RF signals.

In the independent BBU scenario, two BBUs are independently connected to different radio
frequency (RF) modules and inter-BBU SDR is not supported. In the BBU interconnection
scenario, inter-BBU SDR is supported.

Power Supply System

The power supply system obtains power from external power supply devices and provides power
for other systems of an MBTS.

Antenna System
The antenna system includes antennas, feeders, jumpers, a remote control unit (RCU), a tower
mounted amplifier (TMA), and a Same band Antenna Sharing Unit (SASU). This system
receives and transmits RF signals. Specifically, antennas receive uplink signals from terminals
and transmit downlink signals to the terminals. The antenna system provides the lightning
protection function (lightning induction) for the MBTS. The lightning rod in this system

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Technical Description 5 Logical Structure

conducts the powerful lightning current to the ground, significantly reducing the lightning
current to the MBTS.

When two radio communication systems operate in the same frequency band and cover the same
area, it is recommended that the two systems share the antenna system to reduce the capital
expenditure (CAPEX) on network deployment. If an MBTS uses multi-mode RF modules,
signals of two radio communication systems operating in the same frequency band are
transmitted from the same RF port to achieve antenna system sharing. If the MBTS uses single-
mode RF modules, the use of an SASU is recommended.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

6 Clock Synchronization

About This Chapter

Synchronization refers to that within a specific time, the phase variation or frequency variation
between two or more signals stays within the specified range. Clock synchronization refers to
that a base station synchronizes its clock signals with a reference clock source. Through clock
synchronization, the variation in the clock frequency between a base station and other devices
in the related network and the variation in the clock signals between the base station and other
devices in the network are within the specified range. This prevents transmission performance
from deteriorating due to such variations.
Clock synchronization includes the following:
l Frequency synchronization: the frequency of a signal is the same as the reference frequency
but the origin of the timescale for the signal does not need to be the same as that for the
reference clock.
l Time synchronization (also referred to as time-of-day synchronization): the origin of the
timescale for a signal needs to be synchronized with the Universal Time Coordinated
(UTC). Therefore, time synchronization implies synchronization in absolute time. The
UTC time is a universal timing standard, in which the atomic clock is maintained accurately
to ensure time synchronization across the world, with the precision to microseconds.
6.1 GBTS Clock Synchronization Modes
GSM base transceiver stations (GBTSs) support multiple types of reference clock sources,
including the E1/T1 line clock, IP clock, synchronous Ethernet clock, building integrated timing
supply (BITS) clock, Global Positioning System (GPS) clock, and Remote Global Positioning
System (RGPS) clock. If a GBTS fails to obtain clock signals, it works in free-run mode for a
certain period of time.
6.2 NodeB Clock Synchronization Modes
NodeBs support multiple types of reference clock sources, including the E1/T1 line clock, IP
clock, synchronous Ethernet clock, building integrated timing supply (BITS) clock, and Global
Positioning System (GPS) clock. If a NodeB fails to obtain clock signals, it works in free-run
mode for a certain period of time.
6.3 eNodeB Clock Synchronization Modes
eNodeBs support multiple types of external reference clock sources, including the E1/T1 line
clock, IP clock, synchronous Ethernet, building integrated timing supply (BITS) clock, Global

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Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

Positioning System (GPS) clock, Remote Global Positioning System (RGPS) clock, Global
Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) clock, and 1PPS+TOD clock (PPS is short for pulse
per second, and TOD is short for time of day). If an eNodeB fails to obtain clock signals, it works
in free-run mode for a certain period of time.

6.4 MBTS Clock Synchronization Modes

The MBTS supports multiple external clock sources, including an E1/T1 line clock, IP clock,
synchronous Ethernet clock, GPS clock, BITS clock, and 1 PPS+TOD clock. BITS stands for
building integrated timing supply, PPS stands for pulse per second, and TOD stands for time of
day. Each SiteUnit in an MBTS can independently uses an external clock source or can share
the clock source with other modes. If an MBTS fails to obtain external clock signals, it operates
in free-run mode for a certain period of time.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

6.1 GBTS Clock Synchronization Modes

GSM base transceiver stations (GBTSs) support multiple types of reference clock sources,
including the E1/T1 line clock, IP clock, synchronous Ethernet clock, building integrated timing
supply (BITS) clock, Global Positioning System (GPS) clock, and Remote Global Positioning
System (RGPS) clock. If a GBTS fails to obtain clock signals, it works in free-run mode for a
certain period of time.

E1/T1 Line Clock Synchronization

With an E1/T1 line clock, a base station obtains frequency synchronization signals from the
physical layer of an E1/T1 link to achieve clock synchronization. An E1/T1 line clock can be
used when a base station uses the E1/T1 transmission scheme and clock signals are available on
the E1/T1 link.

IP Clock (IEEE1588 V2) Synchronization

IEEE1588 V2 defines the Precision Time Protocol (PTP), which targets synchronization of
clocks in the Ethernet, with the precision to microseconds. With an IEEE1588 V2 clock, both
frequency synchronization and time synchronization are supported. An IEEE1588 V2 clock can
be used when a base station works in IP over FE mode and an IP clock server is configured in
the network.

Synchronous Ethernet Clock Synchronization

With a synchronous Ethernet clock, a base station traces the upstream clock by recovering clock
signals from the serial data bit streams received at the physical layer to achieve synchronization.
The synchronous Ethernet supports only frequency synchronization. When a base station uses
a synchronous Ethernet clock as its clock source, the frequency precision tolerance of the system
clock falls into the range of -0.05 ppm and + 0.05 ppm. A synchronous Ethernet clock can be
used when a base station works in IP over FE mode and the transport network supports the
synchronous Ethernet clock.

BITS Clock Synchronization

With a building integrated timing supply (BITS) clock, a base station is connected to an external
synchronous equipment through the BITS clock card in the base station to obtain BITS
synchronization signals. A BITS clock can be used when a base station is equipped with a
universal satellite card and clock unit (USCU) board.

GPS Clock Synchronization

With a Global Positioning System (GPS) clock, a base station receives clock signals by using a
GPS receiver with the precision to microseconds to achieve synchronization. With a GPS clock,
both frequency synchronization and time synchronization are supported. A GPS clock can be
used when a base station is equipped with a universal satellite card and clock unit (USCU) board.

RGPS Clock Synchronization

With a Remote Global Positioning System (RGPS) clock, a base station receives clock signals
by using an RGPS receiver with the precision to microseconds to achieve synchronization. With

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Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

an RGPS clock, both frequency synchronization and time synchronization are supported. An
RGPS clock can be used when a base station is equipped with a USCU board.

Without an external clock source, a base station continues to work for about 90 days in free-run

6.2 NodeB Clock Synchronization Modes

NodeBs support multiple types of reference clock sources, including the E1/T1 line clock, IP
clock, synchronous Ethernet clock, building integrated timing supply (BITS) clock, and Global
Positioning System (GPS) clock. If a NodeB fails to obtain clock signals, it works in free-run
mode for a certain period of time.

The NodeB supports only frequency synchronization.

E1/T1 Line Clock Synchronization

With an E1/T1 line clock, a base station obtains frequency synchronization signals from the
physical layer of an E1/T1 link to achieve clock synchronization. An E1/T1 line clock can be
used when a base station uses the E1/T1 transmission scheme and clock signals are available on
the E1/T1 link.

IP Clock (Clock over IP) Synchronization

Clock over IP is a Huawei proprietary frequency synchronization technology, in which
frequency synchronization packets are transmitted over IP. With clock over IP, only frequency
synchronization is supported. When a base station uses this synchronization mode, the
synchronization tolerance can be 0.05 ppm. The ppm stands for parts per million. A clock over
IP can be used when a base station works in IP over FE mode and an IP clock server is configured
in the network.

IP Clock (IEEE1588 V2) Synchronization

IEEE1588 V2 defines the Precision Time Protocol (PTP), which targets synchronization of
clocks in the Ethernet, with the precision to microseconds. With an IEEE1588 V2 clock, both
frequency synchronization and time synchronization are supported. An IEEE1588 V2 clock can
be used when a base station works in IP over FE mode and an IP clock server is configured in
the network.

Synchronous Ethernet Clock Synchronization

With a synchronous Ethernet clock, a base station traces the upstream clock by recovering clock
signals from the serial data bit streams received at the physical layer to achieve synchronization.
The synchronous Ethernet supports only frequency synchronization. When a base station uses
a synchronous Ethernet clock as its clock source, the frequency precision tolerance of the system
clock falls into the range of -0.05 ppm and + 0.05 ppm. A synchronous Ethernet clock can be
used when a base station works in IP over FE mode and the transport network supports the
synchronous Ethernet clock.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

BITS Clock Synchronization

With a building integrated timing supply (BITS) clock, a base station is connected to an external
synchronous equipment through the BITS clock card in the base station to obtain BITS
synchronization signals. A BITS clock can be used when a base station is equipped with a
universal satellite card and clock unit (USCU) board.

GPS Clock Synchronization

With a Global Positioning System (GPS) clock, a base station receives clock signals by using a
GPS receiver with the precision to microseconds to achieve synchronization. With a GPS clock,
both frequency synchronization and time synchronization are supported. A GPS clock can be
used when a base station is equipped with a universal satellite card and clock unit (USCU) board.

Without an external clock source, a base station continues to work for about 90 days in free-run

6.3 eNodeB Clock Synchronization Modes

eNodeBs support multiple types of external reference clock sources, including the E1/T1 line
clock, IP clock, synchronous Ethernet, building integrated timing supply (BITS) clock, Global
Positioning System (GPS) clock, Remote Global Positioning System (RGPS) clock, Global
Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) clock, and 1PPS+TOD clock (PPS is short for pulse
per second, and TOD is short for time of day). If an eNodeB fails to obtain clock signals, it works
in free-run mode for a certain period of time.

When the Clock Working Mode is set to AUTO(Auto), it does not take effect on an eNodeB, and each eNodeB
can be configured with only one type of external clock source.

E1/T1 Line Clock Synchronization

With an E1/T1 line clock, a base station obtains frequency synchronization signals from the
physical layer of an E1/T1 link to achieve clock synchronization. An E1/T1 line clock can be
used when a base station uses the E1/T1 transmission scheme and clock signals are available on
the E1/T1 link.

IP Clock (Clock over IP) Synchronization

Clock over IP is a Huawei proprietary frequency synchronization technology, in which
frequency synchronization packets are transmitted over IP. With clock over IP, only frequency
synchronization is supported. When a base station uses this synchronization mode, the
synchronization tolerance can be 0.05 ppm. The ppm stands for parts per million. A clock over
IP can be used when a base station works in IP over FE mode and an IP clock server is configured
in the network.

IP Clock (IEEE1588 V2) Synchronization

IEEE1588 V2 defines the Precision Time Protocol (PTP), which targets synchronization of
clocks in the Ethernet, with the precision to microseconds. With an IEEE1588 V2 clock, both

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Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

frequency synchronization and time synchronization are supported. An IEEE1588 V2 clock can
be used when a base station works in IP over FE mode and an IP clock server is configured in
the network.

Synchronous Ethernet Clock Synchronization

With a synchronous Ethernet clock, a base station traces the upstream clock by recovering clock
signals from the serial data bit streams received at the physical layer to achieve synchronization.
The synchronous Ethernet supports only frequency synchronization. When a base station uses
a synchronous Ethernet clock as its clock source, the frequency precision tolerance of the system
clock falls into the range of -0.05 ppm and + 0.05 ppm. A synchronous Ethernet clock can be
used when a base station works in IP over FE mode and the transport network supports the
synchronous Ethernet clock.

BITS Clock Synchronization

With a building integrated timing supply (BITS) clock, a base station is connected to an external
synchronous equipment through the BITS clock card in the base station to obtain BITS
synchronization signals. A BITS clock can be used when a base station is equipped with a
universal satellite card and clock unit (USCU) board.

GPS Clock Synchronization

If an eNodeB synchronizes with the GPS clock, it achieves synchronization by obtaining clock
signals from a GPS receiver. The GPS clock supports both frequency synchronization and time
synchronization, with a precision to microseconds. To synchronize with the GPS clock, an
eNodeB must be equipped with a LMPT or a UMPTa6 board, or be equipped with a UMPTa2
board where a satellite card is installed or a USCU board.

RGPS Clock Synchronization

If an eNodeB synchronizes with the RGPS clock, it achieves synchronization by obtaining clock
signals from a RGPS receiver. The RGPS clock supports both frequency synchronization and
time synchronization, with a precision to microseconds. To synchronize with the RGPS clock,
an eNodeB must be equipped with a LMPT board, or be equipped with a UMPT board where a
satellite card is installed or a USCU board.

GLONASS Clock Synchronization

If an eNodeB synchronizes with the GLONASS clock, it achieves synchronization by obtaining
clock signals from a GLONASS receiver. The GLONASS clock supports both frequency
synchronization and time synchronization, with a precision to microseconds. To synchronize
with the GLONASS clock, an eNodeB must be equipped with a USCU board.

1PPS+TOD Clock Synchronization

With a 1PPS+TOD clock, a base station obtains 1 pulse per second (PPS) signals and time of
day (TOD) signals to implement time synchronization. The 1PPS signals are used for time
synchronization. The TODs signals transfer such information as time, types of reference clocks,
and working status of reference clocks. A 1PPS+TOD clock can be used when a base station is
equipped with a USCU board.

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Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

Without an external clock source, a base station continues to work for about 90 days in free-run

6.4 MBTS Clock Synchronization Modes

The MBTS supports multiple external clock sources, including an E1/T1 line clock, IP clock,
synchronous Ethernet clock, GPS clock, BITS clock, and 1 PPS+TOD clock. BITS stands for
building integrated timing supply, PPS stands for pulse per second, and TOD stands for time of
day. Each SiteUnit in an MBTS can independently uses an external clock source or can share
the clock source with other modes. If an MBTS fails to obtain external clock signals, it operates
in free-run mode for a certain period of time.


l In the co-module scenario, only frequency synchronization is supported.

l In an MBTS, the Clock Working Mode cannot be set to AUTO(Auto), and each SiteUnit can be configured
with only one type of external clock source.

6.4.1 Independent Reference Clock Mode

When an MBTS works in independent reference clock mode, each SiteUnit independently uses
an external clock source and the clock synchronization mode is the same as that of a single-mode
base station.

Figure 6-1 shows the independent reference clock mode of an MBTS.

Figure 6-1 Independent reference clock mode of an MBTS

Table 6-1 lists the clock synchronization mode of each SiteUnit. For details, see the following:

l 6.1 GBTS Clock Synchronization Modes

l 6.2 NodeB Clock Synchronization Modes
l 6.3 eNodeB Clock Synchronization Modes

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Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

Table 6-1 Clock synchronization mode of each SiteUnit in an MBTS

Clock Synchronization Supported By Board Receiving Clock

Mode Signals

E1/T1 line clock GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB GTMU, WMPT, UMPT, or
synchronization UTRP (E1/T1 supported)

IP clock synchronization NodeB and eNodeB WMPT, LMPT, UMPT, or

(clock over IP) UTRP (FE/GE supported)

IP clock synchronization GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB GTMU, WMPT, LMPT,

(IEEE1588 V2) UMPT, or UTRP (FE/GE

Synchronous Ethernet clock GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB GTMU, WMPT, LMPT,
synchronization UMPT, or UTRP (FE/GE

GPS clock synchronization GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB USCU, LMPT, or UMPTa6

RGPS clock synchronization GBTS and eNodeB USCU or LMPT

BITS clock synchronization GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB USCU

1 PPS+TOD clock eNodeB USCU


Each SiteUnit can use different types of external clock sources according to onsite conditions.
However, pay attention to the following:

l Each SiteUnit can be configured with only one type of external clock source.
l Only one Universal Satellite Card and Clock Unit (USCU) board can be configured for an
MBTS and the USCU board can be configured with only one type of external clock source.

6.4.2 Common Reference Clock Mode

When an MBTS works in common reference clock mode, all the SiteUnits share one external
clock source.

Table 6-2 provides the description about the common reference clock mode of an MBTS.

Table 6-2 Common reference clock mode of an MBTS

Scenario Common Reference Clock Mode

Dual-mode base One SiteUnit is configured with an external clock source and the other
station SiteUnit uses the peer clock, as shown in Figure 6-2.

Triple- Indepe Two SiteUnits within the same BBU can share one external clock source,
mode ndent as shown in Figure 6-3.
base BBU

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Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

Scenario Common Reference Clock Mode

BBU l Any two SiteUnits can share one external clock source, as shown in
interco Figure 6-4.
nnectio l The three SiteUnits can share one external clock source, as shown in
n Figure 6-5.

In the BBU interconnection scenario, clock signals are transmitted over a control link. An
external clock source can be implemented in either the root BBU or the leaf BBU. This section
assumes that an external clock source is implemented in the root BBU.

Dual-Mode Base Station

As shown in Figure 6-2, A and B are the two SiteUnits of a dual-mode base station. In addition,
A is configured with an external clock source and B shares the clock on the A side.

Figure 6-2 Common reference clock in a dual-mode base station

Triple-Mode Base Station

In the following figure, A, B, and C are the three SiteUnits of a triple-mode base station. In
addition, A and B are configured in BBU0 and C in BBU1.

As shown in Figure 6-3, in the scenario of independent BBU, A and B share one external clock
source, and C is separately configured with another external clock source.

Figure 6-3 Common reference clock in a triple-mode base station (independent BBU)

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Technical Description 6 Clock Synchronization

As shown in Figure 6-4, in the scenario of BBU interconnection, any two of A, B, and C can
share one external clock source while the remaining one is separately configured with another
external clock source. For example, A and B share one external clock source while C is separately
configured with another external clock source. Alternatively, both A and B are configured with
an independent external clock source, and then C can share the clock on the A or B side. In the
following figure, C shares the clock on the A side.

Figure 6-4 Common reference clock in a triple-mode base station (BBU interconnection) with
two SiteUnits sharing one external clock source

As shown in Figure 6-5, in the scenario of BBU interconnection, A, B, and C share one external
clock source. In addition, A is configured with an external clock source, which is then shared
by B and C.

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Figure 6-5 Common reference clock in a triple-mode base station (BBU interconnection) with
all the SiteUnits sharing one external clock source

Table 6-3 lists external clock sources supported by each SiteUnit in an MBTS.

Table 6-3 External clock sources supported by each SiteUnit in an MBTS

External Clock Source Supported By Board Receiving Clock


E1/T1 line clock GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB GTMU, WMPT, UMPT, or
synchronization UTRP (E1/T1 supported)

IP clock synchronization GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB GTMU, WMPT, LMPT,

(IEEE1588 V2 frequency UMPT, or UTRP (FE/GE
synchronization) supported)

Synchronous Ethernet clock GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB GTMU, WMPT, LMPT,
synchronization UMPT, or UTRP (FE/GE

GPS clock synchronization GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB USCU, LMPT, or UMPTa6
(frequency synchronization)

BITS clock synchronization GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB USCU

When a Universal Satellite Card and Clock Unit (USCU) board is used to receive clock signals,
the following configuration methods are available:

l This USCU board can be configured for all SiteUnits that share the external clock source
and each SiteUnit has the same clock source type.
l When only one SiteUnit is configured with this USCU board, the clock source type of this
SiteUnit depends on the external clock source's type and the clock source type of the other
SiteUnits is PEER.

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In other common reference clock modes, only one SiteUnit needs to be configured with an
external clock source, and the other SiteUnits can share this external clock source by setting
their clock source type to PEER.

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Technical Description 7 Transport Network Topologies

7 Transport Network Topologies

About This Chapter

The 3900 series base stations support multiple transmission schemes and transport network
topologies in various scenarios.

7.1 GBTS Transport Network Topologies

GSM base transceiver stations (GBTSs) support transport networks over time division
multiplexing (TDM), IP, and High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC).

7.2 NodeB Transport Network Topologies

NodeBs support transport networks over ATM and IP.

7.3 eNodeB Transport Network Topologies

eNodeBs support the star, chain, and tree topologies on IP networks.

7.4 MBTS Transport Network Topologies

The multi-mode base transceiver station (MBTS) supports multiple transport network
topologies. Users can choose a certain topology according to onsite conditions. Each SiteUnit
in an MBTS supports both independent transmission and co-transmission.

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7.1 GBTS Transport Network Topologies

GSM base transceiver stations (GBTSs) support transport networks over time division
multiplexing (TDM), IP, and High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC).

TDM Networking
E1/T1 transmission is used between the GBTS and the BSC, and TDM transmission is used on
the Abis interface. In TDM networking mode, the GBTS supports chain, star, tree, and ring
topologies, as shown in Figure 7-1.

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Figure 7-1 TDM networking

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Figure 7-2 Re-established ring topology after transmission interruption

IP Networking
The Abis interface between the GBTS and BSC uses the IP over FE or IP over E1/T1 transmission
mode. IP networking includes IP over FE and IP over E1/T1 networking.

IP over FE networking includes layer-2 and layer-3 networking, as shown in Figure 7-3.

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Figure 7-3 IP over FE networking

IP over E1/T1 networking includes star, chain, and tree topologies, as shown in Figure 7-4.

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Figure 7-4 IP over E1/T1 networking

HDLC Networking
E1/T1 transmission is used between the GBTS and BSC, and HDLC transmission is used on the
Abis interface. In HDLC networking mode, the GBTS supports chain, star, and ring topologies,
as shown in Figure 7-5.

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Figure 7-5 HDLC networking

Characteristics of Each Topology

Table 7-1 lists the characteristics of each topology.

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Table 7-1 Characteristics of each topology

Topology Usage Scenario Advantage Disadvantage

Star The star topology is l Simple networking Compared with other

applicable to most l Easy network topologies, the star
scenarios, deployment topology requires more
especially in transmission resources.
densely populated l Easy network
urban areas. maintenance
l Flexible network
capacity expansion
l High network

Chain The chain topology Less costs of transmission l Signals travel through
is applicable to equipment, construction, multiple nodes, and
strip-shaped and and transmission link lease therefore network
sparsely populated reliability is low.
areas, such as areas l Faults in an upper-level
along highways and GBTS may affect
railways. operations of its lower-
level GBTSs.
l The number of levels in
a chain topology cannot
exceed five.
When the Abis Bypass
feature is enabled in the
chain topology, lower-level
GBTSs can work properly
even if an upper-level GBTS
is powered off.

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Topology Usage Scenario Advantage Disadvantage

Tree The tree topology is Compared with the star l Signals travel through
applicable to areas topology, the tree topology multiple nodes, and
where the network requires fewer therefore transmission
architecture, site transmission cables. reliability is low and
distribution, and network deployment or
subscriber maintenance is
distribution are difficult.
complicated, for l Faults in an upper-level
example, hot spot GBTS may affect
areas where operations of its lower-
subscribers are level GBTSs.
widely distributed.
l Capacity expansion is
difficult because it may
require big changes in
the current network
l The number of levels in
a tree topology cannot
exceed five.

Ring The ring topology is If transmission is There is always a link

applicable to most interrupted at a point, the segment that does not
scenarios. Due to its ring is automatically split transmit any data.
strong self-healing into two chains so that
capability, the ring GBTSs located before and
topology is behind the point can still
recommended if work properly. This
there are sufficient improves the system
routes. robustness. For example,
GBTSs 0, 1, and 2 are
connected to the BSC in
forward direction in the
ring topology, as shown in
Figure 7-2. When
transmission is interrupted
at point B, the GBTS
located in front of point B
(GBTS0) is still connected
to the BSC in forward
direction, whereas the
GBTSs located behind
point B (GBTSs 1 and 2)
are connected to the BSC
in reverse direction in the
chain topology.

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7.2 NodeB Transport Network Topologies

NodeBs support transport networks over ATM and IP.

ATM Networking
ATM networks support ATM over E1 transmission and have various networking modes, such
as the star, tree, and chain topologies, as shown in Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6 ATM networking

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l In the BBU interconnection scenario, either of the BBUs can be connected to the transport network.
It is recommended that BBU0 (root BBU) is connected to the transport network.
l In the BBU interconnection scenario, inter-subrack transmission interconnection in ATM over E1
mode is not supported. In inter-subrack transmission interconnection, the transmission port on one
BBU is connected to the upper-level network or NodeB, and the transmission port on the other BBU
is connected to the lower-level NodeB.
l In ATM over E1 transmission, inter-subrack configuration of the timeslot cross function and treelink
PVC is not supported.

IP Networking
IP networks support IP over E1 and IP over FE transmission. IP networking capabilities of
NodeBs have been enhanced to support the IP hub networking in addition to the star, chain, and
tree topologies, as shown in Figure 7-7. In the IP hub networking, aggregation devices can be
placed at cross connections between tree topologies. Typically, a hub NodeB is used for the first-
level aggregation. Based on capacity requirements, another hub NodeB or a transmission
gateway can be used for the second-level aggregation. Figure 7-8 shows the IP hub networking.


In IP over E1 transmission, inter-subrack configuration of the timeslot cross function and MP group binding
is not supported.

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Figure 7-7 IP networking

Figure 7-8 IP hub networking

Topology Characteristics
Table 7-2 describes usage scenarios and characteristics of the preceding topologies.

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Table 7-2 Usage scenarios and characteristics of the topologies

Topology Usage Scenario Advantage Disadvantage

Star The star topology is l The NodeB is Compared with other

the most common directly topologies, the star
topology and applies connected to the topology requires
to densely populated radio network more transmission
areas. controller (RNC). resources.
This simple
topology features
easy engineering,
maintenance, and
l Data is directly
between the
NodeB and the
RNC, reducing
the number of
nodes that signals
travel through
and enhancing

Chain The chain topology This topology helps l Signals travel

applies to strip- reduce expenditure through many
shaped and sparsely on transmission nodes, which
populated areas, such equipment, lowers
as highways and engineering, and transmission
railways. leased transmission reliability.
cables. l A faulty NodeB
may affect the
operation of
l The number of
levels in a chain
topology cannot
exceed five.

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Technical Description 7 Transport Network Topologies

Topology Usage Scenario Advantage Disadvantage

Tree The tree topology The tree topology l Signals travel

applies to areas with requires fewer through many
complex network transmission cables nodes, which
architecture, site than the star lowers
distribution, and topology. transmission
subscriber reliability and
distribution, for increases
example, hot spot engineering and
areas in which maintenance
subscribers are difficulties.
widely distributed. l A faulty NodeB
may affect the
operation of
l Capacity
expansion is
difficult because
it may require
changes in the
l The number of
levels in a tree
topology cannot
exceed five.

7.3 eNodeB Transport Network Topologies

eNodeBs support the star, chain, and tree topologies on IP networks.

An eNodeB communicates with a mobility management entity (MME) or serving gateway (S-
GW) through an S1 interface based on E1/T1 or FE/GE transmission. (FE is short for fast
Ethernet, and GE is short for gigabit Ethernet.) The S1 interface supports the star, chain, and
tree topologies, as shown in Figure 7-9.

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Figure 7-9 Topologies on the S1 interface

Table 7-3 describes usage scenarios and characteristics of the preceding topologies.

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Table 7-3 Usage scenarios and characteristics of the topologies

To Usage Scenario Advantage Disadvantage


Sta The star topology is the l Each eNodeB is The star topology requires
r most common topology directly connected to more transport resources than
and is applicable to an MME or S-GW the other topologies.
densely populated areas. through a transport
network. This simple
topology features easy
maintenance, and
capacity expansion.
l Each eNodeB directly
exchanges data with an
MME or S-GW.
Signals travel through
few nodes, and
therefore network
reliability is high.

Ch The chain topology is This topology helps reduce l Signals travel through
ain applicable to belt- expenditure on many nodes, which lowers
shaped and sparsely transmission equipment, network reliability.
populated areas, such as engineering, and leased l Each lower-level eNodeB
areas along highways transmission cables. occupies some
and railways. transmission bandwidth of
its upper-level eNodeB.
Reliability of the upper-
level eNodeB affects
operation of the lower-
level eNodeB.
l The number of levels in a
chain topology cannot
exceed five.

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Technical Description 7 Transport Network Topologies

To Usage Scenario Advantage Disadvantage


Tre The tree topology is This topology helps reduce l Signals travel through
e applicable to areas with expenditure on many nodes, which lowers
complicated network transmission equipment, network reliability.
architecture, site engineering, and leased l Each lower-level eNodeB
distribution, and transmission cables. occupies some
subscriber distribution, transmission bandwidth of
for example, hot spot its upper-level eNodeB.
areas in which Reliability of the upper-
subscribers are widely level eNodeB affects
distributed. operation of the lower-
level eNodeB.
l The number of levels in a
tree topology cannot
exceed five.

7.4 MBTS Transport Network Topologies

The multi-mode base transceiver station (MBTS) supports multiple transport network
topologies. Users can choose a certain topology according to onsite conditions. Each SiteUnit
in an MBTS supports both independent transmission and co-transmission.

7.4.1 Transport Network Topology

The multi-mode base transceiver station (MBTS) supports the star, chain, and ring topologies.
Users can choose a certain topology according to onsite conditions.

Figure 7-10 shows the MBTS transport network topologies.

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Figure 7-10 MBTS transport network topologies

Table 7-4 describes usage scenarios and advantages of the preceding topologies.

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Table 7-4 Usage scenarios and advantages of the preceding topologies

Trans Usage Scenario Advantage Disadvantage


Star The star topology is the l Each MBTS is directly The star topology requires
most common topology connected to an more transmission
and is applicable to MBSC/MME/S-GW. resources than other
densely populated areas. Therefore, this topologies.
topology is
characterized by easy
maintenance, and
capacity expansion.
l Each MBTS directly
transmits data to and
receives data from an
Signals travel through
few nodes, and
therefore line
reliability is high.

Chain The chain topology is This topology helps l Signals travel through
applicable to belt-shaped reduce costs of many nodes, which
and sparsely populated transmission equipment, lowers line reliability.
areas, such as areas along engineering construction, l Faults in an upper-
highways and railways. and leased transmission level base station may
lines. affect lower-level base
l The number of levels
in a chain topology
cannot exceed five.
In a chain topology, if Abis
bypass is enabled, lower-
level base stations can work
properly even if there is a
power failure in an upper-
level base station.

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Technical Description 7 Transport Network Topologies

Trans Usage Scenario Advantage Disadvantage


Tree The tree topology is The tree topology requires l Signals travel through
applicable to areas with fewer transmission cables many nodes, and
complicated network than the star topology. therefore line
architecture, site reliability is low and
distribution, and engineering and
subscriber distribution, maintenance are
for example, hot spot difficult.
areas in which subscribers l Faults in an upper-
are widely distributed. level base station may
affect lower-level base
l Capacity expansion is
difficult because it
may require changes
in the current network
l The number of levels
in a tree topology
cannot exceed five.

7.4.2 Independent Transmission

When independent transmission is applied to an MBTS, each SiteUnit is connected to the
transport network through independent physical transmission ports. In this case, no impact exists
between SiteUnits in terms of transmission.

Figure 7-11 shows the independent transmission mode of an MBTS.

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Figure 7-11 Independent transmission mode of an MBTS

For the transmission mode of each SiteUnit, see the following:

l 7.1 GBTS Transport Network Topologies

l 7.2 NodeB Transport Network Topologies
l 7.3 eNodeB Transport Network Topologies

7.4.3 Co-Transmission
When co-transmission is applied to an MBTS, each SiteUnit about to share transmission
recourses is connected to the transport network through common physical transmission ports.
In this case, impact exists between SiteUnits in terms of transmission. Co-transmission is
classified into TDM-based co-transmission and IP-based co-transmission. When IP-based co-
transmission is applied, route backup and hybrid transport are supported.

TDM-based Co-Transmission
The TDM timeslot cross function can be used to multiplex data of two modes onto the transport
network only when an MBTS works in GU mode. In this manner, E1/T1 transmission resources
are shared on a timeslot basis and TDM transmission bandwidth can be shared in a semi-static
way. TDM stands for time division multiplexing.

The TDM-based co-transmission is implemented by the GSM Transmission, Timing, and

Management Unit for BBU (GTMU) board or the Universal Transmission Processing unit
(UTRP) board working in GSM mode, as shown in Figure 7-12.

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Figure 7-12 TDM-based co-transmission

The WCDMA Main Processing and Transmission Unit (WMPT) board or the Universal Main
Processing & Transmission Unit (UMPT) working in UMTS mode transmits UMTS E1/T1
timeslots to the GTMU or UTRP (GSM) board through the TOP channel on the BBU backplane.
The GTMU or UTRP (GSM) board provides E1/T1 ports that connect the base station to the
transport network. The GSM and UMTS data is multiplexed onto transmission links by using
the TDM timeslot cross function, achieving E1/T1 transmission resource sharing on the timeslot

In the preceding scenario, only the following clock schemes can be used:

l The GBTS is configured with an E1/T1 clock source while the NodeB shares the GBTS'
clock signals. (Recommended)
l When the BSC and RNC use the same E1/T1 clock source, the NodeB can be configured
with the E1/T1 clock source and the GBTS can share the NodeB's clock or can be configured
with another clock source.

IP-based Co-Transmission
With IP over Ethernet or IP over E1/T1, all SiteUnits in an MBTS can share physical transmission
resources and dynamically share transmission bandwidth resources.

IP-based co-transmission can be achieved with two methods: interconnecting front panels and
interconnecting backplanes, as described in Table 7-5.

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Table 7-5 Methods of achieve IP-based co-transmission

Co- Description Remarks


Front Two SiteUnits sharing transmission l Main control boards and UTRP boards
panel resources are interconnected of two SiteUnits sharing transmission
interco through fast Ethernet (FE) ports on resources must be installed in the same
nnectio a front panel. One SiteUnit is BBU.
n connected to the transport network l Types of the FE ports used for front
using a transmission port, this panel interconnection must be the
SiteUnit forwards the other same. Therefore, two electrical FE
SiteUnit's data, and two SiteUnits' ports can be used and alternatively two
data is carried over the transmission optical FE ports can be used.
l UTRP boards supporting co-
transmission are UTRP2 (UMTS),
and UTRPc (UMTS or LTE) boards.
l Configuring UTRP boards is optional.
Due to limited bandwidth on UTRP
boards, capacity expansion is difficult
and therefore using UTRP boards to
achieve IP-based co-transmission is not

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Co- Description Remarks


Backpla Through main control boards l Main control boards supporting co-
ne l With a single BBU, the main transmission are the UMPT (UMTS/
interco control boards of two SiteUnits LTE) and LMPT boards. Where, the
nnectio sharing transmission resources LMPT board can be used when only
n communicate through the BBU one BBU is configured while the
backplane. One SiteUnit is UMPT board can be used not only when
connected to the transport only one BBU is configured but also
network using a transmission when BBU interconnection is applied.
port and this SiteUnit forwards LMPT stands for LTE Main Processing
the other SiteUnit's data. Two & Transmission Unit.
SiteUnits' data is carried over the l In an MBTS working in GU+UL mode,
transmission link. the UMPT (UMTS) board in the leaf
l With BBU interconnection, BBU does not support co-transmission.
SiteUnits sharing transmission
resources send data to the UMPT
board through the BBU
backplane. The UMPT board is
connected to the transport
network using its transmission
port and all SiteUnits' data is
carried over the transmission
link. UMPT stands for Universal
Main Processing and
Transmission unit.

Through a UTRPc board: SiteUnits l If two BBUs are not interconnected, co-
sharing transmission resources send transmission is available to the
data to the UTRPc board through the SiteUnits that are installed in the same
BBU backplane, the UTRPc board is BBU as the UTRPc board.
connected to the transport network l If two BBUs are interconnected, the
using its transmission port, and all UTRPc board can be installed in either
SiteUnits' data is carried over the root BBU or leaf BBU, and co-
transmission link. transmission is available to all
SiteUnits using the UTRPc board.

Front Panel Interconnection

Figure 7-13 shows IP-based co-transmission, which is applied to GU dual-mode base stations.
Table 7-6 provides information about board and port connection.

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Figure 7-13 IP-based co-transmission (GU front plane interconnection)

Table 7-6 Board and port connection (GU front plane interconnection)

Board and Port for Front Panel Board Connected to the Transport Network

l An FE port on the GTMU board WMPT, UMPT (UMTS), or UTRP (UMTS)

is connected to an FE port on the
l An FE port on the GTMU board
is connected to an FE port on the
UTRP (UMTS) board.

Figure 7-14 shows IP-based co-transmission, which is applied to GL dual-mode base stations.
Table 7-7 provides information about board and port connection.

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Figure 7-14 IP-based co-transmission (GL front plane interconnection)

Table 7-7 Board and port connection (GL front plane interconnection)

Board and Port for Front Panel Board Connected to the Transport Network

An FE port on the GTMU board is LMPT, UMPT (LTE), or UTRP (LTE)

connected to an FE port on the
LMPT or UMPT (LTE) board.

Figure 7-15 shows IP-based co-transmission, which is applied to UL dual-mode base stations.
Table 7-8 provides information about board and port connection.

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Figure 7-15 IP-based co-transmission (UL front plane interconnection)

Table 7-8 Board and port connection (UL front plane interconnection)

Board and Port for Front Panel Board Connected to the Transport Network

An FE port on the WMPT or UMPT LMPT, UMPT (LTE), or UTRP (LTE)

(UMTS) board is connected to an
FE port on the UMPT (LTE) or
LMPT board.

Backplane Interconnection
Through main control boards

l With a single BBU, Figure 7-16, Figure 7-17, and Figure 7-18 explain IP-based co-
l With BBU interconnection, co-transmission can be applied to any two SiteUnits or to all
the SiteUnits of this MBTS. In Figure 7-19, co-transmission is applied to the three SiteUnits
of an MBTS. Specifically, A and B send their own data to the UCIU board through the
BBU backplane. Using a control link, the UCIU board sends the data to the UMPT board,

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which is connected to the transport network using its transmission port. Then, the data of
A, B, and C is carried over the transmission link.

Figure 7-16 IP-based co-transmission (single BBU and GU backplane interconnection)

Figure 7-17 IP-based co-transmission (single BBU and GL backplane interconnection)

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Figure 7-18 IP-based co-transmission (single BBU and UL backplane interconnection)

Figure 7-19 IP-based co-transmission (BBU interconnection)

Figure 7-20 shows IP-based co-transmission through a UTRPc board. In this figure, A, B, and
C are the three SiteUnits of the MBTS. UTRPc stands for Universal Transmission Processing
unit REV:c.

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l When only one BBU is configured or two BBUs in an MBTS are not interconnected, co-
transmission can be applied only to the two SiteUnits installed in the same BBU, as shown
in scenario A.
l When BBU interconnection is applied to an MBTS, co-transmission can be applied to any
two SiteUnits or to all the SiteUnits of this MBTS. In scenario B, co-transmission is applied
to the three SiteUnits of an MBTS. Specifically, A and B send their own data to the UCIU
board through the BBU backplane. Using a control link, the UCIU board sends the data to
the UMPT board, which in turn sends the data of A, B, and C to the UTRPc board through
the BBU backplane. The UTRPc board is connected to the transport network using its
transmission port, and the data of A, B, and C is carried over the transmission link. UCIU
stands for Universal Inter-Connection Infrastructure Unit.

Figure 7-20 UTRPc-based IP co-transmission through backplane interconnection

Route Backup
The MBTS can achieve route backup by using IP-based co-transmission, which enables backup
between traffic channels.

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Technical Description 7 Transport Network Topologies

When the MBTS supports route backup, each SiteUnit has two transmission channels, that is,
the main channel and the backup channel.

l Main channel: When each SiteUnit connects to the transport network by using an
independent physical transmission port, this independent transmission link is the main
channel for each SiteUnit.
l Backup channel: When the main control boards of two SiteUnits are interconnected by
using FE/GE ports, each SiteUnit's independent transmission link serves as a backup
channel for the other SiteUnit. FE stands for fast Ethernet and GE stands for gigabit

Usage scenarios of the route backup function are as follows:

Scenario Description

The main channel In this case, the route backup function can be enabled to enable
is faulty. switchover of transmission paths. Then, the system switches to the
backup channel to ensure that maintenance and service data of high
priority is not affected. After the main channel restores, the system
automatically switches back to the main channel.

The transmission In this case, a SiteUnit can use transmission links of another SiteUnit to
is not ready. ensure that version management and other operations can be performed
and completed properly.

Figure 7-21 shows the working principle of route backup when the main channel of the NodeB
in an MBTS working in GU mode is faulty. This working principle also applies to other scenarios.

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Technical Description 7 Transport Network Topologies

Figure 7-21 Working principle of route backup

In the preceding figure, the GBTS and NodeB connect to the transport network by using
independent physical transmission ports and the GTMU and WMPT/UMPT boards are
interconnected by using FE ports. GTMU stands for GSM Transmission, Timing, and
Management Unit for BBU. WMPT stands for WCDMA Main Processing and Transmission
Unit. UMPT stands for Universal Main Processing and Transmission Unit. Under normal
circumstances, the GBTS and NodeB use their own independent transmission links (main
channels) to transmit data. No impact exists between the GBTS and NodeB in terms of
transmission. If the main channel of the NodeB is faulty, the backup channel will be used and
the NodeB's data is transferred to the GTMU board over the FE interconnection cable. Moreover,
the transmission link of the GBTS (the backup channel) will be used to ensure that high-priority
maintenance and service data will not be affected. After the main channel of the NodeB is
restored, the system automatically switches back to the main channel to transmit data.

For route backup achieved using IP-based co-transmission, pay attention to the following

l In IP over E1 mode, route backup is not supported.

l If the route backup function has been enabled on a physical channel, the hybrid transport
function cannot be enabled on this channel.

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l Route backup can be enabled only by interconnecting FE ports on main control boards.
Interconnecting FE ports on a UTRP board and a main control board cannot enable route
l In route backup scenarios, the IEEE1588 V2 clock supports the backup switch of only
unicast mode but not multicast mode.
l Route backup depends on Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD). When the main
channel is faulty, the operation, administration and maintenance (OAM), signaling, and
key services of high priority are guaranteed preferentially. When the MBTS works in GU,
GL, or UL mode, NodeB or eNodeB can use only BFD to bind the host-specific route. If
UMTS or LTE does not use BFD to bind the host-specific route, the active and standby
routes cannot be switched over, and therefore the route backup function cannot take effect.
l If the MBTS works in UL mode and the main channel of the eNodeB is faulty, the QoS of
high-priority data streams is guaranteed preferentially when the backup channel is used.
This is because the NodeB processing capability is limited and the NodeB cannot support
the entire eNodeB traffic.
l If the MBTS works in GU or GL mode and the main channel of the NodeB or eNodeB is
faulty, the QoS of high-priority data streams is guaranteed preferentially when the backup
channel is used. This is because the GBTS processing capability is limited and the GBTS
cannot support the entire NodeB or eNodeB traffic.

Hybrid Transport
An MBTS working in UL mode can enable hybrid transport by using the IP-based co-
The MBTS working in UL mode supports the transfer of data over different transmission links
by priorities. In this scenario, an FE/GE port on the main control board serving UMTS is
interconnected with an FE/GE port on the main control board serving LTE to exchange
information. FE stands for fast Ethernet and GE stands for gigabit Ethernet. The E1/T1 port on
the main control board serving UMTS is connected to the transport network to bear high-priority
services. An FE/GE port on the main control board serving LTE is connected to the transport
network to bear low-priority services.
There are three scenarios for hybrid transport:
l Scenario 1: The UMTS traffic is transmitted on different paths whereas the LTE traffic is
transmitted on one path, as shown in Figure 7-22.

Figure 7-22 Hybrid transport (scenario 1)

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l Scenario 2: The UMTS traffic is transmitted on one path whereas the LTE traffic is
transmitted on different paths, as shown in Figure 7-23.

Figure 7-23 Hybrid transport (scenario 2)

l Scenario 3: Both UMTS traffic and LTE traffic are transmitted on different paths, as shown
in Figure 7-24.

Figure 7-24 Hybrid transport (scenario 3)

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

8 CPRI-based Topologies

About This Chapter

This section describes CPRI-based topologies for 3900 series base stations and specifications
of CPRI ports on boards or modules. CPRI stands for common public radio interface.

8.1 GBTS CPRI-based Topologies

GBTSs support various topologies on the common public radio interface (CPRI): GBTSs
equipped with remote radio units (RRUs) support the star, chain, and ring topologies. GBTSs
equipped with radio frequency units (RFUs) support the star and chain topologies. In addition
to topologies, CPRI specifications cover the number of CPRI ports on a board or radio frequency
(RF) module, CPRI data rate, supported topology, cascading capability, and maximum distance
between a baseband unit (BBU) and an RF module.

8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies

NodeBs support various topologies on the common public radio interface (CPRI): NodeBs
equipped with remote radio units (RRUs) support the star, chain, and inter-board cold backup
ring. NodeBs equipped with radio frequency units (RFUs) support the star and chain topologies.
In addition to topologies, CPRI specifications cover the number of CPRI ports on a board or
radio frequency (RF) module, CPRI data rate, cascading capability, and maximum distance
between a baseband unit (BBU) and an RF module.

8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies

eNodeBs support various topologies on the common public radio interface (CPRI): eNodeBs
equipped with remote radio units (RRUs) support the star, chain, hot backup ring, intra-board
cold backup ring, and inter-board cold backup ring topologies; eNodeBs equipped with radio
frequency units (RFUs) support the star topologies. In addition to topologies, CPRI
specifications cover the number of CPRI ports on a board or radio frequency (RF) module, CPRI
data rate, cascading capability, and maximum distance between a baseband unit (BBU) and an
RF module.

8.4 MBTS CPRI-based Topologies

The MBTS supports multiple CPRI-based topologies. Single-mode radio frequency (RF)
modules support the star, chain, and ring topologies. Multi-mode RF modules support the star,
dual-star, and CPRI MUX topologies. CPRI stands for common public radio interface. In
addition to topologies, CPRI specifications cover the number of CPRI ports on a board or RF

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

module, CPRI data rate, cascading capability, and maximum distance between a baseband unit
(BBU) and an RF module.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

8.1 GBTS CPRI-based Topologies

GBTSs support various topologies on the common public radio interface (CPRI): GBTSs
equipped with remote radio units (RRUs) support the star, chain, and ring topologies. GBTSs
equipped with radio frequency units (RFUs) support the star and chain topologies. In addition
to topologies, CPRI specifications cover the number of CPRI ports on a board or radio frequency
(RF) module, CPRI data rate, supported topology, cascading capability, and maximum distance
between a baseband unit (BBU) and an RF module.

CPRI-based topologies
GBTSs support star, chain, and ring topologies.

Star Topology
Figure 8-1 shows the star topology.

Figure 8-1 Star Topology

Star topologies have the following advantages:

l Transmission reliability is high. When an RFU/RRU or an optical cable is faulty, only the
related sector is affected.
l This topology is easy. Installation and maintenance are convenient.

Compared with other topologies, star topology requires large numbers of optical cables.

Chain Topology
Figure 8-2 shows the chain topology.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Figure 8-2 Chain Topology

The chain topology helps reduce expenditure on transmission equipment.

Chain topologies have the following disadvantages:
l The number of cascading levels on a chain and the cascading distance are restricted.
l RFU/RRUs working in different modes cannot be cascaded.
l Faults in an upper-level RFU/RRU (such as serious hardware fault and power failure) will
affect lower-level RFU/RRUs.

l RFUs and RRUs cannot be cascaded.

l Data rates of two common public radio interface (CPRI) ports on an RFU/RRU must be the same. That is,
the data rate of each RF module on a CPRI chain must be the same.

Ring Topology
Figure 8-3 shows the ring topology.

Figure 8-3 Ring Topology

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Ring topologies are a redundancy type of the chain topology and therefore provide higher
transmission reliability.

Ring topologies have the following disadvantages:

l The number of cascading levels on a chain and the cascading distance are restricted.
l RRUs working in different modes cannot be cascaded.
l Faults on the forwarding link of an upper-level RRU affect its lower-level RRUs.
RFUs do not support the ring topology.

CPRI Specifications
Table 8-1 lists the CPRI port specifications on each board.

Table 8-1 CPRI port specifications on each board

Board Number of CPRIs CPRI Rate (Gbit/s) Supported


GTMU 6 1.25 Star, chain, or ring

GTMUb 6 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, or ring

UBRI 6 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, or ring

Table 8-2 lists the CPRI port specifications on each RF module.

Table 8-2 CPRI port specifications on each RF module

RF Module Number of CPRI Rate Supported Cascading Maximum

CPRIs (Gbit/s) Topology Level Distance
from the
BBU (km)

DRFU 2 1.25 Star or chain 3 N/A

GRFU 2 l GRFU Star or chain 2 N/A

V1: 1.25

RRU3004 2 1.25 Star, chain, 6 40

or ring

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

RF Module Number of CPRI Rate Supported Cascading Maximum

CPRIs (Gbit/s) Topology Level Distance
from the
BBU (km)

RRU3008 2 l RRU300 Star, chain, 6 40

8 V1 or ring
(850, or
l RRU300
8 V1
MHz) or
8 V2:

MRFU 2 l MRFU Star N/A N/A

V1: 1.25

MRFUd 2 1.25/2.5 Star N/A N/A

MRFUe 2 1.25/2.5 Star N/A N/A

RRU3908 2 l RRU390 Star N/A 40

8 V1
900, or
l RRU390
8 V1
MHz) or
8 V2:

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

RF Module Number of CPRI Rate Supported Cascading Maximum

CPRIs (Gbit/s) Topology Level Distance
from the
BBU (km)

RRU3926 2 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, 21 40

or ring
When the
number of
levels is
greater than
6, the data
rate of
must be not
lower than
2.5 Gbit/s.

RRU3928 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Star N/A 40

RRU3929 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Star N/A 40

RRU3936 2 1.25/2.5 Star N/A 40

RRU3938 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Star N/A 40

RRU3939 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Star N/A 40

RRU3942 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Star N/A 40

8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies

NodeBs support various topologies on the common public radio interface (CPRI): NodeBs
equipped with remote radio units (RRUs) support the star, chain, and inter-board cold backup
ring. NodeBs equipped with radio frequency units (RFUs) support the star and chain topologies.
In addition to topologies, CPRI specifications cover the number of CPRI ports on a board or
radio frequency (RF) module, CPRI data rate, cascading capability, and maximum distance
between a baseband unit (BBU) and an RF module.

CPRI-based Topologies
NodeBs support the star, chain, and inter-board cold backup ring topologies.

In the BBU interconnection scenario, either of the BBUs can be connected to the CPRI cable. It is
recommended that BBU0 is connected to the CPRI cable.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Star Topology
Figure 8-4 shows the star topology.

Figure 8-4 Star Topology

Star topologies have the following advantages:

l Transmission reliability is high. When an RFU/RRU or an optical cable is faulty, only the
related sector is affected.
l This topology is easy. Installation and maintenance are convenient.
Compared with other topologies, star topology requires large numbers of optical cables.

Chain Topology
Figure 8-5 shows the chain topology.

Figure 8-5 Chain Topology

The chain topology helps reduce expenditure on transmission equipment.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Chain topologies have the following disadvantages:

l The number of cascading levels on a chain and the cascading distance are restricted.
l RFU/RRUs working in different modes cannot be cascaded.
l Faults in an upper-level RFU/RRU (such as serious hardware fault and power failure) will
affect lower-level RFU/RRUs.

l RFUs and RRUs cannot be cascaded.

l Data rates of two common public radio interface (CPRI) ports on an RFU/RRU must be the same. That is,
the data rate of each RF module on a CPRI chain must be the same.

Inter-board Cold Backup Ring Topology

Figure 8-6 shows the inter-board cold backup ring topology.

Figure 8-6 Inter-board cold backup ring

Advantage of the inter-board ring topology is that it is a redundancy type of the chain topology
and therefore provides higher transmission reliability.
The inter-board ring topology has the following disadvantages:
l The number of cascading levels and cascading distances are restricted.
l RRUs working in different modes cannot be cascaded.
l Faults on the forwarding link of an upper-level RRU affect its lower-level RRUs.

l RFUs cannot be used in the ring topology.

l A ring topology does not support inter-BBU connections. Two cascaded BBUs cannot be connected
in a ring topology network.

Specifications of CPRI Ports

CPRI ports of different rates support different numbers of cells, as listed in Table 8-3.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies


l Specifications provided in the following table are supported by the CPRI ports' hardware capability. For the
actual number of cells supported by each module, see the 10 Product Specifications of the module in
l When the chain or ring topology is applied, cell specifications depend on the number of cells supported by
different modules and CPRI data rates.
l * in the following table indicates that the number of 2T2R cells supported is halved if two TX antennas
enabled with the virtual antenna mapping (VAM) function are connected to two RF modules carried on
different CPRI links.

Table 8-3 CPRI port rate and number of cells supported

CPRI Number of Cells Supported Number of Cells Supported

Port (1T2R) (2T2R)

1.25 4 4*

2.5 8 8*

Table 8-4 provides the CPRI port specifications of the WBBP board.

Table 8-4 CPRI port specifications of the WBBP board

Board Number of CPRI Port Rate Topology

CPRI Ports (Gbit/s)

WBBPa 3 1.25 Star, chain, or ring

WBBPb1/WBBPd2 3 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, or ring

WBBPb3/WBBPb4 3 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, or ring

WBBPd 6 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, or ring

WBBPf 6 1.25/2.5/4.9 Star, chain, or ring

Table 8-5 provides the CPRI port specifications of different RF modules.

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Table 8-5 CPRI port specifications of different RF modules

Module Number of CPRI Port Topology Cascading Maximu

CPRI Ports Rate Level m
(Gbit/s) Distance
from the

WRFU 2 1.25/2.5 Star or chain 2 (serving the N/A

same sector)

WRFUa 2 1.25/2.5 Star or chain 2 (serving the N/A

same sector)

WRFUd 2 1.25/2.5 Star N/A N/A

WRFUe 2 1.25/2.5 Star N/A N/A

MRFU 2 l MRFU Star N/A N/A


MRFUd 2 1.25/2.5 Star N/A N/A

MRFUe 2 1.25/2.5 Star N/A N/A

RRU3908 2 l RRU39 Star N/A 40

08 V1
l RRU39
08 V1
l RRU39
08 V2:

RRU3928 2 1.25/2.5/4. Star N/A 40


RRU3929 2 1.25/2.5/4. Star N/A 40


RRU3942 2 1.25/2.5/4. Star N/A 40


RRU3926 2 1.25/2.5 Star N/A 40

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Module Number of CPRI Port Topology Cascading Maximu

CPRI Ports Rate Level m
(Gbit/s) Distance
from the

RRU3936 2 1.25/2.5 Star N/A 40

RRU3938 2 1.25/2.5/4. Star N/A 40


RRU3828 2 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, or l 4 at 1.25 40

ring Gbit/s
l 8 at 2.5
RRU3829 2 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, or
Gbit/s or
4.9 Gbit/s
RRU3804/ 2 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, or
RRU3806/ ring

RRU3832/ 2 1.25/2.5/4. Star, chain, or

RRU3839 9 ring

RRU3801E 2 1.25/2.5 Star, chain, or


RRU3805 2 l RRU38 Star, chain, or

05 ring
l RRU38


l The WRFUd, WRFUe, MRFUd, RRU3828, and RRU3928 cannot be cascaded.

l Limited by the transmission bandwidth of CPRI ports, one RRU supports only one cell with one TX
channel and two RX channels at the maximum cascading level.

8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies

eNodeBs support various topologies on the common public radio interface (CPRI): eNodeBs
equipped with remote radio units (RRUs) support the star, chain, hot backup ring, intra-board

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

cold backup ring, and inter-board cold backup ring topologies; eNodeBs equipped with radio
frequency units (RFUs) support the star topologies. In addition to topologies, CPRI
specifications cover the number of CPRI ports on a board or radio frequency (RF) module, CPRI
data rate, cascading capability, and maximum distance between a baseband unit (BBU) and an
RF module.

CPRI-based Topologies
eNodeBs support the star, chain, and ring topologies.

Star Topology
Figure 8-7 shows the star topology.

Figure 8-7 Star Topology

Star topologies have the following advantages:

l Transmission reliability is high. When an RFU/RRU or an optical cable is faulty, only the
related sector is affected.
l This topology is easy. Installation and maintenance are convenient.

Compared with other topologies, star topology requires large numbers of optical cables.

Chain Topology
Figure 8-8 shows the chain topology.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Figure 8-8 Chain Topology

The chain topology helps reduce expenditure on transmission equipment.

Chain topologies have the following disadvantages:

l The number of cascading levels on a chain and the cascading distance are restricted.
l RFU/RRUs working in different modes cannot be cascaded.
l Faults in an upper-level RFU/RRU (such as serious hardware fault and power failure) will
affect lower-level RFU/RRUs.

l RFUs and RRUs cannot be cascaded.

l Data rates of two common public radio interface (CPRI) ports on an RFU/RRU must be the same. That is,
the data rate of each RF module on a CPRI chain must be the same.

Ring Topology
Ring topologies are classified into the following types: hot backup ring, intra-board cold backup
ring, and inter-board cold backup ring. Figure 8-9, Figure 8-10, and Figure 8-11 show these
topologies respectively.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Figure 8-9 Hot backup ring

In the hot backup ring topology, two CPRI links transmit identical service data, but the LBBP
where the cell is established and the RRU process data on one link only. If a CPRI port is faulty,
services are switched over to the other CPRI link, with a maximum interruption time of 500 ms.
If the LBBP where the cell is established is faulty, the cell is reestablished on the other LBBP,
with a maximum interruption time of 20s.

The hot backup ring topology has the following constraints:
l Only ports 0, 1, and 2 on the two LTE baseband processing units (LBBPs) can be used in this topology.
l The two LBBP boards are installed in two slots among slots 0, 1, 2, and 3 in the baseband unit (BBU). If
one is installed in slot 0, the other can be installed only in slot 2 or 3.
l If the two LBBP boards are installed in slots 2 and 3 in the BBU, a maximum of three rings are supported
between the LBBP boards. In other situations, only one ring is supported.

Figure 8-10 Intra-board cold backup ring

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

In the intra-board cold backup ring topology, if a CPRI port is faulty, the cell is reestablished,
with an interruption time of shorter than 20s.

Figure 8-11 Inter-board cold backup ring

In the inter-board cold-backup ring topology, if a CPRI port or LBBP board is faulty, the cell is
reestablished on the LBBP board or the other LBBP board, with a service interruption time
shorter than 20s.

The advantage of ring topologies is that they are a redundancy type of the chain topology and
therefore provide higher transmission reliability.

Ring topologies have the following disadvantages:

l The number of cascading levels and cascading distances are restricted.

l RRUs working in different modes cannot be cascaded.
l Faults on the forwarding link of an upper-level RRU affect its lower-level RRUs.
RFUs cannot be used in the ring topology.

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The number of cells supported varies according to CPRI data rates, as listed in Table 8-6.

Table 8-6 CPRI data rate and the number of cells supported

CPRI Number of Cells Supported (4 x 4 Number of Cells Supported (2 x 2


1.25 Due to the limited transmission 1 if the cell bandwidth is less than or
bandwidth of CPRI ports, a 4 x 4 equal to 10 MHz.
MIMO cell is not recommended to

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

CPRI Number of Cells Supported (4 x 4 Number of Cells Supported (2 x 2


2.5 1 if the cell bandwidth is less than or l 2 if the cell bandwidth is less than
equal to 10 MHz. or equal to 10 MHz.
l 1 if the cell bandwidth is 15 MHz or
20 MHz.

4.9 l 2 if the cell bandwidth is less than l 4 if the cell bandwidth is less than
or equal to 10 MHz. or equal to 10 MHz.
l 1 if the cell bandwidth is 15 MHz or l 2 if the cell bandwidth is 15 MHz or
20 MHz. 20 MHz.

Table 8-7 lists the specifications of CPRI ports on different LBBP boards.

Table 8-7 Specifications of CPRI ports on LBBP boards

Board Number of CPRI CPRI Data Rate Topology

Ports (Gbit/s)

LBBPc 6 1.25, 2.5, or 4.9 Star, chain, or ring

LBBPd 6 1.25, 2.5, 4.9, or 9.8 Star, chain, or ring

Table 8-8 lists the specifications of CPRI ports on different RF modules.

Table 8-8 Specifications of CPRI ports on RF modules

Module Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

CRFUd 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star N/A N/A


LRFU 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A N/A

LRFUe 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star N/A N/A


MRFU V2 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A N/A

MRFUd 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A N/A

MRFUe 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A N/A

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Module Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3201 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, When the l When the

or ring rate at the LBBPc or
CPRI port is LBBPd1
RRU3203 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, 1.25 Gbit/s: is
or ring Cascading is configure
RRU3220 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, not d: 20
or ring recommende l When the
d. LBBPd3
RRU3221 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, When the is
4.9 or ring rate at the configure
CPRI port is d:
RRU3222 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain,
2.5 Gbit/s: Cell
or ring
l Three quanti
RRU3229 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, levels are ty
4.9 or ring supported 3: 40
if the cell Cell
RRU3808 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain,
bandwidt quanti
or ring
h is less ty
than or 4: 20
equal to 5
l When the
l Two is
levels are configure
supported d: 40
if the cell
h is 10
l Cascadin
g is not
nded if
the cell
h is
than or
equal to
15 MHz.
When the
rate at the
CPRI port is
4.9 Gbit/s:

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Module Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3832 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, l Four

4.9 or ring levels are
if the cell
h is less
than or
equal to
10 MHz.
l Two
levels are
if the cell
h is
than or
equal to
15 MHz.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 165

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Module Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3240 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, When the

4.9 or ring rate at the
CPRI port is
1.25 Gbit/s:
Cascading is
When the
rate at the
CPRI port is
2.5 Gbit/s:
l Two
levels are
if the cell
h is less
than or
equal to 5
l Cascadin
g is not
nded if
the cell
h is 10
When the
rate at the
CPRI port is
4.9 Gbit/s:
l Two
levels are
if the cell
h is less
than or
equal to
10 MHz.
l Cascadin
g is not

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Module Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3841 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, recomme

4.9 or ring nded if
the cell
h is
than or

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 167

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Module Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

equal to
15 MHz.

RRU3908 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A

RRU3926 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A

RRU3928 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star N/A


RRU3929 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star N/A


RRU3936 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A

RRU3938 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star N/A


RRU3939 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star N/A


RRU3942 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star N/A



l Due to the limited transmission bandwidth of CPRI ports, cascading is not recommended in the following
l An RF module whose rate at the CPRI port is 1.25Gbit/s.
l An RF module whose rate at the CPRI port is 2.5 Gbit/s and the cell bandwidth is greater than or equal
to 15 MHz.
l A 2T4R or 4T4R RF module whose rate at the CPRI port is 2.5 Gbit/s and the cell bandwidth is greater
than or equal to 10 MHz.
l A 2T4R or 4T4R RF module whose rate at the CPRI port is 4.9 Gbit/s and the cell bandwidth is greater
than or equal to 15 MHz.
l The Cascading Levels column in Table 8-8 lists the cascading capability of RF modules with a single carrier
per module.

8.4 MBTS CPRI-based Topologies

The MBTS supports multiple CPRI-based topologies. Single-mode radio frequency (RF)
modules support the star, chain, and ring topologies. Multi-mode RF modules support the star,
dual-star, and CPRI MUX topologies. CPRI stands for common public radio interface. In
addition to topologies, CPRI specifications cover the number of CPRI ports on a board or RF
module, CPRI data rate, cascading capability, and maximum distance between a baseband unit
(BBU) and an RF module.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

8.4.1 CPRI-based Topologies

The MBTS supports multiple CPRI-based topologies. Single-mode radio frequency (RF)
modules support the star, chain, and ring topologies. Multi-mode RF modules support the star,
dual-star, and CPRI MUX topologies. CPRI stands for common public radio interface.

For CPRI-based topologies supported by multi-mode RF modules working in a single mode and
single-mode RF modules, see the following:

l 8.1 GBTS CPRI-based Topologies

l 8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies
l 8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies

Multi-mode RF modules working in multiple modes support the dual-star and CPRI MUX

Dual-Star Topology
Figure 8-12 shows the dual-star topology.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Figure 8-12 Dual-Star Topology

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies


In Figure 8-12, GU dual-mode RF modules adopt the dual-star topology.

Data of different modes is transmitted over different CPRI cables and therefore the data of one
mode does not greatly affect the data of another mode.
Dual-star topologies have the following disadvantages:
l Two CPRI ports on an RFU/RRU are used by two modes separately. Therefore, RFU/RRUs
cannot be cascaded.
l Data rates of two CPRI ports on an RFU/RRU must be the same and therefore the RFU/
RRU only supports the lower data rate on a CPRI port.

Figure 8-13 shows the CPRI MUX topology. Currently, only RRU3929 modules that operate
in the 1700 MHz frequency band and work in UL mode support the CPRI MUX topology.

Figure 8-13 CPRI MUX topology

Figure 8-14 shows the data flows when the CPRI MUX topology is used. In this figure, A and
B indicate two modes of the MBTS, respectively.

Figure 8-14 Data flows

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

l Downlink data flow: A sends data to B through the BBU backplane. After converging the
data of A and B, B sends the converged data to RRUs through CPRI links.
l Uplink data flow: RRUs send B the data designated for A and B through CPRI links. Upon
receiving the data, B separates the data and sends A the data designated for A through the
BBU backplane.

In the preceding scenario, B is the converging party while A is the converged party. A does not
have an independent CPRI link and therefore it shares B's CPRI links and CPRI bandwidth.

The advantage of the CPRI MUX topology: In the refarming scenario, if multi-mode RF modules
are originally configured with only single fibers, newly added modes can share these modules
with the existing modes through this topology without bothering adjusting or adding CPRI
cables. This reduces engineering costs and shortens the service interruption period.

When using the CPRI MUX topology, pay attention to the following:

l Data convergence is allowed only between two modes within the same BBU. Only one
mode is allowed to converge the other mode's data. The two modes are not allowed to
converge each other's data.
l The UMTS mode serves as the converging party and the LTE mode serves as the converged
party. Only the LBBPd and WBBPf support CPRI MUX. To support CPRI MUX, they
must be installed in slot 2 or 3, respectively. LBBPd stands for LTE BaseBand Processing
unit REV:d. WBBPf stands for WCDMA Baseband Process Unit REV:f.
l Resetting software/hardware or removing/adding a main control board on the converging
party interrupts PS and CS services on the converged party. Resetting software/hardware
or removing/adding a main control board on the converged party may slow down the data
rate of PS services on the converging party or even interrupt the PS services. In addition,
the CS services on the converging party may also be interrupted. For details, see 9.4.3
Maintenance Between Modes.

Remote Topology
Based on the distance between a BBU and an RRU, CPRI-based topologies are classified into
the following:

l Short-distance remote topology: The longest distance between an RRU and a BBU on a
CPRI chain does not exceed 100 m.
l Long-distance remote topology: The longest distance between an RRU and a BBU on a
CPRI chain exceeds 100 m.

Different CPRI optical cables are used in the preceding topologies. For details, see chapter CPRI
Optical-Fiber Cable in the DBS3900 Hardware Description.

8.4.2 CPRI Specifications

CPRI specifications cover the number of CPRI ports on a board or RF module, CPRI data rate,
cascading capability, and maximum distance between a baseband unit (BBU) and an RF module.

The CPRI data rate can be 1.25, 2.5, or 4.9 Gbit/s. The CPRI data rate is related to the number
of supported cells and the bandwidth. Table 8-9 lists the number of supported cells and the
bandwidth with different CPRI data rates.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies


l A x B MHz indicates that the number of cells configured for LTE is A and the bandwidth of each cell is B.
l nTmR indicates that the number of transmit channels is n and the number of receive channels is m.
l * in the following table indicates that the number of UMTS 2T2R cells supported is halved if two TX antennas
enabled with the virtual antenna mapping (VAM) function are connected to two RF modules carried on
different CPRI links.
l In a GU dual-mode base station, the UMTS side reserves CPRI bandwidth for a TX and an RX channel of
the GSM side in case that bandwidth on the GSM side is insufficient. As a result, the cell number supported
by the UMTS side is reduced.

Table 8-9 Number of supported cells and bandwidth with different CPRI data rates

CPR Number of Cells Number of Cells Number of Cells

I Supported by UMTS Supported by UMTS Supported by LTE
Data (1T2R) (2T2R)

1.25 4 l UO: 4* 1 x 10 MHz (2T2R)

l GU: 3

2.5 8 l UO: 8* 1 x 20 MHz (2T2R)

l GU: 7

4.9 N/A N/A 1 x 20 MHz (4T4R)

For specifications of CPRI ports on boards, on single-mode RF modules, or on multi-mode RF

modules working in a single mode, see the following:

l 8.1 GBTS CPRI-based Topologies

l 8.2 NodeB CPRI-based Topologies
l 8.3 eNodeB CPRI-based Topologies

Table 8-10 lists the specifications of CPRI ports on multi-mode RF modules working in multiple

Table 8-10 Specifications of CPRI ports on multi-mode RF modules working in multiple modes

Modul Number CPRI Data Rate Topology Cascading Maximum

e of CPRI (Gbit/s) Levels Distance
Ports from the
BBU (km)

MRFU 2 l MRFU V1: Dual-star N/A N/A

l MRFU V2:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 173

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Modul Number CPRI Data Rate Topology Cascading Maximum

e of CPRI (Gbit/s) Levels Distance
Ports from the
BBU (km)

MRFU 2 1.25/2.5 Dual-star N/A N/A


MRFU 2 1.25/2.5 Dual-star N/A N/A


RRU39 2 l RRU3908 V1 Dual-star N/A 40

08 (850, 900, or
1900 MHz):
l RRU3908 V1
(1800 MHz) or
RRU3908 V2:

RRU39 2 1.25/2.5 Dual-star N/A 40


RRU39 2 1.25/2.5 Dual-star N/A 40


RRU39 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Dual-star N/A 40


RRU39 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Dual-star N/A 40


RRU39 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Dual-star N/A 40


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 174

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Modul Number CPRI Data Rate Topology Cascading Maximum

e of CPRI (Gbit/s) Levels Distance
Ports from the
BBU (km)

RRU39 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Dual-star or l Dual-star: l Dual-star:

29 CPRI MUX N/A 40
l CPRI l In the
every two
must not
exceed 10
km, the
the BBU
must not
exceed 10
km, and
the BBU
RRU on a
must not
exceed 20
km. If
only one
RRU is on
chain, the
the RRU
and BBU
must not

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 175

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Modul Number CPRI Data Rate Topology Cascading Maximum

e of CPRI (Gbit/s) Levels Distance
Ports from the
BBU (km)

exceed 10

RRU39 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Dual-star N/A 40


RRU38 2 1.25/2.5/4.9 Dual-star N/A 40



When the CPRI MUX topology is applied, the CPRI data rate must be 2.5 Gbit/s or higher.

8.4.3 CPRI MUX Specifications

When CPRI MUX is applied, cell specifications relate to the CPRI data rate. CPRI stands for
common public radio interface.

When radio frequency (RF) modules work in UL mode and CPRI MUX is applied to them, these
RF modules can be cascaded. In addition, cell specifications supported by CPRI MUX relate to
the CPRI data rate.

RRU3929 (1700 MHz)

Table 8-11 provides CPRI MUX specifications when RRU3929s operating in the 1700 MHz
frequency band are used.


l RRU3929s operating in the 1700 MHz frequency band support a CPRI data rate of 4.9 Gbit/s.
l In AxB MHz, A indicates the number of supported carriers and B indicates the bandwidth of each carrier.
l UMTS uses the 1T2R or 1T2R configuration and LTE uses the 2T2R configuration. If LTE uses the 1T1R
configuration, the cell specifications are the same as those listed in the following table.
l If less than four CPRI links are required, use the configurations where the number of CPRI links is 3. If four
or more CPRI links are required, use the configurations where the number of CPRI links is 6.

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Technical Description 8 CPRI-based Topologies

Table 8-11 Cell specifications when the CPRI data rate is 4.9 Gbit/s (WBBPf1, WBBPf2, or
WBBPf3 boards configured, common cells)

Number of Number of LTE Number of Maximum Maximum

UMTS Carriers Carriers CPRI Links Number of Number of
Cells Cells
Supported Supported
by Each CPRI by Each CPRI
Link Link
(Uncompress (Uncompress
1T1R for 1T2R for

1 x 5 MHz 1 x 15 MHz 3 1 1

6 1 1

2 x 5 MHz 1 x 10 MHz 3 3 2

6 2 2

1 x 5 MHz 1 x 5 MHz 3 6 5

6 4 4

2 x 5 MHz 1 x 5 MHz 3 5 4

6 4 4

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

9 Operation and Maintenance

About This Chapter

The 3900 series base stations are managed by an operation and maintenance (O&M) system
using either man-machine language (MML) commands or a graphical user interface (GUI). This
system is hardware-independent and provides comprehensive functions to meet users' various
O&M requirements.

9.1 GBTS Operation and Maintenance

The operation and maintenance (O&M) system of GSM base transceiver stations (GBTSs)
covers management, monitoring, and maintenance of the software, hardware, and configuration
of GBTSs. In addition, GBTSs allow diversified O&M modes in different scenarios.

9.2 NodeB Operation and Maintenance

NodeB operation and maintenance (O&M) covers management, monitoring, and maintenance
of the software, hardware, and configuration of NodeBs. In addition, NodeBs allow diversified
O&M modes in different scenarios.

9.3 eNodeB Operation and Maintenance

Operation and maintenance (O&M) covers management, monitoring, and maintenance of the
software, hardware, and configuration of eNodeBs. In addition, eNodeBs allow diversified
O&M modes in different scenarios.

9.4 MBTS Operation and Maintenance

Operation and Maintenance (O&M) covers management, monitoring, and maintenance of the
software, hardware, and configuration of the MBTSs. In addition, diversified O&M modes are
provided in various scenarios.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

9.1 GBTS Operation and Maintenance

The operation and maintenance (O&M) system of GSM base transceiver stations (GBTSs)
covers management, monitoring, and maintenance of the software, hardware, and configuration
of GBTSs. In addition, GBTSs allow diversified O&M modes in different scenarios.

9.1.1 GBTS Operation & Maintenance Modes

GSM base transceiver stations (GBTSs) support near-end, far-end, and centralized network
management operation and maintenance (O&M).

l Near-end O&M: The site maintenance terminal (SMT) is used to maintain the GBTS
through the Ethernet at the near end, as well as operate and maintain sites, cells, TRXs,
baseband units (BBUs), channels, and boards. This mode applies to maintenance of a single
l Far-end O&M: The local maintenance terminal (LMT) is used to maintain the GBTS
through the operation and maintenance links (OMLs) on the Abis interface at the far end,
as well as operate and maintain sites, cells, TRXs, channels, and boards. The Abis interface
connects the GBTS to base station controller (BSC), and the LMT communicates with the
BSC through a local area network (LAN). This mode is applicable to configuration for the
BSC and GBTS data.
l Centralized network management: The M2000 is used to maintain GBTSs through BSCs,
as well as operate and maintain sites, cells, channels, and boards. This mode is applicable
to maintenance of multiples GBTSs at the same time.

Figure 9-1 shows the GBTS O&M system.

Figure 9-1 O&M system of GBTSs

The GBTS O&M system consists of:

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Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

l SMT: used to maintain the GBTS and configure data at the near end.
l GBTS: object to be maintained.
l LMT: used to maintain the BSC and the GBTSs that connect to the BSC as well as configure
data at the far end.
l M2000: short for iManager M2000 Mobile Element Management System, which centrally
manages Huawei network devices; the M2000 also remotely and centrally manages
multiple base stations.
l CME: short for Configuration Management Express, which can configures and manages
data for multiple base stations.

9.1.2 GBTS Operation & Maintenance Functions

The operation and maintenance (O&M) functions of GSM base transceiver stations (GBTSs)
include equipment management, software management, configuration management, service
management, performance management, security management, alarm management, and
environment monitoring.

Equipment Management
Supports the ability to query the status of all the GBTS components (boards and modules) and
external physical devices (power suppliers, environment monitors, and remote electrical tilt
antennas) as well as provides the data configuration and status management functions for certain

Software Management
Supports the ability to download and activate GBTS software, install patches, upload and
download files, perform consistency checks on software and hardware versions, as well as
manage and upgrade software versions.

Configuration Management
l Supports the ability to perform consistency checks on the added, deleted, and modified
GBTS configuration data.
l Supports the ability to automatically back up data.
l Supports dynamic and static data configuration. In dynamic data configuration mode, the
data takes effect immediately after modification. In static data configuration mode, the data
takes effect only after the GBTS resets.

Service Management
l Supports the ability to set parameters and query alarms for baseband boards and
environment monitoring device.
l Supports the ability to perform self-tests when installing hardware, use the GBTS software
package stored in the USB flash drive to upgrade software at the near end, and support
software commissioning at the far end. The software upgrade using the GBTS software
package saved in the USB disk takes a shorter time than the common software upgrade.
The security of the USB loading port is ensured by encryption.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Performance Management
l Supports the ability to monitor the performance of both internal and external
communication networks. If the performance deteriorates, related alarms are generated.
l Supports the ability to monitor the GBTS operation, such as monitoring the traffic volume
on each port and measuring performance statistics.
l Supports the ability to monitor the usage of key GBTS components, such as central
processing units (CPUs) and digital signal processors (DSPs).

Security Management
Supports the ability to manage the connection between GBTS software and the operation and
maintenance center (OMC) and parse interface messages between the GBTS and OMC, as well
as provides the user authentication and encryption functions.

Alarm Management
l Supports the ability to query active and historical alarms.
l Supports the ability to collect information about internal and external alarms.
l Supports the ability to analyze the alarm correlation to improve the precision and accuracy
in alarm reporting.
l Supports the ability to save, interpret, display, mask, filter, confirm, clear, and report
l Supports the ability to detect faults and report related alarms.

Environment Monitoring
Supports the ability to monitor environment.

The environment monitoring system is used to monitor door status, infrared, smoke, water
damage, humidity, and temperature as required.

9.2 NodeB Operation and Maintenance

NodeB operation and maintenance (O&M) covers management, monitoring, and maintenance
of the software, hardware, and configuration of NodeBs. In addition, NodeBs allow diversified
O&M modes in different scenarios.

9.2.1 NodeB Operation & Maintenance Modes

NodeBs support near-end, far-end, and reverse operation and maintenance (O&M).

l In near-end O&M mode, maintenance personnel maintain NodeBs on the local maintenance
terminal (LMT) through a local Ethernet maintenance port.
l In far-end O&M mode, maintenance personnel centrally maintain NodeBs on the M2000
or LMT in the radio network controller (RNC) equipment room or operation and
maintenance center (OMC).

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

l In reverse maintenance mode, maintenance personnel maintain a NodeB under the same
RNC as the current NodeB through a local Ethernet service port on the LMT. The IP route
between the current NodeB and the other NodeB is established by the RNC.

Figure 9-2 shows the O&M system of NodeBs.

Figure 9-2 O&M system of NodeBs

The O&M system of NodeBs consists of the following elements:

l LMT: is mainly used to locally or remotely maintain NodeBs and configure data.
l NodeB: is the O&M object.
l M2000: short for iManager M2000 Mobile Element Management System, which centrally
manages Huawei network devices; the M2000 also remotely and centrally manages
multiple base stations.
l CME: short for Configuration Management Express, which can configures and manages
data for multiple base stations.

NodeB O&M modes have the following features:

l Supports the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP),
and Adaptive and Active Cache Pool (AACP). When no data is configured for the system
or when the system is faulty, the O&M channel can be automatically set up. This enhances
the system reliability and facilitates remote troubleshooting.
l Supports configuration baseline, simplifying the configuration rollback process and
improving configuration rollback reliability.
l Provides the RRU topology scanning function, allowing automatic monitoring of the RRU
l Provides a comprehensive system self-check function, omitting local software

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

9.2.2 NodeB Operation & Maintenance Functions

NodeB operation and maintenance (O&M) functions include commissioning management,
equipment management, software management, alarm management, security management, and
environment monitoring management.

In BBU interconnection mode, the following operations can be performed only on the main control boards:
l Software upgrades and data configuration by using a USB flash drive
l Local operations on the LMT
l Clock tests
l VSWR tests by using a USB flash drive

Commissioning Management
Commissioning management has the following functions:

l Equipment performance tests, such as the CPU usage test, clock source quality test, and
power detection
l Routine tests, such as E1/T1 performance measurement
l Service performance tests, such as uplink channel scanning and statistics for service
resource usage

Equipment Management
Equipment management covers equipment maintenance and data configuration, including the
following functions:

l Equipment maintenance functions, such as the board reset, equipment status management,
equipment self-check, active/standby switchover, and time correction
l Configuration, query, and backup of equipment parameters, such as hardware parameters,
clock parameters, algorithm parameters, and RF parameters

Software Management
Software management has the following functions:

l Software activation
l Consistency check on software and hardware versions
l Query of hardware and software versions
l Software upgrades and patch installation

Alarm Management
Alarm management consists of equipment alarm management and environment alarm

l Equipment alarm management

The alarm management system can detect and report equipment faults in real time. The
LMT or the M2000 can display alarm information and provide alarm handling suggestions.

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Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

The alarm management system of the M2000 is connected to an alarm box through a serial
port and supports both audible and visual alarms. The maintenance personnel can subscribe
to the alarm information that can be forwarded to their handsets or pagers so that they can
handle the faults in time.
l Environment alarm management
Typically, NodeB equipment rooms are unattended and distributed over a large area. The
equipment works in a relatively adverse environment, and emergency cases may occur. To
help you handle such emergency cases, the NodeB provides a comprehensive alarm
management system.

Alarm management has the following functions:

l Alarm detecting
l Alarm reporting
l Alarm masking
l Alarm acknowledgement
l Alarm preprocessing
l Alarm correlation processing
l Alarm help information processing

Security Management
The NodeB can M2000 perform hierarchical control on operation rights of maintenance
personnel. This prevents equipment running from misoperations.

Environment Monitoring
The environment monitoring system provides customized monitoring functions, such as door
control, infrared, and detection of smoke, water, humidity, and temperature.

9.3 eNodeB Operation and Maintenance

Operation and maintenance (O&M) covers management, monitoring, and maintenance of the
software, hardware, and configuration of eNodeBs. In addition, eNodeBs allow diversified
O&M modes in different scenarios.

9.3.1 eNodeB Operation & Maintenance Modes

eNodeBs support both near-end and far-end operation and maintenance (O&M).

l In near-end O&M mode, maintenance personnel use the local maintenance terminal (LMT)
to operate and maintain a single eNodeB.
l In far-end O&M mode, maintenance personnel use the M2000 or LMT to operate and
maintain eNodeBs in a centralized manner in the operation and maintenance center (OMC).

Figure 9-3 shows the O&M system of eNodeBs.

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Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Figure 9-3 O&M system of eNodeBs

The O&M system of eNodeBs consists of the following elements:

l LMT: is used to maintain a single eNodeB locally or remotely.

l M2000: short for iManager M2000 Mobile Element Management System, which centrally
manages Huawei network devices; the M2000 also remotely and centrally manages
multiple base stations.
l CME: short for Configuration Management Express, which can configures and manages
data for multiple base stations.
l eNodeB: is the O&M object.

9.3.2 eNodeB Operation & Maintenance Functions

eNodeB operation and maintenance (O&M) functions include configuration management, fault
management, performance management, security management, software management,
deployment management, equipment management, and inventory management.

Configuration Management
Configuration management includes data configuration, query, export, and backup and
restoration, as well as configuration synchronization with the M2000.

The data configuration is based on managed objects (MOs) of the following categories: device,
transport, and service. These categories are independent of each other. In most cases,
modifications of the service configuration do not require modifications of the device
configuration, and modifications of the device configuration do not require modifications of the
service configuration either.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Fault Management
Fault management includes fault detection, fault isolation and self-healing, alarm reporting, and
alarm correlation. The faults might be related to hardware, environment, software, transmission,
cells, and different types of services in cells.
l Fault isolation and self-healing have the following benefits: (1) prevents a fault in a part of
an eNodeB from affecting other parts; (2) reestablishes a cell of lower specifications to
minimize the impact of the fault on services.
l The alarm correlation function enables the system to report only the alarm indicating the
root fault and the ultimate impact on services, though there may be chains of problems
caused by the root fault.

Performance Management
Performance management includes the periodic control on eNodeB performance measurements
and the collection, storage, and reporting of performance statistics.
eNodeBs collect performance statistics every 15, 30, or 60 minutes and can store the results
measured in a maximum of three days. The performance measurement covers eNodeB-level and
cell-level performance and also covers neighboring cells, transmission, standard interfaces, and
the device usage.
eNodeBs support real-time monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) at intervals of 1
minute, which helps detect and diagnose faults in a timely fashion.

Tracing Management
Message tracing management facilitates routine maintenance, commissioning, and fault
diagnosis by tracing messages over interfaces and signaling links, messages to and from user
equipment (UE), and internal messages.

Security Management
Security management provides the eNodeB authentication and access control functions, which
include user account management, rights management, login management, identity
authentication, and operation authentication.
In addition, security management includes security control on the channels between eNodeBs
and the element management system (EMS). The channels support encryption using Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL).
Security management provides network- and user-level security service. It provides the
following functions:
l Encryption: encryption of important user information
l Authentication: management of user accounts and authentication of users
l Access control: control for user operations
l Security protocol: support for SSL

Software Management
Software management includes software version management, software version upgrades, and
patch management.

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l Software version management includes query, backup, and restoration of software versions.
l Software version upgrades can be remotely performed on a batch of eNodeBs. With the
one-click upgrade wizard provided by the M2000, users can perform health checks before
and after the upgrades and back up, download, and activate the software. During this
process, users can check the upgrade status and results. eNodeBs support automatic updates
of configurations during upgrades; users only need to follow the instructions in the upgrade
wizard. In addition, eNodeBs support rapid version rollback by running a single command,
reducing the impact of upgrade failures on the system.
l Patch management includes the following operations: query, download, loading, activation,
deactivation, rollback, confirmation, and removal.

Deployment Management
The eNodeB deployment solutions include board-in-cabinet transportation, automatic discovery
of eNodeBs, initial configuration by using a universal serial bus (USB) flash drive, and remote
deployment. These solutions greatly reduce the workload and efforts of field installation
personnel. No computer is required. The personnel only need to install the hardware.

l Board-in-cabinet transportation indicates that base stations come with RFUs, PMUs, PSUs,
and BBU3900s installed and with cables laid. Board-in-cabinet transportation shortens
onsite hardware installation duration.
l By using automatic discovery of eNodeBs, users do not need to set the IP addresses of the
eNodeBs and EMS.
l Users can download software and data of an eNodeB from a USB flash drive, saving time
especially when the bandwidth of transmission between the eNodeB and the EMS is
l During remote deployment, software commissioning is performed in the operation and
maintenance center (OMC) rather than on site. Customers can perform acceptance tests in
the OMC.
The security of the USB port is ensured by encryption.

Equipment Management
Equipment management includes data configuration, status management, and fault detection
and handling for all the devices in an eNodeB. On the device panel, users can view device status
and perform simple operations such as blocking, reset, and switchover.

Inventory Management
Inventory management includes collection and reporting of the inventory information about
eNodeBs. With inventory management, users can centrally manage network equipment (NE)
assets in the OMC.

9.4 MBTS Operation and Maintenance

Operation and Maintenance (O&M) covers management, monitoring, and maintenance of the
software, hardware, and configuration of the MBTSs. In addition, diversified O&M modes are
provided in various scenarios.

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9.4.1 MBTS Operation & Maintenance Modes

An MBTS supports both near-end and far-end operation and maintenance (O&M).

l Near-end O&M: Maintenance personnel locally maintain an MBTS using a site

maintenance terminal (SMT) or local maintenance terminal (LMT).
l Far-end O&M: Maintenance personnel remotely maintain one or multiple MBTSs using
an LMT or the M2000.

Figure 9-4 shows the O&M system of an MBTS.

Figure 9-4 O&M system of the MBTS

The O&M system of the MBTS consists of the following items:

l MBTS: maintained object

l GBTS SMT: used to locally maintain devices controlled by the GBTS
l NodeB LMT: used to locally or remotely maintain devices controlled by the NodeB
l eNodeB LMT: used to locally or remotely maintain devices controlled by the eNodeB
l BSC LMT: used to maintain and manage the BSC and the GBTS connected to the BSC
l M2000: short for iManager M2000 Mobile Element Management System, which centrally
manages Huawei network devices; the M2000 also remotely and centrally manages
multiple base stations.

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l CME: short for Configuration Management Express, which can configures and manages
data for multiple base stations.

Maintenance personnel can operate and maintain each SiteUnit independently by using the SMT
or LMT locally or using the M2000 or LMT remotely. They can also manage the MBTS as an
integrated entity by using the M2000. The M2000 manages the MBTS on its own interface to
perform alarm management, software upgrade, data configuration, and inventory management
in a centralized manner.

Description in this technical description assumes that only one network management system is
used to manage the MBTS. If two or more network management systems are used, the methods
for the MBTS OM, including alarm management, software management, inventory
management, topology management, NE health check, commissioning, software upgrade, and
data configuration, provided in this document do not apply.

9.4.2 MBTS Operation & Maintenance Functions

Operation and maintenance (O&M) functions of a multi-mode base transceiver station (MBTS)
include the common part management, configuration management, software upgrade,
commissioning, alarm management, inventory management, and mode evolution functions.

Common Part Management

Common parts include multi-mode radio frequency (RF) modules working in multiple modes,
monitoring devices, and remote electrical tilt (RET) antennas. Common parts also include boards
and modules that can work in any mode and are within a BBU. Based on loading control rights
and the mode priority, SiteUnits manage software of common parts and maintain them.

Common Parts
Common parts fall into two types. One type of common parts includes those that are managed
by two or more SiteUnits, such as multi-mode RF modules working in multiple modes. The
other type of common parts includes those that can be managed by any SiteUnit, such as
monitoring devices.

Table 9-1 provides common parts in an MBTS and related management methods.

Parameters of bilaterally managed common parts are common parameters. All SiteUnits
involved must have the same configurations for these parameters. Otherwise, a configuration
conflict alarm will be generated. For parameters related to common parts, see MBTS Common
Part Parameters.

For unilaterally managed common parts, users can choose a SiteUnit according to onsite
conditions. For details, see the following:

l For a newly deployed MBTS, the GBTS is highly recommended, which is followed by the
NodeB. The eNodeB is fairly recommended. For example, in a GU dual-mode base station,
the GBTS is recommended.
l For a base station to be evolved, the original mode is recommended. For example, a base
station is evolved from a single mode base station to a GU dual-mode base station, the
GBTS is recommended.

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Table 9-1 Common parts in an MBTS and related management methods

Common Parts Management Method

Multi-mode RF modules Bilateral management (mandatory): They are managed by

working in multiple modes SiteUnits that are chosen on the basis of the working mode of
the modules.
For example, a multi-mode RF module working in GU mode is
managed by a GBTS and a NodeB.

BBU3900 subracks; Bilateral management (mandatory): They are managed by two

UPEU, UEIU, and FAN in SiteUnits whose main control boards are installed in the same
a BBU BBU as the UPEU, UEIU, and FAN boards.

Local monitoring devices Unilateral management: They are managed by one SiteUnit
(monitoring devices whose main control board is installed in the same BBU as the
connected to the BBU, devices.
including the PMU, TCU, NOTE
CCU, FMU, and EMU) l When monitoring boards are managed by only one SiteUnit, the
following functions fail: Energy Saving, Smart TRX, and
controlling fan speed by the main control board.
l Monitoring devices are all connected to BBU0 and are managed by
one SiteUnit whose main control board is installed in BBU0.
l The CCU can only be managed unilaterally.

Remote monitoring devices Unilateral management (only):

(monitoring devices l If RRUs work in a single mode, remote monitoring devices
connected to RRUs) are managed by the SiteUnit that also manages these RRUs.
For example, if RRUs work in the GSM mode, such devices
RET antennas
are managed by the GBTS.
l If RRUs work in multiple modes, remote monitoring
devices are managed by one of the SiteUnits that also
manage these RRUs. For example, if RRUs work in the GU
mode, such devices are managed by the GBTS.

USCU Bilateral or unilateral management

l Bilateral management: It is managed by two SiteUnits
whose main control boards are installed in the same BBU
as the USCU board. Note that the two SiteUnits must have
the same clock source type.
l Unilateral management: It is managed by one SiteUnit
whose main control board is installed in the same BBU as
the USCU board. Note that this SiteUnit must be configured
with a clock source type that matches the clock signals
received by the USCU board. For other SiteUnits, their
clock source type is PEER.

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Common Parts Management Method

UCIU Unilateral management (only): It is managed by one SiteUnit

whose main control board is installed in the same BBU as the
UCIU board.
A related alarm is generated if the UCIU board is configured for two
SiteUnits in the same BBU.

UTRPc Unilateral management (only): It is managed by one SiteUnit

whose main control board is installed in the same BBU as the
UTRPc board.
l In the BBU interconnection scenario, the NodeB cannot manage a
UTRPc board if both two BBUs are configured with a UMTS main
control board and the UTRPc board is installed in the leaf BBU.
l Only the SiteUnit that manages the UTRPc board can expand its
service processing capability through the UTRPc board.
l In new MBTSs, the UTRPc board is managed by the NodeB by
l For the UTRPc board, the SiteUnit priority descends from eNodeB,
to NodeB, and then to GBTS.

Cabinet Bilateral management (mandatory): It is managed by all the

SiteUnits that are installed in the same cabinet.

Loading Control Rights

Loading control rights define the software management rights of bilaterally managed common
parts. If a SiteUnit in an MBTS has loading control rights over common parts, the software
versions of these common parts must be consistent with the software version of the SiteUnit.
For example, if the GBTS of a GU dual-mode base station has loading control rights, the software
versions of common parts managed by both the GBTS and NodeB must be consistent with the
software version of the GBTS. Currently, load control rights take effect only to the USCU board
and multi-mode RF modules working in multiple modes. USCU stands for Universal Satellite
Card and Clock Unit.

Loading control rights need to be specified, modified, or pre-specified in the following scenarios:

l Loading control rights need to be reconfigured upon MBTS upgrade.

l Loading control rights need to be reconfigured if loading control right conflicts arise.

Parameters associated with loading control rights consist of Control Flag, Effect Immediately
Flag, Self Version, Peer Version, and Mode. Description of these elements is provided in Table
9-2. For configuration methods, see the MML Command Reference. The local end indicates a
SiteUnit that is setting loading control rights while the peer end indicates another SiteUnit that
is involved in the operation. For example, when loading control rights are being set by the GBTS
of a GU dual-mode base station, the GBTS is the local end while the NodeB is the peer end.

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Table 9-2 Parameters associated with loading control rights

Parameter Description Description

Control Flag Whether the local end has -

loading control rights

Effect Whether the setting of loading l If it is set to YES, software of common

Immediately control rights takes effect parts is updated immediately after the
Flag immediately settings of loading control rights are
l If it is set to NO, software of common
parts is not updated immediately after
the settings of loading control rights are
complete. The software is updated next
time the SiteUnit with loading control
rights upgrade software.

Self Version Software version at the local The software versions at both the local end
end after the setting of loading and the peer end should be considered
control rights takes effect jointly to ensure that the setting of loading
control rights can take effect.
Peer Version The software version at the
For example, a user sets Self Version to A
peer end after the setting of
and Peer Version to B in the GBTS of a GU
loading control rights takes
dual-mode base station. In this case, the
setting of loading control rights takes effect
when the software versions of the GBTS
and NodeB are A and B, respectively.

Mode Mode information of common For a triple-mode base station, loading

parts for which the setting of control rights need to be set separately in
loading control rights takes different mode combinations. For example,
effect. This parameter can be in the GBTS, loading control rights of
set to GU, GL, or UL. common parts managed by both the GBTS
For example, if it is set to GU, and NodeB must be set, and loading control
the setting of loading control rights of common parts managed by both
rights takes effect for common the GBTS and eNodeB must be set.
parts managed by both the
GBTS and NodeB only.

For each mode combination, users can set a maximum of two different loading control right
records. Two records correspond to two software version combinations in each mode
combination. One software version is the live combination while the other is the combination
after upgrade. For example, the live version of the GBTS of a GU dual-mode base station is A1
while the target version is A2; the live version of the NodeB is B1 while the target version is
B2. In this case, users can set two loading control right records for two software version
combinations (A1B1 and A2B2) respectively.

For each software version combination, the base station only saves the last loading control right
record if two SiteUnits both have loading control rights or none of them has such rights. If none

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of them has such rights, an alarm indicating a loading control right conflict is generated. For
example, for the A1B1 software version combination,

l If the GBTS has loading control rights at the beginning and the NodeB is configured with
the loading control rights later, the NodeB finally has the loading control rights.
l If the GBTS has loading control rights at the beginning and the NodeB is not configured
with the loading control rights later, the GBTS finally has the loading control rights.
l If neither the GBTS nor the NodeB has such rights, an alarm indicating a loading control
right conflict is generated.

Loading control rights cannot take effect and none of the SiteUnits of an MBTS manages
software of common parts if the following configuration conflicts arise and each SiteUnit does
not work in engineering mode.

l The cabinet, subrack, and slot information of a common part are different among all
l The working mode of a common part is different among all SiteUnits. For example, if a
multi-mode RF module is set to work in GU mode at the GBTS but it is set to work in UO
mode at the NodeB, neither the GBTS nor the NodeB manages software of the module.

Mode Priority
For bilaterally managed common parts, their alarms, configuration data, device status, and
inventory information that are reported by each SiteUnit must be filtered and combined. The
mode priority determines which SiteUnit's reported data is to be considered by the entire base

Users can set an MBTS's mode priority on the M2000. In a GUL triple-mode base station, GSM
has the highest mode priority while LTE has the lowest mode priority. In such a case, for common
parts managed by both the GBTS and NodeB and common parts managed by both the GBTS
and eNodeB, the data reported by the GBTS is to be considered by the base station. For common
parts managed by both the NodeB and eNodeB, the data reported by the NodeB is to be
considered by the base station.

The mode priority setting takes effect not only for a single base station but also for all devices
managed by the M2000 in the live network. Therefore, all the devices managed by the M2000
have the same mode priority setting.

Configuration Management
MBTS configuration management includes initial configuration and reconfiguration. In the
initial network deployment phase, the basic MBTS data can be configured on the CME to enable
unified network deployment. After the MBTS has started running, reconfiguration can be
performed on the CME or by running MML commands to add, delete, or modify data.

Figure 9-5 shows the MBTS configuration management.

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Figure 9-5 MBTS configuration management

MBTS configuration data includes the unique data of each SiteUnit and the data of common

l For the unique data of each SiteUnit, the configuration method is the same as that for a
single-mode base station.
l For the data of common parts, the configuration method is described in Common Part and
Management Method. Unilaterally managed common parts need to be configured only
on one SiteUnit. Bilaterally managed common parts must be configured on two related
SiteUnits, which must have the consistent settings for common parameters.

Initial Configuration
In the initial network deployment phase, the basic MBTS data can be configured on the CME
after hardware of the MBTS has been installed and the MBTS has gained access to the M2000
successfully. Once the initial configuration is complete, the MBTS starts to function and provide
basic services.

Table 9-3 provides the initial configuration method of an MBTS. For detailed operations, see
the 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide.

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Table 9-3 Initial configuration method

Working GU GL UL GUL
Mode of

Independen Based on Based on the GUI Base station Base station

t the GUI wizard binding binding
deployment wizard

Batch Based on Based on the data Based on the data N/A

deployment the data planning template planning template

The function of manually setting up base station binding relationship on the M2000 applies only to single-mode
base stations. Before adjusting a binding relationship (because the current relationship is incorrect), remove the
current relationship first and set up a new one.

Characteristics of MBTS configuration are as follows, including functions of the CME available
for MBTS configuration:

l A network carrier can specify mapping between SiteUnits of an MBTS.

l The CME supports one-site configuration and configuration data consistency check.
Unique data of each SiteUnit is checked on the basis of check rules of each NE to ensure
that the data is correct.
Each SiteUnit must have the correct configuration for a cabinet, subrack, or slot to
prevent configuration conflicts.
Data of bilaterally managed common parts is checked on the basis of mode priorities
specified by network carriers and of check rules specified for the common device data.
If parameter configurations of the common parts are found to be inconsistent between
two SiteUnits, the CME modifies configuration data automatically based on the mode
priority setting.
l The CME provides an MBTS device panel view, supports unified addition or deletion of
cabinets and boards, and enables unified modification of common parameters.

Reconfiguration includes data addition, data removal, and data modification after the MBTS has
started functioning. MBTS reconfiguration can be performed on the LMT by running MML
commands or on the CME. Operations on the CME are recommended. During reconfiguration,
it is recommended that network carriers check configuration data consistency manually to ensure
that parameter configurations of the common parts are consistent between SiteUnits.

Table 9-4 describes usage scenarios of reconfiguration.

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Table 9-4 Usage scenario of reconfiguration

Scenario Description

Network Network performance is adjusted and optimized on the basis of the system
optimization operation data that is obtained during network operation by means of
performance measurement and drive test.

Feature Key parameters of optional features are configured to activate the features.
configuration For details, see the SingleRAN Feature Activation Guide.

Capacity Hardware is added to the live network or configurations are modified. This
expansion enables the system to provide services for more users. For details, see the
SingleRAN Reconfiguration Guide.

Software Upgrade
The MBTS supports multiple upgrade methods in different scenarios.

Upgrade Scenario
Table 9-5 provides MBTS software upgrade scenarios.

Table 9-5 MBTS software upgrade scenarios

Upgrade Upgrade Platform References


Remote and M2000 (all-at-once upgrade) Related Upgrade Guide

central upgrade in
the live network

l Remote GBTS M2000

l Remote
l Remote

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Upgrade Upgrade Platform References


l Local l GBTS: SMT

emergent l NodeB/eNodeB: LMT
l Storage
l NodeB
l eNodeB

l Remote BSC6900

l Storage USB 3900 Series Base Station

upgrade NOTE Commissioning Guide
l Few upgrades The security of the USB loading port
is ensured by encryption.
in the live

During a one-sided upgrade, start event of common parts can be reported only by the SiteUnit that is being

The M2000 can check version mapping, set loading control rights, and monitor partial steps in
an upgrade. Therefore, it is recommended that the M2000 be used if MBTS software is to be
remotely upgraded. If the required transmission links are unavailable, the M2000 is not installed
or faulty, or the MBTS is faulty and is to be commissioned locally, a local maintenance terminal
(LMT) or Service Maintenance Terminal (SMT) is recommended.

Upgrade Restrictions
When upgrading an MBTS, pay attention to the following restrictions:
l All SiteUnits' software versions must be matched. If one SiteUnit's software is to be
independently upgraded, services of another SiteUnit will be interrupted if the MBTS uses
co-transmission and the SiteUnit whose software is to be independently upgraded provides
an outgoing port used for transmission sharing.
l For a triple-mode base station, software versions of three SiteUnits must be V100R004 or
l All SiteUnits' software must be upgraded or rolled back together to ensure that their
software versions can work with each other after the upgrade or rollback. For example,

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after two SiteUnits' software is upgraded together, their software must be rolled back
together as well. On the M2000, an upgrade or rollback is not allowed if all SiteUnits'
software version cannot work with each other before the upgrade.
l If the software version before an upgrade is V100R004, loading control rights are set on
the base station automatically. If the software version before the upgrade is earlier than
V100R004 and the upgrade is performed on the M2000, loading control rights are set on
the M2000 automatically. If the upgrade is not performed on the M2000, loading control
rights must be set manually.

Commissioning Mode
The MBTS supports multiple commissioning modes in different scenarios and commissioning
engineers can choose one commissioning mode according to onsite conditions.

Commissioning Scenario
Table 9-6 provides details about each commissioning scenario. For precautions, see the 3900
Series Base Station Commissioning Guide.

Table 9-6 MBTS commissioning scenario

Scenario Relevant Information Description

Dual- Only one SiteUnit The base station is deployed as a multi-mode base
mode base provides services during station. Due to insufficient resources and other
station site deployment factors, only one SiteUnit provides services

Two SiteUnits provide The base station is deployed as a multi-mode base

services during site station and two SiteUnits provide services.

One SiteUnit has One SiteUnit has provided services whereas the
provided services other one is under configuration.
whereas the other one is
under configuration.

Triple-mode base station The base station is commissioned on a mode

combination basis. For example, in a triple-mode
base station working in GU+L mode, the base
station is commissioned as a GU dual-mode base
station and an LO single-mode base station

Commissioning Mode
An MBTS can be commissioned remotely on the M2000, on the M2000 with a USB flash drive,
or on the M2000 with a local maintenance terminal (LMT). Table 9-7 provides usage scenarios
and recommendation levels of the three commissioning modes. For details, see 3900 Series Base
Station Commissioning Guide.

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Table 9-7 Commissioning mode

Commissionin Usage Scenario Recommendation

g Mode Level

Remote After installing an MBTS and performing a High

commissioning power-on check, O&M personnel can
on the M2000 remotely commission the MBTS on the
M2000 in the equipment room if the following
conditions are met:
l All the required transmission links are
l If layer 2 networking is applied, layer-2
devices must support DHCP Relay. If layer
3 networking is applied, layer-3 devices
near the MBTS must support DHCP Relay.
l Operators are not sensitive to downtime.

Remote After installing an MBTS and performing a High

commissioning power-on check, O&M personnel can locally
on the M2000 in upgrade MBTS software and load the
collaboration configuration file using the USB flash drive if
with a local any of the following conditions is met: all the
upgrade using a required transmission links are not available;
USB flash drive layer-3 devices near the MBTS do not support
DHCP Relay (assuming that layer 3
networking is applied); operators limit
downtime. After all the required transmission
links become available, O&M personnel can
continue with the follow-up commissioning
operations on the M2000 in the equipment
l Yon can use USB flash drives only in MBTS
deployment scenarios. During upgrades in
developed markets, these drives cannot be used.
l The security of the USB port is ensured by

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Commissionin Usage Scenario Recommendation

g Mode Level

Remote After installing an MBTS and performing a Low

commissioning power-on check, O&M personnel can locally
on the M2000 in upgrade MBTS software and load the
collaboration configuration file using the LMT or SMT if all
with the LMT/ the required transmission links are not
SMT available. Note that all the required
transmission links between a GBTS and BSC
must be available if the LMT is used for
commissioning purposes. After all the
required transmission links become available,
O&M personnel can continue with the follow-
up commissioning operations on the M2000 in
the equipment room.
Before adopting this commissioning method,
O&M must get ready a laptop and have good
commissioning skills. With this method, site
deployment costs are high. Therefore, this
method can be a backup method only.

Alarm Management
Each SiteUnit in an MBTS independently reports alarms. Maintenance personnel can
individually manage all the SiteUnits or manage the entire MBTS as a whole.
Figure 9-6 shows MBTS alarm management. For details, see the 3900 Series Multi-Mode Base
Station Alarm Reference.

Figure 9-6 MBTS alarm management

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As shown in the preceding figure, the GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB report unique and common
alarms independently and common alarms are reported with mode information such as GU
common alarms and GUL common alarms. Maintenance personnel can individually manage the
GBTS, NodeB, and eNodeB using the GBTS SMT, NodeB LMT, and eNodeB LMT,
respectively. Alternatively, they can centrally or independently manage MBTS alarms using the
M2000. When centrally managing MBTS alarms, the M2000 combines and filters alarms
reported by each SiteUnit based on the user-defined mode priority and provides one alarm view

Alarm Type
Each SiteUnit in an MBTS reports unique and common alarms.

l Unique alarms: These alarms are unique to a SiteUnit. Generation causes and processing
mechanisms are the same as those for a single-mode base station.
l Common alarms: These alarms, related to bilaterally managed common parts, include
alarms that are generated because of device faults and alarms that are generated because
of common parts' parameter configuration conflicts.

l For unilaterally managed common parts, only the SiteUnit that manage these common parts can see the
alarms of them. Alarms reported by unilaterally managed common parts may affect the operation of other
SiteUnits. On the Browse Current Alarm tab page, the Additional Information column lists the
RAT_INFO and AFFECTED_INFO information. With the information, maintenance personnel can know
the mode information about the base station where the alarm is generated and the modes that are affected
by the alarm.
l User-defined alarms specific to bilaterally managed common parts must be configured on all SiteUnits that
manage these common parts. In addition, all these SiteUnits must have the same configuration for these
alarms. Otherwise, a configuration conflict alarm will be generated.
l If conflicts occur in common parameter configurations, multiple relevant alarms will be generated.
Therefore, configuration conflict alarms must be handled preferentially.

Figure 9-7 shows the Browse Current Alarm tab page of the M2000.

l NE Type: indicates the SiteUnit that reports the current alarm.

l Common Alarm Identifier: indicates whether the current alarm is a common alarm. If the
value is NA, the current alarm is a unique alarm. Otherwise, the current alarm is a common
l Additional Information: RAT_INFO indicates the mode information about the base
station where the alarm is generated and AFFECTED_INFO indicates the modes that are
affected by the alarm. For example, if the value for RAT_INFO is GUL and the value for
AFFECTED_INFO is GU, the alarm is generated on a GUL triple-mode base station and
this alarm affects the GSM and UMTS modes.

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Figure 9-7 Browse Current Alarm tab page of the M2000

Management Method
Maintenance personnel can individually manage all SiteUnits in an MBTS or manage the entire
MBTS as a whole. For details, see Table 9-8.

Table 9-8 Alarm management method

Alarm Tool Description


Individually SMT/ The alarm management method is the same as that for a single-
managing all LMT mode base station.
SiteUnits in an
MBTS M2000 The alarm management method is the same as that for a single-
mode base station.

Managing the M2000 The M2000 exports only one alarm view, which includes
MBTS as a common alarms and each SiteUnit's unique alarms.
whole l For each SiteUnit's unique alarms, the method for managing
the alarms is the same as that for a single-mode base station.
l The M2000 combines and filters common alarms reported
by each SiteUnit based on the user-defined mode priority
and provides one alarm view only. This prevents some
alarms from being repeatedly reported.

When using the M2000 to manage alarms, pay attention to the following:

l When setting parameters of common alarms, you must repeat the operation on all SiteUnits
involved. Such parameters include alarm masking, alarm severity, alarm query, alarm
clearance, and so on. Enabling the settings on one SiteUnit to take effect on the other
SiteUnits is not allowed.
l When confirming or clearing a common alarm, you must repeat the operation on all
SiteUnits involved because the confirming or clearance only takes effect on the current
SiteUnit. For example, both a GBTS and NodeB report a common alarm. Based on the
mode priority, the M2000 displays only the alarm reported by the GBTS. After the alarm

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is confirmed or cleared, the alarm is removed from the GBTS. However, on the NodeB,
the alarm remains unconfirmed and therefore it persists.

Mechanism for Handling Engineering Alarms

When a base station is being deployed, upgraded, or commissioned, engineering operations
cause some network elements (NEs) to being abnormal for a short period and as a result a large
number of alarms are generated. This also occurs when the base station is under capacity
expansion. All the generated alarms are called engineering alarms. Engineering alarms are
automatically cleared after engineering operations are complete and therefore no operations are
required. It is recommended that all NEs involved be set to work in engineering mode before
any engineering operation is performed to mask engineering alarms. This avoids interfering
network monitoring.

After the SiteUnits involved enter engineering mode, the mechanism for handling engineering
alarms works as follows:

l For SiteUnits working in engineering mode, their alarms are reported as engineering alarms.
l For SiteUnits working in non-engineering mode:
Unique alarms are reported according to the normal procedure.
An alarm indicating a configuration conflict in common parameters is not reported if
any of the related SiteUnits is working in engineering mode. This alarm is reported
according to the normal procedure if none of the related SiteUnits is working in
engineering mode.

For example, when the GBTS of a GU dual-mode base station is working in engineering mode
while the NodeB is working in non-engineering mode, all the alarms generated on the GBTS
are reported as engineering alarms. In addition, the NodeB's unique alarms are reported
according to the normal procedure but alarms indicating conflicts in common parameters are
not reported.

Inventory Management
MBTS inventory information is managed on the M2000 to achieve centralized and effective

Inventory management involves the logical inventory management (configuration information

management) and physical inventory management (asset management).

l The logical inventory management manages logical inventory objects, including cells and
l The physical inventory management manages physical inventory objects, including
cabinets, subracks, slots, boards, ports, and antennas.

Figure 9-8 shows the MBTS inventory management.

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Figure 9-8 MBTS inventory management

Each SiteUnit of an MBTS independently reports its own inventory data, which covers inventory
information about bilaterally managed common parts and this SiteUnit's unique inventory
information including inventory information about unilaterally managed common parts.

On the M2000, each SiteUnit's inventory data can be viewed and exported. All SiteUnits' data
can also be combined on the M2000 and an inventory document covering the data is generated.
The M2000 combines all SiteUnits' data on a mode priority basis.

Mode Evolution
The MBTS supports many evolution solutions in different scenarios.

Table 9-9 lists different mode evolution solutions. For details, see the 3900 Series Base Station
Standards Evolution Guide.

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Table 9-9 Typical evolution scenarios

Scenario Evolution Description


Single- GO -> GU In the scenario, GSM single-mode is evolved into GU dual-

mode to mode. Before evolution, only GSM services are provided.
dual- After evolution, GSM and UMTS services are both
mode provided.

UO -> GU In the scenario, UMTS single-mode is evolved into GU

dual-mode. Before evolution, only UMTS services are
provided. After evolution, GSM and UMTS services are
both provided.

GO -> GL In the scenario, GSM single-mode is evolved into GL dual-

mode. Before evolution, only GSM services are provided.
After evolution, GSM and LTE services are both provided.

UO -> UL In the scenario, UMTS single-mode is evolved into UL

dual-mode. Before evolution, only UMTS services are
provided. After evolution, UMTS and LTE services are
both provided.

Dual- GU -> UO In the scenario, GU dual-mode is evolved into UMTS

mode to single-mode and therefore GSM services stop to be
single- provided.
GL -> LO In the scenario, GL dual-mode is evolved into LTE single-
mode and therefore GSM cells are out of service.

UL -> UO In the scenario, UL dual-mode is evolved into UMTS

single-mode and therefore LTE services stop to be

UL -> LO In the scenario, UL dual-mode is evolved into LTE single-

mode and therefore UMTS cells are out of service.

Dual- GU -> GU+L In the scenario, GU dual-mode is evolved into GUL triple-
mode to (independent mode. Before evolution, only GSM and UMTS services are
triple- BBU) provided. After evolution, GSM, UMTS, and LTE services
mode are all provided.

GL -> GL+U In the scenario, GL dual-mode is evolved into GUL triple-

(independent mode. Before evolution, only GSM and LTE services are
BBU) provided. After evolution, GSM, UMTS, and LTE services
are all provided.

GL -> GL+U In the scenario, GL dual-mode is evolved into GUL triple-

(BBU mode. Before evolution, only GSM and LTE services are
interconnection) provided. After evolution, GSM, UMTS, and LTE services
are all provided, and inter-BBU SDR is applied.

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Scenario Evolution Description


GU -> GU+L In the scenario, GU dual-mode is evolved into GUL triple-

(BBU mode. Before evolution, only GSM and UMTS services are
interconnection) provided. After evolution, GSM, UMTS, and LTE services
are all provided, and inter-BBU SDR is applied.

GU -> GU+UL In the scenario, GU dual-mode is evolved into GUL triple-

(BBU mode. Before evolution, only GSM and UMTS services are
interconnection) provided. After evolution, GSM, UMTS, and LTE services
are all provided, and inter-BBU SDR is applied.

Triple- GU+L In the scenario, GUL triple-mode is evolved into UL dual-

mode to (independent mode and therefore GSM cells are out of service.
dual- BBU) -> U+L
GL+U In the scenario, GUL triple-mode is evolved into UL dual-
(independent mode and therefore GSM cells are out of service.
BBU) -> L+U

GU+L (BBU In the scenario, GUL triple-mode is evolved into UL dual-

interconnection) - mode and therefore GSM cells are out of service.
> U+L

GL+U (BBU In the scenario, GUL triple-mode is evolved into UL dual-

interconnection) - mode and therefore GSM cells are out of service.
> L+U

GU+L In the scenario, GUL triple-mode is evolved into GL dual-

(independent mode and therefore UMTS cells are out of service.
BBU) -> G+L

GU+L (BBU In the scenario, GUL triple-mode is evolved into GL dual-

interconnection) - mode and therefore UMTS cells are out of service.
> G+L

GL+U In the scenario, GUL triple-mode is evolved into GL dual-

(independent mode and therefore UMTS cells are out of service.
BBU) -> GL

GL+U (BBU In the scenario, GUL triple-mode is evolved into GL dual-

interconnection) - mode and therefore UMTS cells are out of service.
> GL

MBTS mode evolution involves preparation before evolution, recording alarms, setting NEs to
work in engineering mode, upgrading software, adjusting data, adjusting hardware, setting
binding relationships between SiteUnits, commissioning, and setting NEs to work in normal

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l Preparation before evolution: In this step, ensure that hardware and matched software
required during evolution are ready and that each related NE and network management
device are ready.
l Recording alarms: In this step, record alarms generated on the base station for the
comparison before and after evolution to ensure that no new alarm is generated after
l Setting NEs to work in engineering mode: In this step, set a SiteUnit to work in engineering
mode on the M2000 and shield engineering alarms to improve network operation and
maintenance efficiency.
l Upgrading software: In this step, upgrade software of the base station according to the
actual situation to ensure that software versions are matched with each other.
l Adjusting data: In this step, adjust configuration data of the base station to meet the actual
l Adjusting hardware: In this step, adjust physical devices and connections of the base station
to meet the actual requirements.
l Setting binding relationships between SiteUnits: In this step, set binding relations between
SiteUnits on the M2000 to set up an MBTS.
l Commissioning: In this step, commission the MBTS to ensure that it can work properly
after evolution.
l Setting NEs to work in normal mode: In this step, set NEs to work in normal mode on the
M2000 to ensure that alarms are reported according to the normal procedure.

9.4.3 Maintenance Between Modes

Exercise caution when performing maintenance operations on one mode of an MBTS because
these operations affect services of other modes.

Maintenance Operations Simultaneously Performed on All Modes

Table 9-10 provides the maintenance operations that must be simultaneously performed on all
modes of an MBTS.

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Table 9-10 Maintenance operations that must be simultaneously performed on all modes

Operat GSM UMTS LTE Description


Blockin l MML: SET l MML: MML: l If a radio frequency (RF)

g GTRXADMSTA BLK BLK BRD module serves multiple
carriers T BRD modes, the operation of
or RF l SMT: See section l LMT: blocking this module
module Managing RCs > See must be performed on all
s Changing the RC section modes involved.
Management Mana l On the UMTS and LTE
State in the SMT ging sides, you can block RF
User Guide or Node modules; on the GSM
DBS3900 GSM B side, you can only block
Site Maintenance Equip carriers.
Terminal User ment >
Guide. Node
l LMT: See section B
BTS Board
Maintenance > -Level
Modifying Opera
Administrative tions >
State in the Blocki
BSC6900 GSM ng/
LMT User Guide. Unblo
in the

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Operat GSM UMTS LTE Description


Blockin l MML: SET MML: MML: If an RF module serves

g cells GCELLADMST BLK BLK multiple modes and this
AT LOCELL CELL module is not required to
l SMT: See section transmit signals, the
Managing Cells > operation of blocking the
Changing the Cell related cells must be
Management performed on all modes
State in the SMT involved.
User Guide or
Site Maintenance
Terminal User
l LMT: See section
Maintenance >
State in the
LMT User Guide.
Before blocking a cell,
you can run the MML
command LST
GCELL to query the
information about the
cells under the base

Adding MML: ADD MML: MML: If any of these commands is

control BTSCTRLLNK ADD ADD to be executed on an MBTS,
links CTRLLN CTRLLN execute the command on all
K K modes and ensure that the
configuration data of a newly
added control link is
consistent on all modes.

Removi MML: RMV MML: MML: If any of these commands is

ng BTSCTRLLNK RMV RMV to be executed on an MBTS,
control CTRLLN CTRLLN execute the command on all
links K K modes and ensure that the
configuration data of a
removed control link is
consistent on all modes.

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Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Operat GSM UMTS LTE Description


Modifyi MML: MOD MML: MML: If any of these commands is

ng BTSCTRLLNK MOD MOD to be executed on an MBTS,
control CTRLLN CTRLLN execute the command on all
links K K modes and ensure that the
configuration data of a
modified control link is
consistent on all modes.

Maintenance Operations That May Affect Services of Other Modes

Table 9-11 provides the maintenance operations that are performed on one mode of an MBTS
but may affect services of other modes.

Table 9-11 Maintenance operations that may affect services of other modes

Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


Setting MML: SET MML: SET MML: SET l The software of a common
loading BTSLOAD LOADCTR LOADCTR part can be loaded and
control CTRL L L upgraded on the mode that
rights has loading control rights.
l If the local end has loading
control rights and Effect
Immediately Flag is set to
Yes, upgrading software of
RF modules serving multiple
modes interrupts the peer
end's services that are carried
over these RF modules.

Activati MML: ACT None None In any of the following

ng a BTS scenarios, activating a base
base station on the local end
station interrupts services on the peer
l RF modules serve multiple
l The base station adopts
TDM-based co-
transmission, and the local
end provides a co-
transmission port.

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Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


Deactiv MML: DEA None None In any of the following

ating a BTS scenarios, deactivating a base
base station on the local end
station interrupts services on the peer
l RF modules serve multiple
l The base station adopts
TDM-based co-
transmission, and the local
end provides a co-
transmission port.

Activati l MML: MML: ACT MML: ACT l If the local end has loading
ng the ACT SOFTWAR SOFTWAR control rights, activating
base BTSSW E E software of RF modules
station l SMT: See serving multiple modes on
softwar section the local end interrupts the
e Managin peer end's services that are
g Sites > also carried over these RF
Activatin modules.
g l When an MBTS adopts co-
Software transmission and the local
in the end provides a co-
SMT User transmission port, activating
Guide or software of the board
DBS3900 providing the co-
GSM Site transmission port on the
Maintena local end interrupts services
nce on the peer end.
l LMT: See
ance >
in the
LMT User

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Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


Rolling MML: RBK MML: RBK MML: RBK l If the local end has loading
back the BTSSW SOFTWAR SOFTWAR control rights, rolling back
base E E the base station software on
station the local end interrupts the
softwar peer end's services that are
e carried over RF modules
serving multiple modes.
l If an MBTS adopts co-
transmission and the local
end provides a co-
transmission port, rolling
back the base station
software on the local end
interrupts services on the
peer end.

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Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


Resettin l MML: MML: RST MML: RST l If RF modules serve multiple

g a base RST BTS NODEB ENODEB modes, resetting a base
station l SMT: See station on the local end
section interrupts the peer end's
Managin services carried over these
g Sites > RF modules.
Resetting l If an MBTS adopts co-
the BTS transmission and the local
by Levels end provides a co-
in the transmission port, resetting
SMT User an MBTS on the local end
Guide or interrupts services on the
DBS3900 peer end.
GSM Site l During an MBTS reset,
Maintena common part startups can be
nce detected by the related
Terminal managing SiteUnits.
l LMT: See
ance >
the BTS
by Levels
in the
LMT User

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


Resettin l MML: l MML: MML: RST l Resetting a main control

ga RST RST BRD board: See Table 9-12.
board BTSBRD BRD l Resetting an RF module:
l SMT: See l LMT: See Resetting an RF module
SMT User section serving multiple modes on
Guide or Managin the local end interrupts the
DBS3900 g NodeB peer end's services that are
GSM Site Equipme also carried over this RF
Maintena nt > module.
nce NodeB l Resetting a transmission
Terminal Board- board: When an MBTS
User Level adopts co-transmission and
Guide. Operatio the local end provides a co-
Resett ns > transmission port, resetting a
ing a Resetting board providing the co-
board a NodeB transmission port on the
in the Board in local end interrupts services
BBU: the NodeB on the peer end.
See LMT User
Guide. l Resetting a baseband signal
secti processing board: When an
on MBTS adopts CPRI MUX,
BBU resetting a baseband signal
Opera processing board which is in
tions charge of multiplexing data
> on the local end interrupts
Resett services on the peer end. The
ing a services on the peer end,
Board however, recover after this
. board starts working again.
ing an
e: See
ing a

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


l LMT: See
ance >
ing TRXs
the TRX
in the
LMT User

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


Perform l MML: MML: RST MML: RST l Performing a power-off reset

ing a RST BRDPWRO BRDPWRO on a main control board: See
power- BTSBRD FF FF Table 9-12.
off reset l SMT: See l Performing a power-off reset
on a SMT User on an RF module:
board Guide or Performing a power-off reset
DBS3900 on an RF module serving
GSM Site multiple modes on the local
Maintena end interrupts the peer end's
nce services that are also carried
Terminal over this RF module.
User l Performing a power-off reset
Guide. on a transmission board:
Perfor When an MBTS adopts co-
ming a transmission and the local
power end provides a co-
-off transmission port,
reset performing a power-off reset
on a on a transmission board
board providing the co-
within transmission port on the
the local end interrupts services
BBU: on the peer end.
See l Performing a power-off reset
secti on a baseband signal
on processing board: When an
Opera performing a power-off reset
tions on a baseband signal
> processing board which is in
Resett charge of multiplexing data
ing a on the local end interrupts
Board services on the peer end. The
in services on the peer end,
Power however, recover after this
-Off board starts working again.
ming a
on an
e: See

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Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


ing a

Starting MML: STR MML: STR MML: STR In any of the following
a BTSVSWR VSWRTES VSWRTEST scenarios, starting a VSWR test
VSWR TEST T on the local end interrupts
test services on the peer end:
l The test is conducted on RF
modules serving multiple
l The test is conducted on RF
modules that serve different
modes but share antennas.

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Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


Conduct l SMT: See None None If an MBTS adopts co-

ing a section transmission and the local end
transmis Managin provides a co-transmission port,
sion g Sites > conducting a transmission
perform Testing performance test on the local
ance test Transmis end interrupts services on the
sion peer end.
ance in
the SMT
Guide or
GSM Site
l LMT: See
ance >
ing Site >
ance in
LMT User

Activati None MML: ACT None In any of the following

ng a CB scenarios, activating a CB on the
Configu local end interrupts services on
ration the peer end:
Baselin l RF modules serve multiple
e (CB) modes.
l The base station adopts co-
transmission, and the local
end provides a co-
transmission port.

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Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

Operat GSM UMTS LTE Impact


Rolling None MML: RBK None In any of the following

back a CB scenarios, rolling back a CB on
CB the local end interrupts services
on the peer end:
l RF modules serve multiple
l The base station adopts co-
transmission, and the local
end provides a co-
transmission port.

Starting None MML: STR None l Starting a hardware test on

a HWTST RF modules serving multiple
hardwar modes on the local end
e test interrupts the peer end's
services carried over these
RF modules.
l When an MBTS adopts co-
transmission and the local
end provides a co-
transmission port, starting a
hardware test on a board
providing a co-transmission
port on the local end
interrupts services on the
peer end.

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Table 9-12 Impacts on other modes by resetting, performing a power-off reset on, or removing
and then inserting a main control board

CPRI Worki Operation Impact

- ng
base Mode
d of RF
Topo Modu
logy les

Dual- GU/ Resetting a l Resetting a GSM main control board

star GL main control When GTMU software is being reset, UMTS or
board LTE CS and PS services may be interrupted.
When GTMUb software is being reset, the data
rate of UMTS/LTE PS services may slow down,
and UMTS/LTE CS services remain unaffected.
l Resetting a UMTS or LTE main control board: When
WMPT, LMPT, or UMPT software is being reset, the
data rate of GSM PS services may slow down, and
GSM CS services remain unaffected.

Performing a l Performing a power-off reset on a GSM main control

power-off board: During a power-off reset on a GTMU or
reset on a main GTMUb board, UMTS/LTE PS and CS services may
control board be interrupted.
l Performing a power-off reset on a UMTS or LTE
main control board: During a power-off reset on a
WMPT, LMPT, or UMPT board, the data rate of
GSM PS services may slow down, and GSM CS
services remain unaffected.

Removing and l Removing and then inserting a GSM main control

then inserting board: When a GSM main control board is restarting
a main control after being uninstalled and then installed, UMTS/
board LTE PS and CS services may be interrupted.
l Removing and then inserting a UMTS or LTE main
control board: When a WMPT, LMPT, or UMPT
board is restarting after being uninstalled and then
installed, the data rate of GSM PS services may slow
down, and GSM CS services remain unaffected.

UL Resetting, Performing this operation on the UMTS or LTE side may

performing a slow down the data rate of the peer end's PS services but
power-off does not interrupt its CS services.
reset on, or
removing and
then inserting
a main control

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Technical Description 9 Operation and Maintenance

CPRI Worki Operation Impact

- ng
base Mode
d of RF
Topo Modu
logy les

CPRI UL Resetting, l Performing this operation on the converging party

MUX performing a (UMTS) interrupts PS and CS services on the peer
power-off end.
reset on, or l Performing this operation on the converged party
removing and (LTE) slows down the peer end's PS data rate but does
then inserting not interrupt the peer end's CS services.
a main control

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 221

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

10 Product Specifications

About This Chapter

Product specifications of the 3900 series base stations include technical specifications of the
BBU3900, radio frequency unit (RFU), and remote radio unit (RRU) and engineering
specifications of each type of cabinet.

10.1 Technical Specifications of the BBU3900

This section describes the technical specifications of the BBU, including capacity, baseband,
signaling, transmission port, and equipment specifications.

10.2 Technical Specifications of RFUs

This section describes the technical specifications of radio frequency units (RFUs), including
supported modes, frequency bands, RF specifications, surge protection specifications, and
antenna capabilities.

10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs

This section provides technical specifications of RRUs, including supported modes, frequency
bands, RF specifications, engineering specifications, and antenna capabilities.

10.4 Technical Specifications of an AAU

This section provides technical specifications of an AAU, including supported modes, frequency
bands, RF and antenna specifications, engineering specifications, and antenna capabilities.

10.5 Engineering Specifications

This section describes engineering specifications of each base station, including input power
specifications, equipment specifications, environment specifications, surge protection
specifications, and standards that have been complied with.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

10.1 Technical Specifications of the BBU3900

This section describes the technical specifications of the BBU, including capacity, baseband,
signaling, transmission port, and equipment specifications.

10.1.1 Capacity Specifications

This section describes the capacity specifications of the 3900 series base stations working in
different modes.

The following table lists the capacity specifications of the 3900 series base stations.

Table 10-1 Capacity specifications of the 3900 series base stations

Mode Capacity

GSM A single site supports a maximum number of 32 cells and each cell
supports a maximum number of 24 TRXs.
l TDM transmission (1 GTMUb+1 UTRPb4+1 UBRI, among which
the UBRI is optional): 126 TRXs
l IP transmission (1 GTMUb+1 UBRI, among which the UBRI is
IP over FE transmission: 60 TRXs
IP over E1 transmission: 48 TRXs

UMTS When one BBU is configured (1 UMPT+6 WBBPf4s).

l UL: A maximum number of 24 cells and 3072 CEs are supported.
l DL: A maximum number of 24 cells and 4608 CEs are supported.
When two interconnected BBUs are configured:
l UL: A maximum number of 48 cells and 5632 CEs are supported.
l DL: A maximum number of 48 cells and 8448 CEs are supported.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Capacity

LTE l A maximum of 18 cells (2 x 2 MIMO) are supported by a single

l The maximum throughput per cell (bandwidth: 20 MHz):
Downlink data rate at the MAC layer: 150 Mbit/s (2 x 2 MIMO,
64 QAM)
Uplink data rate at the MAC layer: 70 Mbit/s (2 x 4 MU-MIMO
or 2 x 2 MU-MIMO, 16 QAM)
l Maximum throughput per eNodeB (packet size: 550 bytes)
When the LMPT is configured, the UL data rate at the MAC layer
is 300 Mbit/s, and the DL data rate at the MAC layer is 450 Mbit/
When the UMPT board is configured, the UL and DL data rate
at the MAC layer is 1500 M/bits.
l Maximum number of UEs in RRC_CONNECTED mode per
When one LBBPc board is configured:
1008 with 1.4 MHz bandwidth
1800 with 3 MHz/5 MHz/10 MHz bandwidth
1800 (2 R cells) or 1200 (4 R cells) with 15 MHz/20 MHz
When three LBBPc boards are configured:
3024 with 1.4 MHz bandwidth
5400 with 3 MHz/5 MHz/10 MHz bandwidth
5400 (2 R cells) or 3600 (4 R cells) with 15 MHz/20 MHz
When one LBBPd1 or LBBPd2 board is configured:
504 with 1.4 MHz bandwidth
1080 with 3 MHz bandwidth
1800 with 5 MHz bandwidth
3600 with 10 MHz/15 MHz/20 MHz bandwidth
When three LBBPd1 or LBBPd2 boards are configured:
1512 with 1.4 MHz bandwidth
3240 with 3 MHz bandwidth
5400 with 5 MHz bandwidth
10800 with 10 MHz/15 MHz/20 MHz bandwidth
When one LBBPd3 board is configured:
1008 with 1.4 MHz bandwidth
2160 with 3 MHz bandwidth
3600 with 5 MHz/10 MHz/15 MHz/20 MHz bandwidth

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 224

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Capacity

When three LBBPd3 boards are configured:

3024 with 1.4 MHz bandwidth
6480 with 3 MHz bandwidth
10800 with 5 MHz/10 MHz/15 MHz/20 MHz bandwidth
l Data radio bearer (DRB): A maximum of 8 DRBs can transmit data
of a UE at the same time.

GU 1 GTMU+1 UMPT+5 WBBPf4s: GSM S24/24/24 + UMTS 3 x 8 (UL:

2560 CEs; DL: 3840 CEs)

GL 1 GTMU+1 UMPT+1 LBBPd1: GSM S24/24/24+LTE 12 x 20 MHz

(2T2R, uplink data rate at the MAC layer per eNodeB: 1500 Mbit/s,
downlink data rate at the MAC layer per eNodeB: 1500 Mbit/s)

10.1.2 Baseband Specifications

This section describes the baseband specifications of NodeBs and eNodeBs.

Baseband Specifications of NodeBs

The WBBP falls into four types, as listed in Table 10-2.
The WBBP in slot 2 or slot 3 could transfer the received CPRI data to other boards.

Table 10-2 WBBP specifications

Board Number Number Number Number Number Number

of Cells of UL of DL of of of
Codesa UEs UEs

WBBPa 3 128 256 3x15 96 60

WBBPb1 3 64 64 3x15 64 64

WBBPb2 3 128 128 3x15 128 96

WBBPb3 6 256 256 6x15 144 96

WBBPb4 6 384 384 6x15 144 96

WBBPd1 6 64 64 6x15 128 96

192 192

WBBPd2 6 256 256 6x15 144 144

384 384

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 225

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Board Number Number Number Number Number Number

of Cells of UL of DL of of of
Codesa UEs UEs

WBBPd3 6 256 256 6x15 144 96

WBBPf1 6 64 128 6x15 144 144

192 256

WBBPf2 6 256 384 6x15 192 192

WBBPf3 6 256 384 6x15 256 256

384 512

WBBPf4 6 512 768 6x15 384 384

a: The number of HSDPA codes supported by a WBBPd1 is 6x15, where "6" is the number
of cells and "15" is the number of codes supported by each cell.

Baseband Specifications (Number of Cells) Supported by eNodeBs

The following table lists the number of cells, bandwidth, and antenna configurations supported
by a single LBBP in LTE FDD scenarios.

Table 10-3 Specifications of the LBBP in LTE FDD scenarios

Board Number of Cell Bandwidth Antenna Configuration


LBBPc 3 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 3x20 MHz 1T1R

MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz 3x20 MHz 1T2R
3x10 MHz 4T4R
3x20 MHz 2T2R
1x20 MHz 4T4R

LBBPd1 3 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 3x20 MHz 1T1R

MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz 3x20 MHz 1T2R
3x20 MHz 2T2R

LBBPd2 3 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, 10 3x20 MHz 1T1R

MHz, 15 MHz, and 20 MHz 3x20 MHz 1T2R
3x20 MHz 2T2R
3x20 MHz 4T4R

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Board Number of Cell Bandwidth Antenna Configuration


LBBPd3 6 1.4 MHz, 3 MHz, 5 MHz, and 6x10M 1T1R

10 MHz 6x10M 1T2R
6x10M 2T2R


l The "Antenna Configuration" column lists the maximum configurations supported by various types of
LBBP. The LBBP supports the maximum configurations and any configurations that do not exceed the
maximum configurations. For example, the LBBPc supports the maximum configuration of 3x10 MHz
4T4R, and therefore supports any of the following configurations: 3x1.4 MHz 4T4R, 3x3 MHz 4T4R, and
3x5 MHz 4T4R.
l As long as the maximum antenna configuration is not exceeded, different cells support different antenna
configurations. For example, if an LBBPd2 supports the 3x20 MHz 2T2R antenna configuration, the three
cells connected to the LBBPc can use the following antenna configurations: 2T2R, 2T2R, and 1T1R.
l Boards with the same antenna configuration support combinations of different bandwidth as long as the total
bandwidth does not exceed the maximum bandwidth supported by the board. For example, the LBBPc
supports the maximum configuration of 3x20 MHz 2T2R, and therefore supports any of the following
configurations: 1.4 MHz 2T2R, 3 MHz 2T2R, 5 MHz 2T2R, 10 MHz 2T2R, 15 MHz 2T2R, and 20 MHz
l The LBBP supports CPRI convergence when the site is configured with any of the following RRUs:
RRU3221, RRU3240, RRU3828, RRU3829, RRU3928, RRU3929, LRFUe, MRFUd, RRU3229,
RRU3841, RRU3942, RRU3642, RRU3832, RRU3838, and RRU3268. The CPRI convergence of the LBBP
must comply with the following principles:
l In LBBPc+LBBPc CPRI convergence mode, the CPRI convergence is allowed only between two LBBPc
boards, and one LBBPc board must be configured in slot 2 or 3.
l In LBBPc+LBBPc CPRI convergence mode, the CPRI convergence is allowed only from multiple
LBBPc boards to one LBBPd board, and only the CPRI ports on the LBBPd in slot 2 or 3 can connect
to RF units.

Baseband Specifications (Maximum RRC_Connected Users) Supported by

The following table lists the maximum number of UEs in RRC connected mode supported by
the LMPT.

Table 10-4 Maximum number of UEs in RRC connected mode

Board Maximum Number of UEs in RRC

Connected Mode

LMPT 5400

The following table describes the data radio bearer (DRB) specifications and maximum number
of users supported by the UMPTa2, or UMPTa6 working in LTE mode.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-5 Data radio bearer specifications

Board Maximum Number of Users

UMPTa2/UMPTa6 10800

The following table lists the maximum number of UEs in RRC connected mode supported by
the LBBP board in LTE FDD scenarios.

Table 10-6 Maximum number of UEs in RRC connected mode

Board Cell Bandwidth Maximum Number of UEs in

RRC Connected Mode

LBBPc 1.4 MHz 1008

3 MHz 1800

5 MHz 1800

10 MHz 1800

15 MHz 1800 (in 2R mode) or 1200 (in 4R


20 MHz 1800 (in 2R mode) or 1200 (in 4R


LBBPd1/LBBPd2 1.4 MHz

3 MHz 1080

5 MHz 1800

10 MHz 3600

15 MHz 3600

20 MHz 3600

LBBPd3 1.4 MHz

3 MHz 2160

5 MHz 3600

10 MHz 3600

The following table lists the maximum RRC_connected users per cell of an eNodeB.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-7 Maximum RRC_connected users per cell of an eNodeB

Cell Bandwidth Maximum RRC_Connected Users Per


1.4 MHz 168

3 MHz 360

5 MHz 600

10 MHz 1200

15 MHz 1200

20 MHz 1200

The maximum RRC_connected users supported by an eNodeB is calculated by the following


Maximum RRC_connected users supported by an eNodeB = Min (Maximum

RRC_connected users supported by the main control board, N x Maximum
RRC_connected users supported by an LBBP)

The main control board is the LMPT or UMPT, and N is the number of LBBP boards in the

The following table lists the maximum RRC_connected users per cell of an eNodeB that uses
typical board configuration.

Table 10-8 Maximum number of RRC_connected users per eNodeB

Board Combination Cell Bandwidth Maximum Number of

RRC_Connected Users

1 UMPT+3 LBBPc 1.4 MHz 3024

3 MHz 5400

5 MHz 5400

10 MHz 5400

15 MHz 5400(2R)/3600(4R)

20 MHz 5400(2R)/3600(4R)

1 UMPT+5 LBBPd3 1.4 MHz 5040

3 MHz 10800

5 MHz 10800

10 MHz 10800

15 MHz 10800

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 229

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Board Combination Cell Bandwidth Maximum Number of

RRC_Connected Users

20 MHz 10800

Baseband Specifications (Maximum Number of Data Radio Bearers) Supported by

The maximum number of data radio bearers per user is 8.

The maximum number of data radio bearers supported by an LMPT/LBBP/UMPT is three times
the maximum RRC_connected users supported by the board.

The maximum number of data radio bearers supported by an entire eNodeB is 32400.

Baseband Specifications (Maximum Throughput) Supported by eNodeBs

The following table lists the UL and DL throughput of an LTE cell or UE.

Table 10-9 UL and DL throughput of an LTE cell or UE

Item Cell Specification


Maximum 1.4 MHz l DL cell MAC layer throughput: 8.7 Mbit/s (at
throughput of a 2x2 MIMO, 64QAM)
cell l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 6.4 Mbit/s (at
2x2 MU-MIMO, 16QAM)
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 3.2 Mbit/s (at
1x4 MU-MIMO, 16QAM)
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 6.4 Mbit/s (at
2x4 MU-MIMO, 16QAM)

3 MHz l DL cell MAC layer throughput: 22 Mbit/s (at 2x2

l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 16 Mbit/s (at 2x2
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 8 Mbit/s (at 1x4
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 16 Mbit/s (at 2x4

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 230

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Cell Specification


5 MHz l DL cell MAC layer throughput: 36 Mbit/s (at 2x2

l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 27 Mbit/s (at 2x2
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 13 Mbit/s (at 1x4
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 27 Mbit/s (at 2x4

10 MHz l DL cell MAC layer throughput: 73 Mbit/s (at 2x2

l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 43 Mbit/s (at 2x2
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 27 Mbit/s (at 1x4
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 43 Mbit/s (at 2x4

15 MHz l DL cell MAC layer throughput: 110 Mbit/s (at

2x2 MIMO, 64QAM)
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 57 Mbit/s (at 2x2
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 40 Mbit/s (at 1x4
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 57 Mbit/s (at 2x4

20 MHz l DL cell MAC layer throughput: 150 Mbit/s (at

2x2 MIMO, 64QAM)
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 70 Mbit/s (at 2x2
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 55 Mbit/s (at 1x4
l UL cell MAC layer throughput: 70 Mbit/s (at 2x4

Maximum 1.4 MHz l Single user DL MAC layer throughput: 8.7 Mbit/
throughput of a s (at 2x2 MIMO, 64QAM)
UE l Single user UL MAC layer throughput: 3.2 Mbit/
s (at 1x2 SIMO/1x4 SIMO, 16QAM)

3 MHz l Single user DL MAC layer throughput: 22 Mbit/

s (at 2x2 MIMO, 64QAM)
l Single user UL MAC layer throughput: 8 Mbit/
s (at 1x2 SIMO/1x4 SIMO, 16QAM)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 231

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Cell Specification


5 MHz l Single user DL MAC layer throughput: 36 Mbit/

s (at 2x2 MIMO, 64QAM)
l Single user UL MAC layer throughput: 13 Mbit/
s (at 1x2 SIMO/1x4 SIMO, 16QAM)

10 MHz l Single user DL MAC layer throughput: 73 Mbit/

s (at 2x2 MIMO, 64QAM)
l Single user UL MAC layer throughput: 27 Mbit/
s (at 1x2 SIMO/1x4 SIMO, 16QAM)

15 MHz l Single user DL MAC layer throughput: 110

Mbit/s (at 2x2 MIMO, 64QAM)
l Single user UL MAC layer throughput: 40 Mbit/
s (at 1x2 SIMO/1x4 SIMO, 16QAM)

20 MHz l Single user DL MAC layer throughput: 150

Mbit/s (at 2x2 MIMO, 64QAM)
l Single user UL MAC layer throughput: 51 Mbit/
s (at 1x2 SIMO/1x4 SIMO, 16QAM)

10.1.3 Signaling Specifications

This section describes the signaling specifications of 3900 series base stations.

Signaling Specifications of NodeBs

The following table lists the typical board combinations and the corresponding signaling
specifications of NodeBs.

Table 10-10 Typical board combinations and the corresponding signaling specifications

Combination of Number of Number of WBBPf Signaling

Main Control WBBPb/WBBPd Boards Specifications
Boards and Boards (CNBAPS)

WMPT 1 0 60

WMPT 2 0 120

WMPT 3 0 170

WMPT Not specified 1 170

WMPT+UTRP 1 0 60

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 232

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Combination of Number of Number of WBBPf Signaling

Main Control WBBPb/WBBPd Boards Specifications
Boards and Boards (CNBAPS)

WMPT+UTRP 2 0 120

WMPT+UTRP 3 0 180

WMPT+UTRP 4 0 240

WMPT+UTRP 5 0 250

WMPT+UTRP 0 1 200

WMPT+UTRP 1 1 250

WMPT+UTRPc 1 0 400

WMPT+UTRPc 2 0 460

WMPT+UTRPc 3 0 520

WMPT+UTRPc 4 0 580

WMPT+UTRPc 5 0 640

WMPT+UTRPc 6 0 700

WMPT+UTRPc 0 1 500

WMPT+UTRPc 1 1 560

WMPT+UTRPc 2 1 620

WMPT+UTRPc 3 1 680

WMPT+UTRPc 4 1 740

WMPT+UTRPc 5 1 800

WMPT+UTRPc 0 2 700

WMPT+UTRPc 1 2 760

WMPT+UTRPc 2 2 820

WMPT+UTRPc 3 2 880

WMPT+UTRPc 4 2 940

WMPT+UTRPc 0 3 900

WMPT+UTRPc 1 3 960

WMPT+UTRPc 2 3 1020

WMPT+UTRPc 3 3 1080

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 233

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Combination of Number of Number of WBBPf Signaling

Main Control WBBPb/WBBPd Boards Specifications
Boards and Boards (CNBAPS)

WMPT+UTRPc 0 4 1100

WMPT+UTRPc 1 4 1160

WMPT+UTRPc 2 4 1220

WMPT+UTRPc 0 5 1300

WMPT+UTRPc 1 5 1360

WMPT+UTRPc 0 6 1500

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 1 0 400

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 2 0 460

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 3 0 520

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 4 0 580

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 5 0 640

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 6 0 700

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 0 1 500

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 1 1 560

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 2 1 620

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 3 1 680

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 4 1 740

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 5 1 800

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 0 2 700

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 1 2 760

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 2 2 820

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 3 2 880

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 4 2 940

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 0 3 900

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 1 3 960

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 2 3 1020

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 3 3 1080

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 234

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Combination of Number of Number of WBBPf Signaling

Main Control WBBPb/WBBPd Boards Specifications
Boards and Boards (CNBAPS)

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 0 4 1100

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 1 4 1160

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 2 4 1220

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 0 5 1300

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 1 5 1360

UMPTa1/UMPTb1 0 6 1500

Signaling Specifications of eNodeBs

The following table describes the signaling specifications of the LMPT.

Table 10-11 Signaling specifications of the LMPT

Board Signaling Specification (CAPS)


The following table describes the signaling specifications of the UMPTa2, or UMPTa6 working
in LTE mode.

Table 10-12 Signaling specifications

Board Signaling Specifications (CAPS)

UMPTa2/UMPTa6 60

The following table lists the signaling specifications of the LBBP.


The signaling specifications for TDD scenarios are the maximum ones for typical scenarios of normal cells.

The signaling specification of an eNodeB is calculated by the following formula:

Signaling specification of an eNodeB = Min (N x LBBP signaling specification, M x

Signaling specification of the main control board)

N is the number of LBBPs and M is the number of main control boards. Either the LMPT or
UMPT can be the main control board.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

The following table lists the typical board combinations and the corresponding signaling
specifications of eNodeBs.

Table 10-13 Typical board combinations and the corresponding signaling specifications

Board Combination Signaling Specifications (CAPS)

1 LMPT+1 LBBPc 30

1 LMPT+2 LBBPc 30

1 LMPT+3 LBBPc 30

1 UMPT+1 LBBPd 60

1 UMPT+2 LBBPd 60

1 UMPT+3 LBBPd 60

10.1.4 Transmission Port Specifications

This section describes the transmission ports on a BBU.

Table 10-14 lists transmission ports on a single-mode BBU.

Table 10-14 Transmission ports on a single-mode BBU

Mode Transmission Port

GSM GTMU: 4 E1s/T1s, 1 FE electrical port, and 1 FE optical port

UTRPb4: 8 E1s/T1s

UTRPc: 4 FE/GE electrical ports and 2 FE/GE optical ports

UMTS WMPT: 4 E1s/T1s, 1 FE electrical port, and 1 FE optical port

UMPT: 4 E1s/T1s, 1 FE/GE electrical port, and 1 FE/GE optical port

UTRP2: 2 FE/GE optical ports

UTRP3: 8 E1s/T1s

UTRP4: 8 E1s/T1s

UTRP6: 1 STM-1 or OC-3 port

UTRP9: 4 FE/GE electrical ports

UTRPc: 4 FE/GE electrical ports and 2 FE/GE optical ports

UTRPa: 2 E1/T1 ports (8 E1s/T1s)

LTE LMPT: 2 FE/GE electrical ports, 2 FE/GE optical ports, or 1 FE/GE optical
port + 1 FE/GE electrical port

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Transmission Port

UMPT: 4 E1s/T1s, 1 FE/GE electrical port, and 1 FE/GE optical port

UTRPc: 4 FE/GE electrical ports and 2 FE/GE optical ports

On a multi-mode BBU, transmission ports supported by each mode are functional. For example,
on a GU dual-mode BBU, transmission ports supported by a GSM BBU and transmission ports
supported by a UMTS BBU are functional.

10.1.5 Engineering Specifications

This section describes the engineering specifications of the BBU, including the power
specifications, size, weight, heat dissipation capability, environmental specifications, and surge
protection specifications.

Input Power Specifications

The following table lists the input power specifications of the BBU.

Table 10-15 Input power specifications of the BBU

Input Power Voltage Range

-48 V DC (UPEUc) -38.4 V DC to -57 V DC

Equipment Specifications
The following table lists the size and weight of the BBU.

Table 10-16 Size and weight of the BBU

Item Specifications

Dimensions (H x W 86 mm x 442 mm x 310 mm

x D)

Weight l 12 kg (full configuration, BBU3900)

l 7 kg (typical configuration, BBU3900)

Heat Dissipation Capability

The following table lists the heat dissipation capability of the BBU.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Configuration Specifications

FAN 350 W

FANc 650 W

Environment Specifications
The following table lists the environment specifications of the BBU.

Table 10-17 Environment specifications of the BBU

Item Specifications

Operating l -20C to +55C (long term)

temperature l +55C to +60C (short term)

Relative humidity 5% RH to 95% RH

Protection level IP20

Atmospheric 70 kPa to 106 kPa


Surge Protection Specifications

Table 10-18 lists the surge protection specifications of the ports on the BBU.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-18 Surge protection specifications of the ports on the BBU

Port Usage Surge Specification

Scenario Protection

-48 V DC Applicable to Differential mode 1 kA

port the scenario
where the BBU Common mode 2 kA
and devices
through this
port are

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 238

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Specification

Scenario Protection

FE/GE Applicable to Differential mode 0.5 kV (1.2/50 s)

port the scenario
where the BBU Common mode 4 kV (1.2/50 s)
and devices
through this
port are
indoors (surge)

Applicable to Differential mode 3 kA

the scenario
where some Common mode 5 kA
devices are
remotely or the
scenario where
the BBU and
through this
port are placed

GPS port Applicable to Differential mode 8 kA

the scenario
where some Common mode 40 kA
devices are
remotely or the
scenario where
the BBU and
through this
port are placed

RGPS port Applicable to Differential mode 3 kA

the scenario
where some
devices are

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 239

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Specification

Scenario Protection

configured Common mode 5 kA

remotely or the
scenario where
the BBU and
through this
port are placed

E1/T1 port Applicable to Differential mode 250 A

the scenario
where the BBU Common mode 250 A
and devices
through this
port are

Applicable to Differential mode 3 kA

the scenario
where some Common mode 5 kA
devices are
remotely or the
scenario where
the BBU and
through this
port are placed

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 240

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Specification

Scenario Protection

Dry Applicable to Differential mode 250 A

contact the scenario
where the BBU
and devices
through this
dry contact are

Applicable to Differential mode 3 kA

the scenario
where some Common mode 5 kA
devices are
remotely or the
scenario where
the BBU and
through this
port are placed

RS485 Applicable to Differential mode 250 A

alarm port the scenario
where the BBU Common mode 250 A
and devices
through this
port are

Applicable to Differential mode 3 kA

the scenario
where some
devices are
remotely or the
scenario where
the BBU and

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Specification

Scenario Protection

through this Common mode 5 kA

port are placed

10.2 Technical Specifications of RFUs

This section describes the technical specifications of radio frequency units (RFUs), including
supported modes, frequency bands, RF specifications, surge protection specifications, and
antenna capabilities.

10.2.1 GRFU Technical Specifications

The GSM Radio Frequency Unit (GRFU) is a multi-carrier radio frequency (RF) module, which
supports a maximum of six carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by a GRFU.

Table 10-19 Modes and frequency bands supported by a GRFU

Type Mode Frequency Band RX Frequency TX Frequency

(MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

GRFU V1 GSM 1900 1850 to 1890 1930 to 1970

1870 to 1910 1950 to 1990

GRFU V2 GSM 900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960

900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960

1800 1710 to 1770 1805 to 1865

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Mode Frequency Band RX Frequency TX Frequency

(MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

1725 to 1785 1820 to 1880

GRFU V2a GSM 900 885 to 910 930 to 955

1800 1710 to 1755 1805 to 1850

RF Specifications
Table 10-20 lists RF specifications of a GRFU.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.

Table 10-20 RF specifications of a GRFU

Type RX and Capaci Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

TX ty (dBm) Power Consumpti
Chann on
els Receiver Receiver
Sensitivity Sensitivity
with One with Two
Antenna Antennas

GRFU 1T2R 6 TRXs -113.0 -115.8 The GRFU Power

V1 V1 supports consumptio
the n (GRFU
maximum V1
power operating in
configuratio 1900 MHz
n 1 x 80 W. frequency
For typical band
configuratio configured)
ns, see the
power for
the GRFU
V1 (GSM,
1900 MHz).

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 243

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type RX and Capaci Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

TX ty (dBm) Power Consumpti
Chann on
els Receiver Receiver
Sensitivity Sensitivity
with One with Two
Antenna Antennas

GRFU l 900 MHz l 900 MHz The GRFU l Power

V2 EGSM: EGSM: V2 supports consum
-113.3 -116.1 the ption
l 900 MHz l 900 MHz maximum (GRFU
PGSM/ PGSM/ power V2/
1800 1800 configuratio GRFU
MHz: MHz: n 1 x 80 W. V2a
-113.5 -116.3 The typical operatin
configuratio g in 900
ns are as MHz
follows: frequenc
l Output y band
power configur
for the ed)
GRFU l Power
V2/ consum
GRFU ption
(GSM, V2/
900 GRFU
MHz) V2a
l Output operatin
power g in 1800
for the MHz
GRFU frequenc
V2/ y band
GRFU configur
V2a ed)
(GSM, l Power
1800 consum
MHz) ption
g in 900
and 1800
y band

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 244

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type RX and Capaci Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

TX ty (dBm) Power Consumpti
Chann on
els Receiver Receiver
Sensitivity Sensitivity
with One with Two
Antenna Antennas

GRFU -113.5 -116.3 configur

V2a ed)


For the GRFU V1 operating in the 1900 MHz frequency band: The maximum output power of the RF
module in S1 configuration is 60 W. To achieve the maximum output power, you need to buy a license.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 245

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-21 Output power for the GRFU V1 (GSM, 1900 MHz)

Number of BCCH Carrier Output Power BCCH Carrier Output Power (Power
Carriers (Power Sharing Disabled) Sharing Enabled)

1 60 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK) 60 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK)

2 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK) 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK)

3 27 W (GMSK)/18 W (8PSK) 31 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)

4 20 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK) 27 W (GMSK)/18 W (8PSK)

5 12 W (GMSK)/8 W (8PSK) 20 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK)

6 10 W (GMSK)/6.6 W (8PSK) 16 W (GMSK)/10 W (8PSK)


For the GRFU V2/GRFU V2a operating in the 900 MHz frequency band:
l The maximum output power of the RF module in S1 configuration is 60 W. To achieve the maximum
output power, you need to buy a license.
l After design optimization, the 8 phase shift keying (8PSK) and Gaussian minimum shift-frequency
keying (GMSK) modulation schemes enable the same output power for each carrier on the the RF
module when the S1, S2, or S3 configuration is used.
l When the S4, S5, or S6 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced
EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes
cannot enable the same output power for each carrier on the RF module.

Table 10-22 Output power for the GRFU V2/GRFU V2a (GSM, 900 MHz)

Number of BCCH Carrier Output Power BCCH Carrier Output Power (Power
Carriers (Power Sharing Disabled) Sharing Enabled)

1 60 W (GMSK)/60 W (8PSK) 60 W (GMSK)/60 W (8PSK)

2 40 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK) 40 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK)

3 27 W (GMSK)/27 W (8PSK) 31 W (GMSK)/31 W (8PSK)

4 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK) 27 W (GMSK)/27 W (8PSK)

5 16 W (GMSK)/16 W (8PSK) 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)

6 12 W (GMSK)/12 W (8PSK) 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 246

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


For the GRFU V2/GRFU V2a operating in the 1800 MHz frequency band:
l The maximum output power of the RF module in S1 configuration is 60 W. To achieve the maximum
output power, you need to buy a license.
l When the S4, S5, or S6 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced
EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes
cannot enable the same output power for each carrier on the RF module.

Table 10-23 Output power for the GRFU V2/GRFU V2a (GSM, 1800 MHz)

Number of BCCH Carrier Output Power BCCH Carrier Output Power (Power
Carriers (Power Sharing Disabled) Sharing Enabled)

1 60 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK) 60 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK)

2 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK) 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK)

3 27 W (GMSK)/18 W (8PSK) 31 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)

4 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK) 27 W (GMSK)/27 W (8PSK)

5 16 W (GMSK)/16 W (8PSK) 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)

6 12 W (GMSK)/12 W (8PSK) 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)


In the Table 10-24, Table 10-25, Table 10-26, and Table 10-27:
l The power consumption specifications of a BTS3900 (-48 V DC ) cabinet are obtained when Multi-
Carrier Intelligent Voltage Adjustment, TRX Working Voltage Adjustment, DTX, power control,
and power sharing are enabled. The power consumption specifications of a BTS3900A (220 V AC)
cabinet, BTS3900L (-48 V DC) cabinet, or BTS3900AL (220 V AC) cabinet are obtained when DTX
and power control are enabled.
l TOC refers to the cabinet-top power of base stations for which duplex ports are configured.

Table 10-24 Power consumption (GRFU V1 operating in 1900 MHz frequency band configured)

Cabinet Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power

Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

BTS3900 (-48 V S4/4/4, TOC = 792 943

DC) 20 W

BTS3900A S4/4/4, TOC = 870 1036

(220V AC) 20 W

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 247

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-25 Power consumption (GRFU V2/GRFU V2a operating in 900 MHz frequency band

Cabinet Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power

Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

BTS3900 (-48 V S4/4/4, TOC = 726 875

DC) 20 W

BTS3900A S4/4/4, TOC = 798 961

(220V AC) 20 W

Table 10-26 Power consumption (GRFU V2/GRFU V2a operating in 1800 MHz frequency band

Cabinet Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power

Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

BTS3900 (-48 V S4/4/4, TOC = 716 865

DC) 20 W

BTS3900A S4/4/4, TOC = 786 950

(220V AC) 20 W

Table 10-27 Power consumption (GRFU V2/GRFU V2a operating in 900 and 1800 MHz
frequency band configured)

Cabinet Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power

Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

BTS3900L 900 MHz S4/4/4 2072 2518

(-48V DC) + 1800 MHz
S8/8/8, TOC =
20 W

BTS3900AL 900 MHz S4/4/4 1771 2098

(220V AC) + 1800 MHz
S8/8/8, TOC =
20 W

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of a GRFU.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 248

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-28 Equipment specifications of a GRFU

Type Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

GRFU V1, 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with the 12

GRFU V2, and panel)

Table 10-29 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on a GRFU.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-29 Surge protection specifications of ports on a GRFU

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Monitoring Applicable Surge Differential 250 A

port to all current mode
Common 250 A

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on a GRFU.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 249

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-30 Specifications of CPRI ports on a GRFU

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

GRFU V1 2 1.25 Star or chain 2

GRFU V2 and 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star or chain 2


Antenna Capability
The following table shows antenna capability of a GRFU.

Table 10-31 Antenna capability of a GRFU

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

GRFU V1 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

GRFU V2 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

GRFU V2a Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.2 DRFU Technical Specifications

The Double Radio Frequency Unit (DRFU) is a dual-transceiver radio frequency (RF) module,
which supports a maximum of two carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by a DRFU.

Table 10-32 Modes and frequency bands supported by a DRFU

Type Mode Frequency Band RX Frequency TX Frequency

(MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

DRFU GSM 900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960

900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960

1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

RF Specifications
Table 10-33 lists RF specifications of a DRFU.


ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B receive

Table 10-33 RF specifications of a DRFU

Type RX Capa Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

and city Power Consum
TX Receiver Receiver Receiver ption
Chan Sensitivi Sensitivi Sensitivi
nels ty with ty with ty with
One Two Four
Antenna Antenna Antenna
s s

DRFU 2T2R 2 -113.0 -115.8 -118.5 l Outpu l Power

TRXs t consu
power mptio
for the n
900 operat
MHz) ing in
l Outpu 900
t MHz
power config
for the ured)
DRFU l Power
(GSM, consu
1800 mptio
MHz) n
ing in


Two DRFU modules are required when four carriers are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 251

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-34 Output power for the DRFU (GSM, 900 MHz)

Number of Carriers BCCH Carrier Output Power

1 45 W (GMSK)/30 W (8PSK)

2 45 W (GMSK)/30 W (8PSK)

4 20 W (GMSK)/14 W (8PSK)

1 (PBT) 71 W (GMSK)/41 W (8PSK)

Table 10-35 Output power for the DRFU (GSM, 1800 MHz)

Number of Carriers BCCH Carrier Output Power

1 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK)

2 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK)

4 18 W (GMSK)/12 W (8PSK)

1 (PBT) 63 W (GMSK)/42 W (8PSK)


In the Table 10-36 and Table 10-37:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l The typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%.
l TOC refers to the cabinet-top power of base stations for which duplex ports are configured.

Table 10-36 Power consumption (DRFU operating in 900 MHz configured)

Cabinet Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power

Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

BTS3900 (-48V S2/2/2, TOC = 730 1060

DC) 45 W

BTS3900A (AC) S2/2/2, TOC = 820 1190

45 W

Table 10-37 Power consumption (DRFU operating in 1800 MHz configured)

Cabinet Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power

Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

BTS3900 (-48V S2/2/2, TOC = 730 1050

DC) 40 W

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 252

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabinet Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power

Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

BTS3900A (AC) S2/2/2, TOC = 820 1190

40 W

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of a DRFU.

Table 10-38 Equipment specifications of a DRFU

Type Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

DRFU 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with the 12


Table 10-39 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on a DRFU.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-39 Surge protection specifications of ports on a DRFU

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

Port for Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

transmitting to all current mode
and scenarios
receiving Common 40 kA
signals mode

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 253

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on a DRFU.

Table 10-40 Specifications of CPRI ports on a DRFU

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

DRFU 2 1.25 Star or chain 3

Antenna Capability
The following table shows antenna capability of a DRFU.

Table 10-41 Antenna capability of a DRFU

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

DRFU Not supported AISG1.1


l An external bridge tap (BT) is required if a DRFU needs to be configured with a TMA.
l For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.3 WRFU Technical Specifications

A WCDMA Radio Filter Unit (WRFU) supports a maximum of four carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by a WRFU.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 254

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-42 Modes and frequency bands supported by a WRFU

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

80 W WRFU UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

850 824 to 835 869 to 880

40 W WRFU 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

RF Specifications
Table 10-43 lists RF specifications of a WRFU.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The receiver sensitivity on the UMTS 850 MHz frequency band is measured on its frequency sub-bands.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 255

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-43 RF specifications of a WRFU

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

WRFU 1T2R l 80 W l -125. l -128. l -131. l The Power

WRF 8 6 3 80 W consum
U: 4 (210 (2100 (2100 WRF ption
carrie 0 MHz MHz U (WRFU
rs MHz ) ) supp configur
l 40 W ) l -128. l -131. orts ed)
WRF l -125. 4 1 the
U: 2 6 (850 (850 maxi
carrie (850 MHz MHz mum
rs MHz ) ) powe
) r
on 1 x
80 W
r for

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 256

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

, 80
l The
40 W
on 1 x
40 W.
r for

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 257

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

, 40

Table 10-44 Output power for the WRFU (UMTS, 850 MHz/2100 MHz, 80 W)

Number of Carriers Maximum Output Power per Carrier


1 60

2 40

3 20

4 20

Table 10-45 Output power for the WRFU (UMTS, 2100 MHz, 40 W)

Number of Carriers Maximum Output Power per Carrier


1 40

2 20


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 258

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-46 Power consumption (WRFU configured)

Cabinet Config Output Typical Maxim Power Backup Duration

uration Power Power um Estimated Based on Typical
(Sector per Consu Power Power Consumption of New
x Carrier mption Consu Batteries (Hours)
Carrier) (W) (W) mption
(W) 50 Ah 92 Ah 184 Ah

BTS390 3x1 20 390 450 5.6 11.3 22.6

3x2 20 455 600 4.6 9.5 19.4

3x3 20 580 745 3.5 7.2 14.5

3x4 20 730 1030 2.5 5.1 15.2

BTS390 3x1 20 390 450 5.6 11.3 22.6

3x2 20 455 600 4.6 9.5 19.4

3x3 20 580 745 3.5 7.2 14.5

3x4 20 730 1030 2.5 5.1 15.2

BTS390 3x1 20 410 475 5.2 10.7 21.5

3x2 20 480 625 4.3 9 18.4

3x3 20 605 770 3.2 6.9 14.6

3x4 20 755 1055 2.5 5.2 11.7

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of a WRFU.

Table 10-47 Equipment specifications of a WRFU

Type Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

WRFU 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with the 11


Table 10-48 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on a WRFU.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 259

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-48 Surge protection specifications of ports on a WRFU

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on a WRFU.

Table 10-49 Specifications of CPRI ports on a WRFU

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

WRFU 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star or chain 2 (serving the

same sector)

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of a WRFU.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 260

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-50 Antenna capability of a WRFU

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

WRFU Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.4 WRFUa Technical Specifications

A WCDMA Radio Filter Unit type A (WRFUa) supports a maximum of four carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by a WRFUa.

Table 10-51 Modes and frequency bands supported by a WRFUa

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

WRFUa UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

RF Specifications
Table 10-52 lists RF specifications of a WRFUa.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 261

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-52 RF specifications of a WRFUa

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

WRFUa 1T2R 4 carriers -125.8 -128.6 -131.3 The Power

WRFUa consum
supports ption
the (WRFU
maximu a
m power configur
configur ed)
ation 1 x
100 W.
see the
for the

Table 10-53 Output power for the WRFUa (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


UMTS 1 80

2 50

3 33

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 262

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


4 25


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one UMPTb1 and one WBBPf3 are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, one UMPTb1 and two WBBPf3s are configured.

Table 10-54 Power consumption (WRFUa configured)

Cabinet Config Output Typical Maxim Power Backup Duration

uration Power Power um Estimated Based on Typical
(Carrier per Consu Power Power Consumption of New
x Carrier mption Consu Batteries (Hours)
Sector) (W) (W) mption
(W) 50 Ah 92 Ah 184 Ah

BTS390 3x1 20 455 520 4.6 9.5 19.4

(Ver.D) 3x2 20 525 670 3.9 8.2 16.8
(-48 V 3x3 20 700 865 2.8 5.8 12.6
3x4 20 850 1150 2.1 4.4 10.3

BTS390 3x1 20 485 550 4.2 8.9 18.2

(Ver.D) 3x2 20 555 700 3.7 7.8 15.9
(-48 V 3x3 20 730 895 2.6 5.5 12.1
3x4 20 880 1180 2.1 4.3 10.0

BTS390 3x1 20 485 550 4.2 8.9 18.2

(Ver.D) 3x2 20 555 700 3.7 7.8 15.9
(-48 V 3x3 20 730 895 2.6 5.5 12.1
3x4 20 880 1180 2.1 4.3 10.0

BTS390 3x1 20 500 565 4.1 8.6 17.6

(Ver.A) 3x2 20 570 715 3.6 7.5 15.4
(-48 V 3x3 20 745 910 2.5 5.4 11.8
3x4 20 895 1195 2.0 4.2 9.6

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 263

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of a WRFUa.

Table 10-55 Equipment specifications of a WRFUa

Type Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

WRFUa 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with the 11


Table 10-56 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on a WRFUa.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-56 Surge protection specifications of ports on a WRFUa

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 264

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on a WRFUa.

Table 10-57 Specifications of CPRI ports on a WRFUa

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

WRFUa 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star or chain 2 (serving the

same sector)

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of a WRFUa.

Table 10-58 Antenna capability of a WRFUa

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

WRFUa Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.5 WRFUd Technical Specifications

A WCDMA Radio Filter Unit type D (WRFUd) supports a maximum of six carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by a WRFUd.

Table 10-59 Modes and frequency bands supported by a WRFUd

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

WRFUd UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

RF Specifications
Table 10-60 lists RF specifications of a WRFUd.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 265

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 266

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-60 RF specifications of a WRFUd

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

WRFUd 2T2R l With -126.1 -128.9 -131.6 The Power

MIM WRFUd consum
O: 4 supports ption
carrie the (WRFU
rs maximu d
l With m power operatin
out configur g in the
MIM ation 2 x 2100
O: 6 60 W, MHz
carrie configur frequenc
rs ations of y band)
or the
ion of the
two, and
l For
ons in
t or

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 267

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r for
l For
ons in
Ud in

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 268

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

orts a
of six
orts a
rs and
r of

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 269

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

nel is
60 W.

Table 10-61 Output power for the WRFUd (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Output Power per Carrier

Carriers (W)

UMTS 1 60

2 l Configured in one PA: 30

l Configured in two PAs: 60

3 20

4 l Configured in one PA: 15

l Configured in two PAs: 30

6 Configured in two PAs: 20

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

3 (MIMO) 2 x 20

4 (MIMO) 2 x 15

Table 10-62 Carrier combinations supported by WRFUd in hybrid configurations

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

1 5

2 4

3 2

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 270

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPd2 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-63 Power consumption (WRFUd operating in the 2100 MHz frequency band)

Cabinet Config Output Typical Maxim Power Backup Duration

uration Power Power um Estimated Based on Typical
(Sector per Consu Power Power Consumption of New
x Carrier mption Consu Batteries (Hours)
Carrier) (W) (W) mption
(W) 50 Ah 92 Ah 184 Ah

BTS390 3x1 20 465 540 4.4 9.3 18.9

3x2 20 545 680 3.7 7.9 16.2

3x3 20 685 880 2.9 5.9 12.8

3x4 20 925 1255 2.0 4.1 9.3

BTS390 3x1 20 465 540 4.4 9.3 18.9

3x2 20 545 680 3.7 7.9 16.2

3x3 20 685 880 2.9 5.9 12.8

3x4 20 925 1255 2.0 4.1 9.3

BTS390 3x1 20 495 570 4.1 8.7 17.8

3x2 20 575 710 3.5 7.3 15.3

3x3 20 715 910 2.7 5.6 12.3

3x4 20 955 1255 1.9 3.9 9.0

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of a WRFUd.

Table 10-64 Equipment specifications of a WRFUd

Type Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

WRFUd 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with the 12


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 271

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-65 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on a WRFUd.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-65 Surge protection specifications of ports on a WRFUd

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on a WRFUd.

Table 10-66 Specifications of CPRI ports on a WRFUd

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

WRFUd 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 272

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of a WRFUd.

Table 10-67 Antenna capability of a WRFUd

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

WRFUd Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.6 WRFUe Technical Specifications

A WCDMA Radio Filter Unit type E (WRFUe) supports a maximum of six carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by a WRFUe.

Table 10-68 Modes and frequency bands supported by a WRFUe

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

WRFUe UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

RF Specifications
Table 10-69 lists RF specifications of a WRFUe.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 273

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-69 RF specifications of a WRFUe

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

WRFUe 2T2R l With -126.1 -128.9 -131.6 The Power

MIM WRFUe consum
O: 4 supports ption
carrie the (WRFU
rs maximu e
l With m power operatin
out configur g in the
MIM ation 2 x 2100
O: 6 80 W, MHz
carrie configur frequenc
rs ations of y band)
or the
ion of the
two, and
l For
ons in
t or

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 274

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r for
l For
ons in
Ue in

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 275

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

orts a
of six
orts a
rs and
r of

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 276

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

nel is
80 W.

Table 10-70 Output power for the WRFUe (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of UMTS Output Power per UMTS

Carriers Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 80

2 l Configured in one PA: 40

l Configured in two PAs:

3 26

4 l Configured in one PA: 20

l Configured in two PAs:

6 Configured in two PAs: 26

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) 2 x 40

3 (MIMO) 2 x 26

4 (MIMO) 2 x 20

Table 10-71 Carrier combinations supported by WRFUe in hybrid configurations

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

1 5

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 277

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

2 4

3 2


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPd2 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-72 Power consumption (WRFUe operating in the 2100 MHz frequency band)

Cabinet Config Output Typical Maxim Power Backup Duration

uration Power Power um Estimated Based on Typical
(Sector per Consu Power Power Consumption of New
x Carrier mption Consu Batteries (Hours)
Carrier) (W) (W) mption
(W) 50 Ah 92 Ah 184 Ah

BTS390 3x1 20 465 540 4.4 9.3 18.9

3x2 20 545 680 3.7 7.9 16.2

3x3 20 685 880 2.9 5.9 12.8

3x4 20 820 1090 2.3 4.7 10.7

BTS390 3x1 20 495 570 4.1 8.7 17.8

3x2 20 575 710 3.5 7.3 15.3

3x3 20 715 910 2.7 5.6 12.3

3x4 20 850 1120 2.1 4.4 10.3

BTS390 3x1 20 495 570 4.1 8.7 17.8

3x2 20 575 710 3.5 7.3 15.3

3x3 20 715 910 2.7 5.6 12.3

3x4 20 850 1120 2.1 4.4 10.3

BTS390 3x1 20 510 585 4 8.4 17.3

3x2 20 590 725 3.5 7.1 14.9

3x3 20 730 925 2.6 5.5 12.1

3x4 20 865 1135 2.1 4.3 10.2

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 278

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Engineering Specifications
Table 10-73 lists the engineering specifications of a WRFUe.

Table 10-73 Equipment specifications of a WRFUe

Type Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

WRFUe 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with the 12


Table 10-74 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on a WRFUe.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-74 Surge protection specifications of ports on a WRFUe

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 279

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on a WRFUe.

Table 10-75 Specifications of CPRI ports on a WRFUe

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

WRFUe 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of a WRFUe.

Table 10-76 Antenna capability of a WRFUe

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

WRFUe Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.7 MRFU Technical Specifications

Multi-Mode Radio Frequency Units (MRFUs) are classified into MRFU V1, MRFU V2, and
MRFU V2a modules. Using the software-defined radio (SDR) technology, MRFUs can work
in different modes with different configurations.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an MRFU.

Table 10-77 Modes and frequency bands supported by an MRFU

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

MRFU V1 900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

and GU

1800 1710 to 1755 1805 to 1850 GSM, LTE, and

1740 to 1785 1835 to 1880

1900 1850 to 1890 1930 to 1970 GSM and UMTS

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 280

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

1870 to 1910 1950 to 1990

MRFU V2 850 824 to 846.5 869 to 891.5 GSM, UMTS,

and GU

900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

LTE, GU, and GL
900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960

1800 1710 to 1770 1805 to 1865 GSM, LTE, and

1725 to 1785 1820 to 1880

1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880

MRFU 900 885 to 910 930 to 955 GSM, UMTS,

V2a LTE, GU, and GL

1800 1710 to 1755 1805 to 1850 GSM, LTE, and


RF Specifications
Table 10-78 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an MRFU.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, over the central band at
the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 13 kbit/s and the bit error rate (BER) does
not exceed 2%. The central band is the 80% of the full band.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The MRFU that works in GSM mode and operates in the 900 or 1800 MHz frequency band complies with
the EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard. The MRFU that works in GSM mode and operates in the 850 or 1900 MHz
frequency band complies with the 3GPP TS 45.005 V10.2.0 and 3GPP TS 51.021 V10.2.0 standards.
l The MRFU that works in UMTS, LTE, or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 900 or
1800 MHz frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards. The
MRFU that works in UMTS, LTE, or MSR mode and operates in the 850 or 1900 MHz frequency band
complies with the 3GPP TS 37.104 V10.4.0 and TS 37.141 V10.4.0 standards.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 281

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-78 RF specifications of an MRFU

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpti
s Receive Receive Receiver on
mi r r Sensitivi
t Sensiti Sensiti ty with
an vity vity Four
d with with Antenna
Re One Two s
ce Antenn Antenn
iv a as

MR 1T GSM: 6 GSM: GSM: GSM: The MRFU V1 Power

FU 2R TRXs -113.0 -115.8 -118.5 supports the consumptio
V1 UMTS: 4 UMTS: UMTS: (theoretica maximum n (MRFU
carriers -125.5 -128.3 l value) power V1
UMTS: configuration 1 operating in
LTE: 1 LTE: LTE: x 80 W. The the 900
carrier -106.3 -109.1 -131.0
typical MHz
with a LTE: configurations frequency
bandwidt -111.8 are as follows: band
h of 3, 5, configured)
or 10 l Output
MHz power of
900 MHz,
l Output
power of
(900 MHz,
l Output
power of
(1800 MHz,

MR 1T GSM: 6 GSM: GSM: GSM: The MRFU V2/ l Power

FU 2R TRXs l 850 l 850 l 850 MRFU V2a consump
V2 UMTS: 4 MHz MHz MHz: supports the tion
carriers : : -118.5 maximum (MRFU

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 282

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpti
s Receive Receive Receiver on
mi r r Sensitivi
t Sensiti Sensiti ty with
an vity vity Four
d with with Antenna
Re One Two s
ce Antenn Antenn
iv a as

MR LTE: -113. -115. (theore configuration 1 V2/

FU l 900 0 8 tical x 80 W. The MRFU
MHz: l 900 l 900 value) typical V2a
1 MHz MHz l 900 configurations operatin
carrie PGS PGS MHz are as follows: g in the
r with M: M: PGSM l Output 900 MHz
a -113. -116. : -119 power of frequenc
band 5 3 (theore MRFU V2/ y band
width tical MRFU V2a configur
l 900 l 900
of 1.4, value) (850/900/18 ed)
3, 5, EGS EGS l 900 00 MHz, l Power
10, M: M: MHz single- consump
15, or -113. -116. EGSM mode) tion
20 3 1 : l Output (MRFU
MHz -118.8 power of V2/
l 1800 l 1800
l 1800 (theore MRFU V2/ MRFU
MHz: tical MRFU V2a V2a
: :
1 value) (850/900 operatin
-113. -116.
carrie MHz, GU g in the
8 6 l 1800
r with MSR) 1800
a MHz
-119.3 l Output
band l 850 l 850 frequenc
(theore power of
width MHz MHz y band
tical MRFU V2/
of 5, : :
value) MRFU V2a
10, -125. -127.
UMTS: (900/1800
15, or 0 8
l 900 l 900 l 850
MHz MHz MHz:
PGS PGS -130.5
M: M: l 900
-125. -128. MHz
5 3 PGSM

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 283

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpti
s Receive Receive Receiver on
mi r r Sensitivi
t Sensiti Sensiti ty with
an vity vity Four
d with with Antenna
Re One Two s
ce Antenn Antenn
iv a as

V2 20 l 900 l 900 : MHz, GL configur

a MHz MHz MHz -131.0 MSR) ed)
EGS EGS l 900
M: M: MHz
-125. -128. EGSM
3 1 :
LTE: LTE: -130.8
l 900 l 900 LTE:
MHz MHz l 900
-106. -109. :
3 1 -111.8
l 900 l 900 l 900
M: M: :
-106. -108. -111.6
1 9
l 1800
l 1800 l 1800 MHz:
MHz MHz -112.1
: :
-106. -109.
6 4

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 284

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the MRFU working in GSM mode: The maximum output power of the RF module in S1 configuration
is 60 W. To achieve the maximum output power, you need to buy a license.
l For the MRFU V2/MRFU V2a working in GSM mode and operating in the 900 MHz frequency band: After
design optimization, the 8 phase shift keying (8PSK) and Gaussian minimum shift-frequency keying
(GMSK) modulation schemes enable the same output power for each carrier on the the RF module when
the S1, S2, or S3 configuration is used. When the S4, S5, or S6 configuration is used, the license controlling
the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK
modulation schemes cannot enable the same output power for each carrier on the RF module.
l For the MRFU V2/MRFU V2a working in GSM mode and operating in the 1800 MHz frequency band:
When the S4, S5, or S6 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE
Coverage feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes cannot enable
the same output power for each carrier on the RF module.

Table 10-79 Output power of MRFU V1 (900/1800/1900 MHz, single-mode)

Mode Nu Num Number Output Output Output Output

mbe ber of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of of Carriers Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS UM GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M TS Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr Carri (W) Carrier (W)
iers ers (W)

1 0 0 60 60 0 0

2 0 0 40 40 0 0

3 0 0 27 31 0 0
4 0 0 20 27 0 0

5 0 0 12 20 0 0

6 0 0 10 16 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 60 0

UMTS 0 2 0 0 0 40 0

0 3* 0 0 0 27* 0

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 285

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Nu Num Number Output Output Output Output

mbe ber of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of of Carriers Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS UM GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M TS Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr Carri (W) Carrier (W)
iers ers (W)

0 4* 0 0 0 20* 0

LTE 0 0 1 (1T2R) 0 0 0 60

Table 10-80 Output power of MRFU V1 (900 MHz, GU MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 40 40

1 2 40 20

2 1 20 40

2 2 20 20

3 1 20 10

3 1 16 20

3 2 16 10

3 2 10 20

4 1 12 20

4 2 10 10

5 1 10 10

Table 10-81 Output power of MRFU V1 (1800 MHz, GL MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GL 1 1 40 40

2 1 20 40

3 1 20 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 286

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

3 1 16 20

4 1 15 10

4 1 12 20

5 1 10 20

To implement UMTS MIMO, two MRFU V2/MRFU V2a modules are required.

Table 10-82 Output power of MRFU V2/MRFU V2a (850/900/1800 MHz, single-mode)

Mode Nu Num Number Output Output Output Output

mbe ber of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of of Carriers Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS UM GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M TS Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr Carri (W) Carrier (W)
iers ers (W)

1 0 0 60 60 0 0

2 0 0 40 40 0 0

3 0 0 27 31 0 0
4 0 0 20 27 0 0

5 0 0 16 20 0 0

6 0 0 12 20 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 60 0

0 (MI 0 0 0 2 x 60 0

UMTS 0 2 0 0 0 40 0

0 (MI 0 0 0 2 x 40 0

0 3* 0 0 0 27* 0

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 287

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Nu Num Number Output Output Output Output

mbe ber of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of of Carriers Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS UM GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M TS Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr Carri (W) Carrier (W)
iers ers (W)

0 0 0 0 2 x 27* 0

0 4* 0 0 0 20* 0

0 0 0 0 2 x 20* 0

LTE 0 0 1 (1T2R) 0 0 0 60

Table 10-83 Output power of MRFU V2/MRFU V2a (850/900 MHz, GU MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 40 40

2 1 20 40

2 1 30 20

3 1 20 20

4 1 12 20

5 1 10 20

1 2 40 20

2 2 20 20

3 2 16 10

3 2 10 20

4 2 10 10

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


If there are less than 4 GSM carriers, 1.4, 3, 5, 10, or 15 MHz bandwidth can be spared from the 900 MHz
frequency band to set up an LTE network; 5, 10, or 15 MHz bandwidth can be spared from the 1800 MHz
frequency band to set up an LTE network. If there are more than 3 GSM carriers, 1.4, 3, 5, or 10 MHz bandwidth
can be spared from the 900 MHz frequency band to set up an LTE network; 5 or 10 MHz bandwidth can be
spared from the 1800 MHz frequency band to set up an LTE network.

Table 10-84 Output power of MRFU V2/MRFU V2a (900/1800 MHz, GL MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GL 1 1 40 30

1 1 30 40

2 1 27 20

2 1 20 40

3 1 20 20

4 1 12 20

4 1 15 10

5 1 10 20


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 50% and LTE maximum
power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE power consumption is calculated based on the 2x2 MIMO configuration. Two MRFUs are configured
in each sector.

Table 10-85 Power consumption (MRFU V1 operating in the 900 MHz frequency band

Cabinet Mode Configu Output Power Typical Maximum

ration of Each Power Power
Carrier (W) Consumptio Consumption
n (W) (W)

BTS3900 S2/2/2 20 700 900

(Ver.B) GSM
(-48 V) S4/4/4 27 950 1350

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 289

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabinet Mode Configu Output Power Typical Maximum

ration of Each Power Power
Carrier (W) Consumptio Consumption
n (W) (W)

S6/6/6 16 840 1180

UMTS 3x1 20 540 670

3x2 20 800 1020

3x3 20 1040 1330

3x4 20 1150 1450

GSM l GSM: 20 1150 1440

S2/2/2 + l UMTS: 40

GSM l GSM: 15 970 1260

S4/4/4 + l UMTS: 10

GSM l GSM: 10 930 1190

S4/4/4 + l UMTS: 10

S2/2/2 20 800 1040

GSM S4/4/4 27 1070 1540

S6/6/6 16 950 1340

UMTS 3x1 20 660 840

3x2 20 950 1220

BTS3900 3x3 20 1210 1560

A (Ver.B) 3x4 20 1340 1700
GU GSM l GSM: 20 1340 1690
S2/2/2 + l UMTS: 40

GSM l GSM: 15 1140 1490

S4/4/4 + l UMTS: 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 290

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabinet Mode Configu Output Power Typical Maximum

ration of Each Power Power
Carrier (W) Consumptio Consumption
n (W) (W)

GSM l GSM: 10 1100 1410

S4/4/4 + l UMTS: 10

S2/2/2 20 745 960

GSM S4/4/4 27 995 1410

S6/6/6 16 885 1240

UMTS 3x1 20 585 730

3x2 20 845 1080

3x3 20 1085 1390

3x4 20 1195 1510

(Ver.B) GSM l GSM: 20 1195 1500
(-48 V) S2/2/2 + l UMTS: 40

GSM l GSM: 15 1015 1320

S4/4/4 + l UMTS: 10

GSM l GSM: 10 975 1250

S4/4/4 + l UMTS: 10

Table 10-86 Power consumption (MRFU V2/MRFU V2a operating in the 900 MHz frequency
band configured)

Cabinet Mode Config Output Power Typical Maximum

uration of Each Power Power
Carrier (W) Consumptio Consumption
n (W) (W)

S2/2/2 20 620 730

(Ver.B) GSM S4/4/4 20 810 1130
(-48 V)
S6/6/6 12 710 1025

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 291

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabinet Mode Config Output Power Typical Maximum

uration of Each Power Power
Carrier (W) Consumptio Consumption
n (W) (W)

3x1 20 595 650

3x2 20 630 800

LTE 3x1 2 x 60 1185 1270

S2/2/2 20 620 730

GSM S4/4/4 20 810 1130

BTS3900 S6/6/6 12 710 1025
A (Ver.B)
(AC) 3x1 20 595 650
3x2 20 630 800

LTE 3x1 2 x 60 1185 1270

S2/2/2 20 645 755

GSM S4/4/4 20 835 1155

BTS3900L S6/6/6 12 735 1050
(-48 V) 3x1 20 620 675
3x2 20 655 825

LTE 3x1 2 x 60 1210 1295

S4/4/4 20 1820 2495

BTS3900 V2, 900
AL MHz) +
(Ver.A) S4/4/4
V2, 1800

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 292

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabinet Mode Config Output Power Typical Maximum

uration of Each Power Power
Carrier (W) Consumptio Consumption
n (W) (W)

GSM l GSM: 20 2300 3125

S4/4/4 l UMTS: 20
V2, 900
MHz) +
V2, 1800
MHz) +

Table 10-87 Power consumption (MRFU V2/MRFU V2a operating in the 1800 MHz frequency
band configured)

Cabinet Mode Configu Output Power Typical Maximum

ration of Each Power Power
Carrier (W) Consumptio Consumption
n (W) (W)

S2/2/2 20 640 750

BTS3900 GSM S4/4/4 20 820 1140
(-48 V) S6/6/6 12 685 1100

LTE 3x1 2 x 60 1230 1355

S2/2/2 20 640 750

BTS3900 GSM S4/4/4 20 820 1140
A (Ver.B)
(AC) S6/6/6 12 685 1100

LTE 3x1 2 x 60 1230 1355

S2/2/2 20 645 755

BTS3900L GSM S4/4/4 20 835 1155
(-48 V) S6/6/6 12 735 1050

LTE 3x1 2 x 60 1210 1295

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 293

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabinet Mode Configu Output Power Typical Maximum

ration of Each Power Power
Carrier (W) Consumptio Consumption
n (W) (W)

S4/4/4 20 1820 2495

V2, 900
MHz) +
V2, 1800

GSM l GSM: 20 2300 3125

BTS3900 S4/4/4 l UMTS: 20
(Ver.A) V2, 900
(AC) MHz) +
V2, 1800
MHz) +

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an MRFU.

Table 10-88 Equipment specifications of an MRFU

Type Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

MRFU V1, 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with the 12

MRFU V2, and panel)

Table 10-89 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an MRFU.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 294

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-89 Surge protection specifications of ports on an MRFU

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an MRFU.

Table 10-90 Specifications of CPRI ports on an MRFU

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

MRFU V1 2 1.25 Star or dual-star N/A

MRFU V2 and 2 1.25 or 2.5


Antenna Capability
The following table provides the antenna capability of an MRFU.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 295

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-91 Antenna capability of an MRFU

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

MRFU V1 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

MRFU V2 and MRFU Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1



For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.8 MRFUd Technical Specifications

Using the software-defined radio (SDR) technology, Multi-Mode Radio Frequency Unit Type
D (MRFUd) modules can work in different modes with different configurations.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an MRFUd.

Table 10-92 Modes and frequency bands supported by an MRFUd

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

MRFUd 900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

LTE, GU, and GL
900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960

1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880

RF Specifications
Table 10-93 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an MRFUd.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 296

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l EF non-MSR indicates that E data is carried on one transmit channel of an RF module while F data is carried
on the other transmit channel of the RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, over the central band at
the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 13 kbit/s and the bit error rate (BER) does
not exceed 2%. The central band is the 80% of the full band.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The MRFUd that works in GSM mode and operates in the 900 or 1800 MHz frequency band complies with
the EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard .
l The MRFUd that works in UMTS, LTE, or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 900 or
1800 MHz frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 297

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-93 RF specifications of an MRFUd

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpti
s Receive Receiver Receiver on
mi r Sensitiv Sensitivi
t Sensiti ity with ty with
an vity Two Four
d with Antenna Antenna
Re One s s
ce Antenn
iv a

MR 2T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The MRFUd l Power

FU 2R TRXs l 900 l 900 l 900 supports the consum
d UMTS: MHz: MHz: MHz: maximum ption
-113. -116.5 -119.2 power (MRFU
l Witho configuration d
ut 7 l 1800 (theor
etical 2 x 80 W. The operatin
MIM l 1800 MHz: typical g in the
O: 6 MHz: -116.8 value)
configurations 900
carrie -114. UMTS: l 1800 are as follows: MHz
rs 0 MHz: frequenc
l 900 -119.5 l Output
l With UMTS: MHz: power of y band
MIM (theor configur
l 900 -128.6 etical MRFUd
O: 4 MHz: (900/1800 ed)
carrie l 1800 value)
-125. MHz: MHz, l Power
rs 8 UMTS: single- consum
LTE: 2 l 1800 l 900 mode) ption
carriers. LTE: MHz:
MHz: l Output (MRFU
The -126. l 900 -131.3 d
power of
bandwidt 1 MHz: l 1800 operatin
h per -109.1 MHz: g in the
LTE: (900/1800
carrier is l 1800 -131.6 MHz, GU 1800
1.4, 3, 5, l 900 MHz: MHz
LTE: non-MSR)
10, 15, or MHz: -109.4 frequenc
20 MHz. -106. l 900 l Output y band
3 MHz: power of configur
-111.8 MRFUd ed)
l 1800
MHz: l 1800
-106. MHz:
6 -112.1
l Output
power of

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 298

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpti
s Receive Receiver Receiver on
mi r Sensitiv Sensitivi
t Sensiti ity with ty with
an vity Two Four
d with Antenna Antenna
Re One s s
ce Antenn
iv a



l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the MRFUd working in GSM mode: when the S1 or S2 configuration is applied, the maximum output
power of each carrier on the MRFUd is 80 W. If the output power of 60 W or 80 W is required, the related
license must be obtained. After design optimization, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes enable the
same output power for each carrier on the MRFUd when any of the S1 through S6 configurations is used.
When the S7 or S8 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE
Coverage feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes cannot enable
the same output power for each carrier on the MRFUd.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 299

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-94 Output power of MRFUd (900/1800 MHz, single-mode)

Mod Num Number Number Output Output Output Output

e ber of of UMTS of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power
GSM Carriers Carriers Each Power of Each of Each
ers Carrier GSM Carrier Carrier
(W) Carrier (W) (W)

GSM 1 0 0 80 80 0 0

2 0 0 80 80 0 0

3 0 0 40 40 0 0

4 0 0 40 40 0 0

5 0 0 27 30 0 0

6 0 0 27 30 0 0

7 0 0 20 27 0 0

8 0 0 20 27 0 0

UMT 0 1 0 0 0 80 0
0 2 0 0 0 80 0

0 3 0 0 0 40 0

0 4 0 0 0 40 0

0 5 0 0 0 25 0

0 6 0 0 0 25 0

0 1 (MIMO) 0 0 0 2 x 40 0

0 2 (MIMO) 0 0 0 2 x 40 0

0 3 (MIMO) 0 0 0 2 x 25 0

0 4 (MIMO) 0 0 0 2 x 20 0

LTE 0 0 1 (MIMO) 0 0 0 5/10/15/

20 MHz:
2 x 60
MHz: 2
x 40

0 0 2 (MIMO) 0 0 0 2 x 40

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-95 Output power of MRFUd (900/1800 MHz, GU non-MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS Carriers of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 80 80

2 1 40 80

3 1 27 80

4 1 20 80

5 1 16 80

6 1 12 80

1 2 80 40

2 2 40 40

3 2 27 40

4 2 20 40

5 2 16 40

6 2 12 40

1 3 80 25

2 3 40 25

3 3 27 25

4 3 20 25

5 3 16 25

1 4 80 20

2 4 40 20

3 4 27 20

4 4 20 20


* indicates that the configuration is supported only when the MRFUd operates in the 900 MHz frequency band.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-96 Output power of MRFUd (900/1800 MHz, GU MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1* 1* 30* 50*

2* 1* 30* 50*

2 1 40 40

3 1 40 40

4 1 27 40

5 1 27 20

5 1 25 30

5 1 20 40

6 1 20 40

7 1 20 20

7 1 16 30

1* 2* 30* 50*

1 2 40 40

2* 2* 30* 50*

2 2 40 40

3 2 30 20

3 2 25 30

3 2 20 40

4 2 30 20

4 2 25 30

4 2 20 40

5 2 20 20

6 2 20 20

1 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 40

1* 1 (MIMO)* 30* 2 x 50*

2 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 40

2* 1 (MIMO)* 30* 2 x 50*

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 302

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

3 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

3 1 (MIMO) 25 2 x 30

4 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

4 1 (MIMO) 25 2 x 30

4 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 20

1 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 30

1 2 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

2 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 30

2 2 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

3 2 (MIMO) 15 2 x 20

4 2 (MIMO) 15 2 x 20


** indicates that the configuration is supported only when the MRFUd operates in the 1800 MHz frequency

Table 10-97 Output power of MRFUd (900/1800 MHz, GL MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GL 1 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 40

1** 1 (MIMO)** 30** 2 x 50**

2 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 40

2** 1 (MIMO)** 30** 2 x 50**

3 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 25 2 x 30

3 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

4 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

4 1 (MIMO) 25 2 x 30

4 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 303

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

5 1 (MIMO) 16 2 x 30

5 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

6 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 20

6** 1 (MIMO)** 16** 2 x 30**


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 50% and LTE maximum
power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE power consumption is calculated based on the 2 x 2 MIMO configuration. The LTE bandwidth is 10

Table 10-98 Power consumption (MRFUd operating in the 900 MHz frequency band

Cabin Mode Configuration Output Typical Maximum

et Power of Power Power
Each Consumpt Consumpt
Carrier (W) ion (W) ion (W)

S2/2/2 20 620 715

S4/4/4 20 720 1040

S6/6/6 20 1000 1505

S8/8/8 20 1095 1825

00 3x1 20 510 570
(Ver.C) UMTS
(-48 V) 3x2 20 585 750

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 945 1245

GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 785 965

GU UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 304

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabin Mode Configuration Output Typical Maximum

et Power of Power Power
Each Consumpt Consumpt
Carrier (W) ion (W) ion (W)

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 835 1160

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1065 1425

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S2/2/2 + LTE l GSM: 20 1260 1635

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + LTE l GSM: 20 1320 1815

GL 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + LTE l GSM: 20 1380 1995

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

S2/2/2 20 650 755

S4/4/4 20 800 1145

S6/6/6 20 1025 1610

S8/8/8 20 1130 1910

3x1 20 540 600

3x2 20 615 780

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 975 1275

GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 850 1045

BTS39 UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:
(-48 V) GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 895 1195
GU UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1075 1480

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S2/2/2 + LTE l GSM: 20 1290 1665

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40
GSM S3/3/3 + LTE l GSM: 20 1350 1845
3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 305

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabin Mode Configuration Output Typical Maximum

et Power of Power Power
Each Consumpt Consumpt
Carrier (W) ion (W) ion (W)

GSM S4/4/4 + LTE l GSM: 20 1410 2025

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

S2/2/2 20 650 755

S4/4/4 20 800 1145

S6/6/6 20 1025 1610

S8/8/8 20 1130 1910

3x1 20 540 600

3x2 20 615 780

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 975 1275

GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 850 1045

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:
BTS39 20
(Ver.C) GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 895 1195
(-48 V) GU UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1075 1480

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S2/2/2 + LTE l GSM: 20 1290 1665

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + LTE l GSM: 20 1350 1845

GL 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + LTE l GSM: 20 1410 2025

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-99 Power consumption (MRFUd operating in the 1800 MHz frequency band

Cabin Mode Configuration Output Typical Maximum

et Power of Power Power
Each Consumpti Consumpt
Carrier (W) on (W) ion (W)

S2/2/2 20 635 730

S4/4/4 20 735 1060

S6/6/6 20 1030 1540

S8/8/8 20 1130 1860

3x1 20 510 585

3x2 20 600 795

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 960 1275

GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 800 985

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:
BTS39 20
(Ver.C) GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 850 1180
(-48 V) GU UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1090 1455

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S2/2/2 + LTE l GSM: 20 1365 1755

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + LTE l GSM: 20 1410 1920

GL 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + LTE l GSM: 20 1425 2070

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

S2/2/2 20 650 770

S4/4/4 20 800 1160

BTS39 S6/6/6 20 1115 1640
S8/8/8 20 1145 1985
(-48 V) 3x1 20 540 615
3x2 20 630 825

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 990 1305

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 307

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabin Mode Configuration Output Typical Maximum

et Power of Power Power
Each Consumpti Consumpt
Carrier (W) on (W) ion (W)

GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 865 1060

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 910 1225

GU UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1075 1480

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S2/2/2 + LTE l GSM: 20 1395 1785

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + LTE l GSM: 20 1440 1950

GL 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + LTE l GSM: 20 1455 2100

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

S2/2/2 20 650 770

S4/4/4 20 800 1160

S6/6/6 20 1115 1640

S8/8/8 20 1145 1985

3x1 20 540 615

3x2 20 630 825
LTE 3 x 10MHz 40 990 1305
(Ver.C) GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 865 1060
(-48 V) UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 910 1225

GU UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1075 1480

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 308

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Cabin Mode Configuration Output Typical Maximum

et Power of Power Power
Each Consumpti Consumpt
Carrier (W) on (W) ion (W)

GSM S2/2/2 + LTE l GSM: 20 1395 1785

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + LTE l GSM: 20 1440 1950

GL 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + LTE l GSM: 20 1455 2100

3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an MRFUd.

Table 10-100 Equipment specifications of an MRFUd

Type Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

MRFUd 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with the 12


Table 10-101 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an MRFUd.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-101 Surge protection specifications of ports on an MRFUd

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 309

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an MRFUd.

Table 10-102 Specifications of CPRI ports on an MRFUd

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

MRFUd 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star or dual-star N/A

Antenna Capability
The following table provides the antenna capability of an MRFUd.

Table 10-103 Antenna capability of an MRFUd

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

MRFUd Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.9 MRFUe Technical Specifications

Using the software-defined radio (SDR) technology, Multi-Mode Radio Frequency Unit Type
E (MRFUe) modules can work in different modes with different configurations.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an MRFUe.

Table 10-104 Modes and frequency bands supported by an MRFUe

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

MRFUe 900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

LTE, GU, and GL
1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880

RF Specifications
Table 10-105 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an MRFUe.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, over the central band at
the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 13 kbit/s and the bit error rate (BER) does
not exceed 2%. The central band is the 80% of the full band.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The MRFUe that works in GSM mode and operates in the 900 or 1800 MHz frequency band complies with
the EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard.
l The MRFUe that works in UMTS, LTE, or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 900 or
1800 MHz frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-105 RF specifications of an MRFUe

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consump
s Receive Receiver Receiver tion
mi r Sensitivi Sensitivi
t Sensitiv ty with ty with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a

MR 1T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The MRFUe Power

FU 2R TRXs l 900 l 900 l 900 supports the consumpti
e UMTS: 4 MHz: MHz: MHz: maximum on
carriers -113. -116.5 -119.2 power (MRFUe
7 (theore configuration operating
LTE: 2 l 1800 1 x 125 W. in the 1800
carriers. l 1800 MHz: tical
value) The typical MHz
The MHz: -116.8 configuration frequency
bandwidt -114. UMTS: l 1800 s are as band
h per 0 MHz: follows: configured
carrier is l 900
UMTS: -119.5 )
1.4, 3, 5, MHz: l Output
10, 15, or l 900 -128.6 power of
20 MHz. MHz: l 1800 MRFUe
-125. MHz: (900/1800
8 UMTS: MHz,
l 900 single-
l 1800 LTE:
MHz: mode)
MHz: l 900
-126. -131.3 l Output
1 l 1800 power of
LTE: l 1800 -131.6 (900/1800
l 900 MHz: MHz, GU
MHz: -109.4 LTE:
-106. l 900 l Output
3 MHz: power of
l 1800 -111.8 MRFUe
MHz: l 1800 (900/1800
-106. MHz: MHz, GL
6 -112.1 MSR)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 312

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the MRFUe working in GSM mode: when the S1 configuration is applied, the maximum output power
of each carrier on the MRFUe is 125 W; when the S2 configuration is applied, the maximum output power
of each carrier on the MRFUe is 60 W. If the output power of 60 W, 80 W, or 125 W is required, the related
license must be obtained. After design optimization, the 8 phase shift keying (8PSK) and Gaussian minimum
shift-frequency keying (GMSK) modulation schemes enable the same output power for each carrier on the
the RF module when the S1, S2, or S3 configuration is used. When any of the S4 through S8 configurations
is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained.
Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes cannot enable the same output power for each carrier
on the MRFUe.

Table 10-106 Output power of MRFUe (900/1800 MHz, single-mode)

Mod Num Number Number Output Output Output Output

e ber of of UMTS of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power
GSM Carriers Carriers Each Power of Each of Each
ers Carrier GSM Carrier Carrier
(W) Carrier (W) (W)

GSM 1 0 0 80 80 0 0

1 0 0 125 (900 125 0 0


2 0 0 60 60 0 0

3 0 0 40 50 0 0

4 0 0 30 40 0 0

5 0 0 25 30 0 0

6 0 0 20 30 0 0

7 0 0 15 20 0 0

8 0 0 10 16 0 0

UMT 0 1 0 0 0 80 0

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 313

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mod Num Number Number Output Output Output Output

e ber of of UMTS of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power
GSM Carriers Carriers Each Power of Each of Each
ers Carrier GSM Carrier Carrier
(W) Carrier (W) (W)

0 2 0 0 0 60 0

0 3 0 0 0 40 0

0 4 0 0 0 30 0

LTE 0 0 1 0 0 0 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
MHz: 40

0 0 2 0 0 0 5/10/15/
20 MHz:
MHz: 40

Table 10-107 Output power of MRFUe (900/1800 MHz, GU MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 2 1 40 40

3 1 25 30

4 1 24 20

4 1 20 30

5 1 18 20

5 1 16 30

6 1 13 20

7 1 10 20

1 2 40 40

2 2 20 30

3 2 20 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 314

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

3 2 15 30

4 2 18 20

5 2 12 20

Table 10-108 Output power of MRFUe (900/1800 MHz, GL MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GL 1 1 60 5/10/15/20
MHz: 60
1.4/3 MHz: 40

2 1 40 40

3 1 25 30

3 1 20 40

4 1 24 20

4 1 20 30

5 1 20 20

5 1 16 30

6 1 13 20

7 1 10 20


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-109 Power consumption (MRFUe operating in the 1800 MHz frequency band

Cabinet Mode Configurat Output Typical Maximum

ion Power of Power Power
Each Consump Consumption
Carrier tion (W) (W)

S9/9/9 20 1715 2750

BTS3900 S10/10/10 20 1880 3035
(Ver.C) (-48 GSM
V) S11/11/11 20 2000 3230

S12/12/12 20 2120 3425

S9/9/9 20 1745 2780

BTS3900L S10/10/10 20 1910 3065
(Ver.C) (-48 GSM
V) S11/11/11 20 2030 3260

S12/12/12 20 2150 3455

S9/9/9 20 1745 2780

BTS3900A S10/10/10 20 1910 3065
(Ver.C) (-48 GSM
V) S11/11/11 20 2030 3260

S12/12/12 20 2150 3455

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an MRFUe.

Table 10-110 Equipment specifications of an MRFUe

Type Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

MRFUe 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with the 12


Table 10-111 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an MRFUe.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-111 Surge protection specifications of ports on an MRFUe

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an MRFUe.

Table 10-112 Specifications of CPRI ports on an MRFUe

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

MRFUe 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star or dual-star N/A

Antenna Capability
The following table provides the antenna capability of an MRFUe.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-113 Antenna capability of an MRFUe

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

MRFUe Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.10 CRFUd Technical Specifications

An CDMA & LTE radio frequency unit type D (CRFUd) works in frequency division duplex
(FDD) mode.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an CRFUd.

Table 10-114 Modes and frequency bands supported by an CRFUd

Type Mode Frequency Receive Transmit

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

CRFUd LTE AWS (band 4) 1710 to 1755 2110 to 2155

RF Specifications
Table 10-115 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an CRFUd.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-115 RF specifications of an CRFUd

Type Trans Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

mit (dBm) Power Consumpt
and ion
Recei 1T1R 1T2R

CRF 2T2R Two carriers. -106.5 -109.3 The CRFUd Power

Ud The bandwidth supports the consumpti
per carrier is maximum on
1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, power (CRFUd
or 20 MHz; the configurati operating
total bandwidth on 2 x 60 W. in AWS
between the For typical frequency
maximum configurati band
frequency and ons, see the configured
the minimum Output )
frequency of power for
the spectrums the CRFUd
for two carriers (LTE,
does not exceed AWS)
45 MHz. table.

Table 10-116 Output power for the CRFUd (LTE, AWS)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


LTE 1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

1 (MIMO) 2 x 60

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

2 (MIMO) l carrier 1: 2 x 20
l carrier 2: 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) l carrier 1: 2 x 15
l carrier 2: 2 x 45

2 (MIMO) l carrier 1: 2 x 12
l carrier 2: 2 x 48

2 (MIMO) l carrier 1: 2 x 24
l carrier 2: 2 x 36

2 (MIMO) l carrier 1: 2 x 26
l carrier 2: 2 x 34

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-117 Power consumption (CRFUd configured)

Cabinet Configuratio Output Typical Maximum Power

n Power of Power Consumption (W)
Each Carrier Consumptio
(W) n (W)

BTS3900 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1190 1595

(Ver.C) (-48V)

BTS3900L 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1220 1625

(Ver.C) (-48V)

BTS3900A 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1220 1625

(Ver.C) (-48V)

BTS3900AL 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1235 1640

(Ver.A) (-48V)

Engineering Specifications
The following table describes the equipment specifications of the CRFUd.

Table 10-118 Equipment specifications of an CRFUd

Type Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

CRFUd 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with 12

the panel)

Table 10-119 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an CRFUd.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-119 Surge protection specifications of ports on an CRFUd

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 320

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Monitoring Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

port to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an CRFUd.

Table 10-120 Specifications of CPRI ports on an CRFUd

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

CRFUd 2 1.25, 2.5, or 4.9 Star N/A

Antenna Capability
The following table provides antenna capability of an CRFUd.

Table 10-121 Antenna capability of an CRFUd

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

CRFUd Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.11 LRFU Technical Specifications

An LTE radio frequency unit (LRFU) works in frequency division duplex (FDD) mode.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an LRFU.

Table 10-122 Modes and frequency bands supported by an LRFU

Type Mode Frequency Receive Transmit

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

LRFU LTE 2600 (band 7) Band C: 2500 to Band C: 2620 to

2520 2640

Band D: 2510 to Band D: 2630 to

2560 2680

Band E: 2550 to Band E: 2670 to

2570 2690

RF Specifications
Table 10-123 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an LRFU.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-123 RF specifications of an LRFU

Typ Trans Capacity Receiver Output Power

e mit Sensitivity Power Consumpti
and (dBm) on
e 1T1R 1T2R

LRF 2T2R One carrier with a -105.8 -108.6 The LRFU Power
U bandwidth of 5, supports the consumption
10, 15, or 20 maximum (LRFU
MHz. power operating in
configuration 2600 MHz
2 x 40 W. frequency

Table 10-124 Power consumption (LRFU configured)

Cabinet Configuratio Output Typical Maximum Power

n Power of Power Consumption (W)
Each Carrier Consumptio
(W) n (W)

BTS3900 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 875 1151

(Ver.C) (-48V)

BTS3900L 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 897 1174

(Ver.C) (-48V)

BTS3900A 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 875 1151

(Ver.C) (-48V)

BTS3900AL 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 928 1204

(Ver.A) (-48V)

Engineering Specifications
The following table describes the equipment specifications of the LRFU.

Table 10-125 Equipment specifications of an LRFU

Type Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

LRFU 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with 12

the panel)

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-126 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an LRFU.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-126 Surge protection specifications of ports on an LRFU

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Monitoring Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

port to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an LRFU.

Table 10-127 Specifications of CPRI ports on an LRFU

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

LRFU 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star N/A

Antenna Capability
The following table provides antenna capability of an LRFU.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-128 Antenna capability of an LRFU

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

LRFU Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.2.12 LRFUe Technical Specifications

An LTE radio frequency unit type E (LRFUe) works in frequency division duplex (FDD) mode.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an LRFUe.

Table 10-129 Modes and frequency bands supported by an LRFUe

Type Mode Frequency Receive Transmit

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

LRFUe LTE DD 800 (band 20) 832 to 862 791 to 821

RF Specifications
Table 10-130 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an LRFUe.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-130 RF specifications of an LRFUe

Type Tra Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

nsm (dBm) Power Consumpt
it ion
and 1T1R 1T2R

LRF 2T2 Two carriers. -106.3 -109.1 The LRFUe Power

Ue R The bandwidth supports the consumpti
per carrier is 5, maximum on (LRFUe
10, 15, or 20 power operating
MHz; the total configurati in DD 800
bandwidth on 2 x 60 MHz
between the W. For frequency
maximum typical band
frequency and configurati configured
the minimum ons, see the )
frequency of the Output
spectrums for power for
two carriers does the LRFUe
not exceed 30 (LTE, DD
MHz. 800MHz)

Table 10-131 Output power for the LRFUe (LTE, DD 800 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


LTE 1 (MIMO) 2 x 20

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

1 (MIMO) 2 x 60

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-132 Power consumption (LRFUe configured)

Cabinet Configuratio Output Typical Maximum Power

n Power of Power Consumption (W)
Each Carrier Consumptio
(W) n (W)

BTS3900 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1117 1483

(Ver.C) (-48V)

BTS3900L 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1147 1513

(Ver.C) (-48V)

BTS3900A 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1147 1513

(Ver.C) (-48V)

BTS3900AL 3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1162 1528

(Ver.A) (-48V)

Engineering Specifications
The following table describes the equipment specifications of the LRFUe.

Table 10-133 Equipment specifications of an LRFUe

Type Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

LRFUe 9 U x 14 HP x 308.5 mm (with 12

the panel)

Table 10-134 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an LRFUe.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-134 Surge protection specifications of ports on an LRFUe

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 327

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Monitoring Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

port to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an LRFUe.

Table 10-135 Specifications of CPRI ports on an LRFUe

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels

LRFUe 2 1.25, 2.5, or 4.9 Star N/A

Antenna Capability
The following table provides antenna capability of an LRFUe.

Table 10-136 Antenna capability of an LRFUe

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

LRFUe Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs

This section provides technical specifications of RRUs, including supported modes, frequency
bands, RF specifications, engineering specifications, and antenna capabilities.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 328

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

10.3.1 RRU3004 Technical Specifications

The RRU3004 is a double-transceiver Remote Radio Unit, which supports a maximum of two

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3004.

Table 10-137 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3004

Type Mode Frequency Band RX Frequency TX Frequency

(MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3004 GSM 900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960

900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960

1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880

RF Specifications
Table 10-138 lists RF specifications of an RRU3004.


ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B receive

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 329

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-138 RF specifications of an RRU3004

Type RX and Capaci Receiver Sensitivity Output Power Power

TX ty (dBm) Consum
Chann ption
els Receiver Receiver
Sensitivity Sensitivity
with One with Two
Antenna Antennas

RRU30 2T2R 2 TRXs -113.0 -115.8 l RRU3004 l DBS3

04 (900 MHz) 900
output powe
power r
l RRU3004 consu
(1800 MHz) mptio
output n
power (RRU
in 900
l DBS3

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


Two RRU3004 modules are required when three or four carriers are configured.

Table 10-139 RRU3004 (900 MHz) output power

Number of Carriers BCCH Carrier Output Power

1 30 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)

2 30 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)

3 15 W (GMSK)/10 W (8PSK)

4 15 W (GMSK)/10 W (8PSK)

1 (PBT) 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK)

Table 10-140 RRU3004 (1800 MHz) output power

Number of Carriers BCCH Carrier Output Power

1 20 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK)

2 20 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK)

3 10 W (GMSK)/6.6 W (8PSK)

4 10 W (GMSK)/6.6 W (8PSK)

1 (PBT) 30 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l The typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%.
l TOC refers to the cabinet-top power of base stations for which duplex ports are configured.
l The following tables use the power consumption of DBS3900 -48 V DC as an example.

Table 10-141 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3004 operating in 900 MHz frequency band

Configuration Typical Power Consumption Maximum Power

(W) Consumption (W)

S2/2/2, TOC = 30 W 480 700

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-142 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3004 operating in 1800 MHz frequency band

Configuration Typical Power Consumption Maximum Power

(W) Consumption (W)

S2/2/2, TOC = 20 W 480 720

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists equipment specifications of an RRU3004.

Table 10-143 Equipment specifications of an RRU3004

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight (kg)

Specifications W x D)

RRU3004 -48 V DC, voltage l 485 mm x 380 l 17 (with the

range: -57 V DC to mm x 130 mm housing)
-36 V DC (with the housing) l 15 (without the
l 480 mm x 356 housing)
mm x 100 mm
(without the

The following table lists environmental specifications of an RRU3004.

Table 10-144 Environmental specifications of an RRU3004

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3004 l Without 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l With solar
-40C to

The following table lists compliance standards of an RRU3004.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-145 Compliance standards of an RRU3004

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3004 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-146 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3004.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-146 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3004

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


DC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

AC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to scenarios mode
GRFUs are Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)
installed mode
indoors Surge Differential 5 kA
current mode

Common 5 kA

Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to scenarios mode

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 333

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


GRFUs are Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

installed mode
Surge Differential 40 kA
current mode

Common 40 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 250 A

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 250 A

Port on a Applicable Surge 250 A

local power to the
monitoring scenario
device and where
an alarm port batteries
and RRUs
are installed
back to
back or the
where the
them is
within 1 m.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3004.

Table 10-147 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3004

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3004 2 1.25 Star, chain, 6 40

or ring

Antenna Capability
The following table lists antenna capability of an RRU3004.

Table 10-148 Antenna capability of an RRU3004

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3004 Not supported AISG1.1


l An external bridge tap (BT) is required if an RRU3004 needs to be configured with a tower-mounted
amplifier (TMA).
l For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.2 RRU3008 Technical Specifications

The RRU3008 is a multi-carrier Remote Radio Unit (RRU) applicable to the GSM network,
which supports a maximum of eight carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3008.

Table 10-149 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3008

Type Mode Frequency Band RX Frequency TX Frequency

(MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3008 GSM 850 824 to 849 869 to 894

900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960

880 to 905 925 to 950

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Mode Frequency Band RX Frequency TX Frequency

(MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960

900 CMCC 885 to 910 930 to 955

1800 1710 to 1755 1805 to 1850

1740 to 1785 1835 to 1880

1900 1850 to 1890 1930 to 1970

1870 to 1910 1950 to 1990

RRU3008 GSM 900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960

900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960

900 CMCC 885 to 910 930 to 955

RF Specifications
Table 10-150 lists RF specifications of an RRU3008.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-150 RF specifications of an RRU3008

Type RX and Capaci Receiver Sensitivity Output Power Power

TX ty (dBm) Consum
Chann ption
els Receiver Receiver
Sensitivity Sensitivity
with One with Two
Antenna Antennas

RRU30 2T2R 8 TRXs -113.0 -115.8 The RRU3008 l DBS3

08 V1 V1 supports the 900
maximum powe
power r
configuration 2 consu
x 40 W. For mptio
typical n
configurations, (RRU
see the 3008
tableRRU3008 V1
V1 opera
(900/850/1800/ ting
1900 MHz) in
output power. 900/1
l DBS3

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 337

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type RX and Capaci Receiver Sensitivity Output Power Power

TX ty (dBm) Consum
Chann ption
els Receiver Receiver
Sensitivity Sensitivity
with One with Two
Antenna Antennas


RRU30 2T2R 8 TRXs l 900 MHz l 900 MHz The RRU3008 DBS3900
08 V2 EGSM: EGSM: V2 supports the power
-113.3 -116.1 maximum consump
l 900 MHz l 900 MHz power tion
PGSM/ PGSM/ configuration 2 (RRU30
900 MHz 900 MHz x 40 W. For 08 V2
CMCC: CMCC: typical operatin
-113.5 -116.3 configurations, g in 900
see the MHz
tableRRU3008 frequenc
V2 (900 MHz) y band
output power. configur

Table 10-151 RRU3008 V1 (900/850/1800/1900 MHz) output power

of BCCH Carrier Output Power BCCH Carrier Output Power
Carriers (Power Sharing Disabled) (Power Sharing Enabled)

1 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK) 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK)

2 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK) 40 W (GMSK)/26 W (8PSK)

3 20 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK) 20 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK)

4 15 W (GMSK)/10 W (8PSK) 20 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK)

5 12 W (GMSK)/8.0 W (8PSK) 12 W (GMSK)/8.0 W (8PSK)

6 10 W (GMSK)/6.6 W (8PSK) 12 W (GMSK)/8.0 W (8PSK)

7 7.0 W (GMSK)/4.6 W (8PSK) 8.0 W (GMSK)/5.3 W (8PSK)

8 5.5 W (GMSK)/3.6 W (8PSK) 7.0 W (GMSK)/4.6 W (8PSK)

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


RRU3008 V2 (GSM, 900MHz):

l After design optimization, the 8 phase shift keying (8PSK) and Gaussian minimum shift-frequency
keying (GMSK) modulation schemes enable the same output power for each carrier on the RRU3008
V2 when any of the S1 through S6 configurations is used.
l When the S7 or S8 configurations is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced
EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes
cannot enable the same output power for each carrier on the RRU3008 V2.
l RF standard: EN 301 502 V9.2.1.

Table 10-152 RRU3008 V2 (900 MHz) output power

of BCCH Carrier Output Power BCCH Carrier Output Power
Carriers (Power Sharing Disabled) (Power Sharing Enabled)

1 40 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK) 40 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK)

2 40 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK) 40 W (GMSK)/40 W (8PSK)

3 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK) 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)

4 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK) 20 W (GMSK)/20 W (8PSK)

5 13 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK) 15 W (GMSK)/15 W (8PSK)

6 13 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK) 15 W (GMSK)/15 W (8PSK)

7 10 W (GMSK)/10 W (8PSK) 13 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK)

8 10 W (GMSK)/10 W (8PSK) 13 W (GMSK)/13 W (8PSK)


l The typical power consumption is measured with a 30% load and power control and DTX are enabled.
The maximum power consumption is reached when the base station works with 100% load.
l TOC refers to the cabinet-top power of base stations for which duplex ports are configured.

Table 10-153 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3008 V1 operating in 900/1800 MHz

frequency band configured)

Configuration Typical Power Consumption Maximum Power

(W) Consumption (W)

S4/4/4, TOC = 20 W 720 1260

S6/6/6, TOC = 12 W 640 1180

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-154 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3008 V1 operating in 850/1900 MHz

frequency band configured)

Configuration Typical Power Consumption Maximum Power

(W) Consumption (W)

S4/4/4, TOC = 20 W 700 1220

S6/6/6, TOC = 12 W 620 1130

Table 10-155 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3008 V2 operating in 900 MHz frequency
band configured)

Configuration Typical Power Consumption Maximum Power

(W) Consumption (W)

S4/4/4, TOC = 20 W 640 1130

S6/6/6, TOC = 15 W 630 1270

Engineering Specifications
Table 10-156 lists equipment specifications of an RRU3008.

Table 10-156 Equipment specifications

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight (kg)

Specifications W x D)

RRU3008 -48 V DC, voltage l 485 mm x 380 l 25 (with the

range: -57 V DC to mm x 170 mm housing)
-36 V DC (with the housing) l 23 (without the
l 480 mm x 356 housing)
mm x 140 mm
(without the

The following table lists environmental specifications of an RRU3008.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-157 Environmental specifications of an RRU3008

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3008 V1 l Without 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l With solar
-40C to

RRU3008 V2 l Without
-40C to
l With solar
-40C to

The following table lists compliance standards of an RRU3008.

Table 10-158 Compliance standards of an RRU3008

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3008 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-159 and Table 10-160 list the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3008.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-159 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3008 V1

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


DC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

AC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to scenarios mode
GRFUs are Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)
installed mode
indoors Surge Differential 5 kA
current mode

Common 5 kA

Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to the mode
where Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)
RRU3008 mode
V2 modules Surge Differential 40 kA
are current mode
remotely or Common 40 kA
placed mode

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 342

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 250 A

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 250 A

Port on a Applicable Surge 250 A

local power to the
monitoring scenario
device and where
an alarm port batteries
and RRUs
are installed
back to
back or the
where the
them is
within 1 m.

Table 10-160 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3008 V2

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


DC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

AC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to scenarios mode
GRFUs are Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


installed Surge Differential 5 kA

indoors current mode

Common 5 kA

Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to scenarios mode
GRFUs are Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)
installed mode
outdoors Surge Differential 40 kA
current mode

Common 40 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Port on a Applicable Surge 250 A

local power to the
monitoring scenario
device and where
an alarm port batteries
and RRUs
are installed
back to
back or the
where the
them is
within 1 m.

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3008.

Table 10-161 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3008

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3008 2 l 850 Star, chain, 6 40

V1 MHz/ or ring
l 1800
1.25 or

RRU3008 2 1.25 or 2.5


Antenna Capability
The following table lists antenna capability of an RRU3008.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 345

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-162 Antenna capability of an RRU3008

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3008 V1 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

RRU3008 V2 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.3 RRU3804 Technical Specifications

An RRU3804, which is a remote radio unit for UMTS, supports a maximum of four carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3804.

Table 10-163 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3804

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3804 (DC) UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

1900 1850 to 1910 1930 to 1990

AWS 1710 to 1755 2110 to 2155

850 824 to 849 869 to 894

835 to 849 880 to 894

RRU3804 (AC) 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

850 824 to 849 869 to 894

RF Specifications
Table 10-164 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3804.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels
and B receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit
channels and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band
at the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not
exceed 0.001.
l The receiver sensitivity on the UMTS 850 MHz frequency band is measured on its frequency sub-
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output
power is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 347

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-164 RRU3804 RF specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensiti
vity ity with vity
with Two with
One Antenn Four
Antenn as Antenn
a as

RRU380 1T2R 4 carriers l 2100 l 2100 l 2100 The l DBS

4 MHz MHz MHz RRU380 3900
or or or 4 powe
AWS AWS AWS supports r
: : : the cons
-125. -128. -131. maximu umpt
8 6 3 m power ion
l 1900 l 1900 l 1900 configur (RR
MHz MHz: MHz: ation 1 x U380
: -128. -130. 60 W. 4
-125. 1 8 For (DC)
3 typical confi
l 850 l 850 configur gure
l 850 MHz: MHz: ations, d)
MHz -128. -131. see the
: 4 1 l DBS
Output 3900
-125. power
6 powe
for the r
RRU380 cons
4 umpt
(UMTS, ion
850 (RR
MHz/ U380
AWS/ 4
1900 (AC)
MHz/ oper
2100 ating
MHz) in the
table. 2100

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensiti
vity ity with vity
with Two with
One Antenn Four
Antenn as Antenn
a as

in the
l BTS3

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 349

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-165 Output power for the RRU3804 (UMTS, 850 MHz/AWS/1900 MHz/2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


UMTS 1 60

2 30

3 20

4 15

In the Table 10-166, Table 10-167, and Table 10-168:
l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 4 configuration, antenna port output power per carrier is 15 W in the calculation of typical and
maximum power consumption values.

Table 10-166 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3804 (DC) configured)

Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup Duration

ation Power Power m Power Estimated Based on Typical
(Sector x per Consum Consum Power Consumption of New
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Batteries (Hours)
24 Ah 50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 20 390 480 2.4 5.7 11.3

3x2 20 480 650 1.7 4.3 9.0

3x3 20 630 860 1.2 3.1 6.7

3x4 15 630 860 1.2 3.1 6.7

Table 10-167 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3804 (AC) operating in the 2100 MHz
frequency band configured)

Configuration Output Power per Typical Power Maximum Power

(Sector x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3x1 20 435 540

3x2 20 555 740

3x3 20 720 980

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 350

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Configuration Output Power per Typical Power Maximum Power

(Sector x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3x4 15 720 980

Table 10-168 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3804 (AC) operating in the 850 MHz
frequency band configured)

Configuration Output Power per Typical Power Maximum Power

(Sector x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3x1 20 450 560

3x2 20 575 780

3x3 20 750 1030

3x4 15 750 1030


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l One WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-169 BTS3900C power consumption (RRU3804 (DC) configured)

Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup Duration

ation Power Power m Power Estimated Based on Typical
(Sector x per Consum Consum Power Consumption of New
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Batteries (Hours)
24 Ah 50 Ah 92 Ah

1x1 20 190 240 5.5 12.6 23.2

1x2 20 220 290 4.5 10.9 20.0

1x3 20 260 350 3.8 9.0 16.9

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3804.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 351

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-170 Equipment specifications of an RRU3804

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3804 (DC) -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 l 15 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm x 140 mm housing)
-36 V DC (without the l 17 kg (with the
housing) housing)
l 485 mm x 285
mm x 170 mm
(with the

RRU3804 (AC) l 200 V AC to 240 l 480 mm x 270 l 20.5 kg (without

V AC single- mm x 220 mm the housing)
phase; voltage (without the l 22.5 kg (with the
range: 176 V AC housing) housing)
to 290 V AC l 485 mm x 285
l 100/200 V AC to mm x 250 mm
120/240 V AC (with the
dual-phase; housing)
voltage range:
90/180 V AC to
135/270 V AC

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3804.

Table 10-171 Environmental specifications of an RRU3804

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3804 (DC) l With 1120 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

W/m2 solar RH m3 kPa
RRU3804 (AC)
-40C to
l Without
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3804.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 352

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-172 Compliance standards for an RRU3804

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3804 (DC) l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

RRU3804 (AC) IP55
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-173 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3804.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-173 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3804

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


DC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

AC power Indoor Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port applications mode

Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 5 kA
current mode

Common 5 kA

Outdoor Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

applications mode

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 353

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 40 kA
current mode

Common 40 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3804.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 354

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-174 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3804

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3804 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the 40

or ring rate at the
port is
Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3804.

Table 10-175 Antenna capability of an RRU3804

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3804 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.4 RRU3805 Technical Specifications

An RRU3805, which is a remote radio unit for UMTS, supports a maximum of three carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3805.

Table 10-176 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3805

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3805 UMTS 1800 1749.9 to 1844.9 to 1859.9


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 355

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

1900 1850 to 1890 1930 to 1970

1870 to 1910 1950 to 1990

850 835 to 849 880 to 894

RF Specifications
Table 10-177 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3805.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 356

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-177 RF Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consum
Channe Receive Receive Receive ption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensiti
vity ity with vity
with Two with
One Antenn Four
Antenn as Antenn
a as

RRU380 2T2R l 1800 l 1800 l 1800 l 1800 The l DBS3

5 MHz: MHz MHz: MHz: RRU380 900
3 : -128. -130. 5 powe
carrie -125. 1 8 supports r
rs 3 l 850 l 850 configur consu
l 850 l 850 MHz/ MHz/ ations of mptio
MHz/ MHz 1900 1900 single- n
1900 / MHz: MHz: output, (1800
MHz: 1900 -128. -130. multiple MHz
2 MHz 0 7 -input RRU
carrie : multiple 3805
rs -125. -output witho
2 (MIMO) ut
, or the MIM
combina O)
tion of l DBS3
the two. 900
l 1800 powe
MHz r
: consu
supp mptio
orts n
the (1800
maxi MHz
mum RRU
powe 3805
r with
confi MIM
gurat O)
ion is l DBS3
2x 900
60 powe
W. r
For consu
typic mptio
al n
confi (1900
gurat MHz/

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 357

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consum
Channe Receive Receive Receive ption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensiti
vity ity with vity
with Two with
One Antenn Four
Antenn as Antenn
a as

ions, 850
see MHz
the RRU
table 3805
Outp witho
ut ut
powe MIM
r for O)
the l DBS3
RRU 900
3805 powe
(UM r
TS, consu
1800 mptio
MHz n
). (1900
l 1900 MHz/
MHz 850
/850 MHz
: 3805
supp with
orts MIM
the O)
ion 2
x 30

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 358

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consum
Channe Receive Receive Receive ption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensiti
vity ity with vity
with Two with
One Antenn Four
Antenn as Antenn
a as

r for

Table 10-178 Output power for the RRU3805 (UMTS, 1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


UMTS 1 60

2 l Configured in one PA: 30

l Configured in two PAs:

3 l Configured in one PA: 20

l Configured in two PAs:
30 + 60

1 (MIMO) 2 x 60

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

3 (MIMO) 2 x 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 359

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-179 Output power for the RRU3805 (UMTS, 850 MHz/1900 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


UMTS 1 40

2 Configured in two PAs: 30

1 (MIMO) 2 x 30

2 (MIMO) 2 x 15

Table 10-180 DBS3900 power consumption (1800 MHz RRU3805 without MIMO)

Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power Backup Duration

(Sector x Consumption Power Estimated Based on Typical
Carrier) (W) Consumption Power Consumption of New
(W) Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 540 630 3.3 6

3x2 805 1045 2 3.6

3x3 1000 1300 1.6 2.9

Table 10-181 DBS3900 power consumption (1800 MHz RRU3805 with MIMO)

Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power Backup Duration

(Sector x Consumption Power Estimated Based on Typical
Carrier) (W) Consumption Power Consumption of New
(W) Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 735 975 2.1 3.9

3x2 1045 1405 1.5 2.7

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 360

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-182 DBS3900 power consumption (1900 MHz/850 MHz RRU3805 without MIMO)

Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power Backup Duration

(Sector x Consumption Power Estimated Based on Typical
Carrier) (W) Consumption Power Consumption of New
(W) Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 540 615 3.3 6.1

3x2 835 985 2.1 3.8

Table 10-183 DBS3900 power consumption (1900 MHz/850 MHz RRU3805 with MIMO)

Configuration Typical Power Maximum Power Backup Duration

(Sector x Consumption Power Estimated Based on Typical
Carrier) (W) Consumption Power Consumption of New
(W) Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 540 615 3.3 6.1

3x2 835 985 2.1 3.8

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3805.

Table 10-184 Equipment specifications of an RRU3805

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3805 l 1800 MHz: -48 V l 485 mm x 356 l 22 kg (without the

DC; voltage mm x 140 mm housing)
range: -57 V DC (without the l 24 kg (with the
to -36 V DC housing) housing)
l 1900 MHz or 850 l 485 mm x 380
MHz: -48 V DC; mm x 170 mm
voltage range: -57 (with the
V DC to -38.4 V housing)

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3805.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 361

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-185 Environmental specifications of an RRU3805

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3805 l With 1120 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

W/m2 solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l Without
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3805.

Table 10-186 Compliance standards for an RRU3805

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3805 l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Surge Protection Specifications

Table 10-187 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3805.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 362

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-187 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3805

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3805.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 363

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-188 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3805

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3805 2 l 850/1900 Star, chain, l When the 40

MHz: or ring rate at the
1.25 CPRI
l 1800 port is
MHz: 1.25
1.25/2.5 Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3805.

Table 10-189 Antenna capability of an RRU3805

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3805 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.5 RRU3806 Technical Specifications

An RRU3806, which is a remote radio unit for UMTS, supports a maximum of four carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3806.

Table 10-190 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3806

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3806 UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 364

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

RF Specifications
Table 10-191 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3806.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 365

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-191 RRU3806 RF specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensiti
vity ity with vity
with Two with
One Antenn Four
Antenn as Antenn
a as

RRU380 1T2R 4 carriers -125.8 -128.6 -131.3 The l DBS

6 RRU380 3900
6 powe
supports r
the cons
maximu umpt
m power ion
configur (RR
ation 1 x U380
80 W. 6
For (DC)
typical confi
configur gure
ations, d)
see the l DBS
Output 3900
power powe
for the r
RRU380 cons
6 umpt
(UMTS, ion
2100 (RR
MHz) U380
table. 6
l BTS3

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 366

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensiti
vity ity with vity
with Two with
One Antenn Four
Antenn as Antenn
a as


Table 10-192 Output power for the RRU3806 (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


UMTS 1 80

2 40

3 26

4 20


In the Table 10-193 and Table 10-194:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 367

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-193 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3806 (DC) configured)

Configurat Output Typical Maximum Power Backup Duration

ion (Sector Power per Power Power Estimated Based on
x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumpti Consumpti Typical Power
on (W) on (W) Consumption of New
Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 20 400 480 5.5 11

3x2 20 490 650 4.2 8.8

3x3 20 630 860 3.16 6.6

3x4 20 710 1030 2.8 5.7

Table 10-194 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3806 (AC) configured)

Configuration Output Power per Typical Power Maximum Power

(Sector x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3x1 20 435 540

3x2 20 555 740

3x3 20 690 950

3x4 20 780 1130


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l One WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-195 BTS3900C power consumption (RRU3806 (DC) configured)

Configurat Output Typical Maximum Power Backup Duration

ion (Sector Power per Power Power Estimated Based on
x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumpti Consumpti Typical Power
on (W) on (W) Consumption of New
Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

1x1 20 190 240 12.6 23.2

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 368

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Configurat Output Typical Maximum Power Backup Duration

ion (Sector Power per Power Power Estimated Based on
x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumpti Consumpti Typical Power
on (W) on (W) Consumption of New
Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

1x2 20 220 290 10.9 20.0

1x3 20 260 350 9.0 16.9

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3806.

Table 10-196 Equipment specifications of an RRU3806

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3806 (DC) -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 l 15 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm x 140 mm housing)
-36 V DC (without the l 17 kg (with the
housing) housing)
l 485 mm x 285
mm x 170 mm
(with the

RRU3806 (AC) l 200 V AC to 240 l 480 mm x 270 l 20.5 kg (without

V AC single- mm x 220 mm the housing)
phase; voltage (without the l 22.5 kg (with the
range: 176 V AC housing) housing)
to 290 V AC l 485 mm x 285
l 100/200 V AC to mm x 250 mm
120/240 V AC (with the
dual-phase; housing)
voltage range:
90/180 V AC to
135/270 V AC

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3806.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 369

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-197 Environmental specifications of an RRU3806

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3806 (DC) l With 1120 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

W/m2 solar RH m3 kPa
RRU3806 (AC)
-40C to
l Without
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3806.

Table 10-198 Compliance standards for an RRU3806

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3806 (DC) l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

RRU3806 (AC) IP55
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-199 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3806.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-199 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3806

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


DC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 370

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

AC power Indoor Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port applications mode

Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 5 kA
current mode

Common 5 kA

Outdoor Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

applications mode

Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 40 kA
current mode

Common 40 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 371

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3806.

Table 10-200 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3806

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3806 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the 40

or ring rate at the
port is
Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3806.

Table 10-201 Antenna capability of an RRU3806

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3806 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 372

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.6 RRU3808 Technical Specifications

The RRU3808 is a type of radio remote unit. An RRU3808 working in UMTS mode supports a
maximum of four UMTS carriers. If it works in LTE mode, it supports only one LTE carrier.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3808.

Table 10-202 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3808

Type Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency Mode

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3808 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170 UMTS

AWS 1710 to 1755 2110 to 2155 UMTS and LTE

RF Specifications
Table 10-203 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3808.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 373

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-203 RF Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


8 4 carriers -125.8 -128.6 -131.3 maximu l DBS
LTE: 1 LTE: LTE: LTE: m power 3900
carrier -106.5 -109.3 -112.0 configur powe
with a ation is 2 r
bandwid x 40 W. cons
th of: l UMT umpt
l 1.4, S: ion
3, 5, supp (2100
10, orts MHz
15, or confi UMT
20 gurati S
MHz ons of RRU
on singl 3808
the e- with
AWS outpu out
band t, MIM
multi O)
l 5, 10, ple-
15, or l DBS
20 3900
MHz powe
on r
the cons
2100 umpt
MHz ion
band (2100
or the
n of
powe l DBS
r 3900
confi powe

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 374

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

gurati cons
ons. umpt
F ion
or (AW
ty S
pi UMT
ca S
co 3808
nf with
ig out
ur MIM
ati O)
on l DBS
s 3900
in powe
si r
ng cons
le umpt
- ion
ou (AW
tp S
ut UMT
or S
I 3808
M with
sc O)
en LTE:
ar DBS390
io 0 power
s, consum
se ption
e (AWS
th LTE
e RRU380
ta 8)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 375

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 376

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 377

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 378

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 379

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 380

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

l LTE:
on 2 x
40 W.

Table 10-204 Output power for the RRU3808 (UMTS, AWS/2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of UMTS Output Power per UMTS

Carriers Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 40

2 l Configured in one PA: 20

l Configured in two PAs:

3 13

4 l Configured in one PA: 10

l Configured in two PAs:

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 381

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Total Number of UMTS Output Power per UMTS

Carriers Carrier (W)

2 (MIMO) 2 x 20

3 (MIMO) 2 x 13

4 (MIMO) 2 x 10

Table 10-205 Carrier combinations supported by RRU3808 (UMTS) in hybrid configurations

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

1 3

2 3

3 1


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-206 DBS3900 power consumption (2100 MHz UMTS RRU3808 without MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x1 20 410 490 5.2 10.7

3x2 20 510 640 4 8.5

3x3 20 740 950 2.6 5.5

3x4 20 800 1060 2.4 4.9

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 382

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 configuration, one WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 2 configuration, two WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 configuration, three WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 4 configuration, four WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-207 DBS3900 power consumption (2100 MHz UMTS RRU3808 with MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x1 2 x 10 460 570 4.5 9.4

3x2 2 x 10 580 730 3.6 7.2

3x3 2 x 10 730 950 2.6 5.6

3x4 2 x 10 800 1060 2.4 4.9


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 383

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-208 DBS3900 power consumption (AWS UMTS RRU3808 without MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x1 20 410 482 5.2 10.8

3x2 20 518 632 4 8.4

3x3 20 721 931 2.7 5.6

3x4 20 835 1051 2.3 4.7


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 configuration, one WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 2 configuration, two WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 configuration, three WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 4 configuration, four WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-209 DBS3900 power consumption (AWS UMTS RRU3808 with MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x1 2 x 10 470 572 4.4 9.2

3x2 2 x 10 628 766 3.2 6.7

3x3 2 x 10 774 975 2.5 5.1

3x4 2 x 10 890 1109 2.1 4.3

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-210 DBS3900 power consumption (AWS LTE RRU3808)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

(Sector x per Carrier Consumption Power
Carrier) (W) (W) Consumption

LTE 3x1 2 x 40 824 1067

Equipment Specifications
Table 10-211 lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3808.

Table 10-211 Equipment specifications of an RRU3808

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3808 -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 l 17 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm x 140 mm housing)
-36 V DC (without the l 19 kg (with the
housing) housing)
l 485 mm x 285
mm x 170 mm
(with the

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3808.

Table 10-212 Environmental specifications of an RRU3808

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3808 l Without 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l With solar
radiatio: -40
C to +50C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3808.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 385

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-213 Compliance standards for an RRU3808

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3808 l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l 3GPP TS 36.141
l 3GPP TS 37.141
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-214 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3808.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-214 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3808

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 386

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3808.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 387

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-215 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3808

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3808 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, UMTS: UMTS: 40

or ring l When the LTE:
rate at the l When the
port is or
1.25 LBBPd1
Gbit/s: 4 is
l When the configure
rate at the d: 20
CPRI l When the
port is 2.5 LBBPd3
Gbit/s: 8 is
LTE: configure
l When the d:
rate at the Cell
CPRI quanti
port is ty
1.25 3: 40
Gbit/s: Cell
Cascadin quanti
g is not ty
supporte 4: 20
l When the
l When the LBBPd2
rate at the is
CPRI configure
port is 2.5 d: 40
rted if
is less

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 388

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

to 5
rted if
is 10
is not
ed if
r than
to 15

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3808.

Table 10-216 Antenna capability of an RRU3808

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3808 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 389

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.7 RRU3824 Technical Specifications

An RRU3824, which is a remote radio unit for UMTS, supports a maximum of four carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3824.

Table 10-217 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3824

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3824 UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

RF Specifications
Table 10-218 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3824.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 390

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-218 RRU3824 RF specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensiti
vity ity with vity
with Two with
One Antenn Four
Antenn as Antenn
a as

RRU382 1T2R 4 carriers -125.8 -128.6 -131.3 The l DBS

4 RRU382 3900
4 powe
supports r
the cons
maximu umpt
m power ion
configur (RR
ation 1 x U382
60 W. 4
For confi
typical gure
configur d)
ations, l BTS3
see the 900C
Output powe
power r
for the cons
RRU382 umpt
4 ion
2100 U382
MHz) 4
table. confi

Table 10-219 Output power for the RRU3824 (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


UMTS 1 60

2 30

3 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 391

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


4 15


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 4 configuration, antenna port output power per carrier is 15 W in the calculation of typical and
maximum power consumption values.

Table 10-220 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3824 configured)

Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup Duration

ation Power Power m Power Estimated Based on Typical
(Sector x per Consum Consum Power Consumption of New
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Batteries (Hours)
24 Ah 50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 20 390 480 2.4 5.7 11.3

3x2 20 480 650 1.7 4.3 9.0

3x3 20 630 860 1.2 3.1 6.7

3x4 15 630 860 1.2 3.1 6.7


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l One WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 392

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-221 BTS3900C power consumption (RRU3824 configured)

Configu Output Typical Maximu Power Backup Duration Estimated

ration Power Power m Power Based on Typical Power
(Sector x per Consum Consum Consumption of New Batteries
Carrier) Carrier ption ption (Hours)
(W) (W) (W)
24 Ah 50 Ah 92 Ah

1x1 20 190 240 5.5 12.6 23.2

1x2 20 220 290 4.5 10.9 20.0

1x3 20 260 350 3.8 9.0 16.9

Engineering Specifications
The Table 10-222 lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3824.


RRU3824 does not have the housing by default.

Table 10-222 Equipment specifications of an RRU3824

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3824 -48 V DC; voltage 400 mm x 300 mm x 14 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to 100 mm (without the housing)
-36 V DC housing)
The RRU3824
supports AC
applications after
being configured with
an AC/DC power
module. For details,
see the AC/DC Power
Module User Guide.

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3824.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 393

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-223 Environmental specifications of an RRU3824

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3824 l With 1120 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

W/m2 solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l Without
radiatio: -40
C to +55C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3824.

Table 10-224 Compliance standards for an RRU3824

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3824 l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-225 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3824.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-225 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3824

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 394

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3824.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 395

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-226 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3824

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3824 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the 40

or ring rate at the
port is
Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3824.

Table 10-227 Antenna capability of an RRU3824

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3824 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.8 RRU3826 Technical Specifications

An RRU3826, which is a remote radio unit for UMTS, supports a maximum of four carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3826.

Table 10-228 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3826

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3826 UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

RF Specifications
Table 10-229 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3826.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 397

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-229 RRU3826 RF specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensiti
vity ity with vity
with Two with
One Antenn Four
Antenn as Antenn
a as

RRU382 1T2R 4 carriers -125.8 -128.6 -131.3 The l DBS

6 RRU382 3900
6 powe
supports r
the cons
maximu umpt
m power ion
configur (RR
ation 1 x U382
80 W. 6
For confi
typical gure
configur d)
ations, l BTS3
see the 900C
Output powe
power r
for the cons
RRU382 umpt
6 ion
2100 U382
MHz) 6
table. confi

Table 10-230 Output power for the RRU3826 (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


UMTS 1 80

2 40

3 26

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 398

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


4 20


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPb4 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-231 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3826 configured)

Configurat Output Typical Maximum Power Backup Duration

ion (Sector Power per Power Power Estimated Based on
x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumpti Consumpti Typical Power
on (W) on (W) Consumption of New
Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 20 400 480 5.5 11

3x2 20 490 650 4.2 8.8

3x3 20 630 860 3.16 6.6

3x4 20 710 1030 2.8 5.7


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l One WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 399

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-232 BTS3900C power consumption (RRU3826 configured)

Configurat Output Typical Maximum Power Backup Duration

ion (Sector Power per Power Power Estimated Based on
x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumpti Consumpti Typical Power
on (W) on (W) Consumption of New
Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

1x1 20 190 240 12.6 23.2

1x2 20 220 290 10.9 20.0

1x3 20 260 350 9.0 16.9

Engineering Specifications
The Table 10-233 lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3826.


RRU3826 does not have the housing by default.

Table 10-233 Equipment specifications of an RRU3826

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3826 -48 V DC; voltage 400 mm x 300 mm x 14 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to 100 mm (without the housing)
-36 V DC housing)
The RRU3826
supports AC
applications after
being configured with
an AC/DC power
module. For details,
see the AC/DC Power
Module User Guide.

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3826.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 400

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-234 Environmental specifications of an RRU3826

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3826 l With 1120 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

W/m2 solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l Without
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3826.

Table 10-235 Compliance standards for an RRU3826

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3826 l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-236 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3826.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-236 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3826

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 401

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3826.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 402

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-237 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3826

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3826 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the 40

or ring rate at the
port is
Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3826.

Table 10-238 Antenna capability of an RRU3826

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3826 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.9 RRU3828 Technical Specifications

An RRU3828, which is a remote radio unit for UMTS, supports a maximum of six carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3828.

Table 10-239 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3828

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3828 UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 403

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

RF Specifications
Table 10-240 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3828.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 404

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-240 RF Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

RRU382 2T2R l With -126.1 -128.9 -131.6 The l DBS

8 MIM RRU382 3900
O: 4 8 powe
carrie supports r
rs the cons
l With maximu umpt
out m power ion
MIM configur (RR
O: 6 ation 2 x U382
carrie 40 W, 8
rs configur with
ations of out
single- MIM
output, O)
or the 3900
combinat powe
ion of the r
two, and cons
uneven umpt
power ion
configur (RR
ations. U382
l For 8
typic with
al MIM
confi O)
ons in
t or

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 405

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r for
l For
ons in

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 406

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

orts a
of six
orts a
rs and

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 407

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r of
nel is
40 W.

Table 10-241 Output power for the RRU3828 (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 40

2 l Configured in one PA: 20

l Configured in two PAs: 40

3 13

4 l Configured in one PA: 10

l Configured in two PAs: 20

6 Configured in two PAs: 13

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) 2 x 20

3 (MIMO) 2 x 13

4 (MIMO) 2 x 10

Table 10-242 Carrier combinations supported by RRU3828 in hybrid configurations

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

1 5

2 4

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 408

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

3 2


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPd2 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-243 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3828 without MIMO)

Configurat Output Typical Maximum Power Backup Duration

ion (Sector Power per Power Power Estimated Based on
x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumpti Consumpti Typical Power
on (W) on (W) Consumption of New
Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 20 421 493 5.1 10.5

3x2 20 520 658 4 8.3

3x3 20 785 977 2.5 5

3x4 20 854 1109 2.2 4.5


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 configuration, one WBBPd2 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 2 configuration, two WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 configuration, three WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 4 configuration, four WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 409

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-244 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3828 with MIMO)

Configurat Output Typical Maximum Power Backup Duration

ion (Sector Power per Power Power Estimated Based on
x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumpti Consumpti Typical Power
on (W) on (W) Consumption of New
Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 2 x 10 535 604 3.9 8.1

3x2 2 x 10 689 824 2.9 5.9

3x3 2 x 10 864 1053 2.1 4.4

3x4 2 x 10 1011 1266 1.7 3.8

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3828.

Table 10-245 Equipment specifications of an RRU3828

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3828 -48 V DC; voltage l 400 mm x 220 l 14 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm x 140 mm housing)
-36 V DC (without the l 15 kg (with the
NOTE housing) housing)
The RRU3828 l 400 mm x 240
supports AC
mm x 160 mm
applications after
being configured with (with the
an AC/DC power housing)
module. For details,
see the AC/DC Power
Module User Guide.

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3828.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 410

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-246 Environmental specifications of an RRU3828

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3828 l Without 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l With solar
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3828.

Table 10-247 Compliance standards for an RRU3828

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3828 l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-248 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3828.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-248 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3828

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 411

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3828.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 412

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-249 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3828

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3828 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the 40

or ring rate at the
port is
Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3828.

Table 10-250 Antenna capability of an RRU3828

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3828 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.10 RRU3829 Technical Specifications

An RRU3828, which is a remote radio unit for UMTS, supports a maximum of six carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3829.

Table 10-251 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3829

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3829 UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 413

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

RF Specifications
Table 10-252 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3829.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels
and B receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit
channels and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band
at the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not
exceed 0.001.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 414

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-252 RF Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

RRU382 2T2R l With -126.1 -128.9 -131.6 The l DBS

9 MIM RRU382 3900
O: 4 9 powe
carrie supports r
rs the cons
l With maximu umpt
out m power ion
MIM configur (RR
O: 6 ation 2 x U382
carrie 60 W, 9
rs configur with
ations of out
single- MIM
output, O)
or the 3900
combinat powe
ion of the r
two, and cons
uneven umpt
power ion
configur (RR
ations. U382
l For 9
typic with
al MIM
confi O)
ons in
t or

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 415

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r for
l For
ons in

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 416

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

orts a
of six
orts a
rs and

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 417

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r of
nel is
60 W.

Table 10-253 Output power for the RRU3829 (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


UMTS 1 60

2 l Configured in one PA: 30

l Configured in two PAs:

3 20

4 l Configured in one PA: 15

l Configured in two PAs:

6 Configured in two PAs: 20

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

3 (MIMO) 2 x 20

4 (MIMO) 2 x 15

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 418

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-254 Carrier combinations supported by RRU3829 in hybrid configurations

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

1 5

2 4

3 2


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPd2 board and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-255 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3829 without MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x1 20 454 529 4.7 9.5

3x2 20 550 691 3.8 7.9


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 2 configuration, two WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 configuration, three WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 419

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-256 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3829 with MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x2 20 + 20 932 1214 2.0 4.1

3x3 20 + 20 1152 1557 1.5 3.2

Equipment Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3829.

Table 10-257 Equipment specifications of an RRU3829

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3829 -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 l 20 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm x 140 mm housing)
-36 V DC (without the l 22 kg (with the
NOTE housing) housing)
The RRU3829 l 485 mm x 300
supports AC
mm x 170 mm
applications after
being configured with (with the
an AC/DC power housing)
module. For details,
see the AC/DC Power
Module User Guide.

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3829.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 420

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-258 Environmental specifications of an RRU3829

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3829 l Without 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l With solar
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3829.

Table 10-259 Compliance standards for an RRU3829

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3829 l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-260 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3829.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-260 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3829

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 421

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3829.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 422

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-261 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3829

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3829 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the 40

or ring rate at the
port is
Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3829.

Table 10-262 Antenna capability of an RRU3829

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3829 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.11 RRU3832 Technical Specifications

The RRU3832 is a type of radio remote unit. An RRU3832 working in UMTS mode supports a
maximum of six UMTS carriers. If it works in LTE mode, it supports two LTE carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3832.

Table 10-263 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3832

Type Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency Mode

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3832 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170 UMTS

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 423

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency Mode

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

AWS 1710 to 1755 2110 to 2155 UMTS, LTE,

and UL

RF Specifications
Table 10-264 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3832.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 424

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-264 RF Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


2 l With -126.1 -128.9 -131.6 maximu l DBS
MIM LTE: LTE: LTE: m power 3900
O: 4 -106.5 -109.3 -112.0 configur powe
carrie ation is 2 r
rs x 60 W. cons
l UMT umpt
l With
S: ion
supp (2100
orts MHz
O: 6
confi UMT
gurati S
ons of RRU
LTE: 2 singl 3832
carriers. e- with
The outpu out
bandwid t, MIM
th per MIM O)
carrier is O, or
5, 10, 15, l DBS
or 20 3900
MHz. powe
The total r
n of
bandwid cons
th umpt
between ion
the (2100
maximu MHz
frequenc S
y and the RRU
minimu 3832
m with
frequenc MIM
F O)
y of two
carriers LTE:
cannot DBS390
exceed 0 power
60 MHz. consum

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 425

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

ca ption
l (AWS
co LTE
nf RRU383
ig 2)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 426

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 427

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 428

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 429

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 430

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

l LTE:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 431

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r for
l UL:
r for

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 432

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-265 Output power for the RRU3832 (UMTS, AWS/2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of UMTS Output Power per UMTS

Carriers Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 60

2 l Configured in one PA: 30

l Configured in two PAs: 60

3 20

4 l Configured in one PA: 15

l Configured in two PAs: 30

6 Configured in two PAs: 20

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

3 (MIMO) 2 x 20

4 (MIMO) 2 x 15

Table 10-266 Carrier combinations supported by RRU3832 in hybrid configurations

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

1 5

2 4

3 2

Table 10-267 Output power for the RRU3832 (LTE, AWS)

Mode Total Number of LTE Output Power per LTE

Carriers Carrier (W)

LTE 1 (MIMO) 2 x 20

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

1 (MIMO) 2 x 60

2 (MIMO) 2 x 20

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

2 (MIMO) l Carrier1: 2 x 20
l Carrier2: 2 x 40

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 433

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Total Number of LTE Output Power per LTE

Carriers Carrier (W)

2 (MIMO) l Carrier1: 2 x 15
l Carrier2: 2 x 45

Table 10-268 Output power for the RRU3832 (UL, AWS)

Mode Total Number Total Output Power Output Power

of UMTS Number of per UMTS per LTE
Carriers LTE Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

UMTS + LTE 1 (MIMO) 1 (MIMO) 2 x 20 2 x 40

1 (MIMO) 1 (MIMO) 2 x 30 2 x 30

1 (MIMO) 1 (MIMO) 2 x 40 2 x 20

1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

1 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

1 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) Configured in 2 x 40
two PAs: 20

2 1 (MIMO) Configured in 2 x 30
two PAs: 30

2 1 (MIMO) Configured in 2 x 20
two PAs: 40

3 1 (MIMO) Configured in 2 x 20
two PAs: 20

4 1 (MIMO) Configured in 2 x 20
two PAs: 20

1 + 1 (MIMO) 1 (MIMO) Configured in 2 x 20

two PAs: 20


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPd2 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 434

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-269 DBS3900 power consumption (2100 MHz UMTS RRU3832 without MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x1 20 500 560 4.1 8.6

3x2 20 560 695 3.6 7.7

3x3 20 695 860 2.8 5.8

3x4 20 845 1085 2.1 4.4


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 configuration, one WBBPd2 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 2 configuration, two WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 configuration, three WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-270 DBS3900 power consumption (2100 MHz UMTS RRU3832 with MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x1 20 + 20 665 785 3.0 6.1

3x2 20 + 20 845 1070 2.1 4.4

3x3 20 + 20 1040 1370 1.6 3.6

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 435

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-271 DBS3900 power consumption (AWS LTE RRU3832)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

(Sector x per Carrier Consumption Power
Carrier) (W) (W) Consumption

LTE 3x1 2 x 60 1004 1274

Equipment Specifications
Table 10-272 lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3832.


RRU3832 does not have the housing by default.

Table 10-272 Equipment specifications of an RRU3832

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3832 -48 V DC; voltage 400 mm x 300 mm x 14 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to 100 mm (without the housing)
-36 V DC housing)
The RRU3832
supports AC
applications after
being configured with
an AC/DC power
module. For details,
see the AC/DC Power
Module User Guide.

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3832.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 436

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-273 Environmental specifications of an RRU3832

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3832 l Without 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l With solar
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3832.

Table 10-274 Compliance standards for an RRU3832

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3832 l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l 3GPP TS 36.141
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-275 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3832.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-275 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3832

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 437

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3832.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 438

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-276 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3832

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3832 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, UMTS: UMTS: 40

4.9 ring, or dual- l When the LTE:
star rate at the l When the
port is or
1.25 LBBPd1
Gbit/s: 4 is
l When the configure
rate at the d: 20
CPRI l When the
port is 2.5 LBBPd3
Gbit/s or is
4.9 Gbit/ configure
s: 8 d:
LTE: Cell
l When the quanti
rate at the ty
CPRI 3: 40
port is Cell
1.25 quanti
Gbit/s: ty
Cascadin 4: 20
g is not
supporte l When the
d. LBBPd2
l When the configure
rate at the d: 40
port is 2.5 UL: 40
rted if
is less

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 439

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

to 5
rted if
is 10
is not
ed if
r than
to 15
l When the
rate at the
port is 4.9
rted if

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 440

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

is less
to 10
rted if
r than
to 15

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3832.

Table 10-277 Antenna capability of an RRU3832

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3832 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.12 RRU3838 Technical Specifications

The RRU3838 is a type of radio remote unit. An RRU3838 supports a maximum of six UMTS

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 441

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3838.

Table 10-278 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3838

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3838 UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

RF Specifications
Table 10-279 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3838.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, is measured at the antenna connector
on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output power
is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 442

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-279 RF Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

RRU383 2T2R l With -126.1 -128.9 -131.6 The l DBS

8 MIM RRU383 3900
O: 4 8 powe
carrie supports r
rs the cons
l With maximu umpt
out m power ion
MIM configur (UM
O: 6 ation 2 x TS
carrie 40 W, RRU
rs configur 3838
ations of with
single- out
output, MIM
or the l DBS
combinat 3900
ion of the powe
two, and r
uneven cons
power umpt
configur ion
ations. (UM
l For TS
typic RRU
al 3838
confi with
gurati MIM
ons in O)
t or

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 443

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r for
l For
ons in

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 444

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

rts a
of six
rts a
rs and

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 445

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r of
el is
40 W.

Table 10-280 Output power for the RRU3838 (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of UMTS Output Power per UMTS

Carriers Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 40

2 l Configured in one PA: 20

l Configured in two PAs:

3 13

4 l Configured in one PA: 10

l Configured in two PAs:

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) 2 x 20

3 (MIMO) 2 x 13

4 (MIMO) 2 x 10

Table 10-281 Carrier combinations supported by RRU3838 in hybrid configurations

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

1 5

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 446

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

2 4

3 2


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 or 3 x 2 configuration, one WBBPd2 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 configuration, two WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-282 DBS3900 power consumption (UMTS RRU3838 without MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x1 20 420 495 5.0 10.5

3x2 20 515 635 4.0 8.4

3x3 20 710 890 2.8 5.7

3x4 20 770 980 2.4 5.1


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 configuration, one WBBPd2 board and one WMPT board are configured.
l In 3 x 2 configuration, two WBBPd2 boards and one WMPT board are configured.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 447

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-283 DBS3900 power consumption (UMTS RRU3838 with MIMO)

Mode Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup

ation Power Power m Power Duration Estimated
(Sector x per Consum Consum Based on Typical
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Power Consumption
(W) of New Batteries

50 Ah 92 Ah

UMTS 3x1 20 + 20 575 695 3.5 7.3

3x2 20 + 20 770 980 2.4 5.1

Equipment Specifications
Table 10-284 lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3838.


RRU3838 does not have the housing by default.

Table 10-284 Equipment specifications of an RRU3838

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3838 -48 V DC; voltage 400 mm x 300 mm x 14 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to 100 mm (without the housing)
-36 V DC housing)
The RRU3838
supports AC
applications after
being configured with
an AC/DC power
module. For details,
see the AC/DC Power
Module User Guide.

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3838.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 448

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-285 Environmental specifications of an RRU3838

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3838 l Without 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l With solar
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3838.

Table 10-286 Compliance standards for an RRU3838

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3838 l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-287 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3838.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-287 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3838

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 449

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3838.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 450

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-288 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3838

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3838 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain or l When the 40

ring rate at the
port is
Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3838.

Table 10-289 Antenna capability of an RRU3838

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3838 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.13 RRU3839 Technical Specifications

An RRU3839, which is a remote radio unit for UMTS, supports a maximum of six carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3839.

Table 10-290 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3839

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3839 UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 451

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

RF Specifications
Table 10-291 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3839.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels
and B receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit
channels and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, is measured at the antenna
connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 452

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-291 RF Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

RRU383 2T2R l With -126.1 -128.9 -131.6 The DBS390

9 MIM RRU383 0
O: 4 9 (Ver.D)
carrie supports (-48 V
rs the DC)
l With maximu power
out m power consum
MIM configur ption
O: 6 ation 2 x (RRU38
carrie 60 W, 39,
rs configur UMTS)
ations of
or the
ion of the
two, and
l For
ons in
t or

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 453

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r for
l For
ons in

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 454

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

orts a
of six
orts a
rs and

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 455

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type TX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

RX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensitiv Sensitiv
vity ity with ity with
with Two Four
One Antenn Antenn
Antenn as as

r of
nel is
40 W.

Table 10-292 Output power for the RRU3839 (UMTS, 2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of UMTS Output Power per UMTS

Carriers Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 60

2 l Configured in one PA: 30

l Configured in two PAs:

3 20

4 l Configured in one PA: 15

l Configured in two PAs:

1 (MIMO) 2 x 60

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

3 (MIMO) 2 x 20

4 (MIMO) 2 x 15

Table 10-293 Carrier combinations supported by RRU3839 in hybrid configurations

Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

1 5

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Number of MIMO Carriers Number of Single-Output Carriers

2 4

3 2


In the following table:

l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l In 3 x 1 and 3 x 2 non-MINO scenarios, one UMPTb1 and one WBBPf3 are configured.
l In 3 x 3 and 3 x 4 non-MIMO scenarios, one UMPTb1 and two WBBPf3s are configured.
l In 3 x 1 MIMO scenarios, one UMPTb1 and one WBBPf3 are configured.
l In 3 x 2 MIMO scenarios, one UMPTb1 and two WBBPf3s are configured.

Table 10-294 DBS3900 (Ver.D) (-48 V DC) power consumption (RRU3839, UMTS)

Configurat Output Typical Maximum Power Backup Duration

ion (Sector Power per Power Power Estimated Based on
x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumpti Consumpti Typical Power
on (W) on (W) Consumption of New
Batteries (Hours)

50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 20 500 565 4.1 8.6

3x2 20 580 690 3.5 7.2

3x3 20 755 900 2.5 5.2

3x4 20 890 1115 2.0 4.2

3x1 2 x 20 680 800 2.9 5.9

3x2 2 x 20 910 1120 2.0 4.1

Equipment Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3839.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 457

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-295 Equipment specifications of an RRU3839

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3839 -48 V DC; voltage 400 mm x 300 mm x 14 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to 100 mm (without the housing)
-36 V DC housing)
The RRU3839
supports AC
applications after
being configured with
an AC/DC power
module. For details,
see the AC/DC Power
Module User Guide.

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3839.

Table 10-296 Environmental specifications of an RRU3839

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3839 l Without 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l With solar
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3839.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 458

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Table 10-297 Compliance standards for an RRU3839

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3839 l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-298 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3839.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-298 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3839

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 459

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3839.

Table 10-299 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3839

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3839 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, l When the 40

4.9 or ring rate at the
port is
Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s or
4.9 Gbit/
s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3839.

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Table 10-300 Antenna capability of an RRU3839

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3839 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.14 RRU3801E Technical Specifications

An RRU3801E, which is a remote radio unit for UMTS, supports a maximum of two carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3801E.

Table 10-301 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3801E

Type Mode Frequency RX Frequency TX Frequency

Band (MHz) Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3801E UMTS 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170

1900 1850 to 1910 1930 to 1990

850 824 to 835 869 to 880

RRU3801E 2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170


RF Specifications
Table 10-302 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3801E.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels
and B receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit
channels and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band
at the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not
exceed 0.001.
l The receiver sensitivity on the UMTS 850 MHz frequency band is measured on its frequency sub-
l Maximum output power = Maximum output power of the PA - Internal loss. The maximum output
power is measured at the antenna port.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 461

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-302 RRU3801E RF specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensiti Sensiti
vity vity vity
with with with
One Two Four
Antenn Antenn Antenn
a as as

RRU380 1T2R 2 carriers l 2100 l 2100 l 2100 The l DBS

1E MHz: MHz: MHz: RRU380 3900
-125. --128 -131. 1E powe
8 .6 3 supports r
l 1900 l 1900 l 1900 the cons
MHz: MHz: MHz: maximu umpt
-125. -128. -130. m power ion
3 1 8 configur (RR
ation 1 x U380
l 850 l 850 l 850 40 W. 1E
MHz: MHz: MHz: For (DC)
-125. -128. -131. typical confi
6 4 1 configur gure
ations, d)
see the l DBS
Output 3900
power powe
for the r
RRU380 cons
1E umpt
(UMTS, ion
850 (RR
MHz/ U380
1900 1E
MHz/ (AC)
2100 confi
MHz) gure
table. d)
l BTS3

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 462

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type RX and Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

TX y Power Consu
Channe Receive Receive Receive mption
l r r r
Sensiti Sensiti Sensiti
vity vity vity
with with with
One Two Four
Antenn Antenn Antenn
a as as


Table 10-303 Output power for the RRU3801E (UMTS, 850 MHz/1900 MHz/2100 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


UMTS 1 40

2 20

In the Table 10-304, Table 10-305, and Table 10-306:
l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l One WBBPb4 board and one WMPT board are configured.

Table 10-304 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3801E (DC) configured)

Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup Duration

ation Power Power m Power Estimated Based on Typical
(Sector x per Consum Consum Power Consumption of New
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Batteries (Hours)
24 Ah 50 Ah 92 Ah

3x1 20 390 480 2.4 5.7 11.3

3x2 20 480 650 1.7 4.3 9.0

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-305 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3801E (AC) configured)

Configuration Output Power per Typical Power Maximum Power

(Sector x Carrier) Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3x1 20 390 480

3x2 20 480 650

Table 10-306 BTS3900C power consumption (RRU3801E (DC) configured)

Configur Output Typical Maximu Power Backup Duration

ation Power Power m Power Estimated Based on Typical
(Sector x per Consum Consum Power Consumption of New
Carrier) Carrier ption (W) ption (W) Batteries (Hours)
24 Ah 50 Ah 92 Ah

1x1 20 190 240 5.5 12.6 23.2

1x2 20 220 290 4.5 10.9 20.0

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3801E.

Table 10-307 Equipment specifications of an RRU3801E

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3801E (DC) -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 l 15 kg (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm x 140 mm housing)
-36 V DC (without the l 17 kg (with the
housing) housing)
l 485 mm x 285
mm x 170 mm
(with the

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 464

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Input Power Dimensions (H x Weight

W x D)

RRU3801E (AC) l 200 V AC to 240 l 480 mm x 270 l 20.5 kg (without

V AC single- mm x 220 mm the housing)
phase; voltage (without the l 22.5 kg (with the
range: 176 V AC housing) housing)
to 290 V AC l 485 mm x 285
l 100/200 V AC to mm x 250 mm
120/240 V AC (with the
dual-phase; housing)
voltage range:
90/180 V AC to
135/270 V AC

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3801E.

Table 10-308 Environmental specifications of an RRU3801E

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3801E l With 1120 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

W/m2 solar RH m3 kPa
-40C to
l Without
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3801E.

Table 10-309 Compliance standards of an RRU3801E

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3801E (DC) l 3GPP TS 25.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 465

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3801E (AC) weatherprotected IP55


Table 10-310 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3801E.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-310 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3801E

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


DC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

AC power Indoor Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port applications mode

Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 5 kA
current mode

Common 5 kA

Outdoor Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

applications mode

Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 466

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specifications


Surge Differential 40 kA
current mode

Common 40 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Monitored Surge 250 A

monitoring power and
and alarm RRUs are
port installed in
back mode
or within 1

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3801E.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-311 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3801E

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3801E 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the 40

or ring rate at the
port is
Gbit/s: 4
l When the
rate at the
port is 2.5
Gbit/s: 8

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3801E.

Table 10-312 Antenna capability of an RRU3801E

Type TMA Support RET Antenna Support

RRU3801E Supported AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.15 RRU3908 Technical Specifications

RRU3908 modules are remote radio units and are classified into RRU3908 V1 and RRU3908
V2 modules. With the software-defined radio (SDR) technique, RRU3908 modules can work
in different modes with different configurations.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3908.

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Table 10-313 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3908

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3908 850 824 to 849 869 to 894 GSM and UMTS

V1 (DC/
AC) 900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960 GSM, UMTS,
and GU
900 EGSM 880 to 905 925 to 950

1800 1710 to 1755 1805 to 1850 GSM, LTE, and

1740 to 1785 1835 to 1880

1900 1850 to 1890 1930 to 1970 GSM and UMTS

1870 to 1910 1950 to 1990

RRU3908 850 824 to 849 869 to 894 GSM, UMTS,

V2 (DC) and GU

900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

LTE, GU, and GL
900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960

RRU3908 900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

V2 (AC) LTE, GU, and GL

RF Specifications
Table 10-314 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3908.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l EF non-MSR indicates that E data is carried on one transmit channel of an RF module while F data is carried
on the other transmit channel of the RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, over the central band at
the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 13 kbit/s and the bit error rate (BER) does
not exceed 2%. The central band is the 80% of the full band.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The RRU3908 that works in GSM mode and operates in the 900 or 1800 MHz frequency band complies
with the EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard. The RRU3908 that works in GSM mode and operates in the 850 or
1900 MHz frequency band complies with the 3GPP TS 45.005 V10.2.0 and 3GPP TS 51.021 V10.2.0
l The RRU3908 that works in UMTS, LTE, or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 900 or
1800 MHz frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards. The
RRU3908 that works in UMTS, LTE, or MSR mode and operates in the 850 or 1900 MHz frequency band
complies with the 3GPP TS 37.104 V10.4.0 and TS 37.141 V10.4.0 standards.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-314 RF specifications of an RRU3908

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power Power

pe an y Consumpti
s Receiv Receiv Receiver on
mi er er Sensitivi
t Sensiti Sensiti ty with
an vity vity Four
d with with Antenna
Re One Two s
ce Anten Anten
iv na nas

RR 2T GSM: 6 GSM: GSM: GSM: The RRU3908 l DBS3900

U3 2R TRXs -113.0 -115.8 -118.5 V1 supports the power
908 UMTS: 4 UMTS: UMTS: (theoretic maximum consumpt
V1 carriers -125.5 -128.3 al value) power ion
UMTS: configuration 2 (RRU390
LTE: 1 LTE: LTE: x 40 W. The 8 V1
carrier -106.3 -109.1 -131.0
typical operating
with a LTE: configurations in the 900
bandwidt -111.8 are as follows: MHz
h of 5, 10, frequency
15, or 20 l Output
power of band
MHz configure
V1 d)
(850/900/18 l DBS3900
00/1900 power
MHz, consumpt
single- ion
mode) (RRU390
l Output 8 V1
power of operating
RRU3908 in the
V1 (900 1800
non-MSR) frequency
l Output configure
power of d)
V1 (900

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 471

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power Power

pe an y Consumpti
s Receiv Receiv Receiver on
mi er er Sensitivi
t Sensiti Sensiti ty with
an vity vity Four
d with with Antenna
Re One Two s
ce Anten Anten
iv na nas

l Output
power of
V1 (1800

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 472

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power Power

pe an y Consumpti
s Receiv Receiv Receiver on
mi er er Sensitivi
t Sensiti Sensiti ty with
an vity vity Four
d with with Antenna
Re One Two s
ce Anten Anten
iv na nas

RR 2T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The RRU3908 DBS3900

U3 2R TRXs l 850/ l 850/ l 850/90 V2 supports the power
908 UMTS: 900 900 0 MHz maximum consumption
V2 MH MHz PGSM power (RRU3908
l 850 configuration 2 V2 operating
MHz: z PGS :
PGS M: -119.0 x 40 W. The in the 850 or
2 typical 900 MHz
carrie M: -116. (theor
-113 3 etical configurations frequency
rs are as follows: band
.5 l 900 value)
l 900 l Output configured)
MHz: l 900 MHz l 900
power of
carrie z M: EGSM
V2 (850/900
rs EGS -116. :
M: 1 -118.8
LTE: 1 single-
-113 UMTS: (theor
carriers mode)
.3 etical
with a l 850/ l Output
UMTS: value)
bandwidt 900 power of
h of 1.4, l 850/ MHz UMTS:
3, 5, 10, 900 PGS l 850/90 V2 (850/900
15, or 20 MH M: 0 MHz MHz, GU
MHz z -128. PGSM non-MSR)
PGS 3 : l Output
M: l 900 -131.0 power of
-125 MHz l 900 RRU3908
.5 EGS MHz V2 (850/900
l 900 M: EGSM MHz, GU
MH -128. : MSR)
z 1 -130.8 l Output
EGS LTE: LTE: power of
M: RRU3908
-125 l 900 l 900
V2 (900
.3 MHz MHz

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 473

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power Power

pe an y Consumpti
s Receiv Receiv Receiver on
mi er er Sensitivi
t Sensiti Sensiti ty with
an vity vity Four
d with with Antenna
Re One Two s
ce Anten Anten
iv na nas


l 900 M: : MSR)
MH -109. -111.8
z 1 l 900
PGS l 900 MHz
-106 EGS :
.3 M: -111.6
l 900 -108.
MH 9

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the RRU3908 V2 working in GSM mode and operating in the 900 MHz frequency band: After design
optimization, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes enable the same output power for each carrier on
the RF module when any of the S1 through S6 configurations is used. When the S7 or S8 configuration is
used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained.
Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes cannot enable the same output power for each carrier
on the RF module.

Table 10-315 Output power of RRU3908 V1 (850/900/1800/1900 MHz, single-mode)

Mode Nu Num Number Output Output Output Output

mbe ber of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of of Carriers Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS UM GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M TS Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr Carri (W) Carrier (W)
iers ers (W)

1 0 0 40 40 0 0

2 0 0 40 40 0 0

3 0 0 20 20 0 0
4 0 0 15 20 0 0

5 0 0 12 12 0 0

6 0 0 10 12 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 40 0

0 1 0 0 0 2 x 30 0
0 2 0 0 0 30 0

0 2 0 0 0 2 x 15 0

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 475

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Nu Num Number Output Output Output Output

mbe ber of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of of Carriers Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS UM GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M TS Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr Carri (W) Carrier (W)
iers ers (W)

0 3* 0 0 0 20* 0

0 4* 0 0 0 15* 0

LTE 0 0 1 (MIMO) 0 0 0 2 x 30

Table 10-316 Output power of RRU3908 V1 (900 MHz, GU non-MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 40 30

1 1 30 40

1 2 30 20

2 1 20 30

2 1 15 40

2 2 15 20

3 1 10 30

3 2 10 10

4 1 7.5 20

4 2 7.5 10

5 1 6 20

Table 10-317 Output power of RRU3908 V1 (900 MHz, GU MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 20 20

4 1 12 12

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 476

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

4 2 10 10

5 1 10 10

LTE bandwidth is 5 or 10 MHz. GSM plus LTE bandwidth must not exceed 15 MHz.

Table 10-318 Output power of RRU3908 V1 (1800 MHz, GL MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GL 1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

1 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

2 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

4 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

When operating in the 900 MHz frequency band, RRU3908 V2 supports 3 or 4 UMTS carriers.

Table 10-319 Output power of RRU3908 V2 (850/900 MHz, single-mode)

Mode Nu Num Number Output Output Output Output

mbe ber of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of of Carriers Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS UM GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M TS Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr Carri (W) Carrier (W)
iers ers (W)

1 0 0 40 40 0 0

2 0 0 40 40 0 0
3 0 0 20 20 0 0

4 0 0 20 20 0 0

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 477

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Nu Num Number Output Output Output Output

mbe ber of LTE Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of of Carriers Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS UM GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M TS Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr Carri (W) Carrier (W)
iers ers (W)

5 0 0 13 15 0 0

6 0 0 13 15 0 0

7 0 0 10 13 0 0

8 0 0 10 13 0 0

0 1 0 0 0 60 0

0 1 0 0 0 2 x 40 0

0 2 0 0 0 40 0

0 2 0 0 0 2 x 20 0
0 3 0 0 0 20 0

0 3 0 0 0 2 x 10 0

0 4 0 0 0 20 0

0 4 0 0 0 2 x 10 0

0 0 1 (MIMO, 0 0 0 2 x 40

Table 10-320 Output power of RRU3908 V2 (850/900 MHz, GU non-MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 40 40

2 1 20 40

3 1 13 40

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 478

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

4 1 10 40

5 1 6 20

1 2 40 20

2 2 20 20

3 2 13 20

4 2 10 20

Table 10-321 Output power of RRU3908 V2 (850/900 MHz, GU MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

3 1 20 20

3 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 10

4 1 13 20

4 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 10

4 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

5 1 10 30

If there are less than 4 GSM carriers, 1.4, 3, 5, 10, or 15 MHz bandwidth can be spared from the 900 MHz
frequency band to set up an LTE network. If there are more than 3 GSM carriers, 1.4, 3, 5, or 10 MHz bandwidth
can be spared from the 900 MHz frequency band to set up an LTE network.

Table 10-322 Output power of RRU3908 V2 (900 MHz, GL MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GL 1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 479

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

3 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 10

4 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 10

4 1 (MIMO) 12 2 x 15


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 50% and LTE maximum
power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.

Table 10-323 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3908 V1 operating in the 900 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configura Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

tion Each Carrier (W) Consumption Consumption (W)

GSM S2/2/2 20 760 910

S4/4/4 20 730 1070

S6/6/6 12 730 1070

UMTS 3x1 20 490 590

3x2 20 640 790

3x3 20 880 1100

3x4 15 880 1110

GU GSM l GSM: 20 870 1090

S2/2/2 x 2 + l UMTS: 20
UMTS 3 x

GSM l GSM: 10 820 1050

S4/4/4 + l UMTS: 20
UMTS 3 x

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 480

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Configura Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

tion Each Carrier (W) Consumption Consumption (W)

GSM l GSM: 10 820 1050

S4/4/4 + l UMTS: 10
UMTS 3 x

Table 10-324 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3908 V1 operating in the 1800 MHz
frequency band configured)

Mode Configura Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

tion Each Carrier (W) Consumption Consumption (W)

GSM S2/2/2 20 615 720

S4/4/4 20 855 1190

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 750 880

Table 10-325 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3908 V2 operating in the 850 or 900 MHz
frequency band configured)

Mode Configura Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

tion Each Carrier (W) Consumption Consumption (W)

S2/2/2 20 550 650

GSM S4/4/4 20 770 1085

S6/6/6 13 740 1085

3x1 20 450 520

3x2 20 565 710

LTE 3x1 2 x 20 675 800

GSM l GSM: 20 920 1170

S2/2/2 + l UMTS: 40
UMTS 3 x
GSM l GSM: 13 890 1170
S3/3/3 + l UMTS: 40
UMTS 3 x

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 481

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Configura Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

tion Each Carrier (W) Consumption Consumption (W)

GSM l GSM: 10 880 1180

S4/4/4 + l UMTS: 40
UMTS 3 x

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3908.

Table 10-326 Equipment specifications of an RRU3908

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x Weight (kg)


RRU3908 l -48 V DC; voltage l RRU3908 V1 (DC): l RRU3908 V1 (DC):

V1 range: -36 V DC to 485 mm x 380 mm x 23 (with the housing)
-57 V DC 170 mm (with the l RRU3908 V1 (AC):
l 200 V AC to 240 V housing) 29 (with the housing)
AC single-phase; l RRU3908 V1 (AC):
voltage range: 176 V 485 mm x 380 mm x
AC to 290 V AC 250 mm (with the
l 110 V AC dual- housing)
phase, voltage range:
90/180 V AC to
135/270 V AC

RRU3908 l -48 V DC; voltage l RRU3908 V2 (DC): l RRU3908 V2 (DC):

V2 range: -36 V DC to 485 mm x 380 mm x 23 (with the housing)
-57 V DC 170 mm (with the l RRU3908 V2 (AC):
l 200 V AC to 240 V housing) 29 (with the housing)
AC single-phase; l RRU3908 V2 (AC):
voltage range: 176 V 485 mm x 380 mm x
AC to 290 V AC 250 mm (with the
l 110 V AC dual- housing)
phase, voltage range:
90/180 V AC to
135/270 V AC

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3908.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 482

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-327 Environmental specifications of an RRU3908

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU39 l Without solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106 kPa

08 V1 radiation: -40 RH
C to +50C
l With solar
radiation: -40
C to +45C

RRU39 l Without solar

08 V2 radiation: -40
C to +55C
l With solar
radiation: -40
C to +50C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3908.

Table 10-328 Compliance standards for an RRU3908

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3908 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

V1 l 3GPP TS 25.141
RRU3908 l 3GPP TS 36.141
V2 l 3GPP TS 37.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-329 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3908.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 483

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-329 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3908

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


DC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

AC power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to the mode
where RF Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)
modules are mode
installed Surge Differential 5 kA
indoors current mode

Common 5 kA

Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to the mode
where RF Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)
modules are mode
installed Surge Differential 40 kA
outdoors current mode

Common 40 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 484

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Applicable Surge 250 A

monitoring to the
port or alarm scenario
port where the
module and
the RRU are
back to
back or the
where the
them is
shorter than

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3908.

Table 10-330 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3908

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3908 2 l 850 Star or dual- N/A 40

V1 MHz/900 star
l 1800
1.25 or

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 485

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3908 2 1.25 or 2.5


Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3908.

Table 10-331 Antenna capability of an RRU3908

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3908 V1 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

RRU3908 V2 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.16 RRU3926 Technical Specifications

RRU3926 modules are remote radio units and can work in different modes with different
configurations and the software-defined radio (SDR) technique.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3926.

Table 10-332 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3926

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3926 900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

and GU
900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960

1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880

RF Specifications
Table 10-333 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3926.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 486

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l EF non-MSR indicates that E data is carried on one transmit channel of an RF module while F data is carried
on the other transmit channel of the RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, over the central band at
the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 13 kbit/s and the bit error rate (BER) does
not exceed 2%. The central band is the 80% of the full band.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The RRU3926 that works in GSM mode and operates in the 900 or 1800 MHz frequency band complies
with the EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard .
l The RRU3926 that works in UMTS or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 900 or 1800
MHz frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 487

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-333 RF specifications of an RRU3926

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumptio
s Receive Receiver Receive n
mi r Sensitivi r
t Sensitiv ty with Sensitiv
an ity with Two ity with
d One Antenna Four
Re Antenn s Antenn
ce a as

RR 1T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The l DBS3900

U3 2R TRXs l 900 l 900 l 900 RRU3926 power
926 UMTS: 6 MHz: MHz: MHz: supports the consumpti
carriers -113. -116.5 -119. maximum on
7 2 power (RRU3926
l 1800 configuratio operating
l 1800 MHz: (theor
etical n 1 x 80 W. in the 900
MHz: -116.8 The typical MHz
-114. value)
UMTS: configuratio frequency
0 l 1800 ns are as band
l 900 MHz:
UMTS: MHz: follows: configure
-119. d)
l 900 -128.6 5 l Output
MHz: l 1800 (theor power of l DBS3900
-125. MHz: etical RRU392 power
8 -128.9 value) 6 consumpti
l 1800 (900/180 on
UMTS: 0 MHz, (RRU3926
-126. l 900 single- operating
1 MHz: mode) in the 1800
-131. l Output MHz
3 power of frequency
l 1800 RRU392 band
MHz: 6 configure
-131. (900/180 d)
6 0 MHz,

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 488

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the RRU3926 working in GSM mode: when the S1 configuration is applied, the maximum output power
of each carrier on the RRU3926 is 80 W. If the output power of 60 W or 80 W is required, the related license
must be obtained. After design optimization, the 8 phase shift keying (8PSK) and Gaussian minimum shift-
frequency keying (GMSK) modulation schemes enable the same output power for each carrier on the the
RF module when the S1, S2, or S3 configuration is used. When any of the S4 through S8 configurations is
used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained.
Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes cannot enable the same output power for each carrier
on the RRU3926.

Table 10-334 Output power of RRU3926 (900/1800 MHz, single-mode)

Mode Numb Number of Output Power Output Output Power

er of UMTS of Each GSM Sharing of Each UMTS
GSM Carriers Carrier (W) Power of Each Carrier (W)
Carrier GSM Carrier
s (W)

GSM 1 0 80 80 0

2 0 40 40 0

3 0 27 31 0

4 0 20 27 0

5 0 16 20 0

6 0 12 20 0

7 0 10 16 0

8 0 7 12 0

UMTS 0 1 0 0 80

0 2 0 0 40

0 3 0 0 25

0 4 0 0 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 489

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Numb Number of Output Power Output Output Power

er of UMTS of Each GSM Sharing of Each UMTS
GSM Carriers Carrier (W) Power of Each Carrier (W)
Carrier GSM Carrier
s (W)

0 5 (hardware 0 0 16

0 6 (hardware 0 0 12

Table 10-335 Output power of RRU3926 (900/1800 MHz, GU MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 40 40

1 2 40 20

2 1 30 20

2 1 20 40

2 2 20 20

3 1 20 20

3 2 16 10

3 2 13 20

4 1 12 20

4 2 12 10

5 1 10 20

5 2 10 10

6 1 10 10

6 2 8 10

7 1 8 10

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.

Table 10-336 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3926 operating in the 900 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 535 635

S4/4/4 20 655 960

UMTS 3x1 20 445 525

3x2 20 555 695

GU GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 725 885

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 795 1045

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

Table 10-337 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3926 operating in the 1800 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 587 690

S4/4/4 20 725 1020

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3926.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 491

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-338 Equipment specifications of an RRU3926

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x Weight (kg)


RRU3926 -48 V DC; voltage range: l 400 mm x 240 mm x l 15 (with the housing)
-36 V DC to -57 V DC 160 mm (with the l 13.5 (without the
NOTE housing) housing)
The RRU3926 supports l 400 mm x 220 mm x
AC applications after
140 mm (without the
being configured with an
AC/DC power module. housing)
For details, see the AC/DC
Power Module User

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3926.

Table 10-339 Environmental specifications of an RRU3926

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU39 l Without solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106 kPa

26 radiation: -40 RH
C to +55C
l With solar
radiation: -40
C to +50C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3926.

Table 10-340 Compliance standards for an RRU3926

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3926 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l 3GPP TS 25.141
l 3GPP TS 36.141
l 3GPP TS 37.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 492

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-341 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3926.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-341 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3926

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 493

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Local power Applicable Surge 250 A

monitoring to the
port or alarm scenario
port where the
module and
the RRU are
back to
back or the
where the
them is
shorter than

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3926.

Table 10-342 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3926

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3926 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, 21 40

ring, or dual- NOTE
star When the
number of
levels is
greater than
6, the data
rate of
must be not
lower than
2.5 Gbit/s.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3926.

Table 10-343 Antenna capability of an RRU3926

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3926 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.17 RRU3928 Technical Specifications

RRU3928 modules are remote radio units and can work in different modes with different
configurations and the software-defined radio (SDR) technique.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3928.

Table 10-344 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3928

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3928 900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

LTE, GU, and GL
1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880

RF Specifications
Table 10-345 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3928.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 495

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l EF non-MSR indicates that E data is carried on one transmit channel of an RF module while F data is carried
on the other transmit channel of the RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, over the central band at
the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 13 kbit/s and the bit error rate (BER) does
not exceed 2%. The central band is the 80% of the full band.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The RRU3928 that works in GSM mode and operates in the 900 or 1800 MHz frequency band complies
with the EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard.
l The RRU3928 that works in UMTS, LTE, or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 900 or
1800 MHz frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 496

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-345 RF specifications of an RRU3928

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitivi Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ty with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a

RR 2T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The RRU3928 l DBS390

U3 2R TRXs l 900 l 900 l 900 supports the 0 power
928 UMTS: 4 MHz: MHz: MHz: maximum consum
carriers -113. -116.5 -119.2 power ption
7 (theor configuration (RRU39
LTE: 2 l 1800 2 x 40 W. The 28
carriers, l 1800 MHz: etical
value) typical operatin
the MHz: -116.8 configurations g in the
bandwidt -114. UMTS: l 1800 are as follows: 900
h per 0 MHz: MHz
carrier is l 900 -119.5 l Output
UMTS: MHz: power of frequen
1.4, 3, 5, (theor cy band
10, 15, or l 900 -128.6 etical RRU3928
MHz: (900/1800 configur
20 MHz l 1800 value)
-125. MHz, ed)
8 -128.9 single- l DBS390
l 1800 l 900 mode) 0 power
MHz: l Output consum
-126. l 900 -131.3 ption
power of
1 MHz: l 1800 (RRU39
-109.1 MHz: 28
LTE: (900/1800
l 1800 -131.6 MHz, GU operatin
l 900 MHz: g in the
LTE: non-MSR)
MHz: -109.4 1800
-106. l 900 l Output MHz
3 MHz: power of frequen
-111.8 RRU3928 cy band
l 1800
(900/1800 configur
MHz: l 1800
MHz, GU ed)
-106. MHz:
6 -112.1
l Output
power of

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 497

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitivi Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ty with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a



l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the RRU3928 working in GSM mode: After design optimization, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation
schemes enable the same output power for each carrier on the RF module when any of the S1 through S6
configurations is used. When the S7 or S8 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104
Enhanced EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes
cannot enable the same output power for each carrier on the RF module.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 498

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-346 Output power of RRU3928 (900/1800 MHz, single-mode)

M Num Num Nu Output Output Output Output

od ber ber mbe Power of Sharing Power of Power of
e of of r of Each GSM Power of Each UMTS Each
GSM UMT LTE Carrier (W) Each GSM Carrier (W) LTE
Carri S Carr Carrier (W) Carrier
ers Carri iers (W)

G 1 0 0 40 40 0 0
M 2 0 0 40 40 0 0

3 0 0 20 20 0 0

4 0 0 20 20 0 0

5 0 0 13 15 0 0

6 0 0 13 15 0 0

7 0 0 10 13 0 0

8 0 0 10 13 0 0

U 0 1 0 0 0 40 0
TS 0 2 0 0 0 40 0

0 3 0 0 0 20 0

0 4 0 0 0 20 0

0 1 0 0 0 2 x 40 0

0 2 0 0 0 2 x 20 0

0 3 0 0 0 2 x 10 0

0 4 0 0 0 2 x 10 0

LT 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 x 40

0 0 2 0 0 0 2 x 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 499

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-347 Output power of RRU3928 (900/1800 MHz, GU non-MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS Carriers of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 40 40

2 1 20 40

3 1 13 40

4 1 10 40

1 2 40 20

2 2 20 20

3 2 13 20

4 2 10 20

Table 10-348 Output power of RRU3928 (900/1800 MHz, GU MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS Carriers of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 3 1 20 20

4 1 13 20

5 1 10 20

6 1 10 20

1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

1 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

2 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

3 2 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

4 2 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-349 Output power of RRU3928 (900/1800 MHz, GL MSR)

Mode Number of Number of LTE Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GL 1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 10

4 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 10

5 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

6 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 50% and LTE maximum
power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE power consumption is calculated based on the 2 x 2 MIMO configuration. The LTE bandwidth is 10

Table 10-350 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3928 operating in the 900 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 560 650

S4/4/4 20 740 1025

UMTS 3x1 20 510 585

3x2 20 585 720

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 900 1110

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 501

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GU GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 820 985

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 865 1120

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GL GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 930 1140

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 870 1065

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 885 1140

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

Table 10-351 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3928 operating in the 1800 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configuratio Output Power Typical Power Maximum

n of Each Carrier Consumption Power
(W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 560 665

S4/4/4 20 755 1040

UMTS 3x1 20 525 585

3x2 20 600 735

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 915 1125

GU GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 835 1000

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 880 1135

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GL GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 945 1155

LTE 3 x 10 l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 885 1095

LTE 3 x 10 l LTE: 40

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 502

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Configuratio Output Power Typical Power Maximum

n of Each Carrier Consumption Power
(W) (W) Consumption

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 900 1155

LTE 3 x 10 l LTE: 40

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3928.

Table 10-352 Equipment specifications of an RRU3928

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x Weight (kg)


RRU3928 -48 V DC; voltage range: l 400 mm x 240 mm x l 15 (with the housing)
-36 V DC to -57 V DC 160 mm (with the l 13.5 (without the
NOTE housing) housing)
The RRU3928 supports l 400 mm x 220 mm x
AC applications after
140 mm (without the
being configured with an
AC/DC power module. housing)
For details, see the AC/DC
Power Module User

The following table lists environmental specifications of an RRU3928.

Table 10-353 Environmental specifications of an RRU3928

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU39 l Without solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106 kPa

28 radiation: -40 RH
C to +50C
l With solar
radiation: -40
C to +45C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3928.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 503

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-354 Compliance standards for an RRU3928

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3928 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l 3GPP TS 25.141
l 3GPP TS 36.141
l 3GPP TS 37.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-355 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3928.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-355 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3928

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 504

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Applicable Surge 250 A

monitoring to the
port or alarm scenario
port where the
module and
the RRU are
back to
back or the
where the
them is
shorter than

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3928.

Table 10-356 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3928

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3928 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star or dual- N/A 40

4.9 star

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3928.

Table 10-357 Antenna capability of an RRU3928

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3928 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.18 RRU3929 Technical Specifications

RRU3929 modules are remote radio units and can work in different modes with different
configurations and the software-defined radio (SDR) technique.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3929.

Table 10-358 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3929

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3929 900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

LTE, GU, and GL
900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960

1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880

RF Specifications
Table 10-359 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3929.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 506

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l EF non-MSR indicates that E data is carried on one transmit channel of an RF module while F data is carried
on the other transmit channel of the RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, over the central band at
the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 13 kbit/s and the bit error rate (BER) does
not exceed 2%. The central band is the 80% of the full band.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The RRU3929 that works in GSM mode and operates in the 900 or 1800 MHz frequency band complies
with the EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard.
l The RRU3929 that works in UMTS, LTE, or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 900 or
1800 MHz frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 507

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-359 RF specifications of an RRU3929

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitiv Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ity with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a

RR 2T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The RRU3929 DBS3900

U3 2R TRXs l 900 l 900 l 900 supports the power
929 UMTS: MHz: MHz: MHz: maximum consumptio
-113. -116.5 -119.2 power n
l Witho configuration 2 (RRU3929
ut 7 l 1800 (theor
etical x 60 W. The operating
MIM l 1800 MHz: typical in the 900
O: 6 MHz: -116.8 value)
configurations or 1800
carrie -114. UMTS: l 1800 are as follows: MHz
rs 0 MHz: frequency
l 900 -119.5 l Output
l With UMTS: MHz: power of band
MIM (theor configured)
l 900 -128.6 etical RRU3929
O: 4 MHz: (900/1800
carrie l 1800 value)
-125. MHz: MHz,
rs 8 UMTS: single-
LTE: 2 l 1800 l 900 mode)
carriers, LTE: MHz:
MHz: l Output
the -126. l 900 -131.3 power of
bandwidt 1 MHz: l 1800 RRU3929
h per -109.1 MHz:
LTE: (900/1800
carrier is l 1800 -131.6 MHz, GU
1.4, 3, 5, l 900 MHz: LTE: non-MSR)
10, 15, or MHz: -109.4
20 MHz -106. l 900 l Output
3 MHz: power of
-111.8 RRU3929
l 1800
MHz: l 1800
-106. MHz:
6 -112.1
l Output
power of

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 508

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitiv Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ity with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a



l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the RRU3929 working in GSM mode: when the S1 or S2 configuration is applied, the maximum output
power of each carrier on the RRU3929 is 60 W. If the output power of 60 W is required, the related license
must be obtained.After design optimization, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes enable the same
output power for each carrier on the RF module when any of the S1 through S6 configurations is used. When
the S7 or S8 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE Coverage
feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes cannot enable the same
output power for each carrier on the RF module..

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 509

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-360 Output power of RRU3929 (900/1800 MHz, single-mode)

Mod Nu Numbe Numb Output Output Output Output

e mbe r of er of Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of UMTS LTE Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS Carriers Carrier GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M s Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr (W) Carrier (W)
iers (W)

GSM 1 0 0 60 60 0 0

2 0 0 60 60 0 0

3 0 0 30 30 0 0

4 0 0 30 30 0 0

5 0 0 20 25 0 0

6 0 0 20 25 0 0

7 0 0 15 20 0 0

8 0 0 15 20 0 0

UMT 0 1 0 0 0 60 0
0 2 0 0 0 60 0

0 3 0 0 0 30 0

0 4 0 0 0 30 0

0 5 0 0 0 20 0

0 6 0 0 0 20 0

0 1 0 0 0 2 x 40 0

0 2 0 0 0 2 x 30 0

0 3 0 0 0 2 x 20 0

0 4 0 0 0 2 x 15 0

LTE 0 0 1 0 0 0 5/10/15/20
(MIMO MHz: 2 x
) 60
MHz: 2 x

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 510

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mod Nu Numbe Numb Output Output Output Output

e mbe r of er of Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of UMTS LTE Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS Carriers Carrier GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M s Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr (W) Carrier (W)
iers (W)

0 0 2 0 0 0 Carrier1: 2
(MIMO x 30
) Carrier2: 2
x 30

0 0 2 0 0 0 Carrier1: 2
(MIMO x 20
) Carrier2: 2
x 40

Table 10-361 Output power of RRU3929 (900/1800 MHz, GU non-MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 60 60

1 2 60 30

1 3 60 20

2 1 30 60

2 2 30 30

2 3 30 20

2 4 30 15

3 1 20 60

3 2 20 30

3 3 20 20

3 4 20 15

4 1 15 60

4 2 15 30

4 3 15 20

4 4 15 15

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 511

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

5 1 10 60

5 2 10 30

5 3 10 20

6 1 7 60

6 2 7 30

Table 10-362 Output power of RRU3929 (900/1800 MHz, GU MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 2 30 30

1 2 20 40

2 1 40 20

2 1 30 30

2 2 20 40

2 2 30 30

2 2 40 20

3 1 30 30

3 1 20 40

3 2 20 20

3 2 15 30

4 1 20 40

4 2 20 20

4 2 15 30

5 1 20 20

5 1 15 30

5 2 13 20

6 1 15 30

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 512

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

6 2 12 20

7 1 10 20

1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

1 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

1 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

1 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

2 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

2 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

2 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 2 (MIMO) 30 2 x 15

3 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 30

3 2 (MIMO) 15 2 x 15

3 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

3 2 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 30

4 2 (MIMO) 15 2 x 15

4 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

4 2 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20


** indicates that the configuration is supported only when the RRU3929 operates in the 1800 MHz frequency

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-363 Output power of RRU3929 (900/1800 MHz, GL MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GL 1 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

1 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

2 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

3 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

3** 1 (MIMO)** 15** 2 x 30**

4 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 30

4 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

5 1 (MIMO) 12 2 x 20

5** 1 (MIMO)** 7.5** 2 x 30**

6 1 (MIMO) 12 2 x 20

6** 1 (MIMO)** 7.5** 2 x 30**


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 50% and LTE maximum
power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE power consumption is calculated based on the 2 x 2 MIMO configuration. The LTE bandwidth is 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 514

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-364 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3929 operating in the 900 or 1800 MHz
frequency band configured)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 675 795

S4/4/4 20 915 1260

S6/6/6 20 1005 1530

UMTS 3x1 20 585 675

3x2 20 660 840

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 990 1290

GU GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 850 1030

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 1060 1360

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1105 1495

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GL GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 1305 1660

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 1155 1525

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1215 1660

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3929.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 515

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-365 Equipment specifications of an RRU3929

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x Weight (kg)


RRU3929 -48 V DC; voltage range: l 485 mm x 380 mm x l 25 (with the housing)
-36 V DC to -57 V DC 170 mm (with the l 23.5 (without the
NOTE housing) housing)
The RRU3929 supports l 485 mm x 356 mm x
AC applications after
140 mm (without the
being configured with an
AC/DC power module. housing)
For details, see the AC/DC
Power Module User

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3929.

Table 10-366 Environmental specifications of an RRU3929

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU39 l Without solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106 kPa

29 radiation: -40 RH
C to +55C
l With solar
radiation: -40
C to +50C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3929.

Table 10-367 Compliance standards for an RRU3929

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3929 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l 3GPP TS 25.141
l 3GPP TS 36.141
l 3GPP TS 37.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-368 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3929.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-368 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3929

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 517

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Local power Applicable Surge 250 A

monitoring to the
port or alarm scenario
port where the
module and
the RRU are
back to
back or the
where the
them is
shorter than

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3929.

Table 10-369 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3929

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3929 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star or dual- N/A 40

4.9 star

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3929.

Table 10-370 Antenna capability of an RRU3929

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3929 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.19 RRU3936 Technical Specifications

RRU3936 modules are remote radio units and can work in different modes with different
configurations and the software-defined radio (SDR) technique.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3936.

Table 10-371 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3936

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3936 850 824 to 849 869 to 894 GSM, UMTS,

and GU

900 EGSM 880 to 915 925 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

and GU
900 PGSM 890 to 915 935 to 960

1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880 GSM, UMTS,

LTE, GU, and GL

1900 1850 to 1910 1930 to 1990 GSM, UMTS,

and UL

RF Specifications
Table 10-372 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3936.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 519

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l EF non-MSR indicates that E data is carried on one transmit channel of an RF module while F data is carried
on the other transmit channel of the RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, is measured at the antenna connector
on the condition that the channel rate is 13 kbit/s and the Bit Error Rate (BER) is not higher than 2%.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, is measured at the antenna connector
on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The RRU3936 that works in GSM mode and operates in the 900 or 1800 MHz frequency band complies
with the EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard.
l The RRU3936 that works in UMTS, LTE, or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 900 or
1800 MHz frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-372 RF specifications of an RRU3936

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumptio
s Receive Receiver Receive n
mi r Sensitivi r
t Sensitiv ty with Sensitiv
an ity with Two ity with
d One Antenna Four
Re Antenn s Antenn
ce a as

RR 1T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The l DBS3900

U3 2R TRXs l 850 l 850 l 850 RRU3936 power
936 UMTS: 6 MHz: MHz: MHz: supports the consumpti
carriers -113. -116.2 -118. maximum on
4 9 power (RRU3936
LTE: 2 l 900
(theor configuratio operating
carriers, l 900 MHz:
etical n 1 x 80 W. in the 900
the MHz: -116.5
value) The typical MHz
bandwidt -113. l 1800 configuratio frequency
h per 7 MHz: l 900 ns are as band
carrier is -116.8 MHz: follows: configure
l 1800
1.4, 3, 5, -119. d)
MHz: l 1900 l Output
10, 15, or 2
-114. MHz: power l DBS3900
20 MHz (theor
0 -116.5 for the power
l 1900 UMTS: value) RRU393 consumpti
MHz: l 850 6 (GSM, on
l 1800 850 (RRU3936
-113. MHz: MHz: MHz/900 operating
7 -128.3 -119. MHz/ in the 1800
UMTS: l 900 5 1800 MHz
l 850 MHz: (theor MHz/ frequency
MHz: -128.6 etical 1900 band
-125. l 1800 value) MHz) configure
5 MHz: l 1900 d)
l Output
-128.9 MHz:
l 900 power
MHz: l 1900 -119. for the
-125. MHz: 2 RRU393
8 -128.6 (theor 6
LTE: etical (UMTS,
l 1800 value)
MHz: l 1800 850
-126. MHz: UMTS: MHz/900
1 -109.4

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 521

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumptio
s Receive Receiver Receive n
mi r Sensitivi r
t Sensitiv ty with Sensitiv
an ity with Two ity with
d One Antenna Four
Re Antenn s Antenn
ce a as

l 1900 l 1900 l 850 MHz/

MHz: MHz: MHz: 1800
-125. -109.4 -131. MHz/
8 0 1900
LTE : l 900 MHz)

l 1800 MHz: l Output

MHz: -131. power
-106. 3 for the
6 l 1800 RRU393
MHz: 6 (LTE,
l 1900
-131. 1800
6 MHz/
6 l 1900
-131. l Output
3 power
for the
l 1800 6 (GU
-112. 850
1 MHz/900
l 1900 MHz/
MHz: 1800
-112. MHz/
1 1900
l Output
for the
6 (GL

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 522

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumptio
s Receive Receiver Receive n
mi r Sensitivi r
t Sensitiv ty with Sensitiv
an ity with Two ity with
d One Antenna Four
Re Antenn s Antenn
ce a as

l Output
for the
6 (GL
l Output
for the
6 (UL

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 523

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the RRU3936 working in GSM mode: when the S1 configuration is applied, the maximum output power
of each carrier on the RRU3936 is 80 W. If the output power of 60 W or 80 W is required, the related license
must be obtained. After design optimization, the 8 phase shift keying (8PSK) and Gaussian minimum shift-
frequency keying (GMSK) modulation schemes enable the same output power for each carrier on the the
RF module when the S1, S2, or S3 configuration is used. When any of the S4 through S8 configurations is
used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained.
Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes cannot enable the same output power for each carrier
on the RRU3936.

Table 10-373 Output power for the RRU3936 (GSM, 850 MHz/900 MHz/1800 MHz/1900

Mode Total Number of Output Power per Output Power per

GSM Carriers GSM Carrier (W) GSM Carrier With
Dynamic Power
Sharing (W)

GSM 1 80 80

2 40 40

3 27 31

4 20 27

5 16 20

6 12 20

7 10 16

8 7 12

In the following table, * indicates that the UMTS mode is supported in terms of hardware.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-374 Output power for the RRU3936 (UMTS, 850 MHz/900 MHz/1800 MHz/1900

Mode Total Number of UMTS Output Power per UMTS

Carriers Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 80

2 40

3 25

4 20

5* 16*

6* 12*

Table 10-375 Output power for the RRU3936 (LTE, 1800 MHz/1900 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Output Power per Bandwidth of LTE

LTE Carriers LTE Carrier (W) Carrier (MHz)

LTE 1 60 5,10,15,20

1 40 1.4,3

2 40 1.4,3,5,10


In the following table, * indicates that SRAN7.0 or a later version supports the configuration.

Table 10-376 Output power for the RRU3936 (GU MSR, 850 MHz/900 MHz/1800 MHz/1900

Mode Total Number Total Number Output Power Output Power

of GSM of UMTS per GSM per UMTS
Carriers Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GSM + UMTS 1 1 40 40

1 2 40 20

2 1 30 20

2 1 20 40

2 2 20 20

3 1 20 20

3 2 16 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 525

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Total Number Total Number Output Power Output Power

of GSM of UMTS per GSM per UMTS
Carriers Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

3* 2* 13* 20*

4 1 12 20

4 2 12 10

5 1 10 20

5 2 10 10

6 1 10 10

6 2 8 10

7 1 8 10

Table 10-377 Output power for the RRU3936 (GL MSR, 1800 MHz)

Mode Total Total Output Output Bandwidth

Number of Number of Power per Power per of LTE
GSM LTE GSM LTE Carrier Carrier
Carriers Carriers Carrier (W) (W) (MHz)

GSM + LTE 1 1 40 40 1.4,3,5,10,15


2 1 20 40 1.4,3,5,10,15

2 1 30 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

3 1 20 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

4 1 12 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

5 1 10 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

6 1 10 10 1.4,3,5,10,15

7 1 8 10 1.4,3,5,10,15

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-378 Output power for the RRU3936 (GL MSR, 1900 MHz)

Mode Total Total Output Output Bandwidth

Number of Number of Power per Power per of LTE
GSM LTE GSM LTE Carrier Carrier
Carriers Carriers Carrier (W) (W) (MHz)

GSM + LTE 1 1 40 40 1.4,3,5,10,15


2 1 20 40 1.4,3,5,10,15

2 1 30 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

3 1 20 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

4 1 12 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

5 1 10 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

6 1 10 10 1.4,3,5,10,15

7 1 8 10 1.4,3,5,10,15

1 2 20 30 1.4,3,5,10

1 2 30 20 1.4,3,5,10

2 2 20 20 1.4,3,5,10

2 2 20 l carrier 1: 1.4,3,5,10
l carrier 2:

2 2 20 l carrier 1: 1.4,3,5,10
l carrier 2:

3 2 13 20 1.4,3,5,10

3 2 17 10 1.4,3,5,10

4 2 12 10 1.4,3,5,10

5 2 10 10 1.4,3,5,10

6 2 8 10 1.4,3,5,10

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-379 Output power for the RRU3936 (UL MSR, 1900 MHz)

Mode Total Total Output Output Bandwidth

Number of Number of Power per Power per of LTE
GSM LTE GSM LTE Carrier Carrier
Carriers Carriers Carrier (W) (W) (MHz)

UMTS + 1 1 40 40 1.4,3,5,10,15
LTE ,20

2 1 20 40 1.4,3,5,10,15

2 1 30 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

3 1 20 20 1.4,3,5,10,15

1 2 20 30 1.4,3,5,10

1 2 30 l carrier 1: 1.4,3,5,10
l carrier 2:

2 2 20 20 1.4,3,5,10


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.

Table 10-380 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3936 operating in the 900 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 535 635

S4/4/4 20 655 960

UMTS 3x1 20 445 525

3x2 20 555 695

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 528

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GU GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 725 885

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 795 1045

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

Table 10-381 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3936 operating in the 1800 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 587 690

S4/4/4 20 725 1020

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3936.

Table 10-382 Equipment specifications of an RRU3936

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x Weight (kg)


RRU3936 -48 V DC; voltage range: 400 mm x 300 mm x 100 13.5 (without the shell)
-36 V DC to -57 V DC mm (without the shell)
The RRU3936 supports
RRU3936 does not have the housing by default.
AC applications after
being configured with an
AC/DC power module.
For details, see the AC/DC
Power Module User

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3936.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-383 Environmental specifications of an RRU3936

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU39 l Without solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106 kPa

36 radiation: -40 RH
C to +55C
l With solar
radiation: -40
C to +50C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3936.

Table 10-384 Compliance standards for an RRU3936

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3936 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l 3GPP TS 25.141
l 3GPP TS 36.141
l 3GPP TS 37.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-385 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3936.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-385 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3936

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 530

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Local power Applicable Surge 250 A

monitoring to the
port or alarm scenario
port where the
module and
the RRU are
back to
back or the
where the
them is
shorter than

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3936.

Table 10-386 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3936

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3936 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star or dual- N/A 40


Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3936.

Table 10-387 Antenna capability of an RRU3936

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3936 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.20 RRU3938 Technical Specifications

RRU3938 modules are remote radio units and can work in different modes with different
configurations and the software-defined radio (SDR) technique.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3938.

Table 10-388 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3938

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3938 900 880 to 915 925 to 960 GSM, UMTS,

LTE, GU, and GL
1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

RF Specifications
Table 10-389 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3938.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l EF non-MSR indicates that E data is carried on one transmit channel of an RF module while F data is carried
on the other transmit channel of the RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, is measured at the antenna connector
on the condition that the channel rate is 13 kbit/s and the Bit Error Rate (BER) is not higher than 2%.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, is measured at the antenna connector
on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The RRU3938 that works in GSM mode and operates in the 900 or 1800 MHz frequency band complies
with the EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard.
l The RRU3938 that works in UMTS, LTE, or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 900 or
1800 MHz frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 533

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-389 RF specifications of an RRU3938

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitivi Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ty with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a

RR 2T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The RRU3938 l DBS390

U3 2R TRXs l 900 l 900 l 900 supports the 0 power
938 UMTS: 4 MHz: MHz: MHz: maximum consum
carriers -113. -116.5 -119.2 power ption
7 (theor configuration (RRU39
LTE: 2 l 1800 2 x 40 W. The 38
carriers, l 1800 MHz: etical
value) typical operatin
the MHz: -116.8 configurations g in the
bandwidt -114. UMTS: l 1800 are as follows: 900
h per 0 MHz: MHz
carrier is l 900 -119.5 l Output
UMTS: MHz: power for frequen
1.4, 3, 5, (theor cy band
10, 15, or l 900 -128.6 etical the
MHz: RRU3938 configur
20 MHz l 1800 value)
-125. (GSM, 900 ed)
8 -128.9 MHz/1800 l DBS390
l 1800 l 900 MHz) 0 power
MHz: l Output consum
-126. l 900 -131.3 ption
power for
1 MHz: l 1800 (RRU39
-109.1 MHz: 38
LTE: RRU3938
l 1800 -131.6 (UMTS, operatin
l 900 MHz: g in the
LTE: 900 MHz/
MHz: -109.4 1800
-106. l 900 MHz
3 MHz: frequen
-111.8 l Output cy band
l 1800
power for configur
MHz: l 1800
the ed)
-106. MHz:
6 -112.1
(LTE, 900

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 534

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitivi Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ty with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a

l Output
power for
(GU non-
MSR, 900
l Output
power for
900 MHz/
l Output
power for
900 MHz/

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 535

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the RRU3938 working in GSM mode: After design optimization, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation
schemes enable the same output power for each carrier on the RF module when any of the S1 through S6
configurations is used. When the S7 or S8 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104
Enhanced EDGE Coverage feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes
cannot enable the same output power for each carrier on the RF module.

Table 10-390 Output power for the RRU3938 (GSM, 900 MHz/1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Output Power per Output Power per

GSM Carriers GSM Carrier (W) GSM Carrier With
Dynamic Power
Sharing (W)

GSM 1 40 40

2 40 40

3 20 20

4 20 20

5 13 15

6 13 15

7 10 13

8 10 13

Table 10-391 Output power for the RRU3938 (UMTS, 900 MHz/1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number of UMTS Output Power per UMTS

Carriers Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 40

2 40

3 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 536

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Total Number of UMTS Output Power per UMTS

Carriers Carrier (W)

4 20

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) 2 x 20

3 (MIMO) 2 x 10

4 (MIMO) 2 x 10

Table 10-392 Output power for the RRU3938 (LTE, 900 MHz/1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number of LTE Output Power per LTE

Carriers Carrier (W)

LTE 1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) 2 x 20

Table 10-393 Output power for the RRU3938 (GU non-MSR, 900 MHz/1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number Total Number Output Power Output Power

of GSM of UMTS per GSM per UMTS
Carriers Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GSM + UMTS 1 1 40 40

2 1 20 40

3 1 13 40

4 1 10 40

1 2 40 20

2 2 20 20

3 2 13 20

4 2 10 20

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-394 Output power for the RRU3938 (GU MSR, 900 MHz/1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number Total Number Output Power Output Power

of GSM of UMTS per GSM per UMTS
Carriers Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GSM + UMTS 3 1 20 20

4 1 13 20

5 1 10 20

6 1 10 20

1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

1 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

2 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

3 2 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

4 2 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

Table 10-395 Output power for the RRU3938 (GL MSR, 900 MHz/1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number Total Number Output Power Output Power

of GSM of LTE per GSM per LTE
Carriers Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GSM + LTE 1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 10

4 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 10

5 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

6 1 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 538

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 50% and LTE maximum
power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.

Table 10-396 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3938 operating in the 900 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 560 650

S4/4/4 20 740 1025

UMTS 3x1 20 510 585

3x2 20 585 720

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 900 1110

GU GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 820 985

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 865 1120

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GL GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 930 1140

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 870 1065

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 885 1140

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-397 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3938 operating in the 1800 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configuratio Output Power Typical Power Maximum

n of Each Carrier Consumption Power
(W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 560 665

S4/4/4 20 755 1040

UMTS 3x1 20 525 585

3x2 20 600 735

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 915 1125

GU GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 835 1000

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 880 1135

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GL GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 945 1155

LTE 3 x 10 l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 885 1095

LTE 3 x 10 l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 900 1155

LTE 3 x 10 l LTE: 40

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3938.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 540

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-398 Equipment specifications of an RRU3938

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x Weight (kg)


RRU3938 -48 V DC; voltage range: 400 mm x 300 mm x 100 13.5 (without the
-36 V DC to -57 V DC mm (without the housing)
NOTE housing)
The RRU3938 supports
AC applications after
being configured with an
AC/DC power module.
For details, see the AC/DC
Power Module User

The following table lists environmental specifications of an RRU3938.

Table 10-399 Environmental specifications of an RRU3938

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU39 l Without solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106 kPa

38 radiation: -40 RH
C to +55C
l With solar
radiation: -40
C to +50C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3938.

Table 10-400 Compliance standards for an RRU3938

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3938 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l 3GPP TS 25.141
l 3GPP TS 36.141
l 3GPP TS 37.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 541

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-401 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3938.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-401 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3938

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RETa port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 542

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Local power Applicable Surge 250 A

monitoring to the
port or alarm scenario
port where the
module and
the RRU are
back to
back or the
where the
them is
shorter than

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3938.

Table 10-402 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3938

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3938 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star or dual- N/A 40

4.9 star

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3938.

Table 10-403 Antenna capability of an RRU3938

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3938 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.21 RRU3939 Technical Specifications

RRU3939 modules are remote radio units and can work in different modes with different
configurations and the software-defined radio (SDR) technique.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3939.

Table 10-404 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3939

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3939 1800 1710 to 1785 1805 to 1880 GSM, LTE, and


RF Specifications
Table 10-405 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3939.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, is measured at the antenna connector
on the condition that the channel rate is 13 kbit/s and the Bit Error Rate (BER) is not higher than 2%.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The RRU3939 that works in GSM mode and operates in the 1800 MHz frequency band complies with the
EN 301 502 V9.2.1 standard.
l The RRU3939 that works in LTE or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 1800 MHz
frequency band complies with the ETSI EN 301 908 V5.2.1 and 3GPP TS 37.104 standards.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 544

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-405 RF specifications of an RRU3939

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitiv Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ity with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a

RR 2T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The RRU3939 DBS3900

U3 2R TRXs -114.0 -116.8 -119.5 supports the (Ver.D)
939 LTE: 2 LTE: LTE: (theoretic maximum (-48 V DC)
carriers, -106.6 -109.4 al value) power power
the LTE: configuration 2 consumptio
bandwidt -112.1 x 60 W. The n
h per typical (RRU3939
carrier is configurations operating
1.4, 3, 5, are as follows: in the 1800
10, 15, or l Output MHz
20 MHz power for frequency
the band
RRU3939 configured)
(GSM, .
1800 MHz)
l Output
power for
1800 MHz)
l Output
power for
1800 MHz)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 545

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the RRU3939 working in GSM mode: when the S1 or S2 configuration is applied, the maximum output
power of each carrier on the RRU3939 is 60 W. If the output power of 60 W is required, the related license
must be obtained.After design optimization, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes enable the same
output power for each carrier on the RF module when any of the S1 through S6 configurations is used. When
the S7 or S8 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE Coverage
feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes cannot enable the same
output power for each carrier on the RF module..

Table 10-406 Output power for the RRU3939 (GSM, 1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Output Power per Output Power per

GSM Carriers GSM Carrier (W) GSM Carrier With
Dynamic Power
Sharing (W)

GSM 1 60 60

2 60 60

3 30 30

4 30 30

5 20 25

6 20 25

7 15 20

8 15 20

Table 10-407 Output power for the RRU3939 (LTE, 1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Output Power per Bandwidth of LTE

LTE Carriers LTE Carrier (W) Carrier (MHz)

LTE 1 (MIMO) 2 x 60 5,10,15,20

1 (MIMO) 2 x 40 1.4,3,5,10,15,20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 546

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Total Number of Output Power per Bandwidth of LTE

LTE Carriers LTE Carrier (W) Carrier (MHz)

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30 1.4,3,5,10,15,20

2 (MIMO) l carrier 1: 2 x 20 1.4,3,5,10,15,20

l carrier 2: 2 x 40

Table 10-408 Output power for the RRU3939 (GL MSR, 1800 MHz)

Mode Total Number Total Number Output Power Output Power

of GSM of LTE per GSM per LTE
Carriers Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GSM + LTE 1 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

1 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

2 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

3 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 30

4 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 30

5 1 (MIMO) 12 2 x 20

5 1 (MIMO) 7.5 2 x 30

6 1 (MIMO) 12 2 x 20

6 1 (MIMO) 7.5 2 x 30


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l LTE typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 50% and LTE maximum
power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE power consumption is calculated based on the 2 x 2 MIMO configuration. The LTE bandwidth is 10

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-409 DBS3900 (Ver.D) (-48 V DC) power consumption (RRU3939 operating in the
1800 MHz frequency band configured)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GSM S1/1/1 20 510 510

S2/2/2 20 580 680

S3/3/3 20 655 855

S4/4/4 20 690 1110

S6/6/6 20 955 1455

LTE 3 x 10 MHz, 1 2x20 720 870


3 x 10 MHz, 2 2x20 955 1220


GL GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 995 1230

LTE 3 x 10 l LTE: 2x20
MHz, 1 carrier

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 1080 1405

LTE 3 x 10 l LTE: 2x20
MHz, 1 carrier

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1145 1565

LTE 3 x 10 l LTE: 2x20
MHz, 1 carrier

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3939.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 548

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-410 Equipment specifications of an RRU3939

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x Weight (kg)


RRU3939 -48 V DC; voltage range: 400 mm x 300 mm x 150 20 (without the housing)
-36 V DC to -57 V DC mm (without the
NOTE housing)
The RRU3939 supports
AC applications after
being configured with an
AC/DC power module.
For details, see the AC/DC
Power Module User

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3939.

Table 10-411 Environmental specifications of an RRU3939

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU39 l Without solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106 kPa

39 radiation: -40 RH
C to +55C
l With solar
radiation: -40
C to +50C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3939.

Table 10-412 Compliance standards for an RRU3939

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3939 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l 3GPP TS 36.141
l 3GPP TS 37.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-413 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3939.

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-413 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3939

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 550

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Local power Applicable Surge 250 A

monitoring to the
port or alarm scenario
port where the
module and
the RRU are
back to
back or the
where the
them is
shorter than

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3939.

Table 10-414 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3939

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3939 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star or dual- N/A 40

4.9 star

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3939.

Table 10-415 Antenna capability of an RRU3939

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3939 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.22 RRU3942 Technical Specifications

RRU3942 modules are remote radio units and can work in different modes with different
configurations and the software-defined radio (SDR) technique.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3942.

Table 10-416 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3942

Type Frequency Receive Transmit Mode

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU3942 1900 1850 to 1910 1930 to 1990 GSM, UMTS,

and UL

850 824 to 849 869 to 894 GSM, UMTS,

and GU

RF Specifications
Table 10-417 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3942.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 552

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W. C W + D W in the Output Power column
indicates that this RF module is configured with 2 transmit channels and the maximum output power of the
transmit channel is C W and D W, respectively.
l EF MSR indicates that E and F data is carried on the same transmit channel of an RF module.
l EF non-MSR indicates that E data is carried on one transmit channel of an RF module while F data is carried
on the other transmit channel of the RF module.
l The GSM receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 51.021, over the central band at
the antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 13 kbit/s and the bit error rate (BER) does
not exceed 2%. The central band is the 80% of the full band.
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, over the full band at the
antenna connector on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.
l The RRU3942 that works in GSM mode and operates in the 850 MHz/1900 MHz frequency band complies
with the 3GPP TS 45.005 V10.2.0 and 3GPP TS 51.021 V10.2.0 standards.
l The RRU3942 that works in UMTS, LTE, or multiple service ring (MSR) mode and operates in the 850
MHz/1900 MHz frequency band complies with the 3GPP TS 37.104 V10.4.0 and TS 37.141 V10.4.0

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 553

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-417 RF specifications of an RRU3942

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitiv Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ity with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a

RR 2T GSM: 8 GSM: GSM: GSM: The RRU3942 DBS3900

U3 4R TRXs l 850 l 850 l 850 supports the power
942 UMTS: MHz: MHz: MHz: maximum consumptio
-113. -116.2 -118.9 power n
l Witho configuration 2 (RRU3942
ut 4 l 1900 (theor
etical x 60 W or 40 W operating
MIM l 1900 MHz: +80 W. The in the 1900
O: 6 MHz: -116.5 value)
typical MHz
carrie -113. UMTS: l 1900 configurations frequency
rs 7 MHz: are as follows: band
l 850 -119.2
l With UMTS: MHz: l Output configured)
MIM (theor
l 850 -128.3 etical power of
O: 4 MHz: RRU3942
carrie l 1900 value)
-125. MHz: (850/1900
rs 5 UMTS MHz,
LTE: 2 l 1900 l 850 single-
carriers, LTE MHz:
MHz: mode, 2 x
the (1900 -131
-125. 60 W)
bandwidt MHz):
8 -109.1 l 1900 l Output
h per MHz: power of
carrier is LTE
(1900 -131.3 RRU3942
1.4, 3, 5, (850/1900
10, 15, or MHz): LTE
-106.3 (1900 MHz,
20 MHz single-
-111.8 mode, 40
W + 80 W)
l Output
power of

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 554

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitiv Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ity with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a

2 x 60 W)
l Output
power of
40 W + 80
l Output
power of
MSR, 2 x
60 W)
l Output
power of
MSR, 40 W
+ 80 W)
l Output
power of
l Output
power of

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 555

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Ty Tr Capacit Receiver Sensitivity (dBm) Output Power

pe an y Power Consumpt
s Receive Receiver Receiver ion
mi r Sensitiv Sensitiv
t Sensitiv ity with ity with
an ity with Two Four
d One Antenna Antenna
Re Antenn s s
ce a



l If the power sharing feature is activated, assume that UEs in a cell are randomly located.
l If the RF module is placed at an altitude of 3500 to 4500 meters, its power reduces by 1 dB. If the RF module
is placed at an altitude of 4500 to 6000 meters, its power reduces by 2 dB.
l Station spacing, frequency multiplexing factor, power control algorithm, and traffic model all affect the
gains of dynamic power sharing. In most cases, network plans are designed on the basis of power
specifications of dynamic power sharing.
l Before activating the dynamic power sharing feature, enable the DTX and power control functions. In
GBSS8.1, the dynamic power sharing feature is mutually exclusive with the GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell,
GBFD-114501 Co-BCCH Cell, GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing, and GBFD-117501
Enhanced Measurement Report (EMR) features. In GBSS9.0 and later versions, the dynamic power sharing
feature can be used together with these features. However, the dynamic power sharing feature currently
cannot be used together with the GBFD-117002 IBCA (Interference Based Channel Allocation),
GBFD-117001 Flex MAIO, GBFD-118701 RAN Sharing, and GBFD-114001 Extended Cell features in
GBSS8.1, GBSS9.0, and later versions.
l For the RRU3942 working in GSM mode: when the S1 configuration is applied, the maximum output power
of each carrier on the RRU3942 is 80 W; when the S2 configuration is applied, the maximum output power
of each carrier on the RRU3942 is 60 W. If the output power of 60 W or 80 W is required, the related license
must be obtained. After design optimization, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes enable the same
output power for each carrier on the RF module when any of the S1 through S6 configurations is used. When
the S7 or S8 configuration is used, the license controlling the GBFD-118104 Enhanced EDGE Coverage
feature must be obtained. Otherwise, the 8PSK and GMSK modulation schemes cannot enable the same
output power for each carrier on the RF module..
l The RRU3942 supports 2 x 60 W or 40 W + 80 W configuration. The "40 W + 80 W" configuration does
not apply to typical scenarios. When this configuration is used, only power of channel B can be 80 W.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 556

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-418 Output power of RRU3942 (850/1900 MHz, single-mode, 2 x 60 W)

Mod Nu Numbe Numb Output Output Output Output

e mbe r of er of Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of UMTS LTE Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS Carriers Carrier GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M s Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr (W) Carrier (W)
iers (W)

GSM 1 0 0 60 60 0 0

2 0 0 60 60 0 0

3 0 0 30 30 0 0

4 0 0 30 30 0 0

5 0 0 20 25 0 0

6 0 0 20 25 0 0

7 0 0 15 20 0 0

8 0 0 15 20 0 0

UMT 0 1 0 0 0 60 0
0 2 0 0 0 60 0

0 3 0 0 0 30 0

0 4 0 0 0 30 0

0 5 0 0 0 20 0

0 6 0 0 0 20 0

0 1 0 0 0 2 x 40 0

0 2 0 0 0 2 x 30 0

0 3 0 0 0 2 x 20 0

0 4 0 0 0 2 x 15 0

LTE 0 0 1 0 0 0 5/10/15/20
(MIMO MHz: 2 x
) 60
MHz: 2 x

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 557

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mod Nu Numbe Numb Output Output Output Output

e mbe r of er of Power of Sharing Power of Power of
r of UMTS LTE Each Power of Each Each LTE
GS Carriers Carrier GSM Each UMTS Carrier
M s Carrier GSM Carrier (W)
Carr (W) Carrier (W)
iers (W)

0 0 2 0 0 0 Carrier1: 2
(MIMO x 30
) Carrier2: 2
x 30

0 0 2 0 0 0 Carrier1: 2
(MIMO x 20
) Carrier2: 2
x 40

Table 10-419 Output power of RRU3942 (850/1900 MHz, single-mode, 40 W + 80 W)

Mode Number of Number of Output Output Output

GSM UMTS Power of Sharing Power of
Carriers Carriers Each GSM Power of Each
Carrier (W) Each GSM UMTS
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GSM 1 0 80 80 0

2 0 40 40 0

3 0 40 40 0

4 0 27 27 0

5 0 20 20 0

6 0 20 20 0

7 0 16 20 0

8 0 13 15 0

UMTS 0 1 0 0 80

0 3 0 0 40

0 6 0 0 20

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-420 Output power of RRU3942 (850/1900 MHz, GU non-MSR, 2 x 60 W)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 60 60

1 2 60 30

1 3 60 20

2 1 30 60

2 2 30 30

2 3 30 20

2 4 30 15

3 1 20 60

3 2 20 30

3 3 20 20

3 4 20 15

4 1 15 60

4 2 15 30

4 3 15 20

4 4 15 15

5 1 10 60

5 2 10 30

5 3 10 20

6 1 7 60

6 2 7 30

Table 10-421 Output power of RRU3942 (850/1900 MHz, GU non-MSR, 40 W + 80 W)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 80 40

1 1 40 80

1 2 80 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 559

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

1 2 40 40

1 3 80 10

1 3 40 25

1 4 80 10

2 1 40 40

2 1 20 80

2 2 40 20

2 2 20 40

2 3 40 10

2 3 20 25

2 4 40 10

2 4 20 20

3 1 27 40

3 1 13 80

3 2 27 20

3 2 13 40

3 3 27 10

3 3 13 25

3 4 27 10

3 4 13 20

4 1 20 40

4 1 10 80

4 2 20 20

4 2 10 40

4 3 20 10

4 3 10 25

4 4 20 10

4 4 10 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 560

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

5 1 16 40

5 2 16 20

5 3 16 10

6 1 12 40

6 2 12 20

7 1 6 40

Table 10-422 Output power of RRU3942 (850/1900 MHz, GU MSR, 2 x 60 W)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 2 30 30

1 2 20 40

2 1 40 20

2 1 30 30

2 2 20 40

2 2 30 30

2 2 40 20

3 1 30 30

3 1 20 40

3 2 20 20

3 2 15 30

4 1 20 40

4 2 20 20

4 2 15 30

5 1 20 20

5 1 15 30

5 2 13 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 561

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

6 1 15 30

6 2 12 20

7 1 10 20

1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

1 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

1 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

1 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

2 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

2 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

2 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 2 (MIMO) 30 2 x 15

3 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

3 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 30

3 2 (MIMO) 15 2 x 15

3 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

3 2 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 15 2 x 30

4 2 (MIMO) 15 2 x 15

4 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10

4 2 (MIMO) 10 2 x 20

* indicates that the configuration is supported only when the RRU3942 operates in the 1900 MHz frequency

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 562

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-423 Output power of RRU3942 (850/1900 MHz, GU MSR, 40 W + 80 W)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers UMTS of Each GSM of Each UMTS
Carriers Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GU 1 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 40

1 2 40 40

1 2 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

1 3 40 20

1 4 40 20

2 1 40 40

2 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 20

2 2 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

2 2 40 20

2* 2* 20* 40*

2 3 30 20

3 1 20 40

3 2 20 30

3* 2* 13* 40*

4 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

4 2 (MIMO) 10 2 x 10

4 2 10 40

5 1 20 20

6 1 10 20

Table 10-424 Output power of RRU3942 (1900 MHz, GL MSR)

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

GL 1 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

1 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

2 1 (MIMO) 40 2 x 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 563

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Number of Output Power Output Power

GSM Carriers LTE Carriers of Each GSM of Each LTE
Carrier (W) Carrier (W)

2 1 (MIMO) 30 2 x 30

2 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 40

3 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

4 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 20

5 1 (MIMO) 12 2 x 20

6 1 (MIMO) 12 2 x 20

Table 10-425 Output power of RRU3942 (1900 MHz, UL MSR)

Mode Number Number Number Output Output Output

of UMTS of UMTS of LTE Power of Power of Power of
Non- MIMO Carriers Each Each Each LTE
MIMO Carriers UMTS UMTS Carrier
Carriers Non- MIMO (W)
MIMO Carrier
Carrier (W)

UL 1 0 1 (MIMO) 40 0 2 x 40

0 1 1 (MIMO) 0 2 x 30 2 x 30

0 1 1 (MIMO) 0 2 x 20 2 x 40

0 1 1 (MIMO) 0 2 x 40 2 x 20

2 0 1 (MIMO) 30 0 2 x 30

0 2 1 (MIMO) 0 2 x 20 2 x 20

3 0 1 (MIMO) 20 0 2 x 20

2 1 1 (MIMO) 20 2 x 10 2 x 20

4 0 1 (MIMO) 20 0 2 x 20

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 564

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Typical and maximum power consumption are measured when the environment temperature is 25C.
l GSM typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 30%, and the power control
and DTX functions are enabled. GSM maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load
reaches 100%. GSM power consumption is calculated when the dynamic power sharing function is enabled.
l UMTS typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 40% and UMTS
maximum power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.
l LTE typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 50% and LTE maximum
power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.

Table 10-426 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3942 operating in the 1900 MHz frequency
band configured)

Mode Configuration Output Power Typical Power Maximum

of Each Consumption Power
Carrier (W) (W) Consumption

GSM S2/2/2 20 690 800

S4/4/4 20 935 1265

S6/6/6 20 1100 1660

UMTS 3x1 20 635 715

3x2 20 765 910

LTE 3 x 10 MHz 40 1040 1155

GU GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 1020 1205

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 1100 1405

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1200 1545

UMTS 3 x 1 l UMTS: 20

GL GSM S2/2/2 + l GSM: 20 1260 1480

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S3/3/3 + l GSM: 20 1305 1630

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

GSM S4/4/4 + l GSM: 20 1350 1775

LTE 3 x 10 MHz l LTE: 40

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3942.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 565

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-427 Equipment specifications of an RRU3942

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x Weight (kg)


RRU3942 -48 V DC; voltage range: l 485 mm x 380 mm x l 25 (with the housing)
-36 V DC to -57 V DC 170 mm (with the l 23.5 (without the
NOTE housing) housing)
The RRU3942 supports l 485 mm x 356 mm x
AC applications after
140 mm (without the
being configured with an
AC/DC power module. housing)
For details, see the AC/DC
Power Module User

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3942.

Table 10-428 Environmental specifications of an RRU3942

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU39 l Without solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106 kPa

42 radiation: -40 RH
C to +50C
l With solar
radiation: -40
C to +45C

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3942.

Table 10-429 Compliance standards for an RRU3942

Type Operating Anti-Seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3942 l 3GPP TS 45.005 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l 3GPP TS 25.141
l 3GPP TS 36.141
l 3GPP TS 37.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 566

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-430 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3942.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-430 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3942

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power port Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

Interconnect Applicable Surge 250 A

ion port for to all
receiving RF scenarios

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Dry contact Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

or RS485 to all current mode
alarm port scenarios
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 567

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Local power Applicable Surge 250 A

monitoring to the
port or alarm scenario
port where the
module and
the RRU are
back to
back or the
where the
them is
shorter than

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3942.

Table 10-431 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3942

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3942 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star or dual- N/A 40

4.9 star

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3942.

Table 10-432 Antenna capability of an RRU3942

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3942 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 568

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.23 RRU3201 Technical Specifications

An RRU3201, which is a remote radio unit for LTE, supports one carrier.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3201.

Table 10-433 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3201

Type Mode Frequency Receive Transmit

Band (MHz) Frequency Band Frequency Band
(MHz) (MHz)

RRU3201 LTE 700 (band 13) 777 to 787 746 to 756

2600 (band 7) Band C: 2500 to Band C: 2620 to

2520 2640

Band D: 2510 to Band D: 2630 to

2560 2680

Band E: 2550 to Band E: 2670 to

2570 2690

RF Specifications
Table 10-434 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3201.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 569

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-434 RF specifications of an RRU3201

Type TX Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

and (dBm) Power Consum
RX ption
Chan 1T1R 1T2R

RRU3 2T2R One carrier with a -105.8 -108.6 The l DBS39

201 bandwidth of: maximum 00
l 5 or 10 MHz in power power
the 700 MHz configurat consu
band ion is 2 x mptio
40 W. n
l 5, 10, 15, or 20 (RRU
MHz in the 3201
2600 MHz operat
band ing in
the 700
l DBS39
ing in

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 570

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-435 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3201 operating in the 700 MHz frequency
band configured)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 869 1055

Table 10-436 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3201 operating in the 2600 MHz frequency
band configured)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 968 1271

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3201.

Table 10-437 Equipment specifications of an RRU3201

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

RRU3201 -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 mm x 140 l 17.5 (without

range: -57 V DC to mm (18 L, without the the housing)
-36 V DC housing) l 19 (with the
l 485 mm x 285 mm x 170 housing)
mm (23.5 L, with the

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3201.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 571

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-438 Environmental specifications of an RRU3201

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperatur Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3201 l With solar 5% RH to 100% RH 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106

radiation kPa
of 1120 W/
m2: -40C
to +50C
l Without
-40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3201.

Table 10-439 Compliance standards for an RRU3201

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3201 l 3GPP TS 36.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-440 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3201.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-440 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3201

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 572

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3201.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 573

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-441 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3201

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3201 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the l When the

or ring rate at the LBBPc
port is LBBPd1
1.25 is
Gbit/s: configure
Cascadin d: 20
g is not l When the
supporte LBBPd3
d. is
l When the configure
rate at the d:
port is 2.5 quanti
Gbit/s: ty
Three 3: 40
levels Cell
are quanti
suppo ty
rted if 4: 20
cell l When the
band LBBPd2
width is
is less configure
than d: 40
to 5
rted if
is 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 574

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

is not
ed if
r than
to 15

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3201.

Table 10-442 Antenna capability of an RRU3201

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3201 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.24 RRU3203 Technical Specifications

An RRU3203, which is a remote radio unit for LTE, supports only one carrier.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3203.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 575

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-443 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3203

Type Mode Frequency Band Receive Transmit

(MHz) Frequency Band Frequency Band
(MHz) (MHz)

RRU3203 LTE 700 (band 12) 698 to 716 728 to 746

RF Specifications
Table 10-444 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3203.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

Table 10-444 RF specifications of an RRU3203

Type Trans Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

mit (dBm) Power Consum
and ption
Recei 1T1R 1T2R

RRU3 2T2R One carrier with a -105.8 -108.6 The DBS3900

203 bandwidth of 1.4, RRU3203 power
3, 5, 10, or 15 MHz supports consumpt
the ion
maximum (RRU320
power 3
configurat configure
ion 2 x 40 d)

Table 10-445 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3203 configured)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 869 1055

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3203.

Table 10-446 Equipment specifications of an RRU3203

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

RRU3203 -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 356 mm x 140 l 21 (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm (24 L, without the housing)
-36 V DC housing) l 24 (with the
l 485 mm x 381 mm x 170 housing)
mm (31.4 L, with the

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3203.

Table 10-447 Environmental specifications of an RRU3203

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU320 l With solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106

3 radiation of 1120 RH kPa
W/m2: -40C to
l Without solar
radiation: -40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3203.

Table 10-448 Compliance standards for an RRU3203

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3203 l 3GPP TS 36.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-449 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3203.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 577

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-449 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3203

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3203.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 578

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-450 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3203

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3203 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the l When the

or ring rate at the LBBPc
port is LBBPd1
1.25 is
Gbit/s: configure
Cascadin d: 20
g is not l When the
supporte LBBPd3
d. is
l When the configure
rate at the d:
port is 2.5 quanti
Gbit/s: ty
Three 3: 40
levels Cell
are quanti
suppo ty
rted if 4: 20
cell l When the
band LBBPd2
width is
is less configure
than d: 40
to 5
rted if
is 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 579

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

is not
ed if
r than
to 15

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3203.

Table 10-451 Antenna capability of an RRU3203

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3203 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.25 RRU3220 Technical Specifications

An RRU3220, which is a remote radio unit for LTE, supports one carrier.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3220.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 580

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-452 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3220

Type Mode Frequency Band Receive Transmit

(MHz) Frequency Band Frequency Band
(MHz) (MHz)

RRU3220 LTE DD 800 (band 20) 832 to 847 791 to 806

842 to 862 801 to 821

RF Specifications
Table 10-453 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3220.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

Table 10-453 RF specifications of an RRU3220

Type Trans Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

mit (dBm) Power Consum
and ption
Recei 1T1R 1T2R

RRU3 2T2R One carrier with a -106.1 -108.9 The DBS3900

220 bandwidth of 5, 10, RRU3220 power
15, or 20 MHz supports consumpt
the ion
maximum (RRU322
power 0
configurat configure
ion 2 x 40 d)

Table 10-454 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3220 configured)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 773 1013

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 581

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3220.

Table 10-455 Equipment specifications of an RRU3220

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

RRU3220 -48 V DC; voltage l 400 mm x 220 mm x 140 l 13.5 (without

range: -57 V DC to mm (12 L, without the the housing)
-36 V DC housing) l 15 (with the
l 400 mm x 240 mm x 160 housing)
mm (15 L, with the

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3220.

Table 10-456 Environmental specifications of an RRU3220

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheri

Temperature Humidity Humidity c Pressure

RRU3220 l With solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

radiation of 1120 RH m3 kPa
W/m2: -40C to
l Without solar
radiation: -40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3220.

Table 10-457 Compliance standards for an RRU3220

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3220 l 3GPP TS 36.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-458 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3220.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 582

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-458 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3220

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3220.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 583

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-459 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3220

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3220 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the l When the

or ring rate at the LBBPc
port is LBBPd1
1.25 is
Gbit/s: configure
Cascadin d: 20
g is not l When the
supporte LBBPd3
d. is
l When the configure
rate at the d:
port is 2.5 quanti
Gbit/s: ty
Three 3: 40
levels Cell
are quanti
suppo ty
rted if 4: 20
cell l When the
band LBBPd2
width is
is less configure
than d: 40
to 5
rted if
is 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 584

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

is not
ed if
r than
to 15

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3220.

Table 10-460 Antenna capability of an RRU3220

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3220 Not supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


l When an RRU3220 uses a tower mounted amplifier (TMA), a bias tee (BT) is required.
l For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.26 RRU3221 Technical Specifications

An RRU3221, which is a remote radio unit for LTE, supports a maximum of two carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3221.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 585

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-461 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3221

Type Mode Frequency Band Receive Transmit

(MHz) Frequency Band Frequency Band
(MHz) (MHz)

RRU3221 LTE 2600 (band 7) 2500 to 2570 2620 to 2690

RF Specifications
Table 10-462 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3221.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 586

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-462 RF specifications of an RRU3221

Type Trans Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

mit (dBm) Power Consum
and ption
Recei 1T1R 1T2R

RRU3 2T2R Two carriers. The -106.0 -108.8 The DBS3900

221 bandwidth per RRU3221 power
carrier is 5, 10, 15, supports consumpt
or 20 MHz; the the ion
total bandwidth maximum (RRU322
between the power 1
maximum configurat configure
frequency and the ion 2 x 40 d)
minimum W. For
frequency of the typical
spectrums for two configurat
carriers does not ions, see
exceed 40 MHz. the
power for

Table 10-463 Output power for the RRU3221 (LTE, 2600 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


LTE 1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

2 (MIMO) 2 x 20

Table 10-464 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3221 configured)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 968 1253

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 587

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3221.

Table 10-465 Equipment specifications of an RRU3221

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

RRU3221 -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 mm x 140 l 20 (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm (18 L, without the housing)
-36 V DC housing) l 22 (with the
l 485 mm x 300 mm x 170 housing)
mm (25 L, with the

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3221.

Table 10-466 Environmental specifications of an RRU3221

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheri

Temperature Humidity Humidity c Pressure

RRU3221 l With solar radiation 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

of 1120 W/m2: -40 RH m3 kPa
C to +50C
l Without solar
radiation: -40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3221.

Table 10-467 Compliance standards for an RRU3221

Type Operating Anti-seismic Protection Rating

Environment Performance

RRU3221 l 3GPP TS 36.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-

Table 10-468 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3221.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 588

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-468 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3221

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3221.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 589

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-469 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3221

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3221 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, l When the l When the

4.9 or ring rate at the LBBPc
port is LBBPd1
1.25 is
Gbit/s: configure
Cascadin d: 20
g is not l When the
supporte LBBPd3
d. is
l When the configure
rate at the d:
port is 2.5 quanti
Gbit/s: ty
Three 3: 40
levels Cell
are quanti
suppo ty
rted if 4: 20
cell l When the
band LBBPd2
width is
is less configure
than d: 40
to 5
rted if
is 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 590

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

is not
ed if
r than
to 15
l When the
rate at the
port is 4.9
rted if
is less
to 10
rted if

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 591

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

r than
to 15

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3221.

Table 10-470 Antenna capability of an RRU3221

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3221 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.27 RRU3222 Technical Specifications

An RRU3222, which is a remote radio unit for LTE, supports one carrier.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3222.

Table 10-471 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3222

Type Mode Frequency Band Receive Transmit

(MHz) Frequency Band Frequency Band
(MHz) (MHz)

RRU3222 LTE DD 800 (band 20) 832 to 862 791 to 821

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 592

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

RF Specifications
Table 10-472 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3222.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

Table 10-472 RF specifications of an RRU3222

Type Trans Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

mit (dBm) Power Consum
and ption
Recei 1T1R 1T2R

RRU3 2T2R One carrier with a -106.4 -109.2 The DBS3900

222 bandwidth of 5, 10, RRU3222 power
15, or 20 MHz supports consumpt
the ion
maximum (RRU322
power 2
configurat configure
ion 2 x 40 d)

Table 10-473 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3222 configured)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 863 1073

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3222.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 593

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-474 Equipment specifications of an RRU3222

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

RRU3222 -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 mm x 140 l 17.5 (without

range: -57 V DC to mm (18 L, without the the housing)
-36 V DC housing) l 20 (with the
l 485 mm x 300 mm x 170 housing)
mm (25 L, with the

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3222.

Table 10-475 Environmental specifications of an RRU3222

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheri

Temperature Humidity Humidity c Pressure

RRU3222 l With solar 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

radiation of 1120 RH m3 kPa
W/m2: -40C to
l Without solar
radiation: -40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3222.

Table 10-476 Compliance standards for an RRU3222

Type Operating Environment Anti-seismic Protection Rating


RRU3222 l 3GPP TS 36.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04) Class
4.1: "Non-

Table 10-477 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3222.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 594

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-477 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3222

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3222.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 595

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-478 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3222

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3222 2 1.25 or 2.5 Star, chain, l When the l When the

or ring rate at the LBBPc
port is LBBPd1
1.25 is
Gbit/s: configure
Cascadin d: 20
g is not l When the
supporte LBBPd3
d. is
l When the configure
rate at the d:
port is 2.5 quanti
Gbit/s: ty
Three 3: 40
levels Cell
are quanti
suppo ty
rted if 4: 20
cell l When the
band LBBPd2
width is
is less configure
than d: 40
to 5
rted if
is 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 596

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

is not
ed if
r than
to 15

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3222.

Table 10-479 Antenna capability of an RRU3222

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3222 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.28 RRU3229 Technical Specifications

An RRU3229, which is a remote radio unit for LTE, supports a maximum of two carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3229.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 597

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-480 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3229

Type Mode Frequency Band Receive Transmit

(MHz) Frequency Band Frequency Band
(MHz) (MHz)

RRU3229 LTE 2600 (band 7) 2500 to 2570 2620 to 2690

RF Specifications
Table 10-481 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3229.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 598

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-481 RF specifications of an RRU3229

Type Trans Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

mit (dBm) Power Consum
and ption
Recei 1T1R 1T2R

RRU3 2T2R Two carriers. The -106.0 -108.8 The DBS3900

229 bandwidth per RRU3229 power
carrier is 5, 10, 15, supports consumpt
or 20 MHz; the the ion
total bandwidth maximum (RRU322
between the power 9
maximum configurati configure
frequency and the on 2 x 60 d)
minimum W. For
frequency of the typical
spectrums for two configurati
carriers does not ons, see
exceed 40 MHz. the
power for

Table 10-482 Output power for the RRU3229 (LTE, 2600 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


LTE 1 (MIMO) 2 x 60

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

Table 10-483 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3229 configured)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1103 1523

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 599

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3229.

Table 10-484 Equipment specifications of an RRU3229

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

RRU3229 -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 mm x 140 l 20 (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm (18 L, without the housing)
-36 V DC housing) l 22 (with the
l 485 mm x 300 mm x 170 housing)
mm (25 L, with the

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3229.

Table 10-485 Environmental specifications of an RRU3229

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospher

Temperature Humidity Humidity ic Pressure

RRU3229 l With solar radiation 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

of 1120 W/m2: -40C RH m3 kPa
to +50C
l Without solar
radiation: -40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3229.

Table 10-486 Compliance standards for an RRU3229

Type Operating Environment Anti-seismic Protection Rating


RRU3229 l 3GPP TS 36.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04) Class
4.1: "Non-

Table 10-487 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3229.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 600

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-487 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3229

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3229.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 601

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-488 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3229

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3229 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, l When the l When the

4.9 or ring rate at the LBBPc
port is LBBPd1
1.25 is
Gbit/s: configure
Cascadin d: 20
g is not l When the
supporte LBBPd3
d. is
l When the configure
rate at the d:
port is 2.5 quanti
Gbit/s: ty
Three 3: 40
levels Cell
are quanti
suppo ty
rted if 4: 20
cell l When the
band LBBPd2
width is
is less configure
than d: 40
to 5
rted if
is 10

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 602

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

is not
ed if
r than
to 15
l When the
rate at the
port is 4.9
rted if
is less
to 10
rted if

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 603

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

r than
to 15

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3229.

Table 10-489 Antenna capability of an RRU3229

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3229 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.29 RRU3240 Technical Specifications

An RRU3240, which is a remote radio unit for LTE, supports a maximum of two carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3240.

Table 10-490 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3240

Type Mode Frequency Band Receive Transmit

(MHz) Frequency Band Frequency Band
(MHz) (MHz)

RRU3240 LTE 2600 (band 7) 2500 to 2570 2620 to 2690

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

RF Specifications
Table 10-491 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3240.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

Table 10-491 RF specifications of an RRU3240

Type Trans Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

mit (dBm) Power Consum
and ption
Recei 1T1R 1T2R

RRU3 2T4R Two carriers. The -106.0 -108.8 The DBS3900

240 bandwidth per RRU3240 power
carrier is 5, 10, 15, supports consumpt
or 20 MHz; the the ion
total bandwidth maximum (RRU324
between the power 0
maximum configurat configure
frequency and the ion 2 x 40 d)
minimum W. For
frequency of the typical
spectrums for two configurat
carriers does not ions, see
exceed 40 MHz. the
power for
) table.

Table 10-492 Output power for the RRU3240 (LTE, 2600 MHz)

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


LTE 1 (MIMO) 2 x 40

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 605

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Total Number of Carriers Output Power per Carrier


2 (MIMO) 2 x 20

Table 10-493 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3240 configured)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 2 x 40 1073 1343

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3240.

Table 10-494 Equipment specifications of an RRU3240

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

RRU3240 -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 270 mm x 140 l 20 (without the

range: -57 V DC to mm (18 L, without the housing)
-36 V DC housing) l 22 (with the
l 485 mm x 300 mm x 170 housing)
mm (25 L, with the

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3240.

Table 10-495 Environmental specifications of an RRU3240

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospher

Temperature Humidity Humidity ic Pressure

RRU3240 l With solar radiation of 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/ 70 kPa to 106

1120 W/m2: -40C to RH m3 kPa
l Without solar
radiation: -40C to

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3240.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 606

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-496 Compliance standards for an RRU3240

Type Operating Environment Anti-seismic Protection Rating


RRU3240 l 3GPP TS 36.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04) Class
4.1: "Non-

Table 10-497 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3240.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-497 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3240

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 250 A

to all current mode

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 607

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Common 250 A

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3240.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 608

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-498 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3240

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3240 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, l When the l When the

4.9 or ring rate at the LBBPc
port is LBBPd1
1.25 is
Gbit/s: configure
Cascadin d: 20
g is not l When the
supporte LBBPd3
d. is
l When the configure
rate at the d:
port is 2.5 quanti
Gbit/s: ty
Two 3: 40
levels Cell
are quanti
suppo ty
rted if 4: 20
cell l When the
band LBBPd2
width is
is less configure
than d: 40
to 5
is not
ed if
r than

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 609

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

to 10
l When the
rate at the
port is 4.9
rted if
is less
to 10
is not
ed if
r than
to 15

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 610

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3240.

Table 10-499 Antenna capability of an RRU3240

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3240 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.3.30 RRU3841 Technical Specifications

An RRU3841, which is a remote radio unit for LTE, supports a maximum of two carriers.

Supported Modes and Frequency Bands

The following table lists the modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3841.

Table 10-500 Modes and frequency bands supported by an RRU3841

Type Mode Frequency Receive Transmit

Band (MHz) Frequency Frequency
Band (MHz) Band (MHz)

RRU384 LTE AWS (band 4) 1710 to 1755 2110 to 2155


RF Specifications
Table 10-501 lists radio frequency (RF) specifications of an RRU3841.


l ATBR in the RX and TX Channels column indicates that this RF module has A transmit channels and B
receive channels.
l C x D W in the Output Power column indicates that this RF module is configured with C transmit channels
and the maximum output power of each transmit channel is D W.
l The LTE receiver sensitivity is measured, as recommended in 3GPP TS 36.104, under a 5 MHz channel
bandwidth based on the FRC A1-3 in Annex A.1 (QPSK, R = 1/3, 25 RBs) standard.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 611

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-501 RF specifications of an RRU3841

Type Trans Capacity Receiver Sensitivity Output Power

mit (dBm) Power Consum
and ption
Recei 1T1R 1T2R

RRU3 4T4R Two carriers. The -106.3 -109.1 Output l DBS39

841 bandwidth per power for 00
carrier is 5, 10, 15, the power
or 20 MHz; the RRU3841 consu
total bandwidth (LTE, mptio
between the AWS) n
maximum (RRU
frequency and the 3841
minimum with
frequency of the 2T4R
spectrums for two config
carriers does not uratio
exceed 40 MHz. n)
l DBS39

Table 10-502 Output power for the RRU3841 (LTE, AWS)

TX and RX Mode TX RF Port Combination Maximum Output Power

Mode (W)

1T2R Port A or port B 1 x 60

2T2R Port A is used with port B 2 x 60. For typical

configurations, see the Table

l Port A is used with port C 2 x 30

l port B is used with port D

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 612

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

TX and RX Mode TX RF Port Combination Maximum Output Power

Mode (W)

2T2R + 2T2R (two sectors) Port A is used with port C and 2 x 30 + 2 x 30

port B is used with port D

2T4R Port A is used with port B 2 x 60

4T4R Ports A, B, C, and D are used 4 x 30. For typical

together configurations, see the Table

Table 10-503 Output power for the RRU3841 (LTE, AWS, 2x60 W)

Mode Total Number of LTE Carriers Output Power per LTE Carrier

LTE 1 (MIMO) 2 x 60

2 (MIMO) 2 x 30

2 (MIMO) l carrier 1: 2 x 20
l carrier 2: 2 x 40

Table 10-504 Output power for the RRU3841 (LTE, AWS, 4x30 W)

Mode Total Number of LTE Carriers Output Power per LTE Carrier

LTE 1 (MIMO) 4 x 30

2 (MIMO) 4 x 15

2 (MIMO) l carrier 1: 4 x 10
l carrier 1: 4 x 20

Table 10-505 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3841 with 2T4R configuration)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 2 x 60 1253 1643

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-506 DBS3900 power consumption (RRU3841 with 4T4R configuration)

Configuration Output Power of Typical Power Maximum Power

Each Carrier (W) Consumption (W) Consumption (W)

3 x 20 MHz 4 x 30 1373 1823

Engineering Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of an RRU3841.

Table 10-507 Equipment specifications of an RRU3841

Type Input Power Dimension (H x W x D) Weight (kg)

RRU3841 -48 V DC; voltage l 480 mm x 356 mm x 140 l 24.5 (without

range: -57 V DC to mm (24 L, without the the housing)
-36 V DC housing) l 26 (with the
l 485 mm x 380 mm x 170 housing)
mm (31 L, with the

The following table lists the environmental specifications of an RRU3841.

Table 10-508 Environmental specifications of an RRU3841

Type Operating Relative Absolute Atmospheric

Temperature Humidity Humidity Pressure

RRU3841 4T4R 5% RH to 100% 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3 70 kPa to 106

l With solar RH kPa
radiation of 1120
W/m2: -40C to
l Without solar
radiation: -40C to
Other configurations
l With solar
radiation of 1120
W/m2: -40C to
l Without solar
radiation: -40C to

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

The following table lists the compliance standards for an RRU3841.

Table 10-509 Compliance standards for an RRU3841

Type Operating Environment Anti-seismic Protection Rating


RRU3841 l 3GPP TS 36.141 NEBS GR63 zone4 IP65

l ETSI EN 300019-1-4
V2.1.2 (2003-04) Class
4.1: "Non-

Table 10-510 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3841.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-510 Surge protection specifications of ports on an RRU3841

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Power Applicable Surge Differential 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

supply port to all mode
Common 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

Surge Differential 10 kA
current mode

Common 20 kA

RF port Applicable Surge Differential 8 kA

to all current mode
Common 40 kA

RET port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 615

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Usage Surge Protection Mode Specification


Alarm port Applicable Surge Differential 3 kA

to all current mode
Common 5 kA

Specifications of CPRI Ports

The following table lists the specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3841.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 616

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-511 Specifications of CPRI ports on an RRU3841

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

RRU3841 2 1.25, 2.5, or Star, chain, l When the l When the

4.9 or ring rate at the LBBPc
port is LBBPd1
1.25 is
Gbit/s: configure
Cascadin d: 20
g is not l When the
supporte LBBPd3
d. is
l When the configure
rate at the d:
port is 2.5 quanti
Gbit/s: ty
Two 3: 40
levels Cell
are quanti
suppo ty
rted if 4: 20
cell l When the
band LBBPd2
width is
is less configure
than d: 40
to 5
is not
ed if
r than

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 617

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Type Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/ Levels Distance
s) from the
BBU (km)

to 10
l When the
rate at the
port is 4.9
rted if
is less
to 10
is not
ed if
r than
to 15

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 618

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an RRU3841.

Table 10-512 Antenna capability of an RRU3841

Type TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

RRU3841 Supported AISG2.0 and AISG1.1


For RF moudles supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

10.4 Technical Specifications of an AAU

This section provides technical specifications of an AAU, including supported modes, frequency
bands, RF and antenna specifications, engineering specifications, and antenna capabilities.

10.4.1 AAU3902 Technical Specifications

The AAU3902 is an active antenna unit that integrates the functions of the RF module and
antenna. It has a modular structure and supports active and passive modes.

Passive Mode Specifications

The AAU3902 passive mode specifications include the following: antenna frequency band,
antenna beam width, antenna gain, antenna vertical direction parameters, antenna basic
parameters, wind resistance, and environment specifications.

Table 10-513 Antenna frequency band, beam width, and gain of AAU3902 in passive mode

Antenna Type Frequency Horizontal Vertical Beam Antenna Gain

Band (MHz) Beam Width Width (dBi)

Fixed port (low- 790 to 960 65 (-3 dB) 10 (-3 dB) 16


Modular slot 2 1710 to 1880 65 (-3 dB) 5.8 (-3 dB) 17.2
with PU22 1920 to 2170 62 (-3 dB) 5.4 (-3 dB) 17.8
inserted 2500 to 2690 60 (-3 dB) 4.3 (-3 dB) 18.2

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-514 Antenna vertical direction parameters of AAU3902 in passive mode

Antenna Type Mechanical Electrical 1st Upper

Downtilt () Downtilt Range () Sidelobe
Suppression (dB)

Fixed port (low- -3 to 3 0 to 10 -15


Modular slot 2 (high- -3 to 3 2 to 10 -15

band) with PU22

Table 10-515 Antenna basic parameters of AAU3902 in passive mode

Parameter Value (All Ports Share the Same Value)

Impedance (Ohm) 50

VSWR Less than 1.5

Isolation between ports (dB) High than 28

IM3 intermodulation (dBc) High than -153

Power capacity per low-band port (W) Maximum of 250

Power capacity per RF port of slot 2 (W) Maximum of 125

Table 10-516 Wind resistance of AAU3902 in passive mode

Wind Direction Specifications (N) Remarks

Front 980 Assume that the wind speed

is 150 km/h.
Side 650

Rear 960

Table 10-517 Environment specifications of AAU3902 in passive mode

Item Specifications

Operating temperature l Without solar radiation: -40C to +55C

l With solar radiation: -40C to +50C

Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH

Absolute humidity 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Specifications

Operating environment Comply with the following standards:

l 3GPP TS 25.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4 V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-weather protected

Anti-seismic protection ETS300-2-3 4M5

Active Mode Specifications

The AAU3902 active mode specifications include RF specifications and engineering

RF Specifications of AAU3902 in Active Mode

The RF specifications include the following: frequency band, beam width, antenna gain, vertical
direction parameters, capacity, receiver sensitivity, output power, and power consumption.

Table 10-518 Frequency band, beam width, and antenna gain of AAU3902 in active mode

Frequency RX TX Horizontal Vertical Antenna

Band Frequency Frequency Beam Beam Gain
(MHz) Band Band Width Width
(MHz) (MHz)

2100 1920 to 1980 2110 to 2170 62 (-3 dB) 5.6 (-3 dB) 17 dBi

Table 10-519 Vertical direction parameters of AAU3902 in active mode

Frequency Band Mechanical Electrical 1st Upper

(MHz) Downtilt () Downtilt Range () Sidelobe
Suppression (dB)

2100 -3 to 3 0 to 12 -15


In Table 10-520:
l The UMTS receiver sensitivity, as recommended in 3GPP TS 25.104, is measured at the antenna connector
on condition that the channel rate reaches 12.2 kbit/s and the BER does not exceed 0.001.
l Typical power consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 50% and maximum power
consumption is measured when the base station load reaches 100%.

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Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-520 Capacity, receiver sensitivity, output power, and power consumption of AAU3902
in active mode

Scena Capacity Receiver Output Power Power

rio Sensitivity Consumption

Modul UMTS: UMTS: 125.8 Full configuration: 2 x 40 l Typical power

ar slot l 8 carriers dBm-17 dBi W. The typical consumption:
1 with (non- configurations are as 260
RU44- MIMO follows: l Maximum
2.1G 1T2R) l Output power for power
inserte the AAU3902 (2100 consumption:
d l 4 carriers
(MIMO MHz, 3 Sectors, 360
2T2R or 1T2R)
2T4R) l Output power for
the AAU3902 (2100
MHz, 3 Sectors,
l Output power for
the AAU3902 (2100
MHz, 6 Sectors,
l Output power for
the AAU3902 (2100
MHz, 6 Sectors,


Rxy indicates a connection port of a virtual RF subunit. Where

l x is a decimal digit, indicating the number of a vertical port. Its value range is 0 to 7.
l y can be set to A or B, indicating the number of a horizontal port. A indicates the +45 polarized radiator
element and B indicates the -45 polarized radiator element.

Table 10-521 Output power for the AAU3902 (2100 MHz, 3 Sectors, 1T2R)

Mode Number of Output VRET

UMTS Power per
Carriers UMTS
Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 40 R0A: 40W, R0B: 0W

2 40 R0A: 40W, R0B: 0W

R1A: 0W, R1B: 40W

3 20 R0A: 20W, R0B: 0W

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 622

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Output VRET

UMTS Power per
Carriers UMTS
Carrier (W)

R1A: 0W, R1B: 20W

R2A: 20W, R2B: 0W

4 20 R0A: 20W, R0B: 0W

R1A: 0W, R1B: 20W

R2A: 20W, R2B: 0W

R3A: 0W, R3B: 20W

5 13 R0A: 13W, R0B: 0W

R1A: 0W, R1B: 13W

R2A: 13W, R2B: 0W

R3A: 0W, R3B: 13W

R4A: 13W, R4B: 0W

6 13 R0A: 13W, R0B: 0W

R1A: 0W, R1B: 13W

R2A: 13W, R2B: 0W

R3A: 0W, R3B: 13W

R4A: 13W, R4B: 0W

R5A: 0W, R5B: 13W

7 10 R0A: 10W, R0B: 0W

R1A: 0W, R1B: 10W

R2A: 10W, R2B: 0W

R3A: 0W, R3B: 10W

R4A: 10W, R4B: 0W

R5A: 0W, R5B: 10W

R6A: 10W, R6B: 0W

8 10 R0A: 10W, R0B: 0W

R1A: 0W, R1B: 10W

R2A: 10W, R2B: 0W

R3A: 0W, R3B: 10W

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Output VRET

UMTS Power per
Carriers UMTS
Carrier (W)

R4A: 10W, R4B: 0W

R5A: 0W, R5B: 10W

R6A: 10W, R6B: 0W

R7A: 0W, R7B: 10W

Table 10-522 Output power for the AAU3902 (2100 MHz, 3 Sectors, 2T2R/2T4R)

Mode Number of Output VRET

UMTS Power per
Carriers UMTS
Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 40 + 40 R0A: 40W, R0B: 40W

2 20 + 20 R0A: 20W, R0B: 20W

R1A: 20W, R1B: 20W

3 13 + 13 R0A: 13W, R0B: 13W

R1A: 13W, R1B: 13W

R2A: 13W, R2B: 13W

4 10 + 10 R0A: 10W, R0B: 10W

R1A: 10W, R1B: 10W

R2A: 10W, R2B: 10W

R3A: 10W, R3B: 10W

Table 10-523 Output power for the AAU3902 (2100 MHz, 6 Sectors, 1T2R)

Mode Number of Output VRET

UMTS Power per
Carriers UMTS
Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 40 R0A: 40W, R0B: 0W

R1A: 0W, R1B: 40W

2 20 R0A: 20W, R0B: 0W

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 624

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Output VRET

UMTS Power per
Carriers UMTS
Carrier (W)

R1A: 0W, R1B: 20W

R2A: 20W, R2B: 0W

R3A: 0W, R3B: 20W

3 13 R0A: 13W, R0B: 0W

R1A: 0W, R1B: 13W

R2A: 13W, R2B: 0W

R3A: 0W, R3B: 13W

R4A: 13W, R4B: 0W

R5A: 0W, R5B: 13W

4 10 R0A: 10W, R0B: 0W

R1A: 0W, R1B: 10W

R2A: 10W, R2B: 0W

R3A: 0W, R3B: 10W

R4A: 10W, R4B: 0W

R5A: 0W, R5B: 10W

R6A: 10W, R6B: 0W

R7A: 0W, R7B: 10W

Table 10-524 Output power for the AAU3902 (2100 MHz, 6 Sectors, 2T2R)

Mode Number of Output VRET

UMTS Power per
Carriers UMTS
Carrier (W)

UMTS 1 20 + 20 R0A: 20W, R0B: 20W

R1A: 20W, R1B: 20W

2 10 + 10 R0A: 10W, R0B: 10W

R1A: 10W, R1B: 10W

R2A: 10W, R2B: 10W

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 625

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Mode Number of Output VRET

UMTS Power per
Carriers UMTS
Carrier (W)

R3A: 10W, R3B: 10W

Engineering Specifications of AAU3902 in Active Mode

The engineering specifications of AAU3902 in active mode include the equipment
specifications, wind resistance specifications, environment specifications, surge protection
specifications, and CPRI port specifications.

Table 10-525 Equipment specifications of AAU3902 in active mode

Input Power Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight

-48 V DC; voltage range: -57 l AAU3902: 2000 mm x l Minimum antenna weight
V DC to -36 V DC 350 mm x 260 mm (without modules and the
(without the attachment attachment plate): 33.5 kg
plate) l When one RU44-2.1G is
l RU44-2.1G: 416 mm x configured (without the
310 mm x 132 mm handles, decorating plates
and mounting kits): 53 kg
l RU44-2.1G: 10.9 kg

Table 10-526 Wind resistance of AAU3902 in active mode

Wind Direction Specifications (N) Remarks

Front 980 Assume that the wind speed

is 150 km/h.
Side 650

Rear 960

Table 10-527 Environment specifications of AAU3902 in active mode

Item Specifications

Operating temperature l Without solar radiation: -40C to +55C

l With solar radiation: -40C to +50C

Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH

Absolute humidity 1 g/m3 to 30 g/m3

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 626

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Specifications

Operating environment Comply with the following standards:

l 3GPP TS 25.141
l ETSI EN 300019-1-4 V2.1.2 (2003-04)
Class 4.1: "Non-weather protected

Anti-seismic protection ETS300-2-3 4M5

Table 10-528 Surge protection specifications of AAU3902 in active mode

Port Surge Protection Specifications Remarks


DC power Surge Differenti 10 kA NOTE

port current al mode l Unless otherwise
specified, the surge
Common 20 kA protection
mode specifications depend
on the surge waveform
Antenna Surge Differenti 8 kA of 8/20 s.
port current al mode l All the surge current
items, unless otherwise
Common 40 kA specified as Maximum
mode discharge current,
refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-529 CPRI ports of AAU3902 in active mode

Number of CPRI Data Topology Cascading Maximum

CPRI Ports Rate (Gbit/s) Levels Distance from
the BBU (km)

2 1.25, 2.5, 4.9, or Star or chain 3 40


Antenna Capability
The following table lists the antenna capability of an AAU3902.

Table 10-530 Antenna capability of an AAU3902

TMA Support Supported RET Antennas

Passive antennas connected to a TMA AISG2.0

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 627

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

For AAUs supporting RET antennas, the feeding voltage is 12 V and feeding current is 2.3 A.

Electrical Properties
Table 10-531 and Table 10-532 provide the electrical properties of an AAU3902 when it
operates in different frequency bands.

Table 10-531 Electrical properties of an AAU3902 operating in the 790 MHz to 960 MHz
frequency band

Frequ 790 to 862 824 to 894 880 to 960


Polari +45, -45


Electr 0 to 10
ilt ()

Gain 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
15.7 15.9 15.6 16 16.1 15.6 16.1 16.3 15.8

Side 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
suppr 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

Horiz 65 64 62
3 dB

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 628

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Vertic 10.1 9.8 9.3

al 3

VSW < 1.5


Isolati 28

Front Typ.27

Cross Typ.18 (0)


Max. 250 (at 50C ambient temperature)


Inter -153 (2 x 43 dBm carrier)


Impe 50

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 629

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-532 Electrical properties of an AAU3902 operating in the 1710 MHz to 2690 MHz
frequency band

Frequ 1710 to 1990 1920 to 2170 2500 to 2690


Polari +45, -45


Electr 2 to 10
ilt ()

Gain 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10
17.5 17.3 17 17.8 17.8 17.3 17.8 18.2 17.7

Side 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10
suppr 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18

Horiz 65 62 60
3 dB

Vertic 5.8 5.4 4.3

al 3

VSW < 1.5


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 630

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Isolati 28

Front Typ.28

Cross Typ.18 (0)


Max. 125 (at 50C ambient temperature)


Inter -153 (2 x 43 dBm carrier)


Impe 50

10.5 Engineering Specifications

This section describes engineering specifications of each base station, including input power
specifications, equipment specifications, environment specifications, surge protection
specifications, and standards that have been complied with.

10.5.1 BTS3900 Engineering Specifications

BTS3900 engineering specifications include input power specifications, equipment
specifications, environment specifications, surge protection specifications, and standards that
have been complied with.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 631

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Input Power Specifications

The BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900 (Ver.C), and BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinets have different power
input specifications. Table 10-533, Table 10-534, and Table 10-535 describe the power input
specifications for the BTS3900 (Ver.B) cabinet, BTS3900 (Ver.C) cabinet, and BTS3900
(Ver.D) cabinet, respectively.

Table 10-533 Input power supported by the BTS3900 (Ver.B) cabinet

Input Power Voltage Range

-48 V DC -38.4 V DC to -57 V DC

+24 V DC +21.6 V DC to +29 V DC

120/208 V AC to 127/220 V AC dual-live- 105/176 V AC to 150/260 V AC


100/200 V AC to 120/240 V AC dual-live- 90/180 V AC to 135/270 V AC


200 V AC to 240 V AC single-phase 176 V AC to 290 V AC

200/346 V AC to 240/415 V AC three-phase 176/304 V AC to 290/500 V AC

Table 10-534 Input power supported by the BTS3900 (Ver.C) cabinet

Input Power Voltage Range

-48 V DC -38.4 V DC to -57 V DC

120/208 V AC to 127/220 V AC dual-live- 105/176 V AC to 150/260 V AC


100/200 V AC to 120/240 V AC dual-live- 90/180 V AC to 135/270 V AC


200 V AC to 240 V AC single-phase 176 V AC to 290 V AC

200/346 V AC to 240/415 V AC three-phase 176/304 V AC to 290/500 V AC

Table 10-535 Input power supported by the BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinet

Input Power Voltage Range

-48 V DC -38.4 V DC to -57 V DC

200 V AC to 240 V AC single-phase 176 V AC to 290 V AC

200/346 V AC to 240/415 V AC three-phase 176/304 V AC to 290/500 V AC

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 632

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Equipment Specifications
The following table provides the sizes and weight of the BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900 (Ver.C),
and BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinets.

Table 10-536 Equipment specifications of the BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900 (Ver.C), and
BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinets

Cabinet Dimensions (H x W x D) Weight

BTS3900 (Ver.B)/BTS3900 900 mm x 600 mm x 450 mm 135 kg (with one BBU and
(Ver.C) six RFUs but without the
transmission equipment)

BTS3900 (Ver.D) 900 mm x 600 mm x 450 mm 135 kg (with one BBU and
six RFUs but without the AC
power module)

Environment Specifications
The BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900 (Ver.C), and BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinets have the same
environment specifications, as provided in the following table.

Table 10-537 Environment specifications of the BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900 (Ver.C), and
BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinets

Item Specification

Operating temperature -20C to +55C

Short term: +50C to +55C
Short term indicates that a base station does not
work for over 15 days within a year or that a base
station does not continuously work for over 72

Relative humidity 5% RH to 95% RH

Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa

Surge Protection Specifications

The BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900 (Ver.C), and BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinets have the same surge
protection specifications, as provided in Table 10-538.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 633

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-538 Surge protection specifications of ports on the BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900
(Ver.C), and BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinets

Port Surge Protection Specification


DC power supply port Differential mode 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

Common mode 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

AC power supply port Differential mode 5 kA

Common mode 5 kA

The BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900 (Ver.C), and BTS3900 (Ver.D) cabinets comply with the same
standards, as provided in the following table.

Table 10-539 Standards with which the BTS3900 (Ver.B), BTS3900 (Ver.C), and BTS3900
(Ver.D) cabinets comply

Item Standard

Security standards l X.509: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0

and later versions
l RFC 1825: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/
SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 1826: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/
SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 1827: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/
SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 4492: Supported in all versions
l RFC 5246: Supported in GBSS15.0/RAN15.0/eRAN6.0/
SRAN8.0 and later versions
l Secure Socket Layer (SSL): Supported in all versions

Protection rating IP20

Operating ETS 300 019-1-3 Class 3.1


Storage ETSI EN300019-1-1 V2.1.4 (2003-04) class1.2 "Weatherprotected,

not temperature-controlled storage locations"

Transportation ETSI EN300019-1-2 V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 2.3 "Public


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 634

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

Anti-seismic IEC 60068-2-57: Environmental testing -Part 2-57: Tests -Test Ff:
performance Vibration -Time-history method
YD5083: Interim Provisions for Test of Anti-seismic Performances
of Telecommunications Equipment (telecom industry standard in
People's Republic of China)

Anti-earthquake ETSI EN 300019-1-3: "Earthquake"


Noise ETS 300 753 3.1

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 635

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

The BTS3900 complies with the following standards. If interference exists
because the BTS3900 is installed near antennas or other radio receive
devices, you are advised to extend the distance between them or adjust the
location and direction of antennas.
The multi-mode base station meets the Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) requirements and complies with the following
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8/23
l 3GPP TS 25.113
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The GBTS meets the EMC requirements and complies with the
following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The NodeB has been certified by European standards. The NodeB
meets the EMC requirements and complies with the following
l CISPR 22 (1997)
l EN 55022 (1998)
l EN 301 489-23 V1.2.1 (2002-11)
l CISPR 24 (1998)
l IEC 61000-4-2
l IEC 61000-4-3
l IEC 61000-4-4
l IEC 61000-4-5
l IEC 61000-4-6
l IEC 61000-4-29
l GB 9254-1998
l ETSI 301 489-1 V1.3.1 (2001-09)
l FCC Part 15

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 636

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

The eNodeB has been certified by European standards. The eNodeB

meets the EMC requirements and complies with the following
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l 3GPP TS 36.113
l ETSI EN 301489-1/23
l ETSI EN 301908-1 V2.2.1 (2003-10)
l ITU-R SM.329-10

10.5.2 BTS3900L Engineering Specifications

BTS3900L engineering specifications include input power specifications, equipment
specifications, environment specifications, surge protection specifications, and standards that
have been complied with.

Input Power Specifications

The BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L (Ver.C), and BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinets support the same
power input, as provided in the following table.

Table 10-540 Input power supported by the BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L (Ver.C), and
BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinets

Input Power Voltage Range

-48 V DC -38.4 V DC to -57 V DC

Equipment Specifications
The BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L (Ver.C), and BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinets have the same
size and weight, as provided in the following table.

Table 10-541 Equipment specifications of the BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L (Ver.C), and
BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinets

Item Specification

Dimension (H x W x D) 1600 mm x 600 mm x 450 mm

Weight 235 kg (full configuration, with two BBU

and twelve RFUs, and without transmission

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 637

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Environment Specifications
The BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L (Ver.C), and BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinets have the same
environment specifications, as provided in the following table.

Table 10-542 Environment specifications of the BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L (Ver.C), and
BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinets

Item Specification

Operating temperature -20C to +55C

Short term: +50C to +55C
Short term indicates that a base station does not
work for over 15 days within a year or that a base
station does not continuously work for over 72

Relative humidity 5% RH to 95% RH

Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa

Surge Protection Specifications

The BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L (Ver.C), and BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinets have the same
surge protection specifications, as provided in Table 10-543.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-543 Surge protection specifications of ports on the BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L
(Ver.C), and BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinets

Port Surge Protection Specification


DC power supply port Differential mode 2 kV (1.2/50 s)

Common mode 4 kV (1.2/50 s)

The BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L (Ver.C), and BTS3900L (Ver.D) cabinets comply with the
same standards, as provided in the following table.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 638

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-544 Standards with which the BTS3900L (Ver.B), BTS3900L (Ver.C), and BTS3900L
(Ver.D) cabinets comply

Item Standard

Security standards l X.509: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/

SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 1825: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/
SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 1826: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/
SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 1827: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/
SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 4492: Supported in all versions
l RFC 5246: Supported in GBSS15.0/RAN15.0/eRAN6.0/
SRAN8.0 and later versions
l Secure Socket Layer (SSL): Supported in all versions

Protection rating IP20

Operating environment ETS 300 019-1-3 Class 3.1

Storage ETSI EN300019-1-1V2.1.4 (2003-04) class1.2 "Weatherprotec-

ted, not temperature-controlled storage locations"

Transportation ETSI EN300019-1-2V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 2.3 "Public


Anti-seismic IEC 60068-2-57: Environmental testing -Part 2-57: Tests -Test

performance Ff:Vibration -Time-history method
YD5083: Interim Provisions for Test of Anti-seismic
Performances of Telecommunications Equipment (telecom
industry standard in People's Republic of China)

Anti-earthquake ETSI EN 300019-1-3: "Earthquake"


Noise ETS 300 753 3.1

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 639

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

The BTS3900L complies with the following standards. If interference
exists because the BTS3900L is installed near antennas or other radio
receive devices, you are advised to extend the distance between them or
adjust the location and direction of antennas.
The multi-mode base station meets the Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) requirements and complies with the
following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8/23
l 3GPP TS 25.113
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The GBTS meets the EMC requirements and complies with the
following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The NodeB has been certified by European standards. The NodeB
meets the EMC requirements and complies with the following
l CISPR 22 (1997)
l EN 55022 (1998)
l EN 301 489-23 V1.2.1 (2002-11)
l CISPR 24 (1998)
l IEC 61000-4-2
l IEC 61000-4-3
l IEC 61000-4-4
l IEC 61000-4-5
l IEC 61000-4-6
l IEC 61000-4-29
l GB 9254-1998
l ETSI 301 489-1 V1.3.1 (2001-09)
l FCC Part 15

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 640

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

The eNodeB has been certified by European standards. The

eNodeB meets the EMC requirements and complies with the
following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l 3GPP TS 36.113
l ETSI EN 301489-1/23
l ETSI EN 301908-1 V2.2.1 (2003-10)
l ITU-R SM.329-10

10.5.3 BTS3900A Engineering Specifications

BTS3900A engineering specifications include input power specifications, equipment
specifications, environment specifications, surge protection specifications, and standards that
have been complied with.

Input Power Specifications

The BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A (Ver.C), and BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets support the same
power input, as provided in the following table.

Table 10-545 Input power supported by the BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A (Ver.C), and
BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets

Input Power Voltage Range

-48 V DC -38.4 V DC to -57 V DC

120/208 V AC to 127/220 V AC dual-live- 105/176 V AC to 150/260 V AC


100/200 V AC to 120/240 V AC dual-live- 100/200 V AC to 120/240 V AC


200 V AC to 240 V AC single-phase 176 V AC to 290 V AC

200/346 V AC to 240/415 V AC three-phase 176/304 V AC to 290/500 V AC

Equipment Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of the BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A
(Ver.C), and BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 641

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-546 Equipment specifications of the BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A (Ver.C), and
BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets

Item Cabinet Specification

Dimension (H x BTS3900A (Ver.B)/ 1400 mm x 600 mm x 480 mm (without base)

W x D) BTS3900A (Ver.C)/ l APM30H (Ver.B)/APM30H (Ver.C)/
BTS3900A (Ver.D) APM30H (Ver.D)/TMC11H (Ver.B)/
TMC11H (Ver.C)/TMC11H (Ver.D): 700 mm
x 600 mm x 480 mm
l RFC (Ver.B)/RFC (Ver.C)/RFC (Ver.D): 700
mm x 600 mm x 480 mm
Base: 200 mm x 600 mm x 480 mm

Weight BTS3900A (Ver.B)/ 194 kg (with boards installed in AC cabinets

BTS3900A (Ver.C)/ before delivery)
BTS3900A (Ver.D) l 87 kg (with APM30H in full configuration,
without transmission devices and storage
l 107 kg (with RFC in full configuration)

Heat Dissipation BTS3900A (Ver.B) 50C at 700 W

Capabilities of
the Cabinet BTS3900A (Ver.C) 50C at 700 W or 50C at 1050 W

BTS3900A (Ver.D) 50C at 700 W or 50C at 1500 W

Environment Specifications
The BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A (Ver.C), and BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets have the same
environment specifications, as provided in the following table.

Table 10-547 Environment specifications of the BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A (Ver.C), and
BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets

Item Specification

Operating temperature -40C to +50C (with 1120 W/M2 solar

radiation); an AC heater assembly unit
(HAU) is required if the operating
temperature is below -20C.

Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH

Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 642

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Surge Protection Specifications

The BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A (Ver.C), and BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets have the same
surge protection specifications, as provided in Table 10-548.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-548 Surge protection specifications of ports on the BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A
(Ver.C), and BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets

Port Usage Surge Specification

Scenario Protection

-48 V DC output Applicable to Differential 10 kA

remote port all scenarios mode

Common mode 20 kA

-48 V DC input port Applicable to Differential 10 kA

the scenario mode
transmission Common mode 20 kA
cabinets, or a
(DC) is used

Applicable to Differential 3 kA
the scenario mode
where only
RFC cabinets Common mode 5 kA
are used

AC power supply Applicable to Differential 30 kA

port the scenario mode
where RF
modules are Common mode 30 kA
remotely or
are placed
together with
g base station

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 643

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

The BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A (Ver.C), and BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets comply with the
same standards, as provided in the following table.

Table 10-549 Standards with which the BTS3900A (Ver.B), BTS3900A (Ver.C), and
BTS3900A (Ver.D) cabinets comply

Item Standard

Security standards l X.509: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/

SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 1825: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/
SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 1826: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/
SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 1827: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/
SRAN7.0 and later versions
l RFC 4492: Supported in all versions
l RFC 5246: Supported in GBSS15.0/RAN15.0/eRAN6.0/
SRAN8.0 and later versions
l Secure Socket Layer (SSL): Supported in all versions

Protection rating IP55

Operating environment ETS 300 019-1-4 Class 4.1

Storage ETSI EN300019-1-1V2.1.4 (2003-04) class1.2 "Weatherprotec-

ted, not temperature-controlled storage locations"

Transportation ETSI EN300019-1-2V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 2.3 "Public


Anti-seismic IEC 60068-2-57: Environmental testing -Part 2-57: Tests -Test

performance Ff:Vibration -Time-history method
YD5083: Interim Provisions for Test of Anti-seismic
Performances of Telecommunications Equipment (telecom
industry standard in People's Republic of China)

Anti-earthquake ETSI EN 300019-1-4: "Earthquake"


Noise l ETS 300 753 4.1E (rural area)

l ETS 300 753 4.1E (urban area)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 644

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

The BTS3900A complies with the following standards. If interference
exists because the BTS3900A is installed near antennas or other radio
receive devices, you are advised to extend the distance between them or
adjust the location and direction of antennas.
The multi-mode base station meets the Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) requirements and complies with the
following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8/23
l 3GPP TS 25.113
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The GBTS meets the EMC requirements and complies with the
following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The NodeB has been certified by European standards. The NodeB
meets the EMC requirements and complies with the following
l CISPR 22 (1997)
l EN 55022 (1998)
l EN 301 489-23 V1.2.1 (2002-11)
l CISPR 24 (1998)
l IEC 61000-4-2
l IEC 61000-4-3
l IEC 61000-4-4
l IEC 61000-4-5
l IEC 61000-4-6
l IEC 61000-4-29
l GB 9254-1998
l ETSI 301 489-1 V1.3.1 (2001-09)
l FCC Part 15

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 645

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

The eNodeB has been certified by European standards. The

eNodeB meets the EMC requirements and complies with the
following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l 3GPP TS 36.113
l ETSI EN 301489-1/23
l ETSI EN 301908-1 V2.2.1 (2003-10)
l ITU-R SM.329-10

10.5.4 BTS3900AL Engineering Specifications

BTS3900AL engineering specifications include input power specifications, equipment
specifications, environment specifications, surge protection specifications, and standards that
have been complied with.

Input Power Specifications

The following table lists the input power specifications of a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet.

Table 10-550 Input power specifications of a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet

Input Power Voltage Range

200 V AC to 240 V AC single-phase 176 V AC to 290 V AC

200/346 V AC to 240/415 V AC three-phase 176/304 V AC to 290/500 V AC

120/208 V AC to 127/220 V AC dual-live- 105/176 V AC to 150/260 V AC


100/200 V AC to 120/240 V AC dual-live- 90/180 V AC to 135/270 V AC


-48 V DC -38.4 V DC to -57 V DC

Equipment Specifications
The following table lists the equipment specifications of a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 646

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-551 Equipment specifications of a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet

Item Specification

Dimension (H x W x D) 1925 mm x 770 mm x 750 mm (with the base)

Base: 200 mm x 770 mm x 700 mm

Weight 550 kg (full configuration, with the base

and full configuration of storage batteries,
and without transmission devices)

Heat Dissipation Capabilities of the Cabinet 50C at 2200 W

Environment Specifications
The following table lists the environment specifications of a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet.

Table 10-552 Environment specifications of a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet

Item Specification

Operating temperature l -40C to +50C (with 1120 W/M2 solar

radiation and without storage batteries);
an AC heater assembly unit (HAU) is
required if the operating temperature is
below -20C.
l -40C to +40C (with 1120 W/M2 solar
radiation and storage batteries); an AC
heater assembly unit (HAU) is required if
the operating temperature is below -20C.

Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH

Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa

Surge Protection Specifications

Table 10-553 lists the surge protection specifications of ports on a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-553 Surge protection specifications of ports on a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet

Port Surge Protection Mode Specification

AC input power port Differential mode 30 kA

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 647

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Port Surge Protection Mode Specification

Common mode 30 kA

The following table lists the standards with which a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet complies.

Table 10-554 Standards with which a BTS3900AL (Ver.A) cabinet complies

Item Standard

Security l X.509: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later

standards versions
l RFC 1825: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later
l RFC 1826: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later
l RFC 1827: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later
l RFC 4492: Supported in all versions
l RFC 5246: Supported in GBSS15.0/RAN15.0/eRAN6.0/SRAN8.0 and later
l Secure Socket Layer (SSL): Supported in all versions

Protectio IP55
n rating

Operating ETS 300 019-1-4 Class 4.1


Storage ETSI EN300019-1-1V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 1.2 "Weatherprotected, not

temperature-controlled storage locations"

Transport ETSI EN300019-1-2V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 2.3 "Public transportation"


Anti- IEC 60068-2-57: Environmental testing -Part 2-57:Tests -Test Ff:Vibration -

seismic Time-history method
performa YD5083: Interim Provisions for Test of Anti-seismic Performances of
nce Telecommunications Equipment (telecom industry standard in People's Republic
of China)

Anti- ETSI EN 300019-1-4: "Earthquake"


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 648

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

Noise l ETS 300 753 4.1E (rural area)

l ETS 300 753 4.1E (urban area)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 649

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

The BTS3900AL complies with the following standards. If interference exists because the
BTS3900AL is installed near antennas or other radio receive devices, you are advised to
extend the distance between them or adjust the location and direction of antennas.
The multi-mode base station meets the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
requirements and complies with the following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8/23
l 3GPP TS 25.113
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The GBTS meets the EMC requirements and complies with the following
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The NodeB has been certified by European standards. The NodeB meets the
EMC requirements and complies with the following standards:
l CISPR 22 (1997)
l EN 55022 (1998)
l EN 301 489-23 V1.2.1 (2002-11)
l CISPR 24 (1998)
l IEC 61000-4-2
l IEC 61000-4-3
l IEC 61000-4-4
l IEC 61000-4-5
l IEC 61000-4-6
l IEC 61000-4-29
l GB 9254-1998
l ETSI 301 489-1 V1.3.1 (2001-09)
l FCC Part 15
The eNodeB has been certified by European standards. The eNodeB meets the
EMC requirements and complies with the following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 650

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

l 3GPP TS 36.113
l ETSI EN 301489-1/23
l ETSI EN 301908-1 V2.2.1 (2003-10)
l ITU-R SM.329-10

10.5.5 DBS3900 Engineering Specifications

DBS3900 engineering specifications include input power specifications, equipment
specifications, environment specifications, surge protection specifications, and standards that
have been complied with.

Input Power Specifications

The following table lists the input power specifications of a DBS3900.

Table 10-555 Input power specifications of a DBS3900

Item Input Power Voltage Range

baseband unit (BBU) -48 V DC -38.4 V DC to -57 V DC

remote radio unit (RRU) -48 V DC -36 V DC to -57 V DC

Equipment Specifications
The equipment specifications of a DBS3900 include the following:

l BBU equipment specifications (for details, see 10.1 Technical Specifications of the
l RRU equipment specifications (for details, see 10.3 Technical Specifications of RRUs)
l Related cabinet equipment specifications (for details, see DBS3900 Hardware

Environment Specifications
The environment specifications of a DBS3900 include the following:

l BBU environment specifications (for details, see 10.1 Technical Specifications of the
l RRU environment specifications (for details, see 10.3 Technical Specifications of

Surge Protection Specifications

The surge protection specifications of ports on a DBS3900 include the following:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 651

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

l Surge protection specifications of ports on the BBU (for details, see 10.1 Technical
Specifications of the BBU3900)
l Surge protection specifications of ports on a remote radio unit (RRU) (for details, see 10.3
Technical Specifications of RRUs)

The following table lists the standards with which a DBS3900 complies.

Table 10-556 Standards with which a DBS3900 complies

Item Standard

Security l X.509: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later

standard versions
s l RFC 1825: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later
l RFC 1826: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later
l RFC 1827: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later
l RFC 4492: Supported in all versions
l RFC 5246: Supported in GBSS15.0/RAN15.0/eRAN6.0/SRAN8.0 and later
l Secure Socket Layer (SSL): Supported in all versions

Operatin ETS 300 019-1-4 Class 4.1


Storage ETSI EN300019-1-1V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 1.2 "Weatherprotected, not

temperature-controlled storage locations"

Transpor ETSI EN300019-1-2V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 2.3 "Public transportation"


Anti- IEC 60068-2-57: Environmental testing -Part 2-57:Tests -Test Ff:Vibration -

seismic Time-history method
performa YD5083: Interim Provisions for Test of Anti-seismic Performances of
nce Telecommunications Equipment (telecom industry standard in People's Republic
of China)

Anti- ETSI EN 300019-1-3: "Earthquake"


Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 652

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

The DBS3900 complies with the following standards. If interference exists because the
DBS3900 is installed near antennas or other radio receive devices, you are advised to extend
the distance between them or adjust the location and direction of antennas.
The multi-mode base station meets the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
requirements and complies with the following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8/23
l 3GPP TS 25.113
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The GBTS meets the EMC requirements and complies with the following
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The NodeB has been certified by European standards. The NodeB meets the EMC
requirements and complies with the following standards:
l CISPR 22 (1997)
l EN 55022 (1998)
l EN 301 489-23 V1.2.1 (2002-11)
l CISPR 24 (1998)
l IEC 61000-4-2
l IEC 61000-4-3
l IEC 61000-4-4
l IEC 61000-4-5
l IEC 61000-4-6
l IEC 61000-4-29
l GB 9254-1998
l ETSI 301 489-1 V1.3.1 (2001-09)
l FCC Part 15
The eNodeB has been certified by European standards. The eNodeB meets the
EMC requirements and complies with the following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 653

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

l 3GPP TS 36.113
l ETSI EN 301489-1/23
l ETSI EN 301908-1 V2.2.1 (2003-10)
l ITU-R SM.329-10

10.5.6 BTS3900C Engineering Specifications

BTS3900C engineering specifications include input power specifications, equipment
specifications, environment specifications, surge protection specifications, and standards that
have been complied with.

Input Power Specifications

The BTS3900C and BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinets support the same power input, as provided in
the following table.

Table 10-557 Input power specifications of the BTS3900C and BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinets

Input Power Voltage Range

-48 V DC -38.4 V DC to -57 V DC

200 V AC to 240 V AC single-phase 176 V AC to 290 V AC

100/200 V AC to 120/240 V AC dual-live- 90/180 V AC to 135/270 V AC


Equipment Specifications
Table 10-558 and Table 10-559 list the equipment specifications of a BTS3900C cabinet and
a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet, respectively.

Table 10-558 Equipment specifications of a BTS3900C cabinet

Item Specification

Dimension (H x W x D) 600 mm x 400 mm x 390 mm

l OMB: 600 mm x 240 mm x 390 mm
l RRU subrack: 600mm x 160 mm x 390

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 654

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Specification

Weight l AC cabinet: 28 kg (excluding the BBU

and RRU)
l DC cabinet: 26 kg (excluding the BBU
and RRU)

Table 10-559 Equipment specifications of a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet

Item Specification

Dimension (H x W x D) 600 mm x 420 mm x 430 mm

l OMB (Ver.C): 600 mm x 240 mm x 430
l RRU subrack: 600mm x 180 mm x 430

Weight l AC cabinet: 32 kg (excluding the BBU

and RRU)
l DC cabinet: 28 kg (excluding the BBU
and RRU)

Heat Dissipation Capabilities of the Cabinet 50C at 650 W

Environment Specifications
Table 10-560 and Table 10-561 list the environment specifications of a BTS3900C cabinet and
a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet, respectively.

Table 10-560 Environment specifications of a BTS3900C cabinet

Item Specification

Operating temperature l With solar radiation: -40C to +45C

l Without solar radiation: -40C to +50C

Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH

Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa

Table 10-561 Environment specifications of a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet

Item Specification

Operating temperature -33C to +50C

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 655

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Specification

Relative humidity 5% RH to 100% RH

Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa to 106 kPa

Surge Protection Specifications

Table 10-562 and Table 10-563 list the surge protection specifications of ports on a BTS3900C
cabinet and a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet, respectively.


l Unless otherwise specified, the surge protection specifications depend on the surge waveform of 8/20 s.
l All the surge current items, unless otherwise specified as Maximum discharge current, refer to Nominal
discharge current.

Table 10-562 Surge protection specifications of ports on a BTS3900C cabinet

Port Surge Protection Mode Specification

DC port Surge current Differential 10 kA


Common mode 15 kA

AC port Surge current Differential 40 kA


Common mode 40 kA

Table 10-563 Surge protection specifications of ports on a BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinet

Port Surge Protection Mode Specification

DC port Surge current Differential 10 kA


Common mode 20 kA

AC port Surge current Differential 40 kA


Common mode 40 kA

The BTS3900C and BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinets comply with the same standards, as provided
in the following table.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 656

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Table 10-564 Standards with which the BTS3900C and BTS3900C (Ver.C) cabinets comply

Item Standard

Security l X.509: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later

standards versions
l RFC 1825: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later
l RFC 1826: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later
l RFC 1827: Supported in GBSS14.0/RAN14.0/eRAN3.0/SRAN7.0 and later
l RFC 4492: Supported in all versions
l RFC 5246: Supported in GBSS15.0/RAN15.0/eRAN6.0/SRAN8.0 and later
l Secure Socket Layer (SSL): Supported in all versions

Protectio IP55
n rating

Operating ETS 300 019-1-4 Class 4.1


Storage ETSI EN300019-1-1V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 1.2 "Weatherprotected, not

temperature-controlled storage locations"

Transport ETSI EN300019-1-2V2.1.4 (2003-04) class 2.3 "Public transportation"


Anti- IEC 60068-2-57: Environmental testing -Part 2-57:Tests -Test Ff:Vibration -

seismic Time-history method
performa YD5083: Interim Provisions for Test of Anti-seismic Performances of
nce Telecommunications Equipment (telecom industry standard in People's Republic
of China)

Anti- ETSI EN 300019-1-4: "Earthquake"


Noise l ETS 300 753 4.1E (rural area)

l ETS 300 753 4.1E (urban area)

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 657

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 10 Product Specifications

Item Standard

The BTS3900C complies with the following standards. If interference exists because the
BTS3900C is installed near antennas or other radio receive devices, you are advised to
extend the distance between them or adjust the location and direction of antennas.
The multi-mode base station meets the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
requirements and complies with the following standards:
l R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
l R&TTE Directive 89/336/EEC
l ETSI EN 301489-1/8/23
l 3GPP TS 25.113
l ETSI EN 301908-1
l ITU-T SM 329-10
The NodeB has been certified by European standards. The NodeB meets the
EMC requirements and complies with the following standards:
l CISPR 22 (1997)
l EN 55022 (1998)
l EN 301 489-23 V1.2.1 (2002-11)
l CISPR 24 (1998)
l IEC 61000-4-2
l IEC 61000-4-3
l IEC 61000-4-4
l IEC 61000-4-5
l IEC 61000-4-6
l IEC 61000-4-29
l GB 9254-1998
l ETSI 301 489-1 V1.3.1 (2001-09)
l FCC Part 15

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 658

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 11 Reliability

11 Reliability

About This Chapter

3900 series base stations use the Huawei SingleBTS platform, support hardware sharing, and
provide mature communications technologies and stable transmission reliability.

11.1 GBTS Reliability

This section describes GBTS reliability, which includes system reliability, hardware reliability,
and software reliability.

11.2 NodeB Reliability

This section describes NodeB reliability, which includes system reliability, hardware reliability,
and software reliability.

11.3 eNodeB Reliability

This section describes eNodeB reliability, which includes system reliability, hardware reliability,
and software reliability.

11.4 MBTS Reliability

This section describes MBTS reliability, which includes system reliability, hardware reliability,
and software reliability.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 659

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 11 Reliability

11.1 GBTS Reliability

This section describes GBTS reliability, which includes system reliability, hardware reliability,
and software reliability.

System Reliability
The GBTS features a reliability design, including load sharing, redundancy configuration, and
optimized fault detection and isolation technologies for the boards and system, greatly enhancing
system reliability.

l Redundancy design
The main control board, transmission board, power unit, and FAN unit in the GBTS all
support redundancy. The baseband unit (BBU) supports load sharing. The radio
frequency (RF) module supports backup.
The CPRI ports between the BBU and the RF modules supports the ring topology. When
one CPRI link is faulty, the GBTS automatically switches to the other CPRI link.
Important data in the GBTS, such as software versions and data configuration files,
supports redundancy.
l Reliability design
The GBTS can automatically detect and diagnose faults in the software and hardware, report
alarms, and take self-healing measures. If the faults cannot be rectified, the system
automatically isolates the faulty NEs.

Hardware Reliability
l Anti-misinsertion design of boards
If a board of one type is inserted into a slot for another type of board, the board cannot fit
into the backplane.
l Overtemperature protection
When the temperature near the power amplifier (PA) in an RF module is too high, the
system reports an over-temperature alarm and immediately shuts down the PA.
l Reliable power supply
Support for wide-range voltages and surge protection
Power failure protection for programs and data
Protection of power supply against overvoltage, overcurrent, and reversed connection
of positive and negative poles on boards
l Comprehensive surge protection design
Surge protection applies to alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) power ports
and various input and output signal ports (such as E1 port, interconnection port, and Boolean
alarm port), antenna connectors, and GPS port of the GBTS.

Software Reliability
Software reliability is guaranteed through data redundancy and high error tolerance.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 660

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3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 11 Reliability

l Data redundancy
To ensure normal operation of a GBTS when errors occur in important files or data, the
GBTS provides the following redundancy functions:
Redundancy of software versions: The GBTS stores software versions, including the
BootROM version, in different partitions to provide redundancy. If the active version
is abnormal, the GBTS switches to the backup version.
Redundancy of data configuration files: The GBTS stores data configuration files in
different partitions to provide redundancy. If the current file is damaged, the GBTS can
continue working properly by loading the backup file.
l Error tolerance capability
When software errors occur, the self-healing capability prevents the system from collapse.
The software error tolerance capability covers the following aspects:
Scheduled checks of key resources: The GBTS checks software resource usage
periodically. If resource cannot be released because of software errors, the GBTS can
release the unavailable resources in time and export logs and alarms.
Task monitoring: When software is running, monitoring processes check for internal
software errors or certain hardware faults. If a fault is detected, an alarm is reported and
self-healing measures are taken to restore the task.
Data check: The GBTS performs scheduled or event-triggered data consistency checks
and restores data consistency selectively or preferentially. In addition, the GBTS
generates related logs and alarms.
Watchdog: When a software error occurs in the GBTS, the GBTS detects the error using
the software and hardware watchdogs and automatically resets.

11.2 NodeB Reliability

This section describes NodeB reliability, which includes system reliability, hardware reliability,
and software reliability.

System Reliability
The NodeB features a reliability design, including load sharing, redundancy configuration, and
optimized fault detection and isolation technologies for the boards and system, greatly enhancing
system reliability.

l Redundancy design
The main control board, transmission board, power unit, and FAN unit in the NodeB
all support redundancy. The baseband unit (BBU) supports load sharing. The radio
frequency (RF) module supports backup.
The CPRI ports connecting the BBU and the RF modules support the ring topology.
When one CPRI link is faulty, the NodeB automatically switches to the other CPRI link.
Important data in the NodeB, such as software versions and data configuration files,
supports redundancy.
l Reliability design

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 661

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 11 Reliability

The NodeB can automatically detect and diagnose faults in the software, hardware, and
environment, report alarms, and take self-healing measures. If the faults cannot be rectified,
the system automatically isolates the faulty NEs.

Hardware Reliability
l Anti-misinsertion design of boards
If a board of one type is inserted into a slot for another type of board, the board cannot fit
into the backplane. This prevents boards from damage.
l Overtemperature protection
When the temperature near the power amplifier (PA) in an RF module is too high, the
system reports an overtemperature alarm and immediately shuts down the PA.
l Reliable power supply
Support for wide-range voltages and surge protection
Power failure protection for programs and data
Protection of power supply against overvoltage, overcurrent, and reversed connection
of positive and negative poles on boards
l Comprehensive surge protection design
Surge protection applies to alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) power ports
and various input and output signal ports (such as E1 port, interconnection port, and Boolean
alarm port), antenna connectors, and GPS port on the NodeB.

Software Reliability
Software reliability is guaranteed through data redundancy and high error tolerance.

l Data redundancy
To ensure normal operation of a NodeB when errors occur in important files or data, the
NodeB provides the following redundancy functions:
Redundancy of software versions: The NodeB stores software versions, including the
BootROM version, in different partitions to provide redundancy. If the active version
is abnormal, the NodeB switches to the backup version.
Redundancy of data configuration files: The NodeB stores data configuration files in
different partitions to provide redundancy. If the current file is damaged, the NodeB can
continue working properly by loading the backup file.
l Error tolerance capability
When software errors occur, the self-healing capability prevents the system from collapse.
The software error tolerance capability covers the following aspects:
Scheduled checks of key resources: The NodeB checks software resource usage
periodically. If resource cannot be released because of software errors, the NodeB can
release the unavailable resources in time and export logs and alarms.
Task monitoring: When software is running, monitoring processes are started to check
for internal software errors or certain hardware faults. If a fault is detected, an alarm is
reported and self-healing measures are taken to restore the task.

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 662

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 11 Reliability

Data consistency check: The NodeB performs scheduled or event-triggered data

consistency checks and restores data consistency selectively or preferentially. In
addition, the NodeB generates related logs and alarms.
Watchdog: When a software error occurs in the NodeB, the NodeB detects the error
using the software and hardware watchdogs and automatically resets.

11.3 eNodeB Reliability

This section describes eNodeB reliability, which includes system reliability, hardware reliability,
and software reliability.

System Reliability
l Intra-board baseband resource pool
Intra-board baseband resource pools are designed to enable dynamic allocation of baseband
resources based on the specifications and load status of an LTE baseband processing unit
(LBBP). This increases the usage of baseband resources and improves system reliability.
l Inter-board cell reestablishment
Inter-board cell reestablishment is designed to enable mutual backup between LBBP
l Cold redundancy of main control boards
In a BBU3900, two UMPT/LMPT boards are configured and work in active/standby mode.
(UMPT is short for universal main processing and transmission unit. LMPT is short for
LTE main processing and transmission unit.) If the active UMPT/LMPT board experiences
a major fault, an active/standby switchover is automatically performed. An active/standby
switchover can also be performed if a user runs the switchover command.
l Redundancy of common public radio interface (CPRI) ports
Hot redundancy: A remote radio unit (RRU) is connected to two CPRI ports on different
LBBP boards to form a ring topology. If a CPRI port is faulty, the service interruption
time does not exceed 500 ms. If the LBBP board where the cell is established is faulty,
the cell is reestablished on the other LBBP board, with a service interruption time shorter
than 20s.
Cold redundancy: RRUs are connected to two CPRI ports to form a ring topology. The
two CPRI ports are provided by either one or two LBBP boards. If a CPRI port or LBBP
board is faulty, the cell is reestablished, with a service interruption time shorter than
l RRU channel cross-connection under multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
RRU channel cross-connection under MIMO is implemented by cross-connections of radio
frequency (RF) jumpers between RRUs/RFUs and antennas and data switching in the
connected LBBP board. (RFU is short for radio frequency unit.) This function improves
reliability of the entire network without adding hardware. It prevents faults in a single RRU
or RFU from causing permanent failures in providing services in cells that are served by
the RRU or RFU. This function partially achieves self-healing.
l Operation and maintenance (O&M) channel backup
The M2000 detects channel connectivity by employing the handshake mechanism at the
application layer. If detecting that the active channel is disconnected, the M2000 instructs
the eNodeB through the standby channel to perform a channel switchover. The eNodeB

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 663

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 11 Reliability

automatically switches from the route for the active channel to the route for the standby
l Route backup
Route backup enhances transmission reliability by using a pair of primary and secondary
routes to the same destination. The routes are prioritized: A higher priority is set for the
primary route, and a lower priority for the secondary route.

Hardware Reliability
l Anti-misinsertion design of boards
If a board of one type is inserted into a slot for another type of board, the board cannot fit
into the backplane. This function protects boards.
l Over-temperature protection
When the temperature near the power amplifier (PA) in an RF module is too high, the
eNodeB reports an over-temperature alarm and immediately shuts down the PA. This
function protects the PA from damage caused by over-temperature.
l Reliable power supply
Reliable power supply is achieved using the following techniques:
Support for wide-range voltages and surge protection
Power failure protection for programs and data
Protection of power supply against overvoltage, overcurrent, and reversed connection
of positive and negative poles on boards
Support for a maximum configuration of two UPEUs in an eNodeB to provide 1+1
l Surge protection design
An eNodeB takes surge protection measures on AC and DC power sockets, input and output
signal ports (E1/T1 port, FE/GE port, interconnection port, and Boolean alarm port),
antenna connectors, and GPS port.

Software Reliability
l Redundancy
To ensure normal operation of an eNodeB when errors occur in important files or data, the
eNodeB provides the following redundancy functions:
Redundancy of software versions: The eNodeB stores software versions, including the
BootROM version, in different partitions to provide redundancy. If the active version
is abnormal, the eNodeB switches to the backup version.
Redundancy of data configuration files: The eNodeB stores data configuration files in
different partitions to provide redundancy. If the current file is damaged, the eNodeB
can continue working properly by loading the backup file.
Redundancy of boards: Two boards of the same type can work in active/standby mode.
If the active board fails or is faulty, the standby board takes over, ensuring normal
operation of the eNodeB.
l Error tolerance capability
When software errors occur, the self-healing capability prevents eNodeBs from collapse.
The software error tolerance capability of an eNodeB covers the following aspects:

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 664

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 11 Reliability

Scheduled checks of key resources: The eNodeB checks usage of software resources
and generates related logs and alarms. In this way, the eNodeB can release unavailable
Task monitoring: eNodeBs monitor the running status of every task for all types of
errors and faults, if any. When an error or a fault occurs in a task, an alarm is reported
and self-healing measures are taken to restore the task.
Data check: The eNodeB performs scheduled or event-triggered data consistency
checks and restores data consistency selectively or preferentially. In addition, the
eNodeB generates related logs and alarms.
Watchdog: eNodeBs detect system faults through the software and hardware watchdogs.
When an error occurs in an eNodeB, the eNodeB automatically resets to restore itself
to a normal running status.

11.4 MBTS Reliability

This section describes MBTS reliability, which includes system reliability, hardware reliability,
and software reliability.

System Reliability
The MBTS features a reliability design, including load sharing, redundancy configuration, and
optimized fault detection and isolation technologies for the boards and system, greatly enhancing
system reliability.

l Redundancy design
The power unit and FAN unit in the MBTS both support redundancy. The baseband
unit (BBU) supports load sharing.
The CPRI ports between the BBU and the RF modules supports the ring topology. When
one CPRI link is faulty, the MBTS automatically switches to the other CPRI link.
Important data in the MBTS, such as software versions and data configuration files,
supports redundancy.
l Reliability design
The MBTS can automatically detect and diagnose faults in the software and hardware,
report alarms, and take self-healing measures. If the faults cannot be rectified, the system
automatically isolates the faulty NEs.

Hardware Reliability
l Anti-misinsertion design of boards
If a board of one type is inserted into a slot for another type of board, the board cannot fit
into the backplane.
l Overtemperature protection
When the temperature near the power amplifier (PA) in an RF module is too high, the
system reports an over-temperature alarm and immediately shuts down the PA.
l Reliable power supply
Support for wide-range voltages and surge protection

Issue 13 (2014-02-24) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 665

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description 11 Reliability

Power failure protection for programs and data

Protection of power supply against overvoltage, overcurrent, and reversed connection
of positive and negative poles on boards
l Comprehensive surge protection design
Surge protection applies to alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) power ports
and various input and output signal ports (such as E1 port, interconnection port, and Boolean
alarm port), antenna connectors, and GPS port of the MBTS.

Software Reliability
Software reliability is guaranteed through data redundancy and high error tolerance.

l Data redundancy
To ensure normal operation of an MBTS when errors occur in important files or data, the
MBTS provides the following redundancy functions:
Redundancy of software versions: The MBTS stores software versions in different
partitions to provide redundancy. If the active version is abnormal, the MBTS switches
to the backup version.
Redundancy of data configuration files: The MBTS stores data configuration files in
different partitions to provide redundancy. If the current file is damaged, the MBTS can
continue working properly by loading the backup file.
l Error tolerance capability
When software errors occur, the self-healing capability prevents the system from collapse.
The software error tolerance capability covers the following aspects:
Scheduled checks of key resources: The MBTS checks software resource usage
periodically. If resource cannot be released because of software errors, the MBTS can
release the unavailable resources in time and export logs and alarms.
Task monitoring: When software is running, monitoring processes check for internal
software errors or certain hardware faults. If a fault is detected, an alarm is reported and
self-healing measures are taken to restore the task.
Data check: The MBTS performs scheduled or event-triggered data consistency checks
and restores data consistency selectively or preferentially. In addition, the MBTS
generates related logs and alarms.
Watchdog: When a software error occurs in the MBTS, the MBTS detects the error
using the software and hardware watchdogs and automatically resets.

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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
3900 Series Base Station
Technical Description Index


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Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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