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05: Preface of a book, part 4

The lecture on a magazine Kun Salafiyah Ala jaadah by the Sheikh

Abdulsalam as-Sahimi is continued and we were on the saying of the
sheikh where he says that ''
After explaining the groupings and the things related to tahazub and
when did the teachings of Salafiyah began (according to some people it
began in the time of Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdulwahab which has been
explained) the Sheikh says which blessed country is that? The answer is
the country of Saudia Arabia. May Allah protect this country . Amen!
And may Allah protect all Muslim countries. What type of country is it?
It is a Salafee country.
Its a Salafee country and the teachings of this country are Salafee
Who said this? The Sheikh said, as explained by the leader of the
country- Mlik Bin abdul aziz Bin Abdulrehman Ale Saud.
What is the proof that Saudia is a Salafee country? The leader is referring
to it as a Salafee country so there is no need for a proof. When it comes to
Shariyah, there are Quran, Sunnah, Consensus and Deliberation which are
the proofs but when it comes to the worldly matters, then we should take
it from the people responsible for that matter. If somebody says that
Saudia is a Salafee country then who should we listen to? The common
people, People like you and me? No! We should listen to the people who
are responsible for running that country, people who own that country.
People who are the founders of the country are saying it. Please pay
attention to this saying:
Malik Abdul azizbin Abdulrehman Ale Saud said this in 1365 A.H. on the
occasion of Hajj. The sermons on Hajj are very formal. All the addresses
of the king are formal but the addresses on Hajj are worth pondering and
authentic. Please listen to what he said: Indeed I am Salafee, I follow the
Aqeedah Salafee to understand Quran and Sunnah. People say that we are
Wahabi, but we are Salafee. We are protecting Deen by following the
Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet. We have nothing amongst
us and the Muslim Ummah except the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of
the Prophet. The Sunnah of the prophet is the authentic proof that we have
and we are adamantly following it. Whoever talks against us then we have
the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet between us. (The role of
salafee will come later).
Now Sheisk Abdulasalam says: The establishment of the country of
Saudia is based on the right teachings of islam. What are the right
teachings of Islam? They are the book of Allah, the Sunnah of the Prophet
and the understandings of the Salafee. Thats the reason the politics of the
country and its symbols are based on wisdom and justice. On what does
the politics of the country is based on? Its based on the wisdom and
justice, the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and the understandings of the
Salafee. What are the signs of the politics? They are wisdom, justice,
politeness and tolerance towards other religions.
Theres a question which is also point number 18. Is the Country
following Hanbali School or the Salafees? Most of the people think that
the scholars of Arabia follow Hanbali School. However, its obvious from
the words of king Abdulaziz who do they follow. Theres no need for any
clarification. The address of the King is available in the book-Quran and
Sword, page 135-136.
The Sheikh adds on: thats the reason the other Schools of thoughts
present in Saudia have been dealt with softness. All four Schools of
thought are taught in the Shariyah Colleges and Universities. The
students in the colleges in saudia study the four school of thoughts Abu
hanifa, malik, shafi'ee and hanbali especially in the islamic university of
madinah. Why is that so? Why all four Schools are taught when they have
mistakes and contradictions and when the heads of the Country are
Salafee themselves? This is because the contradictions among these
groups are not present in Aqeedah, they are present in the Fiqh
(Jurisprudence). The contradiction in Fiqh is minor contradiction,
whereas the contradiction in Aqeedah is .more intense
As mentioned before, the Salafee scholars all had the same Aqeedah.
Though Imam Abu Hanifa had some mistakes in some points, especially
in the point of Irja; he was not expelled from the group of Ahl As Sunnah
waljamat. This was because he commited mistakes in Fiqah points which
are considered minor. However, if someone commits a mistake in usool,
and intentionally neglects usool, then he is treated differently.
To some up, you can see that Malik Abdul aziz : the path we are
following is the path of Salaf Saliheen (the pious predecessors). They did
not do Takfeer on anything except where Allah and His Prophet did
Takfeer. takfeer means to declare someone as a Kafir(someone who
trespasses the boundaries of Islam). To proclaim someone as Kafir is only
acceptable when it is done according to the special conditions pertaining
to it. Otherwise, its a big crime. The Prophet is reported to have said (its
only the inference, not the actual Hadees words).whoever proclaimed his
brother as a Kafir, then its sure that one is Kafir among them. If the
proclaimer is right and his Takfir is based on authentic proof then its
okay. However, if the proclaimer is wrong, then the Kufr rebounds on
him. its such a big crime that its not for students or common people to
proclaim someone as kafir, only the scholars, government officers or the

men in authority can do that. The Qazi (government officer/ Judge) will
declare fatwa and the minister will execute it.

Malik Abdulaziz may Allah have mercy upon him said that There is no
other Islamic school of thought except the way of the pious predecessors.
and thats our religion and we do not prefer any school of thought over
the other, nor do we support any school of thought over the other.
SubhanAllah! Please Listen, those who says that Saudia is a Hanbali
Country, then they should ponder upon the words of Abdulaziz. " He said
that we do not support any religion over the other nor do we think that any
school of thought is better than the other. So, Abu hanifa, malik, and
hanbal All Imams are our Imam and how can we follow all the imams
when they contradict? It shows that we only follow an Imam based on the
authentic proof. Does following someone who has a Daleel (authentic
Proof) is called Hanbali? Or Shafaee? or Hanafee? What is it called? Its
called Salafee. The speech of malik ends here.
The Sheikh proceeds by saying that it was a very valuable saying of Malik
Abdulaziz. It represents the actual meaning of Salafiat and this is the
correct meaning of the religion of Islam. Now a question arises:
19- If Saudia is a Salafee country then why all Schools of Thought are
taught there?
This is because they do it to gain knowledge about all four Schools of
thoughts. Only the truth (backed up by solid reference) is taken. The
batil (falsehood) is ignored. The Ittiba' compliance is based on Daleel,
in the light of Quran and Sunnah and according to the understanding of
Salaf Saliheen (the pious predecessors). This is the path of Salafiat.
However, the importance and value of the four Imams will stay in the
hearts of the Muslims till the Judgment Day. The mistakes they have
committed are highlighted and their mistakes are avoided. This is justice
and wisdom and tolerance. Some people say that the decisions in their
courts are taken according to Fiqh Hanbali, this isnt correct-the decisions
are made according to Quran & Sunnah. You have heard the words of the
founder of that country; sometimes they make decisions according to Fiqh
Hanbali. What are they?
1. Those Ijtihadi problems where Daleel(reference) is vague.
2. Problems where references are vague. Can the person do Ijtehad
himself? If the person is a scholar, then he can do the Ijtehad- if it
comes out wrong, then he will get one reward (ajar), if it comes out
true, he will get a double reward. Can the person do Ijtehad? Can he
take ijtehad of his teacher or one of the four Imams? If there is any
Ijtehadi problem, the person can do Ijtehad himself or take the
Ijtehad of his teacher or from one of the Imams of Salaf Saleehen.

The Saudis take it from Imam Hanbal because he was called Imam
Al-Sunnah, when the trouble of Khalqul Quran arose, he stayed
steadfast, special reward and favor was bestowed on him, this is the
reason he stayed stead fast. He was also a Muhaddith (Narrator of
Haddis) & Scholar of Jurisprudence.

Though he was human being & had committed mistakes in his

Fatawa (his mistakes have been highlighted & corrected). I have
studied Fiqh/Jurisprudence Alhamdulillah! Hunbali school of
thought is the most criticized. Anyone who wants to asses my words
should read Al-Sharah Al-Mumte'. It is the explanation of Fiqh
Hanbali. The narrator has gone against the Hanbali School of
thought many times in this book and taken the point from Imam Abu
Hanifa because he had solid reference. Is that the trait of Hanbali or
Salafee? If you choose the right path, which has a solid reference,
then thats the pursuance of Haqq-the right thing and this is the trait
of salafee. You can name it anything you want. Does it contain imam
Hanbal? Or Shafae? Or Malik Or thoori? How many are they?
Whichever way you choose to take isnt that Salafiyyat? Is someone
says that I have to follow just one Imam and thats obligatory on me.
I will only take his saying, whether it be right or wrong. Ill take it
whenever I like it, even if I live in India or Pakistan or Subcontinent,
Its obligatory on me to follow Imam Abu Hanifa. So there should
be proof Is it Allahs saying- The sayings of the Prophet- Is in the
act of Sahaba? We take reference from Quran, Sunnah or the
Consensus, right? If you dont have a reference then why did you
make it mandatory on yourself? Allah says in Quran (Surah Al Isra-
Who said that namaz is Obligatory? Who tells us what is an
obligation and what is not? What is permissible and what is not? We
will make our decision according to what is present in the Shariat.
Fear Allah and do not make fool of people. The right is what we get
from Quran and Sunnah and what is agreed upon by the Sahaba
(companions of the Prophet) and the Salaf (pious predecessors).
When Imam abu Hanifa werent there, were these people Hanafi?
Who were these people following then? We are what people were
before him. We are not affected by the presence or absence of one
Imam, we have the Haqq. Whoever will follow that path, well value
him and whoever leaves that path, we wont have anything to do
with him-it is very clear. Lets come to point no. 19. People object
that why all schools of thought are taught in Saudia if the state
is salafi, when people are Salafee? Why everything is taught
when it can lead the people away from the right path? All of this
has been explained.

Some people say that Salaffiyat is another School of Thought just
like the four schools of thought, thats not true. Its a belief which
was there from the start. People who blindly follow Hanbali-or
Shafaee or Hanafee, they are deviated from the right path. Its a
problem faced by the Ummah, its a cause of Shirk, Bidhat and other
non-sense. What is the literal meaning of Salafee? It means people
of the past, as I have mentioned so many times before. In the terms
of Shariat, Salaf means the pious people from the past. The pious
predecessors who we follow-we have a religious connection with
them. Who are these people? Do we have a biological connection
with them? No we dont have biological connection with them.
These are the people who came in the best three eras after the
Prophet. These include the Sahaba, Tabaeen and Taba Tabaeen.
These all are collectively named as Salaf Saliheen. There were also
Salaf-Fasideen (the irreverent predecessors) bad people living at that
time. These were the violators of the Law, the Fasiqeen and
Fasideen. Then we talk about the Salaf Saliheen, we always mean
the pious ones. Who were Motaziloon? Motazili were Fasideen.
Who was the Salaf of Jahameez? Who was the Salaf of Maturidi?
Everyone has made their own Salaf. The enlightened people we
see these days have Salaf too. Do they have Sahaba, Taba'een or
Imam Abu Hanifa as their Salaf? Their Salafs are Wasil bin Ata,
Umero Bin Obaid Motazili, they follow them. Nowadays, those who
say that Allah is present everywhere-who are their Salaf? Do you
know? Jaham bin Safwan. Hes the first person to say that Allah is
everywhere. Therefore, everyone has their own Salaf. We say that
we are Salafee because we follow Salaf Saliheen.
The Sheikh adds further, in this era of new inventions, the religion
of Islam (generally) and Saudia and Dawa Salaffiyyah (especially)
have to face injustice and the blame of mutilating the truth. The

religion of Islam is facing trouble, criticism and injustice. Everyone
is speaking against Islam. Saudia and Dawa Salaffiyyah is facing the
same dilemma.
The disbelievers and secular people want to find out mistakes in
Islam. Since many centuries, Allah ta'ala has challenged mankind to
produce one Surah like that in Quran. The grammarians and those
holding pHDs of Arabic language, people with super and double
specialization cant dare to do it-whenever they have tried-they have
badly failed.
Musalima Kazzab tried doing that, since then whoever has tried
doing this heinous thing, has failed. This is because Arab race have
people from other religions as well, there are not only Muslims but
Jews and Christians as well. Do you think that they are happy with
us? No! They arent happy with Islam. They are looking for minor
mistakes. Whoever attempted to find out mistakes in Islam has been
wronged himself. Quran is the word of Allah; its a noor (light).
Only light can diminish the darkness of ignorance, not the other way
round-this is the principle. Therefore, the religion of Islam
(generally) and Saudia and Dawa Salafia (especially) are being
targeted, accused, blamed and the truth is being mutilated. Who is
doing that? Some politicians and writers are doing that. From where,
From the West. These are the enemies of Islam. They have
Christianity and Judaism backing them up. People from some other
countries , who are inspired by these , are standing in the same line.
Dawa Salafia is far away from Takfeer, Tabdee and Tafseeq. They
dont do it without a proper reference.
Takfeer (declaring someone as Kafir);
Tadbee (someone who invents new thing in Islam); and
Tafseeq (declaring someone as Fasiq)

Dawa Salafiah does not call anyone these without any Daleel (solid
proof/reference). If someone has a proof that an actual Salafee, who
is practicing Salafiat and living actual Salafee life , has ever done
that, then please show it to me, I dont ask for 10 proofs, I ask only
for 1 proof. If such person lives, doesnt he have the fear of Fitna?
Thats why it is said in Hadees (inference): and verily, (the rewards
of) the deeds are decided by the last actions (deeds)". We make a
prayer to Allah that may our end be upon Quran And Sunnah. That
we keep on following the Quran, Sunnah and the Salaf till our end.
Make this prayer for yourself. Once you become Salafee, then never
think that theres no one like us. Remember your last time, the
Judgment day having fear of Allah and keep on praying that you
dont slip. This is because doubts and confusions are everywhere.
We are surrounded by weaknesses. When weaknesses overlap then
results arent good. Make a prayer for you that Allah makes us
steadfast and that we stick to Salafiat and stay on the right track till
our end. People will keep on blaming us together with the
disbelievers and the enemies. Do you know what the new blame on
Saudia is? That its a terrorist country they pronounce others as
Kafirs and they pronounce other as those who do Tadbee- all other
are Fasiq and they are the only good Muslims. This isnt done by
any non-Muslim country. The Sheikh didnt take any name but the
Muslim world blames us more than the non-Muslims.
The Sheikh says: Saudia Arabia and Dawa Salafia are far away
from exaggeration and other unbalances. People have associated
wrong things with the blessed work of Da'wah which is not from it
-they have associated wrong people with it, those who are not
grounded on this manhaj due to which its beautiful image has been
tarnished. The real picture is changed and the common people are
offended by it. People are viewing it with a doubtful eye.

20- A question arises, if this Da'wah is Haqq and ascribing to it is
the truth-then why people are offended by it? It has been explained
that its all a conspiracy against Islam, injustice and mutilation of
the truth. Who is doing that-who is their allies? Why have they
associated wrong things with Dawa? The Sheikh explains the causes
of these misconceptions, following are some of the main reasons
that why people got offended from this Dawa:
1-there are some Islamic groups and hizbi factions who are inspired
by the ideology of the Khawarij, the reason being the leaders of these
unions resemble real Salafee in some points. The leaders are
mistakenly viewed as a real Salafee, for example, Bin Laden.
Everyone thinks of him as a Salafee, but hes not a Salafee in reality.
The image of Dawa Salafiyah has been tarnished all over the world
because of these people. What type of men kills innocent people?
What type of Salafee are they when they are targeting innocent
Therefore, it can be seen that there are some groups who have
adopted the ideology of the Khawarij, especially the leaders of these
groups because the thinking of common men do not matter. If a
leader is influenced by a particular ideology, then his influence
spreads over the whole group. If a leader adopts the right path then
the whole group adopts it, if a leader is at fault then the whole group
becomes faulty because a group is based on certain ideology. As I
said earlier, people come and go but their ideologies prevail.
Friendship and enmity is based on these ideologies in this way
partisanship comes into existence.
2- The Sheikh says: (I am putting forward these points myself, these
arent in the book) some people misuse the name of Salafiat e.g.
spokesman. They arent Salafee, since they are the spokesman,
people think of them as a real Salafee. These are the people who

dont know the truth. Tell me how many people in the Ummah know
what Salafiat is? What is Salafiat in reality? A brother just asked the
meaning of Salaf. Though we have explained in our lectures many
times but humans forget and sometimes do not understand. What
about those who havent listened in the first place? A person who
hasnt listened to the word Salafee his entire life and suddenly a
terrorist comes and claims that hes a Salafee what then? Will he
think that Salafiat is something good? This is called manipulating
the truth. People who are ignorant of the reality of Salafee will think
Salafees are terrorist. Some people say that they are Wahabi-some
says Salafee. The Sheikh says keep any name you want, the reality
doesnt change.
3-it is an astonishing fact that people call the Salafiah as a Party or
as Salafi Jihadi party -associating it to the Jihadist parties. Jihadist
are called Salafi Jihadist Partyor Salafee Mujahideen- what a
surprising thing! How can they be upon salaffiyyah whilst These
people are against the Aqeedah of Salafee and their ideology, why
are they naming their groups as Salafee Mujahidin, Salafee Jihadi
and so on? If they claim to be Salafee then they would have done
Jihad like a real Salafee. Why have they invented a new way of
Jihad? Theres only one reason for this-its their hearts desire. In
other matters of prayer, fasting, they say they are Salafee but in
Jihad-they are just using the name. If they were truthful, they would
have adopted the way of Salafee in the matter of Jihad. How did
Salafees do Jihad? When did they pick up the sword, when did they
put it down? What were their rules of fighting? Who did they fight
against? Different phases have passed over the Ummah sometimes
weakness and sometimes strength -so how did they fight when they
were weak? How did they fight when they were strong or had

strength? The answer to these will let you know who actual Salafee
The Sheikh says: what type of people is Jihadi? What type of people
is Salafee? The name is Salafee Jihadi Group, there are three words-
ok? We say that its a party. How can they be Salafee when theres
a conflict between the Aqeedah and Ideology of Salafee? Its just a
blame which is far from reality. What type of Jihadi are they when
they do not represent the actual meaning of Jihad? Why they dont
represent it? This is because these parties do not represent the actual
conditions which are necessary for Jihad. Jihad is an act of worship
(Ibadah), like prayer as I told. Please tell me whats the difference
between the two? There are conditions for namaz-without which it
cannot be performed. Same goes for Jihad. If theres a difference
then please explain it to me. Both are acts of worship. Name any
worship (Ibadah) which is performed without conditions. Just
mention one name. Is there an Ibadah which is performed without
power? If no, then offer prayers like the Prophet did and do Jihad
like the Prophet did.

The true lesson is within the facts and meanings. Words and names
do not hold any value. These people are imposters-Salafees only by
name. They can happily keep the name. Whatever they are doing in
the name of Salafee, their actions do not comply with it. If a person
today drinks alcohol and say its an elixir of life, would that make
alcohol halal? The reality will remain same. You can change the
color of alcohol, name it anything you want, call it elixir of life but
the reality wont change. It will still cause intoxication. Whatever
cause intoxication (Khamar) is haram (forbidden). Some people call
Riba as interest. Call it interest or anything, the reality wont change.
Therefore, do not try to change the reality- perceive the Haqq

(rightful thing). If you want to become Salafee only by name, then
you are welcome, it will not affect Dawa Salafiyah. Some people
will try to lead ignorant ones away from the right path as it is
happening, but the seekers of truth [ (those who wants to stay on the
right path, want to be included in the Firqah Najiyah ( its the only
group that will enter Paradise as the Prophet predicted)]stay
steadfast and blames do not work in front of these people.
21- What are the causes of these misunderstanding-why did people
misunderstood this true call?
People who call themselves as Jihadi Salafee or the spokesmen of
Salafiat-mistakelny viewed as Salafee-dont have the Aqeedah of
Salaf or methodology of salaf. Ignorant people take them as Salafees
because they dont have the knowledge. This happens especially
when the problem of Takfeer arises. They are proclaimed as
Takfeeri. This blame was put on Sheikh ul IslamMohammad bin
Abdulwahab (that he was a Takfeeri). You can see in the book

Its clearly written that hes a Takfeeri. Why was he accused so?
This was because he said that whoever worshipped the graves is
Mushrik and explained it. See in the magazine. Niwaqidul islam, he
has written ten points and explained them with authentic reference.
These points are about the causes which makes a person to be
expelled from the premises of Islam. He hasnt accused anyone
personally or taken someones name, he just explained the points in
general. People of knowledge know the difference between
Takfeer e moayeen and Takfeer e Mutlaq. As a rule, whoever
worships the graves is expelled from Islam according to Takfeer e
moeen and Takfeer e ghair moeen. If a person abuses Islam, then
hes expelled from Islam. Now, if a particular person has done that-
will he be expelled? No! Because there are certain conditions for it.
Theres a particular criteria after which the decision is taken. And I
swear to Allah that I have seen immense care about this matter in
this country. I am being just here. I havent seen it anywhere else-
not in any country not in any group. If you want to see the reality
then please read the book-Malfoozat- see what the person has tried
to explain there. He has proclaimed Takfeer on common issues and
nobody says hes a Takfeeri! As I said people just have accusations
for us, nothing else. There was a clause in that book-whoever led
the funeral prayer of any Wahabi, he will become a kafir. Just
because of leading the funeral prayer, a person could become Kafir.
Is leading a funeral prayer Kufr? This misunderstanding has been
One thing was omitted in the last lecture, I talked about party and
partisanship that Shariyah doesnt promote, and I said that theres
a group of Satan
A brother asked that theres a group of Allah and Allah says in
Quran; Surah Mujadillah ayat 22. 

And at another place in Surah Maidah ayat 56;
These are the successful ones, conquering ones these are also the
groups, why arent these discouraged? Please my brother see that
there was only one group which did not deviate right or left-they are
firm upon the right path. Small factions formed and they left the
main group. There was only one group-Ahl As Sunnah Waljamat-
all muslims were going in one direction , a faction emerged called
Khawarij, another emerged called Rafizi, third emerged called
Jahmi, fourth emerged called Motazili, fifth called Kalabi, the
Ashari, then Maturidi, then Soofi then Diobandi then Barelvi.
Gradually all left and formed their own factions. What was left in
the end? Who was the founder of the left over group? Some answer
that the last Prophet was the founder, thats right. The Prophet and
other messengers as well. All the messengers had one teaching-the

teaching of Tauheed and this will persist till the Judgment Day.
Therefore, the founders are the messengers; you can take the name
of Adam or the last prophet, Prophet mohammed salallahu alaihe
wasallam what were their views? They had the same views as
found in Quran and Sunnah based on Tauheed, following the
sunnah. This is the thing we fight for. This is our Slogan. Isnt it for
the right cause? Didnt it form a Party? Yes, it did. But thats the
party of Allah-Allah Has given the testimony
Whoever has left the group then they are the ones for whom it is said
(Mujadilah: 19) verily it is the praty of shaytan that will be the
May Allah keeps us away from all these groups May Allah enter
us in His group. Amen! Please do not misunderstand the HizbAllah
of Lebanon are Rafidi. They are HizbAllah just by name, not by
actions. They have selected this name to fool people. They are far
away from the party of Allah. The Sahaba were the party of Allah
as explained in Surah Mujadillah. Whoever abuses the Sahaba
cannot become HizbAllah. They are Rawafid, its their belief that
no one can become a Rafidi until they abuses Sahaba. Abuse is a
small word. These Rafidi do Takfeer of Sahaba and the wives of the
Prophet. These people cannot be the party of Allah and can never be
successful and can never supercede. HizbAllah were Sahaba,
Tabaeen (who came after Sahaba) and TabaTabaeen.
The question was related to the conditions of Jihad, there are almost
17 conditions, and every act of worship has conditions-please
remember the most prominent conditions, which are not seen in
todays Jihad:
1. One should have the power and the ability. Please show me one
Ibadah where these two are not required. Jihad is an act of Ibadah
so the conditions apply to it as well.

2. There should be a leader to arrange all the matters related to
Jihad. Look in the life of the Prophet. If there was a small
skirmish where Prophet did not take part himself-he appointed
someone as a leader. This is because one has to travel for Jihad,
step out of his home. For a regular /common travel there should
be an Ameer (leader). The prophet said that if you are three, then
make one as your leader. Why dont we need a leader for Jihad
3. The power of Iman comes first, then comes the power of
ammunition/resources. Then one should learn all the important
points (Masail) related to it.
4. The real purpose of Jihad is to heighten the religion of Allah not
to kill the disbelievers. If you succeed in getting your purpose
done then you shouldnt kill the disbelievers. If the disbeliever is
ready to surrender and live under your authority by giving Jizya
and keep on practicing his religion then he should be allowed. If
he accepts Islam then Alhamdulillah. if he doesnt want to accept
Islam nor wants to pay Jizya then you can fight against him. How
will you fight against him when you dont have anything to fight
with? What if the ammunition you have is brought from the
person you are fighting against? What if he sells you the expired
ammunition and already has a remedy against it? Will you still
use that ammunition against him? Today a person called and
asked me that I say we dont have power for Jihad. How can I
accept that when Pakistan has an atomic bomb? I answered that
have you heard the name of hydrogen bomb? Yes, we have
atomic bomb but have you heard the name of hydrogen bomb?
He said yes I have, its a bomb. I said do you know how powerful
is that? Its power is 11 million ton of TNT and the bomb they
threw on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, do you know the power of that

bomb? It was 15-20 thousand ton and hydrogen bomb is
11million ton of TNT. If atomic war started-God forbid-what will
be left on this earth? Therefore, this is Jihad (what I have
explained) please try to understand the problem. They ask how
the Kashmir dispute will settle. I asked him a question that is
there a solution to Kashmirs problem or they dont want a
solution (because they dont want to solve it)? He said who
doesnt want a solution? I said people in authority, who are
involved in this dispute-like India-Pakistan and those groups who
are fighting there in the name of Jihad. I mean do all these people
want to find a solution to Kashmirs problem? Answer me, for
Allah's sake please be honest. If these people wanted to solve it
they would have done it long ago. If the Kashmir dispute is settled
will these Jihadi groups survive? Do you know the budget of
these groups, did you ever think? All will vanish. The Prado cars,
Land cruisers will finish. Who will sponsor them? I am not
blaming anyones intention. Its the matter between them and
their Lord. For us is what is apparent.However, what is happening
there it is not Jihad. How can they fight for Allah when its
written on their walls Country or Coffin? If today, Pakistan
stops chanting,Kashmir will become Pakistan then one
problem will be solved. If they kept on chanting their slogan, will
that solve the problem? No! Whats the use of chanting this?
Theres no use. Kashmir wants to become an independent state,
not Pakistan nor is India letting it become that. How much force
does India have? How much force does Pakistan have? The forces
are in hundred thousand. More than half of Pakistans budget is
going in the department of defense. Why is it going there? What
if Kashmir dispute gets resolved? Those who want to solve the
problem, they solve it. Those who dont want to solve the

problem; they cant solve it, no matter what you do. May Allah
have mercy on us all!
Some people get offended from the truth- whether they like it or
not, we are not affected. We just know that Jihad is an act of
worship and worship has conditions. Those who want to do Jihad
according to Shariyah, we encourage them. Those who want to
do it according to their own will, thats not Jihad, thats terrorism.
May Allah protect us from them and protect the whole Ummah
from them. Amen!


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