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Achieving high performance

with Accentures multi-resolution

asset data exchange
A strong foundation for next-generation
asset management
The asset
The enterprise asset management
(EAM) system is the transmission and
distribution (T&D) system of record for
utility maintenance plans, work order
records, inspection activities, and
operations and maintenance (O&M)
details. The geographic information
system (GIS), on the other hand, is the
T&D system of record for the as-built
model and provides the spatial view of
assets and as-built connectivity records
for electric, gas or water/wastewater

But what happens when there are

questions that require data from both
systems? How can utilities pull this data
together in their quest to extend asset
life and reliability, optimize work crew
scheduling, reduce maintenance expenses,
lower the total cost of asset ownership
and better analyze weak points in the
T&D system?

Accentures multi-resolution asset data

exchange brings data from the EAM
system and the GIS together to leverage
a comprehensive view of assets, helping
utilities achieve high performance in asset

Bridging EAM and GIS silos with
Accentures multi-resolution asset
data exchange
Virtually every utility has faced the
challenges that come when piecing
together a comprehensive picture of
assets using maintenance records from
the EAM system and spatial data found
in the GISchallenges complicated by
discrepancies that often exist between
overlapping asset information stored by
both systems.

Accentures multi-resolution asset data

exchange enables data from both systems
to be shared across all applicable dimen-
sions at varying levels of spatial, technical,
performance and financial detail, while at
the same time preserving each systems
unique capabilities and asset representa-
tions. Asset information maintained in
either the EAM system or the GIS is avail-
able to the other system, allowing work to
be performed in the application best suited
to the task at hand.

Imagine how much more could be achieved

if T&D operators and managers could easily
optimize and group work crew schedules
and planned outages based on the geo-
graphic proximity of assets requiring main-
tenance. Consider the advantages of being
able to combine the power of both systems
to color code and graphically display annual
maintenance costs of individual assets and
their relationships to specific feeders,
substations and transmission lines. Think
about how much more effective asset
decisions could be if asset managers could
click on a piece of equipment shown on
a GIS map and immediately see all the
associated EAM information. These are
just a few of the possibilities enabled by
Accentures multi-resolution asset data

A single comprehensive data source
for more efficient asset management
The multi-resolution asset data exchange Extract/transform/load (ETL)
was developed by Accentures T&D centralizes and controls the dissemina-
Asset Management (TDAM) team. Built tion of networked asset data from a single
with lessons learned from more than 30 repository. It provides downstream systems,
years of experience in the utilities industry, such as an outage management system
the solution has two primary components: (OMS), distribution management system
(DMS) and computer-aided design (CAD)
The EAM-GIS integration framework application suites, with a complete,
integrates EAM and GIS data to provide consistent and up-to-date network view
a seamless repository of asset-centric of all as-built asset data.
information. It combines the spatial and
connectivity views of the network and
assets with the maintenance view, complete
with service records and asset history.

Figure 1. Components of Accentures multi-resolution asset data exchange.

Multi-resolution asset data Multi-resolution asset data

exchange database exchange administration
Custom interfaces
Multi-resolution asset data Asset-level data Data mapping
GIS GIS exchange data transformation
Quality assurance/
Aggregated data
EAM Validation rules quality control rules
ERP interface
Abstracted data Scheduling
CIS Transformation
CIS interface algorithms
Business rules Logging and reporting

Multi-resolution asset data

exchange EAM-to-GIS integration Data mapping

Multi-resolution asset data

exchange connectors

Indicates a subcomponent or function of Reports

the multi-resolution asset data exchange.

Note: CIS: customer information system; DMS: distribution management system; EAM: enterprise asset management; ERP: enterprise resource planning;
GIS: geographic information system; OMS: outage management system.

EAM-GIS integration Asset synchronization Extract/transform/load (ETL)
Enables two-way synchronization of
framework attributes for data with EAM or GIS
The ETL component of the multi-resolution
The EAM-GIS integration framework asset data exchange manages the process
component of the multi-resolution of importing, exporting and transforming
Integrated data access and analysis
asset data exchange goes far beyond GIS data to and from enterprise systems,
Allows creation of spatial display and
single-purpose or point-to-point integra- such as an OMS. It automates and
analysis from the EAM system and the
tion, accommodating the work-flow and simplifies provisioning of data to other
execution of equipment, maintenance or
business-process integration needed to systems to support analytical activities
notification-based analysis from the GIS.
manage the creation, updating and and provides:
accessibility of asset data across EAM The ability to extract detailed asset infor-
Configurable data mappings
and GIS. Some of the features that set it mation from the enterprise GIS, enterprise
Provides asset mapping between EAM and
apart from alternative approaches include: resource planning (ERP) or other systems.
GIS, data attribute ownership and EAM
The ability to consolidate, aggregate
real-time display configuration for GIS.
Asset integration and abstract data into separate views of
Provides support for multiple asset- the network.
Bulk or initial data loading
creation processes or entry points, such as An interface for configuring and sched-
Streamlines database creation with
geographic work design, computer-aided uling extracts, managing data mappings
support for the initial data linkage of
design and tabular or manual inputs. and configuring quality assurance/quality
existing assets.
control activities.
Configurable reporting and logging of data
Open technology-based
extraction, transformation and delivery.
Built on industry-standard protocols
Centralization of business rules for
and programming languages, simplifying
networked asset abstraction and aggregation.
integration with systems throughout
the utility enterprise.

Figure 2. Accentures EAM-GIS integration framework.

Asset integration
Integrated Asset synchronization
data access EAM GIS data access
and analysis Configurable mappings and analysis
Bulk/initial loading

Open technology

Integrate, enhance and leverage
asset data to optimize capital and
O&M spend
Benefits from Accentures multi-resolution Accentures multi-resolution asset
asset data exchange start when the system data exchange eliminates one-off
goes live. The simple, automatic integration solutions and can quickly pay for itself
that is delivered allows utilities to: by delivering accelerated deployment
timelines, reduced implementation costs
Improve operational effectiveness and faster time-to-value. In fact, it
Data synchronization between EAM and requires no licenses, which has the
the GIS eliminates redundant data entry potential to save utilities hundreds of
and storage, opening new horizons in the thousands of dollars over alternative
ability to increase productivity and reduce approaches.
errors. Because one process creates and
maintains all asset information, utilities
no longer risk inconsistencies and potential
errors that come with using multiple,
overlapping processes for data creation.

Enhance decision making

The ability to combine spatial analysis,
network topology, engineering properties,
plus operational and maintenance
characteristicsand view it on a map
provides increased insights into asset
performance and raises the utilitys
ability to improve asset reliability. The
multi-resolution asset data exchange
helps utilities optimize asset decision
making through an integrated view of
performance, condition and cost.

Reduce risk and cost

Providing GIS data to external systems in
an easily usable format has been a major
challenge for utilities, as the GIS typically
houses asset data in a schema and level of
detail that does not directly correspond to
external system views. Until now, utility IT
professionals were faced with building mul-
tiple, disparate, special-purpose interfaces
to integrate GIS to other systems, such as
a customer information system (CIS), ERP,

Take T&D asset management to
the next level
For T&D networks today and into the future, Accentures multi-
resolution asset data exchange can streamline the process of
accessing the data utilities need to extend the value and life of
critical infrastructure assets. For additional information on how
Accentures approach to T&D asset management can help your
company on its journey to high performance, contact:

Paul Yarka
Global lead, T&D Asset Management

About Accenture About the Accenture Utilities
Accenture is a global management industry group
consulting, technology services and The Accenture Utilities industry group
outsourcing company, with approximately has more than 30 years of experience
244,000 people serving clients in more than working with electric, gas and water utilities
120 countries. Combining unparalleled worldwide. Our group works with more than
experience, comprehensive capabilities 200 utilities in over 30 countries and has
across all industries and business functions, 10,000 people supporting our utilities clients.
and extensive research on the worlds We work with 80 percent of businesses with
most successful companies, Accenture utilities in their portfolio on the 2011 Global
collaborates with clients to help them Fortune 500 list. The Accenture Utilities
become high-performance businesses and industry group brings deep industry
governments. The company generated net knowledge, world-class capabilities,
revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal leading-edge technology and innovation
year ended Aug. 31, 2011. For more to our clients to help them raise their
information, visit performance to new heights.

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