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Defining the posterior palatal seal on

a definitive impression for a maxillary

complete denture by using a nonfluid
wax addition technique
Russell Wicks, DDS, MS,a Swati Ahuja, BDS, MDS,b and
Vinay Jain, BDS, MDSc
University of Tennessee Health Science Center, College of Dentistry
Memphis, Tenn
The posterior palatal seal area is dened as the soft tissue area at or beyond the junction of the hard and soft palates on
which pressure within physiologic limits can be applied by a removable complete denture to aid in its retention. The retention
of the maxillary denture is affected by the extent and the design of the posterior palatal seal. This article discusses a method of
dening the posterior palatal seal on a denitive impression for a maxillary complete denture by using microabrasion and a
nonuid wax addition technique. (J Prosthet Dent 2014;112:1597-1600)

Retention problems associated with in its retention.9 The PPS is present on impressions. This technique was advo-
the maxillary denture are common. They the denture; the PPS area is present in cated for use with plaster and ZOE im-
may be caused by postimpression the mouth. There are several objectives pressions because wax would readily
changes in tissue contours, by making in identifying the PPS area and creating adhere to these surfaces.5 The potential
impressions on abused tissue, also a proper PPS. The seal should compress disadvantages of this technique are that
by having dry mouth, underextended the tissues at the distal extent of the the wax may not have enough strength to
or overextended denture borders, inad- denture to enhance posterior border displace the tissues sufciently in the
equate relief of the frena, poor closure. This imparts greater stability to glandular area and may not remain
neuromuscular coordination, improper the denture, which may become less dimensionally stable during the impres-
contours of the denture base, or noticeable to the tongue and help sion procedure or cast production.
occlusal errors.1-4 A principle cause reduce the gag reex. Intimate tissue Most contemporary denitive impres-
of retention problems is an inaccurate contact also decreases underlying food sions for tissue-supported prosthetics are
posterior palatal seal (PPS).4-7 Most accumulation, and the thickened pos- made with polyvinyl siloxane or polysulde
dentures are made of polymethyl- terior border area provides added impression materials.15 This article pre-
methacrylate resin, which shrinks on strength to the denture.5,10,11 The PPS sents a technique in which static wax can
polymerization.8 This shrinkage affects area serves as a guide for developing the be rmly applied to these elastomeric
the posterior area of the maxillary den- appropriate extension for the denitive impression materials and with which a
ture and often creates a gap in adapta- impression tray and trial base. PPS can be precisely formed.
tion between the denture base and the Several methods of identifying the
palate.2,8 The incorporation of a PPS PPS area have been described. It can be TECHNIQUE
helps compensate for the volumetric done arbitrarily by scraping the cast, as
shrinkage of the acrylic resin and main- described by Winkler.12 This method is Step I. Identify the PPS area in the
tains the denture-tissue interface, which popular but, because of wide anatomic mouth
is essential for retention. variations, lacks accuracy.7,13 Another
The PPS is dened as the internal method of identifying the PPS area is to 1. Make an accurate polyvinyl
posterior border area of a maxillary identify and record it physiologically in siloxane (AquaSil; Dentsply Caulk)
removable dental prosthesis.9 The PPS the patients mouth.2,5,7,10,13,14 Mill- maxillary denitive impression, and dry
area is dened as the soft tissue area sap5 described the uid wax technique in the tissues with cotton gauze.
at or beyond the junction of the hard 1964. He recorded the PPS with mouth 2. Identify the hamular notches in
and soft palates on which pressure temperature wax (Korecta wax, Extra- the mouth by running the blunt head of
within physiologic limits can be applied soft no. 4 [orange]; D-R Miner Dental) the mirror on the crest of the ridge from
by a removable complete denture to aid at the time of making denitive anterior to posterior2 (Fig. 1).

Professor and Chair, Department of Prosthodontics.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics.
Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics.

Wicks et al
1598 Volume 112 Issue 6
3. Identify the posterior vibrating line of the PPS area, which must eventually that identies the PPS area to the
by asking the patient to say Ah. be transcribed to the denitive cast. polyvinyl siloxane material (Fig. 4).
4. Palpate the glandular region of 2. Dry the impression and airborne-
the hard palate with a burnisher2 to Step II. Dene the PPS on the particle abrade the marked area with
clinically evaluate its compressibility denitive impression 90 mm aluminum oxide at 200 kPa
and anterior extent (Fig. 2). Mark the (Basic Quattro IS; Renfert) (Fig. 5).
area intraorally with an indelible indi- 1. Replace the impression in the This creates a precise zone of micro-
cator (Fig 3).10 This species the outline mouth, and transfer the marked zone abrasion on the impression material

1 Hamular notches palpated with mirror head. 2 Glandular region palpated with burnisher.

3 Posterior palatal seal area delineated with indelible 4 Posterior palatal seal transferred to denitive impression.

5 Posterior palatal seal abraded with aluminum oxide. 6 Zone of microabrasion in posterior palatal seal.
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Wicks et al
December 2014 1599

7 Mixture of half baseplateehalf sticky wax melted and 8 Excess wax carved away with hand instrument.
applied to impression.

9 Posterior palatal seal dened in denitive impression. 10 Denitive cast with posterior palatal seal area dened.

surface to enhance the bond of the wax patient comfort. Add or remove wax for method of creating and evaluating a
(Fig. 6). the best result. 3-dimensional PPS and transferring this
3. Formulate a melted mixture of one- 6. Bead and box the impression and likeness to the poured denitive cast in
half medium-soft base plate wax (Base pour the cast to reveal a discretely a customized fashion. This approach
plate wax; Kerr Corp) and one-half sticky formed, customized PPS area (Fig. 10). may be considered less arbitrary than
wax (Sticky wax; Kerr Corp). This wax traditional methods of carving the
mixture, when heated thoroughly, will SUMMARY denitive cast. If incorporated into the
adhere to most nonaqueous impression subsequent record base, a PPS helps
materials prepared in this fashion and The PPS plays a crucial role in the promote stability and retention for the
has the additional advantage of being retention of the maxillary denture. As interocclusal records and the wax trial
stiff enough to be shaped and carved stated by Porter,16 the determination of appointment steps.23
after cooling. the PPS should be the responsibility of
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The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Wicks et al

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