21st Century Planning Resource Center

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The Chicago Planning Resource Center

A Public/Private Partnership
Local, Regional, and Global Initiatives

As we move from the static hierarchical structure of the 20 th century to the fluid relational
structure of a 21st century institution there are numerous challenges to overcome. In this
proposal, we highlight how public/private relationships can benefit from understanding
these challenges. Our goal is to demonstrate how cooperative strategies focusing on
challenges of urban change will help communities organize, plan, implement mutually
beneficial results. We do this because we want cities to have opportunities to collectively
pool and leverage resources, manage conflict, and search for ways to understand how
improve the local as well as the /global quality of life. We want faculty and staff to be in
the best position to provide support and services to students and the community. Finally,
we want a place where students, faculty, professionals, and citizens co-create core values,
principles, and ideas relating to solving challenges in their communities.

What are our current challenges?

1. When organizations are in start-up mode, either they are left to fend for
themselves when it comes to learning institutional/municipal procedures and
finding available resources.

2. There is no adequate system in place to ensure that students and faculty are
getting the training they need to become successful working and teaching
professionals. universities might take offense to this. CUPPA requires the
professional practice seminar & internship

3. Students are often employed in management positions. Is this true? There are few
management training/internship opportunities directly related to planning learning

4. Employers are asking for technical skills that have a limited emphasis in the
program. These employers have no way to ensure that potential talent/employees
are getting proper and relevant training Again CUPPA might take offense to this

5. Access to real world planning experiences is often left to the student to gain
either through frequently unrelated internships or limited planning studios.

6. There are few direct channels for private entities to partner with public
organizations on local and regional planning initiatives.

7. There are no neutral places where planning related organizations can pool
resources to meet a specific time sensitive goal. not sure what this means- maybe

Who is your audience for this document? I might soften the language if it is for CUPPAs
viewing pleasure. I might say things Due to time limitations students do not always get
the exposure or hands-on exposure to both the private and public sector.

Internship are frequently short-term experiences

What are the Planning Resource Center core values?

The Planning Resource Center should be creating a culture that is actively:

Synthesizing theory and practice for students, faculty, alumni, practitioners and research centers.

Exchanging ideas and techniques applicable to current planning challenges

Uniting University, city, and private organization assets and promoting effective allocation of its

Providing hands-on professional development and mentoring experience for student

Supporting planning services for global, regional, and local community organizations

What should the center provide?

Leadership and Management Training

1. New faculty hires should have real-world practicaling experience Again I would
not say this to CUPPA
2. Practicing planners and related occupations should have an arena where
exchanging knowledge exchange is encouraged

Hands-On Technology Training

3. New/Current faculty hires should be able to build on current faculty strengths in
teaching the following skills:
A. Conflict/dispute resolution
B. Data Analysis and Management
C. Audio/Visual Presentation
D. Meeting Facilitation

Joint Knowledge Creation

4. Faculty, students, and leaders from multiple
fields should have an arena where they
collaborate to produce working/white papers,
thesis documents, and continuing articles.

Resource Management

5. The PRC should be a place where data, people, and opportunities are linked.
6. New and current technology use should be at the leading edge

Information Systems Organization

(New Collaborative Content Management System)

Phase 1: Planning Resource Center and the Great Cites Initiative

We want an arena where students can listen to new ideas, practice the latest techniques,
and develop professional relationships with alumni, practicing officials, and community
organizations. We would like a place where research centers feel welcome to collaborate
and share resources. We would like a place where community organizations can receive
aid and support. In this light, we believe strongly that developing relationships would the
first step to creating this center.

Phase II: Planning Resource Center Potential Model (add narrative to this as well)

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