Materials Management (MM) : MM - Eban MM - Ekko MM - Eina MM - Asmd MM - Matbel MM - Invbel MM - Hdel W - Vkab MM - Rebel

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Materials Management (MM)

The following table shows which archiving objects are available:

Objects in Materials Management Archiving Object

Purchase Requisitions MM_EBAN
Purchasing Documents MM_EKKO
Purchasing Info Records MM_EINA
Service Master Records MM_ASMD
Material Documents MM_MATBEL
Physical Inventory Documents MM_INVBEL
History Records in the Stock Value Tables MM_HDEL
Retail Revaluation Documents W_VKAB
Invoice Documents MM_REBEL

Excise Duty

Objects Archiving Object

Excise Duty: Archiving of Document Table /BEV2/EDMD

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