The Cham 18 Nov

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Rongmei Daily Newspaper

American tennis player Serena Williams le Boyfriend/girlfriend pang khou kaji

katuang fianc Alexis Ohanian Thursday nung liangmei noupu sulou kanmei Salman
tei suan kan the. Mi mung khou tei celebrity Khan le Katrina Kaif hei 4th Indian
Beyonce, Kim Kardashian khatni baimei aju
Supper League (ISL) opening
guang kajaolou kan e. Serena le Alexis na
alupui buh kanei mbumei ni nai the. Mbuna,
ceremony khou perform sulou kan e.
tennis khou world No. 2 bammei Roger Federer Asei kahou kanmei ISL khou tei
hei kandih khou palupmei khou ruina sian ntan Bengaluru FC le Jamshedpur guang
geihliangmei sukan the, kahu khou golfer kajao haplouna team 10 rui palup bam
Tiger Woods subam rei tuange. puni, NE United ni kajao bam dat re.

RNI No. MANRON/2011/46206; Kaman Dk. 4.00; Saturday, 18 November 2017 Vol. VII, Issue 238

Development phung guang khang Longmai khou public rally

Govt nchumma taanh bam de: CM tatkan the
Imphal, Nov 17 Government ruina taan chuan chaimei e tumei
JNV form (DIPR): Manipur sengthao
daithao khang khatni
taanhlou kanmei guai
Directorate of Information
nthanna thai khang district
guaina khou camp
tipat bam the development guai phung
guang khang State
and Public Relations
(DIPR) ruina video suna
lenglouna certificate tipat
bam e, mi certificate
Tamenglong, Nov 17 (DNS): Government lungning lianlou kan e. sinmei guai khang tho kaji
Tamenglong Jawahar gutna taan taanh bam de Manipur mei public naimei sian-dui, puatchei
Novodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) nkhalou puni de tuna ni
tuna Manipur chief minister guai khang taan suna
Class 6 khou admission su sakan the.
N Biren Singh ruina asei taanh patmei thiak, latna
khang form tipat bam the.
Hill Leaders Day sa makmei thiak hei tatkei Tamenglong-Haflong
Thoukummei form fill
rammethei Meeyamgi bam e tuna media person cheng ta National Highway
up suluaimei ruina JNV
Tamenglong khou submit Numit khou sakan the. nun khou Biren tei rui khang upgrade sulou puni
Chief Minister tuang sakan e. Ai rui ngammei e, sammaipui guai khatni D. Pouhoilung phuam ta tei thu
sulou dat nu e, online khou
Secretariat khou Chingmei kasang public siamruai su Below Poverty Line (BPL) Longmai, Nov 17: Dulanung machuanglou lakge tuna
form fill up suhei makmei
leader nun ta ariuna bam e mi khou hei public khou bammei khang jingbang kalun thai makmei sana mi kummei thiak
nai ethei 2 2 November
health insurance scheme baansin sinmei rui blank fire kaluaina tipatlou dat mak
2017 lung k hou sc hool complaint 500 lalou kan e. guai ruina machuanglou o
suna tamai kepma khang ni mbuna sa kan e.
khou rui guang sunu e tuna Mi mung khou tei CM tuna ni sakan the. Dengka lakh 2 ngan ti puni,
kandihmei guaita ti kaluang 16 November j inbang
JNV principal ruina tithai pat ruina Chingmei district Manipur khou chuan mi scheme hei 1 January
karemloumei thiak ta nuni pat kanmei thiak tei thou
kan the. tatruan tatlou kanmei chaimei guaita ningam 2018 khou tipat kahou puni
makmei ndaona aseihei tuang phuam rui su tuang
documentaries khatni BJP makmei ni ndao kan the, the tuna sakan e. Longmai khou public rally cho tumei katummei lung
Mai tiguang Imphal ta Smart City tisu khang Centre
tatkan the.
Longmai area civil
khou public khou kuaklou
khang sa mak ethei non-
chuilou o social organization guai rui corporation movement
Tamenglong, Nov 17 (DNS): rui Dk 106 crore tikei the lengmei rally tei luailouna
Longmai Bazaar Shed khou
tatkei puni tuna ni sa kan e.
Student guai rui final
Asei dou Tamenglong khou IMPHAL, NOV 17 (DIPR): Planning Minister Shri Smart City ti nguan khang public meeting akhatni exam khang chamdaan ran
student guai final exam tha India tuang city ta Thounaojam Shyamkumar tatkei nimei taanduan guai tatkeilou kan e. bammei khatni neila
kahou bammei gan khou gailiangmei, nthan liangmei ruina sakan the. khou public rui Kandih khatni jaatmei j engaimei khum ngai aj u
electricity tiguang chuilou khatni ramlam guai khou Imphal tihei Smart City machuanglou khang ni nun ta ngeklou khang rui guang nimei gan khou hei
khang District Concern daithaomei thiak tisu khang ti nguan nimei taan guai hei sakan the. latrian suna tatpat lana kummei thiak ti patlou
Development Association Smart City Mission tatkei buh kathum lung khou 90 Bazar area khou kalam chamakmei khou rui bammei ta nuni makge tuna
(DCDA) rui sapat kan the.
bammei pang khou Imphal percent taan taanh puni lungmei khatni dukaan aniu j aatmei ta rairiuna, Longmai gengjeng khou
Student guai board kapin, kaluang karemmei bammei Students khatni
tihei ni kapalouna Smart tuna chamlamei nun khou dungmei guai ruina dustbin
exam, final exam, khum ngai thiak tipat bammei thiak tihei public guai rui tanhmei
City ti nguan khang Central Minister tei rui sakan the. sinsu khang tithai pat kan
gan khatni football world tanhna nuni makmei slogan kaohna rally tei
cup kummei gan guang Government ruina Dengka Sangai Festival the, nphuam tanamei
106 crore tikei the, 18 guangnimei khang khatni dukaan khatni kai ta tho kaji ndaona mi thiak sumei tatlou kan tuang e.
ethei mai amit rap-rapmei
November nung rui kahouna Smart City taanduan naimei action law theilaina
hei kariak kumma tatkei
bam e. Mi thiak tihei ti city su nthanmei taan hei kahoumei suna nthuan rui la puni tuna sa e. Memorandum draft suluai
kan the
amaanlou kho. Aseidou thu aseikum tatkei khum bam kahouna tingkum taan Smart City tuang drive
mai pre-paid gan di the puni the tuna Municipal khum bam puni, taan lam hei Moirang, Bishnupur,
department guai rui kathou Administration, Housing baimei tho chief minister Kakching, Yairipok khatni IMPHAL, NOV 17 (NNN): Indo-Naga Peace Talk ruina
taan chuilou khang DCDA and Urban Development ruina ni jaosin bam puni, Thoubal ngan taan taanh Manipur ramsiat su kalai nu makge tumei lam khou
tei rui mbuna sakan the. (MAHUD) khatni Town Municipal area guaita pat puni e tuna sa e. Manipur tuang Memorandum Drafting Sub Committee of
All Political Parties ruina memorandum jeng neithum hi
RNPO on Indo-Naga political solution kanmei hi luaina Chief Minister N Biren Singh khou tilou
puni the tuna Deputy Chief Minister Yumnam Joykumar rui
The Rongmei Naga People Organization in its people. W hile welcoming the anticipated Naga solution sakan the. Chief Minister ruina nu the tuna sa ethei India
consultative meeting with Rongmei leaders consisting of out of the present talk initiative, the members felt the need tuang Prime Minister khou tilou rap khang di the tu e.
state-wise units, frontal wings, bureaucrats, legal experts to prepare the ground at home. For which, Love and
and National workers held on the 26 th October 2017 supportive unity among our people is felt a necessity and GOVERNMENT OF MANIPUR
Dimapur Nagaland reasoned and deliberated on the obliged. Concerned that our people need to conscientize
perspective of Indo-Naga Political solution. Members and formulate a vision oriented committee to visualize,
present at the consultation adopted the following as direct and streamline our peoples political vision for a TAMENGLONG, MANIPUR
concluding observations and understanding thus secure future. Observed and felt a necessity to formulate NO T I CE
established. Observed and concerned that the present a policy to assert and secure a stable status to all Rongmei Tamenglong, the 17th November 2017
Indo-Naga political talk progress is felt the only possible citizens living outside the purview of the Naga territorial No.DC(TML)13/L&E/2017/MC(7): This is to bring the
and presently available approach for early Naga domain. Those settling in Imphal valley Manipur, Silchar, notice of the general public that there shall be no
settlement. Having aware and understand that, the talk is Assam, and Dimapur Nagaland be given due status and
encroachment, building of any structures or carrying
streamlining for a conclusive and inclusive settlement that provision within the envisioned frame-plan of the Naga
could be acceptable and applicable to all Nagas Government. Viewed and expressed concern that our out of any activity that is not authorized within the
irrespective of geographical state boundaries and people should be politically protected and secured complex of the new District Hospital and Jawahar
locations. W e anticipate positive outcome of the talk all for irrespective of their presence in scattered places in the Navodaya Vidyalaya at Duigailong, Tamenglog
and in the interest of the entire Nagas. To which the region and elsewhere. It is felt and viewed a necessity District without the permission of the concern
Rongmei people endorsed with subscribing support. that while preparing for settling Naga issues, the Rongmei authority. Anyone found wilfully violating this order
However we look forward and beyond the present talk to People shall stand out as a distinct Naga tribe from the shall be prosecuted as per the relevant law of the
ascertain that our cause for freedom is achieved as fold of Zeliangrong imbroglio and represent separately in land and necessary action as deemed fit shall be
aspired and that Nagas must be prepared to face the reality all common Naga platforms. Concluded to declare its taken against him/her.
without losing hope and principle of struggle. However, stand at the Rongmei People Convention scheduled on
This order shall come into force w.e.f 18 November 2017.
concerned that the Nagas Sovereign right and the history 8-9th January 2018.
of struggle is not compromised or negotiated by the talk Gwangphun Gangmei Sd/- Armstrong Pame
team/groups against the will and aspiration of the Naga Secretary, Consultation Working Committee District Magistrate, Tamenglong

Please contact for subscription matter at 8974907300 and for news & advertisement at 7085607177

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Tamenglong, Saturday, 18 November 2017
CONTEST 2017 Imphal, Nov 17 (DIPR): Public guai khang njan nimei MEETING CIRCULAR
Music, Gods Amazing Gift kerosene hei Government rui njan bammei bam khou rui Tamenglong ward No. 1-5 tuang Chairman/Secretary guai
agent guai ruina guangla tat tho, kummak ethei retail kalam nthukmei suna tithai patmei lam thu, guangnimei
Orgd By: BYF, Bethel Baptist Church
dukaan nun khang juan kan puni the tuna Consumer 20 November 2017 (Monday) nung 7:00 AM keimei gan
On 19th December, 2017
Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Minister Shri Karam khou CAT tuang office khou meeting nai e. Mi tuang meitin
At Bethel Baptist Church, Gadai, Tamenglong khou kalam nthukmei aju dimduan khang naimei jeng rui
Shyam ruina sapat kan the.
Sa bammei kerosene hei September, October khou Chairman/Secretary guai rui suai mak nga guanglou diu
guang mak kan e tiki November buh tuang kajaona buh khang jenghuaimei tuang e. Meeting guang kajao makmei
kathum tuang nai bam dat the, mihei agent guai rui guangla rui thei kana latsu latnai dat nu makge.
tho tuna sakan tuange. Sd/-AG. DINGSUNG Sd/- KAIGUIYANG PAMAI
Secretary Pei Pou
All political parties meeting
DIMAPUR, NOV 17 (NNN): Nagaland Legislators Forum
on Naga Political Issue tumei phuam akhat ruina asei
Winner Band : Rs. 25000 + Citation hei Kohima khou meeting bamma Nagaland general N O T I C E
Best Vocalist : Rs. 2,000 + Citation election 2018 hu khou Indo-Naga tal solution hei kage Tamenglong, the 16th Nov., 2017
Best Bassist : Rs. 2,000 + Citation n ai t he, ku m mei j eng ru i kage n aim ei lam g uai No. 1/19/71-81-TADC (Pt.III): All the retired/ expired
Best Drummer : Rs. 2,000 + Citation Nagaland chief minister Tr Zeliang ruina lenga political employees under ADC, Tamenglong are informed to
Best Lead Guitarist : Rs. 2,000 + Citation party guai tuangmeeting akhat jaimei lung khou nai tho submit the following documents to the undersigned
FORM WILL BE AVAILABLE AT tuna sakan the. Office on pension matter on or before 20th Nov. 2017.
The Office of Baptist Youth Fellowship, Bethel Baptist 1. Appointment, Order.
Church from 15th of October, 2017 onwards. PURSE LOST 2. Retirement Order and
For more details, please contact: 8731059612/ I have lost mu purse containing 2 ATM cards against 3. The last pay Certificate.
9402612055/8132819817/9402669578. the account number 0653010658461 And it is also inform to all the Primary Teachers who
&0653010891066 issued by UBI, Tamenglong Branch. had registered for D.El.Ed. Training 2017-2019 that
THUANKUMEI NDAOMEI EPIC card, SIM card, Aadhaar card, number E-Mail address and Past word are mandatory for
923032911157, Driving Licence (DL. 28550/NW/PTW/ getting Admit Card. Therefore, those who had not
Date 15 November 2017 nung Manipur Chief Minister 90) issued by W akha Town, Nagaland. Along with
N Biren Singh ruina Tamenglong guang jaoloumei submitted their E-Mail Address and past word must
some cash on 15 th November 2017 on the way meet the Director Education S Office, Imphal at
gan khou mi mung tuang organising committee ruina between Powers house to Hougailong.
aram Dailong Village Authority khatni Dailong Room No 9 at the earliest.
Finders if any are requested to hand over the same to
Mothers Development Centre, Tamenglong khang the undersigned.
kagan tilouna chief minister ta pou rengmai puanmei Sd/- Poukhom Gangmei @ Elvis Chief Executive Officer,
khang kagan tiloumei khangta daina thuankumei Contact: 9485213906 Tamenglong Autonomous District Council
ndao e khatni Tamenglong district khin suna public
j ao sulou kanmei organising committee ta JNVST 2018
thuankumei ndao e. It is brought to the notice of
Mbuna, Dailong Mothers Development Centre, all interested parents and
Tamenglong tuang member guai ruina chun nchamma candidates that the offline
taanh patlou kanmei khangta neilamei khatni application forms are
thuankumei ndao e. Guang dat nimei gan aju khou available at the office of ZEO,
ni mi khang suang gairan, dairanmei taan guai khou Tamenglong and those
lung nchamma taanh ncham bam dat diu khang candidate who have filled up
karian pui tuange. online form can submit
Sd/- President, DMDC, Tamenglong directly to the principal, JNV,
Sd/- Secretary, DMDC, Tamenglong Tamenglong on or before
22nd November 2017 for
onward registration through
online procedures. Any
clarification can be contact
the school.
Sd/- Principal

The 16th November 2017
Dated 16-11-2017 nung The Cham tuang Page 1 khou B. Sanongba, Chairman, Pungmon/Chingchen Village
tuang Notice lam khou ai, Mr Meithuanlung Gangmei s/o Late Mathiukung Gangmei of Makhuam, Plaintiff of Pangki
land owner rui nthanna mathiumei khou tithai e.
Pangki ram lam khou Tamenglong district Pei Customary Court khou 2015 khou case file sulou e; Pangki ram
tuang boundary: East : Agathuak W est : Makhuam but Longjon
North : Pangki thuak South : Koupang thuak
Heipui ram tihei katuang ram de tuna samei kathui ru khou case sulou tuang e. Kaniu guai jan
1. Majoreng Khumba of Pungmon 2. Alen Bariampan of Haochong
3. Ungshophun Rangla of Kharam pallen 4. Sengonglung Gondaimei Khullak of Makhuam
5. Meithanlung Gondaimei, Khunbu of Makhuam
Sa bammei case hei TDCC rui sin bammei gan khou Haochongmei guanglou e, Makhuammei Mr Sengonglung
guanglou e, Mr. Gaipuidum, Meithanlung Gondaimei khin suna guanglou e. Mr Ungsophun Rangla thu guang mak ge.
Mr Majoreng Khumba guange. Kumma TDCC rui land survey far view (du thang rui jaona) sulou e. Heipui gan
khou Chingchen ram de tuna sa makge, kumme tiki Kaphanmon tumei thu Pangki ram tuna salou e. Kumma
TDCC rui land ownership right Kh. Majoreng khang tilou kan tuang e. Heipui right tei ZBTZCC khou appeal su
datna case ding akhiam guang the. Hearing hei 4-5 times su guang the. Date 16/03/2017 nung Pangki ram khatni
lungloumei kaiphun spot inquiry su the.
Thailou nu e tumei thu, Pangki ram lam khou Ra- sakhi suna dui-mai keinu the tuna nuna louna date 11/03/
2016 nung suaisulou the. Suloumei khatni witness:
1. Meithuanlung Gangmei Plaintiff 2. GD Namronlung for Plaintiff 3. Kh. Majoreng defendant
4. Bt. Kasahung for defendant 5. Khangkeng for court committee
SAMARITAN HR. SEC. SCHOOL Date 01/09/2017 khou ni affidavit No. 216614 & 216613, suaisuloumei kaguai
SENAPATI 1. Meithuanlung Gangmei Plaintiff 4. Napsinlung for Plaintiff 7. Ik Sajaoba for defendant
ADMISSION GOING ON 2. Dimthao for Plaintiff 5. Kh. Majoreng defendant 8. Kh Lovejoy for defendant
Special Feature: 3. Jasing for Plaintiff 6. B Sanongba for defendant
Sa kanmei suai suloumei guai rui Pangki ram lam khou Ragwang jan khou dui-mai khou siangding sunu the
*Free Computer Class (Under NIELIT)
tuna sulou tuang de. Chingchenmei ram lam khou case su tuang ramme tiki Pangki ram lam khou case sulou
*Music class, Counselling class, etc tuang de. Salou kanmei ramsiat lung khou apu-apou lunglou pui bam e, kumma atuang ram de tuna case file su
*Scholarship for merit students. tuang de. Chingchen ram ta thu ai thai makge. Thuanku the.
For more details contact: Sd/- (MEITHUANLUNG GANGMEI)
Joseph Rongmei, 8132926168/ 8119830312 Pangkirampou # 9862133295

Owned, printed & published by Ramkung Pamei from Tamenglong HQs, Manipur, Phone: 03877- 267123; Fax: 03877- 267123;
Email: Editor: Ramkung Pamei. Printed at Gaanphiu Offset Printers, Tamenglong, Manipur.

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