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Hannah O.

Multicultural Book Club Assignment

1. Write a short paragraph summary of the story.

Out of My Mind is about a girl named Melody who lives with cerebral palsy. She is unable to speak, can only
make limited movements, and feels disconnected from the world around her. This story is about what Melody
experiences and her drive to find a way to communicate, as she has much more to share than others assume.

2. Describe the main characters and what part (or parts) of their unique cultural identity the book focuses on (i.e.
what category of diversity?)

The topic presented through this book is Exceptionalities and how this relates to Melodys cultural identity
puzzle. Other main characters include her mom and dad, a family friend known as Mrs. V, and a school aide
named Catherine, who are each supportive of Melody. She feels some acceptance but also hurt by a teacher,
Mr. Dimming, and a fellow student, Rose. Melody is looked down on by a number of students, particularly Claire
and Molly.

3. Describe one situation/event in the story where a character feels unaccepted or out of place because of their

A moment Melody feels rejected is when preparing to leave to a Whiz Kids trivia competition. The teams flight
is canceled and the other members leave at an earlier departure, to arrive in time for the event. They think of
telling Melody but decide against it, and leave her in the dust behind them.

4. Describe one situation/event in the story where a character feels accepted or valued for their uniqueness.

From a young age, Melodys parents need someone to help take care of her part of the day when they are
working, so they choose Mrs. V. They had always been the ones to be with Melody, so had concern about
leaving her in someone elses hands. Mrs. V proved, though, to have a special connection with Melody and to
show her acceptance.

5. Share one quote/excerpt from the text that you thought was meaningful.

A meaningful quote is found at this point in time, as Melodys parents are getting ready to leave her. She shares
the following: I remember sitting on Mrs. Vs porch that very first time. Mom and Dad looked concerned, but
Mrs. V held me tightly and bounced me on her knees. She must have had a hidden microphone under those
flowing clothes she had one of those voices that can make anybody shut up, turn, and listen. Of course Ill
watch Melody, shed said with certainty. Well, Melody is, well, you know, really special, Dad said hesitantly.
All kids are special, Mrs. V had replied with authority. But this one has hidden superpowers. Id love to help
her find them.

6. When you are a teacher how might you use this book in your classroom? Describe the grade level, subject, and
what type of assignment you might give?

- Grade Level/Subject: 9th grade English

- Assignment have students:

1) Respond to I wish my teacher knew prompt

2) Read Out of my Mind
3) Have them reflect on/share with me:

One way they feel connected to the main character

What they believe Melodys response would be, her hidden What I wish the world knew
How Melody was able to grow despite these challenges she was faced with

I would then relate this back to their individual I wish my teacher knew responses helping them to see
the value of kindness, rather than judgment, as each person experiences this desire to be accepted and

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